I believe I read in an interview with SDRE from http://www.buddyhead.com that
they said themselves they were shopping themselves around by sending demo's to
labels and such.  I dunno maybe I was wrong. But I been awake for 24 hours.

"charles wagner." wrote:

> blah blah blah I'm glad the list is back.
> Am I the only one who thinks that they really needed "How it Feels to be
> Something on" to be on the live album?
> I forget who posted it, but I agree: I don't think they'd need a demo tape.
> Am I the only one who thinks it's weird that SDRE is now owned by AOL?
> I agree with Matt, go see Magnolia.
> charles. = [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ..wagner = AOLIM TheMadLord
> .theory. = http://theoryband.tripod.com/
> ...np... = Engine Kid, "Angel Wings"
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