I'll back that up with this:

I saw them live in july.  Anyone who went to one of
the shows on that tour can tell you that the HIFTBSO
songs were anything but wimpy or corporate live.  They

Does mr zervos think pheurton skeurto is wimpy?  How
'bout 5/4?  It appears to me that a lot of fans on the
list fail to see how much more similar the songs are
on all the albums than different.  Listen to the live
album INTENSLY, you'll start to see what I mean.

Sure, Diary was "heavy", but it exists in a larger
context.  SDRE used the same techniques and structure
they've used in all their work to express a certain
message.  LP2 was a mixture of material written for
Diary and new stuff by a band that was angry with each
other...so conflict was expressed there.  HIFTBSO was
originally the odds and ends...then grew into a whole
new album.  This new album is the first album since
Diary that will have it's own whole message using
SDRE's musical style.  They had something to say with
Diary, if you need to hear it again, it's because you
weren't paying attention.  It would be a waste of
their talents to reiterate their original message
because SOME people don't take the time to appreciate
what they have to say the first time around.  I'd
rather hear what ELSE thay have to say with a new

Criticizing the band for not making another Diary is
like thumbing your nose at van gough for not painting
Starry Night 2, or picasso for not sticking to that
blue period.

If what you're looking for is new heavy stuff, try
listening to corporate kid rock.  I'll be listening to
SDRE, knowing that they've always been playing great
music with the same technique.  They've applied that
technique to get the point across in the best way

Such has always been the case in the fine arts, as
opposed to commercial mainstream pop.


--- jen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> although i see where you're coming from,
> i can't help but sense the cynicism here.
> i don't see how sdre is trying to be more like
> mainstream rock. to me
> sdre has been the most "real" band i know, and their
> sincerity in
> their music, lyrics, and attitude have been what has
> kept me
> completely faithful.  like jeremy has said in the
> past, the music they
> write correlates with the things that were going on
> with their lives
> at the time.  it's unfair to say that hiftbso was
> "wimpy"... as long
> as they put themselves into it, its strength is
> incomparable.
> jen
> christopher zervos wrote:
> > Here I go so please bare with me;
> > I have been listening very intently about this
> "diary" era vs. "hiftbso"
> era 
> > and I think that the differance between the new
> band and the old is pretty 
> > clear.  People enjoyed the old sdre because THEY
> > MAINSTREAM ROCK.  At first listen, diary was
> "heavy" if nothing else.  I
> had 
> > to "train myself" as keith put it, to enjoy diary
> and lp2, but that's how I
> > gauge a good album; If I like this immediately
> without ever hearing 
> > something similar, it's probably crap.  I don't
> mean to say that I feel all
> > of these negative things that I'm saying here
> about hiftbso, because I 
> > don't, but man is that a wimpy album!  It's a lot
> harder to get people into
> > "heavy" music than mid-tempo ballads; just ask a
> band like Aerosmith who 
> > release one wimpy single after another.  The new
> sound is just a part of
> the 
> > larger move by the band to be more "consumer
> friendly," and that's just 
> > fine, but you don't get to be underground rock
> gods like sdre did by
> makeing 
> > an album like hiftbso.  They did it by putting out
> two incredible, but more
> > than anything, UNCOMPROMISEING lps.  I like the
> new stuff, but in the same 
> > way I like radiohead; as pop music. It takes
> talent, but it isn't all that 
> > brave a thing to do.  Hey, we all gotta eat.
> > 
> > Chris
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