
Long Sleeve shirts - 20 bucks
Diary, LP2 - 10 bucks
Rising Tide - 12 bucks
vinyl Diary, LP2 - 8 bucks
vinyl Rising Tide - 10 bucks

Rob Riss wrote:

> Hey,
> Just got back from the Boulder, Colorado show, and it was simply
> fan-tas-tic.  Nothing bad to say, except for the fans, who this time are
> known for stealing merch from other fans and starting fights after the show,
> not to mention the usual screaming for songs they'll never play.  Nice job
> boulder!
> First off, the merch prices.  I'm not sure if anyone has written these in
> yet, but it's a good thing to know, so i'll do it again.
> Shirts - 15 bucks.  3 or 4 choices or so, the coolest being the Thief steal
> me a peach shirt on white with a bright orange peach.
> Pillowcases - 15 bucks.  Comes in a two pillowcase set, written in Jeremy's
> script handwriting from How it feels.  First pillow case says, "Morning
> comes in the dream before we rise", second says, "....when we linger side by
> side", white cases with light blue writing.
> Patches, or "armbands" - 3 bucks, black with a white "rodeo jones" written
> across it, pretty big, looks like about 10 inches.
> Stickers - a buck each, ouch.  Circle stickers in black or red with the fly
> on it.
> Posters - 2 bucks.  Good price, but they're pretty small, with a shot of the
> band and sdre written above it.  Better than the live poster, but still,
> nothing compared to Chris Thompson's artwork.
> That's about it.  I didn't catch the prices for the CDs or records, but they
> had the rising tide LP in double, green vinyl.  Cool!!
> Notice that the AD site was selling the shirts for 20 bucks?  Get yours on
> tour while you can, i have a feeling we'll get the money whipped from our
> hands indiana jones style when the online store becomes more complete.
> Oh, for no knife, shirts were 10 bucks.  They did a great job, people were
> going nuts for them.  Yes, they did close with Mission control, and played
> it great. The blonde guitar player can play some mean riffs, and is a great
> singer as well.  Bass player was tight as hell, too.  Amazing band!
> Sdre came out, played mainly songs off the new album, one from the pink
> album and two from diary, i think just two from how it feels.  No need to
> review it, just as magical as usual.  Between songs, someone shouted "hey
> will, foo fighters suck!", which he seemed to not find too amusing, and gave
> a gesture that looked like, "hey now, no shit-talkin".  Besides that, that's
> it!
> Have a great night,
> -Rob
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