On Wed, Jun 28, 2000 at 10:38:42PM -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I don't know about this.  The person who wrote the lyrics to diary 
> definitely also wrote the lyrics to the pink album, whoever that is.  
> But whoever wrote the rising tide lyrics was absolutely positively not 
> the same person who wrote the majority of the lyrics on diary. sorry 
> if it makes no sense.

It would appear from the FAQ that the majority of the lyrics on Diary
were written by Dan, while those on LP2 were closer to half and half, but
leaning more towards Jeremy.  

The lyrics on How It Feels are more clearly Jeremy's and I think they
serve to really define the difference between Dan and Jeremy's styles.
Look at the differences between most of the lyrics on Diary, and those
on How It Feels.  Dan tends to use longer phrases or sentences, often
even with punctuation.  Jeremy tends to use words as a tapestry, without
regard so much for structure or semantic meaning.  Hence, the large
number of words on How It Feels that are quite simply just imaginary.  

Now, look at TRT.  I'd say most of the lyrics are written by Dan.  You
can see a leaning towards his style, especially on songs like Snibe or
Television.  The lyrics closest to Jeremy's style seem to be for 
Rain Song and The Ocean.  

Of course, this is just my interpretation, and I could be just flat out

Bruce Labbate  CS Jr  cs2330 TA | Some other candy matrimony
Georgia Institute of Technology | That strips the night I breathe ...
Phone:  (404)206-4638           | Maybe next time.    
Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]     | - Sunny Day   

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