--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I've read interviews pretty much confirming Dave was an ass. It really
> hurt Will that Dave redid the drum parts on his own.

Well it is pretty obvious why Dave redid Will's drumming, because Dave
can't write a song capable of using amazing drumming!  Besides, Foo fans
wouldn't be able to handle amazing/hard-hitting/creative/full/vigorous"
drums that Will would have given them, Dave simply wanted crappy "pop"
style simple drumming, and it totally works for the Foo.

I can just see Will when it happened. he probably thought, 'if that's what
you call drumming I'm not gonna waste my time here...

I wouldn’t want to be a drummer in a no-talent pop band either, it would
get pretty boring.  But I am sure Dave’s puppet drummer, that Hanson boy
with a goatee, likes to be a ‘rock star’ so to him it probably doesn’t
matter that he is only keeping simple time and doing lousy snare fills
every 16 bars.  At least in SDRE Will can express himself creatively, and
I am sure he doesn’t have Jeremy and Dan holding secret meetings about
re-doing his stuff either.

OK OK OK if you are a FF fan I apologize, don’t be sending me 50 messages
a day explaining that they are awesome, they might be awesome to you but
not to me.  And it pains me to admit that they are huge rich rock stars. 
But you gotta admit that when a band like Foo is bigger that SDRE It just
goes to show that we live in a fallen world where hype, fashion and trends
decide what art is good or not.


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