Re: (313) Namecalling is Bullsh!t

2006-09-06 Thread Dave Walker

On Sep 5, 2006, at 9:03 PM, v12 wrote:

everybody's got their name printed on their faces.
what's the problem if someone starts reading aloud?

not comfortable enough?

The problem is that we've all got the list archives available to us  
(here's a
hint -- they go  back to 1994, so you can imagine how fresh all these  
threads are), and with a little judicious application of regular  
and copy and paste, we are all quite capable of completely  
reproducing these

latest threads, without the slightest bit of conscious thought.

Which is precisely how we've arrived at this point, it seems...

So please, let's allow the old girl a little rest.


Re: [313] Ford and Atkins

2000-11-13 Thread Dave Walker
The advert just played on Fox, during Malcolm in the Middle
Very cool.  Reminds me a bit of Chris Cunningham's
Second Bad Vilbel video.


Re: best albums...

2000-09-18 Thread Dave Walker
 Alexander, Nathaniel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I noticed that the Claude Young DJ Kicks was included in the list. I've met
 with Claude on a number of occasions - he hates that mix - he says he was
 massively restricted in the tracks he could use and that it isn't a true
 representation of his mixing style and anyone who has seen this master will

If I recall correctly, what happened was that !K7 approached him about
doing a mix CD, and asked him what kind of cuts he'd want to use
in the mix.  He gave them an informal  list more or less of the top of
his head, and !K7 went ahead and paid to license the tracks without
confirming with him.  As a result, he ended up having to use the
tracks they'd already paid for.


Re: [313] neat moog fact

2000-06-26 Thread Dave Walker
Diana Potts wrote:

 . You can see the original Moog
 at the Ford Museum.

Diana -- is this at the Henry Ford museum in Dearborn?

[if so, COOL!]


Re: [313] haha i'm done =)

2000-06-19 Thread Dave Walker
I can't think of anyone better to bounce a check on.

  your money would be better spent
  on the crackhead down the block,

Dance Extacy wrote:

 all records sold. =)


2000-05-31 Thread Dave Walker
Despite the herculean efforts of my camera to
undermine me, here are some DEMF pictures.


DEMF Schedule to go (was Re: demf site suggestion)

2000-05-27 Thread Dave Walker
Hope this doesn't step on any toes...

Here's the DEMF schedule in Palm DOC
format (readable by various Palm OS utilities)
I grabbed the schedule from the Free Press

Download either


depending on your desktop platform.


MikeD wrote:

 I don't know if anyone from the demf is listening to all of this..but I'd
 like to make a suggestion:

 avant-go palm pilot schedule download.

 i'll try and make one available for download before the weekend...but odds
 are i wont complete it...   does anyone know how to do this out there?
 can you hook it up?  =)

Re: (313) avanty-bootycore

2000-01-17 Thread Dave Walker
William VanLoo wrote:

 That's the thing I dig about Simon Reynolds - I have a pretty
 different context than the one he comes from, and I don't always agree
 with what he says, but he's at least got a sense of humor about it.

Whaddya think about this paragraph where the mad coiner just
about busts a blood vessel hyphenating shit?

 In the tradition of hardcore and jungle before it, London's garage scene
 works as a gigantic laboratory, a permutation space where new hyphenated
 hybrids and creole micro-genres flicker into life for a few months or even
  just weeks, then disappear: speed garage, slow jungle, ska-house, acid
 swingbeat, hyper-funk, breakbeat garage, disco-ragga, grunge dub, riddim
  blues, electro-gamelan, divas-in-the-echo-chamber, crack house,
 tech-2-step, quiet stormcore, sugarshack breakbeat funk, scrap iron dub,
 bleep garage, wildstyle soul, lover's jump-up.

I can just see him with his head in a bassbin, jotting this stuff down on

a notepad.  Priceless!
