Re: TSM can do it!

2002-01-18 Thread Zlatko Krastev/ACIT

If I understood your question right - you have enough disk space on the
server to hold *ALL* backups and want this copied to tape and single tape
cartridge can hold all backups too.
If this is the case you can define COPY Storage pool on the tape library
(be it manual library, i.e. standalone drive or an autochanger) and every
day perform storage pool backup of disk pool to the tape pool. Do not
forget to do 'EXPIRE INVENTORY' often. Both tasks can be defined as
administrative schedules and run daily.

Zlatko Krastev
IT Consultant

Nazir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 17.01.2002 20:51:22
Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject:TSM can do it!


I want to work with TSM like this way:

1-Make backup of client. It4s easy!
2-Keep the backups into the disk and after send the data to tape(one tape
enough)and the TSM managements this tape
(record and erase data when it is possible).

Can I do it?
How can I configure "pool" of tapes?

Thank you.

Re: Changing Retention

2002-01-18 Thread Zlatko Krastev/ACIT


If the retension period change has to be performed for all nodes in this
domain (I hope those nodes are Oracle only) the copygroup has to be
If only one node needs this change I would suggest you to define new domain
with appropriate ARCHRETension setting, rename the node to _old,
re-register the node again and move the node to this domain (UPDate Node
 DOMain=). Old archives will stay as new name, new
archives will go to re-registered old_name.
You *CANNOT* rebind archives, only backups can be rebound. If you change
the mgmtclass in inclexcl list old archives will stay with old class (and
short retension) and new archives will be made with new class (and long
All those tasks have to be done at the TSM server. You are writing about
"SAs". If this is Storage Administrators, i.e. TSM admins, they have to do
it. Being only a user of TSM you can only retrieve and re-archive. Somebody
still should define the longer retension management class.
TDP for Oracle in very simplified overview may be thought as interface
wrapper. RMAN calls TDPO through Oracle specified APIs, TDP transforms the
request to TSM APIs and calls TSM API client, TSM API client moves the data
to TSM server. It is separately priced product and for small Oracle
installations and those which allow off-line backup some customers prefer
not to buy it and use only B/A client.
Oracle DBAs for sure should know if you have it because RMAN has to be
configured to use TDPO.

Zlatko Krastev
IT Consultant

"Deshpande, Kirti" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 16.01.2002 19:21:31
Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject:Changing Retention

Is there any way to change retention for already archived set of files?
We have archived a number of files for an Oracle database with the default
setting for the Management Class (4week retention). The need is to make
this set is preserved beyond the 4week retention time.

- Kirti

Re: TSM Server on Windows - Does it work?

2002-01-18 Thread Zlatko Krastev/ACIT


Lets compare apples with apples and oranges with oranges. What could you 
say in response to that:
"Your sluggish Windows 3.1 even does not have own TCP/IP stack but I do 
have IPSec in AIX 4.3.3"
How many years have passed since Compaq bought DEC and even now HP buys 
Compaq (alright, they "merge").
You love your mice, I love my keyboard 51 times more - 102 keys (I replaced 
the funny kbd with Win keys with an old rock solid PS/2 keyboard) vs 2 
buttons :-)
- Even in Windoze It is easier for me to do Alt-Tab several times instead 
of click-here, click-there. But can you manage Windows TCP/IP stack other 
than with a mouse or digging deeply in (a deep shit called) registry
- is there somewhere in the world a description of at least 5% of registry 
keys any just-installed Windows system does have. What about the man pages. 
I do not heed to have ability to open Control Panel applets from the help, 
I need information how to proceed when they open.
- not only me but many of my colleagues use X only to have more telnet/ssh 
screens. I am very sad that IBM replaced high-function terminal (hft) 
console in AIX 3.x with low-function terminal (lft) console in AIX 4.x and 
later. With hft we were able to have many screens and switch between them 
(even if some are X while other are text)
- what would you do to automate the everyday tasks of lets say TSM client 
if you had only GUI or Web client and not dsmc ?!? Windows scripting 
- can you say that all Windows management tasks can be performed from 
command line and automated without the tools micro&soft though are enough 
for you. And I have to learn for each new version of windoze where the heck 
now can I perform , , etc.
- we had to go all the way to Windows XP to reach at the end "secure 
operating system". Have you seen in your life a UNIX with permissions of / 
and /usr set to 777?!?
- mom and pap down the street are able to setup Windows in a half hour. 
Later they call somebody called "programmer" in Bulgaria to identify their 
hardware and install that tiny piece of software that would make the sound 
working, video with resolution greater than 640x480 (VGA was introduced in 
IBM PS/2 in 1988, right), make this Internet-connection thingy working, 
etc. And I even had my life an "IT specialist" from a major international 
bank coming to the office of a customer (big internaltional corporation) to 
install e-banking SW, got the response that the modem is external and is on 
the desk and fully cabled, and five minutes later plugged the second phone 
line into Ethernet adapter. The adapter didn't liked too much the idea to 
be a fuse but blown as is expected from a fuse.
- you already have experience in the past with X terminals. How much time 
passed to "invent" Windows Terminal Server ? And how many users can run 
lets say Word on a WTS box simultaneously? And how powerful this box ought 
to be?
- others already pointed TSM mainly needs I/O resources like bus 
throughput, memory access speed, network performance and even number of 
slots. What can we do with PC box with 2 slots on primary PCI and 4-5 more 
through PCI-PCI bridge. So 133-266 MB/s are shared among disk controller 
(boot), FC adapter (usualy 0 or 2), one or more network adapters. One Gb 
Ethernet and one FC adapters are enough to congest the bus. Only top-end 
Intel-based servers have more than one PCI bus. And I will have to get 
4,8-processor capable system with only one processor to have necessary bus 
performance. Guess also from where Intel servers took the idea memory 
modules to be installed in pairs or quads? I do remember MCA-based RS/6000 
53H which served me fine in 1993 having 128-bit wide memory bus with 41MHz 

Sorry for being so angry. I do recommend to my customers Windows NT/2000 
servers for small shops. I hope we will get TSM server on Linux some day. 
But for any medium-sized or larger enterprise the definitive answer is UNIX 
(or mainframe if you need it *and* can afford it). If you need to backup NT 
fileserver, Exchange server and MS SQL server plus/minus few dozen Windows 
PCs the answer is TSM on Windows. If you have DB2, Informix, Oracle or SAP 
and several hundred GB database better leave the sandbox and put TSM on 
Have you seen a server with 150-300 GB disk space intended to be backed up 
to a DDS3 tape (not autochanger) ?! I did.

Thank you for the patience rading all I wrote.

Zlatko Krastev
IT Consultant

"Remeta, Mark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 17.01.2002 19:03:29
Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject:Re: TSM Server on Windows - Does it work?

Well this is not the case Daniel. I do have Unix experience. With Sun's
version of Unix before it became Solaris, SunOS, with SCO Unix, with DEC
Ultrix and another company who's no longer in business Convergent. I don't
remember what they called it. I've used X-Terminals on my desktop before
PC's became vogue. Sh

Re: Recovery Log behavior after 100% util reached

2002-01-18 Thread Zlatko Krastev/ACIT

You already have the answer - log mode is normal. In this mode log is used
only to rollback a transaction. On commit the log is cleaned. So when there
is no activity the log must be 0% (or at least very close).
The drawback is that any transaction after last DBB is lost in case of
major failure. The reason for no crash on 100% utilisation might be one
transaction committing while second (and others) is held waiting for free
log space. After commit held transaction(s) continues. And possibly the
crash happens when there is very-very long transaction filling the log
alone or deadlock.
I do not know is there long transaction limit (and rollback) or deadlock
resolving methods in TSM DB as we have in RDBMSes. The only people can
answer to this are server developers.

Zlatko Krastev
IT Consultant

Denis L'Huillier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@VM.MARIST.EDU> on 10.01.2002
Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent by:"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject:Recovery Log behavior after 100% util reached


I have recently inherited an over worked, maxed out TSM server where the
recovery log maxes out
on just about a nightly basis.  I have 2 questions maybe someone can help
me with.
1.  Why does the server only crash sometimes when the log fills up.  For
example, yesterday it reached
100% but never went down.  2 days ago it reached 100% and TSM crashed.

2.  When the server didn't crash the log kind of automatically zero'd
itself after reaching 100%.
What happened to all those uncommitted changes to the database? Did I lose
data?  Shouldn't the
log remain at 100% actual used until a db backup takes place?

I have a 'q log' script in cron that runs every 10 minutes and this is the
output during that time frame:

Server date/time: 01/10/02   02:10:10  Last access: 01/10/02   02ANS8000I
Server command: 'q log'
2,5642,564 0   564   4,096
655,872   510,699  77.9  77.9

Server date/time: 01/10/02   03:00:04  Last access: 01/10/02   02ANS8000I
Server command: 'q log'
2,5642,564 0 8   4,096
655,872   653,290  99.6  99.6

Server date/time: 01/10/02   03:20:00  Last access: 01/10/02   03ANS8000I
Server command: 'q log'
2,5642,564 0 2,560   4,096
655,872   189   0.0 100.0

Server date/time: 01/10/02   03:10:01  Last access: 01/10/02   03ANS8000I
Server command: 'q log'
2,5642,564 0 2,560   4,096
655,872   189   0.0 100.0

As you can see the log reached 100% (99.6) at 3:00am and at 3:10 zero'd
out.  But no backups took place until about 4:50am
and my database backup doesn't kick in until 9:00 am.. Also we are in
normal log mode, no triggers.
Here's the act log for this time frame:

tsm: ADSMFP>q act begint=03:10 endt=04:54


01/10/02   03:10:01  ANR0402I Session 2282 started for administrator
  (AIX) (ShMem).
01/10/02   03:10:01  ANR2017I Administrator SCRIPT_ID issued command:
01/10/02   03:10:01  ANR0405I Session 2282 ended for administrator
01/10/02   03:20:00  ANR0402I Session 2283 started for administrator
  (AIX) (ShMem).
01/10/02   03:20:00  ANR2017I Administrator SCRIPT_ID issued command:
01/10/02   03:20:00  ANR0405I Session 2283 ended for administrator
01/10/02   03:21:40  ANR0406I Session 2284 started for node
  SOLARIS) (Tcp/Ip
01/10/02   03:21:40  ANR0403I Session 2284 ended for node INAFPUXPAS02
01/10/02   03:30:00  ANR0402I Session 2285 started for administrator
  (AIX) (ShMem).
01/10/02   03:30:00  ANR2017I Administrator SCRIPT_ID issued command:
01/10/02   03:30:00  ANR0405I Session 2285 ended for administrator
01/10/02   03:40:01  ANR0402I Session 2286 started for administrator
  (AIX) (ShMem).
01/10/02   03:40:01  ANR2017I Administrator SCRIPT_ID issued command:
01/10/02   03:40:01  ANR0405I Session 2286 ended for administrator
01/10/02   03:50:00  ANR0402I Session 2287 started for administrator
  (AIX) (ShMem).
01/10/02   03:50:00  ANR2017I Administrator SCRIPT_ID issued command:
01/10/02   03:50:00  ANR0405I Session 2287 ended for administrator
01/10/02   04:00:00  ANR0402I Session 2288 started for a

Re: Fwd: Tivoli Alert for 1/17/02

2002-01-18 Thread Zlatko Krastev/ACIT

For those who had not registered and obtained Tivoli CustomerID the page is
just link to

BTW: Mark, just another argument against TSM on Windows - this and alert in
October were Windoze only. And the previous was about the nice Plug'N'Pray
Capability Billy presented with Win98 blue screen.
Sorry, just cannot resist.

Zlatko Krastev
IT Consultant

Mahesh Tailor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 18.01.2002 15:17:42
Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject:Fwd: Tivoli Alert for 1/17/02

In case you missed it, I got the attached alert in my email from Tivoli
regarding TSM 4.x on Windows and Ultrium tape storage.

Hope it helps.


Received: from by; Thu, 17 Jan 2002
16:15:53 -0500
Received: from (
[]) by (8.9.3/8.9.0) with ESMTP id PAA13124 for
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Thu, 17 Jan 2002 15:15:53 -0600 (CST)
Subject: Tivoli Alert for 1/17/02
Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2002 15:10:36 -0600
X-MIMETrack: Serialize by Router on Notes-Brahms2/Tivoli Systems(Release
5.0.8 |June 18, 2001) at 01/17/2002 03:16:05 PM
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

To see alerts from the past weeks, go to


Tivoli Storage Manager V4.1 and V4.2 Servers on Windows 2000 with IBM
Ultrium  tape drives and lanfree feature
Users of Windows 2000 and IBM Ultrium tape drives with Tivoli Storage
Manager (TSM) V4.1 and V4.2 lanfree functions please read important news

Re: Need info on Tivoli v Backup Exec

2002-01-18 Thread Seay, Paul

I have a lot of experience with Netbackup and TSM.  What Alex has said here
would be a common opinion of someone that fully understood and successfully
implemented all of these products.  Veritas would argue that Netbackup is
capable of many more machines, but they do not tell you how they get there.
The reality is they can handle about 10 to 50 machines of the type mentioned
per media server (these would be comparable to a TSM server without a
database, which does not exist as a TSM option or is needed).  Netbackup can
direct these from a common master server, but the database (if you could
call it that) on the master really sucks wind when a hundred clients get
going that have lots of files.  With a Windows Master/Media server
environment they simply cannot scale, do not even try it if you plan on
implementing more than 50 total servers (couple terabytes).  Duplication for
offsite movement is really poor with Netbackup.  In fact you cannot have
more than one duplicate copy.  The performance is really horrible if you use
the multiplexing function.  If you do not use the multiplexing function then
you have to buy so much tape hardware it is pathetic.  Basically, they
recommend tape drives be installed on every server and running the media
server code on each machine.  The cost of this media server code is half the
cost of a Master license if the system just saves itself, the same cost if
it saves other servers.

I am guessing in Netbackup's early design the concept of a TSM type master
server was never envisioned really.  The issue was people needed a way to
manage all the server backups each having their own dedicated tape hardware
from a central tool.  Netbackup does that well up to a point.  This is what
sells customers on the Netbackup product.  In the days when servers had 30
GB saving the whole system weekly to send it offsite and because the data
was not considered critical sending the backup from the week before offsite
were acceptable implementations.  30GB could be saved in about 3 hours.
Now, these 200 to 500GB servers with 1+M files hit and Netbackup has no hope
of a full save for offsite, no way to consolidate incrementals for offsite
disaster recovery restores, no way to duplicate for offsite storage.

Enter TSM (actually before Netbackup).  TSM is not for the meek.  It is
truly an enterprise class product.  It is a storage management tool that
does backup and restore functions.  It takes advantage of its storage asset
management using differential backup technologies and dramatically reducing
the hardware requirements compared to classical full weekly backups with
incrementals during the week.  I would like to emphasize differential backup
technologies.  Subfile backup as an example.  Never more than one copy of a
version of a file unless you force it to do it.

Now, Database servers are a different story.  Here the numbers of files
become a non-issue.  Until SAN managed tape was available and the TSM SAN
Managed Client you had to put the TSM server on every large machine so that
you could attach direct tape.  Well, that created somewhat of a more complex
environment, but TSM had some capabilities to manage all the servers from a
central server.  The SAN Managed Client has put Veritas in a predicament in
recent sales opportunities.  TSM is now drastically cheaper in these large
environments to operate because of the reduced hardware in comparison.

Remember though what TSM was originally created to do, save PC desktops and
manage hundreds/thousands of them.  So, from the ground up scalability was
never an issue.  The problem was they were slow to recognize and deliver the
server agents/clients because IBM did not acknowledge applications were a
distributed thing.  Now, application support is there for the most part.
Tivoli has a few things to deliver to be whole.

For core enterprise customers no matter whether they are HPUX, Windows, AIX,
or Solaris only, TSM should be the product of choice.  Why? Price,
Functionality, Scalability, and understanding of Storage Management.  Many
of IBMs mainframe storage management people have moved to Tivoli in San Jose
to support and develop TSM.  Why, they have basically finished the job in
the mainframe world and are taking all of this excellent technology,
capability, and something more important, years of experience and lessons
learned, in the behemoth mainframe world and delivering a superior solution
for the Open Systems world.

Yes, I did not answer the question of TSM vs Backup Exec.  Again, it is like
comparing a push scooter to an 18 wheeler.  There is little in common other
than both have some axles and wheels.

Alex puts it in perspective pretty well.

-Original Message-
From: Alex Paschal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2002 5:54 PM
Subject: Re: Need info on Tivoli v Backup Exec

Think of backup environments as sorted by size.  As a rough guesstimate, and
I'm sure people have different opi

Re: Need info on Tivoli v Backup Exec

2002-01-18 Thread Alex Paschal

Think of backup environments as sorted by size.  As a rough guesstimate, and
I'm sure people have different opinions on sizing,

NTBackup is for 1 machine.
Backup Exec is good for 1-10, maybe even 20 machines.
Veritas NetBackup is good for 10-50 machines.  (Is anybody having a good
time with it on larger implementations?)
TSM is good for 20-50 machines.
TSM is super for 50+ machines.

Scale and application support will be your guide to choosing a backup
solution.  TSM is really an Enterprise solution with pretty good application

One of my TSM servers (on AIX) is backing up 200 clients (which are actually
various servers) for 2-4 TB per night over FastEthernet, ATM, GbE, and SP2
switch with very little hands-on management.  I can't do that easily with
any other product that I know of.

Alex Paschal
Storage Administrator
Freightliner, LLC
(503) 745-6850 phone/vmail

-Original Message-
From: Hugo Badenhorst [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2002 2:04 AM
Subject: Need info on Tivoli v Backup Exec

Running WinNt and 2000 + SQL 6.5 , SQL 7 and SQL 2000 + Exchange 5.5 and

Hugo Badenhorst
+27 11 285 5587
+27 083 442 4958

Re: HP SureStore 1200mx/2200 mx support

2002-01-18 Thread Hunny Kershaw


The mx series are not supported in 4.2.1 or 3.7. I
believe the drives in these libraries are 9.1GB
optical drives which also are not supported in 4.2.1
and 3.7.


--- "Diego Fdo. Rivera" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hello!
> Anyone using HP SureStore 1200mx or HPSureStore
> 200mx with TSM 3.7  (or TSM
> 4.2) on AIX 4.3.3 ?
> These devices do not appear in the Web site for
> device support.
> Thanks in advance
> Diego Fdo. Rivera

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3494 Library/Drive Problem

2002-01-18 Thread Luke Dahl

3494 Library with three B1A drives
Two Solaris 8 Servers with TSM
SCSI connections from both servers to each drive, so that they are
shared between the two servers.  Our problem is that when we start three
sessions directly to tape on Server 1 the drives go to polling status on
Server 2.  We then will stop a session on Server 1, start one directly
to tape on Server 2 and oftentimes the drive will go to unavailable
status.  Also, it may show unavailable on only one server for a while,
even when it is in use by that server (tape loaded and being written
to).  I've included some information that hopefully is helpful below.
Thank you all in advance.

>From Server1:
Library Name   3494
Library Type349X
Device 3494a
Private Category 300
Scratch Category301
External Manager-
Shared   YES

Device Class Name3590
Device Access StrategySequential
Storage Pool Count  1
Device Type 3590
Format 3590C
Est/Max Capacity -
Mount Limit  DRIVES
Mount Wait (min) 60
Mount Retention (min)  1
Label Prefix  ADSM
Library 3494
Directory  -
Server Name-
Retry Period -
Retry Interval-

Server two is exactly the same.

Luke Dahl
NASA - Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Netware Backup Shows as COMPLETE but is not !!

2002-01-18 Thread Robin Lowe

We have unearthed a wide spread problem due to ongoing ANS1872E errors on
Novell Clients (that have been widely discussed here).
We are aware of the problem, and are taking steps to address the root cause.

However, we have discovered the problem is more widespread than we first
realised due to what we interpret as mis-leading information from the EVENT

We discovered that when TSM goes to backup these affected clients, the event
record shows the backup as COMPLETED and not as FAILED which we expected
thus :

Scheduled StartActual StartSchedule Name   Node
Name   Status
 -   -
01/16/2002 20:00:00  01/16/2002 20:01:36  SCH_BRLAN_DLY SLUKWAF1
01/17/2002 20:00:00  01/17/2002 21:52:28  SCH_BRLAN_DLY SLUKWAF1
01/18/2002 20:00:00   SCH_BRLAN_DLY SLUKWAF1

>From the dsmsched.log :

17.01.2002 21:53:52 Incremental backup of volume 'SYS:'
17.01.2002 21:53:52 Incremental backup of volume 'DATA:'
17.01.2002 21:53:52 Incremental backup of volume 'APPLICS:'
17.01.2002 21:53:53 ANS1872E Unable to connect to NetWare target service
'SLUKWAF1.NetWare File System'.
Make sure the TSA NLM is loaded on the specified machine.
17.01.2002 21:53:53 ANS1228E Sending of object 'SYS:' failed
17.01.2002 21:53:53 Unknown system error
Please check the TSM Error Log for any additional information

17.01.2002 21:53:53 ANS1872E Unable to connect to NetWare target service
'SLUKWAF1.NetWare File System'.
Make sure the TSA NLM is loaded on the specified machine.
17.01.2002 21:53:54 ANS1872E Unable to connect to NetWare target service
'SLUKWAF1.NetWare File System'.
Make sure the TSA NLM is loaded on the specified machine.
17.01.2002 21:53:54 ANS1228E Sending of object 'DATA:' failed
17.01.2002 21:53:54 Unknown system error
Please check the TSM Error Log for any additional information

17.01.2002 21:53:54 ANS1228E Sending of object 'APPLICS:' failed
17.01.2002 21:53:54 Unknown system error
Please check the TSM Error Log for any additional information

17.01.2002 21:53:57 --- SCHEDULEREC STATUS BEGIN
17.01.2002 21:53:57 --- SCHEDULEREC OBJECT END SCH_BRLAN_DLY 17.01.2002
17.01.2002 21:53:57 Scheduled event 'SCH_BRLAN_DLY' completed successfully.
17.01.2002 21:53:57 Sending results for scheduled event 'SCH_BRLAN_DLY'.
17.01.2002 21:53:57 Results sent to server for scheduled event


and the dsmerror.log :

7.01.2002 21:53:53 ANS1872E Unable to connect to NetWare target service
'SLUKWAF1.NetWare File System'.
Make sure the TSA NLM is loaded on the specified machine.
17.01.2002 21:53:53 (SMDR-5.0-21) The maximum number of connections allowed
through the SMDR (64) has been exceeded.
17.01.2002 21:53:53 ANS1228E Sending of object 'SYS:' failed
17.01.2002 21:53:53 Return code 3006 unknown
17.01.2002 21:53:53 Return code 3006 unknown
17.01.2002 21:53:53 ANS1872E Unable to connect to NetWare target service
'SLUKWAF1.NetWare File System'.
Make sure the TSA NLM is loaded on the specified machine.
17.01.2002 21:53:53 (SMDR-5.0-21) The maximum number of connections allowed
through the SMDR (64) has been exceeded.
17.01.2002 21:53:54 ANS1872E Unable to connect to NetWare target service
'SLUKWAF1.NetWare File System'.
Make sure the TSA NLM is loaded on the specified machine.
17.01.2002 21:53:54 (SMDR-5.0-21) The maximum number of connections allowed
through the SMDR (64) has been exceeded.
17.01.2002 21:53:54 ANS1228E Sending of object 'DATA:' failed
17.01.2002 21:53:54 Return code 3006 unknown
17.01.2002 21:53:54 Return code 3006 unknown
17.01.2002 21:53:54 ANS1228E Sending of object 'APPLICS:' failed
17.01.2002 21:53:54 Return code 3006 unknown
17.01.2002 21:53:54 Return code 3006 unknown


Okay, can someone explain how this can be a SUCCESSFULL backup when no data
is transferred ?

Is this a bug, or TSM working as designed ?

If a bug I will open a PMR, but personally I feel that if we cannot get to
the Novell volumes (objects) SYS: DATA: APPLICS: then this should be deemed

Has anyone else seen this as a problem?
The fact is that we now have to go to several dozen clients and interrogate
the dsmsched.log/dsmerror.log to find out which nodes are affected.

By the way, does anyone have a suggestion as to how to dynamically collate
the errors in the dsmsched.log to say TIVOLI TEC for example, and is the
overhead acceptable on approx 200 Novell servers ?
Or is there a good product available to do this task ?


Robin Lowe
Senior Storage Analyst

For more information on Standard Life, visit our website

Re: Different retentions for same file

2002-01-18 Thread Seay, Paul

Another option that we are considering.

Create a Copy Pool for each of the cycles that are important to you.  Do a
copy of the primary pool to each of those copy pools on the schedule that
you want.  Yes, you have all the data in each of these copy pools at that
interval of time.  And, it will take a number of tapes.  But it may be more
understandable to the customer.

>> Previous Option

We have been facing the same issues and I came up with a neat way to handle
this.  Lets presume that the requirement is to be able to recovery any data
that is 6 years old or younger and these are file system files not database

To accommodate achieving this from a real point of view you would define a
management class with verexist and verdelete of nolimit and retention dates
of 7 years.

You would run the backup daily.  Now the question becomes how many cycle
days do you want to have offsite of tapes.  If you were rotating daily,
theoretically you would need to have 2 offsite and the one going offsite.
So, to reduce the amount of pool rebuild which I will describe below you
should probably go with a 20 day cycle.  It makes no difference because the
same amount of data would be offsite.

Now, you write a script command to select the volumes from the DRMEDIA table
that are going to return that are over say 18 days ago created/updated and
are in a VAULT status, use that as input to MOVE Data commands to the same
offsite pool and the primary pool tapes will rebuild those few tapes that go
offsite daily by adding to the new tapes created in the copypool.  So, you
can avoid open storage with this scenario, and you have all versions of
files offsite that are in the 7 year data picture.  Just mark the box of
tapes to return 21 days later.

To determine if this is a cost effective approach talk to your customer and
sell the benefits.  The windows where files could be lost are eliminated.
There is no guessing or gambling.  The reality is he will be able to see the
data and recover it.  The side benefit of this is you never have to perform
reclamation of the copy pool.  The move data commands handle it for you.

Watch, there is going to be a new requirement for copypools submitted at
Share in Nashville for tape rebuild expiration days so that this is
automated as an extension to reclamation.  The cost benefit is enormous to
customers that use offsite tape rotations.  There is no tape handling by the
courier anymore.  It is a box of tapes at a time.

No matter what the primary pool will have to have the copies in it onsite
unless you used something like backupsets.

The other option is to dynamically create and delete of copypools to meet
the customer requirements for the data and come up with an elaborate
mechanism which can be done.

-Original Message-
From: Thomas Denier [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2002 11:36 AM
Subject: Re: Different retentions for same file

>I am planning a TSM implementation ata customer who has another backup
> solution already in place. They want to slowly make TSM take over all
> but they don4t want to suddenly change the work done by the production
> who take care of all tape movements. The present backup solution works
> different retention times for the backed up files: the daily backups are
> for 20 days; the saturday ("weekly") files are kept for 40 days; the
> backup is kept for 100 days, and there is a "year" backup that is kept for
> years.
>The question is: I could make this using backups for the daily
> and to use archives for the other ones. But there are TDP4s involved
> (SQLServer, Exchange and DB2) who always do backups, and if I use
> like different management classes, I would get a lot of rebinding
>Would backupsets be the answer? Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Lots of TSM sites attempt to emulate the kind of selective tape retention
described above. However, the goal is usually to emulate the old system's
hit or miss ability to retrieve very old files, not to emulate the old
system's tape handling. Historically, sites trying to emulate selective
tape retention have done TSM incremental backups every day and run
TSM archives as substitutes for tapes kept for longer than usual periods.
More recently, some sites have experimented with TSM incremental backups
every day and occasional generation of backup sets. If you use TSM
incremental backups at all there are going to be changes in tape handling.
I would suggest that your customer either give up on TSM or give up on
preserving the current tape handling practices.

Re: Excluding Files from backup on Different Days.

2002-01-18 Thread Seay, Paul

Management Class is defined in the same policy domain with the node, it is
just not the default one.  Then in the inclexcl (either a file or in the
dsm.opt) you specify for a include \...\*.pst [management-class]

It is all documented in the admin reference

-Original Message-
From: Gent, Chad E. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2002 11:07 AM
Subject: Re: Excluding Files from backup on Different Days.

O.k sounds great.  But Where do I set up the management class? Is it in the
client option file or on the server?


-Original Message-
From: Rushforth, Tim [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2002 10:35 AM
Subject: Re: Excluding Files from backup on Different Days.


You could set up a separate mgmtclass that uses the frequency paramater.
Then add an include in your client option file to bind the pst files to that

Specifies how frequently TSM can back up a file. This parameter is optional.
TSM backs up a file only when the specified number of days has elapsed since
the last backup. The FREQUENCY value is used only during a full incremental
backup operation. This value is ignored during selective backup or partial
incremental backup. You can specify an integer from 0 to . The default
value is 0, meaning that TSM can back up a file regardless of when the file
was last backed up.

Tim Rushforth
City of Winnipeg
-Original Message-
From: Gent, Chad E. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2002 8:04 AM
Subject: Excluding Files from backup on Different Days.

Hello All,

I have a TSM Client 4.2.1 on Windows NT 4.  I would like to exclude all PST
files in my backup. (exclude ?:*.pst) But now management has requested that
we  backup these files once a week.  Is there a way in my option file or on
the TSM Server that I can set this up to backup my pst files once a week.

Any help would be great!


Re: TSM Server on Windows - Does it work?

2002-01-18 Thread Seay, Paul

Our experience in the last 4 months is both are equally supported.  You
might have had an isolated case.  In fact, server patches for AIX and
Windows come at the same time and the client on Windows appears to be the
most likely to get fixed quicker.

-Original Message-
From: Justin Derrick [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2002 7:05 PM
Subject: Re: TSM Server on Windows - Does it work?

Putting all the OS/HW dogma aside, IBM/Tivoli doesn't support TSM on NT as
seriously as it does on other, more 'expensive' platforms.

Earlier this year, we discovered a serious (fatal actually) flaw with TSM
on WinNT 4.  TSM would hang each and every time a platter was unmounted
from a drive in a 3995-C66 optical library.  The bug was reported the same
day it was discovered, and escalated to management within a week.  The
answer Tivoli gave was "wait for the next maintenance release".  It took
four weeks.

On larger, more expensive platforms, patches of this sort are of a higher
priority.  Why?  Because the customer running on more expensive hardware
likely spent the extra money for a higher level of performance.  I doubt I
would have waited more than two or three days of the problem I described
had appeared on AIX.


>We are considering installing TSM server, and are being 'encouraged' to
>run it on AIX but are a little cold to the idea.  We have more
>experience supporting Windows 2000.
>Does anyone have any feedback on the stability or performance of TSM
>server running on Windows?
>Feel free to mail directly if you have any information that you willing
>to share but are uncomfortable putting on the list.
>Powered by

Re: TSM Server on Windows - Does it work?

2002-01-18 Thread Seay, Paul

Yeah, and I call our pet hampster at home the "rat-dog"

-Original Message-
From: Remeta, Mark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2002 1:49 PM
Subject: Re: TSM Server on Windows - Does it work?

and what's wrong with using a mouse???
I happen to like my little mouse...
I even have a nickname for it :)

-Original Message-
From: Kai Hintze [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2002 12:24 PM
Subject: Re: TSM Server on Windows - Does it work?

NT easier to use? Surely you jest. How can something be easier to
use when you can't administer it without a mouse, and you need
a high speed connection and 3rd party software to administer it
remotely at all?

- Kai.

>Date:Thu, 17 Jan 2002 11:23:04 -0500
>From:"Remeta, Mark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: TSM Server on Windows - Does it work?
>If I had a choice between unix and nt I would choose nt every time.
>It's much easier to use and the much ballyhooed performance gained
>by using unix is not that great.

Confidentiality Note: The information transmitted is intended only for the
person or entity to whom or which it is addressed and may contain
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please delete this material immediately.

Re: TSM Server on Windows - Does it work?

2002-01-18 Thread Jeff Bach

A console switch shows the console output as if local for UNIX.

They work for NT also.

Trouble shooting for NT:  reboot, reboot, rebuild... come on ... am I
wrong ?


> -Original Message-
> From: Remeta, Mark [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, January 18, 2002 11:46 AM
> Subject:  Re: TSM Server on Windows - Does it work?
> Tony Tony Tony... Do I long for the good ole days of VMS
> I use to love programming in DCL.. hehe
> Every time I hear people bragging about clustering (Microsoft or Novell) I
> can't help thinking back to VMS and laugh... now that was a cluster...
> -Original Message-
> Sent: Friday, January 18, 2002 12:37 PM
> Subject: Re: TSM Server on Windows - Does it work?
> I did VMS support for about 20 years...
> NT grows on you.
> You don't need a mouse - but it is a useful tool.
> Most of us in teckyland have high speed comms.
> Does unix have a worthy dial up telnet app included as standard??
> Can you see the console output as if local?
> Long live comprehensive quality operating systems.
> W2K etc. make NT look like a cruddy first attempt.
> The TSM web I/F is processor/OS independant.
> ... Ooops! Have I started a fight??
> -Original Message-
> From: Kai Hintze [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 18 January 2002 17:24
> Subject: Re: TSM Server on Windows - Does it work?
> NT easier to use? Surely you jest. How can something be easier to
> use when you can't administer it without a mouse, and you need
> a high speed connection and 3rd party software to administer it
> remotely at all?
> - Kai.
> >
> >Date:Thu, 17 Jan 2002 11:23:04 -0500
> >From:"Remeta, Mark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: Re: TSM Server on Windows - Does it work?
> >
> >If I had a choice between unix and nt I would choose nt every time.
> >It's much easier to use and the much ballyhooed performance gained
> >by using unix is not that great.
> >
> >Mark
> >
> This e-mail and any files transmitted with it, are confidential and
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> The information supplied must be viewed in this context. If you have
> received this e-mail in error please notify our Helpdesk by
> telephone on +44 (0) 20-7444-8444. Any use, dissemination,
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> strictly prohibited.
> Confidentiality Note: The information transmitted is intended only for the
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Re: versioning / expiring / multiple backups under same nodename

2002-01-18 Thread Jeff Bach

Run a local backup on M1, M2, and M3 that backs up the data that is not
failed over.

Run a shared1 and shared2 backup on all systems that backups up the data on
the system it exists on.

ie: M1 /usr /var / /opt
M2 /usr /var / /opt
 M3 ""

shared1 /u /shareddata  run a script to determine if the disk is
available and back it up to shared1 if it is
same on shared2

Sched all local and shared scripts under the node M1,2,3

This buys
1.  Data backs up always under the same nodename
2.  Filesystem last backup stats can be used to determine backup success
(to doubt check unreliable scheduler status)

Jeff Bach

> -Original Message-
> From: Warren, Matthew James [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, January 18, 2002 9:00 AM
> Subject:  Re: versioning / expiring / multiple backups under same
> nodename
> Thanks,
> but, the mechanics of the failovers etc.. is fine. only 1 machine will be
> failed over at any one time.
> I'll try and clarify;
> M1 and M2 share some common filespace / dirpath names. M3 is failover
> machine.
> Normal; M1 backs up to tsm under node M1, M2 backs up to TSM under node
> M2,
> M3 backs up to TSM under nodename M3.
> if M1 fails over to M3, M3 will now capture M1's files form the shared
> disk
> unde hte nodename M3, M1 backs up, but cannot see the shared disk area, so
> TSM marks all the shared disk files under nodename M1 as inactive.
> That goes on for a couple of days. Then M1 fails back to M1. M3 backs up,
> all M1's shared disk files go inactive under nodename M3, and become
> active
> files again on M1 under nodename M1.
> ..Then(!) M2 fails over to M2. The above process is repeated, but is
> complicated bacause M3 shares filespace names with M1, so, any duplicate
> filenames will back up and increase the version count of that file under
> nodename M3; but the version count will be too high as it counts versions
> from both M1 and M2. This will cause the files to expire earlier than they
> would have done from M3 than if they had only ever been backed up under
> the
> original machine nodename.
> ..Does anyone follow this? :-/
> basically (!)
> M1, M2 share dirpaths and filenames. The actual data is unique to each
> machine and is held on a slice of disk that only that machine has access
> to.
> M3 is a failover. When a machine is failed over to M3, that machines slice
> of disk is mounted on M3. The original machine still backs up, but can
> only
> see it's local O/S disk.
> M3 runs backups of all the disk it can see each evening, under the
> nodename
> M3.
> So, if M1 is failed over, its files are backed up under the nodename M3.
> ..So far, no problem. If you know what days you were failed over you can
> just get the files from the M3 nodename using -pitd / -pitt or -pick
> But, M1 fails back to M1, and then M2 fail over to M3.
> When M3 backs up, it will see M2's disk and save it under the nodename M3.
> PROBLEM! The shared filespace names between M2 and M1 will now cause TSM
> to
> mark files inactive, or back them up creating versions / expirations that
> should not be happening.
> Arg!
> Can anyone see what I'm getting at?
> -Original Message-
> From: Anderson F. Nobre [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2002 6:30 PM
> Subject: Re: versioning / expiring / multiple backups under same
> nodename
> Hi,
> > I have a customer who wishes to assess the maximum risk he would incurr
> in
> > the following situation;
> >
> >
> > We have a copygroup for backup set for 31 day point-in-time recovery. We
> do
> > not have nolimit for any copygoup parameters - we assume there will only
> be
> > a single backup each day.
> >
> >
> > The customer has a 5 node cluster. 1 -> 4 are production machines, 5 is
> a
> > failover machine.
> >
> > They would like to know the risk involved when, should a machine be
> failed
> > over to 5, they back up the data now visible to 5 under the nodename of
> 5
> > instead of the original machines nodename, & the original machine
> continues
> > to run a backup as well (this would only see local disk, as a portion of
> the
> > failed over machines disk is now visible to 5, and hence mark all the
> > non-visible files as inactive)
> >
> > We have told them backups would become inconsistent within filespaces
> that
> > have the same names across machines, and showed them how fiddly it would
> be
> > to restore a machine if they had only had one failover occurr in a 31
> day
> > period. They would like to know exactly what the risks are if they have
> > multiple failovers within a month, and have multiple machines backing up
> > same-named files under a single nodename!!
> >
> It depends how the cluster is configured. The TSM Client must be part of
> the
> resource group and inside of dsm.sys you must create several stanzas with
> the TCPPort and nodename forced to diferent numbers an

Re: versioning / expiring / multiple backups under same nodename

2002-01-18 Thread Mike Yager

Exactly, while im not doing TSM on my clusters (yet) Daniel is correct. 

In my MS-clustered environment, I have the following entries in DNS  



the last 2 are a "logical" name of the cluster resource. This allows the "resource" to 
be managed separately from the physical machine or other "resources" and/or physical 

I would caution you to be careful as you indicated the resources DO show up as being 
owned by the controlling node. IE DON'T back it up via that attachment even if you can 
see it as when it changes to a new node you will have a different name as you 

Please keep us posted as I'll be headed down this road shortly.


The description you gave tells me there is something wrong with your

Normally when you set up TSM to handle clustering, you have one TSM
nodename for each clusternode(M1,M2,M3). These nodenames are only for
backing up local files on the node. Then you have either one nodename for
each clusterresource, or one nodename for all clusterresources. You also
have to bind the nodename to the clusterresource, so that the TSM service
that handles the cluster nodename, moves with the clusterresource.

Michael Yager
IBM Global Services

Re: Excluding Files from backup on Different Days.

2002-01-18 Thread Rushforth, Tim


-Original Message-
From: Gent, Chad E. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2002 10:07 AM
Subject: Re: Excluding Files from backup on Different Days.

O.k sounds great.  But Where do I set up the management class? Is it in the
client option file or on the server?


-Original Message-
From: Rushforth, Tim [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2002 10:35 AM
Subject: Re: Excluding Files from backup on Different Days.


You could set up a separate mgmtclass that uses the frequency paramater.
Then add an include in your client option file to bind the pst files to that

Specifies how frequently TSM can back up a file. This parameter is optional.
TSM backs up a file only when the specified number of days has elapsed since
the last backup. The FREQUENCY value is used only during a full incremental
backup operation. This value is ignored during selective backup or partial
incremental backup. You can specify an integer from 0 to . The default
value is 0, meaning that TSM can back up a file regardless of when the file
was last backed up.

Tim Rushforth
City of Winnipeg
-Original Message-
From: Gent, Chad E. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2002 8:04 AM
Subject: Excluding Files from backup on Different Days.

Hello All,

I have a TSM Client 4.2.1 on Windows NT 4.  I would like to exclude all PST
files in my backup. (exclude ?:*.pst) But now management has requested that
we  backup these files once a week.  Is there a way in my option file or on
the TSM Server that I can set this up to backup my pst files once a week.

Any help would be great!


Re: Software/Hardware compression?

2002-01-18 Thread Seay, Paul

Actually, you could really use the SAN client in your environment.

-Original Message-
From: Cook, Dwight E (SAIC) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2002 2:00 PM
Subject: Re: Software/Hardware compression?
Importance: High

be careful on the "slow down" statement...
Actually with a big enough client it will greatly speed things up !
We have an SAP environment with a 2.7 TB data base, we back it up in less
than 18 hours using client compression
if we didn't use client compression it would take 66 hours !  (based on 42
GB/hr ie. flooded fast ethernet)
This is a Sun E10K with 64 processors (30 of which are bound to individual
backup tasks)
going to an IBM S70 TSM server with a diskpool large enough to hold one
complete backup cycle.
Oh, that is using a 100 MB/sec fast ethernet over which we push 42 GB/hr
when we use a GB link we see 56 GB/hr and can back it up in less than 13

So by using client compression we SPEED THING UP and it runs in 1/5th the
time ;-)


-Original Message-
From: Prather, Wanda [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2002 11:01 AM
Subject: Re: Software/Hardware compression?

It's not that bad, and not that big a deal.

If you look around, you can find individual files that will expand due to
compressing a second time (and it doesn't matter whether it's hardware or
software compression the second time).

But I've done testing with 3490 & 9840 technology, and if you are backing up
a lot of generic systems like Windows and Unix file servers and print
servers, overall I wouldn't worry about it.  You won't get much ADDITIONAL
compression the second time; probably 5-10% at most, but overall it's not
likely to hurt you either.

If you are backing up a system that contains a large application of MOSTLY
compressed files (say a web server that stores zillions of compressed
graphics files) you might have reason to be concerned and do some testing on
that system before turning on TSM software compression.

In general:

TSM software compression will slow down the throughput for Backup and
Restore on the client end.

If you have LOTS of clients, so you need to save space in your disk pool,
then use compression on the client.
If you are sending over a slow link, then use compression on the client.

If you have enough space in your disk pool and no bottleneck in your
network, don't use compression on the client.

If you have a client with an unusual application that has much
pre-compressed data, test before you decide.

-Original Message-
From: Jason Stoessler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2002 11:21 AM
Subject: Software/Hardware compression?

Hi All,
I know in other products that you can not run software compression and
hardware compression concurrently.  I have been told that it results in the
files reverting to an almost uncompressed state.
What I need is to know if the same applies to TSM.  My company are thinking
of purchasing TSM so if anyone knows of an official statement from
IBM/Tivoli that I can be referred to that would be appreciated.
The software platform will be Solaris and the autochanger is an STK L700
with 9840 fibre drives TSM

Jason Stoessler
Guardian iT

Re: TSM Server on Windows - Does it work?

2002-01-18 Thread Seay, Paul

Yeah, we still run an old VMS cluster that the are dreaming about replacing
with Microsoft Cluster.

-Original Message-
From: Remeta, Mark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2002 12:46 PM
Subject: Re: TSM Server on Windows - Does it work?

Tony Tony Tony... Do I long for the good ole days of VMS
I use to love programming in DCL.. hehe
Every time I hear people bragging about clustering (Microsoft or Novell) I
can't help thinking back to VMS and laugh... now that was a cluster...

-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2002 12:37 PM
Subject: Re: TSM Server on Windows - Does it work?

I did VMS support for about 20 years...

NT grows on you.
You don't need a mouse - but it is a useful tool.
Most of us in teckyland have high speed comms.
Does unix have a worthy dial up telnet app included as standard??
Can you see the console output as if local?
Long live comprehensive quality operating systems.
W2K etc. make NT look like a cruddy first attempt.
The TSM web I/F is processor/OS independant.

... Ooops! Have I started a fight??

-Original Message-
From: Kai Hintze [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 18 January 2002 17:24
Subject: Re: TSM Server on Windows - Does it work?

NT easier to use? Surely you jest. How can something be easier to
use when you can't administer it without a mouse, and you need
a high speed connection and 3rd party software to administer it
remotely at all?

- Kai.

>Date:Thu, 17 Jan 2002 11:23:04 -0500
>From:"Remeta, Mark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: TSM Server on Windows - Does it work?
>If I had a choice between unix and nt I would choose nt every time.
>It's much easier to use and the much ballyhooed performance gained
>by using unix is not that great.

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Re: Which tape is the DBBACKUP?

2002-01-18 Thread Sias Dealy

To know which tape(s) contains your DBBackup.
You can issue restore db preview=yes you are going to
get a listing of tapes but nothing will be restored.

You can also look at the volhist file, that is if you
did a backup volhist.

Its easier to issue restore dbbackup preview=yes to
know what tapes the data base backup is on.


--- Zlatko Krastev/ACIT <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> - Try to reformat the DB volume(s) (files, not DB
> backup tape).
> - Try what if you delete
> /usr/tivoli/tsm/server/bin/dsmserv.dsk
> Zlatko Krastev
> IT Consultant
> Michel David <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 14.01.2002
> 11:41:29
> Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager"
> cc:
> Subject:Which tape is the DBBACKUP?
> Hi Tsm'rs
> Thank you for answering, my precedent requests.
> NT4.0 SP5
> TSM3.7.3
> The Library computer HD crashed. We don't know which
> tape is the DBBACKUP
> How can we test it ?
> When I try one with DSMSERV RESTORE DB, and it's not
> the good one, nothing don't work anymore and I had
> to
> reinstall TSM !
> Is there a trick ?
> Thank you very much.
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Send FREE video emails in Yahoo! Mail!

Do You Yahoo!?
Send FREE video emails in Yahoo! Mail!

Re: TSM Server on Windows - Does it work?

2002-01-18 Thread Remeta, Mark

and what's wrong with using a mouse???
I happen to like my little mouse...
I even have a nickname for it :)

-Original Message-
From: Kai Hintze [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2002 12:24 PM
Subject: Re: TSM Server on Windows - Does it work?

NT easier to use? Surely you jest. How can something be easier to
use when you can't administer it without a mouse, and you need
a high speed connection and 3rd party software to administer it
remotely at all?

- Kai.

>Date:Thu, 17 Jan 2002 11:23:04 -0500
>From:"Remeta, Mark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: TSM Server on Windows - Does it work?
>If I had a choice between unix and nt I would choose nt every time.
>It's much easier to use and the much ballyhooed performance gained
>by using unix is not that great.

Confidentiality Note: The information transmitted is intended only for the
person or entity to whom or which it is addressed and may contain
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please delete this material immediately.

Re: TSM Server on Windows - Does it work?

2002-01-18 Thread Remeta, Mark

Tony Tony Tony... Do I long for the good ole days of VMS
I use to love programming in DCL.. hehe
Every time I hear people bragging about clustering (Microsoft or Novell) I
can't help thinking back to VMS and laugh... now that was a cluster...

-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2002 12:37 PM
Subject: Re: TSM Server on Windows - Does it work?

I did VMS support for about 20 years...

NT grows on you.
You don't need a mouse - but it is a useful tool.
Most of us in teckyland have high speed comms.
Does unix have a worthy dial up telnet app included as standard??
Can you see the console output as if local?
Long live comprehensive quality operating systems.
W2K etc. make NT look like a cruddy first attempt.
The TSM web I/F is processor/OS independant.

... Ooops! Have I started a fight??

-Original Message-
From: Kai Hintze [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 18 January 2002 17:24
Subject: Re: TSM Server on Windows - Does it work?

NT easier to use? Surely you jest. How can something be easier to
use when you can't administer it without a mouse, and you need
a high speed connection and 3rd party software to administer it
remotely at all?

- Kai.

>Date:Thu, 17 Jan 2002 11:23:04 -0500
>From:"Remeta, Mark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: TSM Server on Windows - Does it work?
>If I had a choice between unix and nt I would choose nt every time.
>It's much easier to use and the much ballyhooed performance gained
>by using unix is not that great.

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Re: TSM Server on Windows - Does it work?

2002-01-18 Thread MORGAN TONY

I did VMS support for about 20 years...

NT grows on you.
You don't need a mouse - but it is a useful tool.
Most of us in teckyland have high speed comms.
Does unix have a worthy dial up telnet app included as standard??
Can you see the console output as if local?
Long live comprehensive quality operating systems.
W2K etc. make NT look like a cruddy first attempt.
The TSM web I/F is processor/OS independant.

... Ooops! Have I started a fight??

-Original Message-
From: Kai Hintze [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 18 January 2002 17:24
Subject: Re: TSM Server on Windows - Does it work?

NT easier to use? Surely you jest. How can something be easier to
use when you can't administer it without a mouse, and you need
a high speed connection and 3rd party software to administer it
remotely at all?

- Kai.

>Date:Thu, 17 Jan 2002 11:23:04 -0500
>From:"Remeta, Mark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: TSM Server on Windows - Does it work?
>If I had a choice between unix and nt I would choose nt every time.
>It's much easier to use and the much ballyhooed performance gained
>by using unix is not that great.

This e-mail and any files transmitted with it, are confidential and
intended solely for the use of the addressee. The content of this
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The information supplied must be viewed in this context. If you have
received this e-mail in error please notify our Helpdesk by
telephone on +44 (0) 20-7444-8444. Any use, dissemination,
forwarding, printing, or copying of this e-mail or its attachments is
strictly prohibited.

Re: versioning / expiring / multiple backups under same nodename

2002-01-18 Thread Daniel Sparrman


The description you gave tells me there is something wrong with your

Normally when you set up TSM to handle clustering, you have one TSM
nodename for each clusternode(M1,M2,M3). These nodenames are only for
backing up local files on the node. Then you have either one nodename for
each clusterresource, or one nodename for all clusterresources. You also
have to bind the nodename to the clusterresource, so that the TSM service
that handles the cluster nodename, moves with the clusterresource.

This way, when the resource moves from one node to another, the TSM
nodename will follow.

There's some good books about this on Tivolis website.

Best Regards

Daniel Sparrman
Daniel Sparrman
Exist i Stockholm AB
Bergkällavägen 31D
Växel: 08 - 754 98 00
Mobil: 070 - 399 27 51

"Warren, Matthew   
 Subject: Re: versioning / expiring 
/ multiple 
Sent by: "ADSM:backups under same nodename 
Dist Stor Manager" 
2002-01-18 16:00   
Please respond to  
"ADSM: Dist Stor   


but, the mechanics of the failovers etc.. is fine. only 1 machine will be
failed over at any one time.

I'll try and clarify;

M1 and M2 share some common filespace / dirpath names. M3 is failover

Normal; M1 backs up to tsm under node M1, M2 backs up to TSM under node M2,
M3 backs up to TSM under nodename M3.

if M1 fails over to M3, M3 will now capture M1's files form the shared disk
unde hte nodename M3, M1 backs up, but cannot see the shared disk area, so
TSM marks all the shared disk files under nodename M1 as inactive.

That goes on for a couple of days. Then M1 fails back to M1. M3 backs up,
all M1's shared disk files go inactive under nodename M3, and become active
files again on M1 under nodename M1.

..Then(!) M2 fails over to M2. The above process is repeated, but is
complicated bacause M3 shares filespace names with M1, so, any duplicate
filenames will back up and increase the version count of that file under
nodename M3; but the version count will be too high as it counts versions
from both M1 and M2. This will cause the files to expire earlier than they
would have done from M3 than if they had only ever been backed up under the
original machine nodename.

..Does anyone follow this? :-/

basically (!)

M1, M2 share dirpaths and filenames. The actual data is unique to each
machine and is held on a slice of disk that only that machine has access

M3 is a failover. When a machine is failed over to M3, that machines slice
of disk is mounted on M3. The original machine still backs up, but can only
see it's local O/S disk.

M3 runs backups of all the disk it can see each evening, under the nodename

So, if M1 is failed over, its files are backed up under the nodename M3.

..So far, no problem. If you know what days you were failed over you can
just get the files from the M3 nodename using -pitd / -pitt or -pick

But, M1 fails back to M1, and then M2 fail over to M3.

When M3 backs up, it will see M2's disk and save it under the nodename M3.
PROBLEM! The shared filespace names between M2 and M1 will now cause TSM to
mark files inactive, or back them up creating versions / expirations that
should not be happening.


Can anyone see what I'm getting at?

-Original Message-
From: Anderson F. Nobre [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2002 6:30 PM
Subject: Re: versioning / expiring / multiple backups under same


> I have a customer who wishes to assess the maximum risk he would incurr
> the following situation;
> We have 

Re: "Server media mount not possible" error condition

2002-01-18 Thread Davidson, Becky

Try a q node f=d to check to make sure that you have mount points greater
then 0

-Original Message-
From: Ken Sedlacek [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2002 10:25 AM
Subject: "Server media mount not possible" error condition


I have a situation here as follows:

One TSM server 3.7.3
Two RS/6000 H70s at 4.3.3,
Two TSM clients 3.7.3
One shared Magstar 3570 20-cartridge library.

This configuration has been running well for many moons.

We only backup our Oracle dbs + AIX server environments with TSM.

I started getting the "ANS1312E Server media mount not possible" errors  a
few days ago.

Actual dsmerror.log:

01/17/02   03:27:56 ANS1312E Server media mount not possible

01/17/02   03:27:56 ANS1512E Scheduled event 'RS6000H70' failed.  Return
code =
# castor :/ ==>

The dsmsched.log shows the same "ANS1312E Server media mount not possible"
error and the failed return code

The activity log reports:

01/16/02 23:30:01 ANR2561I Schedule prompter contacting POLLUXMUX
   191) to start a scheduled operation.

01/16/02 23:30:03 ANR0406I Session 192 started for node POLLUXMUX (AIX)


01/16/02 23:30:09 ANR0406I Session 193 started for node POLLUXMUX (AIX)


01/16/02 23:30:10 ANR0403I Session 193 ended for node POLLUXMUX (AIX).

01/17/02 00:00:01 ANR2562I Automatic event record deletion started.

01/17/02 00:00:01 ANR2102I Activity log pruning started: removing
   prior to 01/14/02 00:00:00.

01/17/02 00:00:01 ANR2565I 0 schedules for immediate client actions
   been deleted.

01/17/02 00:00:01 ANR2563I Removing event records dated prior to

01/17/02 00:00:01 ANR2564I Automatic event record deletion ended - 8

01/17/02 00:00:02 ANR2103I Activity log pruning completed: 281 records


01/17/02 00:30:44 ANR0481W Session 192 for node POLLUXMUX (AIX)
terminated -
   client did not respond within 3600 seconds.

01/17/02 03:30:01 ANR2561I Schedule prompter contacting CASTOROIL
   194) to start a scheduled operation.

01/17/02 03:30:03 ANR0406I Session 195 started for node CASTOROIL (AIX)


01/17/02 03:30:21 ANR0406I Session 196 started for node CASTOROIL (AIX)


01/17/02 03:30:22 ANR0403I Session 196 ended for node CASTOROIL (AIX).

01/17/02 04:30:45 ANR0481W Session 195 for node CASTOROIL (AIX)
terminated -
   client did not respond within 3600 seconds.

The automated schedules each give the same error.

When I try and do a manual incremental or selective backups, the same error
occurs (ANS1312E Server media mount not possible).

I can manually do TSM db backups in the Magstar 3570 library with no

Audit library 3570lib runs without a problem.

I have restarted the TSM server and restarted each of the clients
schedulers to no avail.

I have checked the AIX errpt for any rmt1/2 errors. None reported!

This is a real stumper!!

Anyone have any ideas on this??

ps-I am thinking of upgrading to TSM v4.1 in-order to get TSM Tech support

(Embedded image moved to file: pic09894.pcx)

Re: Schedule Question

2002-01-18 Thread Michel Engels

We do this (for another TDP) with two different schedules. One is starting a DOS
batch script for full backups and the other is doing incremental backups. The
commands you specified in the objects line are specified in the batch scripts.
The full name (pathname + filename) is specified in the objects line and the
type of schedule is not incremental but command.

Hope this helps,

Michel Engels
TSM Consultant
Devoteam Belgium

Mark Bertrand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 01/18/2002 02:52:18 PM

Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

cc:(bcc: Michel Engels/BE/Devoteam)

Subject:  Schedule Question

Hi All,

I'll try to keep this short... In setting up a schedule for a TDP exchange
database backup in TSM, if I select the action to be INCREMENTAL but my
Objects line launches my .cmd script which reads:
 start /B tdpexcc backup * full /tsmoptfile=dsm.opt /logfile=excsch.log >
Which takes precedence? and if it is the cmd script how do I actually do an
incremental, do I put "start /B tdpexcc backup * incr" or something like
Also, is it advisable and possible to run daily incrementals and weekly
fulls of my databases?
Thanks again to all, this discussion group has been a very educational tool.


Re: versioning / expiring / multiple backups under same nodename

2002-01-18 Thread Warren, Matthew James


but, the mechanics of the failovers etc.. is fine. only 1 machine will be
failed over at any one time.

I'll try and clarify;

M1 and M2 share some common filespace / dirpath names. M3 is failover

Normal; M1 backs up to tsm under node M1, M2 backs up to TSM under node M2,
M3 backs up to TSM under nodename M3.

if M1 fails over to M3, M3 will now capture M1's files form the shared disk
unde hte nodename M3, M1 backs up, but cannot see the shared disk area, so
TSM marks all the shared disk files under nodename M1 as inactive.

That goes on for a couple of days. Then M1 fails back to M1. M3 backs up,
all M1's shared disk files go inactive under nodename M3, and become active
files again on M1 under nodename M1.

..Then(!) M2 fails over to M2. The above process is repeated, but is
complicated bacause M3 shares filespace names with M1, so, any duplicate
filenames will back up and increase the version count of that file under
nodename M3; but the version count will be too high as it counts versions
from both M1 and M2. This will cause the files to expire earlier than they
would have done from M3 than if they had only ever been backed up under the
original machine nodename.

..Does anyone follow this? :-/

basically (!)

M1, M2 share dirpaths and filenames. The actual data is unique to each
machine and is held on a slice of disk that only that machine has access to.

M3 is a failover. When a machine is failed over to M3, that machines slice
of disk is mounted on M3. The original machine still backs up, but can only
see it's local O/S disk.

M3 runs backups of all the disk it can see each evening, under the nodename

So, if M1 is failed over, its files are backed up under the nodename M3.

..So far, no problem. If you know what days you were failed over you can
just get the files from the M3 nodename using -pitd / -pitt or -pick

But, M1 fails back to M1, and then M2 fail over to M3.

When M3 backs up, it will see M2's disk and save it under the nodename M3.
PROBLEM! The shared filespace names between M2 and M1 will now cause TSM to
mark files inactive, or back them up creating versions / expirations that
should not be happening.


Can anyone see what I'm getting at?

-Original Message-
From: Anderson F. Nobre [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2002 6:30 PM
Subject: Re: versioning / expiring / multiple backups under same


> I have a customer who wishes to assess the maximum risk he would incurr in
> the following situation;
> We have a copygroup for backup set for 31 day point-in-time recovery. We
> not have nolimit for any copygoup parameters - we assume there will only
> a single backup each day.
> The customer has a 5 node cluster. 1 -> 4 are production machines, 5 is a
> failover machine.
> They would like to know the risk involved when, should a machine be failed
> over to 5, they back up the data now visible to 5 under the nodename of 5
> instead of the original machines nodename, & the original machine
> to run a backup as well (this would only see local disk, as a portion of
> failed over machines disk is now visible to 5, and hence mark all the
> non-visible files as inactive)
> We have told them backups would become inconsistent within filespaces that
> have the same names across machines, and showed them how fiddly it would
> to restore a machine if they had only had one failover occurr in a 31 day
> period. They would like to know exactly what the risks are if they have
> multiple failovers within a month, and have multiple machines backing up
> same-named files under a single nodename!!
It depends how the cluster is configured. The TSM Client must be part of the
resource group and inside of dsm.sys you must create several stanzas with
the TCPPort and nodename forced to diferent numbers and names. And when you
start the TSM Client Scheduler you must force the right dsm.opt
with -optfile option.

> They won't take 'It won't work' as a answer, they would like to know how
> will impact the point in time restore capability for a particular machine,
> if they keep track of what machines failed over when.
> As far as I can work out with pen&paper, in a worst case, for a 3 machine
> cluster where 1 & 2 can failover to 3 at any time, the maximum impact
> be to reduce the point-in-time restore capability for a particular machine
> by the number of days that machines have been failed over to 3 in the last
> 31 day period, because files with the same path filename on machines 1 and
> would expire early if they change more often on one machine than they do
> another.
It's impossible two machines failover at same time to a third machine if the
first two have the same filesystems. They even would import the VGs. You
must check if this information it's true.

> I get a headache if I try and extend this to a 5 machine cluster.
> do you other TSM'ers agree?

"Server media mount not possible" error condition

2002-01-18 Thread Ken Sedlacek


I have a situation here as follows:

One TSM server 3.7.3
Two RS/6000 H70s at 4.3.3,
Two TSM clients 3.7.3
One shared Magstar 3570 20-cartridge library.

This configuration has been running well for many moons.

We only backup our Oracle dbs + AIX server environments with TSM.

I started getting the "ANS1312E Server media mount not possible" errors  a
few days ago.

Actual dsmerror.log:

01/17/02   03:27:56 ANS1312E Server media mount not possible

01/17/02   03:27:56 ANS1512E Scheduled event 'RS6000H70' failed.  Return
code =
# castor :/ ==>

The dsmsched.log shows the same "ANS1312E Server media mount not possible"
error and the failed return code

The activity log reports:

01/16/02 23:30:01 ANR2561I Schedule prompter contacting POLLUXMUX
   191) to start a scheduled operation.

01/16/02 23:30:03 ANR0406I Session 192 started for node POLLUXMUX (AIX)


01/16/02 23:30:09 ANR0406I Session 193 started for node POLLUXMUX (AIX)


01/16/02 23:30:10 ANR0403I Session 193 ended for node POLLUXMUX (AIX).

01/17/02 00:00:01 ANR2562I Automatic event record deletion started.

01/17/02 00:00:01 ANR2102I Activity log pruning started: removing
   prior to 01/14/02 00:00:00.

01/17/02 00:00:01 ANR2565I 0 schedules for immediate client actions
   been deleted.

01/17/02 00:00:01 ANR2563I Removing event records dated prior to

01/17/02 00:00:01 ANR2564I Automatic event record deletion ended - 8

01/17/02 00:00:02 ANR2103I Activity log pruning completed: 281 records


01/17/02 00:30:44 ANR0481W Session 192 for node POLLUXMUX (AIX)
terminated -
   client did not respond within 3600 seconds.

01/17/02 03:30:01 ANR2561I Schedule prompter contacting CASTOROIL
   194) to start a scheduled operation.

01/17/02 03:30:03 ANR0406I Session 195 started for node CASTOROIL (AIX)


01/17/02 03:30:21 ANR0406I Session 196 started for node CASTOROIL (AIX)


01/17/02 03:30:22 ANR0403I Session 196 ended for node CASTOROIL (AIX).

01/17/02 04:30:45 ANR0481W Session 195 for node CASTOROIL (AIX)
terminated -
   client did not respond within 3600 seconds.

The automated schedules each give the same error.

When I try and do a manual incremental or selective backups, the same error
occurs (ANS1312E Server media mount not possible).

I can manually do TSM db backups in the Magstar 3570 library with no

Audit library 3570lib runs without a problem.

I have restarted the TSM server and restarted each of the clients
schedulers to no avail.

I have checked the AIX errpt for any rmt1/2 errors. None reported!

This is a real stumper!!

Anyone have any ideas on this??

ps-I am thinking of upgrading to TSM v4.1 in-order to get TSM Tech support

(Embedded image moved to file: pic09894.pcx)

Description: Binary data

Re: Schedule Question

2002-01-18 Thread Rushforth, Tim

If you specify action of INCREMENTAL it will run an incremental backup of
the objects you specified.  IE, it will run an incremental backup of your
.cmd script.

To run an Exchange Incremental, you would specify action of COMMAND, and
your command script would run an incremental backup.

-Original Message-
From: Mark Bertrand [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2002 7:52 AM
Subject: Schedule Question

Hi All,

I'll try to keep this short... In setting up a schedule for a TDP exchange
database backup in TSM, if I select the action to be INCREMENTAL but my
Objects line launches my .cmd script which reads:
 start /B tdpexcc backup * full /tsmoptfile=dsm.opt /logfile=excsch.log >
Which takes precedence? and if it is the cmd script how do I actually do an
incremental, do I put "start /B tdpexcc backup * incr" or something like
Also, is it advisable and possible to run daily incrementals and weekly
fulls of my databases?
Thanks again to all, this discussion group has been a very educational tool.


HP LTO drives show as GENERICTAPE

2002-01-18 Thread William Boyer

Win2K TSM Server, Qlocic fibre card, Dell Powervault 136T library
with the FC Bridge attachment, 3-HP LTO Dell PowerVault 110T tape drives.

I see everything, and in the ADSMSCSI drive I see the changer and 3-drives.
In the management console, under the driver and Device details, it lists the
tapes as:

TSM Device Name:\\.\Tape0,1 and 2
TSM Device Type:LTO

I have selected that the drives are managmed by the native drivers (latest
version supplied by Dell) and the autochanger be managed by the TSM scsi

I defined and LTO deviceclass, and defined the library and the 3-drives
using the DEVICE=\\.\Tape0 name. It lets me do all that, but when I Q
DRIVES, they are all listed as GENERICTAPE. A SHOW LIBRARY indicates the
same thing.

According the the TSM Server readme file for, the library and drives
are supported. It doesn't say anything about the fibre part, maybe that's
the problem.

I can use the drives as long as I went in and created a GENERICTAPE device
class. They don't perform very well that way. I have a PMR opened with
Tivoli, but I thought I would see if anyone had other thoughts. Initially
Tivoli didn't have an answer, but they are still researching the problem. I
also didn't find any hits on the archives.

Bill Boyer
"Living on Earth is expensive, but it does include
a free trip around the sun." -Unknown-

Re: Excluding Files from backup on Different Days.

2002-01-18 Thread Gent, Chad E.

O.k sounds great.  But Where do I set up the management class? Is it in the
client option file or on the server?


-Original Message-
From: Rushforth, Tim [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2002 10:35 AM
Subject: Re: Excluding Files from backup on Different Days.


You could set up a separate mgmtclass that uses the frequency paramater.
Then add an include in your client option file to bind the pst files to that

Specifies how frequently TSM can back up a file. This parameter is optional.
TSM backs up a file only when the specified number of days has elapsed since
the last backup. The FREQUENCY value is used only during a full incremental
backup operation. This value is ignored during selective backup or partial
incremental backup. You can specify an integer from 0 to . The default
value is 0, meaning that TSM can back up a file regardless of when the file
was last backed up.

Tim Rushforth
City of Winnipeg
-Original Message-
From: Gent, Chad E. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2002 8:04 AM
Subject: Excluding Files from backup on Different Days.

Hello All,

I have a TSM Client 4.2.1 on Windows NT 4.  I would like to exclude all PST
files in my backup. (exclude ?:*.pst) But now management has requested that
we  backup these files once a week.  Is there a way in my option file or on
the TSM Server that I can set this up to backup my pst files once a week.

Any help would be great!


Re: Easy way to Move Tape Volume between pools ?

2002-01-18 Thread Nicholas Cassimatis

If you're trying to move the data, not the tapes themselves, you can set
the NEXTPOOL parameter on your storage pool to the desired target pool,
then lower your migration threshold to have ADSM move the data for you.
Same effect as running MOVE DATA on each volume, but without having to
monitor and run so many commands.

Nick Cassimatis

Today is the tomorrow of yesterday.

Re: Excluding Files from backup on Different Days.

2002-01-18 Thread Daniel Sparrman

Hi Chad

The simplest way to do it would be to create a different management class,
with the copy frequency set to 7. I would then associate the PST-files with
this management class.

For ex. include *:\...\*.pst   7daymgmtclass

where 7daymgmtclass would be the new mgmt class you have created.

Setting the copy freq. to 7 should do it.

Best Regards

Daniel Sparrman
Daniel Sparrman
Exist i Stockholm AB
Bergkällavägen 31D
Växel: 08 - 754 98 00
Mobil: 070 - 399 27 51


"Gent, Chad E."


MASON.COM>   cc:   

Sent by: "ADSM:  Subject: Excluding Files from backup 
on Different Days.   
Dist Stor  






2002-01-18 15:03   

Please respond to  

"ADSM: Dist Stor   




Hello All,

I have a TSM Client 4.2.1 on Windows NT 4.  I would like to exclude all PST
files in my backup. (exclude ?:*.pst) But now management has requested that
we  backup these files once a week.  Is there a way in my option file or on
the TSM Server that I can set this up to backup my pst files once a week.

Any help would be great!


Re: Excluding Files from backup on Different Days.

2002-01-18 Thread Rushforth, Tim


You could set up a separate mgmtclass that uses the frequency paramater.
Then add an include in your client option file to bind the pst files to that

Specifies how frequently TSM can back up a file. This parameter is optional.
TSM backs up a file only when the specified number of days has elapsed since
the last backup. The FREQUENCY value is used only during a full incremental
backup operation. This value is ignored during selective backup or partial
incremental backup. You can specify an integer from 0 to . The default
value is 0, meaning that TSM can back up a file regardless of when the file
was last backed up.

Tim Rushforth
City of Winnipeg
-Original Message-
From: Gent, Chad E. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2002 8:04 AM
Subject: Excluding Files from backup on Different Days.

Hello All,

I have a TSM Client 4.2.1 on Windows NT 4.  I would like to exclude all PST
files in my backup. (exclude ?:*.pst) But now management has requested that
we  backup these files once a week.  Is there a way in my option file or on
the TSM Server that I can set this up to backup my pst files once a week.

Any help would be great!


Re: Schedule Question

2002-01-18 Thread Daniel Sparrman


The line should read something like "c:\program
files\tivoli\tsm\tdpexchange\excdsmc * incr

Best Regards

Daniel Sparrman
Daniel Sparrman
Exist i Stockholm AB
Bergkällavägen 31D
Växel: 08 - 754 98 00
Mobil: 070 - 399 27 51

Mark Bertrand  
Sent by: "ADSM:Subject: Re: Schedule Question  
Dist Stor Manager" 
2002-01-18 15:59   
Please respond to  
"ADSM: Dist Stor   

Never mind I've answered my own question, the action must be set to command
to run the script, but I still need to know how to write the script to run
incrementals instead of full?


>  -Original Message-
> From: Mark Bertrand
> Sent: Friday, January 18, 2002 7:52 AM
> To:   ADSM-L (E-mail)
> Subject:  Schedule Question
> Hi All,
> I'll try to keep this short... In setting up a schedule for a TDP
> database backup in TSM, if I select the action to be INCREMENTAL but my
> Objects line launches my .cmd script which reads:
>  start /B tdpexcc backup * full /tsmoptfile=dsm.opt /logfile=excsch.log >
> excfull.log
> Which takes precedence? and if it is the cmd script how do I actually do
> an incremental, do I put "start /B tdpexcc backup * incr" or something
> like this.
> Also, is it advisable and possible to run daily incrementals and weekly
> fulls of my databases?
> Thanks again to all, this discussion group has been a very educational
> tool.
> Mark

Re: Schedule Question

2002-01-18 Thread Del Hoobler

> I'll try to keep this short... In setting up a schedule for a TDP
> database backup in TSM, if I select the action to be INCREMENTAL but my
> Objects line launches my .cmd script which reads:
>  start /B tdpexcc backup * full /tsmoptfile=dsm.opt /logfile=excsch.log >
> excfull.log
> Which takes precedence? and if it is the cmd script how do I actually do
> incremental, do I put "start /B tdpexcc backup * incr" or something like
> this.
> Also, is it advisable and possible to run daily incrementals and weekly
> fulls of my databases?
> Thanks again to all, this discussion group has been a very educational


You should be using "COMMAND" type schedules.
Please read the appendix in the TDP for Exchange User's Guide
that describes how to set up scheduling for TDP for Exchange.
In  short, you set up COMMAND type schedules that
call xxx.cmd files that run the desired backups.



Del Hoobler
IBM Corporation

"Celebrate we will. Life is short but sweet for certain..."  -- Dave

Re: Excluding Files from backup on Different Days.

2002-01-18 Thread Jozef Zatko

Hello Chad,
create new management class (newmgmt for example) for .pst files and use
include ... statement to assign this mgmt class to them.

include ?:\...\*.pst   newmgmt

In newmgmt class set "frequency" parameter in copy group definition to 7
(if you want backup pst files once a week).

Thats it

Ing. Jozef Zatko
Login a.s.
Dlha 2, Stupava
tel.: (421) (2) 60252618

"Gent, Chad E." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
18.01.2002 15:03
Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager"

Subject:Excluding Files from backup on Different Days.

Hello All,

I have a TSM Client 4.2.1 on Windows NT 4.  I would like to exclude all
files in my backup. (exclude ?:*.pst) But now management has requested
we  backup these files once a week.  Is there a way in my option file or
the TSM Server that I can set this up to backup my pst files once a week.

Any help would be great!


Re: Schedule Question

2002-01-18 Thread Mark Bertrand

Never mind I've answered my own question, the action must be set to command
to run the script, but I still need to know how to write the script to run
incrementals instead of full?


>  -Original Message-
> From: Mark Bertrand
> Sent: Friday, January 18, 2002 7:52 AM
> To:   ADSM-L (E-mail)
> Subject:  Schedule Question
> Hi All,
> I'll try to keep this short... In setting up a schedule for a TDP exchange
> database backup in TSM, if I select the action to be INCREMENTAL but my
> Objects line launches my .cmd script which reads:
>  start /B tdpexcc backup * full /tsmoptfile=dsm.opt /logfile=excsch.log >
> excfull.log
> Which takes precedence? and if it is the cmd script how do I actually do
> an incremental, do I put "start /B tdpexcc backup * incr" or something
> like this.
> Also, is it advisable and possible to run daily incrementals and weekly
> fulls of my databases?
> Thanks again to all, this discussion group has been a very educational
> tool.
> Mark

Re: Need info on Tivoli v Backup Exec

2002-01-18 Thread Bill Mansfield

I've always thought of NTBackup as the push scooter.  I think Backup Exec
is more like a Vespa (with apologies to Vespa owners).  Much cheaper and
easier to operate than TSM for one user, only able to move one type of
cargo (NT data, and that in small quantities), and much more likely to
cause injuries to the cargo on a rainy day, especially in a collision with
an 18 wheeler.

William Mansfield
Senior Consultant
Solution Technology, Inc

"Seay, Paul"
Sent by: Subject: Re: Need info on Tivoli v Backup 
"ADSM: Dist
Stor Manager"

07:31 AM
Please respond
to "ADSM: Dist
Stor Manager"

This is like asking about a 18 wheeler versus a push scooter.  What are you
really interested in finding out?

-Original Message-
From: Hugo Badenhorst [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2002 2:04 AM
Subject: Need info on Tivoli v Backup Exec

Running WinNt and 2000 + SQL 6.5 , SQL 7 and SQL 2000 + Exchange 5.5 and

Hugo Badenhorst
+27 11 285 5587
+27 083 442 4958

Re: Excluding Files from backup on Different Days.

2002-01-18 Thread Cook, Dwight E (SAIC)

I would use "archive"
Now with an archive you have to be disk specific but you could do something
like this for each drive attached...
archive -subdir=yes C:\*.pst
archive -subdir=yes F:\*.pst
using the -subdir=yes ~should~ force TSM to go down the tree & find all .pst
files on the disk
double check in your environment... I'm a unix-ie and the last time I
checked in a unix envornment something like
archive -subdir=yes /home/*.xyz
would pick up any *.xyz in any subdirectory...

hope this helps

-Original Message-
From: Gent, Chad E. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2002 8:04 AM
Subject: Excluding Files from backup on Different Days.

Hello All,

I have a TSM Client 4.2.1 on Windows NT 4.  I would like to exclude all PST
files in my backup. (exclude ?:*.pst) But now management has requested that
we  backup these files once a week.  Is there a way in my option file or on
the TSM Server that I can set this up to backup my pst files once a week.

Any help would be great!


Re: backup on TDP Notes restore TDP Domino. *** URGENT ***

2002-01-18 Thread Shawn Tullier

I have performed this procedure below in our TDP for Domino environment and
it works fine.   Just bring up a temp. server with Notes 4.5 or 4.6 and
restore the databases, then copy them to your production servers.

Shawn Tullier
ITS Technical Design
Laitram Corporation
(504) 733 - 6000 x 1618

   Subject: Re: backup on TDP Notes restore 
TDP Domino. *** URGENT
Sent by:  ***
"ADSM: Dist
Stor Manager"

Please respond
to "ADSM: Dist
Stor Manager"

The TDP for Notes and for Domino are different. I do not know is there an
upgrade converting your TDP for Notes licenses to TDP for Domino. But you
still must have the installation media of TDP for Notes. And you can
quickly bring up a Domino server (even on your NT/W2k workstation) running
v4.5 or v4.6, install TDP for Notes and restore .nsf databases. Afterwards
just copy restored files to the server or replicate them and you're safe.
Domino server 5.0 can open v4.5 or 4.6 databases and if you decide later
their design can be upgraded to 5.0.

Zlatko Krastev
IT Consultant

Luciano Ariceto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 16.01.2002 18:48:49
Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject:backup on TDP Notes restore TDP  Domino. *** URGENT ***


A few months ago I was running Notes 4.5 and TDP for Notes  to backup
(*.nsf) . Nowadays I am running Domino R5 and TDP for Domino.
I would like to know how can I proceed to restore a file (nsf)  backed up
on TDP for Notes,  using TDP for Domino ? Is this possible or not ?

Thanks !!!


Re: Netware Backup Shows as COMPLETE but is not !!

2002-01-18 Thread Daniel Sparrman

Hi Robin

There is two things that probably is needed to upgrade

First of all, this is a bug in earlier versions of TSM. It has been solved
in the latest release of the client.

Second of all, you should upgrade the CLIB, TSA and SMDR modules. This is
easily done by downloading tsa5up8 from Novells support site. This package
upgrades the Netware Target Service Agent.

Using the TEC to handle events from Tivoli servers/clients is an excellent
way to centralize event management.

Both are already ready for TEC.

Best Regards

Daniel Sparrman
Daniel Sparrman
Exist i Stockholm AB
Bergkällavägen 31D
Växel: 08 - 754 98 00
Mobil: 070 - 399 27 51

Robin Lowe 
Sent by: "ADSM:Subject: Netware Backup Shows as 
COMPLETE but is not !!   
Dist Stor Manager" 
2002-01-18 15:38   
Please respond to  
"ADSM: Dist Stor   

We have unearthed a wide spread problem due to ongoing ANS1872E errors on
Novell Clients (that have been widely discussed here).
We are aware of the problem, and are taking steps to address the root

However, we have discovered the problem is more widespread than we first
realised due to what we interpret as mis-leading information from the EVENT

We discovered that when TSM goes to backup these affected clients, the
record shows the backup as COMPLETED and not as FAILED which we expected
thus :

Scheduled StartActual StartSchedule Name   Node
Name   Status
 -   -
01/16/2002 20:00:00  01/16/2002 20:01:36  SCH_BRLAN_DLY SLUKWAF1
01/17/2002 20:00:00  01/17/2002 21:52:28  SCH_BRLAN_DLY SLUKWAF1
01/18/2002 20:00:00   SCH_BRLAN_DLY

>From the dsmsched.log :

17.01.2002 21:53:52 Incremental backup of volume 'SYS:'
17.01.2002 21:53:52 Incremental backup of volume 'DATA:'
17.01.2002 21:53:52 Incremental backup of volume 'APPLICS:'
17.01.2002 21:53:53 ANS1872E Unable to connect to NetWare target service
'SLUKWAF1.NetWare File System'.
Make sure the TSA NLM is loaded on the specified machine.
17.01.2002 21:53:53 ANS1228E Sending of object 'SYS:' failed
17.01.2002 21:53:53 Unknown system error
Please check the TSM Error Log for any additional information

17.01.2002 21:53:53 ANS1872E Unable to connect to NetWare target service
'SLUKWAF1.NetWare File System'.
Make sure the TSA NLM is loaded on the specified machine.
17.01.2002 21:53:54 ANS1872E Unable to connect to NetWare target service
'SLUKWAF1.NetWare File System'.
Make sure the TSA NLM is loaded on the specified machine.
17.01.2002 21:53:54 ANS1228E Sending of object 'DATA:' failed
17.01.2002 21:53:54 Unknown system error
Please check the TSM Error Log for any additional information

17.01.2002 21:53:54 ANS1228E Sending of object 'APPLICS:' failed
17.01.2002 21:53:54 Unknown system error
Please check the TSM Error Log for any additional information

17.01.2002 21:53:57 --- SCHEDULEREC STATUS BEGIN
17.01.2002 21:53:57 --- SCHEDULEREC OBJECT END SCH_BRLAN_DLY 17.01.2002
17.01.2002 21:53:57 Scheduled event 'SCH_BRLAN_DLY' completed success

Re: What qualifies as an in use license?

2002-01-18 Thread Bill Mansfield

Zlatko, Jason, Daniel, Wanda, Tom, Dylan (who started this thread),

Yes, I have trouble with the multiframe SP requiring multiple licenses as
well.  One small point is that the whole SP is managed by IBM under one
serial number.  Perhaps this is the key?

Regarding the IBM 1600 ... this is an outgrowth of the capability that SPs
have had for years to "attach" standalone machines, starting with the S7A.
In principle it is "similar" to a traditional SP, as required by the
announcement letter.  According to the web site, the whole cluster is
managed under a single serial number like a traditional SP.

Anyway, unless we get some input from TIVOLI (hello?), I think we have beat
this topic to death.  Maybe TSM version 5 will come with a new licensing
scheme, but I don't know which way to hope .
William Mansfield
Senior Consultant
Solution Technology, Inc

   Subject: Re: What qualifies as an in use 
Sent by:   
"ADSM: Dist
Stor Manager"  
12:23 AM   
Please respond 
to "ADSM: Dist 
Stor Manager"  

I cannot agree with you that 3 frame SP need 3 licenses. IBM is talking
about ASCI White as a single supercomputer. So for me each SP is *one*
system. Moreover for both commercial (DB2 *single* partitioned database
spread over instances on each node) or scientific/technical (solving
differential equations using Parallel ESSL) load this can be thought as
single server from the application. The question is does the tiering depend
on # of processors "in a frame" or "in the frame". Or even what to do if we
have two frames - one with total 32 processors and second with only 16. The
question is just for curiosity - Wide Nodes are up to 4 processors, High
Node is up to 16, so very easily single frame can give us Tier 3 (8 nodes x
4 or 4 nodes x 16 processors). Cheating with TSM licenses will not help too
much - price of empty frame is much higher than difference between T2 and

The things get worse because IBM already announced Cluster 1600. This is
actually pSeries servers acting as SP Nodes. They run PSSP, PE, ParESSL,
etc. Server M80 or 6M1 with 8 processors roughly is having same performance
as High Node. But they are "Cluster 1600" not SP. So we should count
several Tier 2 licenses instead of one Tier 3. But if nodes are fully
loaded S80,S85 or pSeries 690 we go to several Tier 3 licenses.

If we go to Wanda's answer - when failover occurs the failing node was
active within last 30 days so counts for a license (MgSysSAN!) and the
surviving node just started to access the SAN so will need second license ?
If we count three nodes it will be cheaper - 2xSAN vs. 1xSAN+2xLAN. But
which is the correct configuration?

do not forget that Tivoli sales people are human beings as we are. They can
also make mistakes. And as we see here there is very easy both to be right
and wrong. We are shooting in the darkness. Look the results Bill and
Daniel got - same question, two different answers. Are both salespersons
right, one is wrong (wh

Fwd: Tivoli Alert for 1/17/02

2002-01-18 Thread Mahesh Tailor

In case you missed it, I got the attached alert in my email from Tivoli regarding TSM 
4.x on Windows and Ultrium tape storage.

Hope it helps.


--- Begin Message ---

To see alerts from the past weeks, go to


Tivoli Storage Manager V4.1 and V4.2 Servers on Windows 2000 with IBM
Ultrium  tape drives and lanfree feature
Users of Windows 2000 and IBM Ultrium tape drives with Tivoli Storage
Manager (TSM) V4.1 and V4.2 lanfree functions please read important news

--- End Message ---

Excluding Files from backup on Different Days.

2002-01-18 Thread Gent, Chad E.

Hello All,

I have a TSM Client 4.2.1 on Windows NT 4.  I would like to exclude all PST
files in my backup. (exclude ?:*.pst) But now management has requested that
we  backup these files once a week.  Is there a way in my option file or on
the TSM Server that I can set this up to backup my pst files once a week.

Any help would be great!


Re: versioning / expiring / multiple backups under same nodename

2002-01-18 Thread Anderson F. Nobre


> I have a customer who wishes to assess the maximum risk he would incurr in
> the following situation;
> We have a copygroup for backup set for 31 day point-in-time recovery. We
> not have nolimit for any copygoup parameters - we assume there will only
> a single backup each day.
> The customer has a 5 node cluster. 1 -> 4 are production machines, 5 is a
> failover machine.
> They would like to know the risk involved when, should a machine be failed
> over to 5, they back up the data now visible to 5 under the nodename of 5
> instead of the original machines nodename, & the original machine
> to run a backup as well (this would only see local disk, as a portion of
> failed over machines disk is now visible to 5, and hence mark all the
> non-visible files as inactive)
> We have told them backups would become inconsistent within filespaces that
> have the same names across machines, and showed them how fiddly it would
> to restore a machine if they had only had one failover occurr in a 31 day
> period. They would like to know exactly what the risks are if they have
> multiple failovers within a month, and have multiple machines backing up
> same-named files under a single nodename!!
It depends how the cluster is configured. The TSM Client must be part of the
resource group and inside of dsm.sys you must create several stanzas with
the TCPPort and nodename forced to diferent numbers and names. And when you
start the TSM Client Scheduler you must force the right dsm.opt
with -optfile option.

> They won't take 'It won't work' as a answer, they would like to know how
> will impact the point in time restore capability for a particular machine,
> if they keep track of what machines failed over when.
> As far as I can work out with pen&paper, in a worst case, for a 3 machine
> cluster where 1 & 2 can failover to 3 at any time, the maximum impact
> be to reduce the point-in-time restore capability for a particular machine
> by the number of days that machines have been failed over to 3 in the last
> 31 day period, because files with the same path filename on machines 1 and
> would expire early if they change more often on one machine than they do
> another.
It's impossible two machines failover at same time to a third machine if the
first two have the same filesystems. They even would import the VGs. You
must check if this information it's true.

> I get a headache if I try and extend this to a 5 machine cluster.
> do you other TSM'ers agree?
Yes, to mange would be a little bit hard. But the client probably has good
administrators. Or in worst case you can sell a support contract to
administer his environment. :-)

> and, I know from our perspective this is a 'silly' thing to work out
> they should listen to the advice of the people that know & switch to
> things up correctly, but they are insisting they have this info...
> Any help is much appreciated!
> Thankyou,
> Matt.

Re: Changing Retention

2002-01-18 Thread Deshpande, Kirti

We thought about that. But the archived set uses the default Mgmt Class
which is used by several other archive jobs. The need was to selectively
change the retention of this set of files to over 1 year.
It's not a big deal to re-archive it as the set is not that large to handle.

- Kirti

-Original Message-
From: Steve Harris [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2002 9:15 PM
Subject: Re: Changing Retention

If the situation is a short term one time thing, you can change your
management class retention period for the affected management calss until
the need has passed and then change it back.

Whilst I have a lot of management classes for ad-hoc archives arch_1M,
arch_1y and so on, for any application that has an archive requirement I
give them their own archive management class  that is named by function
rather than retention period specifically so that it can be changed easily
when requirements change

Steve Harris
AIX and TSM Admin
Queensland Health, Brisbane Australia

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Schedule Question

2002-01-18 Thread Mark Bertrand

Hi All,

I'll try to keep this short... In setting up a schedule for a TDP exchange
database backup in TSM, if I select the action to be INCREMENTAL but my
Objects line launches my .cmd script which reads:
 start /B tdpexcc backup * full /tsmoptfile=dsm.opt /logfile=excsch.log >
Which takes precedence? and if it is the cmd script how do I actually do an
incremental, do I put "start /B tdpexcc backup * incr" or something like
Also, is it advisable and possible to run daily incrementals and weekly
fulls of my databases?
Thanks again to all, this discussion group has been a very educational tool.


Re: Ejecting a Tape (Category FF00) from 3494 Library

2002-01-18 Thread Seay, Paul

The MTLIB command is all that can manage a tape that TSM does not know about
or manage.  Unfortunately, the tape was in what is called a unprocessable
state when a CE does something like this.  The 3494 Library Manual and the
its procedures were the ticket here.

-Original Message-
From: mobeenm [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2002 3:47 AM
Subject: Re: Ejecting a Tape (Category FF00) from 3494 Library

Well yes this could have happened had the tape belonged to the library.
Actually the tape that was having problem did not belong to any storage pool
and did not have any data in it (It was a scratch tape) as a result i did
not have to run UPDATE/DELETE and MOVE VOLUME commands.

I would suspect that this happened as this scratch tape was damaged. I was
just not comfortable about the fact that the library manager was showing up
a volume to be in library at X X XX location while it was outside and
damaged in reality.

Thank you again.


-Original Message-
From: Seay, Paul [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2002 1:55 PM
Subject: Re: Ejecting a Tape (Category FF00) from 3494 Library

The inventory had to be an offline inventory probably to cover your scenario
which is nasty.  Like we said the CE did the wrong thing.  An offline
inventory should have put the tape in a status of missing (not FF00).
However, your issue was in TSM all along.  If you had marked the tape as
unavailable in TSM with the


as appropriate you would have not had a problem with TSM.  It depends on the
state the volume is in at the time of the condition.

However, if it bothers you that the tape would be in the library inventory
as missing, then the way you did it is the only way to fix the problem.

-Original Message-
From: mobeenm [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2002 12:14 AM
Subject: Re: Ejecting a Tape (Category FF00) from 3494 Library

Thanks for the responses. I tried to do Patrial Inventory Update on the LM
followed by Full Inventory Update on LM and it did not work. Then i inserted
the damaged tape into recovery bin and put back the library to AUTO after
the gripper completed the inventory check, i used the following mtlib

root:>#mtlib -l/dev/lmcp0 -C -VS02534 -s FF00 -t FF10

and the tape was ejected. The problem is now resolved.


-Original Message-
From: Seay, Paul [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2002 7:36 AM
Subject: Re: Ejecting a Tape (Category FF00) from 3494 Library

The Library Manager has a command option to inventory the library or a
section of it.

-Original Message-
From: Bill Mansfield [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2002 2:29 PM
Subject: Re: Ejecting a Tape (Category FF00) from 3494 Library

Sorry, misunderstood.  I don't think you can kick off an inventory from
mtlib...I normally just pause the library and open and close one of the
front doors.  Low tech but effective.

William Mansfield
Senior Consultant
Solution Technology, Inc

Sent by: cc:
"ADSM: Dist  Subject: Re: Ejecting a Tape
(Category FF00) from 3494 Library
Stor Manager"

12:54 PM
Please respond
to "ADSM: Dist
Stor Manager"

 The command you gave me returns a current inventory of the Library.
I'm looking for a command that will re-inventory the library.

"Bill Mansfield" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@VM.MARIST.EDU> on
01/16/2002 12:15:18 PM

Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent by:  "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Subject:  Re: Ejecting a Tape (Category FF00) from 3494 Library

mtlib -l /dev/lmcp0 -qI

William Mansfield
Senior Consultant
Solution Technology, Inc

Sent by: cc:
"ADSM: Dist  Subject: Re: Ejecting a Tape
(Category FF00) from 3494 Library
Stor Manager"

10:45 AM
Please respond
to "ADSM: Dist
Stor Manager"

Does anyone know how to initiate the Library inventory via the command line
such as the Mtlib command?


Re: Software/Hardware compression?

2002-01-18 Thread Ford, Phillip

We have some very large oracle databases.  Most of these compress very well.
We did test with and without client compression.  The rule we used for best
is the total elapsed time.  These were going to disk pools.  We always got
better results with client compression than without.  As an added benefit,
our disk pools could be smaller and there was less bandwidth taken up on our
network.  Sounds like a win,win,win for us.

My two cents worth

Phillip Ford
Senior Software Specialist
Corporate Computer Center
Schering-Plough Corp.
(901) 320-4462
(901) 320-4856 FAX

-Original Message-
From: Kelly Lipp [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2002 7:23 PM
Subject: Re: Software/Hardware compression?

One of the reason folks consider compression is to reduce backup times on
the client side.  However, I have never seen a case where compressing on the
client reduced the backup time.  Never.  Always longer.  Always.

I concur with Wanda's assessment: if you need the space in the disk pool,
then perhaps compress (this is also handled automatically by migration so
who cares!).

Kelly J. Lipp
Storage Solutions Specialists, Inc.
PO Box 51313
Colorado Springs, CO 80949
Fax: (240)539-7175

-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
Prather, Wanda
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2002 10:01 AM
Subject: Re: Software/Hardware compression?

It's not that bad, and not that big a deal.

If you look around, you can find individual files that will expand due to
compressing a second time (and it doesn't matter whether it's hardware or
software compression the second time).

But I've done testing with 3490 & 9840 technology, and if you are backing up
a lot of generic systems like Windows and Unix file servers and print
servers, overall I wouldn't worry about it.  You won't get much ADDITIONAL
compression the second time; probably 5-10% at most, but overall it's not
likely to hurt you either.

If you are backing up a system that contains a large application of MOSTLY
compressed files (say a web server that stores zillions of compressed
graphics files) you might have reason to be concerned and do some testing on
that system before turning on TSM software compression.

In general:

TSM software compression will slow down the throughput for Backup and
Restore on the client end.

If you have LOTS of clients, so you need to save space in your disk pool,
then use compression on the client.
If you are sending over a slow link, then use compression on the client.

If you have enough space in your disk pool and no bottleneck in your
network, don't use compression on the client.

If you have a client with an unusual application that has much
pre-compressed data, test before you decide.

-Original Message-
From: Jason Stoessler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2002 11:21 AM
Subject: Software/Hardware compression?

Hi All,
I know in other products that you can not run software compression and
hardware compression concurrently.  I have been told that it results in the
files reverting to an almost uncompressed state.
What I need is to know if the same applies to TSM.  My company are thinking
of purchasing TSM so if anyone knows of an official statement from
IBM/Tivoli that I can be referred to that would be appreciated.
The software platform will be Solaris and the autochanger is an STK L700
with 9840 fibre drives TSM

Jason Stoessler
Guardian iT

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Re: Need info on Tivoli v Backup Exec

2002-01-18 Thread Seay, Paul

This is like asking about a 18 wheeler versus a push scooter.  What are you
really interested in finding out?

-Original Message-
From: Hugo Badenhorst [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2002 2:04 AM
Subject: Need info on Tivoli v Backup Exec

Running WinNt and 2000 + SQL 6.5 , SQL 7 and SQL 2000 + Exchange 5.5 and

Hugo Badenhorst
+27 11 285 5587
+27 083 442 4958

Re: Easy way to Move Tape Volume between pools ?

2002-01-18 Thread Daniel Sparrman


I'm guessing you want to move volumes along with the data stored on them?
In this case, it's not possible.

If you're meaning that you wish to move volumes between libraries with the
same format, that shouldn't be a problem.

Best Regards

Daniel Sparrman
Daniel Sparrman
Exist i Stockholm AB
Bergkällavägen 31D
Växel: 08 - 754 98 00
Mobil: 070 - 399 27 51


"Seay, Paul"   


Sent by: Subject: Re: Easy way to Move Tape Volume 
between pools ? 
"ADSM: Dist

Stor Manager"  








respond to 

"ADSM: Dist

Stor Manager"  



Reclamation is the only other thing that can cause a tape to return to the
scratch pool so the tape will move to another storage pool that I know of.

-Original Message-
From: Henk ten Have [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2002 7:02 AM
Subject: Re: Easy way to Move Tape Volume between pools ?

On 18-Jan-02 BENTON Michael wrote:
> ADSM server (Yep! some of us are a long way behind.)
> Does anyone know of a way to move tape volumes between storage
> pools, without having to do a "move data" operation on each tape ?

Six years ago I should have known the answer;-)

Henk ten Have.

Re: Easy way to Move Tape Volume between pools ?

2002-01-18 Thread Seay, Paul

Reclamation is the only other thing that can cause a tape to return to the
scratch pool so the tape will move to another storage pool that I know of.

-Original Message-
From: Henk ten Have [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2002 7:02 AM
Subject: Re: Easy way to Move Tape Volume between pools ?

On 18-Jan-02 BENTON Michael wrote:
> ADSM server (Yep! some of us are a long way behind.)
> Does anyone know of a way to move tape volumes between storage
> pools, without having to do a "move data" operation on each tape ?

Six years ago I should have known the answer;-)

Henk ten Have.

Re: How to bind bind PRESCHED/POSTSCHED commands to one particular schedule?

2002-01-18 Thread Michel Engels

the preschedulecommand can be specified in the options of the defined schedule.
Code something as:

Policy Domain Name: ...
action: inceremental
options: -preschedulecmd='/admin/local/scripts/'

TSM Consultant
Devoteam Belgium

Guenther Bergmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 01/18/2002 12:17:02

Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

cc:(bcc: Michel Engels/BE/Devoteam)

Subject:  How to bind bind PRESCHED/POSTSCHED commands to one particular

Hi TSM'ers,

i have a client with 3 associated client schedules. Now i am in the need to
define a PRESCHEDULECMD and a POSTSCHEDULECMD for one particular schedule. These
commands should not be executed before/after the other two schedules. AFAIK, the
PRESCHEDULECMD/POSTSCHEDULECMD entries in dsm.sys are related to all schedules.
Some hint on this ?

Thanks in advance


Guenther Bergmann
UNIX Systemadministration
PrintCom Service Zentrum Frankfurt  +49 (0)69 / 272 86-439
Deutsche Post AG * Printcom Service Zentrum * Gutleutstr. 340-344* 60327

Re: How to bind bind PRESCHED/POSTSCHED commands to one particula r schedule?

2002-01-18 Thread Lambelet,Rene,VEVEY,GL-IS/CIS


2 solutions: 

have 2 different schedules, one with 1 node , one with 2 nodes or
code empty scripts/batch as PRESCHEDULECMD and POSTSCHEDULECMD on the 2
nodes where you want no commands.


>   René Lambelet
>   Center Information System, Nestec Ltd
>   tel + 41 21 924 3543
>   fax + 41 21 924 1369
> visit the Nestle site:
> -Original Message-
> From: Guenther Bergmann [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, January 18, 2002 12:17 PM
> Subject:  How to bind bind PRESCHED/POSTSCHED commands to one
> particular schedule?
> Hi TSM'ers,
> i have a client with 3 associated client schedules. Now i am in the need
> to
> define a PRESCHEDULECMD and a POSTSCHEDULECMD for one particular schedule.
> These
> commands should not be executed before/after the other two schedules.
> AFAIK, the
> PRESCHEDULECMD/POSTSCHEDULECMD entries in dsm.sys are related to all
> schedules.
> Some hint on this ?
> Thanks in advance
> Guenther
> --
> Guenther Bergmann
> UNIX Systemadministration
> PrintCom Service Zentrum Frankfurt  +49 (0)69 / 272 86-439
> Deutsche Post AG * Printcom Service Zentrum * Gutleutstr. 340-344* 60327
> Frankfurt/M

Re: Easy way to Move Tape Volume between pools ?

2002-01-18 Thread Henk ten Have

On 18-Jan-02 BENTON Michael wrote:
> ADSM server (Yep! some of us are a long way behind.)
> Does anyone know of a way to move tape volumes between storage
> pools, without having to do a "move data" operation on each tape ?

Six years ago I should have known the answer;-)

Henk ten Have.

Re: Netware 5.1 & 4.2.1 Client

2002-01-18 Thread Bruce Kamp

I'm running support pack 3 with the latest tsa's
tsands.nlm v10110.39e 11/14/01
tsa500.nlm v5.05 9/12/01
smdr.nlm v5.06 8/20/01

Client 4.2.1

-Original Message-
From: Remeta, Mark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2002 12:30 PM
Subject: Re: Netware 5.1 & 4.2.1 Client

Denis, what version of support pack are you running?
Were running on 5.1 and we can backup the NDS without errors.
What's the version of your tsa500.nlm, tsands.nlm and smdr.nlm???


-Original Message-
From: Denis L'Huillier [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2002 12:09 PM
Subject: Re: Netware 5.1 & 4.2.1 Client

Yes, I currently have a PMR opened with Tivoli.
I'm warning you.. it's ugly.

Tivoli - NDS Transport is a Novell error which Tivoli is only reporting it.

Novell - NDS Transport errors are being generated by Tivoli not interfacing
properly with Novell.

Tivoli - They have no documentation or information from Novell as to what
the NDS Transport message
is actuall complaining about.

Novell - They cannot perform any further diagnosis until they recieve a
core dump.

So, what do we do?  We still get the errors but no core dumps.  So, we
paitently wait for
one of our servers to crash so we can have Novell identify what the problem
Hat's off to Novell's support orginazation..  They don't know what THEIR
error is and
cannot do anything else until our server core dumps... great.

I must say, Tivoli support has been excellent.  TSM Support has followed up
more on this
problem with Novell then I have.

My temporary solution -
Exclude NDS on all Novell servers running 5.1 tsm 4.2
Include it on one of our Novell 4.1 TSM 4.1.3 servers where NDS is
replicated to.

We now only back up NDS on 1 server (which isn't the best but works for

If you have any better luck please let me know!
Good Luck.


Denis L. L'Huiller
Enterprise Storage Forms ->

Bruce Kamp
T>   cc:
Sent by: Subject: Netware 5.1 & 4.2.1
"ADSM: Dist
Stor Manager"

11:40 AM
respond to
"ADSM: Dist
Stor Manager"

Has anybody seen these errors backing up an NDS tree?

01/17/2002 11:35:28 ANS1870E NDS transport failure FFFDFEAF has occurred.
Please contact Novell to resolve it.

01/17/2002 11:35:29 ANS1228E Sending of object
'.[Root].O=SBHD.OU=ZEN_APPLICATIONS.CN=Wincmd32_403' failed
01/17/2002 11:35:29 Skip current operation
Report how you got this


Bruce Kamp
Network Analyst II
Memorial Healthcare System
P: (954)987-2020 x6008
F: (954)985-2274

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please delete this material immediately.

Easy way to Move Tape Volume between pools ?

2002-01-18 Thread BENTON Michael


ADSM server (Yep! some of us are a long way behind.)

Does anyone know of a way to move tape volumes between storage
pools, without having to do a "move data" operation on each tape ?


Michael Benton

This e-mail has been scanned for all viruses by Star Internet. The service is powered 
by MessageLabs. For more information on a proactive anti-virus service working around 
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versioning / expiring / multiple backups under same nodename

2002-01-18 Thread Warren, Matthew James

Hi TSM'ers,

(this ones a little long winded, sorry :)   )

I have a customer who wishes to assess the maximum risk he would incurr in
the following situation;

We have a copygroup for backup set for 31 day point-in-time recovery. We do
not have nolimit for any copygoup parameters - we assume there will only be
a single backup each day.

The customer has a 5 node cluster. 1 -> 4 are production machines, 5 is a
failover machine.

They would like to know the risk involved when, should a machine be failed
over to 5, they back up the data now visible to 5 under the nodename of 5
instead of the original machines nodename, & the original machine continues
to run a backup as well (this would only see local disk, as a portion of the
failed over machines disk is now visible to 5, and hence mark all the
non-visible files as inactive)

We have told them backups would become inconsistent within filespaces that
have the same names across machines, and showed them how fiddly it would be
to restore a machine if they had only had one failover occurr in a 31 day
period. They would like to know exactly what the risks are if they have
multiple failovers within a month, and have multiple machines backing up
same-named files under a single nodename!!

They won't take 'It won't work' as a answer, they would like to know how it
will impact the point in time restore capability for a particular machine,
if they keep track of what machines failed over when.

As far as I can work out with pen&paper, in a worst case, for a 3 machine
cluster where 1 & 2 can failover to 3 at any time, the maximum impact would
be to reduce the point-in-time restore capability for a particular machine
by the number of days that machines have been failed over to 3 in the last
31 day period, because files with the same path filename on machines 1 and 2
would expire early if they change more often on one machine than they do on

I get a headache if I try and extend this to a 5 machine cluster.

do you other TSM'ers agree?

and, I know from our perspective this is a 'silly' thing to work out because
they should listen to the advice of the people that know & switch to backing
things up correctly, but they are insisting they have this info...

Any help is much appreciated!


How to bind bind PRESCHED/POSTSCHED commands to one particular schedule?

2002-01-18 Thread Guenther Bergmann

Hi TSM'ers,

i have a client with 3 associated client schedules. Now i am in the need to
define a PRESCHEDULECMD and a POSTSCHEDULECMD for one particular schedule. These
commands should not be executed before/after the other two schedules. AFAIK, the
PRESCHEDULECMD/POSTSCHEDULECMD entries in dsm.sys are related to all schedules.
Some hint on this ?

Thanks in advance


Guenther Bergmann
UNIX Systemadministration
PrintCom Service Zentrum Frankfurt  +49 (0)69 / 272 86-439
Deutsche Post AG * Printcom Service Zentrum * Gutleutstr. 340-344* 60327

Re: 4 mm internal tape problems

2002-01-18 Thread Herfried Abel

Maybe its because the DEVICE TYPE in the DEVICE CLASS and the DRIVE

Henrik Hansson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@VM.MARIST.EDU> on 18.01.2002

Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent by:  "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Subject:  4 mm internal tape problems

Hello fellows

I have  a bit of a problem, the scenario is as follows.

We are running AIX 4.3.3 and have recently moved from ADSM 3.xx to TSM 4.2.
Attached is a IBM 3583 Ultrium tape robot.

The 3583 is working fine and I can do backups.
For my database backups I used the internal 4 mm tape station in ADSM and
thought I'd continue doing that in TSM (or is it better to use the 3583 LTO
robot?). I have defined a device class for the 4mm and a Manual library and
drive. How ever when I try to make a DB backup I get the error below,
insufficient mount points. This worked fine in ADSM before on the same Unix
I cant figure out why.
The 4 mm was installed and defined before the TSM server was installed. Do
I need to remove the device defenition in AIX and redefine it? Or is it
simply an error in my setup?

Anyone have any ideas?

Below is my config.

01/18/02   10:19:29  ANR4571E Database backup/restore terminated -
number of mount points available for removable media.

Library Name: MANUAL_4MM
Library Type: MANUAL
Private Category:
Scratch Category:
External Manager:
Shared: No

Device class;
Device Class Name: MANUAL_DRIVE
Device Access Strategy: Sequential
Storage Pool Count: 0
Device Type: 4MM
Format: DRIVE
Est/Max Capacity (MB):
Mount Limit: 1
Mount Wait (min): 60
Mount Retention (min): 60
Label Prefix: ADSM
Library: MANUAL_4MM
Server Name:
Retry Period:
Retry Interval:
Last Update by (administrator): ADMIN
Last Update Date/Time: 01/06/02   13:42:05

Library Name: MANUAL_4MM
On-Line: Yes
Device: /dev/rmt0
Allocated to:
Last Update by (administrator): ADMIN
Last Update Date/Time: 01/06/02   13:35:57
Cleaning Frequency (Gigabytes/ASNEEDED/NONE): NONE

Med vänliga hälsningar / Best Regards
Henrik Hansson
Albany Door Systems  AB

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Re: TSM Server on Windows - Does it work?

2002-01-18 Thread Remco Post

> Well this is not the case Daniel. I do have Unix experience. With Sun's
> version of Unix before it became Solaris, SunOS, with SCO Unix, with DEC
> Ultrix and another company who's no longer in business Convergent. I don't
> remember what they called it. I've used X-Terminals on my desktop before
> PC's became vogue. Shoot I even modified DEC's install script to support
> third party drives with Ultrix. Windows is everything Unix should be, easy
> to use, powerful... I think many so called 'Unix specialists' are just
> jealous that mom and pop from down the street can setup Windows in an
> afternoon and do everything that the specialists took 3 days to get running
> on Unix.

Ah, you have ancient unix experience. Don't forget, Unix didn't stop evolving when you 
stopped administrating it. Setting up a Solaris box takes me under 30 minutes of 
manual labour, that includes unpacking, phisical installation, DNS changes and 
connecting it to a network. My very experinced NT collegues still need about half a 
day to do the same. Of course these are avarages on about 200 installs we do every 
year on each platform. This is all thanks to the much better tools we have on Solaris 
than there ever were available for SunOS 4.x. This is about the same for about every 
Unix on the market.

I guess the main issue is, what are you most confertable with. In your case, that is 
NT. So go for it. TSM won't stop you and W2K is quite stable, so there is no real 
problem, unless your site is huge, and you require more that 8 CPUs in your TSM server.

Met vriendelijke groeten,

Remco Post

SARA - Stichting Academisch Rekencentrum Amsterdam
High Performance Computing  Tel. +31 20 592 8008Fax. +31 20 668 3167

"I really didn't foresee the Internet. But then, neither did the computer
industry. Not that that tells us very much of course - the computer industry
didn't even foresee that the century was going to end." -- Douglas Adams

AW: Subfile Backup Experience

2002-01-18 Thread Stefan Holzwarth

During testing i realized, that i can only restore files (with
subbackup-parts) to with i have full NT access rights. (I am working local
as administrator)
Typicaly i do not have that rights for private (pst) files.
Is this right?

Regards Stefan Holzwarth

P.S i found the "testflag" issue in a paper at tivoli with the title: (I
lost the link)
"Tivoli Storage Manager"
"Adaptive Sub-file Differencing and Encryption for Mobile and Remote

> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Prather, Wanda [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 10. Januar 2002 19:28
> Betreff: Re: Subfile Backup Experience
> That sounds good. I have read the docs about Subfilebackup 
> and have 2 more
> questions.
> what about the TESTFLAG Takeownership for dsm.opt is 
> it still in
> devolpment, does it work,?
> (i'm a little confused about the name testflag) I'm 
> aware about the
> problem moving the rebuild file
> from the tsmtmp directory to its original location. 
> >> Sorry I don't know anything about that what it 
> is?  We've had
> no problems with backups or RESTORES using subfilebackup.  
> how you should handle the client cache? Should it be 
> excluded from
> normal backup? 
> Are the files in it automaticaly deleted after some 
> time or does the
> tsm client wait until the cache size limit 
> is reached? In my testenvironment i have many many 
> small files in my
> cache dir, although there are only little changes.
> >> Yes, the client cache should be excluded from 
> backups.  It says
> that somewhere in the white paper, I think.  As far as I can 
> tell, stuff is
> only purged from the cache when you hit the cache size limit. 
>   ( BTW, if
> you only turn on .pst files for subfile backups, what are all 
> those files in
> your cache?)  But the cache is only used during backup, not 
> restores.  I
> tried everything I could think of to damage the cache, 
> including blowing it
> away entirely.  If you hurt it, it just means that the next 
> time you do a
> backup, TSM starts over with "full" file backup of all files, 
> just like the
> first time you ever did it.  So I haven't found any way to break it.
> **
> **
> Wanda Prather
> The Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab
> 443-778-8769
> "Intelligence has much less practical application than you'd think" -
> Scott Adams/Dilbert
> **
> **
> With regards,
> Stefan Holzwarth
> > -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> > Von: Prather, Wanda [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Gesendet: Mittwoch, 9. Januar 2002 19:50
> > Betreff: Re: Subfile Backup Experience
> > 
> > 
> > One of our TSM servers backs up approx. 350 Wintel desktops 
> > nightly, plus
> > about 30 Windows & UNIX servers.
> > 
> > Our users keep their .pst files on their desktops, rather 
> than on the
> > fileserver.  Our daily load has been growing steadily, 
> > doubling every year,
> > and I determined that the biggest chunk of the growth was 
> > those .pst files. 
> > 
> > I turned on subfile backup last Nov. 1 for all our desktops 
> > via a client
> > option set.  I let it grab everything, not just the .pst 
> > files, and it has
> > dropped my daily load by about 30%!  
> > 
> > Haven't had ANY problem with it.  I tested extensively on 
> > .pst files of my
> > own, and I haven't been able to break it.  And we have 
> > successfully done 4
> > bare-metal restores since implementing it.  I'm a happy camper!
> > 
> > TSM 4.1.3 for AIX; all TSM clients are 4.2.0; desktops are 
> > WIn2K PRO SP1 &
> > SP2.
> > **
> > **
> > Wanda Prather
> > The Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab
> > 443-778-8769
> > 
> > "Intelligence has much less practical application than 
> you'd think" -
> > Scott Adams/Dilbert
> > **
> > **
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Stefan Holzwarth [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2002 6:33 AM
> > Subject: Subfile Backup Experience
> > 
> > 
> > Currently i have problems to backup a fileserver with many 
> > large pst files
> > (Outlook)
> > The incremental has to save nearly 25% of the whole data 
> > every night over a
> > 2 MBit line.
> > I wonder if it is a good idea to use subfilebackup feature 
> > only for pst
> > Files with
> > 
> > exclude.subfile "*"
> > include.subfile  "?:\...\*.pst"
> > 
> > Does anyone has experience doing subfilebackup for fileservers?
> > 
> > With Regards 
> > 
> > Stefan Holzwarth
> > 
> > --
> > --
> > --
> > St

4 mm internal tape problems

2002-01-18 Thread Henrik Hansson

Hello fellows

I have  a bit of a problem, the scenario is as follows.

We are running AIX 4.3.3 and have recently moved from ADSM 3.xx to TSM 4.2.
Attached is a IBM 3583 Ultrium tape robot.

The 3583 is working fine and I can do backups.
For my database backups I used the internal 4 mm tape station in ADSM and
thought I'd continue doing that in TSM (or is it better to use the 3583 LTO
robot?). I have defined a device class for the 4mm and a Manual library and
drive. How ever when I try to make a DB backup I get the error below,
insufficient mount points. This worked fine in ADSM before on the same Unix
I cant figure out why.
The 4 mm was installed and defined before the TSM server was installed. Do
I need to remove the device defenition in AIX and redefine it? Or is it
simply an error in my setup?

Anyone have any ideas?

Below is my config.

01/18/02   10:19:29  ANR4571E Database backup/restore terminated -
number of mount points available for removable media.

Library Name: MANUAL_4MM
Library Type: MANUAL
Private Category:
Scratch Category:
External Manager:
Shared: No

Device class;
Device Class Name: MANUAL_DRIVE
Device Access Strategy: Sequential
Storage Pool Count: 0
Device Type: 4MM
Format: DRIVE
Est/Max Capacity (MB):
Mount Limit: 1
Mount Wait (min): 60
Mount Retention (min): 60
Label Prefix: ADSM
Library: MANUAL_4MM
Server Name:
Retry Period:
Retry Interval:
Last Update by (administrator): ADMIN
Last Update Date/Time: 01/06/02   13:42:05

Library Name: MANUAL_4MM
On-Line: Yes
Device: /dev/rmt0
Allocated to:
Last Update by (administrator): ADMIN
Last Update Date/Time: 01/06/02   13:35:57
Cleaning Frequency (Gigabytes/ASNEEDED/NONE): NONE

Med vänliga hälsningar / Best Regards
Henrik Hansson
Albany Door Systems  AB

[no subject]

2002-01-18 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson

I have expirience in both AIX and Windows and I would recomend to you to
have Your TSM Server in the environment you are confortable with, But.
AIX works and performs better than Windows but that´s mainly because the
Backup system was written for the AIX environment and then compiled over to
The Windows server needs more maintenance, but the AIX Server need
maintenance too, so unless you have good experience in the OS or have good
support on it close by, don´t go to AIX.
The worst thing about TSM on Windows is that you need a more CPU power than
you need on the AIX, and the TSM Server seems to hang from time to time when
you are working on it. Exaple, last week i was extending the database and
the TSM Server froze, that would never had happend if it where AIX.
I have been supporting TSM in all kind of OS for a long time and my opinion
is this.

On the scale from 1 to 10
Performance10  6
Maintenance  5 4
Up-Time   10  6
User-Friendly   310
Low-End-Enviroment  99

So the bottom line is if you are going to need Cluster, HACP (The AIX
Cluster), and you think you are going to support a Large Network where the
Load and Perfomance on youre TSM Server is 24/7, Don´t go to Windows, you
will have to mutch trouble maintaning the Windows version of TSM.
But if youre TSM Server isn´t going to bee that big than chose Windows, it´s
mutch simpler in maintenance and easy to use.

Where i mean big networks i am meaning an enviorment where you are going to
have more then 2 TSM Server´s with Server to Server and or in a Cluster env,
more than 4 LTO or 6 DLT or  8 Magstar drives, a library that holdes more
than 10 Ters of data and finaly a Server that has more than 50 gigs of
If youre network sounds something like this i recomend AIX. this senario is
complex and it is alsow complex in maintenance so then youre TCO "Total Cost
of Ownership" will benefit to hire a AIX expirienced Unix Specialist rather
than take on a journey with Windows where youre budged goes down the drain
in maintenance cost.

Petur Eythorsson
IBM Certified Specialist - AIX
Tivoli Storage Manager Certified Professional
Microsoft Certified System Engineer


 Nyherji Hf  Simi TEL: +354-569-7700
 Borgartun 37105 Iceland

Re: TSM Server on Windows - Does it work?

2002-01-18 Thread Daniel Sparrman
HiIf Windows is everything UNIX would like to be, how come Windows has something called a blue screen? Haven't the UNIX programmers had the time to develop this yet?And, on Windows, there's a new security patch each day. Is this just to tighten security, or is it bugs? UNIX doesn't have something called Windows update. Is this to ease up the way you have to update the servers each day?UNIX has been here since 1960:s. Windows has been here since 1994(if you don't count Windows 286, which I don't).Somehow, I think some people are just to in love with GUI and wizards. This is somethings that doesn't counter when there's a real disaster, Then you want high performance and reliability.Best RegardsDaniel Sparrman---Daniel SparrmanExist i Stockholm ABBergkällavägen 31D192 79 SOLLENTUNAVäxel: 08 - 754 98 00Mobil: 070 - 399 27 51 "Remeta, Mark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>2002-01-17 12:03 ESTPlease respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] cc:  bcc:  Subject: Re: TSM Server on Windows - Does it work? Well this is not the case Daniel. I do have Unix experience. With Sun'sversion of Unix before it became Solaris, SunOS, with SCO Unix, with DECUltrix and another company who's no longer in business Convergent. I don'tremember what they called it. I've used X-Terminals on my desktop beforePC's became vogue. Shoot I even modified DEC's install script to supportthird party drives with Ultrix. Windows is everything Unix should be, easyto use, powerful... I think many so called 'Unix specialists' are justjealous that mom and pop from down the street can setup Windows in anafternoon and do everything that the specialists took 3 days to get runningon Unix.-Original Message-From: Daniel Sparrman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2002 11:24 AMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: TSM Server on Windows - Does it work?Normally, this opinion is because you don't have any experience using UNIX.If you we're a unix specialist, what would you prefer? NT or UNIX?The performance gain using UNIX vs NT is not that high when using a smallamount of clients.However, using a large amount of clients, over 100, gains a lot ofperformance.At the customer I earlier described, we had to use an NT server temporary,because there was a slight delay in the delivery of the UNIX machine.The NT machine could backup machines in the morning, while users wereworking.If I were to backup a 100 clients in morning using the UNIX machine,everything else would stop, because the UNIX machine has a lot higherthroughput.The customer had a T/R bridge, and when we started backing up with the UNIXmachine, we got the comment from the network guy that the bridge had neverbeen so highly utilized.Best RegardsDaniel SparrmanPS This question has been on the ADSM.ORG list before. Which operatingsystem you choose to use is normally based on what knowledge you have.---Daniel SparrmanExist i Stockholm ABBergkällavägen 31D192 79 SOLLENTUNAVäxel: 08 - 754 98 00Mobil: 070 - 399 27 51                    "Remeta, Mark"                                        NDATA.COM>              cc:                    Sent by: "ADSM:         Subject:     Re: TSM Server onWindows - Does it work?                    Dist Stor                    Manager"                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                    T.EDU>                    2002-01-17 17:23                    Please respond                    to "ADSM: Dist                    Stor Manager"If I had a choice between unix and nt I would choose nt every time. It'smuch easier to use and the much ballyhooed performance gained by using unixis not that great.Mark-Original Message-From: Daniel Sparrman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2002 4:57 AMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: TSM Server on Windows - Does it work?The cost of an HP LXr8500 with the configuration descripted shouldn't bemuch lower than a UNIX box with comparable performance.For example and IBM P-Series 610 with PowerPC processors running at 450Mhzwould require 2 processor card to be comparable toand 8-way HP intel machine.So, please don't say that a UNIX box is MUCH more expensive.What you have done is to maximize an intel machine. If you were to maximizeand UNIX box, it could probably handle as least 10 times the amount ofclients. And, then it would be much more expensive.But that isn't what we're talking about.We have a single processor machine running 180 servers, with about500-600GB of incremental data each night.This machine is half asleep when running backups. Thats the difference inperformance. Everybody knows, that if you put an intel machine against aUNIX machine and compare I/O performance, the UNIX machine will outrun theintel box without any problems.And, almost all work that a TSM servers is doing, is related to I/O (disktransactions, db transactions, migration and so on...).Best RegardsDaniel S