Re: UNITE! Info #19en: 1/4 Social-imperialism's Afghan war [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK

2001-12-11 Thread cube321


  I favour neither of the two. So-called  revenge never solved a thing... 

On 10 Dec 01, at 22:31, Rolf Martens wrote:

 At 14:32 2001-12-10 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Let's hope that the present-day Najibullahs, whether they
 are quislings of the Russian new tsarists or of the US
 imperialists (or of both), will meet with the same fate,
 and not only those in Afghanistan either.
 Rolf M.
 I believe that this form of justice was invented in the wild west...
 Well, yes, I see what you mean. That crook Najibullah didn't get
 a proper trial. I hold that killing him just like that was a good
 thing anyway - the facts in that case were very clear to all.
 Proper trials *are* better of course. This is my opinion too.
 My infamous ex-countryman Vidkun Quisling, for instance,
 that original colleague of Najibullah, did get one, back in
 1945-46, and was duly hung, according to all rules and
 proper procedures. Some more of those people really
 should have been too.
 Rolf M.

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UNITE! Info #19en: 1/4 Social-imperialism's Afghan war [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-12-10 Thread Rolf Martens


UNITE! Info #19en: 1/4 Social-imperialism's Afghan war
[Posted: 09.10.96]

Note / Anmerkung / Note / Nota / Anmaerkning:
FOERENA ER! Info en/de/fr/es/se series:
See information on the last page / Siehe Information auf der
letzten Seite / Verrez information a* la dernie*re page / Ver
informacio'n en la u'ltima pa'gina / Se information paa sista


Two recent UNITE! Info items, #16en and #17en, of 04.10.96 and
05.10.96 respectively, have been dealing indirectly and in part
also directly with the question of the aggression by Soviet so-
cial-imperialism (which today no longer is in existence as such)
against a third-world country, Afghanistan, in 1979-1989. This
item too, and now more or less wholly, will be dedicated to the
same theme. Why? Why do I hold this question to be such a rela-
tively important one?

The social-imperialists' overt aggression in Afghanistan in '79-
'89 today is already history. But it's still something which
shows up with quite extraordinary clarity the sharp difference
between Marxism, on the one hand, and revisionism, on the other.
And the phenomenon of revisionism, that's one of the most impor-
tant political phenomena of all in our century.

What is revisionism? It's Marxism, socialism, proletarian poli-
tics in *words* but bourgeois politics, even imperialism, in
*deeds*. A discussion on this phenomenon and its root causes
follows in one of the chapters below.

The openly bourgeois media, in the Western countries, for in-
stance, of course never use the word revisionism, at least not
in this important political sense. To them, everybody *is* a
Communist who has proclaimed him/her/self to be one, and the
same goes for parties - indeed, such revisionist parties as no
longer even find it tactically wise even to try to pose as
Communist still continue to be called so by the openly bour-
geois media. This of course is done in order to make it more
difficult for the masses of people to distinguish between actual
Communism on the one hand and revisionism on the other, and to
disredit the very idea of Communism. For Marxists, naturally
it's vital to draw a sharp dividing line between the genuine and
the faked (notwithstanding the fact that it sometimes may be
difficult to see which is which) and to enlighten everybody on

An infamous example of a state ruled by revisionists is the Chi-
na of today, which, as all (who know some elementary facts of
history) can see, is completely different from the earlier, so-
cialist China which was guided by Mao Zedong's genuinely Marxist
political line. An even more infamous example of such a state
was the Soviet Union of yesterday (from approximately the mid-
50:s until 1991).

The aggression of that state against Afghanistan exposed to the
whole world, even more clearly than its earlier crimes, the true
character of it, and importantly contributed to its eventual

Just as the US war of aggression in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia
in the late '60:s and early '70:s very clearly and to the whole
world exposed the true character of US imperialism, and that of
its hackneyed supporters too, so did the Afghan war of the So-
viet Union expose the true character of *that* state and of
*its* hackneyed supporters.

This was so, despite the fact that in both of those cases of
superpower aggression there was a certain amount of meddling
on the part of the other superpower too, which tried to further
its own interests under the guise of supporting the resistance
of the respective country against the invader and his puppets.

After the invading Soviet troops were forced to leave Afghani-
stan, in 1989, internal strife has continued in that country,
undoubtedly to a great extent caused and aggravated by continued
interference by both superpowers. One of the warring factions,
the Taleban, recently conquered the capital and i.a. executed
one of the earlier leaders of the Soviet social-imperialists'
puppet regime in the country, Najibullah. This occasioned a
heated exchange among some people who all are calling themselves

I on my part expressed, on the Jefferson Village Virginia Marx-
ism list, my opinion that this at least was a just action on the
part of the Taleban. Some others protested against this, and in
quite violent terms too. They made clear their staunch support
for the earlier actions undertaken by the Soviet Union in Af-
ghanistan and for those of its puppet regime. How could someone
who *opposed* these very benficial and civilizing deeds even
be allowed on a Marxism list at all, how could he indeed be con-
sidered a civilized person? In this direction went one trend
of thought.

This discussion, or whatever you might call it, is the immediate
reason why I've now dedicated some Info items to the question of
events in Afghanistan 1979-1989. The present one contains the
following more or less brief 

Re: UNITE! Info #19en: 1/4 Social-imperialism's Afghan war [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK

2001-12-10 Thread Richard Roper


You are spouting absolute nonsense, and indeed
attempting to justify and support US. agressesion, as
well as supporting Imperialism.

The Russians did not Invade them on 7/12/79, in
spite of what Jimmy Human Rights Carter said at the
time since a major Covert Operation had started, under
Carter's signature on 3/7/79.

Quite clearly the government of that country was
entitled to ask for assistance, as did Nicaragua,
Angola, Mozambique etc. etc.
But in any case was being subjected to an
unparralleled  Covert Operation in its scale.

The country always has had the most enormous strategic
significance throughout history and since the days of
the Great Game, and this point must be grasped.

Your ASC. and demonstrations were Front-organisations
designed to prevent protests/ gain support for the
American action. We have encountered similar
organisations in Britian supporting all aspects of the
attack on jugoslavia, all the way through to the
attack on Macedonia, which incidentally was carried
out by the same islamic fundamentalist paramilitaries
used against Afghanistan.

You are in fact openly supporting the policies and
actionds of the US. and of Imperialism

--- Rolf Martens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 UNITE! Info #19en: 1/4 Social-imperialism's Afghan
 [Posted: 09.10.96]
 Note / Anmerkung / Note / Nota / Anmaerkning:
 !UNIOS! /
 FOERENA ER! Info en/de/fr/es/se series:
 See information on the last page / Siehe Information
 auf der
 letzten Seite / Verrez information a* la dernie*re
 page / Ver
 informacio'n en la u'ltima pa'gina / Se information
 paa sista
 Two recent UNITE! Info items, #16en and #17en, of
 04.10.96 and
 05.10.96 respectively, have been dealing indirectly
 and in part
 also directly with the question of the aggression by
 Soviet so-
 cial-imperialism (which today no longer is in
 existence as such)
 against a third-world country, Afghanistan, in
 1979-1989. This
 item too, and now more or less wholly, will be
 dedicated to the
 same theme. Why? Why do I hold this question to be
 such a rela-
 tively important one?
 The social-imperialists' overt aggression in
 Afghanistan in '79-
 '89 today is already history. But it's still
 something which
 shows up with quite extraordinary clarity the sharp
 between Marxism, on the one hand, and revisionism,
 on the other.
 And the phenomenon of revisionism, that's one of the
 most impor-
 tant political phenomena of all in our century.
 What is revisionism? It's Marxism, socialism,
 proletarian poli-
 tics in *words* but bourgeois politics, even
 imperialism, in
 *deeds*. A discussion on this phenomenon and its
 root causes
 follows in one of the chapters below.
 The openly bourgeois media, in the Western
 countries, for in-
 stance, of course never use the word revisionism,
 at least not
 in this important political sense. To them,
 everybody *is* a
 Communist who has proclaimed him/her/self to be
 one, and the
 same goes for parties - indeed, such revisionist
 parties as no
 longer even find it tactically wise even to try to
 pose as
 Communist still continue to be called so by the
 openly bour-
 geois media. This of course is done in order to make
 it more
 difficult for the masses of people to distinguish
 between actual
 Communism on the one hand and revisionism on the
 other, and to
 disredit the very idea of Communism. For Marxists,
 it's vital to draw a sharp dividing line between the
 genuine and
 the faked (notwithstanding the fact that it
 sometimes may be
 difficult to see which is which) and to enlighten
 everybody on
 An infamous example of a state ruled by revisionists
 is the Chi-
 na of today, which, as all (who know some elementary
 facts of
 history) can see, is completely different from the
 earlier, so-
 cialist China which was guided by Mao Zedong's
 genuinely Marxist
 political line. An even more infamous example of
 such a state
 was the Soviet Union of yesterday (from
 approximately the mid-
 50:s until 1991).
 The aggression of that state against Afghanistan
 exposed to the
 whole world, even more clearly than its earlier
 crimes, the true
 character of it, and importantly contributed to its
 Just as the US war of aggression in Vietnam, Laos
 and Cambodia
 in the late '60:s and early '70:s very clearly and
 to the whole
 world exposed the true character of US imperialism,
 and that of
 its hackneyed supporters too, so did the Afghan war
 of the So-
 viet Union expose the true character of *that* state
 and of
 *its* hackneyed supporters.
 This was so, despite the fact that in both of those
 cases of
 superpower aggression there was a certain amount of
 on the part of the other superpower too, which tried
 to further
 its own interests under the guise of 

Re: UNITE! Info #19en: 1/4 Social-imperialism's Afghan war [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK

2001-12-10 Thread Rolf Martens


At 07:27 2001-12-10 -0800, Richard Roper [EMAIL PROTECTED]

You are spouting absolute nonsense, and indeed
attempting to justify and support US. agressesion, as
well as supporting Imperialism.

The Russians did not Invade them on 7/12/79, in
spite of what Jimmy Human Rights Carter said at the
time since a major Covert Operation had started, under
Carter's signature on 3/7/79.

Quite clearly the government of that country was
entitled to ask for assistance, as did Nicaragua,
Angola, Mozambique etc. etc.

Yes, of course, ASSISTANCE it was! An ASSISTANCE
which meant that (as I repeat):

¤   1.5 million Afghans were killed
¤   5-6 million were forced to leave the country - the
 biggest refugee catastrophy in our time - and 1 million
 more forced to leave  their homes, to become refugees in
 Afghanistan itself
¤   7000 villages were annihilated and 5000 more seriously
¤   between 10 million (UN estimate) and 60 million (other
 estimates) mines were laid throughout the country by the
¤   these mines have so far caused 200,000 deaths and
 400,000 maimings; they continue today to take a heavy
 toll and several decades will be required for their
¤   large parts of the vital and scarce forests were sys-
 tematically destroyed by the Soviet forces
¤   the infrastructure and the fields for agriculture were
 destroyed to a great extent

What nice people it is who *support* this! What nice people
it is who say that *opposing* this means supporting
aggression by that other gangster, US imperialism!

As I wrote back in 1996 too:

One of the warring factions,
the Taleban, recently conquered the capital and i.a. executed
one of the earlier leaders of the Soviet social-imperialists'
puppet regime in the country, Najibullah. This occasioned a
heated exchange among some people who all are calling
themselves Marxists.

I on my part expressed, on the Jefferson Village Virginia Marx-
ism list, my opinion that this at least was a just action on the
part of the Taleban

Let's hope that the present-day Najibullahs, whether they
are quislings of the Russian new tsarists or of the US
imperialists (or of both), will meet with the same fate,
and not only those in Afghanistan either.

Rolf M.

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Re: UNITE! Info #19en: 1/4 Social-imperialism's Afghan war [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK

2001-12-10 Thread cube321


Let's hope that the present-day Najibullahs, whether they
are quislings of the Russian new tsarists or of the US
imperialists (or of both), will meet with the same fate,
and not only those in Afghanistan either.

Rolf M.

I believe that this form of justice was invented in the wild west...

On 10 Dec 01, at 16:57, Rolf Martens wrote:


 At 07:27 2001-12-10 -0800, Richard Roper [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 You are spouting absolute nonsense, and indeed
 attempting to justify and support US. agressesion, as
 well as supporting Imperialism.
 The Russians did not Invade them on 7/12/79, in
 spite of what Jimmy Human Rights Carter said at the
 time since a major Covert Operation had started, under
 Carter's signature on 3/7/79.
 Quite clearly the government of that country was
 entitled to ask for assistance, as did Nicaragua,
 Angola, Mozambique etc. etc.

 Yes, of course, ASSISTANCE it was! An ASSISTANCE
 which meant that (as I repeat):

 ¤   1.5 million Afghans were killed
 ¤   5-6 million were forced to leave the country - the
  biggest refugee catastrophy in our time - and 1 million
  more forced to leave  their homes, to become refugees in
  Afghanistan itself
 ¤   7000 villages were annihilated and 5000 more seriously
 ¤   between 10 million (UN estimate) and 60 million (other
  estimates) mines were laid throughout the country by the
 ¤   these mines have so far caused 200,000 deaths and
  400,000 maimings; they continue today to take a heavy
  toll and several decades will be required for their
 ¤   large parts of the vital and scarce forests were sys-
  tematically destroyed by the Soviet forces
 ¤   the infrastructure and the fields for agriculture were
  destroyed to a great extent

 What nice people it is who *support* this! What nice people
 it is who say that *opposing* this means supporting
 aggression by that other gangster, US imperialism!

 As I wrote back in 1996 too:

 One of the warring factions,
 the Taleban, recently conquered the capital and i.a. executed
 one of the earlier leaders of the Soviet social-imperialists'
 puppet regime in the country, Najibullah. This occasioned a
 heated exchange among some people who all are calling
 themselves Marxists.

 I on my part expressed, on the Jefferson Village Virginia Marx-
 ism list, my opinion that this at least was a just action on the
 part of the Taleban

 Let's hope that the present-day Najibullahs, whether they
 are quislings of the Russian new tsarists or of the US
 imperialists (or of both), will meet with the same fate,
 and not only those in Afghanistan either.

 Rolf M.

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Re: UNITE! Info #19en: 1/4 Social-imperialism's Afghan war [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-12-10 Thread Rolf Martens


At 10:57 2001-12-10 -0500, mart [EMAIL PROTECTED] ,
alias Thomas P. Murrey, wrote:

Hi Richard,
I know  this Rolf  guy. He is a professional TROLL and this is his stock
and trade - making ridiculous statement and then getting people to respond
to him. It doesn't matter what you say to this guy or how many ways you
prove him wrong. He has tried to wreck several other e-groups with this
tactic and  was eventually, thrown off them and banned. Unfortunately, not
before he literally drove away much of the membership with his endless rants
and tirade that escalated to him making personal threats and publishing
ridiculous statements and personal information about other group members.
His goal is to clog up the lists with posts by and about him.  Apparently,
he has now targeted this list. I suggest the best tactic would be to ignore
him and not respond to his statements. You can't win with this guy and it
only feeds his warped ego and his need to feel important.

What, Thomas P. mart Najibullah-2 Murray? No ban-ban-ban! any
more, as in your first reply?? Now that you're even already getting
support for this from Barry Najibullah-3 Stoller too??

You don't think that this quite openly-Brezhnev/Ashcroft-type shut'em
up! line will work, after all? That it's too revealing, concerning you
and your phonyleftist ilk?

Well, that's somewhat s-mart of you anyway, miserable Murray-Burray-

Rolf M.

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Re: UNITE! Info #19en: 1/4 Social-imperialism's Afghan war [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK

2001-12-10 Thread Rolf Martens


At 14:32 2001-12-10 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Let's hope that the present-day Najibullahs, whether they
are quislings of the Russian new tsarists or of the US
imperialists (or of both), will meet with the same fate,
and not only those in Afghanistan either.

Rolf M.

I believe that this form of justice was invented in the wild west...

Well, yes, I see what you mean. That crook Najibullah didn't get
a proper trial. I hold that killing him just like that was a good
thing anyway - the facts in that case were very clear to all.

Proper trials *are* better of course. This is my opinion too.
My infamous ex-countryman Vidkun Quisling, for instance,
that original colleague of Najibullah, did get one, back in
1945-46, and was duly hung, according to all rules and
proper procedures. Some more of those people really
should have been too.

Rolf M.

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