Re: Can CMDB 2.0 work ITSM 6.0

2007-09-01 Thread Janie Sprenger
There is an ITSM6 and CMDB 2.0 Integration pack - it is a compilation of
scripts run from a local Windows workstation that can connect to your
server.  It also contains several manual steps as well.


You will need to hound BMC for this - but it is important - especially if
you're not completely comfortable with all the changes of CMDB2 vs 1 - it
addresses the deployed application permissions, groups, roles, forms and
class changes, etc.





From: Bob Rowe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, August 31, 2007 5:59 AM
Subject: Re: Can CMDB 2.0 work ITSM 6.0



According to BMC Education as of last March, yes, it will work. And we're
going to be counting on it. We are in the planning stage at the moment, but
we figure this will be the best way to go until all the local organizations
using and planning to be using our Remedy installation will be on-board with
ITIL best practices. 


You will need the latest release and patch of ARS 7, the latest patch for
ITSM 6 and the latest release and patch for the CMDB. 

On 8/30/07, Rick Cook <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 


Theoretically, it can work.  It just takes a modification of how ITSM 6
interacts with the different CDM in v2.0.  If you're experienced enough with
both HD 7 and CMDB to be comfortable doing that, then there is no patch or
white paper necessary.  If you aren't, there was supposed to be a white
paper issued to lead one through that process. 


I have been waiting for such a promised white paper for about a year now,
but it seems to be no longer on the radar, or I think it would be out.  You
may be on your own for this one.



On 8/30/07, Run4Life &Win <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote: 


Dear Experts


Please share you experience & information on this compatibility


Can we make CMDB 2.0 work with ITSM 6.0 on ARS 7.x platform



and if posible please share any link or white paper on the same


Warm Regards


__20060125___This posting was submitted with HTML in

Bob Rowe, Remedy Action Request System Development and Administration 
"The golden rule is to test everything in the light of reason and
experience, no matter from where it comes."
Mohandas K. Gandhi __20060125___This posting was
submitted with HTML in it___ 

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Re: Can CMDB 2.0 work ITSM 6.0

2007-08-31 Thread Easter, David
> I have been waiting for such a promised white paper for about a year
now, but it seems to be no longer on the radar, or I think it would be
Without getting into too many details, it is not off the radar and is
still being worked on with the goal of making it publicly available to
all BMC customers.  For customers in immediate need, you can contact
your BMC sales representative, partner or contact BMC support - they can
make the the white paper and utility available on a case-by-case basis.
-David J. Easter
Sr. Product Manager, Service Management Business Unit
BMC Software, Inc.
The opinions, statements, and/or suggested courses of action expressed
in this E-mail do not necessarily reflect those of BMC Software, Inc.
My voluntary participation in this forum is not intended to convey a
role as a spokesperson, liaison or public relations representative for
BMC Software, Inc.

From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Rick Cook
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2007 10:04 AM
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Subject: Re: Can CMDB 2.0 work ITSM 6.0

Theoretically, it can work.  It just takes a modification of how ITSM 6
interacts with the different CDM in v2.0.  If you're experienced enough
with both HD 7 and CMDB to be comfortable doing that, then there is no
patch or white paper necessary.  If you aren't, there was supposed to be
a white paper issued to lead one through that process. 
I have been waiting for such a promised white paper for about a year
now, but it seems to be no longer on the radar, or I think it would be
out.  You may be on your own for this one.
On 8/30/07, Run4Life &Win <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

Dear Experts
Please share you experience & information on this compatibility
Can we make CMDB 2.0 work with ITSM 6.0 on ARS 7.x platform
and if posible please share any link or white paper on the same
Warm Regards

__20060125___This posting was submitted with HTML in

UNSUBSCRIBE or access ARSlist Archives at ARSlist:"Where the 
Answers Are"

Re: Can CMDB 2.0 work ITSM 6.0

2007-08-31 Thread Rick Cook
Yeah, see, that's the problem.  People at BMC keep SAYING there will
be a solution offerred, but when I compare what I hear with what I
see, there's a disconnect.  And one can't use software that one only
hears about.


On 8/31/07, Bob Rowe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> According to BMC Education as of last March, yes, it will work. And we're
> going to be counting on it. We are in the planning stage at the moment, but
> we figure this will be the best way to go until all the local organizations
> using and planning to be using our Remedy installation will be on-board with
> ITIL best practices.
> You will need the latest release and patch of ARS 7, the latest patch for
> ITSM 6 and the latest release and patch for the CMDB.
> On 8/30/07, Rick Cook <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > ** Theoretically, it can work.  It just takes a modification of how ITSM 6
> > interacts with the different CDM in v2.0.  If you're experienced enough
> > with both HD 7 and CMDB to be comfortable doing that, then there is no
> patch
> > or white paper necessary.  If you aren't, there was supposed to be a white
> > paper issued to lead one through that process.
> >
> > I have been waiting for such a promised white paper for about a year now,
> > but it seems to be no longer on the radar, or I think it would be out.
> You
> > may be on your own for this one.
> >
> > Rick
> >
> >  On 8/30/07, Run4Life &Win <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > > ** Dear Experts
> > >
> > > Please share you experience & information on this compatibility
> > >
> > > Can we make CMDB 2.0 work with ITSM 6.0 on ARS 7.x platform
> > >
> > >
> > > and if posible please share any link or white paper on the same
> > >
> > > Warm Regards
> > > Himanshu
> > >
> > __20060125___This posting was submitted with HTML in
> > it___
> >
> --
> Bob Rowe, Remedy Action Request System Development and Administration
> "The golden rule is to test everything in the light of reason and
> experience, no matter from where it comes."
> Mohandas K. Gandhi

UNSUBSCRIBE or access ARSlist Archives at ARSlist:"Where the 
Answers Are"

Re: Can CMDB 2.0 work ITSM 6.0

2007-08-31 Thread Bob Rowe
According to BMC Education as of last March, yes, it will work. And we're
going to be counting on it. We are in the planning stage at the moment, but
we figure this will be the best way to go until all the local organizations
using and planning to be using our Remedy installation will be on-board with
ITIL best practices.

You will need the latest release and patch of ARS 7, the latest patch for
ITSM 6 and the latest release and patch for the CMDB.

On 8/30/07, Rick Cook <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ** Theoretically, it can work.  It just takes a modification of how ITSM 6
> interacts with the different CDM in v2.0.  If you're experienced enough
> with both HD 7 and CMDB to be comfortable doing that, then there is no patch
> or white paper necessary.  If you aren't, there was supposed to be a white
> paper issued to lead one through that process.
> I have been waiting for such a promised white paper for about a year now,
> but it seems to be no longer on the radar, or I think it would be out.  You
> may be on your own for this one.
> Rick
>  On 8/30/07, Run4Life &Win <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > ** Dear Experts
> >
> > Please share you experience & information on this compatibility
> >
> > Can we make CMDB 2.0 work with ITSM 6.0 on ARS 7.x platform
> >
> >
> > and if posible please share any link or white paper on the same
> >
> > Warm Regards
> > Himanshu
> >
> __20060125___This posting was submitted with HTML in
> it___

Bob Rowe, Remedy Action Request System Development and Administration
"The golden rule is to test everything in the light of reason and
experience, no matter from where it comes."
Mohandas K. Gandhi

UNSUBSCRIBE or access ARSlist Archives at ARSlist:"Where the 
Answers Are"

Re: Can CMDB 2.0 work ITSM 6.0

2007-08-30 Thread Rick Cook
Theoretically, it can work.  It just takes a modification of how ITSM 6
interacts with the different CDM in v2.0.  If you're experienced enough with
both HD 7 and CMDB to be comfortable doing that, then there is no patch or
white paper necessary.  If you aren't, there was supposed to be a white
paper issued to lead one through that process.

I have been waiting for such a promised white paper for about a year now,
but it seems to be no longer on the radar, or I think it would be out.  You
may be on your own for this one.


On 8/30/07, Run4Life &Win <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ** Dear Experts
> Please share you experience & information on this compatibility
> Can we make CMDB 2.0 work with ITSM 6.0 on ARS 7.x platform
> and if posible please share any link or white paper on the same
> Warm Regards
> Himanshu

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