Fw: Questions on posts for our orchard & chook yards

2002-09-10 Thread Cheryl Kemp

For Gil and Lloyd,
I have had this question from a new member, and just looking over the
discussion on the eucalyptus and wood, thought you may have some suggestions
for this lady, other than using treated pine timber. I thought that cypress
pine might be of use, what do you think!

Cheryl Kemp
Education and Workshop Coordinator
Phone /Fax : 02 6657 5322
Home: 02 6657 5306
web: www.biodynamics.net.au

Subject: Questions on posts for our orchard & chook yards

> Hi
> I have a couple of questions on poles for our orchard.
> We intend seeking certification in the future but are currently building
> the infrastructure on our property.   Because of bird and flying fox
> problems locally we intend to cover our orchard (we have seen flying foxes
> caught in nylon bird netting and won't be using that) and the chook yard
> when we eventually build one.
> 1. Will using treated upright posts to minimise rotting and termite damage
> prevent us being certified in the future?
> 2. If it will, what woods to you suggest to maximise protection against
> and ants?
> I have heard that things like turpentine are good - but then I don't know
> if you can nail into it.
> Would you be able to respond over the next week or so as we need to order
> some woods in.
> Regards
> Katherine Buchanan
> 02 6219 3024 (w)
> 02 6241 3991 (h)

Re: OT:FW: [globalnews] Bush's Attack on Civil Rights: We Must NOT Be GoodGermans

2002-09-10 Thread Christo van Staden
Title: OT:FW: [globalnews] Bush's Attack on Civil Rights: We Must NOT Be Good Germans

Where did I hear of these state/police powers 
before? Oh yes, living here in South Africa in the 1980s, the height of 
apartheid paranoia ... Some things never change, it seems, they just move 
somewhere else.
much love

  - Original Message - 
  To: BdNow 
  Sent: Tuesday, September 10, 2002 6:03 
  Subject: OT:FW: [globalnews] Bush's 
  Attack on Civil Rights: We Must NOT Be GoodGermans
  From: "Donald Stacey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: 
  URGENT: Overview of Changes to Legal Rights (in the United §tates)Date: 
  Sun, 8 Sep 2002Alright, all you folks out there who think this concern 
  about our losingour rights is just the whining of extremists. It is hard 
  to believe thatthere are any such folks given what we see happening every 
  day but sad tosay there are.So here is an article on this very 
  subject from the ASSOCIATED PRESS! It isnot from some obscure independent 
  source. It is from the mainstream media!There is no room to doubt that 
  we have lost essential rights. TheConstitution is being openly violated. 
  Our Bill of Rights has beendecimated.We are in the exact same 
  position as the "good Germans" were during the30's. It was clear that 
  Hitler was destroying their rights but they didnothing. Had they resisted 
  earlier, they could have stopped Hitler's coup.The good Germans far 
  outnumbered the NAZIS just as the good Americans farout number these sick 
  folks who are trying to take over our country!Ahh, you are against 
  terrorism and support the government in its waragainst terrorists? Great. 
  But you must know that YOU can be considered aterrorist and if you are you 
  don't have a prayer of getting out of it. Theywill just pack you away 
  without anyone knowing what happened to you andthat will be it. Cmon. This 
  is not a war against anyone but us. It is allabout getting control over 
  the American people. It should be clear as abell to everyone at this 
  point.If we wait much longer it will be too late to resist. So what do 
  you think?Change the channel to another game or get up and do 
  something?Your choice. And your children and grand children's lives 
  will be immenselyaffected one way or the other.Don 
  StaceyIt will help if you send this message on to as many people as 
  you can.Americans have to wake up before it is too 
  of Changes to Legal RightsBy The Associated PressSeptember 5, 
  2002Some of the fundamental changes to Americans' legal rights by the 
  Bushadministration and the USA Patriot Act following the terror 
  attacks:* FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION: Government may monitor religious and 
  politicalinstitutions without suspecting criminal activity to assist 
  terrorinvestigation.* FREEDOM OF INFORMATION: Government has 
  closed once-public immigrationhearings, has secretly detained hundreds of 
  people without charges, and hasencouraged bureaucrats to resist public 
  records requests.* FREEDOM OF SPEECH: Government may prosecute 
  librarians or keepers of anyother records if they tell anyone that the 
  government subpoenaedinformation related to a terror 
  investigation.* RIGHT TO LEGAL REPRESENTATION: Government may monitor 
  federal prisonjailhouse conversations between attorneys and clients, and 
  deny lawyers toAmericans accused of crimes.* FREEDOM FROM 
  UNREASONABLE SEARCHES: Government may search and seizeAmericans' papers 
  and effects without probable cause to assist terrorinvestigation.* 
  RIGHT TO A SPEEDY AND PUBLIC TRIAL: Government may jail 
  Americansindefinitely without a trial.* RIGHT TO LIBERTY: 
  Americans may be jailed without being charged or beingable to confront 
  witnesses against them.See also:"Rage, Rage, Against the Dying 
  Light" -- Civil Liberties Since September 11thhttp://www.truthout.org/docs_02/09.10A.jvb.rage.htm<> 
   <>  <>  <>  <>  <> 
   <>  --Be the change you want to see in the 
  world.--GandhiYahoo! Groups 
  Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service 
   .-- End of Forwarded 
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  http://www.mwti.net for more info on eScan and 
  by eScan Content-Security and Anti-Virus Software.Visit 
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Re: OT:FW: [globalnews] 100 jets join attack on Iraq

2002-09-10 Thread Gil Robertson

Hi! Jane,
It is more than the problem of the American People. It is a matter for people in
many countries, not the least the UK and Oz, as our leaders are hell bent on
doing every bidding of the younger Bush, as we did for the older (NOT Elder)

Our farmers have a long standing and mutually satisfactory trading arrangement
with the people of Iraq. The political interests in Iraq have caused the
cancellation of half this year's wheat sales. For this year that is not all that
bad as the world is hungary for our GM Free products. But our Government is
going with the US and Canada and allowing GMs, while we are fighting in local
areas for moratoriums. Nearly all of our trading partners are barring GMs, yet
they may yet be grown commercially here.

I believe the People of the US have an obligation to the rest of us, to get
their Government/ Intelligence/ Military/ Commercial Interests under control.
This could be as simple as increasing the number of people voting.

I am currently emailling every Federal Member of Parliament in OZ, expressing my
feelings on the Iraq issue.

I note that there has been no mention in our media of an involvement by NZ. I
trust that they have the good sense to keep it that way.


Jane Sherry wrote:

> Woa there, Gil. Do I hear you blaming the American people for this mess?

War of All against All

2002-09-10 Thread mroboz

In Challenge of the Time (I think it was in 1917) RS 
talked about the War of All Against All.  I belive Bush has really created 
this scenario.  The terrorists are everywhere, in the US, all over the 
world.  Bush said"if you are not with us, you must be against us".  

  As other said before , Mulit-national Corps, Big 
Business and Bush's ties to those organizations is the real power and 
  It all started with Bush won the election 
Things could get worse..and sure 
enough...things got worse!

Re: FW: [globalnews] GM Wheat Portends Disaster for Great Plains

2002-09-10 Thread Gil Robertson

Have you considered raising the issue of insurance on GM Crops?
I have a ruling from the Insurance Council of Australia to the effect
that GMs are an uninsurable risk and they recommend to their members not
to carry the risk. This represents more than 90% of Australian coverage.
I think there could be a case for a Court Order against some one subjecting
others to an uninsured risk.
You need to first get a ruling from the national insurance body, then
hit the rural media and see where you can push it.
Jane Sherry wrote:

GM Wheat Portends Disaster for Great Plains
By Kari Lydersen,
9, 2002
Todd Leake has been growing
hard red spring wheat at his farm in eastern North Dakota for 25 years.
The 1,000 acres he plants with hard red spring wheat represents half his
total crop. Like most farmers in the area, more than half his crop is exported
for sale in markets in Europe, South Korea, Japan, Taiwan and other foreign
If Monsanto and other biotech
companies succeed in their push to allow genetically modified (called GE,
GM or GMO) wheat on the market, Leake is afraid he may see his profits
based on decades of work go down the drain.
There are a variety of reasons
that environmentalists, farmers, health activists, "globophobics" and others
oppose the development of GE or GM crops. People fear the control it gives
Monsanto and other multinational corporations over farmers' livelihoods.
Many worry that the health and environmental effects of genetically modified
foods are still unknown, and that they could be harmful to our land and
our bodies.
Farmers worry about cross-contamination
from neighbors' GM crops. Biotech companies marketing GM seeds have the
right to enter a farmer's field and test for their seed strains. They can
fine farmers thousands of dollars if their crops test positive for genetically
modified strains that the farmer didn't purchase, even though crops can
easily become contaminated by pollen from a neighbor's field.
Farmers are also not allowed
to save seeds from year to year as they traditionally have done with non-GM
crops. When a farmer plants a crop from GM seeds, he is required to purchase
a new batch of seeds each year. Again companies can fine farmers huge amounts
for this practice. Brothers Paul and John Mayfield, for example, were recently
fined $75,000 by Monsanto for replanting 800 bushels of GM soybean seeds
they had saved.
But on top of all these concerns,
there is an even simpler reason to oppose GM wheat, according to many farmers
in the Great Plains, where Monsanto is pushing to introduce genetically
modified hard red spring wheat for commercial sale.
Regardless of whether the
potential negative health and environmental effects are real or imagined,
much of the world is certain that it doesn't want GM foods. Very certain.
And this fact could only have devastating economic implications for American
The European Union and various
countries in Asia have all made it clear that they don't want any genetically
modified crops, and they test incoming shipments to make sure they don't
get any. Given the frequency and ease of cross-pollination, farmers say,
virtually the only way for a country to ensure they are not getting any
GM foods is to stop buying them from the U.S. all together.
"It's basically impossible
to segregate it," said Leake, who is a member of the grassroots farmers
group the Dakota Resource Council. "The general consensus is that there
will be cross-pollination from neighbors' fields. And it can get contaminated
not only in the field, but from the seed stock, from handling the equipment
that had GM seeds in it, from mixing in the [grain] elevator."
A study quoted in the new
book, "Fatal Harvest: The Tragedy of Industrial Agriculture," noted that
only 20 percent of grain elevators surveyed in the U.S. have separate facilities
for GM and non-GM soybeans. So even if a farmer were to avoid the economic
pressure to buy GM wheat and to avoid cross-contamination from neighbors,
his crops could still get contaminated in the elevator and test positive
for genetic modification once they reach the market.
Monsanto spokesman Mark Buckingham
said the company has made a commitment to develop technologies to prevent
contamination and to make sure farmers continue to have choices about what
kind of seeds they buy.
"We have committed not to
introduce [GM wheat] on the market until we have different varieties to
offer, so a farmer who wants Roundup Ready wheat can get it and one who
wants traditional wheat can get that," said Buckingham. While Buckingham
didn't offer a specific answer to fears about contamination from GM crops,
farmers say the risk is very much on their minds.
"I believe it's inevitable
it would escape," said Sarah Vogel, the former commissioner of agriculture
in North Dakota (1989 to 1996) and currently a lawyer in private practice.
"It's really a bad idea."
Right now GM wheat is being
grown in rese

Re: OT. test message

2002-09-10 Thread Gil Robertson

Hi! Lloyd,
I got it.

Lloyd Charles wrote:

> Sorry for the inconvenience to the list. I have been part un connected and
> need to do this to check out the system
> LCharles

urgent: compost tea on vines, AUS

2002-09-10 Thread Christiane . Jaeger


We are formulating a preliminary research proposal to Grape and Wine Research &
Development Council  (GWRDC) for looking at standardisation and efficacy of
compost tea for disease control  with commmercially available compost and grower
made compost.  I had feedback from organic vege growers that they are interested
in that sort of research.  but since GWRDC funds grape research only I need
feedback from grape growers.  By spreading the project over several industries
(grape and vege) because of some shared components it wouild reduce industry
cost and increase the chance to get the proposal acccepted.
Anyone out there in Australia growing grapes who would like to see us doing
research on compost tea?


OT blacklist test

2002-09-10 Thread Lloyd Charles

Sorry guys. Just need to test one more time

Re: OT:FW: [globalnews] 100 jets join attack on Iraq

2002-09-10 Thread kentjamescarson

 I always vote and always for the good guys , but they never win.  Gore won
but he did't get to be the king.. in my walks and talks with the average
joe, they think george is like his daddy and they don't want the war. I
don't think bush is listening. he needs to go on the frount lines, with the
boys he sends.  do vote  though ,never missed an election.. don't think they
are counted though ,just pretend.. but... we do vote each time we buy
anything and we are most careful to tread as gently as we know how, and tell
others  I do understand gil's comment though, when it seems we are a nation
of  sheep. The sheep do talk among themselves. thats why they callit the
silent majority. perhaps it's like a big ship, takes a while to turn around.
- Original Message -
From: "Jane Sherry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, September 10, 2002 11:59 AM
Subject: Re: OT:FW: [globalnews] 100 jets join attack on Iraq

> Woa there, Gil. Do I hear you blaming the American people for this mess?
> Perhaps because you are not here, you do not realize that 1-the common
> here did NOT elect George Bush. And 2-- we have this illusion of a
> here in the US. Really it's an empire ruled by greedy corporate interest
> not a free society at all. That's just one more American mythic export.
> Actually it's a myth promoted here at home as well.
> Please stop blaming Americans for their problems. It's sounding a little
> much like George Bush blaming Arabs. If you're upset about this, then stop
> bellowing at those of us who live here and are working for change. Join
> anti-war group and put your energy where your typing fingers are. Stop
> telling us (especially on THIS list) that we are to blame!
> Peace & Love,
> Jane
> > From: Gil Robertson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Date: Mon, 09 Sep 2002 22:26:26 +0930
> > Subject: Re: OT:FW: [globalnews] 100 jets join attack on Iraq
> >
> >> From a Down Under perspective, we would see US politics, The Military
> > the Intelligence Services as all being puppets of the small number of
> > people who command the money in the US and a number of other countries.
> > If there was a will to have "Government of the people, by the people"
> > voting would be compulsory. I understand that only around a third vote
> > most elections in the US.
> > That means that the one who is hell bent on taking you, us and many
> > into a war on behalf of the US oil interests, was supported by something
> > around a sixth of those of voting age. Four sixths can only blame them
> > selves as they did not choose to vote.

Re: Good sense and bad habits.

2002-09-10 Thread Glen Atkinson

Are dogs not a good deterent for deer??

Peter Michael Bacchus wrote:
> > broadcasters ensured good crops and we had the best produce at the market.
> > Isn't it hard to argue with results?
> >
> > We had a lot of deer problems this year. Come to find out I thought we had
> > a deer pepper in the broadcaster but we didn't. So I don't know where we
> > stand there. But our okra was wiped out, half the cukes were eaten, all
> the
> > beans, even the tomatoes and potatoes were eaten some. They pawed up the
> > potatoes and ate them and decimated the beets once they discovered them.
> > Still we've had a good year so far. 3 more months to go. I'm amazed people
> > would put poison on food. Or gow it with expensive chemicals when no
> > chemicals gets good yields of superior quality. Why? It's amazing.
> Hi Hugh,
>   Human beings are beings of habit, like animals, Just look how
> hard it is for a smoker to give up or what an alcoholic has to go through
> before (s)he sees the light.
> Warm regards,
> Peter.
> > Best,
> > Hugh
> > Visit our website at: www.unionag.org
> >

Garuda Biodynamics - for BD Preps, Consultations, Books & Diagrams
See our web site @ http://get.to/garuda

Re: a 9-11 reminder...

2002-09-10 Thread Moen Creek
Title: Re: a 9-11 reminder...

exactly RIGHT-ON!
In Love & Light

For the Michael Age

We must eradicate from the soul
All fear and terror of what comes towards Man
Out of the future
And we must acquire serenity
In all feelings and sensations about the future
We must look forward
With absolute equanimity to everything that may come
And we must think only that whatever comes
Is given to us by a world directive full of wisdom
It is part of what we must learn in this age,
Namely to live out of pure trust
Without any security in existence.
Trust in that ever present help of the spiritual world.
Truly, nothing else will do
If our courage is not to fail us.
And we must seek this awakening within Ourselves
Every morning and every evening.

Rudolph Steiner, from a lecture given in 1910 

Thanks Brother!

FW: pray on 9-11

2002-09-10 Thread Trem, Chris

Prayer for a United World By Paramahansa 
Yogananda May the heads of all countries and races be 
guided to understand that men of all nations are physically and spiritually one: 
physically one, because we are the descendants of common parents — the symbolic 
Adam and Eve; and spiritually one, because we are the immortal children of our 
Father, bound by eternal links of brotherhood.Let us pray in our hearts 
for a League of Souls and a United World. Though we may seem divided by race, 
creed, color, class, and political prejudices, still, as children of the one God 
we are able in our souls to feel brotherhood and world unity. May we work for 
the creation of a United World in which every nation will be a useful part, 
guided by God through man’s enlightened conscience. In our hearts we can 
all learn to be free from hate and selfishness. Let us pray for harmony among 
the nations, that they march hand in hand through the gate of a fair new 
      Prayer for others is one of the highest 
services we can offer to the world. We invite you to join in spirit the monks 
and nuns of Self-Realization Fellowship on Wednesday, September 11 at the noon 
hour (Pacific Daylight Time) as we pray for world peace and for all those 
who have been affected by the tragedy of 9/11. Even if you could only spend one 
or two minutes in silent prayer at noon, this would be of tremendous benefit to 
all. Paramahansa Yogananda has said, "Most men consider the course of 
events as natural and inevitable. They little know what radical changes are 
possible through prayer." 

OT: some free considerations [was RE: OT:FW: [globalnews] 100 jets join attack on Iraq]

2002-09-10 Thread Roelof Fransen

There are two kinds of people, those who do the work and those who
take the credit. Try to be in the first group; there is less competition
   -- Indira Gandhi

... and so it has been since the beginning of the Dark Age, the "clever"
ones taking credit for the work done by others, feeding on it and at the
same destroying by the pollution they cause, by the wars they start, etc...

...and so the lamb (the innocents : the women, the older ones, the children,
the poors, the disabled, etc...) has since then been sacrificed.

You say these *might* be hard words ? But how much harder is the so called
"reality" in which we are held by those whose only wish is that *it* should
continue so they might remain in place, that is on top of poverty and misery
of others and might even better than escape that for themselves, have
certainly a profit and a benefit out it. They aim at the thrill of power to
feed their ego. Money is just a mean for making that possible in the world.

Lucifer seeks to bloat up his own prestige and Arhimane his own desires. Fur
that purpose they seek representation on the material plane. They will let
anyone partake to their evil plans for as long as one signs the pact with
his own blood (read his own life). Hey what do you think ? They are not

In this strongly hierarchized structure based on *force* and obligation,
power is given in abundance to all plus the extra's (money, fulfillement of
desires, etc...). Of course all of these things are taken from others but
they are only the presents and the means by which  *members* are attracted.
The *real* purpose is to spread evil, material desires, fear and all other
negative emotions that evil beings are feeding upon. It bloats their ego and
fulfills their never ending desires for power.

Even though such occult organizations exist, their members are just puppets
in the same way as all their victims (high positionned politicians, members
of powerful world organizations such as banks, and so on...) are. Just
puppets ! Puppets do not necessarily have to partake consciously to such an
organization. There are countless puppets (victims) that can be very easily
*used* through magical powers that members automatically achieve as a reward
for their obeissances. They can be remotly guided in order to pump money out
of a bank account (eventually the papers will report a fraud but the money
can't be found) or be sacrificed (the papers will report on an accident such
as a mysterious heart attack).

A power behind the power ? The question that some people ask themselves :
are there actually beings behind the evil doings of certain people ? Why do
you think it's all so mysterious while the facts (the outcomes) are so
evident ? There is lack of balance everywhere, fear and terror, illness and
death but we wouldn't be able to see where it does come from ?

It's because each and everyone who isn't watchfull of his own inner states,
isn't able to discriminate between what is good and wrong for himself and
thus not yet able to liberate himself from the mental plane partakes to
ignorance of one's own reality and true nature and thus to the propagation
of wrong doings. Each and everyone is a relay and when there is a need to
find one responsible there is never be (a real) one to be found around !.

Look at the opposite side (the spiritual one). There we observe the evidence
of the wisdom there is in Nature, how marvellous it has evolved to provide
for food and shelter for ALL. We (at least in the BD community) are keen to
belief at the elementals behind all those forces in Nature. The spiritual
hierarchy is based one based on *freedom*. One freely gives his own life at
the service of those who are in need. It has a representation at the
material plane as well. I identify numerous spiritual beings that have
incarnated on earth and have been present at our sides even much more so

None of the dark counterparts need publicity. As Hugh said it well evil
works best from behind the curtain. They saturate the surroundings of the
earth with poisonous thoughts and these have tremendous powers. See around
Most people can't escape because they have not the energy. It pervades all
living and sentient beings thus our food gets of course contaminated. While
we feed on that food we actually loose our energy and physical health. Then
it pervades the mental and emotional layers as well ... but you know all

This battle in the world is actually not ours. Our battlefield is in our
heart. Will we discover the hidden forces that maintain us in the ignorance
of our true nature and keep us in an ego driven life ? Yes we will, because
there is enough "divinity" in us to bring us back home. May we all discover
our truth within and forget about the world outside.

We can't find peace within and expose ourselves to the fear and agitation
outside. So let us pray (for example) :

" Loka Samastha Sukhino Bavanthu" Let All Be Happy in All Worlds <==> is the

a 9-11 reminder...

2002-09-10 Thread SBruno75

For the Michael Age

We must eradicate from the soul
All fear and terror of what comes towards Man
Out of the future
And we must acquire serenity
In all feelings and sensations about the future
We must look forward
With absolute equanimity to everything that may come
And we must think only that whatever comes
Is given to us by a world directive full of wisdom
It is part of what we must learn in this age,
Namely to live out of pure trust
Without any security in existence.
Trust in that ever present help of the spiritual world.
Truly, nothing else will do
If our courage is not to fail us.
And we must seek this awakening within Ourselves
Every morning and every evening.

Rudolph Steiner, from a lecture given in 1910 

OT:FW: [globalnews] Bush's Attack on Civil Rights: We Must NOT BeGood Germans

2002-09-10 Thread Jane Sherry
Title: OT:FW: [globalnews] Bush's Attack on Civil Rights: We Must NOT Be Good Germans

From: "Donald Stacey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: URGENT: Overview of Changes to Legal Rights (in the United §tates)
Date: Sun, 8 Sep 2002

Alright, all you folks out there who think this concern about our losing
our rights is just the whining of extremists. It is hard to believe that
there are any such folks given what we see happening every day but sad to
say there are.

So here is an article on this very subject from the ASSOCIATED PRESS! It is
not from some obscure independent source. It is from the mainstream media!

There is no room to doubt that we have lost essential rights. The
Constitution is being openly violated. Our Bill of Rights has been

We are in the exact same position as the "good Germans" were during the
30's. It was clear that Hitler was destroying their rights but they did
nothing. Had they resisted earlier, they could have stopped Hitler's coup.
The good Germans far outnumbered the NAZIS just as the good Americans far
out number these sick folks who are trying to take over our country!

Ahh, you are against terrorism and support the government in its war
against terrorists? Great. But you must know that YOU can be considered a
terrorist and if you are you don't have a prayer of getting out of it. They
will just pack you away without anyone knowing what happened to you and
that will be it. Cmon. This is not a war against anyone but us. It is all
about getting control over the American people. It should be clear as a
bell to everyone at this point.

If we wait much longer it will be too late to resist. So what do you think?
Change the channel to another game or get up and do something?

Your choice. And your children and grand children's lives will be immensely
affected one way or the other.

Don Stacey

It will help if you send this message on to as many people as you can.
Americans have to wake up before it is too late.



Overview of Changes to Legal Rights
By The Associated Press

September 5, 2002

Some of the fundamental changes to Americans' legal rights by the Bush
administration and the USA Patriot Act following the terror attacks:

* FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION: Government may monitor religious and political
institutions without suspecting criminal activity to assist terror

* FREEDOM OF INFORMATION: Government has closed once-public immigration
hearings, has secretly detained hundreds of people without charges, and has
encouraged bureaucrats to resist public records requests.

* FREEDOM OF SPEECH: Government may prosecute librarians or keepers of any
other records if they tell anyone that the government subpoenaed
information related to a terror investigation.

* RIGHT TO LEGAL REPRESENTATION: Government may monitor federal prison
jailhouse conversations between attorneys and clients, and deny lawyers to
Americans accused of crimes.

* FREEDOM FROM UNREASONABLE SEARCHES: Government may search and seize
Americans' papers and effects without probable cause to assist terror

* RIGHT TO A SPEEDY AND PUBLIC TRIAL: Government may jail Americans
indefinitely without a trial.

* RIGHT TO LIBERTY: Americans may be jailed without being charged or being
able to confront witnesses against them.

See also:

"Rage, Rage, Against the Dying Light" -- Civil Liberties Since September 11th

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Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service  .

-- End of Forwarded Message

FW: [globalnews] Gandhi's Favorite Peace Chant: Walk Alone

2002-09-10 Thread Jane Sherry
Title: FW: [globalnews] Gandhi's Favorite Peace Chant: Walk Alone


(Favourite chant of Mahatma Gandhi)

Walk alone. 

If they answer not to thy call, walk alone; 
If they are afraid and cower mutely facing the wall, 
Open thy mind and speak out alone. 

If they turn away and desert you when crossing the wilderness, 
Trample the thorns under thy tread, 
And along the blood-lined track travel alone. 

If they do not hold up the light when the night is troubled with 
With the thunder-flame of pain ignite thine own heart, 
And let it burn alone. 


Be the change you want to see in the world.

Yahoo! Groups Sponsor 
Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service  .

-- End of Forwarded Message

Re: OT:FW: [globalnews] 100 jets join attack on Iraq

2002-09-10 Thread Jane Sherry

Woa there, Gil. Do I hear you blaming the American people for this mess?
Perhaps because you are not here, you do not realize that 1-the common folks
here did NOT elect George Bush. And 2-- we have this illusion of a democracy
here in the US. Really it's an empire ruled by greedy corporate interest and
not a free society at all. That's just one more American mythic export.
Actually it's a myth promoted here at home as well.

Please stop blaming Americans for their problems. It's sounding a little too
much like George Bush blaming Arabs. If you're upset about this, then stop
bellowing at those of us who live here and are working for change. Join some
anti-war group and put your energy where your typing fingers are. Stop
telling us (especially on THIS list) that we are to blame!

Peace & Love,
> From: Gil Robertson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Mon, 09 Sep 2002 22:26:26 +0930
> Subject: Re: OT:FW: [globalnews] 100 jets join attack on Iraq
>> From a Down Under perspective, we would see US politics, The Military and
> the Intelligence Services as all being puppets of the small number of
> people who command the money in the US and a number of other countries.
> If there was a will to have "Government of the people, by the people"
> voting would be compulsory. I understand that only around a third vote in
> most elections in the US.
> That means that the one who is hell bent on taking you, us and many others
> into a war on behalf of the US oil interests, was supported by something
> around a sixth of those of voting age. Four sixths can only blame them
> selves as they did not choose to vote.

Re: OT:FW: [globalnews] 100 jets join attack on Iraq

2002-09-10 Thread Jane Sherry

I'm not big on conspiracy theories, but you don't have to be paranoid to
assume there are always other power(s) behind the political machine.
Sometimes I think it is the ambition of the "powers that be" to keep
Americans drugged and stupid, looking for the next sensation and/or
knee-jerk reaction. The media is just more pap to keep Americans in a frenzy
of consumption-- the most important thing to keep our economy "growing".
Economists think that constant growth is the main ambition of "markets"
because consumerism is not related to the natural world. If it were,
industry would be working with nature and not against it.

If I were to give a name to the power behind the powers it would be named
the Military Industrial Complex. And I would have to include in that complex
pharmaceutical & GE industries as well.

Having said those cynical things, I still believe in the power of Spirit to
guide us through these changing times. If anything else to remember at this
time, it would be that we have the power to change the system through small
changes within each of us. Keeping the spark of Light alive to share and
shine into the world will defeat corrupt politics. It may be messy, but you
can't birth and new life tends to be messy. It is up to us to promote Peace
& Love above all else.

It is an extraordinary privilege to be alive in these changing times. Change
is difficult, but I suspect we are all here, incarnated at this time to join
in Love, in it's many polyglot and seemingly disparate ways to raise the
vibratory rate at which we all vibrate. Blessings on all your good works!

In Love & Light,

> From: Allan Balliett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Mon, 9 Sep 2002 08:30:13 -0400
> Subject: Re: OT:FW: [globalnews] 100 jets join attack on Iraq
> Jane - Do you think that the political machine presented to the
> electorate in the US is the ultimate power in the US, or is there a
> 'power' behind this power? -Allan

FW: GlobalNews: $200 Billion Would Cover Water, Sanitation forAll Environmental News Service

2002-09-10 Thread Jane Sherry

$200 Billion Would Cover Water, Sanitation for All
Environmental News Service

BRUSSELS, Belgium, September 9, 2002 (ENS) - It would cost US$200 billion to
supply clean drinking water and sanitation for every village, town and city
on the planet, says European Union President Anders Fogh Rasmussen of
Denmark. The EU has launched a program to accomplish that goal starting with
Africa, eastern Europe, the Caucasus and central Asia through Water for Life
partnernship agreements.

The EU Water for Life Initiative was formally launched in Johnnesburg at the
World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD).

EU President and Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen introduces the
EU Water for Life Initiative at the WSSD (Photo courtesy Danish Presidency)
Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen, who is also President of the
European Union, said during the launch at the summit's WaterDome, "We have
to take care of our environment. We cannot survive on filthy water. And we
cannot fight diseases without proper sanitation."

The EU-Africa Water for Life agreement was signed in Johannesburg between
Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo and South African Water and Forestry
Minister Ronny Kasrils, on behalf of Africa, and Danish Environment Minister
Hans Christian Schmidt and President Romano Prodi for the European Union.

The agreement with Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia will be
signed soon. Mediterranean and South American countries have signalled their
intention to participate in the near future.

The EU already spends close to 1.4 billion euros per year on water resource
development and management. The EU will allocate further funds and is
calling on other nations and private donors to contribute.

Rasmussen said, "I believe we have the moral obligation to do the right
thing: to provide clean drinking water and sanitation for every village,
town and city on the planet. By doing so, every year we can save many
millions of lives and prevent hundreds of millions of people from suffering
from serious diseases."

Hunkuyi, Nigeria. A young woman pours water hauled up in a bucket from the
village well friends wash clothes. (Two photos by Andy Crump courtesy World
Health Organization)
Water and sanitation are widely seen as key to sustainable development,
health, regional stability and economic stability. Currently, over one
billion people lack access to safe drinking water, and over 2.4 billion
people do not have adequate sanitation. More than 2.2 million people, mostly
children, die each year from water related diseases.

Rasmussen estimated the cost of supplying clean water and sanitation to all.
"It would be a one-off expense of $200 billion," he said, "but it may very
well be humanity’s best investment to achieve development and
sustainability. We have the technology and talent. It is achievable. We have
to act." 

By comparison, the total expenditure of Denmark on all budget items in the
year 2001 was was $51.3 billion.

The new EU global initiative promotes cooperation between countries sharing
an international river basin in managing their water resources. Europe's
experience shows that such cooperation stimulates economic development and
regional integration as well as preventing conflict over water. Africa alone
has 60 transboundary rivers.

European Commission President Romano Prodi said, "The global water crisis is
a major threat for our planet and the future of our children. Together with
our partners we are fully committed to achieving the WSSD's now-agreed
targets to halve the proportion of people without access to safe drinking
water and improved sanitation by 2015."

The EU is already investing €1.4 billion a year in water related development
aid and scientific cooperation.

The EU Water Initiative was developed in a multi-stakeholder process and is
open to all partners and regions. It aims to improve the efficiency of
existing financing mechanisms through better coordination.

"We are ready to increase financial resources over the coming years, in
response to the priorities developing countries set themselves," said Prodi.

EU funding for the water projects is expected to attract additional
financial resources.

A priority is to increase the transfer of knowledge through institutional
capacity building, targeted research and scientific cooperation.

Through the initiative the EU will help its partners to develop integrated
water resources management plans by 2005, a goal agreed at the summit. The
partners will work to achieve a sustainable balance between human water
needs and those of the environment.

Mwaluphamba, Kenya. Women and young girls gather at a safe water point to
collect water built so that women no longer have to visit water sources
which may contain parasites.
All partners are committed to ensuring that clean water and sanitation are
given appropriate priority in future. The creation of the African Ministers
Council of Water is a historical step in this respect.


FW: [globalnews] GM Wheat Portends Disaster for Great Plains

2002-09-10 Thread Jane Sherry
Title: FW: [globalnews] GM Wheat Portends Disaster for Great Plains

GM Wheat Portends Disaster for Great Plains
By Kari Lydersen, AlterNet
September 9, 2002

Todd Leake has been growing hard red spring wheat at his farm in eastern North Dakota for 25 years. The 1,000 acres he plants with hard red spring wheat represents half his total crop. Like most farmers in the area, more than half his crop is exported for sale in markets in Europe, South Korea, Japan, Taiwan and other foreign countries. 

If Monsanto and other biotech companies succeed in their push to allow genetically modified (called GE, GM or GMO) wheat on the market, Leake is afraid he may see his profits based on decades of work go down the drain. 

There are a variety of reasons that environmentalists, farmers, health activists, "globophobics" and others oppose the development of GE or GM crops. People fear the control it gives Monsanto and other multinational corporations over farmers' livelihoods. Many worry that the health and environmental effects of genetically modified foods are still unknown, and that they could be harmful to our land and our bodies. 

Farmers worry about cross-contamination from neighbors' GM crops. Biotech companies marketing GM seeds have the right to enter a farmer's field and test for their seed strains. They can fine farmers thousands of dollars if their crops test positive for genetically modified strains that the farmer didn't purchase, even though crops can easily become contaminated by pollen from a neighbor's field. 

Farmers are also not allowed to save seeds from year to year as they traditionally have done with non-GM crops. When a farmer plants a crop from GM seeds, he is required to purchase a new batch of seeds each year. Again companies can fine farmers huge amounts for this practice. Brothers Paul and John Mayfield, for example, were recently fined $75,000 by Monsanto for replanting 800 bushels of GM soybean seeds they had saved. 

But on top of all these concerns, there is an even simpler reason to oppose GM wheat, according to many farmers in the Great Plains, where Monsanto is pushing to introduce genetically modified hard red spring wheat for commercial sale. 

Regardless of whether the potential negative health and environmental effects are real or imagined, much of the world is certain that it doesn't want GM foods. Very certain. And this fact could only have devastating economic implications for American farmers. 

The European Union and various countries in Asia have all made it clear that they don't want any genetically modified crops, and they test incoming shipments to make sure they don't get any. Given the frequency and ease of cross-pollination, farmers say, virtually the only way for a country to ensure they are not getting any GM foods is to stop buying them from the U.S. all together. 

"It's basically impossible to segregate it," said Leake, who is a member of the grassroots farmers group the Dakota Resource Council. "The general consensus is that there will be cross-pollination from neighbors' fields. And it can get contaminated not only in the field, but from the seed stock, from handling the equipment that had GM seeds in it, from mixing in the [grain] elevator." 

A study quoted in the new book, "Fatal Harvest: The Tragedy of Industrial Agriculture," noted that only 20 percent of grain elevators surveyed in the U.S. have separate facilities for GM and non-GM soybeans. So even if a farmer were to avoid the economic pressure to buy GM wheat and to avoid cross-contamination from neighbors, his crops could still get contaminated in the elevator and test positive for genetic modification once they reach the market. 

Monsanto spokesman Mark Buckingham said the company has made a commitment to develop technologies to prevent contamination and to make sure farmers continue to have choices about what kind of seeds they buy. 

"We have committed not to introduce [GM wheat] on the market until we have different varieties to offer, so a farmer who wants Roundup Ready wheat can get it and one who wants traditional wheat can get that," said Buckingham. While Buckingham didn't offer a specific answer to fears about contamination from GM crops, farmers say the risk is very much on their minds. 

"I believe it's inevitable it would escape," said Sarah Vogel, the former commissioner of agriculture in North Dakota (1989 to 1996) and currently a lawyer in private practice. "It's really a bad idea." 

Right now GM wheat is being grown in research plots in North Dakota with test permits from the federal Animal, Plant and Health Inspection Service (APHIS). The GM wheat furthest along in production is Roundup Ready, meaning it can resist the Roundup herbicide sold by Monsanto, which kills just about all weeds. In the future other types of GM wheat and other crops would likely also be introduced, including plants with "nutriceuticals and pharmaceuticals," meaning with various drugs and 

Yesterdays Kristo in part

2002-09-10 Thread Moen Creek

Monday 9/9/02

The Libra MOON Trines URANUS (in his Trine to SATURN) at 4:25 PM CDT -5GMT.
read a delightful little story of 2 men walking in the forest when they were
finally overtaken
by darkness...and could no longer see the path. One of them was a man of
other...essentially, a man of Tao. A nasty storm came up, and with it was a
single bolt of
lightning. One man looked up at the sky and wondered. The other looked down
at the path
and found it completely illuminated. I leave it for you to decide which of
the men was
which. In any case...expect just such a moment today.


& then comes  the wonderious thunder!


OT. test message

2002-09-10 Thread Lloyd Charles

Sorry for the inconvenience to the list. I have been part un connected and
need to do this to check out the system

Re: OT:FW: [globalnews] 100 jets join attack on Iraq

2002-09-10 Thread Peter Michael Bacchus

- Original Message -
From: "Gil Robertson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, September 10, 2002 12:56 AM
Subject: Re: OT:FW: [globalnews] 100 jets join attack on Iraq

> Allan,
> If I can buy in?
> >From a Down Under perspective, we would see US politics, The Military and
> the Intelligence Services as all being puppets of the small number of
> people who command the money in the US and a number of other countries.
> If there was a will to have "Government of the people, by the people"
> voting would be compulsory. I understand that only around a third vote in
> most elections in the US.
> That means that the one who is hell bent on taking you, us and many others
> into a war on behalf of the US oil interests, was supported by something
> around a sixth of those of voting age. Four sixths can only blame them
> selves as they did not choose to vote.
> Gil
> Thanks Gil, Another down under view. I am very grateful I had the
opportunity to visit U.S. and meet some fingers in the soil Americans while
I was there. Its quite a different perspective to what one reads in the news

Re: Good sense and bad habits.

2002-09-10 Thread Peter Michael Bacchus

> broadcasters ensured good crops and we had the best produce at the market.
> Isn't it hard to argue with results?
> We had a lot of deer problems this year. Come to find out I thought we had
> a deer pepper in the broadcaster but we didn't. So I don't know where we
> stand there. But our okra was wiped out, half the cukes were eaten, all
> beans, even the tomatoes and potatoes were eaten some. They pawed up the
> potatoes and ate them and decimated the beets once they discovered them.
> Still we've had a good year so far. 3 more months to go. I'm amazed people
> would put poison on food. Or gow it with expensive chemicals when no
> chemicals gets good yields of superior quality. Why? It's amazing.
Hi Hugh,
  Human beings are beings of habit, like animals, Just look how
hard it is for a smoker to give up or what an alcoholic has to go through
before (s)he sees the light.
Warm regards,

> Best,
> Hugh
> Visit our website at: www.unionag.org