Life & the Sea: Sea Solids in Agriculture- you’re not really feeding a plant “organic” material — it has to be broken down into inorganic material before the plant, the green plant, can use it

2003-04-12 Thread Alberto Machado

Life & the Sea: Sea Solids in 
   When Dr. Maynard Murray’s groundbreaking 
Sea Energy Agriculture, the culmination of many years of research and 
experimentation, was published in 1976, the good doctor traveled to Kansas City, 
Missouri. In his presentation, simply entitled “Sea Solids,” Murray explains the 
philosophy behind his work and makes the case for his method. The following is 
an edited transcript of this historical speech. 
by Maynard Murray, M.D.   There are 
about 380,000 people studying life and making a living thereby in the U.S., but 
no one really knows what life is. So physicians use biologists, and so forth. We 
still don’t know what life really is all about. We do know some essential 
characteristics of life, however. Life is, of course, electrical. There can be 
no life without a transfer of electrical energy. In other words, each cell is a 
little battery that puts out a current. If a cell is unable to put out a 
current, it is dead and can never return to living tissue. Anything living 
alters its environment for its benefit in order that it may live and reproduce. 
   This is the difference between living and non-living 
tissue. Life is always contained in a cell. In other words, it’s surrounded into 
a definite volume, not like inorganic things — it is always in a cell.Cells, 
of course, vary in size. The largest cell on earth is an ostrich egg. The 
smallest cell is a tiny bacteria. In warm-blooded animals, the reproductive 
cells are the largest and the smallest — in other words, the sperm cell is the 
smallest cell in the body of a human or any other mammal, and the egg cell is 
the largest.   These cells are able to carry on the processes 
of life alone. They do not need anything except food from the outside. They can 
manufacture many of their food products. They can break down complex compounds 
and synthesize their own body tissues.   A virus, which is 
much smaller than the smallest bacteria, cannot do this, and they have to live 
within the cell. A cell, a living tissue, has to get its food by either 
concentrating or diluting its environment or altering it some way in order to 
make its environment part of its tissue.All of life is parasitic, with few 
exceptions. In fact, one living thing lives on another and so on all the way up 
and down the scale. The exception to this rule is plants. Plant life contains 
chlorophyll or some chlorophyll-like pigment. There are three different pigments 
by which plant cells can synthesize their own tissue out of simple inorganic 
things: chlorophyll, the pigment in blue-green algae, and the pigment in the 
retina of our eye. If that is contained by certain cells, it is with the aid of 
light able to synthesize food and proteins, etc., out of simple inorganic 
materials.    Green plants, in other words, will not use 
organic materials. I think the organic farmer and gardener has one of the best 
things going for them except the name. They’re doing exactly the right thing, 
but they’re using the wrong name! I wish they hadn’t done that, because you’re 
not really feeding a plant “organic” material — it has to be broken down into 
inorganic material before the plant, the green plant, can use it. So if we’d 
just started with a little different name, it would have been more accurate, and 
people might have understood it better. Nevertheless, the idea of keeping all 
the organic tissue on the soil and let it be broken down by bacteria and fungi 
in the inorganic form for the plant is a commendable practice and very 
good.   Now, I say that plants can’t use organic elements or 
tied-up elements, and animals can’t use inorganic, or shouldn’t. Salts, ordinary 
table salt, for example, are the only real inorganic compounds we take in. We 
know as doctors that salt for the most part is a toxic material, sodium 
chloride. It produces swelling in tissues, and your doctor will take you off of 
it if you have any swelling, heart disease, pregnancy, etc. He does this not 
knowing why, except for his awareness that salt produces swelling. The reason it 
produces swelling is because it’s tied-up in an inorganic form, and you, being 
an animal, can’t utilize it. If you take carrot juice, or many different 
vegetables, they contain sodium and chlorine that you can tolerate without any 
harmful effects whatsoever, if it’s tied-up right, in an organic 
form.   Take iodine, for instance. We do take some inorganic 
iodine and form a potassium iodide in salt. Here too, the iodine shows an 
opposite effect to that produced when it’s tied-up organically. If you eat 
organically tied-up iodine, it steps up your metabolism. If you take potassium 
iodide, salt, it’s the compound we use to step down the metabolism. We do know, 
however, that inorganic iodine prevents you from having a certain type of toxic 
goiter. This of course, is probably due to the fact that iodine is indeed 
hooked-up organically in small doses in plant life in your intesti

HAARP: VANDALISM IN THE SKY & WEATHER CONTROL with Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) & The Effects of this interference with symphonies of Gaia's geomagnetic

2003-03-30 Thread Alberto Machado

    Alan now we are geting to 
something very ,very complicated . Here in Brasil we have a similar 
" aparatus as Tesla would call it " that isThe SIVAM ( Sistema de 
Vigilancia da Amazonia also runned by Raytheon  ) witch is on  da 
Equador line  , from the  Eletrical magnectic point of view streamly 
important . I find this Email bellow witch was traslated and I hope it help you 
all.  Also Holes In Haven is the story of who built the Infraestructure and 
developted the project and to the Patent by Dr.  Bernad Eastlund. 
And rember the Russia has a smilar project called called WoodPaker.But rember we 
are talking about companies as Raytheon who developed and sell 80% of everthing 
that is in Golf war rigth now " Tomakalk missel " , infrared equipaments 

  Sorry , this is not a easy issue but vital , Alberto New )  ( 
  the old one )>HAARP: VANDALISM IN THE SKY?>Published in 
  Nexus Magazine,>Volume 
  3,>Number 1 (December '95-January '96)>PO Box 30, Mapleton Qld 
  4560 Australia.>[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Telephone: 
  +61 (0)7 5442 9280; Fax: +61 (0)7 5442 9381>From our web page at:>>Copyright: 
  1995 by Dr Nick Begich and Jeane Manning>Earthpulse Press, PO Box 
  201393, Anchorage, Alaska 99520, USA>Voice Mail: 907 249 
  9111>>>Technonet is the protest form of the 
  1990s-picketing on the>information highways. For example, a 
  fast-growing assortment of men>and women around the world are using the 
  Internet (started by the US>military for information transfer and 
  exchange that would never be>interfered with) to draw attention to a 
  questionable military>project in Alaska. Now these Internetting, 
  e-mailing, faxing folks>are blowing holes in the US Department of 
  Defense secrecy wall by>using the government's own system.>The 
  printed-word part of the protest started when Dennis Specht, 
  an>anti-nuclear activist then living in Alaska, sent a news item 
  to>NEXUS on the topic of HAARP-the High-frequency Active 
  Auroral>Research Program. Then, an Alaskan political activist and 
  science>researcher in Anchorage, Nick Begich, networked with Patrick 
  and>Gael Crystal Flanagan, who are self-described "technomonks" 
  living>in Sedona, Arizona, and was told to check out that 
  same>Australian-based magazine. Begich was surprised to see an item 
  from>his home town in NEXUS and immediately headed to the local 
  library>to dig out the documents cited in the 
  article.>>That research led to articles and the book, Angels 
  Don't Play this>HAARP: Advances in Tesla Technology, which is 230 pages 
  of detailed>information on this intrusive project. This article will 
  only give>highlights. Despite the amount of research (350 footnotes), 
  at its>heart it is a story about ordinary people who took on 
  an>extraordinary challenge.>>HAARP BOILS THE UPPER 
  ATMOSPHERE>HAARP will zap the upper atmosphere with a focused and 
  steerable>electromagnetic beam. It is an advanced model of an 
  'ionospheric>heater'. (The ionosphere is the electrically-charged 
  sphere>surrounding Earth's upper atmosphere. It ranges between about 40 
  to>600 miles above Earth's surface.)>>Put simply, 
  the apparatus for HAARP is a reversal of a radio>telescope: antennas 
  send out signals instead of receiving. HAARP is>the test run for a 
  super-powerful radio wave beaming technology that>lifts areas of the 
  ionosphere by focusing a beam and heating those>areas. Electromagnetic 
  waves then bounce back onto Earth and>penetrate everything-living and 
  dead. HAARP publicity gives the>impression that the High-frequency 
  Active Auroral Research Program>is mainly an academic project with the 
  goal of changing the>ionosphere to improve communications for our own 
  good. However,>other US military documents put it more clearly: HAARP 
  aims to learn>how to "exploit the ionosphere for Department of Defense 
  purposes".>Communicating with submarines is only one of those 
  purposes.>>Press releases and other information from 
  the military on HAARP>continually downplay what it could do. Publicity 
  documents insist>that the HAARP project is no different than other 
  ionospheric>heaters operating safely throughout the world in places 
  such as>Arecibo, Puerto Rico; Troms¿, Norway; and the former Soviet 
  Union.>However, a 1990 government document indicates that the 
  radio>frequency (RF) power zap will drive the ionosphere to 
  unnatural>activities:>>" the highest HF powers 
  available in the West, the>instabilities commonly studied are 
  approaching their maximum RF>energy dissipative capability, beyond 
  which the plasma processes>will 'run away' until the next limiting 
  factor is reached.">>If the military, in coop

Extremely Low Frequency Magnetic Fields - They affect us all in ways we may never consciously realise!

2003-03-30 Thread Alberto Machado


  ELF - Extremely Low Frequency 
  Magnetic Fields. 
  They affect us all in ways we may 
  never consciously realise! 
  In 1952, German physicist named W. O. Schumann, playing around 
  with math as physicists are prone to do, postulated that the earth - being a 
  good conductor - was surrounded by a good dielectric called air.. And around 
  this is another layer of a good conductor know as the ionosphere, the 
  Heaviside Layer, and that this constitutes a potentially resonant system. That 
  means that any energy trapped in this earth-ionosphere cavity - like lightning 
  storms, etc., - will cause it to ring like a bell. But the surprise was that 
  this signal frequency was the identical spectrum of human brain waves. It had 
  to be of irresistible interest to me to build an apparatus which would measure 
  the earth's brain wave, and at the same time measure the Witch Doctor's brain 
  waves, and see if there was a correlation - which we did. 
  This publication, which is the Journal of Research of the National Bureau 
  of Standards, Division of Radio Propagation, (p3, Vol. #66, May-June 1962); 
  tells of one of the early efforts where a government study, granted to Drs. 
  Koch and Pitchum at the University of Rhode Island, had made recordings of the 
  earth's brain wave; and those of you who know anything about Encephalography 
  could almost diagnose the patient by these little squiggles. They look 
  identical to human brain waves! (See figure 1) 
  We're reading the Magnetic H-wave which is the psychoactive component. Any 
  radio propagation wave has three components: the E-wave which can be picked up 
  by an antenna, the electro-static component, and the magnetic component - the 
  vector is 90 degrees at right angles to it. 
  So we built apparatus to test the thesis: There are certain people walking 
  among us today - perhaps one person in three thousand - who by dent of 
  heredity, or training, meditation, or whatever it might be, is able to tune in 
  to this magnetic component which is down around one micro-gauss, one millionth 
  of a gauss. Somehow they latch on to this cosmic carrier of information, 
  transduce it into paranormal "seeing" ability. 
  Now, the brain wave spectra seems to centre around that magic number of 7.8 
  to 8.0 Hertz (cycles per second). In other words, we know have an objective 
  test to see whether that person is tuning into a paranormal state of 
  consciousness, or whether he is making it up as he goes along. 
  If we look at these curves at 8 Hz, 7.8 Hz, there is a tremendous node in 
  the earth's brain wave. There's another one at about 14 Hz, etc. Amazing! The 
  same numbers which you get at the alpha-beta border, the alpha wave, beta etc. 
  Man is a bio-cosmic resonator. 
  Now what are some of the factors which can alter human moods if this thesis 
  is correct? Sunspot activity. Recall how solar flare activity totally disrupts 
  radio communication on this planet? It also changes the frequency of the 
  Schuman wave. Lunar tides. The same gravity forces that cause tides in our 
  oceans de-tunes the earth ionosphere cavity slightly, changing its frequency. 
  How about this as a solution for "moon madness"? 
  A lot of previously anecdotal, but very well documented data, is going to 
  seem to fit this model of why is man sensitive to these cosmic events. Here 
  are some photographs of solar flare activity. The earth, drawn to the same 
  scale as some of these tremendous bursts of energy, is this little dot right 
  here. Tremendous bursts of energy from outer space alter the earth's 
  ionospheric cavity, therefore changing the frequency slightly; therefore it 
  can re-tune our nervous systems, electromagnetically. (ed Note: We don't have 
  Mr Beck's film strip, but we do have a copy of the classic in this field, 
  Dewey and Dakin's Cycles, the Science of Prediction, published in 1947 by 
  Henry Holt & Co., New York. Figure 2 is a reproduction of chart 9, page 
  On page 142, Dewey and Dakin write: "in 1934, two Harvard research 
  workers, Carlos Garcia-Mata and Felix Shaffner, re-examined the Jevons studies 
  (on crop cycles) and checked them; they ended up with the conclusion that the 
  sunspot phenomena showed a remarkable correlation with industrial production, 
  business activity, and with stock market prices. Since this particular outcome 
  of these studies apparently left them a little surprised and aghast, the two 
  students threw up their hands and passed the problem over to the biologists 
  and the psychologists." Who weren't particularly interested, we might add. 
  But Russian physicists were! They later proved in their own way the 4th 
  Kingdom of Nature, the human kingdom, reacts immediately to the magnetic 
  changes of the sun, and offered this knowledge for the practical and tactical 
  use of the military maniacs in Moscow. 
  Now we won't go into the physics of the H-Layer and t

ELF - Extremely Low Frequency Magnetic Fields - They affect us all in ways we may never consciously realise!

2003-03-30 Thread Alberto Machado

ELF - Extremely 
Low Frequency Magnetic Fields. 

  They affect us all in ways we may 
  never consciously realise! 
  In 1952, German physicist named W. O. Schumann, playing around 
  with math as physicists are prone to do, postulated that the earth - being a 
  good conductor - was surrounded by a good dielectric called air.. And around 
  this is another layer of a good conductor know as the ionosphere, the 
  Heaviside Layer, and that this constitutes a potentially resonant system. That 
  means that any energy trapped in this earth-ionosphere cavity - like lightning 
  storms, etc., - will cause it to ring like a bell. But the surprise was that 
  this signal frequency was the identical spectrum of human brain waves. It had 
  to be of irresistible interest to me to build an apparatus which would measure 
  the earth's brain wave, and at the same time measure the Witch Doctor's brain 
  waves, and see if there was a correlation - which we did. 
  This publication, which is the Journal of Research of the National Bureau 
  of Standards, Division of Radio Propagation, (p3, Vol. #66, May-June 1962); 
  tells of one of the early efforts where a government study, granted to Drs. 
  Koch and Pitchum at the University of Rhode Island, had made recordings of the 
  earth's brain wave; and those of you who know anything about Encephalography 
  could almost diagnose the patient by these little squiggles. They look 
  identical to human brain waves! (See figure 1) 
  We're reading the Magnetic H-wave which is the psychoactive component. Any 
  radio propagation wave has three components: the E-wave which can be picked up 
  by an antenna, the electro-static component, and the magnetic component - the 
  vector is 90 degrees at right angles to it. 
  So we built apparatus to test the thesis: There are certain people walking 
  among us today - perhaps one person in three thousand - who by dent of 
  heredity, or training, meditation, or whatever it might be, is able to tune in 
  to this magnetic component which is down around one micro-gauss, one millionth 
  of a gauss. Somehow they latch on to this cosmic carrier of information, 
  transduce it into paranormal "seeing" ability. 
  Now, the brain wave spectra seems to centre around that magic number of 7.8 
  to 8.0 Hertz (cycles per second). In other words, we know have an objective 
  test to see whether that person is tuning into a paranormal state of 
  consciousness, or whether he is making it up as he goes along. 
  If we look at these curves at 8 Hz, 7.8 Hz, there is a tremendous node in 
  the earth's brain wave. There's another one at about 14 Hz, etc. Amazing! The 
  same numbers which you get at the alpha-beta border, the alpha wave, beta etc. 
  Man is a bio-cosmic resonator. 
  Now what are some of the factors which can alter human moods if this thesis 
  is correct? Sunspot activity. Recall how solar flare activity totally disrupts 
  radio communication on this planet? It also changes the frequency of the 
  Schuman wave. Lunar tides. The same gravity forces that cause tides in our 
  oceans de-tunes the earth ionosphere cavity slightly, changing its frequency. 
  How about this as a solution for "moon madness"? 
  A lot of previously anecdotal, but very well documented data, is going to 
  seem to fit this model of why is man sensitive to these cosmic events. Here 
  are some photographs of solar flare activity. The earth, drawn to the same 
  scale as some of these tremendous bursts of energy, is this little dot right 
  here. Tremendous bursts of energy from outer space alter the earth's 
  ionospheric cavity, therefore changing the frequency slightly; therefore it 
  can re-tune our nervous systems, electromagnetically. (ed Note: We don't have 
  Mr Beck's film strip, but we do have a copy of the classic in this field, 
  Dewey and Dakin's Cycles, the Science of Prediction, published in 1947 by 
  Henry Holt & Co., New York. Figure 2 is a reproduction of chart 9, page 
  On page 142, Dewey and Dakin write: "in 1934, two Harvard research 
  workers, Carlos Garcia-Mata and Felix Shaffner, re-examined the Jevons studies 
  (on crop cycles) and checked them; they ended up with the conclusion that the 
  sunspot phenomena showed a remarkable correlation with industrial production, 
  business activity, and with stock market prices. Since this particular outcome 
  of these studies apparently left them a little surprised and aghast, the two 
  students threw up their hands and passed the problem over to the biologists 
  and the psychologists." Who weren't particularly interested, we might add. 
  But Russian physicists were! They later proved in their own way the 4th 
  Kingdom of Nature, the human kingdom, reacts immediately to the magnetic 
  changes of the sun, and offered this knowledge for the practical and tactical 
  use of the military maniacs in Moscow. 
  Now we won't go into the physics of the H-Layer and the I-

HAARP Project -Government Cover ups and Weather Control - Woodpecker Project the Russians sent out a 20Mhz signal

2003-03-30 Thread Alberto Machado


  HAARP Defensive Economic WarfareUS 
  technology capable of manipulating the Ion Ratios to change human 
  behavior.By Guy CramerBefore the events of September 11, 2001, 
  the thought of American Military beinggiven the authority to shoot down 
  American civilian airliners loaded withpassengers over U.S. territory was 
  inconceivable. Now this and many othermeasures are necessary for the 
  safety and security of the nation.Continues at: 
   HAARP Project 
  -Government  Cover ups and Weather ControlTonight on 
  Area M4 @ 10 PM EST on http://www.m4radio.comNov 13th 
  2002Guest - Dr. Nicholas J. BegichSubject - New technologies, health 
  and earth science related issuesBook - Earth Rising: The Revolution, 
  Toward a Thousand Years of Peace Angels Don't Play This HAARP: Advances in 
  Tesla Technology Site 
  M4 is a 4 hour talk radio show devoted to delving in to the depths of the 
  unknown, the strange, and the paranormal, in a independent , unbiased, 
  open minded, sometimes silly forum with special guests and authors. Area 
  M4 is broadcast every Wednesday night from 10 PM till 2 am.  Message 
  us your stories or questions.
  During the Cold War, the Russians sent out a 20Mhz signal called the 
  Woodpecker Project. Why?
  This is one of those military riddles that we'll probably 
  never know the answer to. It is likely that these signals were part of a 
  project to develop radar that could see further than the horizon - called 
  Over-The-Horizon radar. But it wasn't just the Russians that were involved in 
  developing radar used in the Woodpecker project. The Americans were too. They 
  were developing a world wide network where the radar's range would be at least 
  1800 miles. So it is possible that some of the signals first thought to be 
  from Russia were actually from the West.

HAARP: VANDALISM IN THE SKY & WEATHER CONTROL with Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) & The Effects of this interference with symphonies of Gaia's geomagnetic

2003-03-30 Thread Alberto Machado

    Alan now we are geting to something very 
,very complicated . Here in Brasil we have a similar " aparatus as Tesla 
would call it " that isThe SIVAM ( Sistema de Vigilancia da Amazonia also 
runned by Raytheon  ) witch is on  da Equador line  , from 
the  Eletrical magnectic point of view streamly important . I find this 
Email bellow witch was traslated and I hope it help you all.  Also Holes In 
Haven is the story of who built the Infraestructure and developted the project 
and to the Patent by Dr.  Bernad Eastlund. 
And rember the Russia has a smilar project called called WoodPaker.But rember we 
are talking about companies as Raytheon who developed and sell 80% of everthing 
that is in Golf war rigth now " Tomakalk missel " , infrared equipaments 
Sorry , this is not a easy issue but vital , Alberto New )  ( the 
old one )>HAARP: VANDALISM IN THE SKY?>Published in Nexus 
3,>Number 1 (December '95-January '96)>PO Box 30, Mapleton Qld 
4560 Australia.>[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Telephone: 
+61 (0)7 5442 9280; Fax: +61 (0)7 5442 9381>From our web page at:>>Copyright: 
1995 by Dr Nick Begich and Jeane Manning>Earthpulse Press, PO Box 201393, 
Anchorage, Alaska 99520, USA>Voice Mail: 907 249 
9111>>>Technonet is the protest form of the 1990s-picketing 
on the>information highways. For example, a fast-growing assortment of 
men>and women around the world are using the Internet (started by the 
US>military for information transfer and exchange that would never 
be>interfered with) to draw attention to a questionable 
military>project in Alaska. Now these Internetting, e-mailing, faxing 
folks>are blowing holes in the US Department of Defense secrecy wall 
by>using the government's own system.>The printed-word part of the 
protest started when Dennis Specht, an>anti-nuclear activist then living 
in Alaska, sent a news item to>NEXUS on the topic of HAARP-the 
High-frequency Active Auroral>Research Program. Then, an Alaskan 
political activist and science>researcher in Anchorage, Nick Begich, 
networked with Patrick and>Gael Crystal Flanagan, who are self-described 
"technomonks" living>in Sedona, Arizona, and was told to check out that 
same>Australian-based magazine. Begich was surprised to see an item 
from>his home town in NEXUS and immediately headed to the local 
library>to dig out the documents cited in the 
article.>>That research led to articles and the book, Angels Don't 
Play this>HAARP: Advances in Tesla Technology, which is 230 pages of 
detailed>information on this intrusive project. This article will only 
give>highlights. Despite the amount of research (350 footnotes), at 
its>heart it is a story about ordinary people who took on 
an>extraordinary challenge.>>HAARP BOILS THE UPPER 
ATMOSPHERE>HAARP will zap the upper atmosphere with a focused and 
steerable>electromagnetic beam. It is an advanced model of an 
'ionospheric>heater'. (The ionosphere is the electrically-charged 
sphere>surrounding Earth's upper atmosphere. It ranges between about 40 
to>600 miles above Earth's surface.)>>Put simply, 
the apparatus for HAARP is a reversal of a radio>telescope: antennas send 
out signals instead of receiving. HAARP is>the test run for a 
super-powerful radio wave beaming technology that>lifts areas of the 
ionosphere by focusing a beam and heating those>areas. Electromagnetic 
waves then bounce back onto Earth and>penetrate everything-living and 
dead. HAARP publicity gives the>impression that the High-frequency Active 
Auroral Research Program>is mainly an academic project with the goal of 
changing the>ionosphere to improve communications for our own good. 
However,>other US military documents put it more clearly: HAARP aims to 
learn>how to "exploit the ionosphere for Department of Defense 
purposes".>Communicating with submarines is only one of those 
purposes.>>Press releases and other information from the 
military on HAARP>continually downplay what it could do. Publicity 
documents insist>that the HAARP project is no different than other 
ionospheric>heaters operating safely throughout the world in places such 
as>Arecibo, Puerto Rico; Troms¿, Norway; and the former Soviet 
Union.>However, a 1990 government document indicates that the 
radio>frequency (RF) power zap will drive the ionosphere to 
unnatural>activities:>>" the highest HF powers 
available in the West, the>instabilities commonly studied are approaching 
their maximum RF>energy dissipative capability, beyond which the plasma 
processes>will 'run away' until the next limiting factor is 
reached.">>If the military, in cooperation with the University of 
Alaska,>Fairbanks, can show that this new ground-based "Star 
Wars">technology is sound, they both w

Mass exodus of Europe's biotech companies from GM crops

2003-03-24 Thread Alberto Machado

mass exodus of Europe's biotech companies from GM crops
*Pro-Agro shows the gate to its research staff
[For a copy of the full report]
GM Crops: Industry 0 - Protesters 1
Severin Carrell reports on the mass exodus of Europe's biotech companies
from genetically modified crops
The Independent on Sunday, 23 March 2003
Europe's biotech firms have cancelled millions of pounds worth of 
into genetically modified crops, sending the industry into a steep
slump, a
new study has found.
The European Commission has admitted that nearly two thirds of the EU's
biotech companies have cancelled GM research projects over the past four
years, mainly because of the controversy over the safety and labelling
of GM
crops, and continuing consumer resistance.
The Commission also found that the number of GM field trial applications
fell by 76 per cent last year, from the 250 submitted in 1998 to a level 
seen since 1992. By comparison, US field trial bids have remained 
stable at about 1,000 a year.
The Commission's gloom deepened after an opinion poll of 16,500 people
showed deep-rooted disquiet about GM crops. Although 44 per cent of
Europeans believed medical biotechnology would improve their lives, only 
per cent supported GM foods.
Philippe Busquin, the European Research Commissioner, complained that
"unjustified fears and prejudice" were severely damaging the EU's 
"The increasingly sceptical climate is scaring European biotech companies
and research centres away," he claimed. "If we do not reverse the trend 
we will be dependent on technologies developed elsewhere."
In a bid to counter this problem, he is ploughing another €2.25bn 
into life sciences research.
The survey also underlined the public sector's increasingly leading role 
biotech R&D in Europe. Only 22 per cent of research institutes and 25 
cent of university institutes abandoned GM projects, compared to 68 per 
of the big biotech firms.
Anti-GM groups said Mr Busquin appeared to have ignored evidence that
investors were nervous about the viability of biotech companies. One 
by the London-based Institute for Science in Society said share values in
leading US biotech firms dropped 43 per cent last year.
Sue Mayer, of campaign group Genewatch, said the sector had failed to
justify claims it could quickly produce GM crops with improved 
or health properties, and had suppressed damaging results from 

Agricultores dos EUA não querem mais saber de transgênicos

2003-03-21 Thread Alberto Machado

Pra mais : e 
 Assunto: Agricultores dos 
EUA não querem mais saber de transgênicos

  dos EUA não querem mais saber de transgênicos
  agricultores americanos não querem mais transgênicos”, diz Rodney Nelson, fazendeiro dos EUA que 
  tentou produzir a soja transgênica Round UP Ready em parte de seus cultivos, voltou atrás, mas acabou 
  tendo a sua plantação contaminada pela variedade geneticamente modificada. 
  “Nós perdemos mercado para o nosso produto em todo o mundo e os preços das sementes disparou”, diz Nelson. “Além disso, 
  aqueles que tentam produzir soja não modificada têm suas lavouras contaminadas 
  e acabam sendo processados pela Monsanto por quebra 
  de patentes”, diz o agricultor, que está sendo processado pela empresa 
  Rodney Nelson 
  está no país para participar do Seminário “O Risco dos Transgênicos – Propostas da Sociedade”, que acontece nos 
  dias 18 a 20, em Brasília. O evento deverá reunir cerca de 100 representantes 
  de organizações de agricultores familiares, organizações ambientalistas e 
  entidades de defesa dos consumidores para formular propostas para o governo 
  visando enfrentar a questão da comercialização da soja contaminada por transgênicos no Rio Grande do 
  De acordo com 
  ele, as associações de agricultores dos EUA estão agora tentando impedir a 
  Monsanto de introduzir seu algodão geneticamente 
  modificado no mercado. Na sua avaliação, a batalha em relação à soja já está 
  perdida. “Uma vez que ela entra em um país, contamina tudo, e não há como 
  voltar atrás”, diz. De acordo com o agricultor, o preço das sementes transgênicas tiveram seu preço multiplicado por 6, no mercado dos EUA, desde que foram introduzidas, há 
  cinco anos. “E a tendência é que continuem a subir de preço. Hoje não é 
  possível comprar qualquer semente no país que não esteja 
  Nelson também 
  contesta afirmações da Monsanto de que a soja transgênica não contamina outras lavouras, por ser uma 
  planta que se autopoliniza. “Isso não é verdade. 
  Foram realizados testes em que se tentou produzir soja não modificada perto de 
  lavouras modificadas e a contaminação foi superior a 60%”, 
  Nelson se 
  encontrou na segunda-feira com o governador de Mato Grosso, Blairo Maggi, e com o presidente 
  da Federação dos Agricultores do Mato Grosso, Edson Ricardo Andrade. “Eles se 
  interessaram muito pelo que eu tinha a dizer. Acho que agora vão tomar mais 
  cuidado e reavaliar o seu relacionamento com a Monsanto”, afirmou o agricultor. “Eu não prego o banimento 
  dos transgênicos. Eu apenas conto o que aconteceu em 
  meu país, como é o padrão de trabalho da Monsanto e 
  as pressões que vêm junto com esse padrão”. Maggi, 
  além de governador do Mato Grosso, é o maior produtor brasileiro de 
  Outro convidado 
  dos EUA para o seminário é o economista Dennis Kitch, ex-diretor da divisão de biomateriais do US Grain Council, baseado no Japão, 
  coordenando a política de biotecnologia e aceitação pública no continente 
  asiático. Durante o seminário, Kitch deverá falar 
  sobre a dificuldade de aceitação de produtos geneticamente modificados pelo 
  mercado internacional. Kitsh também deverá 
  participar do encontro com o governador do MT.
  Entre os 
  convidados nacionais do seminário estão Flávio Gandara, da ESALQ-USP, que falará sobre o risco dos transgênicos para a agricultura, e Fátima Oliveira da UFMG 
  e Sec. Executiva da Rede Feminista de Saúde, falando 
  sobre implicações para a saúde.
  ANA - Articulação Nacional pela Agroecologia 
  Campanha "Por um Brasil Livre de Transgênicos" 
  CONTAC - Confederação Nacional dos Trabalhadores na Indústria da 
  Alimentação e 
  Assalariados Rurais 
  CONTAG - Confederação Nacional dos Trabalhadores na Agricultura 
  CUT Nacional - Central Única dos Trabalhadores 
  FETRAF-SUL/CUT - Federação dos Trabalhadores na 
  Agricultura Familiar - 
  Região Sul 
  MST - Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra 
  Núcleo Agrário 
  do Partido dos Trabalhadores - Câmara Federal
  maiores informações ou para marcar entrevistas com os 
  André Muggiati
  Assessoria de 
  Marc von der Weid
  Coordenador do 
  Programa de Políticas Públicas
  AS-PTA - 
  Assessoria e Serviços a Projetos em Agricultura Alternativa Rua da Candelária, 
  9/6º andar
  20091-020  Rio de 
  Tel.: 55 21 2253-8317
  Cel.: 55 21 9608-2862
  Fax:  55 21 

GRAVITOBIOLOGY - Mechanisms For Evolution, Gaia, and Morphogenetic Field

2003-03-21 Thread Alberto Machado

  excerpted fromGRAVITOBIOLOGYby 
  Lt. Col. T.E. Bearden (retd.), 1991Copyright
  Figure 18.  Earth, Sun and Moon are 
  Mechanisms For Evolution, Gaia, and Morphogenetic 
  For all the creatures and species on earth, the Whittaker 
  structured potential mechanism provides the precise physical mechanisms 
  for evolution, and for Sheldrake's morphogenetic 
  Every creature continually contributes structures into 
  the quantum potential for its own species, and the quantum potential for 
  every species is part of the overall planetary quantum potential for all 
  its living things.
  Each species has its own quantum potential, to which 
  every action, movement, thought, or incident of, by, and to its members 
  contributes a minute amount of substructuring. Thus very, very slowly the 
  species bio-quantum-potential adapts from the combined experiences of all 
  its members, and the species "learns." Sudden wholesale changes, of 
  course, can extinguish a species before this mechanism has time to adapt. 
  But if the species has time, it will adapt to even harsh changes inflicted 
  by its environment, and it will change and survive. The species bio-quantum-potential provides the exact mechanism for the species to change, adapt, and 
  evolve to survive the slowly changing adversities of its environment.
  It should specifically be noted that potentials organize 
  into entire hierarchies of organization. That is, a potential is normally 
  a conglomerate composed of many smaller potentials, each of unique 
  Whittaker structure. The stress of a potential is rather analogous to the 
  pressure in a mixture of gases; the overall pressure of the gaseous 
  mixture is composed of partial pressures of the various gaseous components. Each gaseous component 
  has its own individual contribution to the overall pressure of the entire 
  gaseous mix.
  In the case of the potential, the overall Whittaker 
  structure of a particular potential is comprised of the overall Whittaker 
  structures of its component potentials.
  The point is, a quantum potential of one entity is 
  composed of the partial quantum potentials of its component 
  Note that each living cell of a biological organism is 
  itself a complete biological organism. Each cell has its own individual 
  bio-quantum-potential. Insofar as that cell is concerned, its "species" 
  bio-quantum potential (BQP) is the body bio-quantum-potential of the whole 
  animal of which the cell is a part. (Even organs of an animal have their 
  own biopotentials, as does every physical structure and division of 
  everything in the universe. And everything intracommunicates and 
  intercommunicates via hidden EM energy.)
  Successively deeper Whittaker potentials are nested 
  inside the bio-quantum-potential for the cell, one for each next smaller 
  level of interior structure. The end result is that this cellular 
  hierarchical structure continues directly down into and onto the nucleus 
  of each atom composing that structure. This is the manner in which the 
  life of a living system is attached to, and activates, the physical matter 
  of its body. We have thus specified precisely what the livingspirit of a 
  body is.
  Communication between all living levels continually 
  occurs via the mechanisms contained in the two Whittaker papers (W-1903: 
  infolding external EM at one level into internal EM at the next lower 
  level; and W-1904: outfolding EM at one internal level to the next outer 
  externalized level). Thus in a true sense, all life on the planet is 
  completely intercommunicative and intracommunicative. Literally, the 
  planet is a living being, and a special kind of Gaia exists.
  Particularly strong Whittaker-structuring communication 
  occurs between an individual member of a species and its species 
  bio-quantum-potential at fertilization/conception and at death. Thus at 
  cell division (formation of a new cell), mitogenetic radiation is more 
  strongly emitted, showing that increased communication has occurred in a 
  (relatively) impulsive manner. The recorded experience of the body is 
  communicated to the new cell at this time. At the death of the cell, again 
  mitogenetic radiation is more strongly emitted, showing that again 
  impulsive communication has occurred. The recorded experience of the 
  cell—particularly its most recent experiences—are impulsively transmitted 
  at this time, from the outfolding Whittaker structures of its 
  Similarly, at the fertiliza


2003-03-17 Thread Alberto Machado

  Hope this helps , years ago a read a lot , I don?t know if it?s updaeted.

Sincerly Aberto

-Mensagem original-
nome de Spiritual Renaissance Center
Enviada em: segunda-feira, 17 de marco de 2003 03:54
Assunto: GAIA

Does anyone have thoughts on the Gaia Hypothesis?


Timothy H.

In the 1970s the British scientist James Lovelock formulated the Gaia
hypothesis, which has attracted many followers. According to this
theory, named after the Greek goddess of the earth, the planet behaves
like a single living organism. Lovelock postulated that the earth, like
many organisms, can regulate its temperature, dispose of its wastes, and
fight off disease. Although the Gaia hypothesis serves as a convenient
metaphor for the interconnections among living beings, it does not have
any particular scientific merit.

Monsanto's Wheat

2003-03-17 Thread Alberto Machado

Percy Shemeiser was at meeting in USA where I met him , and
also he came do the Social Forum , last month , here in Brasil , his story
is icredible and

God be with you all , Alberto

-Mensagem original-
nome de Eric Myren
Enviada em: segunda-feira, 17 de marco de 2003 11:57
Assunto: Re: Monsanto's Wheat

Glad you gentlemen got a giggle! Sooner than not you gents will be
passing the torch along to people in my age group (early 30's) and we
will have to deal with this GARBAGE more than you. I just feel that it
is possible to head them off at the pass. In Canada we were able to
keep Monsanto's Bovine Growth Hormone out of our milk supply. who
knows maybe our wheat fields too. There is one thing on our side, the
Canadian Justice Department is completely aware of the contamination of
Canola fields, with the Round-Up and Liberty genes (Where the farmers
had never sown any). For a government dept. to become AWARE it must
mean something... I have a downloaded copy of this report if anyone
wants it?

Yah never know unless unless yah all try "eh"...
A Peaceful Fanatic
P.S. What is it that the Great Wall Street Mill is always churning
out?.Phoney Money!

On Monday, March 17, 2003, at 06:06 AM, Allan Balliett wrote:

>> Thirty Meteres???  Tell them that window cleaners on Manhattan
>> skyscrapers
>> were pelted with a substance up on there scaffolding.  When collected
>> and
>> analyzed turned out to be wheat chaff...sstorch
> I bet it was grist from the great Wall Street mill...

RES: Dairy cows even in N.Z.

2003-03-15 Thread Alberto Machado

Sure Mainteince and reproduction are the most important , do you know Dr.
Gerald Fry ..fore me here uin Brazil  It´s probaly the one  most
important work´s a came across.

  Sincerly , Alberto

-Mensagem original-
nome de Peter Michael Bacchus
Enviada em: quinta-feira, 13 de março de 2003 07:51
Assunto: Re: Dairy cows even in N.Z.

My expectation is that with improving the genetics for production that the
health factors receive less attention so good health in organic situations
is even more meaningful.
Since writing yesterday I have herd that Hella Bauer Eden has done such a
thesis. I will post a link or address if there is one next week.
To get juice out of grass many consultants here have some small plates
welded into the jaws of a pair of vicegrips. These put quite a pressure on
the herbage and work quite well on green grass.
When only sugar provides the sweetness the meal is not satisfying or leaves
one hungry. If there is a good measure of protein then there is a fullness
to the flavour and one feels satisfied and nourised and does not get hungry
again after an hour or two.

New- Europe Gets Innovative about Farm Subsidies

2003-03-13 Thread Alberto Machado


   Corner PostFarm & Countryside 
  Commentary by Elbert van DonkersgoedMarch 7, 2003When British and 
  French farmers agree on an issue, it's worth investigating.Back in January 
  the European Commission published its latest proposal forreforms of the 
  European Union's Common Agricultural Policy. These latestproposals clearly 
  cut farm production subsidies.French farmers were the first to 
  forcefully reject the plan. France profitsmore from farm production 
  subsidies than any other European Union country.British farmers 
  declared that the new policy does not fit in the UnitedKingdom. They too 
  reject the reduction in production subsidies but focustheir criticism on 
  the proposal to reduce the aid payments according to farmsize. Larger 
  farms face bigger percentage cuts, and the UK's farm size ismuch bigger 
  than most of Europe.But this latest plan for reform, which "happens" 
  to cut productionsubsidies, has a much bigger 
  agenda.The most significant goal is a simplified, efficient 
  administration by theEuropean Commission of what all the member states do 
  in the name of theCommon Agricultural Policy.The 
  reform proposes a single farm payment, independent of production andbased 
  on the average of whatever subsidies a farm received during theprevious 
  three years. No lengthy application forms backed by proof fromsatellite 
  imagery and animal passports to show how much land is inproduction or how 
  many animals are kept. Just a single farm income payment.Easy 
  administration.A second innovation is just as dramatic. It 
  is a response to thelong-standing criticism of the Common Agricultural 
  Policy: that productionsubsidies divide farmers from their markets, 
  suppress innovation, anddestroy economic and environmental 
  value.The new payments will be linked to respect for the 
  environment, food safety,occupational safety and countryside stewardship. 
  As long as a farmer keepshis land in agricultural condition, the farmer 
  will continue to receive thesingle farm payment, irrespective of the 
  amount of food produced. Farmerswho deliver an attractive, healthy 
  countryside will be rewarded, making theenvironment a selling point, not a 
  sore point, for the sector.The rationale for this major shift in 
  European farm policy has been buildingfor a decade. Production subsidies 
  paid to farmers under the CommonAgricultural Policy are now seen as part 
  of the problem rather than thesolution. A new guiding principle has 
  emerged: use public money to pay forpublic goods that the public wants and 
  needs.This is an innovative approach to agricultural subsidies. Will 
  Europe'senvironment benefit? No doubt. I am skeptical, however, of the 
  claims byEuropean politicians that their new approach will reduce 
  over-production.Total subsidies for European agriculture and the 
  countryside are notdeclining. Farmers, with their ingenuity and 
  entrepreneurship, should not 

RES: Dairy cows even in N.Z.

2003-03-12 Thread Alberto Machado

-Mensagem original-
De: Alberto Machado [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Enviada em: quarta-feira, 12 de março de 2003 10:22
Assunto: Dairy cows even in N.Z.
Prioridade: Alta

  Please don´t forget the genetics of these animal´s they have beingdoing a
wonderful wrk by  selecting Frisio , and Jersey for pasture for a long time
and the way they use to eveluate a animal is quit different : ; and

Livestock Improvement New Zealand
If one looks at the health factor of herds of dairy cows even in N.Z. it is
remarkable the difference in vet costs and how quickly that change can take
place, one can be in no doubt that consuming organic foods are conciderably
more beneficial to the health of the consumer. With dairy cows one is
dealing with a shorter life span than for humans. Cows can not hop on their
bikes and go down town for their favourite fast food meal!! like humans can
so that makes a study much easier to monitor. They haven't got access to the
supermarket and all the tempting bargains either.
I don't know of anyone who has done such a study at university level, do
you? Perhaps someone can persuade a student to look at this question for a
Master Of Science degree.
My partner Gill is looking at the nutritional aspects of organic v/s
conventional with lettuces as the study plant and reports amoung other
things that protein is significantly ellevated where the biodynamic remedies
have been used. She should be finnished her degree at the end of June.
We are having autumn in N.Z. and in our part good heavy autumn rain has
arrived right on shedule for golden queen peach harvest. Like many soft and
stone fruit that get good rain just before harvest time splitting and
rotting procede apace. This year I got busy with one of the sprays we make
in the lab. (Glen Atkinson's sprays are now being marketed as B.D.Max by a
new sales company of that name). Root max in the afternoon and Ripemax in
the morning. The splitting slowed right down then stopped.I picked most of
the fruit for bottleing. The first run had a brix  of seven, the last two 16
and fifteen. No sugar or honey was used and all the fruit looked green
before peeling and many after peeling too. A few leaves of stevia were added
to each brew. When chopped up less than a level teaspoon. Without the use of
these homoeopathic remedies  I would have expected to loose more than half
the fruit to brown rot. Only a few missed the bottle altogether and I had to
cut bits off a few.

Organic food with higher Brix

2003-03-12 Thread Alberto Machado

 Dear Allan

Sorry for my intromission , Brix , mesures all solids that are
soluble on the plant not only the sugars , including minerals, protein ,
these with  the higher sugar give a sweeter tasting if soil is in god
conditions , crops with higher Brix produce more alcool for the micobiology
,  tastes better , are more insects resistant, and better shelf life. But in
grass witch I work is hard to extract the liquid sample, normaly you use the
intermidiate leaf of the pant. Reams realy worked with this indicater , it?s
e excelent  help on the field.For my experience here in Brazil normal frech
milk reads +/- 12 , animals that are in a Organic managment can read +/- 14
and have a clear line witch is related to stabilaty on the liquid .I know
it?s hard but the man that is in the field begains to convince himself and
than he goes to tell the outhers.In The book Farming for the 21 century
there is a lot of information.

   Sorry again , and also for my spelling , Alberto

>Allan - Why not use a refractometer? Have a chart available explaining what
>Brix is. Challenge your customers to find produce with a higher Brix
>than yours.

Ron - As far as I know, objectively speaking, there is no proof that
brix represents anything other than a higher sugar content. It tastes
good, fer sure. And I personally believe that brix is n indicator of
plant health. However, I cannot expect the man on the street to
believe that nor, can I, in good conscience, tell him that BRIX
readings are meaningful, in the sense we are looking at. -Allan

Dairy cows even in N.Z.

2003-03-12 Thread Alberto Machado

  Please don´t forget the genetics of these animal´s they have beingdoing a
wonderful wrk by  selecting Frisio , and Jersey for pasture for a long time
and the way they use to eveluate a animal is quit different : ; and

Livestock Improvement New Zealand
If one looks at the health factor of herds of dairy cows even in N.Z. it is
remarkable the difference in vet costs and how quickly that change can take
place, one can be in no doubt that consuming organic foods are conciderably
more beneficial to the health of the consumer. With dairy cows one is
dealing with a shorter life span than for humans. Cows can not hop on their
bikes and go down town for their favourite fast food meal!! like humans can
so that makes a study much easier to monitor. They haven't got access to the
supermarket and all the tempting bargains either.
I don't know of anyone who has done such a study at university level, do
you? Perhaps someone can persuade a student to look at this question for a
Master Of Science degree.
My partner Gill is looking at the nutritional aspects of organic v/s
conventional with lettuces as the study plant and reports amoung other
things that protein is significantly ellevated where the biodynamic remedies
have been used. She should be finnished her degree at the end of June.
We are having autumn in N.Z. and in our part good heavy autumn rain has
arrived right on shedule for golden queen peach harvest. Like many soft and
stone fruit that get good rain just before harvest time splitting and
rotting procede apace. This year I got busy with one of the sprays we make
in the lab. (Glen Atkinson's sprays are now being marketed as B.D.Max by a
new sales company of that name). Root max in the afternoon and Ripemax in
the morning. The splitting slowed right down then stopped.I picked most of
the fruit for bottleing. The first run had a brix  of seven, the last two 16
and fifteen. No sugar or honey was used and all the fruit looked green
before peeling and many after peeling too. A few leaves of stevia were added
to each brew. When chopped up less than a level teaspoon. Without the use of
these homoeopathic remedies  I would have expected to loose more than half
the fruit to brown rot. Only a few missed the bottle altogether and I had to
cut bits off a few.

Vitality and fertility ofsoils

2003-03-12 Thread Alberto Machado

  It´s using the redox pH / Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP ) that Reams
and now Skow : The capacity of the eletrical habilaty in the soil is for
sure singficant and direct related to the vitality of the soil.
  Paramagnetism is on the Basalt Rock and in many ways can be positive or
not to the soil ; exemple if you add paragmentectic rock to a place where in
the subsoil has alredy paramagentic energy , you kill everthing , you need
both paramagnetic and isomagnetic to do a god job for you ,that what I read
in Phil work. But yes basalt is a fantastic micronutrient and life incresing
way of adding micobiological activity to your soil , here in Brasil we
didn´t find hight riding´s on the CGS , but we are using a lot , beacause we
are in  the tropical the high temperature makes it very quick , and one
problem here is the acid soil , and how to retain organic mater .
   It´s a littel confused but i wish it can help .

Sorry for my speling but I live in Brasil and don´t
pratic to much English here , Sincerly Alberto

Assunto: Vitality and fertility ofsoils

Dear Lloyd, Steve and fellow list members,
In Bruce Copen's Agricultural rates there are the rates for soil testing
with Carey Reams techniques. Amongst these rates is one for testing the
vitality of the soil. Vitality of the soil seems to not get coverage on
Maybe one of the reasons is that until I started to research this concept I
had never heard of vitality as being measurable parameter of soil. I write
this in the hope that some of you who have experience of Reams techniques
may be able to enlighten me, or head me in the direction of further areas of
study of his methods.

Lloyd knows our property, red basalt soil, 3200 cgs on average, averages 6%
organic matter, high mineralisation and a dream soil for anyone to start
with. There is only one problem, when you test the soils in our cultivation
paddocks radionically it gives a reading of about 10% vitality, and the same
for fertility. My definition for fertility is the ability of plants grown to
reproduce true to type with maximum viability, which is a true reflection of
the fertility of the soil. In other words they need to have inbuilt vitality
and an inbuilt toughness.
This ties in with other strands which are developing on the list about trace
elements and nutrition, and whether we can claim that food is better if
grown biodynamically. I love my plants and take great delight in growing
plants that have a look of vitality about them.  Although they may appear to
be very vital plants, each year the seed loses some of it's vitality.

My problem then became how do I increase vitality, when within the existing
theories that I had been exposed to, at university and on the list there was
not a lot which I could do with this soil. Most minerals were within
acceptable standards, copper and Sulphur down a bit. The pH has increased
from 5.5 to 6.8 over the last 3 years and is in general a very pleasant soil
to work with.
It appears that the plants may have been living on their inbuilt vitality,
but were not getting much assistance from the soil. There was something
missing. The missing thing was indefinable, however I instinctively knew
that something was wrong, that there was some missing ingredients in the
brew. At first I thought that vitality was being lost from the cultivated
areas into the surrounding forest, on the basis that energy travels from the
lowest to the highest.

In amongst my other radionic broadcasts I put out one for vitality, and
another one for fertility. The results are that now that the drought has
broken, there are no bare patches that were there before. It seems that
there is a vitality that was not there before, even although it appeared to
be as good as any mortal person could hope for.
My question is what is vitality and what enlivens it in the soil.

Action Alert for Organic Standards Under Attack - USDA regulations requiring all organic livestock to be fed 100% organic feed

2003-03-01 Thread Alberto Machado


   Action Alert for Organic Standards Under 
  AttackI hope this posts: Last week Congress passed an 
  appropriations bill which overturns USDA regulations requiring all organic 
  livestock to be fed 100% organic feed.*Take Action - to 
  Protect The integrity of Organic Standards*Senator Leahy (D-VT) is 
  introducing the Organic Restoration Act torepeal this rider along with 
  Representative Sam Farr (D-CA) in theHouse. Both of these bills were 
  introduced on February 26, 2003.Co-sponsors are needed ASAP in the 
  House AND Senate - both Republicans and Democrats.For the repeal 
  bill to be successful, we must generate a lot of interest and public 
  comment on the Organic Restoration Act all across the nation.It is 
  important that everyone - farmers, consumers, environmentalists, and the 
  entire organic industry - talk to their members of Congress and get them 
  on board in supporting the Organic Restoration Act. We must stand up to 
  this blatant attempt by agribusiness to have their way with the organic 
  standards.What You Can Do - Take Action!**Contact your 
  representatives in Washington and demand that support the Organic 
  Restoration Act to repeal the language inserted into Section 771 of the 
  Omnibus Appropriations Bill undermining the integrity of the organic label 
  for meat, poultry, eggs and dairy.The message is simple: Urge your 
  Senators and Representatives to support the Organic Restoration Act that 
  was introduced by Senator Patrick Leahy and Representative Sam Farr to 
  repeal Section 771 of the Omnibus Appropriations Bill. Repealing this 
  section is in the interest of consumers, organic farmers and the 
  environment. Repealing this section will encourage continued growth of 
  organic agricultural production in the United States, one of the bright 
  prospects for U.S. agriculture overall.You can find your Senator 
  here - 
  can find your Representative here - 
  Farr's office has asked that we target the followingRepresentatives, if 
  you know of folks that live in their states please forward on this email 
  to them.Allen Boyd, Jr. (D-FL/2) 202-225-5235 Agriculture Aide:Charla 
  PennJerold Nadler (D-NY/8) 202-225-5635 Agriculture Aide: Kisette 
  MortonDennis Rehberg (R-MT) 202-225-3211 Chief of Staff: Erik 
  IversonJim McDermott (D-WA/7) 202-225-3106 Agriculture Aide: Sean 
  HughesWayne Gilchrest (R-MD/1) 202-225-5311 Agriculture Aide: Jeri 
  FinkePlease also let your local health food store know what you are 
  doing.Tell them to carry NO products by Fieldale Farms, the company in GA 
  that instigated this movement to gut the organic livestock feed 
  standards. They also produce poultry under the Springer Mountain Farms 

Help to find Eugene M. Poirot's book called "Our Margin of Life"

2003-02-28 Thread Alberto Machado

 Dear all 
I ask a favor please if any body knows where can I by the book 
Eugene M. Poirot wrote a book in 1950 
called "Our Margin of Life".  3   This book details 
his experiences in the restoration of soils and the health benefits to animals 
when fed crops grown on high vitality soils. His son-in-law, a veterinarian who 
practiced in the same town as I did, confirmed the accuracy of this account, 
here quoted from Poirot's book
Sincerly Albeerto Machado 

MAD COW UPDATE ( 2) Mark Purdey theory

2003-02-23 Thread Alberto Machado

 My ola to the gruop , with all my respect I am a A Brazilian Organic
Veterinarian , who recently finished the treining in a Biodynamic .

In relation with the mad cow disease are you aware of   Mark
Purdey theory  - High-dose exposure to systemic phosmet insecticide modifies
the phosphatidylinositol anchor on the prion protein: the origins of new
variant transmissible spongiform encephalopathies? and his biography and
eco-detective journeys to the centre of scientific truth

Alberto ( Sorry for my spelling )