Please donīt forget the genetics of these animalīs they have beingdoing a
wonderful wrk by  selecting Frisio , and Jersey for pasture for a long time
and the way they use to eveluate a animal is quit different : ; and

Livestock Improvement New Zealand
If one looks at the health factor of herds of dairy cows even in N.Z. it is
remarkable the difference in vet costs and how quickly that change can take
place, one can be in no doubt that consuming organic foods are conciderably
more beneficial to the health of the consumer. With dairy cows one is
dealing with a shorter life span than for humans. Cows can not hop on their
bikes and go down town for their favourite fast food meal!! like humans can
so that makes a study much easier to monitor. They haven't got access to the
supermarket and all the tempting bargains either.
I don't know of anyone who has done such a study at university level, do
you? Perhaps someone can persuade a student to look at this question for a
Master Of Science degree.
My partner Gill is looking at the nutritional aspects of organic v/s
conventional with lettuces as the study plant and reports amoung other
things that protein is significantly ellevated where the biodynamic remedies
have been used. She should be finnished her degree at the end of June.
We are having autumn in N.Z. and in our part good heavy autumn rain has
arrived right on shedule for golden queen peach harvest. Like many soft and
stone fruit that get good rain just before harvest time splitting and
rotting procede apace. This year I got busy with one of the sprays we make
in the lab. (Glen Atkinson's sprays are now being marketed as B.D.Max by a
new sales company of that name). Root max in the afternoon and Ripemax in
the morning. The splitting slowed right down then stopped.I picked most of
the fruit for bottleing. The first run had a brix  of seven, the last two 16
and fifteen. No sugar or honey was used and all the fruit looked green
before peeling and many after peeling too. A few leaves of stevia were added
to each brew. When chopped up less than a level teaspoon. Without the use of
these homoeopathic remedies  I would have expected to loose more than half
the fruit to brown rot. Only a few missed the bottle altogether and I had to
cut bits off a few.

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