Re: Line-oriented socket I/O using select()

2013-01-14 Thread Vic Sage
On Jan 13, 2013, at 8:35 PM, Charles DeRykus wrote:

 On Sun, Jan 13, 2013 at 3:03 PM, Vic Sage wrote:
 What I *want* is to block until an entire \n-terminated string [can that 
 be referred to as a line?]  can be retrieved from one of my clients.  I'm 
 sure I could work out the logic to maintain application-level buffers, but I 
 suspect I would merely be reinventing the wheel, one bug at a time :-).   
 What does the experienced Perl programmer - or socket-level programmer in 
 general - do in this situation?
 I'm not experienced in heavy duty socket-level programming
 but you may want to invest in learning POE:
 It's already refined many of the wheels you'll need and appears well

Wow - that is one substantial package!  POE looks like a pretty steep learning 
curve; however, it appears as if POE::Wheel::ReadWrite might be what is needed. 
 I've never tried my hand at working with event loops - and I'd be interested 
to hear if there's a general consensus that this is much preferable to my 
old-school approach of just looping on a select().

Line-oriented socket I/O using select()

2013-01-13 Thread Vic Sage
I'm writing a multiplexed TCP-based server that reads \n-terminated strings 
from clients and does something with them.  Since this is one process with 
multiple client connections, it uses select() (or, actually, can_read from 
IO::Select) to block until data has arrived from any client.

It's my understanding that TCP does not preserve message boundaries.  That 
is, if a client writes:

print $sock abel\n;
print $sock baker\n;
print $sock charlie\n;

... there are no guarantees about what will be returned from the server's 
system buffer by sysread() when select() pops.  It could be a, or abel\n, 
or abel\nbak, etc.  

What I *want* is to block until an entire \n-terminated string [can that be 
referred to as a line?]  can be retrieved from one of my clients.  I'm sure I 
could work out the logic to maintain application-level buffers, but I suspect I 
would merely be reinventing the wheel, one bug at a time :-).   What does the 
experienced Perl programmer - or socket-level programmer in general - do in 
this situation?


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Re: Recommendations for emacs customizations for editing Perl

2012-09-12 Thread Vic Sage
On Sep 11, 2012, at 11:45 PM, Shlomi Fish wrote:

 Hi pangj,
 On Wed, 12 Sep 2012 12:28:54 +0800
 pangj wrote:
 Have been coding perl with VIM always.
 Good for you, but the original question was about Emacs and it is a legitimate

I had no idea how popular Vi/Vim was until I recently joined this company.  
Emacs wasn't even installed!  I made a mighty effort to switch to Vim after 18 
years of using Emacs, but after two months I was still making the same mistakes 
- the zen of Vi[m] just never really dawned.

(It once took me six weeks of programming in C, cursing it the whole way, to 
realize what a waste the previous 14 years of coding assembler had been.  Same 
for switching to Unix from MVS.  I figure two months is enough to unlearn just 
about anything.)

But, yes, as Shlomi points out, I *am* looking for suggestions from experienced 
Perl programmers who use - and customize - Emacs :-)


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Re: Recommendations for emacs customizations for editing Perl

2012-09-12 Thread Vic Sage

On Sep 12, 2012, at 5:59 AM, Paul Anderson wrote:

 Install PDE from CPAN and it'll work alright. It works fine for me on 5.16.1. 

So it does.  

I was concerned that PDE hadn't been updated in four years.  But I gather it 
works well with all the recent syntax?


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Recommendations for emacs customizations for editing Perl

2012-09-11 Thread Vic Sage
I'd like to hear some recommendations from this list for customizations to emacs for coding Perl.One seemingly respected site,, has a lot of links but unfortunately some are pretty dated. For example, the Perl Develop Environment,, last updated in 2008, wouldn't install because my version of Perl (5.16.1) was "too far out of date." So of course the question is, how up-to-date is I say, I'm running Perl 5.16.1, and emacs 24.something. I do have cperl-mode.el, but there are also a lot of goodies out there like variable-name completion and templates that look very useful. I mostly don't want to be installing and troubleshooting stuff that hasn't been updated in five years and/or isn't "generally regarded" to be top quality.Thanks for any pointers or even advice about what to avoid :)Vic

Re: Recommendations for emacs customizations for editing Perl

2012-09-11 Thread Vic Sage
On Sep 11, 2012, at 10:24 PM, John SJ Anderson wrote:
 Well, there's the 'Tweakers Anonymous' talk I gave at YAPC…
 * slides:
 * video:

Okay - good points to keep in mind.

 There's also my Emacs config: (the Perl 
 stuff is mostly in etc/perl.el)

Okay, this looks good but I don't know how to install it.  I have a .emacs file 
and a .emacs.d directory in my home directory; you have an init.el file and 
bin, etc, and share directories.  Can you give me the idiot's guide?  :)

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