combining data from more than one file...

2004-05-17 Thread Michael S. Robeson II
Hi all,
I am having trouble with combining data from several files, and I can't  
even figure out how to get started. So, I am NOT asking for any code  
(though pseudo-code is ok) as I would like to try figuring this problem  
out myself. So, if anyone can give me any references or hints that  
would be great.

So, here is what I am trying to do:
I have say 2 files (I'd like to do this to as many files as the user  

***FILE 1***
***end file 1***
***FILE 2***
***end file 2***
Basically, I would like to concatenate the sequence of each  
corresponding animal so that the various input files would  be out put  
to a file like so:

***output end***

Notice that in the two files the data are not in the same order. So, I  
am trying to figure out how to have the script figure out what the  
first organism is in FILE 1( say "cat" in this case) and find the  
corresponding "cat" in the other input files. Then take the sequence  
data (all the cat data) from FILE 2 and concatenate it to the cat  
sequence data in FILE 1 to an output file. Then it should go on to the  
next organism in FILE 1 and search for that next organism in the other  
files (in this case FILE 2). I do not care about the order of the data,  
only that the "like" data is concatenated together.

Again, I do NOT want this solved for me (unless I am totally lost).  
Otherwise, I'll never learn. I would just like either hints /  
suggestions / pseudo code / even links to books or sites that discuss  
this particular topic. Meanwhile, I am eagerly awaiting my "PERL  
Cookbook" and I'll keep searching the web.


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combining data from more than one file...

2004-05-17 Thread Michael S. Robeson II
Hi all,
I am having trouble with combining data from several files, and I can't  
even figure out how to get started. So, I am NOT asking for any code  
(though pseudo-code is ok) as I would like to try figuring this problem  
out myself. So, if anyone can give me any references or hints that  
would be great.

So, here is what I am trying to do:
I have say 2 files (I'd like to do this to as many files as the user  

***FILE 1***
***end file 1***
***FILE 2***
***end file 2***
Basically, I would like to concatenate the sequence of each  
corresponding animal so that the various input files would  be out put  
to a file like so:

***output end***

Notice that in the two files the data are not in the same order. So, I  
am trying to figure out how to have the script figure out what the  
first organism is in FILE 1( say "cat" in this case) and find the  
corresponding "cat" in the other input files. Then take the sequence  
data (all the cat data) from FILE 2 and concatenate it to the cat  
sequence data in FILE 1 to an output file. Then it should go on to the  
next organism in FILE 1 and search for that next organism in the other  
files (in this case FILE 2). I do not care about the order of the data,  
only that the "like" data is concatenated together.

Again, I do NOT want this solved for me (unless I am totally lost).  
Otherwise, I'll never learn. I would just like either hints /  
suggestions / pseudo code / even links to books or sites that discuss  
this particular topic. Meanwhile, I am eagerly awaiting my "PERL  
Cookbook" and I'll keep searching the web.


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Re: combining data from more than one file...

2004-05-17 Thread Ricardo SIGNES
* "Michael S. Robeson II" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004-05-17T07:47:57]
> I am having trouble with combining data from several files, and I can't  
> even figure out how to get started. So, I am NOT asking for any code  
> (though pseudo-code is ok) as I would like to try figuring this problem  
> out myself. So, if anyone can give me any references or hints that  
> would be great.

One way to solve this problem is to create a hash, in which the keys are
the animal names and the values are the sequences, possibly in an
arrayref, possibly just cat'd together.

So, something like:

  for each file
open the file
for every new animal found
  add all the non-blank lines to $sequences{animal}

Is that clear-ish?


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RE: combining data from more than one file...

2004-05-17 Thread Traeder, Philipp
> Hi all,

Hi Michael,
> I am having trouble with combining data from several files, 
> and I can't  
> even figure out how to get started. So, I am NOT asking for any code  
> (though pseudo-code is ok) as I would like to try figuring 
> this problem  
> out myself. So, if anyone can give me any references or hints that  
> would be great.

That´s a good approach :-)

> Basically, I would like to concatenate the sequence of each  
> corresponding animal so that the various input files would  
> be out put  
> to a file like so:

> Notice that in the two files the data are not in the same 
> order. So, I  
> am trying to figure out how to have the script figure out what the  
> first organism is in FILE 1( say "cat" in this case) and find the  
> corresponding "cat" in the other input files. Then take the sequence  
> data (all the cat data) from FILE 2 and concatenate it to the cat  
> sequence data in FILE 1 to an output file. Then it should go 
> on to the  
> next organism in FILE 1 and search for that next organism in 
> the other  
> files (in this case FILE 2). I do not care about the order of 
> the data,  
> only that the "like" data is concatenated together.

If memory is not a problem (i.e. the amount of data you're processing is
rather small), I would read all files into a hash and concatenate them
there. Something like:
- open the first file
- search for the beginning of an "organism" (say: ">cat"), read everything
after this point
- search in your hash if you already stored data of this organism
  - if yes, append your new sequence to the already existing data
  - if no, create a new key in the hash
- repeat this until you run out of "organisms"
- repeat the whole procedure until you run out of files

I'd happily elaborate, but I don't want to spoil your approach of wanting to
solve this by yourself.
If you have any questions or need additional information, just post again.

> Again, I do NOT want this solved for me (unless I am totally lost).  
> Otherwise, I'll never learn. I would just like either hints /  
> suggestions / pseudo code / even links to books or sites that 
> discuss  
> this particular topic. Meanwhile, I am eagerly awaiting my "PERL  
> Cookbook" and I'll keep searching the web.

Another good starting point might be the "camel book" 
(O`Reilly: Programming Perl)...



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Re: combining data from more than one file...

2004-05-17 Thread Johan Viklund
On Sun, 16 May 2004 19:50:57 -0400, Michael S. Robeson II  

Hi all,
Hello and Welcome to the world of bioinformatics with perl!
I think you should take a look at bioperl since this is genome data, for  
this exercise it's not what you want, but if you want to do more biology  
whith perl (blast, interfacing with databases, easy format conversion, and  
so on, and so forth...). Bioperl can be found at

***FILE 1***
Again, I do NOT want this solved for me (unless I am totally lost).  
Otherwise, I'll never learn. I would just like either hints /  
suggestions / pseudo code / even links to books or sites that discuss  
this particular topic. Meanwhile, I am eagerly awaiting my "PERL  
Cookbook" and I'll keep searching the web.
So this was more like a link ;)

/Johan Viklund

Next exercise (or really the one before) would be to calculate the GC-skew.

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Re: combining data from more than one file...

2004-05-17 Thread Michael S. Robeson II
Well this is the best I could do thinking through what you said. This 
is actually my first time working with hashes. Also, I am still a PERL 
newbie. So, I guess a little helpful code would go a long way. I just 
can't figure out how to link the regular expressions to the hash when 
searching through the multiple files. to do as you say:

***Philipp wrote:***
- open the first file
- search for the beginning of an "organism" (say: ">cat"), read 
after this point
- search in your hash if you already stored data of this organism
  - if yes, append your new sequence to the already existing data
  - if no, create a new key in the hash
- repeat this until you run out of "organisms"
- repeat the whole procedure until you run out of files

# This script will take separate FASTA files and combine the "like"
# data into one FASTA file.
use warnings;
use strict;
my %organisms (
"$orgID" => "$orgSeq",
print "Enter in a list of files to be processed:\n";
# For example:
# CytB.fasta
# NADH1.fasta
chomp (my @infiles = );
foreach $infile (@infiles) {
open  (FASTA, $infile)
or die "Can't open INFILE: $!";
$/='>'; #Set input operator
while (FASTA) {
# Some regular expression match here?
# something that will set, say... ">cat"
# as the key "$orgID", something similar
# to below?
# and then set the sequence as the value
# "$orgSeq" like below?
# Do not know if or where to put the following,
# but something like:
if (exists $organisms{$orgID}) {
# somehow concatenate "like" data
# from the different files
# print the final Hash to an outfile?
 yeah, I'm lost.  :-)
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RE: combining data from more than one file...

2004-05-18 Thread Traeder, Philipp
> Well this is the best I could do thinking through what you said. This 
> is actually my first time working with hashes. Also, I am 
> still a PERL 
> newbie. So, I guess a little helpful code would go a long way. I just 
> can't figure out how to link the regular expressions to the hash when 
> searching through the multiple files. to do as you say:

That's quite good - you've got more or less all the relevant parts, we
just need to put it together. I'll try to give you some hints without 
revealing the whole black magic ;-)

> #!/usr/bin/perl
> # This script will take separate FASTA files and combine the "like"
> # data into one FASTA file.
> #
> use warnings;
> use strict;
> my %organisms (
>  "$orgID" => "$orgSeq",
>   );

I'd say there´s no need to fill the hash with values at this point;
I'd just declare it like this:

  my %organisms;

We'll put values into it later.

> print "Enter in a list of files to be processed:\n";
> # For example:
> # CytB.fasta
> # NADH1.fasta
> # 
> chomp (my @infiles = );

This doesn't work for me - maybe I just don't know how to use it,
but for the moment, I'd hardcode this and concentrate on the 
concatenation part...

  my @infiles = ('genetics.txt');

> foreach $infile (@infiles) {
>  open  (FASTA, $infile)
>  or die "Can't open INFILE: $!";

Some small things - having set "warnings" and "strict", perl is asking
me to declare $infile and FASTA - so for me this looks like:

my $FASTA = new FileHandle;
open  ($FASTA, $infile)
  or die "Can't open INFILE: $!";

BTW: For this to work, you need to

use FileHandle;

on top of your code.

>  $/='>'; #Set input operator

This is an interesting approach - I've never worked with this input
operator, but I think it might make like quite easy...
I'll do it manually (which is at least good practice ;-) ), but we
should keep this in mind.

>  while (FASTA) {

small stuff again:

  while (defined($_ = <$FASTA>)) {

>  chomp;
>  # Some regular expression match here?
>  # something that will set, say... ">cat"
>  # as the key "$orgID", something similar
>  # to below?
>  # and then set the sequence as the value
>  # "$orgSeq" like below?

Yes, a regexp is a very good idea here.
Generally, you just need to distinguish between the "start"-lines and
the "regular" lines here, i.e. the ones that mark the beginning of an
organism and the ones that carry the data.

  # We're searching for "start"-lines that look like this:
  #  >dog
  # so try to match something like
  #   \s*   zero-to-many characters of 
  #optional whitespace
  #   > the bigger-than sign
  #   \w+   one-to-many (word) characters
  # the parenthesis around the \w+ means that 
  # we want to access this value later using $1
  if (/\s*>(\w+)/) {
print "found a new organism called '$1'\n"; 
  # or just some data belonging to the last 
  # organism we found
  else {
print "this is just some data : $_\n";

Don't worry if you don't understand this on the first look - regexes can
be quite messy, but once you get used to them, they quickly become your
best friend (for getting used to them, I can recommend very much chapter
2 of the camel book...).
Anyway - now you've got the name of the new organism in a special variable
called $1 (if this is a new organism) or the data in $_ (if it´s not).

>  # Do not know if or where to put the following,
>  # but something like:
>  if (exists $organisms{$orgID}) {
>  # somehow concatenate "like" data
>  # from the different files
>  }

This is completely right as well - this line of code lets you check if you
already got data of this organism...let´s think about what we want to do.
We've got an hash which should look like:

  cat => funny-sequence-of-a-c-g-whatever,
  dog => even-funnier-sequence-of-characters

With the code from above, we iterate over all files specified on the command
line (or hardcoded into the script), and there are two kinds of line we can
- start lines
- regular data lines
We can separate start lines from regular lines with the regexp above.

When we come across a start line, we don't have to process any data: a start
line, after all, does not contain "real" data, but only the name identifying
the organism to which the following data belongs.
But in order to store the data for the "right" organism, we should keep
of the last start line - I would do this by storing the last ID in a
(that needs to be outside the while-loop).

So now we can do something like this:
If the new line is a start line
- store the ID
If the new line is a regular line
- append it to the current entry

Since you want to

Re: combining data from more than one file...

2004-05-18 Thread Michael Robeson
Ok great. Most of what you show does make sense. However, there are 
some bits of code that I need further clarification with. Some bits I 
am able to tell what they are doing but I do not quite know how or why 
they work they way they do. I'll state these areas in the code we've 
got together at this point.

Hopefully, I have copied over the bits you wrote correctly. I find this 
is like learning Spanish. I can read and (roughly) get the gist of the 
code. But when it comes to writing the original code on my own is when 
I have trouble. I am sure this will go away when I practice more. :-)

I didn't finish everything because I just need some code explained / 

>>>Start PERL code<
#!usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use FileHandle;
# I am unsure of what this module is. I've tried looking it up
# in the Camel and Llama book to no avail, not enough description.
# I guess I have to figure out the whole object thing?
my %organisms;
print "Enter in a list of files to be processed:\n";
# For example:
# Cytb.fasta
# NADH1.fasta
# ...
# chomp (my @infiles = );
# TODO we should make this nicer later
my @infiles = ('genetics.txt');
foreach my $infile(@infiles) {
my $FASTA = new FileHandle;

# Does the above statement tell PERL to create a new
# filehandle for each file it finds? I guess I need to understand
# what "new" and the module "FileHandle" are doing.
open ($FASTA, $infile)
or die "Can't open INFILE:$!";

#$/='>' #Set input operator
my $orgID;
while (defined($_ = <$FASTA>)) {

# Above I am unsure of why the "defined function
# helps us here? I know it has something to do with an
# expression containing a valid string, but I am unsure
# of it's function here. This is something I would have
# never thought to do.  :-)

print "\nworking on >>$_<<\n";

if (\s*>(\w+)/) {
print "Found a new organism start line ('$orgID')\n";

# The above regex makes complete sense. Actually, I was going to put
# something similar to that in my original post but wasn't sure
# if this was appropriate at the time. I guess it was!

} else {
print "This is just some data: $_\n";
print "This data needs to be appended to the hash entry for $orgID/n";
# okay, in the above you are taking the left over
# sequence ($_) and linking it as a "value" to "$orgID" ?

if (exists ($organsims{$orgID})) {
#TODO append the data to the hash here

# I guess I would put the following to append to
# the already existing hash:
# $organism{$orgID} .= $_;

} else {
#create new hash entry for this data
$organsims{$orgID} = $_;

# Do not forget to close the input file
close ($FASTA)
or die "Could not close INFILE: $!";
# We've processed all input files... print the resulting hash
print "\n*\n";
while (my($orgID, $sequence) = each(%organisms)) {
# since I want the output as:
# >cat
# actgac---cgatc-ag-cttag---acg
# >dog
# actatc---actat-at-accta---atc
# I would change the print statement to:
print "> . $orgID\n $sequence\n";
>>>end PERL code<<<
Thanks for all your help so far! Most of this is starting help my 
thinking. I will be doing a lot more of this multi-file parsing as most 
of my work entails manipulating data in several files or folders at 

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Re: combining data from more than one file...

2004-05-18 Thread Ramprasad A Padmanabhan
Quite a unique case.
If your data is no very huge I would suggest, you just first keep on
reading all data into a huge has ( key as the animal value as the data)
and then just print out the hash into files
like  ( writing pseudo code is easier if written in perl :-) )

my @files = qw(file1 file2 file3);
$/="\n" . '>';#this way you could read one record at a time
my %alldata=();
foreach $f(@files) {
  open(IN,$f) || die " Couldnt open file";
my ($animal) = /^(.*?)\n/;   
$alldata{$animal} .="$_\n\n";
   close IN;

## %alldata has all the data


On Mon, 2004-05-17 at 05:20, Michael S. Robeson II wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am having trouble with combining data from several files, and I can't  
> even figure out how to get started. So, I am NOT asking for any code  
> (though pseudo-code is ok) as I would like to try figuring this problem  
> out myself. So, if anyone can give me any references or hints that  
> would be great.
> So, here is what I am trying to do:
> I have say 2 files (I'd like to do this to as many files as the user  
> needs):
> ***FILE 1***
>  >cat
> atacta--gat--acgt-
> ac-ac-ggttta-ca--
>  >dog
> atgcgtatgc-atcgat-ac--ac-a-ac-a-cac
>  >mouse
> acagctagc-atgca--
> acgtatgctacg--atg-
> ***end file 1***
> ***FILE 2***
>  >mouse
> aatctgatcgc-atgca--
> acgtaaggctagg-
>  >cat
> atacta--gat--acgt-
> ac-acacagcta--ca--
>  >dog
> atgcgtatgc-atcgat
> -ac--ac-a-ac-a-cac
> ***end file 2***
> Basically, I would like to concatenate the sequence of each  
> corresponding animal so that the various input files would  be out put  
> to a file like so:
> ***output***
>  >cat
> atacta--gat--acgt-ac-ac-ggttta-ca--atacta--gat--acgt-ac-acacagcta--ca--
>  >dog
> atgcgtatgc-atcgat-ac--ac-a-ac-a-cacatgcgtatgc-atcgat-ac--ac-a-ac-a-cac
>  >mouse
> acagctagc-atgca--acgtatgctacg--atg-aatctgatcgc-atgca-- 
> acgtaaggctagg-
> ***output end***
> Notice that in the two files the data are not in the same order. So, I  
> am trying to figure out how to have the script figure out what the  
> first organism is in FILE 1( say "cat" in this case) and find the  
> corresponding "cat" in the other input files. Then take the sequence  
> data (all the cat data) from FILE 2 and concatenate it to the cat  
> sequence data in FILE 1 to an output file. Then it should go on to the  
> next organism in FILE 1 and search for that next organism in the other  
> files (in this case FILE 2). I do not care about the order of the data,  
> only that the "like" data is concatenated together.
> Again, I do NOT want this solved for me (unless I am totally lost).  
> Otherwise, I'll never learn. I would just like either hints /  
> suggestions / pseudo code / even links to books or sites that discuss  
> this particular topic. Meanwhile, I am eagerly awaiting my "PERL  
> Cookbook" and I'll keep searching the web.
> -Thanks!
> -Mike

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Re: combining data from more than one file...

2004-05-19 Thread Johan Viklund
See code
On Tue, 18 May 2004 13:16:37 -0400, Michael Robeson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

Ok great. Most of what you show does make sense. However, there are some  
bits of code that I need further clarification with. Some bits I am able  
to tell what they are doing but I do not quite know how or why they work  
they way they do. I'll state these areas in the code we've got together  
at this point.

Hopefully, I have copied over the bits you wrote correctly. I find this  
is like learning Spanish. I can read and (roughly) get the gist of the  
code. But when it comes to writing the original code on my own is when I  
have trouble. I am sure this will go away when I practice more. :-)

I didn't finish everything because I just need some code explained /  

 >>>Start PERL code<
#!usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use FileHandle;
# I am unsure of what this module is. I've tried looking it up
# in the Camel and Llama book to no avail, not enough description.
# I guess I have to figure out the whole object thing?
# write 'perldoc FileHandle' on the commandline to see
# (you can do this with (hopefully) all new modules you come across).
my %organisms;
print "Enter in a list of files to be processed:\n";
# For example:
# Cytb.fasta
# NADH1.fasta
# ...
# chomp (my @infiles = );
# TODO we should make this nicer later
my @infiles = ('genetics.txt');
foreach my $infile(@infiles) {
my $FASTA = new FileHandle;

# Does the above statement tell PERL to create a new
# filehandle for each file it finds? I guess I need to understand
# what "new" and the module "FileHandle" are doing.
Right on.
open ($FASTA, $infile)
or die "Can't open INFILE:$!";

#$/='>' #Set input operator
my $orgID;
while (defined($_ = <$FASTA>)) {

# Above I am unsure of why the "defined function
# helps us here? I know it has something to do with an
# expression containing a valid string, but I am unsure
# of it's function here. This is something I would have
# never thought to do.  :-)
It's what
while (<$FASTA>)
actually do.
the defined function checks wheter $_ gets set or not.
print "\nworking on >>$_<<\n";

if (\s*>(\w+)/) {
print "Found a new organism start line ('$orgID')\n";

# The above regex makes complete sense. Actually, I was going to put
# something similar to that in my original post but wasn't sure
# if this was appropriate at the time. I guess it was!

} else {
print "This is just some data: $_\n";
print "This data needs to be appended to the hash entry for $orgID/n";
# okay, in the above you are taking the left over
# sequence ($_) and linking it as a "value" to "$orgID" ?
This if- then else statement should do what you want. I would do it like  
this instead:
$organism{$orgID} .= $_;

no if and no else just that single line. Perl will just make it work the  
wat it's supposed to work; if the hashkey don't exists it gets created and  
the contents of $_ is inserted in it (as a string).

if (exists ($organsims{$orgID})) {
#TODO append the data to the hash here

# I guess I would put the following to append to
# the already existing hash:
# $organism{$orgID} .= $_;

} else {
#create new hash entry for this data
$organsims{$orgID} = $_;

# Do not forget to close the input file
close ($FASTA)
or die "Could not close INFILE: $!";
# We've processed all input files... print the resulting hash
print "\n*\n";
while (my($orgID, $sequence) = each(%organisms)) {
# since I want the output as:
# >cat
# actgac---cgatc-ag-cttag---acg
# >dog
# actatc---actat-at-accta---atc
# I would change the print statement to:
print "> . $orgID\n $sequence\n";
Hmm, you're trying to do string concatenation here but in that case it  
should be:
print ">" . $orgID . "\n" . $sequence . "\n";
but it's much easier to just do it like:
print ">$orgID\n$sequence\n";

 >>>end PERL code<<<
Thanks for all your help so far! Most of this is starting help my  
thinking. I will be doing a lot more of this multi-file parsing as most  
of my work entails manipulating data in several files or folders at once.


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Re: combining data from more than one file...

2004-05-20 Thread Michael Robeson
Thanks to those that helped. The code works great. Now I will practice 
one honing it down to the bare essentials. Below is the final code you 
all helped with.

-Thanks a million!
>>> Begin PERL Code<<<
#! /usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use FileHandle;
my %organisms;
print "Enter in a list of files to be processed:\n";
# For example:
# CytB.fasta
# NADH1.fasta
chomp (my @infiles = );
# TODO we should make this nice later
#my @infiles = ('genetics.txt');
print "Enter in the name of the OUTFILE:\n";

chomp (my $outfile = );

open(OUTFILE, ">$outfile")
or die "Can't open OUTFILE: $!";
foreach my $infile (@infiles) {
my $FASTA = new FileHandle;
open  ($FASTA, $infile)
or die "Can't open INFILE: $!";

# I moved this variable outside the while-loop
# in order to be able to assign the "data" in
# the nextline to the organism it belongs to
# (we're keeping track of the last start line
#  that we came across here)
my $orgID;
while (defined($_ = <$FASTA>)) {
 print "\nWorking on >>$_<<\n";
 # see if this line is the start of an
 # organism; the thing we´re searching for
 # looks like this:
 #  >dog
 # so try to match something like
 #   \s*   zero-to-many characters of
 # optional whitespace
 #   > the bigger-than sign
 #   \w+   one-to-many (word) characters
 # the parenthesis around the \w+ means that
 # we want to access this value later using $1
 if (/\s*>(\w+)/) {  
$orgID = $1;
print "Found a new organism start line ('$orgID')\n";
 # or just some data belonging to the last
 # organism we found
 else {
print "Sequence data found: $_\n";
print "Appending data to $orgID\n";

# let´s check if we´ve got data for this entry
if (exists ($organisms{$orgID})) {
# TODO append the data to the hash here
$organisms{$orgID} .= $_;
else {
# create a new hash entry for this data
$organisms{$orgID} = $_;
 # do not forget to close the input file
 close ($FASTA)
or die "could not close INFILE : $!";
# we've processed all input files...print the resulting hash
print "\n\n";
while (my ($orgID, $sequence) = each(%organisms)) {
print OUTFILE ">$orgID\n$sequence\n\n";
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RE: combining data from more than one file...

2004-05-20 Thread Michael Robeson
Sorry, I meant to upload this script (see below). However, I have one 
last question. Why can't I use

s/\n//g;# instead of

in the script below? I thought it would be simpler to remove the 
newline characters from $_ which is all I really want to do. However, 
most of the time all I will see are "-" and letters which is why I set 
the tr function the way I did.

I just couldn't figure out why the substitution function wouldn't work 
in this case. How am I setting it up wrong?

#! /usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use FileHandle;
my %organisms;
print "Enter in a list of files to be processed:\n";
# For example:
# CytB.fasta
# NADH1.fasta
chomp (my @infiles = );
print "Enter in the name of the OUTFILE:\n";

chomp (my $outfile = );

open(OUTFILE, ">$outfile")
or die "Can't open OUTFILE: $!";
foreach my $infile (@infiles) {
my $FASTA = new FileHandle;
open  ($FASTA, $infile)
or die "Can't open INFILE: $!";

my $orgID;
while (defined($_ = <$FASTA>)) {
 print "\n<< Processing >>$_<<\n";
  if (/\s*>(\w+)/) {

$orgID = $1;
print "Found a new organism start line ('$orgID')\n";

 else {

tr/A-Za-z-//cd;  # originally tried  s/\n//g;

print "Sequence data found: $_\n";
print "Appending data to $orgID\n";

$organisms{$orgID} .= $_;

 # do not forget to close the input file
 close ($FASTA)
or die "could not close INFILE : $!";
# we've processed all input files...print the resulting hash
print "\n\n";
while (my ($orgID, $sequence) = each(%organisms)) {
print OUTFILE ">$orgID\n$sequence\n\n";
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Re: combining data from more than one file...

2004-05-21 Thread philipp traeder
On Wednesday 19 May 2004 05:25 pm, Michael Robeson wrote:
> Sorry, I meant to upload this script (see below). However, I have one
> last question. Why can't I use
> s/\n//g;# instead of
> tr/A-Za-z-//cd;
> in the script below? I thought it would be simpler to remove the
> newline characters from $_ which is all I really want to do. However,
> most of the time all I will see are "-" and letters which is why I set
> the tr function the way I did.

Hi Mike,

I'm not sure if I understand exactly what you want to do here, but if you want 
to remove trailing newlines only, I'd use 

> I just couldn't figure out why the substitution function wouldn't work
> in this case. How am I setting it up wrong?

Just guessing - could it be that you need to assign the return value of s///?
Something like
  my $var_without_newlines = s/\n//g;



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