Draft Test Premium List

2003-08-09 Thread RM Johnson
Bernese Mt. Dog Club of America
Draft Tests
Hosted by the Bernese Mt. Dog Club of Alaska

Saturday, September 27, 2003 and Sunday, September 28, 2003

Peter's Creek Community Park
Mile 7.5 Old Glenn Highway
Peter's Creek, Alaska (North of Anchorage)
Draft Judges: Dan Brodigan and Dino Candelaria

For a premium list, please contact Lisa Green at [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Ruth Johnson,
Draft Test Chairperson

Cats and Dogs

2003-08-09 Thread Sportster
I have a question that's not directly related to our 11 month old Berner,
Gertie...at least I hope it's not. Specifically, the question concerns our
two cats. Prior to bringing Gertie into our home, the two cats were well
trained with the litter pans. About 3 weeks ago, we started noticing small
wet spots on the floor. Then, this morning we caught them in the act...BOTH
cats urinating right there on the rug.

Obviously, we have a problem here. We've tried changing litter over the past
few weeks, yet the problem seems to persist. Does anyone have any experience
with this behavior ?  What is causing it, or how can it be eliminated?

and Gertie (it's not me, Dad !! I'm trained and besides...I'd fill the
entire corner of the room)

Re: Cats and Dogs

2003-08-09 Thread Janice Parky
 I'd be curious to hear what others have to say about this too.  I have a
female cat who refused to use the litterbox (she was an inside/outside cat),
after I got another kitten.  Her preferred method of expressing her
dissatisfaction was to pee on the bed in the spare room.  This behavior
stopped after we lost the second cat.  She obviously did not like to share
her litterbox.  A different scenario from adding a dog to the household, for
sure, but if anyone has any insite into feline behavior, I'd be interested.

For those of you who plan on visiting me, not to worry.  The spare bed
mattress has been disposed of.

Janice Parky
Cape Cod, MA

> I have a question that's not directly related to our 11 month old Berner,
> Gertie...at least I hope it's not. Specifically, the question concerns our
> two cats. Prior to bringing Gertie into our home, the two cats were well
> trained with the litter pans. About 3 weeks ago, we started noticing small
> wet spots on the floor. Then, this morning we caught them in the
> cats urinating right there on the rug.

pet insurance-again

2003-08-09 Thread Lori Simidian
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* This post contains a forbidden message format   *
*  (such as an attached file, a v-card, HTML formatting)  *
*Mail Lists at Prairienet only accept PLAIN TEXT*
* If your postings display this message your mail program *
* is not set to send PLAIN TEXT ONLY and needs adjusting  *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

mail format

2003-08-09 Thread MARK & LISA DUVALL
pat, is this showing in plain text now? 

Lisa Duvall

OUCH is right

2003-08-09 Thread Mary-Ann Bowman
Gagging puppies? Knocking them with knees?! Yikes! Remember these are
babies! Puppies can be raised without resorting to hurting them. Run away
from any trainer that advocates methods like these with puppies, and find a
trainer who understand normal puppy development and positive training

Mary-Ann Bowman
Three very smart and well trained former puppies (Emma, Abra, and Maize)
One very smart and somewhat trained puppy (Halo)

Putting things BACK together

2003-08-09 Thread Nell Ward
Joye wrote:

It only took him a minute to steal the teatowel off the counter and 
devour it.I called his vet (a Berner owner too) for instructions 
and then used a syringe to give him diluted peroxide.   Both times he 
got this very funny look on his face about a minute later and threw 
up a lot of tea towel pieces with his recently eaten dinner.   I then 
pulled out the teatowel pieces from the pile and pieced them together 
like a puzzle to make sure we had them all. I was happy to see that 
he had at least had torn both teatowels into tiny pieces before 
swallowing them.

Joye, aren't you the same person that put some paper money back 
together after it had passed through digestion?  I recall that the 
bank was unwilling to take it out of the zip-lock but they gave you 
replacement money.  So you are good at putting puzzle pieces together.

Our first Berner, Merlin, helped me coin the phrase - two tail 
disease - where the normal tail went up and the sock hung down.  I've 
assisted Merlin and Pilgrim with the removal of lots of socks.  The 
worse was an ace bandage.  I'd gently pull, cut off excess and wait 
for Pilgrim to push out some more.  Pilgrim did have a $800 
sockectomy.  He also grabbed the Christmas turkey breast off the 
counter.  It was a sign of how far my mother had come that, after we 
wrestled it away from him, she washed it off, cut up the bite marks, 
and served the rest.

Now both Sunny and Pilgrim are grown up boys and don't bother even 
delectable things on the counters.


Nell and John Ward  -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
New Bern, North Carolina
Sunshine - 9 y.o. male Bernese Mountain Dog, CGC
Pilgrim - 6 year old male Bernese Mountain Dog CGC/TDI
In memory of Merlin (Berner), Kasey Anne (Aussie), and Sasha (Amer. Eskimo)

Apologies - Did I bounce you!?

2003-08-09 Thread Jean Cheesman
Oh, Big Apologies here!

I know I bounced someone tonight who had responded re. one of my mails to

Was checking my incoming mail on Mailwasher tonight (Hmmm, yes!!! Still
around 100 spam/porn mails in again this evening!") and was being a bit
impatient when the mails were coming in. Thought I had checked this mail to
my Friends' List, processed without rechecking and had bounced the genuine
mail and added a spammer to Friends, since deleted!

Can you please resend, sorry, did not catch who the mail was from, just went
to click the box while the mails were coming in and got the wrong one! Hmmm!

Anyone else I may have bounced over the last few weeks, this is why!

Yes, in future I will be patient! I will click of an evening and go away and
not look at my new mail until Mailwasher has done it's stuff! Then, I will
carefully check before I process and bounce!

Ah, me! What happened to the good old days when you just got your mail in
and no junk, spam and porn!

Still thinking maybe I should get new email addy but this seems like giving

All Love,

Jean, Sunny, Sim, Barney and the Longlease Gang


Re: Counter Surfing!

2003-08-09 Thread Jean Cheesman
Well, I have lot's of tales I could tell here but I did have a half of a
turkey mysteriously disappear from my larder one Christmas when someone left
the door open. Clean plate, no turkey, no signs of remainders, no grease on
the floor, just gone! Sunny and Sam (going back many years) not so hungry
next day! Guess that was too great a temptation and they were very young!

More recently I had problems with my Rescue Barney when he arrived last
year! He was a terrible thief, I had been warned! And guess, by then I had
got used to Sunny and Sim being pretty good so it came as a surprise. I
couldn't leave anything around, even prepare veggies and leave the kitchen
for a moment and they would be gone! As for the catfood, up high on a shelf,
and a pheasant hanging in the garage! Still got them! Hmmm! Had to go back
to basic training with Barney, four years old but we did basic puppy
training all over again.

I purposedly left tempting food on the counter and would turn my back, catch
him the moment his paws went up there and "NO!!"  Then, gradually praise and
reward when he didn't go to thieve. Took time and effort to retrain this boy
but one year later he is as good as gold!

Cross Paws and touch wood! Even the best trained! The Christmas Turkey now
goes in a meat safe to cool down before it goes in the fridge, doesn't
matter if the larder door gets left open! Try and avoid temptation!

All Love,

Jean, Sunny, Sim, Barney and the Longlease Gang
