a warm weather reminder

2003-07-29 Thread Lisa Elliott
Hi all,

  We had a scare today that turned out well.  Long story short, Tempi
had a rattle snake pinned in the backyard.  She was outside for 3
minutes or less.  It was our little Rat Terrier who wanted to come in,
which is unusual since she is a sun worshiper and enjoys the summer
warmth.  When I let her in, I decided it was time for Tempi to come in
as well and found her running around a potters wheel on the back porch. 
And then I heard 'the noise'.  A very ticked off rattler.  We were very
fortunate that no one, human or canine, was bitten.  Just thought I'd
pass on the reminder that some of those poisonous critters are out this
time of year.  It certainly hit home for us today.

Bakersfield, CA

a new trick

2003-07-20 Thread Lisa Elliott
It was a very hot Saturday afternoon yesterday so all 2 and 4 legged
creatures took refuge in the cool house.  Tempi was bouncing off the
walls for lack of activity so I thought we would work on a new trick.  I
pull out the clicker book and find that the only "paw" trick she hasn't
learned is counting.  The author suggests beginning with a target such a
paper plate for the dog to place their paw.  So I gather treats,
clicker, dog and paper plate. First time attempted Tempi immediately
touches one very large front foot to the plate.  Just as I click, she
puts her weight on that foot and slides into a down (we were on
carpet).  I thought (hoped) that she would probably figure out that I
had clicked before the sliding down.  Maybe, maybe not.  She did the
same thing the second time.  And the third.  By now I'm second guessing
my clicker timing and not sure what behavior I'm reinforcing.  As I'm
collecting my thoughts about how to fix this, she sits up, places a foot
on the plate and slides into a down.  When there is no click and treat,
I'm given an evil look followed by grabbing the plate with her mouth and
flipping it into the air.  A serious look in my direction.  Still no
click.  Still no treat.  I'm afraid the paper plate took the full brunt
of her irritation.  Plate unceremoniously flipped and ripped to shreds. 
A Berner's frustration with an empty plate knows no limits!  Not sure
who learned what with this attempted trick, but we were both quite

Lisa and Tempi
Bakersfield, CA

Specialty rommate

2003-03-31 Thread Lisa Elliott
Hi fellow Berner lovers-

  I'm looking for a place to stay for the Specialty!!!  If anyone knows
of someone unable to attend please let me know.  I'd be happy to take
their place!!  I am looking for space for one human and Berner girl
Tempi.  She is 2 ½ and spayed.  


return of the fun survery

2003-03-24 Thread Lisa Elliott
1 --- Do you live in
a) city
b) suburbs
c) country
d) on Planet Berner

in the country

2 --- Where does your dog spend the night?

Sofa or tile, depending on the time of year.

3 --- What is your dog's favorite toy?

We have a tie here (1) Any stuffed animal from which she has removed all
stuffing and (2) a toy that looks like a gum ball machine but is
designed for dogs and has a large lever to dispense treats so that they
can use their paw to "treat themselves".  This toy is obviously
regulated or I'd have one huge Berner!

4 --- Your dog's most remarkable feature is (fill in the blank)

physically - the non stop metronome of a tail
personality - the ability to make me laugh at things I never have
before. (i.e. while digging out the newest set gopher tunnels in the
yard I actually laughed and took a picture of the landscaping going on. 
She dug a hole deep enough to hide her head, shoulders and half of her
torso - rear end and wagging tail high in the air. Does anyone else's
dog do the swan dive into gopher or squirrel holes?  Rearing up on the
hind legs followed by frenzied digging and quickly ripping and spitting
away the turf in large mouthfuls.)

5 --- You bought a new car for your dog(s)

Nope.  For the horses - must have a truck to pull the trailer.  But the
large back seat is for the dog.

6 --- Your dog participates in (feel free to list any titles your dog
has won)
a) conformation
b) obedience trials
c) drafting trials
d) agility
e) therapy work
f) tracking
g) training classes
h) digging to China

Option H (see #4 above).  She is an excellent working dog without the
titles!  She helps with all chores around the property, goes to (horse)
shows, and has her FMX (friend maker excellent).  I've met so many
wonderful people who approached me because "what a beautiful dog", and
because of this list.

7 --- The naughtiest thing that your dog has done is.

Really, just one?!?  Not sure if it is the naughtiest, but the most
recent event was Sunday and went something like this - dog out of "dog
area", went straight to the donkey and chased like there was no
tomorrow.  Our many obedience classes completely useless as she fixated
on Eeyore (what else would you name a donkey?!)  Resorted to bringing
out the treat jar and shaking it.  She didn't stop but the Eeyore came
over to get a treat and when he stopped running the Berner with
selective hearing lost interest! Arg...

Bakersfield, CA

re: Trees and Berners

2003-03-24 Thread Lisa Elliott
Hi Karyn,

  Fencing is probably the most secure.  Just make sure that the fencing
is not weak enough that the dogs can climb it and bend the fence which
can then be crawled over.  Also make sure that the fencing is far enough
out from the tree that if they weaken a place on the fence it won't fall
in and knock down the tree.
  We have neighbors who are new to "country living" and kept planting
trees in their pasture without any fencing around them.  We wondered how
many times they'd replant before putting fence up to protect the trees
from the horses - third time was the charm!

Good luck!

Lisa & Tempi (who prefers eatting bulbs more than trees)
Bakersfield, CA

Re: Sensitive topic: Radio/invisable fence

2003-03-11 Thread Lisa Elliott
>Vilma Briggs (Kistner)
>Mt. Gilead, OH
>U-UD Mocha Java Slurp, UDX, HIC, TT
>Ch. Brighteye Expresso Bean, UD, NDD, TT
>U-CDX Our Little Buddy, UD, NA, TT
>Thirdtym's A Charm, CGC
>and now Bruin/Pogo/??

I'd recommend Bruinwe have a Pogo.  Heaven help us, she has
certainly lived up to her name!!!  Much like Tigger, this dog is made
out of springs 

Bakersfield, CA

Gold Bead implants

2003-03-10 Thread Lisa Elliott
It has been quite some time since I have seen anyone mention gold bead
implants as a treatment option for hip dysplasia.  Is this a treatment
that is still considered successful and a top choice for those dealing
with HD?  If so, does anyone know of a practitioner in California whom
they would recommend who has experience providing this kind of

thanks in advance!

in Bakersfield, CA