Re: [Blind-Computing] where is the send button on facebook?

2012-06-24 Thread Josh
Are you referring to sending your friend a chat message or an email under 
the message link? If you are referring to a chat message that can be found 
Then you have to type out the message and press enter, if you do not see 
your message then refresh the screen by pressing insert key plus the escape 
key at the same time. After doing this you should be able to see the message 
you typed in the chat window. This method works for me. If you are referring 
to sending your friend the equivalent of an email message while in the 
facebook program. I do it like this:

1. I go to my friends facebook page.
2. I locate the message link on the program under their name
3. I press enter on this link.
4. I then refresh the screen using the method I mentioned above.
5. I then will press the letter e to find an edit field. I then will verify 
that I am in the right edit field by either tabbing up if forms field is 
turned to automatic or if not then before i enter forms field I will arrow 
up and verify that I see the words send to and their name.
6. Once I know I am in the correct window I will then turn on forms mode and 
begin typing my message.
7. Once i have the message composed like I want it I then press the insert 
key and the key to turn on the pc cursor which in turn will take me out of 
forms mode.
8. Then below that message you will find things like attach a picture and 
some other things. You should find the send to button below all of this or 
if you are replying then i am pretty sure instead of send it will say 
9. This is a button, but I press enter to activate it. I then will refresh 
the screen and if it is a reply I will go back up the screen and verify that 
it says my name and a time that the message was sent.
10. If it is an original message I can go back into messages and find a copy 
of the message that I just composed there.

- Original Message - 
From: t.

Sent: Sunday, June 24, 2012 4:08 PM
Subject: [Blind-Computing] where is the send button on facebook?

new to facebook, and when I tried to reply to a friend, I couldn’t find a 
send, or send message button. help please. t

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Re: [Blind-Computing] looking for tutorials

2012-06-12 Thread Josh

I think you will find a lot of these tutorials and podcasts at the following 
locations. The only thing is I have not figured outa way to save the 
podcasts to the computer on blindcooltech. If there is a way I don't know 
it. I hope these links help you out with what you are searching for.

- Original Message - 
From: Mary Ann Sears

Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2012 7:27 PM
Subject: [Blind-Computing] looking for tutorials

Hello I am looking for text or pod cast tutorials for all different things
for the computer could someone please help me

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[Blind-Computing] New Laptop

2012-05-30 Thread Josh
Hello everyone,
I am considering buying a new laptop for my fiance. She is sighted, but I will 
still have to access it from time to time to see what kind of problem she may 
have encountered. I am researching some different things and have come across a 
couple of different websites dealing with processors. Apparently Intel is the 
best leaving AMD in the dust. However, when looking at Intel there is still a 
wide selection to choose from. A couple that is sticking out to me right now 
are the 790X which I think it said it had a processor speed of 3.3 ghz, but 
could handle up to 3.7 ghz. Then there is the i2500 which is supposedly last 
years model, maybe even 2010 model, but according to the website that spoke of 
this processor it is the best on the market right now. Is this the case? Now, 
we move into 32 bit or 64 bit. My theory is that now that 64 bit has been 
introduced eventually 32 bit will phase out. Is that a safe assumption? In the 
meantime though i hear that a lot of programs are not supporting 64 bit at this 
time. Is this correct? Does the Microsoft Suite work on either system? I am 
sure eventually I will need to look into sound cards to determine which one I 
will want in her system and I guess video card as well. If I buy it off the 
shelf then I have to take what I get, but if I have it built and that is what I 
am looking at what is going to be the best or next to best that can go in this 
system. I say next to best because the best might be out of my price range so I 
am just wanting to have a fallback option. Any other information when 
considering a laptop will be greatly appreciated. I want her computer to have 
the capability of playing games, but if she needs to make a powerpoint for 
school or if she needs to write a paper for school then she also has that 
capability as well. So versatility is a must. Thank you all in advance for any 
information offered on this matter. 
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Re: [Blind-Computing] New Laptop

2012-05-30 Thread Josh
In addition how much ram would you all suggest I get in the computer? Maybe 
the rest I asked previously is just left up to personal preference. I do 
want it to be quick though loading up and working in genral.
- Original Message - 
From: Josh

Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2012 3:19 PM
Subject: [Blind-Computing] New Laptop

Hello everyone,
I am considering buying a new laptop for my fiance. She is sighted, but I 
will still have to access it from time to time to see what kind of problem 
she may have encountered. I am researching some different things and have 
come across a couple of different websites dealing with processors. 
Apparently Intel is the best leaving AMD in the dust. However, when 
looking at Intel there is still a wide selection to choose from. A couple 
that is sticking out to me right now are the 790X which I think it said it 
had a processor speed of 3.3 ghz, but could handle up to 3.7 ghz. Then 
there is the i2500 which is supposedly last years model, maybe even 2010 
model, but according to the website that spoke of this processor it is the 
best on the market right now. Is this the case? Now, we move into 32 bit 
or 64 bit. My theory is that now that 64 bit has been introduced 
eventually 32 bit will phase out. Is that a safe assumption? In the 
meantime though i hear that a lot of programs are not supporting 64 bit at 
this time. Is this correct? Does the Microsoft Suite work on either 
system? I am sure eventually I will need to look into sound cards to 
determine which one I will want in her system and I guess video card as 
well. If I buy it off the shelf then I have to take what I get, but if I 
have it built and that is what I am looking at what is going to be the 
best or next to best that can go in this system. I say next to best 
because the best might be out of my price range so I am just wanting to 
have a fallback option. Any other information when considering a laptop 
will be greatly appreciated. I want her computer to have the capability of 
playing games, but if she needs to make a powerpoint for school or if she 
needs to write a paper for school then she also has that capability as 
well. So versatility is a must. Thank you all in advance for any 
information offered on this matter.

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[Blind-Computing] WinAmp Refusing to Shut Down

2011-06-27 Thread Josh
Everytime I open up an attachment that requires WinAmp to open in order to play 
the attachment I cannot get Winamp to close down using alt f4. This does not 
only occur with the attachments and it is not just periodic, but everytime I 
open WinAmp it seems like it is continuing to run in the background. I know 
there is a way to reassign file extensions to open up with different programs, 
but I cannot remember the steps to accomplish this. If anyone can help in 
solving my problem it will be greatly appreciated. I would like to know how to 
solve the current problem of completely shutting down WinAmp after it opens and 
also how to reassign the file extensions to open with an alternative program. I 
do not believe it has anything to do with Jaws, but I am using Jaws 12 latest 
version, a Dell Inspiron 1545 laptop, Windows XP Professional, Winamp 5.581. 
For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

Re: [Blind-Computing] WinAmp Refusing to Shut Down

2011-06-27 Thread Josh
Mike and Matthew thank you for this great advice offered on taking care of 
my problem. I am sure that the advice given here will settle my issues. Take 

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[Blind-Computing] MP3 DIRECT CUT

2011-06-19 Thread Josh
Is the MP3 DIRECT Cut fully accessible? If so can someone give me some 
instruction on using the program because the read me file I was reading was 
talking about drag and drop, or can someone direct me to information designed 
for use with screen readers and this program? I have heard much talk about the 
drag and drop with Jaws and how it is very difficult. Is there a way around 
this aspect of the program to still accomplish cutting segments of the MP3? Any 
help, advice, or direction will be greatly appreciated. I am using a Dell 
Laptop with laptop layout on the keyboard, XP Professional, Jaws 12 latest 
For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

Re: [Blind-Computing] MP3 DIRECT CUT

2011-06-19 Thread Josh

Thank you for this information it seems like it contains a lot of valuable 
information and will be great for getting started with it. I notice that it 
speaks of PodCast and that sort of thing. Do you know if it can make ring 
tones? If not it will still be a valuable program for school notes and that 
sort of thing.
- Original Message - 
From: Mike  Barbara In Arcadia

Sent: Sunday, June 19, 2011 1:46 PM
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] MP3 DIRECT CUT

Hi Josh,

Below is a somewhat long winded email I saved talking about the MP3 Direct
Cut program.  There are also links to a couple of tutorials as well.

From: Gene
This is a rather long message but it provides important information.

Is the podcast mainly going to be you talking or are you going to do
things such as move between items such as music and speech.  I'm going to
assume, for this message, that you intend to do only or mostly just you
talking.  that isn't because I am actually assuming this is true, it's
because I want to make the message simple and answer questions for that
kind of podcast in this message.  If it doesn't apply to what you intend
to do, send details to the list and you may get good information to match
the specific kind of podcast you are doing.  for more complex podcasts,
such as having music and speech and moving between them or having
something like speech and music simultaneously, others on the list may be
better sources of information.

Let's start with the most simple kind of podcast, nothing but you talking.
One of the problems you will find if you listen to many podcasts is that
people don't edit well, if at all.  They create a podcast, repeatedly
pause during it often for far too long, have lots of extraneous sounds
such as the repeated sound of their e-mail program checking for new mail,
etc.  that's no way to produce a high quality podcast.  Since podcasts are
mp3 files, instead of using audacity, you would probably do just as well
or better using Mp3 Direct Cut.  It is easier to edit with Mp3 Direct Cut
and the program records directly in the Mp3 format, thus allowing you to
save the time and inconvenience of first recording a file and then
converting the finished product to Mp3.

One way to produce a reasonably well edited podcast is to record it
without doing any editing, just stopping recording if you want to pause to
collect your thoughts or cough or encounter an interruption, then start
recording again.  When you start recording or continue recording, use a
count down every time.  When you start or continue recording count down
such as three, two, one, then start talking.  Later, you will edit out the
time between where you stopped recording and the end of the count down.
If you do this correctly, you will have a smoothly edited podcast.  You
can experiment and see how this is done.

Using the microphone in your computer may or may not be a good choice.
You might get much better results using a hand held microphone or a
microphone on a stand that you will place close to your mouth.  If you can
conveniently be close to the microphone in the computer and if the
microphone is reasonably good, that may work well but you can get good
microphones for about fifteen or twenty dollars.  One that I like is a
radio shack clip on microphone.  It is very small.  I don't clip it onto
my shirt collar, though that is how it is intended to be used.  I hold the
microphone close to my mouth.  It provides better sound quality for speech
than many other microphones in that general price range and I find it very
satisfactory for voice recordings that are well within the quality that is
suitable for a nonprofessional recording where you want reasonable quality
but don't have to worry about really high professional quality sound.
Radio Shack has a good return policy so if the microphone isn't what you
want, you can return it after trying it.

I will definitely say that the version of audacity you are using will not
meet your needs if you intend to do editing of the podcast.  Try using Mp3
Direct Cut.  It is easier to edit with than any version of audacity.  the
following information will allow you to download a version of Mp3 Direct
cut and a tutorial on using the program. It is all included in one zip
file.  I prepared this file and sent it to a file sharing site from which
it is still available.  I don't know how long it will remain available
since it may be removed automatically at some point by the site but here
is the link to the download page:
Look for the download button at the bottom of the page and activate it
with the space bar.  The standard download dialog should open.
the link to the page is:

You will also need to understand the Windows volume control.  Here is a
link to a tutorial you can listen to that thoroughly explains it.  The
information applies

Re: [Blind-Computing] MP3 DIRECT CUT

2011-06-19 Thread Josh

Thank you and I will definitely check this out. I am sure it will answer 
many of my questions.
- Original Message - 
From: David Ferrin

Sent: Sunday, June 19, 2011 2:21 PM
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] MP3 DIRECT CUT

There is an audio tutorial on the server by a guy named Rob and he did a
good job with it if I do say so myself.
David Ferrin
You do not need a parachute to skydive. You only need a parachute to 

- Original Message - 
From: Mike  Barbara In Arcadia

Sent: Sunday, June 19, 2011 1:46 PM
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] MP3 DIRECT CUT

Hi Josh,

Below is a somewhat long winded email I saved talking about the MP3 Direct
Cut program.  There are also links to a couple of tutorials as well.

From: Gene
This is a rather long message but it provides important information.

Is the podcast mainly going to be you talking or are you going to do
things such as move between items such as music and speech.  I'm going to
assume, for this message, that you intend to do only or mostly just you
talking.  that isn't because I am actually assuming this is true, it's
because I want to make the message simple and answer questions for that
kind of podcast in this message.  If it doesn't apply to what you intend
to do, send details to the list and you may get good information to match
the specific kind of podcast you are doing.  for more complex podcasts,
such as having music and speech and moving between them or having
something like speech and music simultaneously, others on the list may be
better sources of information.

Let's start with the most simple kind of podcast, nothing but you talking.
One of the problems you will find if you listen to many podcasts is that
people don't edit well, if at all.  They create a podcast, repeatedly
pause during it often for far too long, have lots of extraneous sounds
such as the repeated sound of their e-mail program checking for new mail,
etc.  that's no way to produce a high quality podcast.  Since podcasts are
mp3 files, instead of using audacity, you would probably do just as well
or better using Mp3 Direct Cut.  It is easier to edit with Mp3 Direct Cut
and the program records directly in the Mp3 format, thus allowing you to
save the time and inconvenience of first recording a file and then
converting the finished product to Mp3.

One way to produce a reasonably well edited podcast is to record it
without doing any editing, just stopping recording if you want to pause to
collect your thoughts or cough or encounter an interruption, then start
recording again.  When you start recording or continue recording, use a
count down every time.  When you start or continue recording count down
such as three, two, one, then start talking.  Later, you will edit out the
time between where you stopped recording and the end of the count down.
If you do this correctly, you will have a smoothly edited podcast.  You
can experiment and see how this is done.

Using the microphone in your computer may or may not be a good choice.
You might get much better results using a hand held microphone or a
microphone on a stand that you will place close to your mouth.  If you can
conveniently be close to the microphone in the computer and if the
microphone is reasonably good, that may work well but you can get good
microphones for about fifteen or twenty dollars.  One that I like is a
radio shack clip on microphone.  It is very small.  I don't clip it onto
my shirt collar, though that is how it is intended to be used.  I hold the
microphone close to my mouth.  It provides better sound quality for speech
than many other microphones in that general price range and I find it very
satisfactory for voice recordings that are well within the quality that is
suitable for a nonprofessional recording where you want reasonable quality
but don't have to worry about really high professional quality sound.
Radio Shack has a good return policy so if the microphone isn't what you
want, you can return it after trying it.

I will definitely say that the version of audacity you are using will not
meet your needs if you intend to do editing of the podcast.  Try using Mp3
Direct Cut.  It is easier to edit with than any version of audacity.  the
following information will allow you to download a version of Mp3 Direct
cut and a tutorial on using the program. It is all included in one zip
file.  I prepared this file and sent it to a file sharing site from which
it is still available.  I don't know how long it will remain available
since it may be removed automatically at some point by the site but here
is the link to the download page:
Look for the download button at the bottom of the page and activate it
with the space bar.  The standard download dialog should open.
the link to the page is:

Re: [Blind-Computing] MP3 DIRECT CUT

2011-06-19 Thread Josh
Alright thanks guys. I will experiment around with the program. I am sure 
with the information that has been provided here I will be up and running 
with it in no time.
- Original Message - 
From: David Ferrin

Sent: Sunday, June 19, 2011 8:28 PM
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] MP3 DIRECT CUT

It only works on MP3 files and nothing else at all.
David Ferrin
I believe that tomorrow is another day, and I'll probably screw that one 

- Original Message - 
From: Mike  Barbara In Arcadia

Sent: Sunday, June 19, 2011 8:21 PM
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] MP3 DIRECT CUT

Hi Josh,

I have absolutely no idea if this program can do anything with ring tones.
As a matter of fact, I don't know any thing about this program at all!  I
just have notes saved in case I might be interested in the program at some
point or another.  Sorry, take care.

 - Original Message - 
 From: Josh

 Sent: Sunday, June 19, 2011 4:57 PM
 Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] MP3 DIRECT CUT

 Thank you for this information it seems like it contains a lot of 

 information and will be great for getting started with it. I notice that
 speaks of PodCast and that sort of thing. Do you know if it can make ring
 tones? If not it will still be a valuable program for school notes and
 sort of thing.
 - Original Message - 
 From: Mike  Barbara In Arcadia

 Sent: Sunday, June 19, 2011 1:46 PM
 Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] MP3 DIRECT CUT

  Hi Josh,
  Below is a somewhat long winded email I saved talking about the MP3
  Cut program.  There are also links to a couple of tutorials as well.
  From: Gene
  This is a rather long message but it provides important information.
  Is the podcast mainly going to be you talking or are you going to do
  things such as move between items such as music and speech.  I'm going
  assume, for this message, that you intend to do only or mostly just you
  talking.  that isn't because I am actually assuming this is true, it's
  because I want to make the message simple and answer questions for that
  kind of podcast in this message.  If it doesn't apply to what you 

  to do, send details to the list and you may get good information to
  the specific kind of podcast you are doing.  for more complex podcasts,
  such as having music and speech and moving between them or having
  something like speech and music simultaneously, others on the list may
  better sources of information.
  Let's start with the most simple kind of podcast, nothing but you
  One of the problems you will find if you listen to many podcasts is 

  people don't edit well, if at all.  They create a podcast, repeatedly
  pause during it often for far too long, have lots of extraneous sounds
  such as the repeated sound of their e-mail program checking for new
  etc.  that's no way to produce a high quality podcast.  Since podcasts
  mp3 files, instead of using audacity, you would probably do just as 

  or better using Mp3 Direct Cut.  It is easier to edit with Mp3 Direct
  and the program records directly in the Mp3 format, thus allowing you 

  save the time and inconvenience of first recording a file and then
  converting the finished product to Mp3.
  One way to produce a reasonably well edited podcast is to record it
  without doing any editing, just stopping recording if you want to pause
  collect your thoughts or cough or encounter an interruption, then start
  recording again.  When you start recording or continue recording, use a
  count down every time.  When you start or continue recording count down
  such as three, two, one, then start talking.  Later, you will edit out
  time between where you stopped recording and the end of the count down.
  If you do this correctly, you will have a smoothly edited podcast.  You
  can experiment and see how this is done.
  Using the microphone in your computer may or may not be a good choice.
  You might get much better results using a hand held microphone or a
  microphone on a stand that you will place close to your mouth.  If you
  conveniently be close to the microphone in the computer and if the
  microphone is reasonably good, that may work well but you can get good
  microphones for about fifteen or twenty dollars.  One that I like is a
  radio shack clip on microphone.  It is very small.  I don't clip it 

  my shirt collar, though that is how it is intended to be used.  I hold
  microphone close to my mouth.  It provides better sound quality for
  than many other microphones in that general price range and I find it
  satisfactory for voice recordings that are well within

[Blind-Computing] RSS Feeds

2011-06-17 Thread Josh
I have a question regarding RSS Feeds. Actually I guess I have a few questions 
in this area. One, do I need to have an RSS Reader such as yeah reader which 
was available off the Jaws-Users Program page? Two, If I do have to have a 
reader such as this one mentioned do I have the option to enter my own feeds in 
this reader or am I stuck with what they give me? Three, I notice in I.E. 8 
there is a couple of options within the tools menu dealing with feeds one being 
feed discovery and the other is subscribe to this feed. What is the difference 
in what I.E. provides with the options I mentioned and the reader mentioned 
previously? I don't know if it is needed or not, but I am using Jaws 12 latest 
version, XP Professional, and as already mentioned Internet Explorer 8. I am 
completely new to the whole world of RSS Feeds, but if I can figure it out I am 
sure it will speed up my browsing of more interesting stories on the net. Any 
help or advice offered on this matter will be greatly appreciated.   
For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

Re: [Blind-Computing] RSS Feeds

2011-06-17 Thread Josh

Thank you, so the Yeah Reader is not necessary? I am definitely going to 
take a look at this link you have provided me and I appreciate it.
- Original Message - 
From: Gerald Levy

Sent: Friday, June 17, 2011 3:22 PM
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] RSS Feeds

Check out the FS web site below which explains everything you need to know 
about JAWS and RSS Feeds.  The feed reader built into IE 8 is totally 
accessible and easy to use.  I happen to be a feeds junkie myself, and I 
am currently subscribed to more than 100 feeds.


- Original Message - 
From: Josh

Sent: Friday, June 17, 2011 2:59 PM
Subject: [Blind-Computing] RSS Feeds

I have a question regarding RSS Feeds. Actually I guess I have a few 
questions in this area. One, do I need to have an RSS Reader such as yeah 
reader which was available off the Jaws-Users Program page? Two, If I do 
have to have a reader such as this one mentioned do I have the option to 
enter my own feeds in this reader or am I stuck with what they give me? 
Three, I notice in I.E. 8 there is a couple of options within the tools 
menu dealing with feeds one being feed discovery and the other is 
subscribe to this feed. What is the difference in what I.E. provides with 
the options I mentioned and the reader mentioned previously? I don't know 
if it is needed or not, but I am using Jaws 12 latest version, XP 
Professional, and as already mentioned Internet Explorer 8. I am 
completely new to the whole world of RSS Feeds, but if I can figure it 
out I am sure it will speed up my browsing of more interesting stories on 
the net. Any help or advice offered on this matter will be greatly

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Re: [Blind-Computing] A question concerning emailing with AOL

2011-02-25 Thread Josh
you could use solona which will help by you sending the capture then 
uploding it then they will send you a solving text.
- Original Message - 
From: Mike  Barbara In Arcadia

To: Blind Computing
Sent: Friday, February 25, 2011 11:29 PM
Subject: [Blind-Computing] A question concerning emailing with AOL

Hi All;

I am sending this question for someone who is unable to send out messages
from their AOL account.

I use aol for email and every time I send an email I receive the following
message: 554 5.2.1  MUST COMPLETE IMAGE PUZZLE BEFORE SENDING. PLEASE GOTO I have googled the message and the 

suggestion I found that might work is to download a program hijackthis,
which I have never used it before so don't wanna try it.

Again, I only get this email when sending messages but i can still receive
messages. If nobody can help I will just go and use another email.

Thank you.

Hope you all can get this person fixed up.  Thanks much.  Take care.


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Re: [Blind-Computing] digital signature

2011-01-06 Thread Josh

Yvonne, (These instructions are for Outlook Express)
I just tested it myself. I created a second signature within OE going 
through tools and options. I found the signatures tab and then tabbed 
through the page. I set the second signature up exactly like the first one. 
Applied the new signature and then tabbed back through and selected ok. I 
then went to open a new message. Within the new message I selected from the 
menu options to insert signature there it gave me a sub-menu where I could 
select which signature I wanted. Neither one of my signatures are set to 
automatically appear.

1. create new signature
2. apply the new settings
3. tab to ok
Note: If your current signature is set to automatically appear in your 
message you might want to uncheck that in your original signature set-up 
before proceeding.

4. open up a new message.
5. go to your menu by pressing the alt key and right arrow over to insert.
6. scroll down the menu insert until you find signature
note: now that you have two signatures created you should hear signatures 
7. select the signature you want and you should be able to view it at the 
bottom of your message.

Note: If you leave the other signature selected to automatically appear you 
can probably delete it within your message and then follow above steps. I do 
not know this for certain though so try it and see. HTH
- Original Message - 
From: yvonne oliver

Sent: Thursday, January 06, 2011 4:31 AM
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] digital signature

that sounds quite good as i only use the other one now and again.

the normal one which is my first name is used on all correspondence i send 
but the second one will only be used on one group posting.

and as  it is a buy and sell group i don't post that often certainly not 
as much as i post to all the other groups and friends.
so 2 signatures would be good provided the second one does not appear 
automatically on the one i use for normal correspondence..

and how do i use the other signature once i type the advert out?
thank you
- Original Message - 
From: Josh

Sent: Thursday, January 06, 2011 2:21 AM
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] digital signature

Could you not create two differnt signatures and then when in a message 
choose to insert the signature of your choice? I know it would take a 
little getting use to, remembering to select the signature prior to 
sending, but maybe that would be a work around if it is not doable in the 
way you are wanting to accomplish it. HTH
- Original Message - 
From: yvonne oliver

Sent: Wednesday, January 05, 2011 8:48 PM
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] digital signature

hello mike
thank you
before i do that will it allow one signature for one address and 2 
things on another?

or will both appear in both addresses i send from
- Original Message - 
From: Mike  Barbara In Arcadia

Sent: Thursday, January 06, 2011 1:45 AM
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] digital signature

Hi Yvonne;

Click on the link below for steps on creating signatures for outgoing 

Hope this helps.  Take care.

 - Original Message - 
 From: yvonne oliver

 To: blind -computing
 Sent: Wednesday, January 05, 2011 11:55 AM
 Subject: [Blind-Computing] digital signature

 i want to add a piece to my emails so that when i send them i don't 

to type it in all the time
 i believe this is called digital signature or something like that
 i already have  my name that will automatically write to the bottom of 

 but i have 2 addresses
 i know that the signature or whatever it is called will go on both 

addresses that i send from but i want to modify one of them
 for instance as i said i have my first name go at the bottom of the 
but i subscribe to some groups and one of them wants me to include the 

i live in
 now i don't want the area i live in to be on both so is there a way of
modifying one of them so that this happens
 email address 1 has yvonne at the bottom of the text

 email address 2 has yvonne UK or perhaps
 i live in london UK and yvonne underneath that line
 if it is possible how would i do it
 thank you
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Re: [Blind-Computing] digital signature

2011-01-06 Thread Josh

Thank you sir for this suggestion.
- Original Message - 
From: Mike  Barbara In Arcadia

Sent: Thursday, January 06, 2011 6:42 PM
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] digital signature

Hi Josh;

To make selecting a signature a little quicker instead of steps numbers 5 

6, press Alt + I, for insert, press the letter S, for signatures, arrow up
or down your signature list,  press enter on the signature of choice. 

is just a suggestion.  Give it a try to see how it works.  Hope it helps.
Take care.

 - Original Message - 
 From: Josh

 Sent: Thursday, January 06, 2011 1:53 PM
 Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] digital signature

 Yvonne, (These instructions are for Outlook Express)
 I just tested it myself. I created a second signature within OE going
 through tools and options. I found the signatures tab and then tabbed
 through the page. I set the second signature up exactly like the first
 Applied the new signature and then tabbed back through and selected ok. I
 then went to open a new message. Within the new message I selected from
 menu options to insert signature there it gave me a sub-menu where I 

 select which signature I wanted. Neither one of my signatures are set to
 automatically appear.
 1. create new signature
 2. apply the new settings
 3. tab to ok
 Note: If your current signature is set to automatically appear in your
 message you might want to uncheck that in your original signature set-up
 before proceeding.
 4. open up a new message.
 5. go to your menu by pressing the alt key and right arrow over to 

 6. scroll down the menu insert until you find signature
 note: now that you have two signatures created you should hear signatures
 7. select the signature you want and you should be able to view it at the
 bottom of your message.

 Note: If you leave the other signature selected to automatically appear
 can probably delete it within your message and then follow above steps. I
 not know this for certain though so try it and see. HTH
 - Original Message - 
 From: yvonne oliver

 Sent: Thursday, January 06, 2011 4:31 AM
 Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] digital signature

  that sounds quite good as i only use the other one now and again.
  the normal one which is my first name is used on all correspondence i
  but the second one will only be used on one group posting.
  and as  it is a buy and sell group i don't post that often certainly 

  as much as i post to all the other groups and friends.
  so 2 signatures would be good provided the second one does not appear
  automatically on the one i use for normal correspondence..
  and how do i use the other signature once i type the advert out?
  thank you
  - Original Message - 
  From: Josh

  Sent: Thursday, January 06, 2011 2:21 AM
  Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] digital signature
  Could you not create two differnt signatures and then when in a 

  choose to insert the signature of your choice? I know it would take a
  little getting use to, remembering to select the signature prior to
  sending, but maybe that would be a work around if it is not doable in
  way you are wanting to accomplish it. HTH
  - Original Message - 
  From: yvonne oliver

  Sent: Wednesday, January 05, 2011 8:48 PM
  Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] digital signature
  hello mike
  thank you
  before i do that will it allow one signature for one address and 2
  things on another?
  or will both appear in both addresses i send from
  - Original Message - 
  From: Mike  Barbara In Arcadia

  Sent: Thursday, January 06, 2011 1:45 AM
  Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] digital signature
  Hi Yvonne;
  Click on the link below for steps on creating signatures for 

  Hope this helps.  Take care.
   - Original Message - 
   From: yvonne oliver

   To: blind -computing
   Sent: Wednesday, January 05, 2011 11:55 AM
   Subject: [Blind-Computing] digital signature
   i want to add a piece to my emails so that when i send them i don't
  to type it in all the time
   i believe this is called digital signature or something like that
   i already have  my name that will automatically write to the bottom
   but i have 2 addresses
   i know that the signature or whatever it is called will go on both
  addresses that i send from but i want to modify one of them
   for instance as i said i have my


2011-01-05 Thread Josh
I am subscribed to Technology List For The Blind as well as many other groups. 
As many of you all know the technology list is usually a very high traffic 
list. However, for the last two days I have not gotten a single message. I 
tried to resubscribe thinking I had been unsubscribed, but got the message 
stating that I am already subscribed. Does anyone know of a moderator of that 
group I can contact about this problem? Or is this on their end? Thanks
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Re: [Blind-Computing] digital signature

2011-01-05 Thread Josh

Could you not create two differnt signatures and then when in a message 
choose to insert the signature of your choice? I know it would take a little 
getting use to, remembering to select the signature prior to sending, but 
maybe that would be a work around if it is not doable in the way you are 
wanting to accomplish it. HTH
- Original Message - 
From: yvonne oliver

Sent: Wednesday, January 05, 2011 8:48 PM
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] digital signature

hello mike
thank you
before i do that will it allow one signature for one address and 2 things 
on another?

or will both appear in both addresses i send from
- Original Message - 
From: Mike  Barbara In Arcadia

Sent: Thursday, January 06, 2011 1:45 AM
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] digital signature

Hi Yvonne;

Click on the link below for steps on creating signatures for outgoing 

Hope this helps.  Take care.

 - Original Message - 
 From: yvonne oliver

 To: blind -computing
 Sent: Wednesday, January 05, 2011 11:55 AM
 Subject: [Blind-Computing] digital signature

 i want to add a piece to my emails so that when i send them i don't have
to type it in all the time
 i believe this is called digital signature or something like that
 i already have  my name that will automatically write to the bottom of 

 but i have 2 addresses
 i know that the signature or whatever it is called will go on both email
addresses that i send from but i want to modify one of them
 for instance as i said i have my first name go at the bottom of the 
but i subscribe to some groups and one of them wants me to include the 

i live in
 now i don't want the area i live in to be on both so is there a way of
modifying one of them so that this happens
 email address 1 has yvonne at the bottom of the text

 email address 2 has yvonne UK or perhaps
 i live in london UK and yvonne underneath that line
 if it is possible how would i do it
 thank you
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2010-12-29 Thread Josh
After a short conversation with tech support through my internet provider we 
determined that the problem lies in the router. We bypassed the router and 
connected the modem directly into the computer and it worked like a charm. 
After a rather lengthy conversation with tech support for the router it was 
determined that the router was defective. Net Gear lifetime limited warranty 
covered this product so it is being replaced with no charge for the product and 
if I had chosen the longer shipping method it would have been completely free. 
However, with school starting back in a couple of weeks I opted for next day 
delivery. I should be back up and running on my own router within a couple of 
days. :)  
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[Blind-Computing] Modem and router Problem *Update* Amendment

2010-12-29 Thread Josh
I also want to thank everyone that pitched in with advice and suggestions.
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[Blind-Computing] Modem and router Problems

2010-12-28 Thread Josh
Thank you all for the advice offered on this problem. I have not really had an 
opportunity to really get down and dig into the heart of the problem yet due to 
my sighted fiance's work schedule. If it does turn out to be a router issue I 
want to be able to go to Wal-Mart and get this issue corrected while dealing 
with the router. However, before my fiance went back to work today on her day 
off we did unplug all the wires on the modem and router including taking out 
the battery. My fiance said all the lights on the modem were lit up, but on the 
router all the lights except the power light was lit on the router. The power 
button was pushed in and out a couple of times on the router with no change to 
the power light. I have several emails with great advice and I have no doubt 
that the solution will be found in one of them. Thank you all again 
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[Blind-Computing] Modem and Router Problems

2010-12-27 Thread Josh
I am currently connected to a neighbor's router typing this message. I am 
having problems connecting to the internet via my router. I have tested both 
the router and the modem to see if I was able to access the internet from 
either one; I was not able to access the internet from the desktop which is 
wired nor the laptop which is wireless. Being that I am unable to access the 
internet from the desktop I am leaning towards this being a modem problem 
rather than a router problem. Should this be a router problem though does 
anyone have any suggestions on a wireless router? I run two laptops off the 
wireless router. I currently have a NetGear router that supposedly has a 
lifetime warranty *thats a croc*. I have to pay NetGear in order to determine 
if the router is in fact defective so I would kind of like to stay away from 
NetGear if possible since this one is only about six months old. Any advice 
would be greatly appreciated.


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Re: [Blind-Computing] Learning the Intricaties of using Facebook

2010-12-25 Thread Josh

I use the computer version of facebook. However, many people say that the 
mobile version is more accessible I enjoy using the 
computer version of facebook because it allows me to chat directly from the 
application without using a third party application. A couple of emails that 
I have saved regarding facebook did not contain a tutorial, but rather 
suggested that people check out blind cooltech and search for tutorials 
there. I also am going to include an email address to a blind facebook group 
that may be able to help you with any questions you have.

- Original Message - 
From: Francis E. Khan

To: Blind Computing
Sent: Saturday, December 25, 2010 4:00 PM
Subject: [Blind-Computing] Learning the Intricaties of using Facebook

Someone suggested to me that I should joint Facebook and I received one 
lesson on being acquainted with it.  Are there any tutorials on learning 
to navigate Facebook?  I was told about walls and pictures and getting 
information about threads on my computer but they mean nothing to me now.

Any advice would be welcome.

Francis Khan
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Re: [Blind-Computing] AUTO: Marek Durila is out of theoffice.(returning 12/30/2010) memo to the list

2010-12-23 Thread Josh
This brings up a question that I have had for a long time. When setting up 
auto responses do you have an option to exclude email addresses. If so how 
would a person go about excluding certain addresses?
- Original Message - 
From: David Ferrin

Sent: Thursday, December 23, 2010 7:02 AM
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] AUTO: Marek Durila is out of 
theoffice.(returning 12/30/2010) memo to the list

This person has been removed from the list. The guidelines clearly state 
that you are not to use auto response messages. He may come back but for 
now he is unsubscribed.

David Ferrin
I believe that tomorrow is another day, and I'll probably screw that one 
up too.
- Original Message - 
From: Marek Durila

Sent: Wednesday, December 22, 2010 10:08 PM
Subject: [Blind-Computing] AUTO: Marek Durila is out of the 
office.(returning 12/30/2010)

I am out of the office until 12/30/2010.

I am away from 22. 12.2010 and will back on 30.12.2010.
I will respond to your message when I return.
For urgency you can contact me on mobilephone.

Note: This is an automated response to your message  Re: 
Outlook Express and Columns View was memo tothe list sent on 


This is the only notification you will receive while this person is away.

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[Blind-Computing] Problems With Programs Not Responding and Shutting Down

2010-12-13 Thread Josh
I am running Jaws 10,11, and 12 on a Dell Inspiron 1545 which has XP 
professional on it. No matter what I am doing whether it be surfing the 
internet or checking mail through Outlook Express or even listening to music on 
my Windows Media Player I more times than not either get a message that says 
program is not responding or the program will just freeze up on me. I am unable 
to close these programs out when I get messages of this sort. Is there anyway 
to correct this behavior? Thanks for any help offered on this matter. Oh yeah 
and just here recently I have started getting messages when Outlook Express 
tries to compact messages that a folder is still in use even after I have 
closed the OE program. 
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Re: [Blind-Computing] Problems With Programs Not Respondingand Shutting Down

2010-12-13 Thread Josh
Thank you, I have tried the windows task manager to shut down the program, 
but it will not shut down the program either. I probably do need to do a 
disk defrag but everytime I go to do one I always analyze before running the 
defragmenter and it says I do not need to defragment this volume. So, even 
getting the message saying I do not need to defrag this volume I should go 
ahead and defrag anyways. Is that correct?
- Original Message - 
From: Gerald Levy

Sent: Monday, December 13, 2010 4:57 PM
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] Problems With Programs Not Respondingand 
Shutting Down

If you are having trouble shutting down programs, you should perform some 
basic system maintenance like deleting old files and unused programs, and 
defragging your hard drive.  Of course, you can always force a program to 
shut down using Windows Task Manager.


- Original Message - 
From: Josh

Sent: Monday, December 13, 2010 4:07 PM
Subject: [Blind-Computing] Problems With Programs Not Responding and 
Shutting Down

I am running Jaws 10,11, and 12 on a Dell Inspiron 1545 which has XP 
professional on it. No matter what I am doing whether it be surfing the 
internet or checking mail through Outlook Express or even listening to 
music on my Windows Media Player I more times than not either get a 
message that says program is not responding or the program will just 
freeze up on me. I am unable to close these programs out when I get 
messages of this sort. Is there anyway to correct this behavior? Thanks 
for any help offered on this matter. Oh yeah and just here recently I 
have started getting messages when Outlook Express tries to compact 
messages that a folder is still in use even after I have closed the OE 

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Re: [Blind-Computing] Problems With Programs Not RespondingandShutting Down

2010-12-13 Thread Josh
Ok, I will give the computer maintenance a go and see what happens. As far 
as having the problems after rebooting the answer to your question is no I 
don't have the problems after rebooting.
- Original Message - 
From: Gerald Levy

Sent: Monday, December 13, 2010 5:21 PM
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] Problems With Programs Not 
RespondingandShutting Down

Ignore the message and perform a defrag.  It would also be a good idea to 
run a utility like CCleaner to remove all the junk on your hard drive.  Do 
you still have trouble shutting down programs after you reboot your PC? 
If system maintenance doesn't resolve the problem, maybe you should 
consider performing a system restore to a time before these shut down 
problems started.


- Original Message - 
From: Josh

Sent: Monday, December 13, 2010 5:07 PM
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] Problems With Programs Not 
RespondingandShutting Down

Thank you, I have tried the windows task manager to shut down the 
program, but it will not shut down the program either. I probably do need 
to do a disk defrag but everytime I go to do one I always analyze before 
running the defragmenter and it says I do not need to defragment this 
volume. So, even getting the message saying I do not need to defrag this 
volume I should go ahead and defrag anyways. Is that correct?
- Original Message - 
From: Gerald Levy

Sent: Monday, December 13, 2010 4:57 PM
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] Problems With Programs Not Respondingand 
Shutting Down

If you are having trouble shutting down programs, you should perform 
some basic system maintenance like deleting old files and unused 
programs, and defragging your hard drive.  Of course, you can always 
force a program to shut down using Windows Task Manager.


- Original Message - 
From: Josh

Sent: Monday, December 13, 2010 4:07 PM
Subject: [Blind-Computing] Problems With Programs Not Responding and 
Shutting Down

I am running Jaws 10,11, and 12 on a Dell Inspiron 1545 which has XP 
professional on it. No matter what I am doing whether it be surfing the 
internet or checking mail through Outlook Express or even listening to 
music on my Windows Media Player I more times than not either get a 
message that says program is not responding or the program will just 
freeze up on me. I am unable to close these programs out when I get 
messages of this sort. Is there anyway to correct this behavior? Thanks 
for any help offered on this matter. Oh yeah and just here recently I 
have started getting messages when Outlook Express tries to compact 
messages that a folder is still in use even after I have closed the OE 

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Re: [Blind-Computing] tutorial on a Mac

2010-12-11 Thread Josh

You might try accessing the podcast below that David Ferrin sent to the list 
on October 14. This podcast may help ease some of your concerns. I know 
there are a couple of Mac email groups out there hopefully someone will send 
you the addresses for them.
- Original Message - 
From: David Ferrin

Sent: Thursday, October 14, 2010 5:58 PM
Subject: [Blind-Computing] tutorial on a Mac

This is from the son of one of our list members and it seems like it could 
go on here although I don't know if there actually are any Mac users 


Below is a link to a Webinar on Mac Accessibility and Voiceover I did
yesterday, to view it just copy and paste the link into your web brouser,

Everette Bacon
Rehabilitation Technology Specialist
Division of Service for the Blind
250 N 1950 W
Salt Lake City, UT. 84116
David Ferrin
Life is what happens after you have already made other plans.
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Re: [Blind-Computing] Help Regarding Apple

2010-12-11 Thread Josh
If I am not mistaken and I do not know if your company would be willing to 
look into this or not, but I think with a program like bootcamp you can 
still use windows programs. Others would have more information on this than 
I do, but it might be worth researching and presenting the option to your 
supervisor. Take care
- Original Message - 

Sent: Saturday, December 11, 2010 12:19 PM
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] Help Regarding Apple

Hi Dale
Calming words thank you.
I am an editor of books so my main worry is can I keep the functionality 
of Jaws with J-Tools which enables me to cut and paste at speed.
I have just about adapted to using Jaws and J-Tools, and find it hard to 
contemplate another system.

We are one of the few publishing houses still using windows.
Any steer towards blind apple users would be appreciated.
- Original Message - 
From: Dale Leavens

Sent: Saturday, December 11, 2010 4:13 PM
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] Help Regarding Apple

Dear Niam,

Before you invest too much, get correct information. Find out for certain 
if they are going Apple or not. If you are worried about something which 
isn't happening you are worrying unnecessarily and that is unhealthy with 
no benefit. If it does happen then you have worried twice.

What is your computing need at the office? Do you transcribe, clerical 
functions, programming?

I am sure someone can assist you to connect with blind Apple users on the 

Dale leavens.

- Original Message - 

Sent: Saturday, December 11, 2010 9:56 AM
Subject: [Blind-Computing] Help Regarding Apple

I am not panicking,yet.
However, it is being rumored in my office that we might go over to 
apple, have just started to get to grips with Jaws.

Tried to join a  blind apple support group via Google and failed.
Help and advice please, I am sick with worry.
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Re: [Blind-Computing] How to find Skype History

2010-12-05 Thread Josh
I am using Skype 4.2, but I have seen a lot of talk on the Skype list I am 
on and I believe you will find history, voicemail, etc. in the view menu 
with Skype 5. Also Doug Lee ( has new scripts out for Skype 5 and 
Jaws. HTH
- Original Message - 
From: Peter Torpey

Sent: Sunday, December 05, 2010 10:09 AM
Subject: [Blind-Computing] How to find Skype History

I recently upgraded from Skype 4.x to Skype 5.x and installed the latest
JAWS scripts for Skype 5.x.

In Skype 4.x I used to be able to hit control+8 to bring up a history 

of recent calls, missed calls, etc.

I can't figure out how to obtain this info on recent calls and missed 

using Skype 5.x.  Has this feature been eliminated?

thanks for any help.


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Re: [Blind-Computing] How to find Skype History

2010-12-05 Thread Josh
If I haven't missed any threads on this topic on the Skype list that is the 
latest. I think I seen a few messages from Doug that said he was going to 
just keep updating that set of scripts when problems arise. I am sure there 
are others on this list that seen those messages that will correct me if I 
am wrong. Take care
- Original Message - 
From: yvonne oliver

Sent: Sunday, December 05, 2010 3:13 PM
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] How to find Skype History

what is the latest scripts for skype 5.0
i am using revision 50a
- Original Message - 
From: Josh

Sent: Sunday, December 05, 2010 6:26 PM
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] How to find Skype History

I am using Skype 4.2, but I have seen a lot of talk on the Skype list I am 
on and I believe you will find history, voicemail, etc. in the view menu 
with Skype 5. Also Doug Lee ( has new scripts out for Skype 5 and 
Jaws. HTH
- Original Message - 
From: Peter Torpey

Sent: Sunday, December 05, 2010 10:09 AM
Subject: [Blind-Computing] How to find Skype History

I recently upgraded from Skype 4.x to Skype 5.x and installed the latest
JAWS scripts for Skype 5.x.

In Skype 4.x I used to be able to hit control+8 to bring up a history 

of recent calls, missed calls, etc.

I can't figure out how to obtain this info on recent calls and missed 

using Skype 5.x.  Has this feature been eliminated?

thanks for any help.


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Re: [Blind-Computing] Question About a Virus

2010-11-27 Thread Josh

Thank you I was able to retrieve the email address and it is not the same. I 
have now added it to the block list. I knew how to get to properties using 
the alt enter key combo, but did not realize I could do it on a message to 
get this information. Thanks
- Original Message - 
From: Deanne Miller

Sent: Thursday, November 25, 2010 10:09 PM
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] Question About a Virus

Hi Josh:
Here is something I do sometimes with messages like this:
In your inbox, press alt plus enter  on the message to bring up the 
properties. Control tab once to the details page and then tab once to put 
the focus in the details list. Press the end key to go to the end of the 
list and then arrow up until you hear the from line. This should give 
you the actual email address and domain of the sender. If the address is 
the same as your professor, you don't want to block the message. If it's 
different, though, you can block them. If the domain is different from 
your professor's--that is, the url of the email message, such as, or, etc--then it would be safe to block the domain.
If you are using Windows Vista and Windows Mail, blocking a sender is very 
easy. Press escape to return the focus to your inbox, then press the 
applications key and arrow up to Junkmail submenu. You will find a few 
options there, two of which say something like, add sender's domain to 
blocked sender's list, and add sender to blocked sender's list. Just 
press enter on whichever one you want.
With XP and Outlook Express, go to the Message menu and arrow up to block 
sender and press Enter there.

Hope this helps,

- Original Message - 
From: Josh

Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 2010 5:22 PM
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] Question About a Virus

I completed the full scan with both MSE and SAS. SAS found two items that 
appear to be cookies and another one called I believe the second was .org possibly though 
it could have been .com. If it is pertinent then i can retrieve it 
because I saved the two that it found. MSE did not find anything. I 
figured that would be the results with MSE because it is running all the 
time anyways. Can that email be placed on the block list and still allow 
my professor's emails to come through as they should? As far as I know 
with the bogus email's address being hidden I have no way of comparing 
the two addresses. If there is a way to unhide it then please let me 
know. Thanks
- Original Message - 
From: Jackie McBride

Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 2010 2:14 PM
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] Question About a Virus

Do a complete virus scan, Josh. Check the headers in your email client
to see if the addresses between the legit  bogus 1 differ.

On 11/24/10, Josh wrote:

I have a professor that has been infected by a virus, he is 
aware of
this, but this is what is happening: I receive emails containing the 
plans for the next day that contains his full name. These lesson plans 
from his school email address. I recently have started receiving emails 
only his first name and last name Tim Haskins rather than the actual 
that comes Timothy Haskins. The first time I got this email I did not 
much attention to the way the email was listed as far as the name goes. 
clicked on the link and got a warning message saying this link is 

infected so I aborted before proceeding and emailed him about this. The
email list his shortened name and then only the date.
Two questions arise out of this. One, if I add the shortened name to 
block list in OE will it still allow the actual emails to be delivered 
to my
inbox? If it will still allow the email with the full name to be 
how do I go about adding this bogus email to my block list, I am sure 
it is probably just a click of a button while sitting on the open email 
exactly where is this selection found? Second question I have been 
these emails on a regular basis have I already been infected? If so 
will MSE
take care of this particular virus? I will continue to search Google 
for the
answers, but any help offered on this matter will be greatly 

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Change the world--1 deed at a time
Jackie McBride
Scripting Classes:
For technophobes:

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Re: [Blind-Computing] daily information

2010-11-27 Thread Josh

I have been following this thread a little bit, but between core temp and 
speed fan is one better than the other or are they equal when it comes to a 
- Original Message - 
From: Gerald Levy

Sent: Saturday, November 27, 2010 1:10 PM
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] daily information

You can download free Core Temp at:


- Original Message - 
From: Wayne Scott

Sent: Saturday, November 27, 2010 12:19 PM
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] daily information

Are these programs free?  I am using my laptop quite a bit and once it 
starts getting hot, everything goes sluggish.  the room temperature is 
fine. If these programs are free, how do I go about installing and using 
them? Wayne Scott
A merry heart does good like medicine, but a broken spirit dries the 
- Original Message - 
From: Gerald Levy

Sent: Saturday, November 27, 2010 10:12 AM
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] daily information

With some compatible processors, Speed Fan can adjust the fan speed when 
the internal temperature gets too high.


- Original Message - 
From: Don Marang

Sent: Saturday, November 27, 2010 11:56 AM
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] daily information

Can either of these programs throttle the CPU if the temperature gets 
too high?

Don Marang

There is just so much stuff in the world that, to me, is devoid of any 
real substance, value, and content that I just try to make sure that I 
am working on things that matter.

Dean Kamen

From: Gerald Levy
Sent: Saturday, November 27, 2010 9:29 AM
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] daily information

It's probably also a good idea to monitor your PC's internal 
temperature with an accessible free program like Core Temp or Speed 
Fan, which displays the CPU temperature in the System Tray. You can't 
always tell when your PC is running dangerously hot just by the sound 
of its fan.


- Original Message - 
From: David Ferrin

Sent: Saturday, November 27, 2010 8:12 AM
Subject: [Blind-Computing] daily information

Daily Tip:
Keep It Cool

Computers generate quite a bit of internal heat, especially if they 
are running video or audio applications or multiple programs 
simultaneously. Excess heat over prolonged periods of time can damage 
components and connections, not to mention affect performance. All 
computers are equipped with fans that dissipate the heat, but 
sometimes they can't keep up, especially if the vents are blocked or 
occluded by dirt and dust. In addition to keeping the vents clear, 
you can keep your computer cool and healthy by keeping the room 
temperature lower and making sure air can circulate around your 

 Daily Term:
light bar

A highlighted item on a computer screen that will appear with a 
different color to make it stand out from the rest of the screen.

David Ferrin
Most people don't know what they're doing and a lot of them are 
really good at it.

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For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

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For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit: 

For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

Re: [Blind-Computing] daily information

2010-11-27 Thread Josh

Thank you
- Original Message - 
From: Gerald Levy

Sent: Saturday, November 27, 2010 2:20 PM
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] daily information

Core Temp is simpler and easier to use than Speed Fan, which is really 
designed for hard-core techies.  Once installed, Core Temp will monitor 
the CPU temperature in real time and display it in the System Tray.  I 
think it may also issue some kind of warning if the CPU temperature 
approaches a dangerously high level.  As long as your CPU temperature is 
well under this threshhold, there should not be any problem with 
overheating.  Most computer manufacturers and chip makers list the maximum 
safe operating temperature for their CPU's in their product specs.


- Original Message - 
From: Josh

Sent: Saturday, November 27, 2010 1:25 PM
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] daily information

I have been following this thread a little bit, but between core temp and 
speed fan is one better than the other or are they equal when it comes to 
a comparison?
- Original Message - 
From: Gerald Levy

Sent: Saturday, November 27, 2010 1:10 PM
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] daily information

You can download free Core Temp at:


- Original Message - 
From: Wayne Scott

Sent: Saturday, November 27, 2010 12:19 PM
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] daily information

Are these programs free?  I am using my laptop quite a bit and once it 
starts getting hot, everything goes sluggish.  the room temperature is 
fine. If these programs are free, how do I go about installing and 
using them? Wayne Scott
A merry heart does good like medicine, but a broken spirit dries the 
- Original Message - 
From: Gerald Levy

Sent: Saturday, November 27, 2010 10:12 AM
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] daily information

With some compatible processors, Speed Fan can adjust the fan speed 
when the internal temperature gets too high.


- Original Message - 
From: Don Marang

Sent: Saturday, November 27, 2010 11:56 AM
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] daily information

Can either of these programs throttle the CPU if the temperature gets 
too high?

Don Marang

There is just so much stuff in the world that, to me, is devoid of 
any real substance, value, and content that I just try to make sure 
that I am working on things that matter.

Dean Kamen

From: Gerald Levy
Sent: Saturday, November 27, 2010 9:29 AM
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] daily information

It's probably also a good idea to monitor your PC's internal 
temperature with an accessible free program like Core Temp or Speed 
Fan, which displays the CPU temperature in the System Tray. You 
can't always tell when your PC is running dangerously hot just by 
the sound of its fan.


- Original Message - 
From: David Ferrin

Sent: Saturday, November 27, 2010 8:12 AM
Subject: [Blind-Computing] daily information

Daily Tip:
Keep It Cool

Computers generate quite a bit of internal heat, especially if they 
are running video or audio applications or multiple programs 
simultaneously. Excess heat over prolonged periods of time can 
damage components and connections, not to mention affect 
performance. All computers are equipped with fans that dissipate 
the heat, but sometimes they can't keep up, especially if the vents 
are blocked or occluded by dirt and dust. In addition to keeping 
the vents clear, you can keep your computer cool and healthy by 
keeping the room temperature lower and making sure air can 
circulate around your computer.

 Daily Term:
light bar

A highlighted item on a computer screen that will appear with a 
different color to make it stand out from the rest of the screen.

David Ferrin
Most people don't know what they're doing and a lot of them are 
really good at it.

For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

[Blind-Computing] Question About a Virus

2010-11-24 Thread Josh
I have a professor that has been infected by a virus, he is aware of 
this, but this is what is happening: I receive emails containing the lesson 
plans for the next day that contains his full name. These lesson plans come 
from his school email address. I recently have started receiving emails with 
only his first name and last name Tim Haskins rather than the actual email 
that comes Timothy Haskins. The first time I got this email I did not pay 
much attention to the way the email was listed as far as the name goes. I 
clicked on the link and got a warning message saying this link is possibly 
infected so I aborted before proceeding and emailed him about this. The email 
list his shortened name and then only the date.
Two questions arise out of this. One, if I add the shortened name to the block 
list in OE will it still allow the actual emails to be delivered to my inbox? 
If it will still allow the email with the full name to be delivered how do I go 
about adding this bogus email to my block list, I am sure that it is probably 
just a click of a button while sitting on the open email but exactly where is 
this selection found? Second question I have been getting these emails on a 
regular basis have I already been infected? If so will MSE take care of this 
particular virus? I will continue to search Google for the answers, but any 
help offered on this matter will be greatly appreciated. 
For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

Re: [Blind-Computing] Question About a Virus

2010-11-24 Thread Josh
I have attempted to check the email addresses. However, in the bogus one I 
am unable to check the email address. I have shift tabbed to the from field 
and even tried to reply to see if it may show the email address, but it is 
hidden. Thank you, and I will do the virus scan (SAS and MSE). After I 
received the first one I do not know if using the Malicious Remover Tool 
would find what I am needing or not, but after running this it came back 
with no problems. Again thanks for your help.
- Original Message - 
From: Jackie McBride

Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 2010 2:14 PM
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] Question About a Virus

Do a complete virus scan, Josh. Check the headers in your email client
to see if the addresses between the legit  bogus 1 differ.

On 11/24/10, Josh wrote:

I have a professor that has been infected by a virus, he is aware 
this, but this is what is happening: I receive emails containing the 
plans for the next day that contains his full name. These lesson plans 
from his school email address. I recently have started receiving emails 
only his first name and last name Tim Haskins rather than the actual 
that comes Timothy Haskins. The first time I got this email I did not 

much attention to the way the email was listed as far as the name goes. I
clicked on the link and got a warning message saying this link is 

infected so I aborted before proceeding and emailed him about this. The
email list his shortened name and then only the date.
Two questions arise out of this. One, if I add the shortened name to the
block list in OE will it still allow the actual emails to be delivered to 
inbox? If it will still allow the email with the full name to be 
how do I go about adding this bogus email to my block list, I am sure 
it is probably just a click of a button while sitting on the open email 
exactly where is this selection found? Second question I have been 
these emails on a regular basis have I already been infected? If so will 
take care of this particular virus? I will continue to search Google for 

answers, but any help offered on this matter will be greatly appreciated.
For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

Change the world--1 deed at a time
Jackie McBride
Scripting Classes:
For technophobes:

For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit: 

For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

Re: [Blind-Computing] Question About a Virus

2010-11-24 Thread Josh
I completed the full scan with both MSE and SAS. SAS found two items that 
appear to be cookies and another one called I believe the second was .org possibly though it 
could have been .com. If it is pertinent then i can retrieve it because I 
saved the two that it found. MSE did not find anything. I figured that would 
be the results with MSE because it is running all the time anyways. Can that 
email be placed on the block list and still allow my professor's emails to 
come through as they should? As far as I know with the bogus email's address 
being hidden I have no way of comparing the two addresses. If there is a way 
to unhide it then please let me know. Thanks
- Original Message - 
From: Jackie McBride

Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 2010 2:14 PM
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] Question About a Virus

Do a complete virus scan, Josh. Check the headers in your email client
to see if the addresses between the legit  bogus 1 differ.

On 11/24/10, Josh wrote:

I have a professor that has been infected by a virus, he is aware 
this, but this is what is happening: I receive emails containing the 
plans for the next day that contains his full name. These lesson plans 
from his school email address. I recently have started receiving emails 
only his first name and last name Tim Haskins rather than the actual 
that comes Timothy Haskins. The first time I got this email I did not 

much attention to the way the email was listed as far as the name goes. I
clicked on the link and got a warning message saying this link is 

infected so I aborted before proceeding and emailed him about this. The
email list his shortened name and then only the date.
Two questions arise out of this. One, if I add the shortened name to the
block list in OE will it still allow the actual emails to be delivered to 
inbox? If it will still allow the email with the full name to be 
how do I go about adding this bogus email to my block list, I am sure 
it is probably just a click of a button while sitting on the open email 
exactly where is this selection found? Second question I have been 
these emails on a regular basis have I already been infected? If so will 
take care of this particular virus? I will continue to search Google for 

answers, but any help offered on this matter will be greatly appreciated.
For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

Change the world--1 deed at a time
Jackie McBride
Scripting Classes:
For technophobes:

For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit: 

For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

Re: [Blind-Computing] Question About a Virus

2010-11-24 Thread Josh
I believe the response was in regards to my message that included the 
results from my SAS full scan.
- Original Message - 
From: Andre Williams

Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 2010 8:42 PM
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] Question About a Virus

I don't know what you mean--more contextual information is necessary.

- Original Message - 
From: Jackie McBride

Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 2010 5:40 PM
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] Question About a Virus

Cookies are text files. These are not cookies.

On 11/24/10, Andre Williams wrote:

Create an email folder named virus or just about anything you want and
create a message rule so that all the phony messages go in that folder
you download your mail.
You can also create a message rule so that any email messages from the
specific sender will be automatically deleted.
Go to tools and look for a message rules option.
- Original Message -
From: Josh
Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 2010 5:22 PM
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] Question About a Virus

I completed the full scan with both MSE and SAS. SAS found two items that
appear to be cookies and another one called I believe the second was .org possibly though 

could have been .com. If it is pertinent then i can retrieve it because I
saved the two that it found. MSE did not find anything. I figured that
be the results with MSE because it is running all the time anyways. Can
email be placed on the block list and still allow my professor's emails 

come through as they should? As far as I know with the bogus email's
being hidden I have no way of comparing the two addresses. If there is a
to unhide it then please let me know. Thanks
- Original Message -
From: Jackie McBride
Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 2010 2:14 PM
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] Question About a Virus

Do a complete virus scan, Josh. Check the headers in your email client
to see if the addresses between the legit  bogus 1 differ.

On 11/24/10, Josh wrote:

I have a professor that has been infected by a virus, he is
this, but this is what is happening: I receive emails containing the
plans for the next day that contains his full name. These lesson plans
from his school email address. I recently have started receiving emails
only his first name and last name Tim Haskins rather than the actual
that comes Timothy Haskins. The first time I got this email I did not
much attention to the way the email was listed as far as the name goes.
clicked on the link and got a warning message saying this link is
infected so I aborted before proceeding and emailed him about this. The
email list his shortened name and then only the date.
Two questions arise out of this. One, if I add the shortened name to 

block list in OE will it still allow the actual emails to be delivered
inbox? If it will still allow the email with the full name to be
how do I go about adding this bogus email to my block list, I am sure
it is probably just a click of a button while sitting on the open email
exactly where is this selection found? Second question I have been
these emails on a regular basis have I already been infected? If so 

take care of this particular virus? I will continue to search Google 

answers, but any help offered on this matter will be greatly
For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

Change the world--1 deed at a time
Jackie McBride
Scripting Classes:
For technophobes:

For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

Change the world--1 deed at a time
Jackie McBride
Scripting Classes:
For technophobes:

For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit: 

For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

Re: [Blind-Computing] MICROSOFT WORD 2007 AND HEADERS

2010-11-04 Thread Josh
Thank you for this information. I definitely will keep this in mind if the 
problem arises again.
- Original Message - 

Sent: Thursday, November 04, 2010 6:05 PM
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] MICROSOFT WORD 2007 AND HEADERS

Hi, Josh,

I don't know about word 2007 but I think what you do is hit alt V for the 
view menu. The thing you'll hear is normal. Hit enter on that and your 
headers should be gone.

Hope this helps.


P.S. These steps are for previous versions of word. It might be a little 
bit different for word 2007. I have office 2003.
- Original Message - 
From: Josh

Sent: Sunday, October 24, 2010 11:57 AM
Subject: [Blind-Computing] MICROSOFT WORD 2007 AND HEADERS

I am writing a paper for my Psychology class and in my introduction 
Microsoft Word 2007 is insisting on putting part of it into a heading two 
style. Can someone please assist me on how to remove headers? Is there a 
Jaws key command or a microsoft word command for removing headers? I am 
using Jaws 12, Microsoft Word 2007 on a Dell Inspiron 1545 with a Windows 
XP professional operating system. Any assistance on this would be greatly 

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No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG -
Version: 8.5.449 / Virus Database: 271.1.1/3220 - Release Date: 10/26/10 

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For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

[Blind-Computing] Fw: [Accessible Devices] Use Caution When Dealing With UndeliveredPackage Notices

2010-10-27 Thread Josh

- Original Message - 
From: Accessible Devices

To: Accessible Devices List
Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2010 3:19 PM
Subject: [Accessible Devices] Use Caution When Dealing With 
UndeliveredPackage Notices

Some malware attacks are exceedingly clever and innovative, while others 
just rely
on tried and true techniques that are fairly reliable no matter how much 
users are
told to avoid them. AppRiver is reporting a new threat that falls into 
this latter
category--a fake DHL shipping receipt designed with a malicious file 
DHL is not as recognizable in the United States as FedEx, or UPS, or plain 
old US
Post Office shipping, but it is still an easily identified brand. On a 
global scale,
DHL is better known, and there is a fair chance--although not 
significantly high--that
any random e-mail recipient may have either shipped something with DHL, or 
may be
expecting a shipment from DHL, and those are the users that are most 
likely to fall

victim to this ploy.
the message translates roughly to, Due to an error in the shipping 
direction, we
were unable to deliver your package. It can be picked up at the post 
office, but

first you must print the postal label attached to this email.
Clicking on the file attachment results in opening a compressed folder. 
The victim
then must open the folder and execute the malicious file it contains in 
order for
the attack to work. Sounds convoluted, but you'd be surprised how 
effective it can
be. Years of malware scams have proven that there are more than enough 
gullible users
on the Internet--gullible users who speak Spanish and are expecting a DHL 
With the recent focus on the , the , and the , it's easy to forget that 
attacks like this work just fine as well. are another effective method of 

malware that are being used effectively in recent malware attacks.
Let's recap the common sense approach to avoiding malware attacks like 
this fake
DHL shipping notification. A) If you don't speak Spanish, just delete it. 
B) If you
do speak Spanish, but you aren't expecting a DHL shipment, just delete it. 
C) If
you speak Spanish, and you're expecting a DHL shipment, think for a second 
the poorly written message and whether or not DHL would actually send such 
a thing.
D) Remind yourself that no reputable company will send you an email with a 
file attachment

like this.
Bottom line--delete the e-mail. If you speak Spanish and you're expecting 
a DHL shipment
and you honestly feel it could be legitimate, delete the e-mail, then 
visit the DHL

Web site or give it a call and check on the status of your package.
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[Blind-Computing] Fw: [Accessible Devices] Beware Of Fake Microsoft Security EssentialsSkam

2010-10-27 Thread Josh

- Original Message - 
From: Accessible Devices

To: Accessible Devices List
Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2010 3:29 PM
Subject: [Accessible Devices] Beware Of Fake Microsoft Security 

This is all we have on this.
Microsoft Security Essentials is fake. Well, it is and it isn't. Microsoft 
Essentials is a free antimalware protection program from Microsoft, but a 
by security software vendor F-Secure is also masquerading as Microsoft 
Security Essentials.

You want to avoid that one.
The is distributed through a drive-by download as either hotfix.exe or 
reasonably benign and almost legitimate sounding file names that might not 

red flags with some users.
--including all of the top names that users are familiar with such as Trend 
McAfee, Panda, and Symantec-- and identifies those that are capable of 

and blocking this nefarious threat.
The F-Secure blog explains, Surprisingly, the only products that seem to be 
of handling the infection are AntiSpySafeguard, Major Defense Kit, Peak 
Pest Detector and Red Cross. Never heard of these? No wonder. They are all 
fake products.
The attackers are counting on users being naïve enough to take the bait and 
to be saved by purchasing one of these awesome antimalware tools to help 
the threat. But, since these are all rogue antivirus programs what you 
really end

up with is some sort of Trojan that opens the system up to further .
Don't get confused, though. As mentioned above, is a legitimate antimalware 
as well. It is offered for free by Microsoft, and is in fact a very capable 
against malware. Microsoft just recently expanded the availability of 
Microsoft Security

Essentials to --making it free to install on up to ten PCs.
I must say, though, that I have never understood how anyone falls for rogue 
attacks. It seems to me that users should know whether or not they have some 
of malware protection installed, and if so which software it is. If no 
is installed, or if the fake alert is apparently from a program other than 
the one

that is installed--why would anyone take it seriously?
Did magic antimalware fairies stop by in the night and install this new 
tool? And, doesn't it seem at all suspicious that this strange antimalware 
is capable of scanning the PC and identifying this new threat, but invites 
you to

purchase something else to actually deal with the problem?
F-Secure detects this new rogue Microsoft Security Essentials threat as 

Close Window
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Re: [Blind-Computing] Fw: [Accessible Devices] Use Caution WhenDealingWith UndeliveredPackage Notices

2010-10-27 Thread Josh

Sorry, I didn't realize it had came through more than once.
- Original Message - 
From: David Ferrin

Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2010 6:24 PM
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] Fw: [Accessible Devices] Use Caution 
WhenDealingWith UndeliveredPackage Notices

Once is enough please, thank you.
David Ferrin
I believe that tomorrow is another day, and I'll probably screw that one 

- Original Message - 
From: Josh

Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2010 4:54 PM
Subject: [Blind-Computing] Fw: [Accessible Devices] Use Caution When
DealingWith UndeliveredPackage Notices

- Original Message - 
From: Accessible Devices

To: Accessible Devices List
Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2010 3:19 PM
Subject: [Accessible Devices] Use Caution When Dealing With
UndeliveredPackage Notices

Some malware attacks are exceedingly clever and innovative, while others
just rely
on tried and true techniques that are fairly reliable no matter how much
users are
told to avoid them. AppRiver is reporting a new threat that falls into
this latter
category--a fake DHL shipping receipt designed with a malicious file
DHL is not as recognizable in the United States as FedEx, or UPS, or 

old US
Post Office shipping, but it is still an easily identified brand. On a
global scale,
DHL is better known, and there is a fair chance--although not
significantly high--that
any random e-mail recipient may have either shipped something with DHL, 

may be
expecting a shipment from DHL, and those are the users that are most
likely to fall
victim to this ploy.
the message translates roughly to, Due to an error in the shipping
direction, we
were unable to deliver your package. It can be picked up at the post
office, but
first you must print the postal label attached to this email.
Clicking on the file attachment results in opening a compressed folder.
The victim
then must open the folder and execute the malicious file it contains in
order for
the attack to work. Sounds convoluted, but you'd be surprised how
effective it can
be. Years of malware scams have proven that there are more than enough
gullible users
on the Internet--gullible users who speak Spanish and are expecting a DHL
With the recent focus on the , the , and the , it's easy to forget that
attacks like this work just fine as well. are another effective method of
malware that are being used effectively in recent malware attacks.
Let's recap the common sense approach to avoiding malware attacks like
this fake
DHL shipping notification. A) If you don't speak Spanish, just delete it.
B) If you
do speak Spanish, but you aren't expecting a DHL shipment, just delete 

C) If
you speak Spanish, and you're expecting a DHL shipment, think for a 

the poorly written message and whether or not DHL would actually send 

a thing.
D) Remind yourself that no reputable company will send you an email with 

file attachment
like this.
Bottom line--delete the e-mail. If you speak Spanish and you're expecting
a DHL shipment
and you honestly feel it could be legitimate, delete the e-mail, then
visit the DHL
Web site or give it a call and check on the status of your package.
This is an Announce only list.  Subscribers are not able to post to this
You will find the list archives at:
Sorry, but we're not able to provide help for archive users.
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To: line of a blank message and send it.
You may download our podcasts from this link,
Or if you're using a podcatcher of some type the subscribe URL is.
Visit our website at:
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Just follow the directions in the confirmation message when it comes.
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or products that we supply information about.
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A-d mailing list

For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

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Re: [Blind-Computing] Fw: [Accessible Devices] Use Caution WhenDealingWith UndeliveredPackage Notices

2010-10-27 Thread Josh

Won't happen again
- Original Message - 
From: Moderator

Sent: Thursday, October 28, 2010 1:02 AM
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] Fw: [Accessible Devices] Use Caution 
WhenDealingWith UndeliveredPackage Notices

Articles such as this one are not to be posted without prior consent of 
the management team.

Refer to the list guidelines, ( #5 ).

Richard Q. Justice-list moderator

- Original Message - 
From: Josh

Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2010 4:54 PM
Subject: [Blind-Computing] Fw: [Accessible Devices] Use Caution When 
DealingWith UndeliveredPackage Notices

- Original Message - 
From: Accessible Devices

To: Accessible Devices List
Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2010 3:19 PM
Subject: [Accessible Devices] Use Caution When Dealing With 
UndeliveredPackage Notices

Some malware attacks are exceedingly clever and innovative, while others 
just rely
on tried and true techniques that are fairly reliable no matter how much 
users are
told to avoid them. AppRiver is reporting a new threat that falls into 
this latter
category--a fake DHL shipping receipt designed with a malicious file 
DHL is not as recognizable in the United States as FedEx, or UPS, or 
plain old US
Post Office shipping, but it is still an easily identified brand. On a 
global scale,
DHL is better known, and there is a fair chance--although not 
significantly high--that
any random e-mail recipient may have either shipped something with DHL, 
or may be
expecting a shipment from DHL, and those are the users that are most 
likely to fall

victim to this ploy.
the message translates roughly to, Due to an error in the shipping 
direction, we
were unable to deliver your package. It can be picked up at the post 
office, but

first you must print the postal label attached to this email.
Clicking on the file attachment results in opening a compressed folder. 
The victim
then must open the folder and execute the malicious file it contains in 
order for
the attack to work. Sounds convoluted, but you'd be surprised how 
effective it can
be. Years of malware scams have proven that there are more than enough 
gullible users
on the Internet--gullible users who speak Spanish and are expecting a 
DHL shipment.
With the recent focus on the , the , and the , it's easy to forget that 
attacks like this work just fine as well. are another effective method 
of propagating

malware that are being used effectively in recent malware attacks.
Let's recap the common sense approach to avoiding malware attacks like 
this fake
DHL shipping notification. A) If you don't speak Spanish, just delete 
it. B) If you
do speak Spanish, but you aren't expecting a DHL shipment, just delete 
it. C) If
you speak Spanish, and you're expecting a DHL shipment, think for a 
second about
the poorly written message and whether or not DHL would actually send 
such a thing.
D) Remind yourself that no reputable company will send you an email with 
a file attachment

like this.
Bottom line--delete the e-mail. If you speak Spanish and you're 
expecting a DHL shipment
and you honestly feel it could be legitimate, delete the e-mail, then 
visit the DHL

Web site or give it a call and check on the status of your package.
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Re: [Blind-Computing] Fw: [Accessible Devices] Beware Of FakeMicrosoftSecurity EssentialsSkam

2010-10-27 Thread Josh

Won't happen again.
- Original Message - 
From: Moderator

Sent: Thursday, October 28, 2010 1:03 AM
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] Fw: [Accessible Devices] Beware Of 
FakeMicrosoftSecurity EssentialsSkam

Articles such as this one are not to be posted without prior consent of the
management team.
Refer to the list guidelines, ( #5 ).

Richard Q. Justice-list moderator

- Original Message - 
From: Josh

Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2010 4:54 PM
Subject: [Blind-Computing] Fw: [Accessible Devices] Beware Of Fake
MicrosoftSecurity EssentialsSkam

- Original Message - 
From: Accessible Devices

To: Accessible Devices List
Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2010 3:29 PM
Subject: [Accessible Devices] Beware Of Fake Microsoft Security

This is all we have on this.
Microsoft Security Essentials is fake. Well, it is and it isn't. Microsoft
Essentials is a free antimalware protection program from Microsoft, but a
by security software vendor F-Secure is also masquerading as Microsoft
Security Essentials.
You want to avoid that one.
The is distributed through a drive-by download as either hotfix.exe or
reasonably benign and almost legitimate sounding file names that might not
red flags with some users.
--including all of the top names that users are familiar with such as Trend
McAfee, Panda, and Symantec-- and identifies those that are capable of
and blocking this nefarious threat.
The F-Secure blog explains, Surprisingly, the only products that seem to be
of handling the infection are AntiSpySafeguard, Major Defense Kit, Peak
Pest Detector and Red Cross. Never heard of these? No wonder. They are all
fake products.
The attackers are counting on users being naïve enough to take the bait and
to be saved by purchasing one of these awesome antimalware tools to help
the threat. But, since these are all rogue antivirus programs what you
really end
up with is some sort of Trojan that opens the system up to further .
Don't get confused, though. As mentioned above, is a legitimate antimalware
as well. It is offered for free by Microsoft, and is in fact a very capable
against malware. Microsoft just recently expanded the availability of
Microsoft Security
Essentials to --making it free to install on up to ten PCs.
I must say, though, that I have never understood how anyone falls for rogue
attacks. It seems to me that users should know whether or not they have some
of malware protection installed, and if so which software it is. If no
is installed, or if the fake alert is apparently from a program other than
the one
that is installed--why would anyone take it seriously?
Did magic antimalware fairies stop by in the night and install this new
tool? And, doesn't it seem at all suspicious that this strange antimalware
is capable of scanning the PC and identifying this new threat, but invites
you to
purchase something else to actually deal with the problem?
F-Secure detects this new rogue Microsoft Security Essentials threat as
Close Window
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2010-10-24 Thread Josh
I am writing a paper for my Psychology class and in my introduction Microsoft 
Word 2007 is insisting on putting part of it into a heading two style. Can 
someone please assist me on how to remove headers? Is there a Jaws key command 
or a microsoft word command for removing headers? I am using Jaws 12, Microsoft 
Word 2007 on a Dell Inspiron 1545 with a Windows XP professional operating 
system. Any assistance on this would be greatly appreciated.
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Re: [Blind-Computing] MICROSOFT WORD 2007 AND HEADERS

2010-10-24 Thread Josh

Thank you I definitely will give this a try.
- Original Message - 
From: Negoslav Sabev

Sent: Sunday, October 24, 2010 5:01 PM
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] MICROSOFT WORD 2007 AND HEADERS

Select the text and try ctrl+shift+n.

- Original Message - 
From: Josh

Sent: Sunday, October 24, 2010 8:57 PM
Subject: [Blind-Computing] MICROSOFT WORD 2007 AND HEADERS

I am writing a paper for my Psychology class and in my introduction 
Microsoft Word 2007 is insisting on putting part of it into a heading two 
style. Can someone please assist me on how to remove headers? Is there a 
Jaws key command or a microsoft word command for removing headers? I am 
using Jaws 12, Microsoft Word 2007 on a Dell Inspiron 1545 with a Windows 
XP professional operating system. Any assistance on this would be greatly 

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[Blind-Computing] Daily tip/Term

2010-10-22 Thread Josh
I also enjoy these messages. 
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[Blind-Computing] Start Menu denying Access

2010-10-16 Thread Josh
A friend of mine is experiencing some problems with her Mac and Windows 7. 
Basically from what I gather she installed windows 7 using Bootcamp, but was 
unable to access the start menu. She has tried doing a merge to create the 
start menu but it was unsuccessful as well. She attempted to create this merge 
under the users folder root. She has always had this problem since installing 
Windows 7. Her computer specs are below. If anyone can help please do all 
information will be greatly appreciated. We both have been looking at websites 
and most of them are pointing towards a permissions and security issue, 
however, she says she has followed the directions for them as well and if I am 
not mistaken she has came up with access denied on that as well.  
Computer Specs:
windows 7 Pro all updated 2.3 ghz 4 gb of ram.
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[Blind-Computing] Windows 7 Start Menu saying Access Denied

2010-10-16 Thread Josh
Note: I apologize if this is a duplicate. I repeated it due to not seeing it 
cross the list the first time. 
A friend of mine is experiencing some problems with her Mac and Windows 7. 
Basically from what I gather she installed windows 7 using Bootcamp allowing 
her to run both the Mac OS and the Windows 7 OS, but was unable to access the 
start menu. She has tried doing a merge to create the start menu but it was 
unsuccessful as well. She attempted to create this merge under the users folder 
root. She has always had this problem since installing Windows 7. Her computer 
specs are below. If anyone can help please do all information will be greatly 
appreciated. We both have been looking at websites and most of them are 
pointing towards a permissions and security issue, however, she says she has 
followed the directions for them as well and if I am not mistaken she has came 
up with access denied on that as well.  
Computer Specs:
windows 7 Pro all updated 2.3 ghz 4 gb of ram.
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Re: [Blind-Computing] Excellent DVD Player!

2010-09-12 Thread Josh
I asked this question earlier in another group. the response I recieved is 
not only is it menu driven but it is also easily navigated by the 
application key which pulls up the context menu. I uninstalled it because I 
thought it was inaccessible. I have not had the opportunity to reinstall and 
check out the context menu choices yet. HTH
- Original Message - 
From: DoubleLegal

Sent: Sunday, September 12, 2010 2:14 AM
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] Excellent DVD Player!

I've downloaded VLC, but cannot seem to get around in any menus. How 
exactly should I go about playing a DVD? I have XP Pro and use JAWS 8 or 
10 depending on what program I am trying to use.


- Original Message - 
From: chris hallsworth

Sent: Saturday, September 11, 2010 2:19 PM
Subject: [Blind-Computing] Excellent DVD Player!

Hello all!
Want an accessible DVD and media player? Look no further than VLC Media 
Player! You can select what part of the DVD you want to play simply by 
using the VLC Media Player menus. No inaccessible DVD menu to navigate; 
just select what you want from the user interface. You can even select an 
audio described track if you have one.
You can download this free and open source program from 
It even works with Windows 7 so you don't have to use Windows Media 
Player, which is good but does not have an accessible DVD player.



From Chris H in Derbyshire
Please check out my blog at Many 

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Re: [Blind-Computing] Microsoft Word 07' Problem

2010-09-09 Thread Josh

John, Thank you that took care of the problem.
- Original Message - 
From: John Justice

Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2010 9:42 PM
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] Microsoft Word 07' Problem

If you will open the ribbons at the tops of the page, one of them should 

Review or something like that.
Use your arrow keys to locate Word Count and press Enter.  That should do

John justice

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Josh
Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2010 9:33 PM
Subject: [Blind-Computing] Microsoft Word 07' Problem

This ordinarily would not be a big deal to me however, I am in school 
So, here is my problem within word after typing my paper I use to be able 
route PC to Jaws and go to the bottom of the page to see how many words 
on the paper. Now, it reads something to the effect of 12/705 and then 

me a percentage after that. If anyone can assist me with this problem it
would be greatly appreciated.

P.s. the 12/705 was an actual number with the percentage of 20 but more or
less it was used as an example. I use Jaws 10 OS is XP Pro and version of
word is 2007.
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[Blind-Computing] Microsoft Word 07' Problem

2010-09-08 Thread Josh
This ordinarily would not be a big deal to me however, I am in school again So, 
here is my problem within word after typing my paper I use to be able to route 
PC to Jaws and go to the bottom of the page to see how many words were on the 
paper. Now, it reads something to the effect of 12/705 and then gives me a 
percentage after that. If anyone can assist me with this problem it would be 
greatly appreciated.

P.s. the 12/705 was an actual number with the percentage of 20 but more or less 
it was used as an example. I use Jaws 10 OS is XP Pro and version of word is 
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Re: [Blind-Computing] Outlook Express and Spellchecker

2010-09-08 Thread Josh
I am getting in late on this thread but in OE the only spell check option 
that I had was French. I have Microsoft Word 2007. We got the problem fixed 
by adding a spell checker from Jaws-Users page so problem is fixed just not 
understood. I had no problems conducting spell checks within word 2007 just 
in OE. Can someone help me to understand why OE was not recognizing the 
spell checker in word 2007. It was only recognizing French. Unfortunately my 
southern roots do not translate French very well.
- Original Message - 
From: niamh

Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2010 3:23 PM
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] Outlook Express and Spellchecker

Hi David
I  hate to be a  pain, but how could I  get one of those programs?
- Original Message - 
From: David Ferrin

Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2010 7:54 PM
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] Outlook Express and Spellchecker

Then you must not have a version of office installed. No matter I have at
least 2 free Outlook Express spell checking programs on the server free 

David Ferrin
I believe that tomorrow is another day, and I'll probably screw that one 

- Original Message - 
From: niamh

Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2010 14:27
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] Outlook Express and Spellchecker

thanks david, unfortunately a  spelling option doesn't appear.
- Original Message - 
From: David Ferrin

Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2010 12:16 PM
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] Outlook Express and Spellchecker

Go to tools and options. Control tab until you land on the spelling tab.
From there everything should be self explanatory.
David Ferrin
I believe that tomorrow is another day, and I'll probably screw that one
- Original Message - 
From: niamh

Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2010 6:55 AM
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] Outlook Express and Spellchecker

Hi David,
where  do I  find those options?
I  just cannot get spellchecker to work using word.
- Original Message - 
From: David Ferrin

Sent: Tuesday, September 07, 2010 5:41 PM
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] Outlook Express and Spellchecker

You are correct but there are also a couple of free options for spell
checking programs on the server.
David Ferrin
I believe that tomorrow is another day, and I'll probably screw that 

- Original Message - 
From: Matt

Sent: Tuesday, September 07, 2010 12:19 PM
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] Outlook Express and Spellchecker

You have word installed?  Think that's where it gets it's spell 

capabilities from.
That's what I had to install to get mine at least.
 - Original Message - 
 From: niamh

 Sent: Tuesday, September 07, 2010 10:31 AM
 Subject: [Blind-Computing] Outlook Express and Spellchecker

 I  cannot get the spellchecker to work with outlook express, any
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Re: [Blind-Computing] Looking for Accessible search sites tofindoldfriends.

2010-09-07 Thread Josh

- Original Message - 
From: Matt

Sent: Tuesday, September 07, 2010 5:55 PM
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] Looking for Accessible search sites 

What's the address for the mobile sight anyway?
I keep forgetting it.
it's a dot m or a dash m or something.
 - Original Message - 
 From: East, Robin

 Sent: Tuesday, September 07, 2010 12:32 PM
 Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] Looking for Accessible search sites to 

 You may want to use the mobile facebook interface. I find it much

 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of Gerald Levy
 Sent: September 7, 2010 11:06 AM
 Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] Looking for Accessible search sites to
 find oldfriends.

 The first sites to try are Facebook and Twitter.  On Facebook, you can
 enter your high school and college info, and get a list of classmates
 who graduated in your class.  That's how I tracked down some old high
 school classmates I haven't had contact with in over 40 years.


 - Original Message -
 From: Kim Kelly
 Sent: Tuesday, September 07, 2010 12:58 PM
 Subject: [Blind-Computing] Looking for Accessible search sites to find

  As the subject line says, I am looking for a free site where I can
  look up old friends and I need to know which sites if any are
  Any information is greatly appreciated.
  Have a great day.
  Kim Kelly
  Clarkston Washington
  Email and facebook:
  Alternative E-mail:
  Visit my website
  Keep on smiling and everyone will wonder what you've been up too.
  author unknown
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Re: [Blind-Computing] Short Cut Keys For Skype?

2010-08-21 Thread Josh
I think in tools and options you will have to enable the hot keys. You can 
also go to the call menu with (alt a) and scroll through that list paying 
attention to the letter that follows each menu selection. If I am not 
mistaken to hang up a call it is the letter n not too sure on answering. I 
always go to the Skype Icon if the phone is ringing in the system tray 
pressing enter on this if the phone is ringing will give you an option to 
see who is calling and answer. HTH



windows messenger

- Original Message - 
From: Mark

Sent: Friday, August 20, 2010 9:58 PM
Subject: [Blind-Computing] Short Cut Keys For Skype?

I am using Skype with JAWS 11. I installed the JAWS scripts but I
haven't figured out the short cut keys for answering and hanging up on 

connections. Does any one know the short cut keys for these?
Thank you.

God bless,
God loves You!
This message written on a Windows 7 Machine

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[Blind-Computing] HAPPY BIRTHDAY

2010-08-11 Thread Josh
I hope you have a great birthday. 
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Re: [Blind-Computing] Where do I get VLC media player

2010-08-05 Thread Josh

Thank you for the clarification.
- Original Message - 

Sent: Thursday, August 05, 2010 3:45 AM
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] Where do I get VLC media player


In fact, it was not me who sent that link to VLC, I think Jacob or Don 

We never value what we have until we lose it!.

Skype: hamidgeni


On 05/08/2010 02:36, Josh wrote:
Heere is a download of the VLC player that Hamid had sent to the list 
back a while back. The link will be active until Sunday morning Eastern 
time Zone in the United States at 10:00 am.
- Original Message - From: DoubleLegal

To: Blind Computer Users
Sent: Wednesday, August 04, 2010 5:38 PM
Subject: [Blind-Computing] Where do I get VLC media player

Hi all,

Been following all the posts about the VLC Media Player and I'd like to 
give it a try. I may have just missed it, but I don't see where I might 
go to directly download the program. If someone could give me a link I'd 
greatly appreciate it.



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Re: [Blind-Computing] Where do I get VLC media player

2010-08-04 Thread Josh
Heere is a download of the VLC player that Hamid had sent to the list back a 
while back. The link will be active until Sunday morning Eastern time Zone 
in the United States at 10:00 am.
- Original Message - 
From: DoubleLegal

To: Blind Computer Users
Sent: Wednesday, August 04, 2010 5:38 PM
Subject: [Blind-Computing] Where do I get VLC media player

Hi all,

Been following all the posts about the VLC Media Player and I'd like to 
give it a try. I may have just missed it, but I don't see where I might go 
to directly download the program. If someone could give me a link I'd 
greatly appreciate it.



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Re: [Blind-Computing] So... how do ya change your status on FBthis?week?

2010-08-02 Thread Josh
I think it is a matter of personal preference whether a person uses the 
mobile or Pc version of facebook. I usually will use the Pc version of 
facebook but if I need to post something then i will switch to the mobile 
site as I have found it easier to post on the mobile site. I do not like the 
mobile site myself for just general browsing of the page as it does not seem 
to give you all the information that the Pc site gives. I understand that it 
is a condensed version therefore not as many applications but it also seems 
as though you have to keep hitting older post to see even half of what the 
PC version site provides as far as messages from friends. I do fully agree 
with others view point that the mobile site is more blind friendly 
especially when it comes to posting messages. So all-in-all I think it is 
just what a person gets use to using. Take care
- Original Message - 
From: Eleni Vamvakari

Sent: Monday, August 02, 2010 10:31 AM
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] So... how do ya change your status on 

I use the mobile site too.  The regular one gives me a headache.  But
the mobile site won't let me see the entire description of a group or
it's discussion boards.  I also have to use the main site to edit some
parts of my profile.  I wish they'd just allow access to everything so
that I didn't have to switch between them and deal with this nonsense.

On 8/2/10, Jacob Kruger wrote:

Jacob Kruger
Blind Biker
Skype: BlindZA
'...fate had broken his body, but not his spirit...'

- Original Message -
From: Matt
Sent: Monday, August 02, 2010 3:16 PM
Subject: [Blind-Computing] So... how do ya change your status on FB

Man, I swear they change the rules every other day.
I used to could go to the sight and search for what's on your mind, or
mind really, and found the edit box for changing status, then I think it
switched to news feed.
What's the quickest and best way to navigate to that and other stuff on 

with jaws anyway?
I have 11.  Just tried to change my status and am not seing the change.
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The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.

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2010-08-01 Thread Josh
As the subject line says Skype 4.2, Skype Talking, script revision 42E are the 
programs and scripts with which i am working. Now the question i am going to 
pose is how would I go about changing the speaker layout? So that what I hear 
from the other person or Jaws comes through the computer rather than the head 
set speakers. I want either one the jaws speech or the person in which i am 
talking with to come through one speaker and the other voice to come through 
the other one. I have posted to Skype mailing list but the information in which 
i recieved is more elaborate than my layout. I was told to go to control panel 
(not sure if Skype has its own control panel or not). I was then told to go to 
the sounds and devices link and from there to audio tab and select something to 
the effects of Skype through the computer. I only have combo boxes and at the 
very most i have three selections to make in anyone of the combo boxes.

The first combo box is dealing with audio playback devices 
Options i have are : logitech usb headset or idt audio

The next combo box i come to is sound recording default playback device
options there are the same as above.
I then come to another combo box that has the same label as the one above with 
the same options.

Now i come to a combo box that reads midi music default playback device
Option: microsoft gs wavetable SW synth.
I use Jaws 10 and windows XP. thank you all for any help offered on this 
matter. i am not very knowledgeable in this area and the more detail the 
better. thank you

J.P. Smith
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2010-08-01 Thread Josh

That took care of the problem. thank you very much. Now I can multi task. 
- Original Message - 
From: Ishe Chinyoka

Sent: Sunday, August 01, 2010 9:30 PM
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] SKYPE 4.2, REVISION 42E,AND SKYPE TALKING AND 

That's it. You go to the Audio combobox (the first one), otherwise your 
steps were correct. In that combobox, just choose the output device you 
are to use: but make sure it is not the same as JAWS.
To find out which sound card is being used by JAWS, just go to the JAWS 
menu, select Utilities, Sound Card submenu. You will see that windows 
default sound card will be checked on if you never made any settings 
before. So simply arrow to the other sound card in the list and check it 
on by pressing the enter key.
This is to make sure that even if you alter the Audio device, JAWS won't 
pick that up. For example, if I have SigmaTel and USB Headset, from the 
control panel in the audio combobox you referred to, I can checkmark 
Sigmatel as the Windows default output device. In the JAWS 
utilities-Sound Card submenu, I would checkmark USB Headset.
The trick lies in knowing the name(s) of your sound card(s) which are 
being used by your speakers.

Hope this helps a little.


We all have the right to be wrong in our opinions but not in our facts.

- Original Message - 
From: Josh

Sent: Monday, August 02, 2010 2:22 AM
Subject: [Blind-Computing] SKYPE 4.2, REVISION 42E,AND SKYPE TALKING AND 

As the subject line says Skype 4.2, Skype Talking, script revision 42E 
are the programs and scripts with which i am working. Now the question i 
am going to pose is how would I go about changing the speaker layout? So 
that what I hear from the other person or Jaws comes through the computer 
rather than the head set speakers. I want either one the jaws speech or 
the person in which i am talking with to come through one speaker and the 
other voice to come through the other one. I have posted to Skype mailing 
list but the information in which i recieved is more elaborate than my 
layout. I was told to go to control panel (not sure if Skype has its own 
control panel or not). I was then told to go to the sounds and devices 
link and from there to audio tab and select something to the effects of 
Skype through the computer. I only have combo boxes and at the very most 
i have three selections to make in anyone of the combo boxes.

The first combo box is dealing with audio playback devices
Options i have are : logitech usb headset or idt audio

The next combo box i come to is sound recording default playback device
options there are the same as above.
I then come to another combo box that has the same label as the one above 
with the same options.

Now i come to a combo box that reads midi music default playback device
Option: microsoft gs wavetable SW synth.
I use Jaws 10 and windows XP. thank you all for any help offered on this 
matter. i am not very knowledgeable in this area and the more detail the 
better. thank you

J.P. Smith
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Re: [Blind-Computing] Facebook with Jaws 11

2010-07-30 Thread Josh
I also have problems with Jaws jumping around. It seems to just jump where 
ever it feels like going at the time. I can scroll through the messages on 
the main wall at sign in and end up missing about half of the messages as I 
scroll down. I discovered this one day when I had scrolled down what I 
thought was just a couple of messages and then had to go back to a prior 
message. As I was scrolling up i found messages I had never even read. It 
also will throw my cursor on occasion up in the address bar or tool bar when 
I begin typing out a message to post. I have discovered though I do like for majority of things but for posting messages things go a lot 
smoother if I use the facebook mobile site ( Hopefully 
someone will have the solution to the problem. Flash is turned off on my end 
as well as automatic refreshing.
- Original Message - 
From: Lori Duncan

Sent: Friday, July 30, 2010 8:39 AM
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] Facebook with Jaws 11

Don't you just wish the facebook designers would think of us blind people? 
I just tried accessing my friend's wall again, and while it's working jaws 
still seems to stutter and jump when reading.  It doesn't do it on 
anything else, so it must be the facebook site.
- Original Message - 
From: Matt

Sent: Friday, July 30, 2010 1:28 PM
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] Facebook with Jaws 11

Yes, I am having trouble and so are friends, so I look forward to reading 
this thread as it develops.
 - Original Message - 
 From: Lori Duncan

 Sent: Friday, July 30, 2010 5:26 AM
 Subject: [Blind-Computing] Facebook with Jaws 11

 Hi I have jaws 11 and am finding navigating my facebook page very 
difficult especially when trying to read friend's comments, the page 
seems to jump around a bit and sometimes Jaws will read random numbers 
when I use my arrow keys.  Is anyone else having trouble with facebook?

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Re: [Blind-Computing] Facebook with Jaws 11

2010-07-30 Thread Josh
I do agree that facebook mobile may be more useable and you are exactly 
right on applications and features being trimmed back. I use the facebook PC 
version because I like to chat from the site and the mobile site does not 
allow that. I know there are third party programs that will allow for 
chatting on facebook but I do not want to one have too many programs running 
at once and two some of the programs if not all I believe take up space on 
your computer don't they?
- Original Message - 
From: Jacob Kruger

Sent: Friday, July 30, 2010 10:45 AM
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] Facebook with Jaws 11

Well, mobile version, with same login details is rather more 
usable/trimmed down - games etc. aren't there, but general stuff like 
walls, status, etc. all works from it.

Stay well

Jacob Kruger
Blind Biker
Skype: BlindZA
'...fate had broken his body, but not his spirit...'

- Original Message - 
From: Lori Duncan

Sent: Friday, July 30, 2010 4:06 PM
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] Facebook with Jaws 11

I just use the normal PC version.  Thanks from Lori.
- Original Message - 
From: Jacob Kruger

Sent: Friday, July 30, 2010 2:21 PM
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] Facebook with Jaws 11

Do you use the mobile version?

Stay well

Jacob Kruger
Blind Biker
Skype: BlindZA
'...fate had broken his body, but not his spirit...'

- Original Message - 
From: Lori Duncan

Sent: Friday, July 30, 2010 12:26 PM
Subject: [Blind-Computing] Facebook with Jaws 11

Hi I have jaws 11 and am finding navigating my facebook page very 
difficult especially when trying to read friend's comments, the page 
seems to jump around a bit and sometimes Jaws will read random numbers 
when I use my arrow keys.  Is anyone else having trouble with facebook?

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__ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus 
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[Blind-Computing] YOUTUBE FOLLOW-UP

2010-07-28 Thread Josh
Josh Clander (Last name probably misspelled I apologize for that) I believe 
this program will work. I have not gotten a chance to really get in and mess 
with it fully yet. I did notice there were a couple of different programs that 
were available to download off the website in which you provided. One which I 
think will do the job is copying youTube to DVD. thanks for this website. 

J.P. Smith
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2010-07-26 Thread Josh
Blind Computing members,
I have a few questions about youtube and copying the video clips. One and 
foremost is it legal to copy a You Tube video clip (video and sound)? If not 
then we do not have to go any further. However if it is then let me proceed. 
Second Question How would a person go about saving the video clip both sound 
and video so that it can be copied on to a DVD? Third and final question is 
there any free programs that can assist with this task? The reason I am looking 
for both sound and video is for my sighted fiance. thank you all very much for 
any assistance offered on this matter.
J.P. Smith
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2010-07-26 Thread Josh
Sorry but I want to add I need it to be an accessible program as I will be 
doing the download and copying for her. Thank you
- Original Message - 
From: Josh

Sent: Tuesday, July 27, 2010 1:17 AM

Blind Computing members,
I have a few questions about youtube and copying the video clips. One and 
foremost is it legal to copy a You Tube video clip (video and sound)? If 
not then we do not have to go any further. However if it is then let me 
proceed. Second Question How would a person go about saving the video clip 
both sound and video so that it can be copied on to a DVD? Third and final 
question is there any free programs that can assist with this task? The 
reason I am looking for both sound and video is for my sighted fiance. 
thank you all very much for any assistance offered on this matter.

J.P. Smith
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Re: [Blind-Computing] a good tutorial on firefox

2010-07-15 Thread Josh
If you don't care can you send a copy to as well? 
- Original Message - 

Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2010 11:13 PM
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] a good tutorial on firefox

Hi, Ishe,

I would also like to have your tutorial on firefox. Please send it to:

Thanks very much.

- Original Message - 
From: Donnie Parrett

Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2010 7:49 PM
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] a good tutorial on firefox


I would love to have your FireFox tutorial.  Please send it to:


Have a great day, unless you have made other plans.


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-Original Message-
[]on Behalf Of Ishe
Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2010 8:06 PM
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] a good tutorial on firefox

I have one tutorial on Firefox which I once prepared for my friend last
year, but since the server trims such stuff in Word format, I  would send
you off list if you contact me with your email details. Meanwhile, since
Firefox is Free/libra Open Source software, I recommend you go here:
for a good tutorial.


- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, July 15, 2010 12:33 AM
Subject: [Blind-Computing] a good tutorial on firefox

Hi, everyone,

I would like to find a good tutorial on firefox since I'll be using it
with NVDA. I don't think National Braille Press has tutorials on 

Any help will be very much appreciated.

Many thanks in advance.

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2010-07-15 Thread Josh
B-C members,

I am not sure if my messages are being rejected by the server or not. I have 
posted a couple of different times regarding my problems with Qwitter. If this 
is not the place to post such message please someone direct me in the right 
direction. Qwitter message posted two different times but I do not think either 
one made it to the list pasted below.

Afew days ago I posted a problem I was having with Qwitter. The problem still 
exist. I had Qwitter back several months ago and had to uninstall it. When I 
went to uninstall it I do not remember if Qwitter had an uninstall selection on 
their icon on the start menu but I either went through the icon or the 
add/remove programs in the control panel. The problem is Qwitter downloads 
properly or at least goes through the motions this is on a reinstall of 
Qwitter. When Qwitter appeared to not be opening up correctly I went to 
uninstall the program again in the same fashion as before and got a message 
that all the elements could not be removed but it also said I could remove the 
elements manually. Can someone please assist me with this? Once the other 
elements are removed i think Qwitter should install as it should.
J.P. Smith
J.P. Smith
For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:


2010-07-15 Thread Josh
thank you and that is very possible. I hope you get the answers you are 
searching for.
- Original Message - 
From: Eleni Vamvakari

Sent: Thursday, July 15, 2010 11:59 AM

I can't help you with Quitter but I'm wondering the same thing about
my messages.  Unfortunately, there isn't an archive where we can check
messages to see if they went through.  But I think in my case it's
just that most on here can't answer them or maybe the ones who can
haven't seen them yet.

On 7/15/10, Josh wrote:

B-C members,

I am not sure if my messages are being rejected by the server or not. I 

posted a couple of different times regarding my problems with Qwitter. If
this is not the place to post such message please someone direct me in 

right direction. Qwitter message posted two different times but I do not
think either one made it to the list pasted below.

Afew days ago I posted a problem I was having with Qwitter. The problem
still exist. I had Qwitter back several months ago and had to uninstall 

When I went to uninstall it I do not remember if Qwitter had an uninstall
selection on their icon on the start menu but I either went through the 

or the add/remove programs in the control panel. The problem is Qwitter
downloads properly or at least goes through the motions this is on a
reinstall of Qwitter. When Qwitter appeared to not be opening up 
correctly I
went to uninstall the program again in the same fashion as before and got 
message that all the elements could not be removed but it also said I 
remove the elements manually. Can someone please assist me with this? 
the other elements are removed i think Qwitter should install as it 

J.P. Smith

J.P. Smith
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Re: [Blind-Computing] QWITTER

2010-07-15 Thread Josh

Thank you for this information.
- Original Message - 
From: Ishe Chinyoka

Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2010 1:15 PM
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] QWITTER


Programs that tell you of files you have to manually remove will usually 
refer to the following situations:

(1) settings stored in INI files which you may need to use later; or
(2) Programs that create files which are useful to you. In other words, 
the program would have created such files by your own action.

Now the nest question is how to remove such files.
Well, using a file manager such as 7zip file manager or even our native 
Windows Explorer, navigate to Program Files (often C:\Program Files\, 
find the folder where Quitter had been installed.
Highlight the folder, Then Press Shift+Delete to permanently wipe off the 
folder from the face of the earth. Well, if you don't mind the recycle bin 
size, just press delete and the folder will be sent back to the recycle 
bin instead.

Next, you need to navigate to where programs often store their settings. I 
am not sure which Windows OS you're using, but the folder on XP should be 
C:\Documents and Settings\your user name\app data.
In this folder, you will find lots of folders referring to different 
programs that store their settings there.

Find that of Quitter.
Now without opening the folder of Quitter, repeat the same operation you 
did in Program Files: namely, press shift+delete to destroy the folder and 
all its contents (the settings).
After this, you are clean: you're ready to install a fresh copy of 

Actually Quitter is cool: so I wish you all the best. Any problem just 
post with detail.
By the way, I made some assumptions like C:\program files for this is 
the normal storage area of all installed programs unless you changed; if 
you did so, just substitute my bigoted Program Files with your correct 
Another bigoted or assumption is the your user name just substitute that 
phrase in angle brackets with your own username you are logged with.
Another issue you need to sort out is if you are on Windows 7, you need 
not enter the C:\documents .. path, users have got a special folder in 
the root.


- Original Message - 
From: Josh

Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2010 6:14 PM
Subject: [Blind-Computing] QWITTER

Afew days ago I posted a problem I was having with Qwitter. The problem 
still exist. I had Qwitter back several months ago and had to uninstall 
it. When I went to uninstall it I do not remember if Qwitter had an 
uninstall selection on their icon on the start menu but I either went 
through the icon or the add/remove programs in the control panel. The 
problem is Qwitter downloads properly or at least goes through the 
motions this is on a reinstall of Qwitter. When Qwitter appeared to not 
be opening up correctly I went to uninstall the program again in the same 
fashion as before and got a message that all the elements could not be 
removed but it also said I could remove the elements manually. Can 
someone please assist me with this? Once the other elements are removed i 
think Qwitter should install as it should.

J.P. Smith
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[Blind-Computing] QWITTER

2010-07-14 Thread Josh
Afew days ago I posted a problem I was having with Qwitter. The problem still 
exist. I had Qwitter back several months ago and had to uninstall it. When I 
went to uninstall it I do not remember if Qwitter had an uninstall selection on 
their icon on the start menu but I either went through the icon or the 
add/remove programs in the control panel. The problem is Qwitter downloads 
properly or at least goes through the motions this is on a reinstall of 
Qwitter. When Qwitter appeared to not be opening up correctly I went to 
uninstall the program again in the same fashion as before and got a message 
that all the elements could not be removed but it also said I could remove the 
elements manually. Can someone please assist me with this? Once the other 
elements are removed i think Qwitter should install as it should.
J.P. Smith
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[Blind-Computing] DROP BOX

2010-07-10 Thread Josh
Blind Computing members,
I have two questions about Drop Box. When you upload a document to Drop Box is 
it there indefinitely until you decide to take it out of your drop box account 
or is there a time frame? Question 2 if it is uploaded to Drop Box can you 
delete the file (s) off your hard drive?
J.P. Smith
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[Blind-Computing] QWITTER QUESTION

2010-07-10 Thread Josh
B-C members,
I uninstalled Qwitter a while back, when uninstalling I recieved the message 
all elements were not able to be removed that I could do it manually. Now i am 
trying to reinstall Qwitter and having no success. Can someone help me with 
this issue. I think it is the elements that still remain causing the reinstall 
to pop up with errors. In advance I appreciate and thank everyone for their 
assistance in this matter.
J.P. Smith
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[Blind-Computing] changing passwords on routers

2010-07-02 Thread Josh
B-C members,
Is there a way to change the password on a wireless router? It is a Linksys 
router. When it was purchased my now ex wife set it up and decided to use her 
name. I would like to update this if at all possible. Thanks in advance 
J.P. Smith
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Re: [Blind-Computing] changing passwords on routers

2010-07-02 Thread Josh
I assume that is what I am meaning. the point that everyone comes to 
initially if they are trying to connect by means of wireless connection. Is 
there more than one password associated with a router?
- Original Message - 
From: matthew

Sent: Friday, July 02, 2010 2:11 PM
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] changing passwords on routers

Hello. Do you mean the password to the router page? If so this can be done 
by pushing in the reset button on the router. This is usually inset so you 
will need a stylus or bent paper clip or something. This will reset it to 
the factory default which is usually user name admin and password is 
password or admin.

On 7/2/2010 10:41 AM, Josh wrote:

B-C members,
Is there a way to change the password on a wireless router? It is a 
Linksys router. When it was purchased my now ex wife set it up and 
decided to use her name. I would like to update this if at all possible. 
Thanks in advance

J.P. Smith
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Re: [Blind-Computing] symbol

2010-07-02 Thread Josh

I believe that is shift and the number 7 on the number row.()
- Original Message - 
From: Kimsan

Sent: Friday, July 02, 2010 11:23 PM
Subject: [Blind-Computing] symbol


Where can I find or how do I input the ampersand symbol?

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Re: [Blind-Computing] Facebook

2010-06-30 Thread Josh

I was on facebook mobile with no problems last night. I have an XP operating 
system, JAWS 10, and I was using Internet Explorer 8.
- Original Message - 
From: stewart ross

Sent: Wednesday, June 30, 2010 8:26 AM
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] Facebook

hi wen u went on to that facebook site what broozer r u using? stewart 
- Original Message - 
From: Jacob Kruger

Sent: Wednesday, June 30, 2010 2:56 AM
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] Facebook

I was just on:

Stay well

Jacob Kruger
Blind Biker
Skype: BlindZA
'...fate had broken his body, but not his spirit...'

- Original Message - 
From: Patricia

Sent: Tuesday, June 29, 2010 10:29 PM
Subject: [Blind-Computing] Facebook

I am trying to get started with a facebook account, I have successfully 
sighned up, but the one that was the seems to have bit the 

Facebook it's self displays, but Jaws seems to be not as responsive or 
in sync completely with the edit areas, and also, I seem to get a time 
lapse while on the page and doing a refresh gives me the page cannot be 
displayed thingy...

So I need to know what gives with all this before I decide if it's worth 
it or not. Any help would be appreciated.

Maybe it's xp with ie 8 and jaws 11 but not the update of jaws 11 
causing some of my headaches?


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__ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus 
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The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.

__ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus 
signature database 5238 (20100629) __

The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.

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Re: [Blind-Computing] Facebook

2010-06-29 Thread Josh
You may have to upgrade to a newer version of I.E. I think prior to facebook used silver light. Silver light or Silver lite is no 
longer being supported by facebook. When I.E. 6 was new it is possible that 
Silver Lite was being supported by facebook. Others will be able to tell you 
more I never used Silver Light personally and when I started using JAWS I.E. 
7 was already being used.
- Original Message - 
From: stewart ross

Sent: Tuesday, June 29, 2010 7:36 PM
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] Facebook

hi re that facebook site i can use that wen using firefox but not ie 6 can 
someone tell me wy or what i need to du.

- Original Message - 
From: matthew

Sent: Tuesday, June 29, 2010 11:39 PM
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] Facebook

Hello Patricia. They may have been doing maintenance when you tried. The 
mobile site is I just tried it and it is fine.

On 6/29/2010 3:29 PM, Patricia wrote:
I am trying to get started with a facebook account, I have successfully 
sighned up, but the one that was the seems to have bit 
the dust.

Facebook it's self displays, but Jaws seems to be not as responsive or 
in sync completely with the edit areas, and also, I seem to get a time 
lapse while on the page and doing a refresh gives me the page cannot be 
displayed thingy...

So I need to know what gives with all this before I decide if it's worth 
it or not. Any help would be appreciated.

Maybe it's xp with ie 8 and jaws 11 but not the update of jaws 11 
causing some of my headaches?


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Re: [Blind-Computing] Massive Backup?

2010-06-27 Thread Josh
I am not certain on thumb drives but I know Dell carries a Western Digital 
external hard drive up to  at least a 1 terabyte. That should be plenty of 
space depending on the size of your computer. HTH
- Original Message - 
From: Cliff Smales

Sent: Sunday, June 27, 2010 12:28 PM
Subject: [Blind-Computing] Massive Backup?

I'd like to purchase a high-capacity Hard drive, or thumb drive, unto 
which I could backup my entire computer.

I know that some zip drives come as high as 35+ gigabytes. What capacity 
would I need?

Cliff Smales
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2010-06-25 Thread Josh

hello all,
I am having a serious problem with my external number pad on my Dell 
Inspiron 1545. The problem is when I connect the external number pad it will 
connect and unconnect at will. If I move the number pad even slightly it 
will unconnect. After several times of doing this it will give me a message 
that one of the devices connected to my computer has malfunctioned and to 
click that message. I have clicked that message once and it said to press a 
reset button or the hub will basically be rendered useless. I check the 
connection at the USB port and it is always firmly connected to the computer 
when this occurs. The external number pad is a lenovo number pad can anyone 
assist me on this issue. My thoughts is a loose connection inside the USB 
cord but I do not know for sure. Thanks for any help offered. 

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2010-06-25 Thread Josh
I do not have another num pad to try in it. I failed to mention and I 
apologize earlier that this occurs in the other two USB ports as well when 
using this num pad. I have not had issues with the external hard drive in 
any of the ports. Thanks for your suggestions. I guess I am going to have to 
try and locate the number for Lenovo to see about purchasing another one. 
since I am sending this message is there any other external num pad that 
works as well as Lenovo with Jaws? Thanks
- Original Message - 
From: Alan  Terrie Robbins

Sent: Friday, June 25, 2010 1:05 PM


Two thoughts. Can you use another port? Also, if not using
the external num pad does any other device work ok in that
port? Finally, do you have another num pad to try, possible
there is something shorting out inside of it?


-Original Message-
[]on Behalf Of
Sent: Friday, June 25, 2010 11:50 AM

hello all,
I am having a serious problem with my external number pad on
my Dell
Inspiron 1545. The problem is when I connect the external
number pad it will
connect and unconnect at will. If I move the number pad even
slightly it
will unconnect. After several times of doing this it will
give me a message
that one of the devices connected to my computer has
malfunctioned and to
click that message. I have clicked that message once and it
said to press a
reset button or the hub will basically be rendered useless.
I check the
connection at the USB port and it is always firmly connected
to the computer
when this occurs. The external number pad is a lenovo number
pad can anyone
assist me on this issue. My thoughts is a loose connection
inside the USB
cord but I do not know for sure. Thanks for any help

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