Re: Redirect Loop

2009-03-14 Thread Tony Thomas

Since someone emailed me off the list to inquire about this, I thought
I'd post my fix for the problem for those who find this in the future.
Here's what I wrote in my email:

It turned out that I had moved some code in the layout that was trying
to check against Auth. I have this code in my app_controller.php file:

function beforeFilter(){
if ($role = $this->Auth->user('role')) {
$this->set('user_info', $this->Auth->user());

I check for that $user_info variable in the layout. I'm not sure
exactly what caused the problem but I'm pretty sure that was the root
of it. Here's what the layout has:

if (isset($user_info)) {

// display the username and some other info


I was modifying the layout and put that part of the code at the very
beginning. The effect was that the code was run before the page could
be rendered so that even when I went to log in, it was being checked,
thus trying to redirect me toward the login page. I think it went
something like this:

   1. I tried to access a page that was protected by Auth.
   2. I was redirected to the login page
   3. The login page tried to check for $user_info which wasn't set
because I hadn't logged in. Since it was checking before the page
rendered, it kept redirecting without ever rendering the page until
Firefox decided that it was an infinite loop (it was) and stopped

At least I think that's what was happening. As soon as I moved that
section down into a part of the page that would be run after the page
started to render, it solved my problem. It was bizarre. You wouldn't
think that modifying a layout would send the application into an
infinite loop. In retrospect it makes sense if my understanding of the
problem is correct. In any case, the problem was solved.

On Mar 11, 4:07 pm, Tony Thomas  wrote:
> I've been working on a local copy of my CakePHP app that runs on a my
> computer. Today I've only been working on a layout and the style
> sheet. I took a break and went back to it which prompted a new login.
> Suddenly I'm getting aredirectloop. Firefox gives me this following
> message:
> RedirectLoop
> Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for
> this address in a way that will never complete.
> The browser has stopped trying to retrieve the requested item. The
> site is redirecting the request in a way that will never complete.
>     * Have you disabled or blocked cookies required by this site?
>     * NOTE: If accepting the site's cookies does not resolve the
> problem, it is likely a server configuration issue and not your
> computer.
> Any thoughts on what might cause that if I wasn't working in the a
> controller? More importantly, how do I fix it?
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List with aggregated fields

2009-03-14 Thread jakobjp

I have a list of articles. One of the columns shows an aggregate
field, which is the average rating of the article.

Problem: The list only shows articles that have at least one rating.
The SQL query generated by CakePHP is not considering articles that
have no rating at all.

The function in the controller i pretty simple:
function index() {
'hasOne' => array(
'average_rating' => array(
'className' => 'Rating',
'fields' => 'AVG(average_rating.value) 
AS average_rating'
), false);
$this->set('articles', $this->paginate());

The SQL query that is executed is (pagination is used, with 5 items
per page):
SELECT `Article`.`id`, `Article`.`user_id`, `Article`.`title`,
`Article`.`text`, `Article`.`finished`, `Article`.`created`,
`Article`.`modified`, `User`.`id`, `User`.`first_name`,
`User`.`last_name`, `User`.`email`, `User`.`password`,
`User`.`activated`, `User`.`created`, `User`.`modified`, AVG
(`AvgRating`.`value`) AS AvgRating, AVG(`average_rating`.`value`) AS
average_rating FROM `nedito_articles` AS `Article` LEFT JOIN
`nedito_users` AS `User` ON (`Article`.`user_id` = `User`.`id`) LEFT
JOIN `nedito_ratings` AS `AvgRating` ON (`AvgRating`.`article_id` =
`Article`.`id`) LEFT JOIN `nedito_ratings` AS `average_rating` ON
(`average_rating`.`article_id` = `Article`.`id`) WHERE 1 = 1 ORDER BY
`Article`.`created` desc LIMIT 5

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Re: one or two parameters

2009-03-14 Thread Miles J

Well I went over the ticket component and it all looked correct. Still
a bit confused on what your general question is.
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Re: Localization with multiple file

2009-03-14 Thread Miles J

You would set it up like this. Anything in default.po would use __(),
if you have another po you would use __d().


__d('errors', 'emptyUsername');
__d('users', 'username');
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multiple params creating problem

2009-03-14 Thread aman batra

hey everyone,
i am getting a problem with my pagination as--
i have a route like

but when i paginate my routes then in the first case i easily get

but when i aplly it to the second case then my route breaks and it
shows like and this comes everytime i have two params
in my route.

How to tackle the prob like this???
My logic has been simple as i call in my view the $paginator->options
whenever the particular param is set..
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Re: how to make XML of this format in Cake

2009-03-14 Thread aman batra

ut i need to make videositemaps and the format is different as of the
link sent by you. and the xml is of the format i sent you..
i am unable to generate the type of

and so on...
  xmlns:dcterms=""; xmlns:gm="http://">

localandmaps.mpeg" type="video/mpeg">
Google Local and Google Maps
How to use Google Local and Google Maps to
find local information.
id=localAndMaps" />
Joe Smith
Ads & Promotional

Can u help me out of this..

the link sent by you is exactly my sitemap..

On Mar 14, 5:56 pm, Smelly Eddie  wrote:
> aman:
> How about generating dynamic sitemaps with 
> CakePHP
> everything from getting the detailas to publishing asxml(in google
> sitemap format)
> good luck
> On Mar 13, 3:49 am, aman batra  wrote:
> > hello, i want to make the video sitemaps and according to google te
> >xmlshould be like
> >";
> >   xmlns:dcterms=""; 
> > xmlns:gm="";>
> >   
> >     
> >       2005-06-18
> >
> > localandmaps.mpeg" type="video/mpeg">
> >         Google Local and Google Maps
> >         How to use Google Local and Google Maps to
> > find local information.
> >
> > id=localAndMaps" />
> >
> > localAndMaps.jpg"/>
> > > media:credit>
> >         Joe Smith
> >         Ads & Promotional
> >         News
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > how should i useXmlhelper in my controller to make the namespace
> > like above and get my sitemap working like that.
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Re: how to make XML of this format in Cake

2009-03-14 Thread aman batra

ut i need to make videositemaps and the format is different as of the
link sent by you. and the xml is of the format i sent you..
i am unable to generate the type of

and so on...
  xmlns:dcterms=""; xmlns:gm="http://">

localandmaps.mpeg" type="video/mpeg">
Google Local and Google Maps
How to use Google Local and Google Maps to
find local information.
id=localAndMaps" />
Joe Smith
Ads & Promotional

Can u help me out of this..

the link sent by you is exactly my sitemap..
On Mar 14, 5:56 pm, Smelly Eddie  wrote:
> aman:
> How about generating dynamic sitemaps with 
> CakePHP
> everything from getting the detailas to publishing asxml(in google
> sitemap format)
> good luck
> On Mar 13, 3:49 am, aman batra  wrote:
> > hello, i want to make the video sitemaps and according to google te
> >xmlshould be like
> >";
> >   xmlns:dcterms=""; 
> > xmlns:gm="";>
> >   
> >     
> >       2005-06-18
> >
> > localandmaps.mpeg" type="video/mpeg">
> >         Google Local and Google Maps
> >         How to use Google Local and Google Maps to
> > find local information.
> >
> > id=localAndMaps" />
> >
> > localAndMaps.jpg"/>
> > > media:credit>
> >         Joe Smith
> >         Ads & Promotional
> >         News
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > how should i useXmlhelper in my controller to make the namespace
> > like above and get my sitemap working like that.
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Re: is it a defect of Auth component?

2009-03-14 Thread Jorge Horacio Cué Cantú

In my application I had to adjust the User information aboard the session,
mi solution is as follows:

1. In the AppController set autoRedirect to false:

class AppController ... {
   function beforeFilter() {
  $this->Auth->autoRedirect = false;

2. In the UsersController::login action adjust the Session information as

class UsersController ... {
   function login() {
  if (! empty($this->data)) {
 if ($this->Auth->user()) { // Successful login?

3.- In UsersController::_adjustSessionInfo you can set o delete any
information you want from the Session,

   class UsersController ... {
  function __adjustSessionInfo() {
 $session = $this->Auth->user();
 // Add or remove any $key you want to $session['User]
 // Removing 'created' key
 // Adding 'fullName'
 $session['User']['full_name'] = $fullName;
 // IMPORTANT: Preparing to save information.
 $session = $session['User'];
 // Saving information
 $this->Session->write($this->Auth->sessionKey, $session);


2009/3/13 ShuXun Liu 

> hi,all   Is there any way to pre-define the fields of users model in Auth
> component as it control the login action automatically.
>By default , Auth retrieves all the fields in the user model, and save
> it into session.
>i think it's not necessary and will burden session's job .
>For example, i just want to requery and save two fields'
> data(username,city_id) of user model when login.
>How can i do it? Should i create my own auth component?
>i check the auth.php, It's not easy to change or extend it.
>   Please help me , thanks...
> .
> >

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Re: Help using special character « in paginator

2009-03-14 Thread brian

Add 'escape' => false to your params array.

On Sat, Mar 14, 2009 at 12:45 PM, mklappen  wrote:
> Hi
> Is there a way to use the special characters « and » in
> pagination class without cakephp converting the & sign into '&'?
> I found  a couple posts on it here but they really haven't helped me
> figure out if/how it can be done...
> This is the code that was created from bake (I changed the << >> to
> the html special char codes...)
> prev('« '.__('previous', true), array(),
> null, array('class'=>'disabled'));?>
>  |      numbers();?>
>  |      next(__('next', true).' »', array(),
> null, array('class'=>'disabled'));?>
> Thanks in advance for any help.
> >

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Re: Fatal Error

2009-03-14 Thread brian

On Sat, Mar 14, 2009 at 6:58 AM, Manisha P  wrote:
> Hello All,
> I have added $belongsTo in model, and getting Fatal error: Allowed
> memory size of 25165824 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 4 bytes)
> while running. sad.gif
> Does anyone has some idea about this?

You probably have too many recursive associations. Adjust the
'recursive' param in your find() or investigate your models. Your
associations may be incorrect.

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Re: CakePHP installing error 512

2009-03-14 Thread Marcelo Andrade

On Sat, Mar 14, 2009 at 8:34 AM,
> i've search for 2 days and nothing !!! even the manual info didn't
> help it's getting in to a hell  ! so  i  i putted the cake folder to
> the ''www' folder and named the folder 'cake2'  and on the page
> i get this Warning (512): /home/zvsname/public_html/cake2/app/tmp/
> cache/ is not writable [CORE/cake/libs/cache/file.php, line 263]

Your /app/tmp and /app/tmp/cache must be writeable for
the user that started the webserver.

If your on a *nix compatible server, try

$ cd /your/docroot/cake/folder
$ chmod a+w app/tmp
$ chmod a+w app/tmp/cache

> (..) and the irc channel is dead ...

What did you mean?

Best regards.

MARCELO DE F. ANDRADE (aka "eleKtron")
Belem, PA, Amazonia, Brazil
Linux User #221105

[...@pará ~]# links

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Re: find all

2009-03-14 Thread brian

On Sat, Mar 14, 2009 at 8:53 AM, kaushik  wrote:
> How to use not equal to in condition in finall()?
>        $data = $this->Blog->findAll(array('Blog.isActive' =>
> 'Y','Blog.blogImage' => ''),array
> ('Blog.blogId','Blog.blogImage','Blog.blogTitle'));
> I want to change it so that it finds out blogImage!=''. How to do that?

This should do it:
$data = $this->Blog->find(
'conditions' => array(
'Blog.isActive' => 'Y',
'Blog.blogImage !=' => ''),
'fields' => array(

I suggest you use NULL rather than an empty string, though. Also, use
(TINY)INT or BOOLEAN instead of 'Y' & 'N' for boolean columns.

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Re: Jake question: rewrite problem?

2009-03-14 Thread Robin

Thanks Smelly. Actually, I did try both, and they gave me the same
result. The way I avoided the mixing of index.php page is that I
renamed index.php in cakephp to cakephp.php, and call that page in
jake component. But still exactly the same symptom. I actually tried a
few other ways, like put joomla files in a folder named joomla and put
it under webroot rather than directly copying joomla files to webroot,
etc. They all give the same error and symptom.

One thing I almost forgot and I guess is important: I suppose any
cakephp link originally in my cake application should be rewrite to a
joomla component link, right? So, in my original question, I said the
link is supposed to be "http://localhost/cake/about_us";, that's not
correct! It should actually be "http://localhost/joomla/index.php?
option=com_jake.../about_us. It seems to me that this simply
indicates jake's rewriting is wrong.

Still in need of help. Please


On Mar 14, 9:10 am, Smelly Eddie  wrote:
> I have to disagree with Brennen about one thing.
> For security reasons, it is recommended to have most of CakePHPs file
> (the core) *above* the webroot.
> Your servers (site's) document root should point to cake/app/webroot.
> That is where you should drop Joomla.
> visiting localhost/  would then show cake  localhost/about_us   would
> show your static page
> visiting localhost/joomla would then show Joomla.
> Just mixing joomla files into the webroot directory (as your second
> example above) would be troublesome because both the cake index and
> the joomla index will be competing. In your case it looks like you
> completing wrote over the cake index, which would explain the trouble.
> On Mar 13, 4:28 pm, Robin  wrote:
> > Anybody can help please? Thanks so much!
> > Robin
> > On Mar 13, 1:08 am, Robin  wrote:
> > > Hi Brendon, Thanks for the response. I am following the documentation
> > > on Jake's 
> > > website:
> > > It didn't specify whether joomla has to be installed under app\webroot
> > > or not. Since it does have a jake.ini configuration file, which allows
> > > me to put in the cakephp folder relative to the joomla folder I am
> > > guessing at least the component is trying to take care of the relative
> > > paths by itself.
> > > But I did try putting joomla in different locations. Here are a few
> > > examples I tried:
> > > 1. >htdoc
> > >        >cakephp
> > >           >app
> > >               >webroot
> > >           >cake
> > >        >joomla
> > >           >components
> > >               >jake
> > > 2. >htdoc
> > >        >cakephp
> > >           >app
> > >               >webroot
> > >                   >index.php (of joomla)
> > >                   >components (of joomla)
> > >                       >jake
> > >                   >administrator (of joomla)
> > >                   >other joomla folders and files
> > >           >cake
> > > Neither of them worked for me. Same error and same symptoms (like the
> > > missing "\cake" in the URL, etc)
> > > Any clue? Thanks again!
> > > Robin
> > > On Mar 12, 6:08 pm, Brendon Kozlowski  wrote:
> > > > Robin, I won't be able to respond again (most likely) until Monday at
> > > > the earliest, but maybe someone else can help you if you provide some
> > > > more information.  It looks like your installation paths may be a
> > > > problem.  Can I ask what documentation you were following to get this
> > > > setup (source)?  Also, please give a textual example of your directory
> > > > structure, if possible.  CakePHP typically expects to be *below* the
> > > > web root, which is why you may be having issues if both Joomla and
> > > > CakePHP are at the same level (I haven't used Jake, but I'd think that
> > > > Joomla should be inside Cake's webroot folder?).
> > > > On Mar 12, 2:35 pm, Robin  wrote:
> > > > > Hi everyone:
> > > > >      I am pretty new to cakephp. I am trying to use the Jake component
> > > > > to integrate it into cms. I am having some problems and just wondering
> > > > > if you guys can help.
> > > > >      My cakephp is version and joomla 1.5.9. Due to
> > > > > limited php knowledge, I am trying to avoid upgrading cake. Since I am
> > > > > using xampp on my own computer right now, so mod_rewrite is on. But I
> > > > > always get problem like the following when I connect from jake (with
> > > > > the url ofhttp://localhost/joomla/index.php?option=com_jake), while
> > > > > direct connect to cake (http://localhost/cake) is completely fine.
> > > > > Here is the error message I got when connecting with jake:
> > > > > --
> > > > > Missing controller
> > > > > You are seeing this error because controller Controller could not be
> > > > > found.
> > > > > Notice: If you want to customize this error message, create app\views/
> > > > > errors/missing_controller

Re: validation problem

2009-03-14 Thread brian

On Sat, Mar 14, 2009 at 6:32 AM, kaushik  wrote:
> I do not want to save the data, I want just if user has entered any
> valid data, the valid data should not be entered again, they should
> remain in the input box and invalid field will be blank with error
> massage. Now he has to entry all the data again.

If you don't remove or change $this->data then the form should be
re-filled by FormHelper when that view is displayed again.

function yourAction()
if (!empty($this->data))
/* only reach here 2nd time through
if ($this->YourModel->validates)
  if ($this->YourModel->save($this->data)
/* you will not reach here if validation failed
// display the form  ...

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Re: Ajax observeField()

2009-03-14 Thread Aurelius

Already solved, markstory helped me!

On 14 Mrz., 03:24, Aurelius  wrote:
> Whats wrong whit this code, why doesn't it work?
> I'm getting no Error or Wanring from Cake, but the code is not added
> to the html output :-/
> [code lang=php]
> ...
> form:
> echo $form->input('', array('id'=>'username'));
> ...
>  // AJAX Requests
> $options = array(
> 'url' => array('controller'=>'users','action'=>'getAJAX', $user
> ['User']['id']),
> 'before' => 'startLoading()',
> 'complete' => 'endLoading()',
> 'failure' => 'failure()',
> 'frequency' => '10'
> );
> $options['condition'] = 'ifUsernameHasChanged()';
> $ajax->observeField('username', $options);
> ?>[code]
> thx
> Aurelius
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Re: Redirect

2009-03-14 Thread brian

On Sat, Mar 14, 2009 at 1:05 PM, brian  wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 14, 2009 at 9:37 AM, kaushik  wrote:
>> I want to redirect a page after certain database operation with a
>> massage. Is it possible to redirect using redirect() method of
>> appcontroller? If it is not possible, then which method can work for
>> this feature?

Use flash()

Sorry for the empty msg.

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Re: Redirect

2009-03-14 Thread brian

On Sat, Mar 14, 2009 at 9:37 AM, kaushik  wrote:
> I want to redirect a page after certain database operation with a
> massage. Is it possible to redirect using redirect() method of
> appcontroller? If it is not possible, then which method can work for
> this feature?
> >

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Help using special character « in paginator

2009-03-14 Thread mklappen


Is there a way to use the special characters « and » in
pagination class without cakephp converting the & sign into '&'?

I found  a couple posts on it here but they really haven't helped me
figure out if/how it can be done...

This is the code that was created from bake (I changed the << >> to
the html special char codes...)

prev('« '.__('previous', true), array(),
null, array('class'=>'disabled'));?>
 |  numbers();?>
 |  next(__('next', true).' »', array(),
null, array('class'=>'disabled'));?>

Thanks in advance for any help.

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CakePHP installing error 512

2009-03-14 Thread

i've search for 2 days and nothing !!! even the manual info didn't
help it's getting in to a hell  ! so  i  i putted the cake folder to
the ''www' folder and named the folder 'cake2'  and on the page

i get this Warning (512): /home/zvsname/public_html/cake2/app/tmp/
cache/ is not writable [CORE/cake/libs/cache/file.php, line 263]

 i've searched and found i had to confiruge some webroot file
index.php  i don't get the var folder where is it ?!  it is so anoying
really 2 days and no result !!! and the irc channel is dead ...

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Fatal Error

2009-03-14 Thread Manisha P

Hello All,

I have added $belongsTo in model, and getting Fatal error: Allowed
memory size of 25165824 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 4 bytes)
while running. sad.gif

Does anyone has some idea about this?

Manisha P.

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Re: Performance different between cakephp 1.1 and 1.2

2009-03-14 Thread mark_story

Also if you are on debug = 1 or 2, cake is around 2-4 times slower
than with debug = 0.


On Mar 13, 9:04 am, namsouth  wrote:
> Performance different between cakephp 1.1 and 1.2
> I really thanks for the cakephp team develop very powerful and easy to
> use php frame
> I am wondering the performance different  with two version of cakephp
> on my VDS(virtual desktop service) hosting.Let say if I want to list
> the content of each cat of products table relation is [ product_cats
> has many product ]
> in cake1.1 is just take less than a secound to generate the page, but
> in cake1.2 it take more that 15 secounds !!!
> I read the message on forum say it may due to firewall issue, I have
> been tried to stop firewall service in my VDS , the processing time
> would be storter , but it still need 10 seconds to generate it .
> Does anyone has any idea how to slove this problem.
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Re: MI-BASE documentation

2009-03-14 Thread mark_story

If there isn't as you figure it out, I'm sure Andy would love any
patches for docs :)


On Mar 13, 5:08 am, ""
> Hi
> I very interesting to use the MI-BASE like the base for my projects.
> Is it some documentation for speed up the use of mi-base
> behaviours,helpers, components etc.?
> Many thanks
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2009-03-14 Thread kaushik

I want to redirect a page after certain database operation with a
massage. Is it possible to redirect using redirect() method of
appcontroller? If it is not possible, then which method can work for
this feature?
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problem over using other table instead of users table for AUTH:

2009-03-14 Thread vikas

Hello all..

I have used Auth component for check user login..

Insted of users table- I have used table named 'logins' for
authentication. In which there is email and password field is used for

in beforeFilter() of app_controller i have written:

$this->Auth->userModel = 'Login';
$this->Auth->fields = array(
'username' => 'email',
'password' => 'password'

$this->Auth->loginAction = array('controller' => 'logins', 'action' =>
$this->Auth->loginRedirect = array('controller' => 'dashboards',
'action' => 'index');
$this->Auth->logoutRedirect = array('controller' => 'pages', 'action'
=> 'display','home');

After using this logins table I got problem over redirection after
So, I want to know does Auth component's functionality affects if we
use other table instead of users table???
Also is there need to change the value of autoredirect in /cake/lib/
controllers/components/auth.php for redirection??

waiting for help..

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Re: Jake question: rewrite problem?

2009-03-14 Thread Smelly Eddie

I have to disagree with Brennen about one thing.

For security reasons, it is recommended to have most of CakePHPs file
(the core) *above* the webroot.

Your servers (site's) document root should point to cake/app/webroot.
That is where you should drop Joomla.

visiting localhost/  would then show cake  localhost/about_us   would
show your static page

visiting localhost/joomla would then show Joomla.

Just mixing joomla files into the webroot directory (as your second
example above) would be troublesome because both the cake index and
the joomla index will be competing. In your case it looks like you
completing wrote over the cake index, which would explain the trouble.

On Mar 13, 4:28 pm, Robin  wrote:
> Anybody can help please? Thanks so much!
> Robin
> On Mar 13, 1:08 am, Robin  wrote:
> > Hi Brendon, Thanks for the response. I am following the documentation
> > on Jake's 
> > website:
> > It didn't specify whether joomla has to be installed under app\webroot
> > or not. Since it does have a jake.ini configuration file, which allows
> > me to put in the cakephp folder relative to the joomla folder I am
> > guessing at least the component is trying to take care of the relative
> > paths by itself.
> > But I did try putting joomla in different locations. Here are a few
> > examples I tried:
> > 1. >htdoc
> >        >cakephp
> >           >app
> >               >webroot
> >           >cake
> >        >joomla
> >           >components
> >               >jake
> > 2. >htdoc
> >        >cakephp
> >           >app
> >               >webroot
> >                   >index.php (of joomla)
> >                   >components (of joomla)
> >                       >jake
> >                   >administrator (of joomla)
> >                   >other joomla folders and files
> >           >cake
> > Neither of them worked for me. Same error and same symptoms (like the
> > missing "\cake" in the URL, etc)
> > Any clue? Thanks again!
> > Robin
> > On Mar 12, 6:08 pm, Brendon Kozlowski  wrote:
> > > Robin, I won't be able to respond again (most likely) until Monday at
> > > the earliest, but maybe someone else can help you if you provide some
> > > more information.  It looks like your installation paths may be a
> > > problem.  Can I ask what documentation you were following to get this
> > > setup (source)?  Also, please give a textual example of your directory
> > > structure, if possible.  CakePHP typically expects to be *below* the
> > > web root, which is why you may be having issues if both Joomla and
> > > CakePHP are at the same level (I haven't used Jake, but I'd think that
> > > Joomla should be inside Cake's webroot folder?).
> > > On Mar 12, 2:35 pm, Robin  wrote:
> > > > Hi everyone:
> > > >      I am pretty new to cakephp. I am trying to use the Jake component
> > > > to integrate it into cms. I am having some problems and just wondering
> > > > if you guys can help.
> > > >      My cakephp is version and joomla 1.5.9. Due to
> > > > limited php knowledge, I am trying to avoid upgrading cake. Since I am
> > > > using xampp on my own computer right now, so mod_rewrite is on. But I
> > > > always get problem like the following when I connect from jake (with
> > > > the url ofhttp://localhost/joomla/index.php?option=com_jake), while
> > > > direct connect to cake (http://localhost/cake) is completely fine.
> > > > Here is the error message I got when connecting with jake:
> > > > --
> > > > Missing controller
> > > > You are seeing this error because controller Controller could not be
> > > > found.
> > > > Notice: If you want to customize this error message, create app\views/
> > > > errors/missing_controller.ctp
> > > > Fatal: Create the class below in file: app\controllers\controller.php
> > > >  > > > class Controller extends AppController {
> > > >    var $name = '';}
> > > > ?>
> > > > ---­­­-
> > > >      I found something weird as well and think it might mean
> > > > something:
> > > >      I have a static page in my cakphp application: \cake\app\views
> > > > \pages\about_us.ctp. When I connect directly to cake install route, I
> > > > can see those pages perfectly fine with an url in address bar 
> > > > ashttp://localhost/cake/pages/about_us. However, when redirected from
> > > > jake, the url becomehttp://localhost/pages/about_us(meantimethe
> > > > error above appears) and clicking on it gives me 500 error.
> > > >       So my impression is that it's a rewrite problem. I must messed
> > > > up with some configurations. But I am terribly new on this and could
> > > > not figure it out. I played around with .htaccess, etc, but no avail.
> > > > Maybe you can take a quick look and give me a solution. Really
> > > > appreciate it! Thanks a lot!
> > > > Robi

Re: copying data to hidden fields

2009-03-14 Thread Smelly Eddie


As a rule of them you should not need to capture or store any value
more than once.

Redundant data leads to problems in data integrity. (eg when something
changes, how may places must it be changed?)

If it is a separate model/table/form, I suggest using relationship to
reference one from the other.  If it is the same model, that sounds

On Mar 13, 1:40 pm, brian  wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 11:10 AM, jsundquist  wrote:
> > I am currently working on an application that I am in need of
> > populating fields with data that users are entering data into.
> > However I would like to just copy that text from the field they are
> > entering text into into the database field that I have instead of
> > making them type the data in twice. Is this possible? Or am I going to
> > have to require them to enter the data in twice?
> Can you give an example? Do you mean that you want to include data
> from another form?
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Re: how to make XML of this format in Cake

2009-03-14 Thread Smelly Eddie


How about generating dynamic sitemaps with CakePHP

everything from getting the detailas to publishing as xml (in google
sitemap format)

good luck

On Mar 13, 3:49 am, aman batra  wrote:
> hello, i want to make the video sitemaps and according to google te
> xml should be like
>   xmlns:dcterms=""; 
> xmlns:gm="";>
>       2005-06-18
> localandmaps.mpeg" type="video/mpeg">
>         Google Local and Google Maps
>         How to use Google Local and Google Maps to
> find local information.
> id=localAndMaps" />
> localAndMaps.jpg"/>
> media:credit>
>         Joe Smith
>         Ads & Promotional
>         News
> how should i use Xml helper in my controller to make the namespace
> like above and get my sitemap working like that.
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find all

2009-03-14 Thread kaushik

How to use not equal to in condition in finall()?

$data = $this->Blog->findAll(array('Blog.isActive' =>
'Y','Blog.blogImage' => ''),array

I want to change it so that it finds out blogImage!=''. How to do that?
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Re: validation problem

2009-03-14 Thread kaushik

I do not want to save the data, I want just if user has entered any
valid data, the valid data should not be entered again, they should
remain in the input box and invalid field will be blank with error
massage. Now he has to entry all the data again.

On Mar 13, 1:33 pm, ShuXun Liu  wrote:
> Try use the third param in Save action.
> like this:
> $this->User->save(   $this->data,  // make sure there is a "id" in data
> array
>    true,
>    array('email') //just save email
> )
> 2009/3/13 kaushik 
> > I have validate different field using cakephp's in-bulit validation
> > system. but now problem is that the system does not persist all the
> > values even if they are valid, e.g in a form, i have to give name,
> > email, state, and the value given in email is not valid, but other
> > values given in the field is valid. But when the system is reloading
> > the form with the error massage, all the fields are blanks. I want to
> > persist the valid values so that the user has to enter just invalid
> > data.
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Localization with multiple file

2009-03-14 Thread

Perhaps thi is a banal question
I would have more than one for the localization (one for validation
message,one for name of fields etc...).
I try to use in locale multiple files over default.po but I get no
good results.
How I can do this?
Must I configure cake in some way?
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Ajax check of username

2009-03-14 Thread kaushik

I want to add ajax check of username in sign up form onblur action.
How to use ajaxhelper for this functionality?
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Re: Manual sorting of data records (datasets)

2009-03-14 Thread hasentopf

Thanks for your suggestions.

I added an extra field "rank" to save the new order. Now it works
fine. Just one more thing:

 $ranks = $this->params['form']['sortable-table'];

I needed to add a array_shift(), because the jQuery-Plugin delivers an
empty set at the beginning.

Have a nice weekend!
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Re: Manual sorting of data records (datasets)

2009-03-14 Thread hasentopf

Thanks for your suggestions.

I added an extra field "order" to save the new order. Now it works

Have a nice weekend!
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Re: one or two parameters

2009-03-14 Thread Delirium tremens

The lines I mentioned aren't immediately separated.

On 14 mar, 02:55, Miles J  wrote:
> In the link you sent me, that code isn't even existent. This is
> however:
> // uses the ticket to reset the password for the correct user.
>     function password($hash = null)
>     {
>         if ( $email = $this->Tickets->get($this->params['controller'],
> $hash) )
>         {
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Re: What does 'Error Affected' stand for?

2009-03-14 Thread joshua
Oh, I see. Thanks for your reply!

On Sat, Mar 14, 2009 at 4:44 PM, Graham Weldon wrote:

> "Error" and "Affected" are two separate results. Throw some CSS into
> your page to style up the table generated by cake, and it will make it
> all a little clearer.
> Affected is the number of rows affected by the query that was run.
> Cheers,
> Graham
> Joshua wrote:
> > What does 'Error Affected' stand for?
> > There is a query in my application:
> >
> > Error AffectedNum. rows  Took (ms)
> > 52 521
> >
> > It took about 8 second to load this page.
> > Is there any body can give me some suggestions?
> > >
> >
> >


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Re: What does 'Error Affected' stand for?

2009-03-14 Thread Graham Weldon

"Error" and "Affected" are two separate results. Throw some CSS into 
your page to style up the table generated by cake, and it will make it 
all a little clearer.

Affected is the number of rows affected by the query that was run.


Joshua wrote:
> What does 'Error Affected' stand for?
> There is a query in my application:
> Error AffectedNum. rows  Took (ms)
> 52 521
> It took about 8 second to load this page.
> Is there any body can give me some suggestions?
> >

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Re: Manual sorting of data records (datasets)

2009-03-14 Thread Adam Royle
Something like this should work (as long as you include the 
RequestHandler component). Personally, I use an extra field "rank" in my 
table which is just an integer.

if ($this->RequestHandler->isAjax() && 
!empty($this->params['form']['tableId'])) {
 foreach ($this->params['form']['tableId'] as $rank => $id) {

brian wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 3:50 PM, hasentopf
>   wrote:
>> Hi all.
>> One more question:
>> I tried it with the "Table Drag and Drop JQuery plugin" from
>> The Plugin returns a string of the form "tableId[]=rowId1&tableId[]
>> =rowId2&tableId[]=rowId3..." via Ajax.
>> I wrote an Action which receives this data. Now I need to write the
>> new order back to the database. Do you know a good cake-way-
>> possibility for updating the ids in the table?
>> It must be something like "UPDATE id SET" for each
>> entry, or?
> I would avoid changing the IDs themselves. That'll likely lead to
> *many* headaches. Better to a) have a separate column just for
> ordering or, b) use TreeBehavior. Your data isn't nested but Tree
> could still help with ordering a single level. I haven't done this but
> I don't see why it wouldn't work well.
> One thing though: if this data is paginated, you'll have a bit of a
> problem, as you'll only be re-ordering one "page" of the set.
> >

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What does 'Error Affected' stand for?

2009-03-14 Thread Joshua

What does 'Error Affected' stand for?
There is a query in my application:

Error   AffectedNum. rows  Took (ms)
52 521

It took about 8 second to load this page.
Is there any body can give me some suggestions?
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