Re: bakery hates me

2008-01-07 Thread dr. Hannibal Lecter

While we're at it, why is The Bakery under core team? Should there be
a Bakery Team?

If they delegate the maintenance of bakery to someone else, it would
take their load off AND improve user experience of the bakery. I'm
sure there are more than a few people out there (or rather - here)
that would be more than willing to do that. That way, the core team
could focus on what they do best!

Please note that I'm really not trying to bash anyone here, it's just
an idea which might or might not be worth considering. :-)
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Re: bakery hates me

2008-01-07 Thread Chris Hartjes

On Jan 7, 2008 1:35 AM, R. Rajesh Jeba Anbiah

 1. You're trying to get the acceptance of the community by slamming 
 misinterpreting the user. While this cabal nature might help you to be
 popular among the cult, this won't help you in real world.

If I am misinterpreting what you are saying, I would love to be
corrected.  I am willing to accept when I am wrong.

 2. I'm/I wasn't complaining anything. I was just suggesting that open
 svn branch and Wiki model would help better

Correct me if I'm wrong, but a common theme in your posts is that
there needs to be a wiki and there needs to be a way for changes to
happen faster.  A wiki was an unmitigated disaster in the past, so why
would anyone want to go back to that unless they were some kind of
masochist.  In my experience, asking for the same thing over and over
again despite being told it's not going to happen is complaining.
Again, show me that I'm wrong and I'll agree with you.

 3. I'm not a framework critic nor a fan boy. If there is/will be any
 better framework, I'll be happy to adopt that. I prefer CakePHP for
 some of the projects and plain PHP for some other projects.

I don't believe I said that you were some kind of framework critic, so
I don't see how that's relevant to this discussion.  You complained
about how long it takes in your opinion to get 'simple' fixes done.  I
pointed out what the proper way to go about getting fixes done.

 4. For CakePHP, I still believe that Wiki model would be really
 helpful as for now, majority of good information available on CakePHP
 are partially through self promotional blogs. A centralized Wiki would
 be helpful for the developers/users and for the CakePHP itself.

Self promotional blogs.  Like mine, perhaps?  It's probably
disingenious of me to try and claim that my blog is not
self-promoting, but the purpose of the blog isn't to make me look
smart.  It's to try and share stuff that I've come across and maybe
help spark some discussion.

Django like credit in Wiki might help, if anyone wants to be
 credited for the contribution.

Here's what I think about a CakePHP wiki:  USELESS unless someone
maintains them and makes sure that whatever being posted is accurate.
I believe that there is a project coming out very shortly that
combines the best of the documentation with the best of a wiki:  the
CakePHP cookbook.  Again, others will correct me if I'm wrong.

 5. Look at the recent changeset, not all commits are based on tickets.
 Not all commits even don't need tickets. I'm not complaining on any of
 my tickets

I agree that not all commits need tickets, because sometimes those
changes are driven by the core team itself.  Again, I didn't say that
all commits are based on tickets.  But if someone outside the core
team finds a bug, it needs to be submitted via a ticket.

 6. Open svn branch would again be helpful for the developers. I'm not
 saying that allowing open access for all svn branches--but to allow
 access only for a single branch. Selective merging is really easy with
 diff tools.

Again, I fail to see how this helps anything other than a programmer's
bruised ego.  What you are asking for is a complete change from the
current development structure, where programmers who have been judged
by their peers are given access to relevant branches.  Is it
arbitrary?  Sure.  Is it elitist?  Probably?  Is it unfair to
frustrated programmers who want to see bugs fixed faster?  Absolutely.
 Submit patches with your tickets to increase the chances of a bug
actually being fixed.

Also, don't forget that the ugly spectre of intellectual property can
rear it's head as well.  All contributers are asked to sign a CLA that
declares you are not violating anyone's intellectual property in the
code you've committed to the repository.  An open svn branch would not
have that restriction, and I wouldn't touch any code coming out of
that with a ten foot pole.
Again, it's about QUALITY, not SPEED.

The quality of the open branch svn will not just be based on unit
 tests and perception of core team, but would also be based on real
 life situations/projects--which would be more helpful for the

One person's real life situation is another person's edge case.  I
totally understand where you are coming from, but what you are
advocating is a kitchen sink system where everybody throws whatever
features they think are critical into the framework.  I think it would
be far better to have the core tight, with as little functionality as
needed to meet the overall goals of the framework and then provide an
infrastructure to allow people to add their own things in.  As I see
it, this ability already exists through the helper / behaviour /
component architecture that is in place.

Let me ask this question, which I think is probably the most important one:

If you were a developer wanting to use CakePHP, what branch would you
want to use:

1) 1.1.x stable, which has fallen far behind in 

Re: bakery hates me

2008-01-06 Thread R. Rajesh Jeba Anbiah

On Jan 4, 7:59 pm, Chris Hartjes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Jan 4, 2008 2:02 AM, R. Rajesh Jeba Anbiah


 I read the post above, so let me see if I understand this correctly.

 1) People should be allowed to commit whatever code they like to some
 branch of CakePHP, only for the reason that some people feel it
 unnecessary to use things like tickets, patch submissions, and peer
 code review
 2) Filing tickets, bad!  Unrestricted access to fuck up someone elses
 code, good!
 3) Merging code from from some random, open branch is an easy thing

 First of all, this has nothing to do with there being a CakePHP wiki.
 The last time there was a wiki, it was apparently a huge disaster.  I
 was not there during that time period, so I have no idea.  However,
 feel free to knock yourself out and set one up.

 Secondly, the process that exists for CakePHP seems to be as follows:

 1) create a ticket
 2) submit a patch if one is needed with ticket
 3) ticket is evaluated by someone on whether or not it's worth doing
 4) If it's worth doing, the problem is addressed, patches are written,
 tests are updated, code is committed

 See, I think it's at point 3 where people get their panties in a knot.
  Look, not every bug or enhancement request is going to be addressed.
 It's that simple.  Also, something that you feel is super-important
 might not be super-important to the core dev team.  The hardest thing
 to do when someone asks you to add or fix something is to say No, I
 don't think that is worth doing.

 Rajesh complains Having fully moved to branch version, I have noted
 even for adding some quotes in
 cake/console/libs/templates/views/view.ctp, someone has to open
 tickets and wait for core developers.  Have you EVER worked on an
 open source project where there was unfettered access for committing
 changes to the main development branches?  I have yet to see one, and
 the reason for that is people write shitty code and make mistakes.  I
 don't know about you, but whenever I would commit stuff to the main
 CakePHP dev branch I would always triple-check things before I did it.
  And most of the time I was content to simply add a patch to the
 ticket and let someone else handle merging the code in, because I
 can't always be 100% certain that my code won't break something that
 someone else, unbeknownst to me, has been working on.

 Seriously, did you (a) file a ticket and (b) submit a patch to fix the
 problem?  If you didn't, then I don't think you have any right to
 complain about it not being done.  If you did, did you follow up with
 the ticket itself to see if there were any comments on it?  Every
 single ticket *is* read by someone on the core dev team, but people
 seem to take it personally whenever their ticket isn't immediately
 acted upon.  Human nature, I guess.

 You can argue with how long it takes to get a bug or enhancement taken
 care of.  What you can't argue is that the code being created by the
 core team is not of a very high quality.  That is what really matters,
 not turnaround time for bugs.

1. You're trying to get the acceptance of the community by slamming 
misinterpreting the user. While this cabal nature might help you to be
popular among the cult, this won't help you in real world.

2. I'm/I wasn't complaining anything. I was just suggesting that open
svn branch and Wiki model would help better

3. I'm not a framework critic nor a fan boy. If there is/will be any
better framework, I'll be happy to adopt that. I prefer CakePHP for
some of the projects and plain PHP for some other projects.

4. For CakePHP, I still believe that Wiki model would be really
helpful as for now, majority of good information available on CakePHP
are partially through self promotional blogs. A centralized Wiki would
be helpful for the developers/users and for the CakePHP itself.

   Django like credit in Wiki might help, if anyone wants to be
credited for the contribution.

5. Look at the recent changeset, not all commits are based on tickets.
Not all commits even don't need tickets. I'm not complaining on any of
my tickets

6. Open svn branch would again be helpful for the developers. I'm not
saying that allowing open access for all svn branches--but to allow
access only for a single branch. Selective merging is really easy with
diff tools.

   This might help developers who use branch svn version to have
speedy fixes, better unified/centralized hacks/solutions incorporated
for their projects (for example, there are lot of solutions posted for
real life situations--the situations are common for anyone who build
professional projects--but the solutions are different)

   The quality of the open branch svn will not just be based on unit
tests and perception of core team, but would also be based on real
life situations/projects--which would be more helpful for the

  ?php echo 'Just another PHP saint'; ?

Re: bakery hates me

2008-01-05 Thread powtac

I also can not change my bakery profile or login or comment... :(
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Re: bakery hates me

2008-01-04 Thread Chris Hartjes

On Jan 4, 2008 2:02 AM, R. Rajesh Jeba Anbiah

I read the post above, so let me see if I understand this correctly.

1) People should be allowed to commit whatever code they like to some
branch of CakePHP, only for the reason that some people feel it
unnecessary to use things like tickets, patch submissions, and peer
code review
2) Filing tickets, bad!  Unrestricted access to fuck up someone elses
code, good!
3) Merging code from from some random, open branch is an easy thing

First of all, this has nothing to do with there being a CakePHP wiki.
The last time there was a wiki, it was apparently a huge disaster.  I
was not there during that time period, so I have no idea.  However,
feel free to knock yourself out and set one up.

Secondly, the process that exists for CakePHP seems to be as follows:

1) create a ticket
2) submit a patch if one is needed with ticket
3) ticket is evaluated by someone on whether or not it's worth doing
4) If it's worth doing, the problem is addressed, patches are written,
tests are updated, code is committed

See, I think it's at point 3 where people get their panties in a knot.
 Look, not every bug or enhancement request is going to be addressed.
It's that simple.  Also, something that you feel is super-important
might not be super-important to the core dev team.  The hardest thing
to do when someone asks you to add or fix something is to say No, I
don't think that is worth doing.

Rajesh complains Having fully moved to branch version, I have noted
even for adding some quotes in
cake/console/libs/templates/views/view.ctp, someone has to open
tickets and wait for core developers.  Have you EVER worked on an
open source project where there was unfettered access for committing
changes to the main development branches?  I have yet to see one, and
the reason for that is people write shitty code and make mistakes.  I
don't know about you, but whenever I would commit stuff to the main
CakePHP dev branch I would always triple-check things before I did it.
 And most of the time I was content to simply add a patch to the
ticket and let someone else handle merging the code in, because I
can't always be 100% certain that my code won't break something that
someone else, unbeknownst to me, has been working on.

Seriously, did you (a) file a ticket and (b) submit a patch to fix the
problem?  If you didn't, then I don't think you have any right to
complain about it not being done.  If you did, did you follow up with
the ticket itself to see if there were any comments on it?  Every
single ticket *is* read by someone on the core dev team, but people
seem to take it personally whenever their ticket isn't immediately
acted upon.  Human nature, I guess.

You can argue with how long it takes to get a bug or enhancement taken
care of.  What you can't argue is that the code being created by the
core team is not of a very high quality.  That is what really matters,
not turnaround time for bugs.

Chris Hartjes
Internet Loudmouth
Motto for 2008: Moving from herding elephants to handling snakes...

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Re: bakery hates me

2008-01-03 Thread dr. Hannibal Lecter

Yeah, that's probably the sad reality.

I hope someone from the Cake team is reading this group and will
notice these comments, otherwise it wouldn't be a 'friendly
community'. :-/
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Re: bakery hates me

2008-01-03 Thread Dr. Tarique Sani

On Jan 3, 2008 2:40 PM, dr. Hannibal Lecter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I hope someone from the Cake team is reading this group and will
 notice these comments, otherwise it wouldn't be a 'friendly
 community'. :-/

I find the above statement very unfair towards cakePHP team - if we as
users are not willing to take an extra step to help out the developers
who are giving us all this awesome goodness then I would say that we
users are being utterly selfish and do not understand how friendships

And FWIW my personal experience is that posting in trac works.


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Re: bakery hates me

2008-01-03 Thread Adam Royle

The reason why I didn't post to trac is being I don't post bugs
without a patch or a solid wya to reproduce. I did download the bakery
source, however I am wondering which version of cake it is using?


On Jan 3, 7:10 pm, dr. Hannibal Lecter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Yeah, that's probably the sad reality.

 I hope someone from the Cake team is reading this group and will
 notice these comments, otherwise it wouldn't be a 'friendly
 community'. :-/
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Re: bakery hates me

2008-01-03 Thread dr. Hannibal Lecter

 I find the above statement very unfair towards cakePHP team - if we as
 users are not willing to take an extra step to help out the developers
 who are giving us all this awesome goodness then I would say that we
 users are being utterly selfish and do not understand how friendships

Well, sorry, it was not my intention to be unfair. I think that the
Cake team is doing a great job each and every day and congratulate
them on that. Don't get me wrong on that.

But it is a bit odd that the same people who can create such great
framework can neglect the presentation layer. Bakery _is_ what most of
the new Cake users see after the official site, and if it's not
usable, what will the newcomers think of the framework itself?

On the other hand, isn't Cake created for us (users/developers)? No
users - no Cake. Of course, *no Cake team - no Cake*; but I'm pretty
sure that core bakers do not code all this for themselves. I would
never say anything against them because that would just plain suck
bigtime. I think that open source is all about sharing and _listening_
to what other people have to say, even if it is something negative.
The day bakers stop doing that will be the end of Cake (or any other
project for that matter). I don't know, I might be seriously wrong, I
guess that's the beauty of it. :-)

(I know the above paragraph will somehow be misinterpreted as bashing
and that I will regret for posting it)

Sorry for the off-topic.
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Re: bakery hates me

2008-01-03 Thread Dr. Tarique Sani

On Jan 3, 2008 7:05 PM, dr. Hannibal Lecter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 (I know the above paragraph will somehow be misinterpreted as bashing
 and that I will regret for posting it)

If you are smart enough to realize this - I will shut up ;)

BTW is M$ Windows your primary OS?


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Re: bakery hates me

2008-01-03 Thread dr. Hannibal Lecter

Hehe, nice one :-)

Unfortunately, yes, I use WinXP as primary OS :-/
But you can't beat me with that fact, I've used SuSE for quite some
time too :-P
Due to my work (a company fairly well related to M$ dev tools) and
some games I like to play (never too old to play games:)), I am
oppressed to M$..

Say, would you agree that constructive criticism is good (even when
related to Cake)?
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Re: bakery hates me

2008-01-03 Thread Adam Royle

Thanks everybody for pitching in to this thread. However, maybe
someone missed my biggest point.

1. If you read my first post you'll notice I'm bagging out an article
that was approved on the bakery. Did anyone click the link and read
the article - if so, who agrees with my response?

and then later I asked...

2. What version of cake is the bakery running on?

I don't care much for politics, but I would like to help out and fix
what I can, even if that means re-writing half of the bakery.


On Jan 4, 2:06 am, Dr. Tarique Sani [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Jan 3, 2008 9:32 PM, dr. Hannibal Lecter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Say, would you agree that constructive criticism is good (even when
  related to Cake)?

 I am sure no one on this group will disagree with giving constructive
 criticism is good -including the CakePHP dev team however I strongly
 disagree with your definition and presumptions about the same.

 This is now indeed getting off topic so EOT for me


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Re: bakery hates me

2008-01-03 Thread Marcin Domanski aka kabturek

 1. If you read my first post you'll notice I'm bagging out an article
 that was approved on the bakery. Did anyone click the link and read
 the article - if so, who agrees with my response?
Yep thought the same thing when i sow it.

 2. What version of cake is the bakery running on?

1.2.something - i dont know how up-to-date it is with the trunk
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Re: bakery hates me

2008-01-03 Thread R. Rajesh Jeba Anbiah

On Jan 3, 2:10 pm, dr. Hannibal Lecter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Yeah, that's probably the sad reality.

 I hope someone from the Cake team is reading this group and will
 notice these comments, otherwise it wouldn't be a 'friendly
 community'. :-/

   FWIW, this seems to me an another reason why Wiki model will work

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bakery hates me

2008-01-02 Thread Adam Royle
Maybe it's just me, but I tried to add a comment to an article on the bakery, 
and it wouldn't show up, and didn't show a error message. So I am going to add 
it here. I am also going to scour the bakery source to find the root of the 

The article:

The comment:

 titleWho approved this??/title
  Sorry if this seems harsh but I think the above code is a terrible example to 
put on the bakery.
  A better solution for mock stored procedures already exists. Just create a 
method in your model like so.
  function getSomething($param1, $param2 = 0) {
   return $this-findAll( array('blah' = $param1) );
  or if you need custom sql:
  function getSomething($param1, $param2 = 0) {
   return $this-query(SELECT ... );
  If it's something that is application specific, chuck it in your AppModel.
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RE: bakery hates me

2008-01-02 Thread Mariano Iglesias



Remember, smart coders answer ten questions for every question they ask. 
So be smart, be cool, and share your knowledge. 




De: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] En nombre
de Adam Royle
Enviado el: MiƩrcoles, 02 de Enero de 2008 08:34 a.m.
Asunto: bakery hates me


Maybe it's just me, but I tried to add a comment to an article on the
bakery, and it wouldn't show up, and didn't show a error message. So I am
going to add it here. I am also going to scour the bakery source to find the
root of the issue.


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Re: bakery hates me

2008-01-02 Thread dr. Hannibal Lecter

I don't think posting links to Trac solves anything, it is a fact that
bakery has many issues (some minor and some..not so minor).

Some things should be seriously reconsidered and rewritten. But that's
just my 2c.
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Re: bakery hates me

2008-01-02 Thread Chris Hartjes

On Jan 2, 2008 12:27 PM, dr. Hannibal Lecter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I don't think posting links to Trac solves anything, it is a fact that
 bakery has many issues (some minor and some..not so minor).

 Some things should be seriously reconsidered and rewritten. But that's
 just my 2c.

I agree, but unless people post tickets to trac specifically outlining
the problems they were having, it remains unlikely that  the problem
will be addressed.  That's just the reality of how bugs are handled
for this project.

Chris Hartjes

My motto for 2007:  Moving from herding elephants to handling snakes.

@TheKeyboard -

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