Re: Passed CCNAamp;CCNP in a month [7:27142]

2001-11-23 Thread Drew - Home

 Hello, my name is Judy White and one of my close friends gave me some very
 good study material.  The material was so good that I passed my CCNA and
 CCNP in a month.  That's 5 test in one month with minimum study time.  The
 questions and answers that my friend gave me to study was identical to the
 ones on the actual test. If you are interested in obtaining a copy of this
 material contact me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Seems like a shame to waste a month like that... or do you think that you
actually learned something?

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Re: OT - List of dirty words [7:26380]

2001-11-15 Thread Drew - Home

 This is totally off-topic, and I realize it's lazy to ask help so quickly,
 but this seems like an interesting quest.

It would be very interesting if posted to the proper group.  This, sadly,
is not such a group.

 Before I corrupt my pure and uncommonly sin-free soul by spending hours
 typing every foul thing I can think of, does anybody know of a webpage
 I can cut and paste something, or perhaps e-mail me off-line what you've
 accumulated in the past? has lots of links.  Did you try there?  Also,
keep in mind that diryt words are not simply what we would consider
to be foul language.  Dirty words define words that your company
would not want passing through your content scanner, and are even
in this context, not set in stone.  Example, I may not want mail with
the word resume in the subject leaving my network, but have no
objections to such mail coming in.  I might object to web content with
the words sex involved incoming and outgoing, and so on.

To limit your request to vulgarity limits the scope of your effectiveness

 Again, let me apologize for the OT, but hey, the sooner I get this lame
 done, the sooner I can power up my pod and contribute some relevant
 to the group.

Your future plans to contribute topcial matter are not sufficient to excuse
such an imposition on my napping.

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Re: worst company [7:25033]

2001-11-02 Thread Drew - Home

 I know one of tech support engineers was trying to get an eval license for
 Checkpoint NG and was having a terrible time. It's very frustrating when a
 company has a great product and lousy support.

All this checkpoint bashing is really strange.  I have heard it dozens
of times in dozens of places.  I needed a copy of Checkpoint NG
recently for a project I'm working on.  I called the local checkpoint
rep on Friday.  On monday afternoon he met me at my workplace
and delivered a copy of NG along with 2 eval licenses and an
engineering contact to aid with any questions.

Maybe I just got lucky.

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Re: OT: Enable secret hacking [7:23670]

2001-10-22 Thread Drew - Home

 The reason I asked was to see if other peoples impression was the same as
 mine. I've got the tools for the level 7 passwords, but was under the
 impression that the enable secret was almost impossible.

This is a dangerous assumption.  Nothing is impossible, and this has 
little to do with the method used to secure the password.  If your admins
choose a simple password, than the process to break it is simple.  If
they select a strong password, then the process is longer, but not ever

If the attacker can gain a copy of your config, via SNMP for example,
and actually see the encrypted output, you should not consider any 
password secure, no matter how complex it is.  Personally, I have 
a very nice RS/6000 B50 sitting in my lab rack at home, and would
have no problem commiting all its cycles to a task like password

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Re: a question from lan switching book [7:23764]

2001-10-22 Thread Drew - Home

 is shared means that there is a 10M ethernet, if there are 10 station in
 this network, every station has the 1M?

 or is shared means that there is a 10M ethernet, if there are 10 station
 this network every station has the 10M bandwidth when you transmisstion,
 (csma/cd) after this station trasmisted, another can transmit and has 10M

is mean that all station fight for bandwith of that 10mb.  Only 1 station
can send packet each time, so is not true that each station have the 1mb.
Is true that one station at time has all 10mb.

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Re: a question from lan switching book [7:23764]

2001-10-22 Thread Drew - Home

In this environment
 where only 1 PC can speak at a time, that PC is able to use the entire
 bandwidth of the pipe to send one frame.  That frame travels at 10 Mbps.

Specifically, the frame doesn't actually travel at 10mbs.  The frame travels
at the speed of electrical current on a medium.  This speed is the same for
10mb ethernet, 100mb ethernet, GigE, etc.  The frame is copied to the
medium at 10mbs...

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Re: [7:22029]

2001-10-04 Thread Drew - Home

 A few days ago a couple people posted the URL: .  I was wondering if anybody has actually
 bought stuff from him?  What did you think of the product, and the
 service?  What was the shipping like?  He's in Hong Kong, and I don't
 want to wait a long time, since I want to complete my lab and start
 doing some experiments.  Looking at his website, I see that his prices
 are significantly better then

I've bought things from him via eBay, stuff like an octal cable, rack ears
serial back-to-back cables.  The parts were all new and in bags, with good
prices.  Shipping was a bit slower, since it was coming from overseas, but
it wasn't that much of a difference, and the cost of shipment was not an

I'd buy from him again, as his prices are indeed much cheaper than anyone
I've seen.

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Re: 'It's not the US they want to destroy. It's our arrogance' [7:19821]

2001-09-13 Thread Drew - Home

 C. many reading this will not like this but the actions of the US
 for decades has been in the interest of the US and much blood has been
 by them and 3rd parties funded by them.

Decades?  Gee, I would say centuries.  You speak of ignorance, yet you make
such a
foolish and psuedo-enlightened remark as this?  The actions of every single
nation in
the world are taken in their own best interests.  I hope that every action
taken by my
governent is taken in our, as Americans, collective best interest.  I don't
pay taxes to
fund best interests of the rest of the world... thats what charity is for.

the hatred you feel for your
 attackers of your people less valid than theirs ? What attack against
 people would you find unacceptable ? The gloves are off - no ? Somebody
 out there feels this against your country.

But the reasons are very different.

 The US
must try and find these
 people to make them answer for this but must also look inwards at the same
 time!! priority is to stop it happening again no ? Look at the tit for tat
 mess Israel is in...

Tit for tat?  Israel has been fighting with gloves on for far too long, in
my opinion.
They have the capacity to obliterate the Palestinians, and have not.  Would
adversary act with such restraint?  The answer, to anyone who knows what
on over there, is a resounding no.  The Palestinians have one goal; to drive
Israeli into the sea.  If that same goal were shared by the Isralei, the
task would have
been accomplished.

 I'm English and for a long time American money has paid for bullets and
 semtex used in my country -

Money from Americans is not the same as American money, I say.  Yes, we
have alot of Irish Americans who fund the IRA and their ilk, but we have a
far greater number that fund humanitarian efforts.  To imply otherwise is
arrogant, far more arrogant than you accuse your American brother of being.

And for the Irish, to imply that the UK is blameless is shameless.

children are dead as are
many policemen not to
 mention the civilians popped off because they have the wrong religion.

Protestants kill Catholics too, mate.  And those Protestants get their
bullets from??

 level of ignorance in the US is truly amazing, everybody outside the US is
 disgusted by this act but not many are asking why, we've got a pretty good

When it happens in London, we'll see what song you're singing.  I don't
think too
many brits were complaining about American bullets during either of the
Wars.  I wonder how the Argentines felt about Brittish bullets in the
I wonder how many people in India, in China, in Egypt, Tunisia, Syria, Iran,
Saudi Arabil, Pakistan, Afganistan feel still about British Imperialism.
The list goes

Face facts... when England hade the resources, nothing made them happier
trying to dominate the entire world.  The sun never sets on the British
Well, the sun set some time ago, and don't try to play Mr. Benevolant now.
don't veil your envy so thinly...

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Re: CCIE Equipment Discounts [7:17980]

2001-08-30 Thread Drew - Home

- Original Message -
From: Thomas Moore 
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2001 4:15 PM
Subject: CCIE Equipment Discounts [7:17980]

 Hi All...

 I am trying to cost-justify my employer paying for my CCIE Written and
lab -
 they've paid for me CCNP and CCDP but now are a little hesitant for the
 due to budget constraints. I've heard over and over again that CCIE's can
 get a discount on Cisco equipment, I've actually heard that it was 50%, by
 themselves once they are CCIE certified. I've been trying to find
 documentation for this but have not been able too.

When I worked at ATT, we had a 40% discount, which I think is the max one

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Re: Fob ??? [7:16224]

2001-08-15 Thread Drew - Home

 Does Fob in Key Fob stand for anything when referencing a Token?  Weird
 word/acronym (it)...

How on earth is this related to anything that this list is about?

Anyway, a fob is a small pocket on the front of a man's pants or vest.  I
know I have some slacks that
still have a fob, but just one or two pair.  This was used to hold one's
pocket watch in the time when
gentelmen carried such things.  It later evolved to reference the chain used
to hold a pocketwatch
(haven't you read the Gift of the Magi?) and then to anything attached to
such a chain.  So, since
we don't generally wear pocketwatches, the fob is now an ornamental (or in
this case not so ornamental)
attachment to a chain, here being ones keychain.

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Re: a question of security [7:15609]

2001-08-10 Thread Drew - Home

 I am no security expert but I would think you could use private address
 space on your internal network and use NAT on the router.  Not the best
 security design, but if you are limited to the specified resources, this

Using ACL's or, better yet, the firewall feature set, would be far better
your security posture than NAT.  NAT is not a security solution

Also, with the ease of use of open source firewall software and the low cost
of the platforms it runs on, there is no excuse for not deploying some sort
firewall device.  But keep in mind, this is just step one for securing your

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