[cobirds] Joint "Nunn Guy" and Boulder County Audubon Raptor Trip Results/Nunn

2010-02-27 Thread The "Nunn Guy"
Great day for raptoring in north Weld County. Boulder County Audubon
joined us at Nunn Cafe to bring group total to "somewhere" between
20-30 (didn't get "official" headcount). Nunn Cafe served up a dozen
or so raptor enthusiasts and we headed out 0830 returning 1400.

We saw a total of 80 raptors (some various colors) today:

American Kestrel - 15
Northern Harrier - 10
Ferruginous Hawk - 11 (including one gulping a mouse; and one eating
entrails across from Nunn Cafe using his wings to deter others-very
Rough-legged Hawk - 16
Unknown buteo - 8
Red-tailed Hawk - 8
Prairie Falcon - 1
Golden Eagle - 4 (including territorial display)
Bald Eagle - 2
Long-eared Owl - 4-5+

Lots of fun and great hospitality at the Nunn Cafe. Thanks for tag-
teaming with us Boulder County Audubon!

Gary Lefko, Nunn/CO
http://ColoradoBirder.ning.com/ -- Home of the "Nunn Guy"

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[cobirds] Mountain Bluebirds/Nunn

2010-02-28 Thread The "Nunn Guy"
Mountain Bluebirds have been present for a few weeks now (we saw on
our raptor trip yesterday in Carr-area). This morning we were treated
to at least three males in our yard-and managed to get some decent
photos through the window. Also, a Ferrug across the street and a
couple of shots of the partial birding group at the Nunn Cafe.


Gary Lefko, Nunn/CO
http://ColoradoBirder.ning.com/ -- Home of the "Nunn Guy"

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[cobirds] New Fort Collins Birding Site/Larimer

2010-03-01 Thread The "Nunn Guy"
I found a new site today with open and water (four ponds) and lots of
waterfowl.  The ponds are aerated--so I'm thinking this is only open
water in area (now) just like Sharp Pointe during our winters.

Ponds are along Carriage Parkway (new traffic light; turn south; ponds
on both sides); just east of McDonald's on Hwy 14/I-25.  It's the new
residential area.

Today's species:

Ring-necked Duck
Common Goldeneye
Canada Goose
American Wigeon
Ring-billed Gull
American Crow

Gary Lefko, Nunn/CO
http://ColoradoBirder.ning.com/ -- Home of the "Nunn Guy"

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[cobirds] White-winged Crossbills (Finally)/Fort Collins

2010-03-05 Thread The "Nunn Guy"
Using Dave's excellent directions I ventured out from work (1030AM) a
third time with hopes of finding the pair.  "Three's a charm" found
both foraging at top of trees in extreme (10 sec glimpse) SE corner
near where this "cemetery road" bends west along golf course (Section
9).  Also, some little utility shed or something on east at bend in
road. Tons of siskins around.

Becca Reid's "so so photos" (her words (haha)-my words would have been
"excellent photos"!):


Thanks Gary Lefko, Nunn
http://coloradobirder.ning.com/ -- Hom eof the "Nunn Guy"

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[cobirds] WCR 122/124 Ponds/Weld

2010-03-07 Thread The "Nunn Guy"
Glorious prairie day after fog lifted ... I drove out to WCR 122/124
ponds to see "what's cookin'".

Species seen (photos later tonight at URL below):

Mountain Bluebird (on "every road"; 3-digit total for trip)
American Tree Sparrow
Horned Lark
Western Meadowlark
Lapland Longspur
Lesser Scaup
Northern Pintail
Ruddy Duck
Common Merganser
American Wigeon
Green-winged Teal
Ring-necked Duck
American Kestrel
Golden Eagle
Bald Eagle
Prairie Falcon
Rough-legged Hawk
Red-tailed Hawk
Ferruginous Hawk
Northern Harrier

Gary Lefko, Nunn/CO
http://ColoradoBirder.ning.com/ -- Home of the "Nunn Guy"

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[cobirds] Barrow's Goldeneye Photos/Fort Collins

2010-03-09 Thread The "Nunn Guy"
Managed to find/photo the goldeneyes at LaFarge Gravel Pond on way to


Gary Lefko/Nunn
http://coloradobirder.ning.com/ -- "Home of the Nunn Guy"

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[cobirds] Greater White-fronted Goose/Greeley

2010-03-14 Thread The "Nunn Guy"
While driving around Weld county looking for/marking raptor nests I
eventually made it to Greeley where the gravel pits have thawed. 35th
Ave east pond is 100% open and full of usual spring ducks. Fst pond
was 70% frozen and covered with geese including the Greater White-

Unfortunately north of Grover a lot of small oil rigs are now dotting
the landscape--what a shame.

Gary Lefko/Nunn
http://coloradobirder.ning.com/ -- Home of the "Nunn Guy"

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[cobirds] Open Water/Northern Colorado

2010-03-15 Thread The "Nunn Guy"
Visited Lafarge Ponds (40% open I25/Harmony); Timnath Reservoir (5%
open); Windsor Reservoir (5% open); Drake Lake (50% open); Crom Lake
(100% open)and Wellington SWA (40% open) on my commute today.

Swan - 0
Canada Goose - "zillions" (Windsor Reservoir)
Snow Goose - 3 (Windsor Reservoir)
Northern Pintail
American Wigeon
Green-winged Teal
Northern Shoveler
Common Merganser
Lesser Scaup
Ring-necked Duck
Common Goldeneye
Hooded Merganser
Common Merganser

Gary Lefko/Nunn
http://coloradobirder.ning.com/ -- Home of the "Nunn Guy"

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[cobirds] Greeley Birding

2010-03-18 Thread The "Nunn Guy"
Birded the Greeley-area this morning. Total of 51 species.

Horned and Eared Grebes (Wood Lake)
Bald Eagle - 8 (Seeley Lake, Siebring Reservoir (on nest); WIndsor
Mute Swan - 3 (O St, Arrowhead Lake)
All three mergansers
Great-tailed Grackle - 7 (WCR 59 Marsh; Loloff and Latham Reservoir)
Cinnamon Teal (WCR 59 Marsh)
Double-crested Cormorant (Latham Reservoir)
Brewer's Blackbird (Latham Reservoir)
Great Horned Owl (on nest at WCR 40/39 in middle of one mile section)
Herring Gull (Windsor Lake)

Full list:
Horned Lark
House Finch
House Sparrow
American Robin
Red-tailed Hawk
Rough-legged Hawk
Black-billed Magpie
Ferruginous Hawk
American Kestrel
Canada Goose
Red-winged Blackbird
Eurasian-collared Dove
European Starling
Western Meadowlark
American Coot
Northern Pintail
Horned Grebe
Northern Shoveler
Common Merganser
Lesser Scaup
Song Sparrow
Ring-billed Gull
American Wigeon
Bald Eagle
Northern Flicker
Green-winged Teal
Mute Swan
Red-breasted Merganser
California Gull
Common Goldeneye
Hooded Merganser
Belted Kingfisher
Eastern Bluejay
American Goldfinch
Dark-eyed Junco
American Crow
Great-tailed Grackle
Cinnamon Teal
Northern Harrier
Ring-necked Pheasant
Double-crested Cormorant
Brewer's Blackbird
Great Horned Owl
Herring Gull

Gary Lefko, Nunn/CO
http://ColoradoBirder.ning.com/ -- Home of the "Nunn Guy"

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[cobirds] Ranchers burn over plover habitat plan on Pawnee National Grassland/Greeley Tribune

2010-03-19 Thread The "Nunn Guy"
Read story here:


Gary Lefko,/Nunn
http://coloradobirder.ning.com/ -- Home of the "Nunn Guy"

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[cobirds] Poudre River Trail/Greeley

2010-03-21 Thread The "Nunn Guy"
I walked 4.4 total miles out and back along the Poudre River Trail
(Greeley) this morning from Island Grove to 35th Avenue Gravel Ponds.
Fantastic weather.

37 species in total:

Greater White-fronted Goose - 1 (35th Ave)
Bald Eagle - 3 (including a "face-off" between hundred or so Canada
Goose (show of force) floating near shore where imm. Bald Eagle stood
observing them)
Snow Goose - 6 (two blue)

Northern Flicker
Song Sparrow
Ring-billed Gull
Canada Goose - four-digit at 35th Ave
House Finch
House Sparrow
Eurasian-collared Dove
Lesser Scaup
American Wigeon
Red-tailed Hawk
Northern Harrier
Belted Kingfisher
American Robin
Green-winged Teal
American Kestrel
Common Goldeneye
Black-billed Magpie
Rock Pigeon
Downy Woodpecker
American Crow
Great Blue Heron
European Starling
California Gull
Western Meadowlark
Red-breasted Merganser
Northern Shoveler
Eastern Bluejay
American Goldfinch

Gary Lefko, Nunn/CO
http://ColoradoBirder.ning.com/ -- Home of the "Nunn Guy"

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[cobirds] Wellington SWA/Larimer

2010-03-24 Thread The "Nunn Guy"
Great-tailed Grackle in cattails in between the ponds along LCR 64
west of LCR 3.  West pond full of spring ducks.

Gary Lefko, Nunn/CO
http://ColoradoBirder.ning.com/ -- Home of the "Nunn Guy"

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[cobirds] Chipping Sparrows/Nunn

2010-03-25 Thread The "Nunn Guy"
Watching two Chipping Sparrows in backyard as I post about them ...

Gary Lefko, Nunn/CO
http://ColoradoBirder.ning.com/ -- Home of the "Nunn Guy"

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[cobirds] Gulls/North Weld County

2010-03-28 Thread The "Nunn Guy"
I went looking for Nick's gulls this morning--none were present; Dixie
and his crew were also there. On the way down stopped by Weld
Landfill, the field on south had thousands of gulls huddled together
(Ring-billeds, Herrings, Californias, and one Franklin's Gull--
probably more species I'm sure). Also, found an active nest in
cottonwoods to the south of gulls--not sure if it is Red-tailed or
Great Horneds--too far away. There was also an active nest on east of
Windsor Lake-probably Red-tailed Hawks.

Down at Latham Reservoir Marsh I heard Virginia Rail; videod a
soaring, ragged-looking hawk (haven't look at it yet); videoed singing
Song Sparrows; Red-wingeds; and Western Meadowlark.

Gary Lefko, Nunn/CO
http://ColoradoBirder.ning.com/ -- Home of the "Nunn Guy"

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[cobirds] Common Grackle/Wellington SWA

2010-03-30 Thread The "Nunn Guy"
I saw two Common Grackles this morning "way-y-y up north" on LCR 64/5
NW residence yard.

Gary Lefko/Nunn
http://coloradobirder.ning.com/ -- Home of the "Nunn Guy"

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[cobirds] Commuter Birding/Weld

2010-04-01 Thread The "Nunn Guy"
Crom Lake

Wood Ducks--first tiime I have ever seen them here in eight years-new
bird species for lake.  Some other spring ducks present, too.

Town of Nunn

Sandhill Crane flyover - 30

Weld Landfill

Gulls were much closer this morning in field on south of Hwy 14
Lesser Black-backed Gull - 2ad

Gary Lefko/Nunn
Http://coloradobirder.ning.com/ -- Home of the "Nunn Guy"

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[cobirds] Grasshopper Outbreak in 2010

2010-04-03 Thread The "Nunn Guy"
Sort of bird related (food source) ... Channel 9 News had story on
upcoming grasshopper outbreak predicted worst in 30 years--good news
for Swainson's Hawks and Loggerhead Shrikes (and others).

USDA/APHIS 2010 Outbreak Map (with severities):


Gary Lefko/Nunn
http://coloradobirder.ning.com/ -- Home of the "Nunn Guy"

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[cobirds] My "Easter Egg" Hunt/Weld (Plovers)

2010-04-04 Thread The "Nunn Guy"
Mountain Plover - 8

Hwy 14/WCR 51 - 6 (group that hung together whole time I was watching
WCR 96/43 - 2 (individuals in a bare field on SE-half the one-mile
section is bare) -- not a traditional location.

No Burrowing Owls yet.

Gary Lefko, Nunn/CO
http://ColoradoBirder.ning.com/ -- Home of the "Nunn Guy"

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[cobirds] My "Easter Egg" Hunt II/Nunn (Plovers)

2010-04-04 Thread The "Nunn Guy"
More Mountain Plovers--by far a "banner day" for me for total plover
seen in single day -- 19 (8 from earlier post included)!!

Mountain Plover
WCR 100/37 NE - 2 (one mile from house)
WCR 114/37 SE (Burn area) - 3
1.5M S of WCR 120/Hwy 85 on E - 1 (seen one here last three years)
WCR 96 between WCR 37 and 35 on N - 3 (2 miles from house)
WCR 33 S of WCR 96 on W - 1 (~2.5 miles from house)
WCR 31 N of WCR 100 on W - 1  (2 miles from house)

Almost all plovers seen in what looks to be fallow fields that have
lots of dirt and rows of very short green grass (wild) or winter wheat

Gary Lefko, Nunn/CO
http://ColoradoBirder.ning.com/ -- Home of the "Nunn Guy"

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[cobirds] Glenmere Rookery/Weld

2010-04-06 Thread The "Nunn Guy"
Did some lunch time "Jury Duty Selection" birding (didn't get selected-
whew!) in Greeley-area.

Glenmere Rookery-at its height home to triple digit Black-crowned
Night Herons; Snowy Egrets and (last year) three pair of Cattle
Black-crowned Night Heron - 12+ (pix)

Also, found two active Red-tailed Hawk (pix) nests in area.

Gary Lefko/Nunn
http://coloradobirder.ning.com/ Home of the "Nunn Guy"

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[cobirds] Swainson's Hawks/Nunn

2010-04-09 Thread The "Nunn Guy"
I saw Nunn's first Swainson's Hawk pair this morning on WCR 96 just
south of our house.

Gary Lefko/Nunn
http://coloradobirder.ning.com/ Home of the "Nunn Guy"

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[cobirds] Long-billed Curlew/Nunn

2010-04-10 Thread The "Nunn Guy"
Report from the field ...

"Susan and I were pursuing your Plover sightings and luckily a group
of birders stopped as we were looking for Burrowing Owls along the way
and told us that the Plovers were about ½ mile E on 102 from 37.  We
had SEVEN in the wheat field.  We decided to explore the area to look
for Longspurs, so I continued E on 102 and N on 45.  Between 104 and
106 on the west side of 45, we had a Long-billed Curlew…the first one
I’ve seen in the Grasslands for several years.  We also walked into
the windmill on the E side of 45 and spotted several McCowns’.  A
Loggerhead Shrike, several Sage Thrashers and a couple Say’s Phoebes
were great additions to our list."

Gary Lefko, Nunn/CO
http://ColoradoBirder.ning.com/ -- Home of the "Nunn Guy"

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[cobirds] Long-billed Curlew Search/Nunn

2010-04-10 Thread The "Nunn Guy"
I went out this morning hoping to photo the curlew-didn't find the

I did run into two other birders and collectively found four of the
seven Mountain Plovers reported yesterday at WCR 102/37SE corner in

New Mountain Plover (1) location and sighting at 1.4m south of WCR 122
on WCR 45 on west.

Also, McCown's Longspurs are easy to find along WCR 45 as you approach
WCR 122 in the extreme shortgrass areas.  Turn off and get out of your
car and you'll hear them singing and displaying. I had a Loggerhead
Shrike--and had Golden Eagle and Northern Harrier sharing a thermal at
low level.

The Long-eared Owls seemed to have dispersed at the private location.

I finally found one of the three Nunn Great Horned Owl pair nests-
still looking for the other two nests--I'm pretty sure we have (at
least) three nesting pairs.

Gary Lefko, Nunn/CO
http://ColoradoBirder.ning.com/ -- Home of the "Nunn Guy"

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[cobirds] New Yard Bird/Nunn

2010-04-11 Thread The "Nunn Guy"
Only a matter of time before a Brown Thrasher shows up ... currently
hanging out in backyard. Also, Rock Wren (not new). Species total now


35 acres CRP property (old agricultural fields being converted to
native grasses). 14 feeders, 50 pounds of cracked corn (bi-monthly),
lots of sunflower, safflower, nyger and Tidy Gardener, and two heated
water sources. We've landscaped (bird-friendly) 12,000 sq ft within
our fenced backyard, phase II completed.

Landscape (Nunn, Colorado):

Hackberry - 3
Dwarf Rabbitbrush (Green/Blue) - 21
Austrian Pine - 8
Witchita Blue Juniper - 8
Spanish Goldbroom - 8
Radian Crabapple - 2
Fat Albert Spruce - 3
Canada Red Cherry Tree - 5
Dark Knight Spirea - 5
Straight Plains Cottonwood - 2
Blue Spruce - 1
Curl-leaf Mountain Mahogany - 11
Thornless Cockspur Hawthorn - 1
Nanking Cherry - 3
Pawnee Butte Sandcherry - 5
New Mexican Privet - 3
Grow-low Sumac - 7
Western Sandcherry - 5
Lilac - 10
White Snowberry - 9
Russian Hawthorn - 1
Patmore Ash - 2
Thunderchild Crabapple - 6
Dogwood (Yellow/Red-twigged) - 15

Yard List (93 total species):

Sand Hill Crane
Great Blue Heron
Canada Goose
Snow Goose
American White Pelican
Turkey Vulture
Sharp-Shinned Hawk
Cooper's Hawk
Northern Harrier
Swainson's Hawk
Red-Tailed Hawk
Ferruginous Hawk
Rough-Legged Hawk
Golden Eagle
Bald Eagle
American Kestrel (Breeder)
Prairie Falcon
Northern Bobwhite
Chukar (Breeder)
Ring-Necked Pheasant (Breeder)
Ring-billed Gull
Killdeer (Breeder)
Rock Pigeon
Eurasian-Collared Dove
Mourning Dove (Breeder)
Great-Horned Owl
Burrowing Owl (Breeder)
Barn Owl
Common Nighthawk
Broad-Tailed Hummingbird
Rufous Hummingbird
Black-Chinned Hummingbird
Calliope Hummingbird
Northern Flicker (Yellow and Red-Shafted)
Eastern Kingbird
Western Kingbird (Breeder)
Western Wood-Pewee
Say's Phoebe
Northern Shrike
Loggerhead Shrike
Eastern Bluejay
Clark's Nutcracker
Northern Rough-winged Swallow
Barn Swallow
Cliff Swallow
European Starling (Breeder)
Black-Billed Magpie
American Crow
Common Raven
Common Grackle
Horned Lark (Breeder)
Rock Wren
House Wren
Mountain Bluebird
American Robin (Breeder)
Sage Thrasher
Brown Thrasher
Northern Mockingbird
Ruby-Crowned Kinglet
Yellow Warbler
Wilson's Warbler
Yellow-Rumped Warbler
Lark Bunting
Green-tailed Towhee
Spotted Towhee
Lark Sparrow
Savannah Sparrow
Song Sparrow
Clay-Colored Sparrow
Brewer's Sparrow
American Tree Sparrow
Grasshopper Sparrow
Harris's Sparrow
Vesper Sparrow
Chipping Sparrow
White-Crowned Sparrow
Dark-eyed Junco (Oregon, Slate-Colored)
Lapland Longspur
Chestnut-Collared Longspur
McCown's Longspur
Brewer's Blackbird
Great-Tailed Grackle
Yellow-Headed Blackbird
Red-Winged Blackbird
Western Meadowlark (Breeder)
American Goldfinch
Pine Siskin
House Finch (Normal, Yellow Variant) (Breeder)
Gray-Crowned Rosy Finch
House Sparrow (Breeder)

Gary Lefko, Nunn/CO
http://ColoradoBirder.ning.com/ -- Home of the "Nunn Guy"

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[cobirds] Burrowing Owls Returning/Nunn

2010-04-12 Thread The "Nunn Guy"
We heard a Burrowing Owl calling at 8pm this evening across from our
house.  P dog colony is on WCR 100 on N, 25m E of WCR 33/100.

There is also another active colony on WCR 33 .5m S of WCR 33/100 on

Gary Lefko, Nunn/CO
http://ColoradoBirder.ning.com/ -- Home of the "Nunn Guy"

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[cobirds] Blue Grosbeak/Larimer

2010-04-15 Thread The "Nunn Guy"
I found a Blue Grosbeak on LCR 68 at feedlot just north of Wellington
SWA.  The WCR 5 pond hosted Amercian Avocet, Lesser and Greater
Yellowlegs, Yellow-headed Blackbird and waterfowl.

Clark Reservoir is BONE DRY--first time I have ever seen that, not
sure what they are up to with lake.

Gary Lefko/Nunn
http://coloradobirder.ning.com/ -- Home of the "Nunn Guy"

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[cobirds] Dixon Reservoir 2PM/Larimer

2010-04-16 Thread The "Nunn Guy"
Add these to earlier report ...

Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
Pine Siskin
Mountain Chickadee
Common Raven

Gary Lefko/Nunn
http://coloradobirder.ning.com/ -- Home of the "Nunn Guy"

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[cobirds] Bird Call ID?

2010-04-16 Thread The "Nunn Guy"
I did my best to imitate what I heard at Dixon Reservoir. Can anyone
ID it-or suggest birds to listen to on my iPod?


Thanks Gary Lefko/Nunn
http://coloradobirder.ning.com -- Home of the "Nunn Guy"

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[cobirds] Bird Call ID Update/Dixon Reservoir

2010-04-16 Thread The "Nunn Guy"
I used http://identify.whatbird.com/mwg/_/0/attrs.aspx (visual/audio
cues search) to try and narrow down choices ... to no avail.  They now
have two "song/call" options to help reduce number of possibilities.

Thanks to all that chimed in with possibilities-guess I'll chalk it up
as a "miss" (so I can get some sleep).

Gary Lefko/Nunn
http://coloradobirder.ning.com/ -- Home of the "Nunn Guy"

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[cobirds] Grasslands Road 655/Weld

2010-04-17 Thread The "Nunn Guy"
Traveled GR 655 from WCR 59 to Hwy 77--two-track road (90%); make sure
you have some clearance for ruts.

Great Mountain Plover and McCown's Longspur habitat.

Mountain Plover - 8
McCown's Longspur - lots; close views
Vesper Sparrow - at least a dozen

Also, new Forest Service burn area 1.0M east of Hwy 14/Hwy 90
intersection on south--look for Mountain Plovers!

Finally,Paul from Woodhaven, MI writes " Hi Gary, I wanted to pass
along a Mountain Plover report. It was on County Road 100 just east of
CR-33.  On the north side is a  house with the front yard basically
laid out as a coral. I'm sorry,  but I did not get the house number.
Thank you for all of your Mountain Plover posts. I got a great look
at  this bird. I was checking your recent locations and stumbled on to
it. Thanks! Paul"

This is a new Mountain Plover location at our neighbor's house (third
house on north if coming from west)-I can "throw a rock and hit his
property"--hopefully plover drops in our yard for new yard bird!

Gary Lefko/Nunn
http://coloradobirder.ning.com/ -- Home of the "Nunn Guy"

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[cobirds] Greeley Birding

2010-04-18 Thread The "Nunn Guy"
While running errands stopped at 35th Ave and Glenmere Park Rookery in

35th Ave
White-faced Ibis - 6

Glenmere Park Rookery
Snowy Egret - 0
Black-crowned Night Heron - two dozen or so
Yellow Warbler

Pix below

Gary Lefko, Nunn/CO
http://ColoradoBirder.ning.com/ -- Home of the "Nunn Guy"

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[cobirds] Road work causes delays on Pawnee National Grassland

2010-04-20 Thread The "Nunn Guy"
GREELEY - Portions of the Pawnee National Grassland Self-Guided
Birding Tour are being upgraded this spring, causing construction
delays of up to 30 minutes.

Read story here:

Gary Lefko, Nunn/CO
http://ColoradoBirder.ning.com/ -- Home of the "Nunn Guy"

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[cobirds] Timnath Res/Drake Lake (Larimer/Weld)

2010-04-23 Thread The "Nunn Guy"
Timnath Reservoir (lots of flooded fields west of reservoir)
Willet - 2 (fields)
Common Loon
Lots of Franklin's Gulls
Lots of ducks
Great Horned Owlets in nest

Drake Lake
Sora - 2
Yellow-headed Blackbird

Gary Lefko, Nunn
http://coloradobirder.ning.com/ -- Home of the "Nunn Guy"

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[cobirds] 77 Species Day/Weld County

2010-04-25 Thread The "Nunn Guy"
Birded Nunn-Pawnee-Greeley "triangle" today--77 total species seen.
New videos/photos below. Lots of water in Weld--in bodies and flooded

Chestnut-collared Longspur - 2 (GR 607)
McCown's Longspur - 3 (GR 607)
Mountain Plover - 2 (WCR 94/41 SW; GR 607)
Virginia Rail - 5-6 (Latham)
Bald Eagle - pair at Latham Nest
Sora - 2 (Latham)
Marsh Wren - many (Latham)
Greater Yellowlegs - 1 (Neuman's Lake)
Black-necked Stilt - 6 (Loloff; WCR Wetland)
Great-tailed Grackle - 12 (Woods Lake; Loloff; Latham)
White-faced Ibis - 25-40 (Woods Lake; Neff Lake)
Least Sandpiper - 1 (Loloff)
Wilson's Phalarope - 30-40 (Lonetree Water Treatment; Loloff)
Ruddy Duck - 1 (WCR 59 Wetland)
Horned Grebe - 1 (Lonetree Water Treatment)
Prairie Falcon - 2 (Crow Valley)
Blue-grey Gnatcatcher - 2-4 (Crow Valley)
White-crowned Sparrow - 3 (Crow Valley)
Brown Cowbird - 1 (Nunn)
Vesper Sparrow (Nunn; GR 607)
Black-crowned Night Heron - many, many (Glenmere Park Rookery)
Red-breasted Merganser - 2 (Fst Gravel Pond)
All three teal
Snowy Egret - 2 (Latham; Neff)

Gary Lefko, Nunn
http://ColoradoBirder.ning.com/ -- Home of the "Nunn Guy"

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[cobirds] Burrowing Owl Courtship/Nunn

2010-04-27 Thread The "Nunn Guy"
Tonight we had Burrowing Owls calling from both prairie dog colonies
nearby and also a pair out in our field doing their aerial courtship
display (rising quickly to ~100 feet, hovering for 5 to 10 seconds,
then dropping ~50 feet-repeated several times).  One owl perched on
the raptor perch I put out in middle of our 35 acres and took it all
in.  Pretty neat.

Gary Lefko, Nunn/CO
http://ColoradoBirder.ning.com/ -- Home of the "Nunn Guy"

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[cobirds] For All You Chestnut-collared Longspur Fans/Larimer

2010-04-27 Thread The "Nunn Guy"
I received a post from RMBO Facebook that reported  "LOTS of Chestnut-
collared Longspurs" at Soapstone Prairie Natural Area (Fort Collins-
owned) during their recent surveys.

Soapstone is extraordinary with over 28 square miles of wide open
vistas and nearly pristine grasslands--http://www.fcgov.com/

Good luck!
Gary Lefko, Nunn/CO
http://ColoradoBirder.ning.com/ -- Home of the "Nunn Guy"

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[cobirds] Cozzens Lake/Eaton

2010-04-30 Thread The "Nunn Guy"
It actually has water ... mud flats ... and birds.

Whimbrel - 1
Willet - 23
Greater Yellowlegs - 4
Lesser Yellowlegs -

Thanks for the earlier report Norma!
Gary Lefko, Nunn/CO
http://ColoradoBirder.ning.com/ -- Home of the "Nunn Guy"

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[cobirds] Weld Birding

2010-05-01 Thread The "Nunn Guy"
Weld County birding (Becca, Kristen, Jen and me) from Wellington SWA
to Loloff Reservoir (and in between).

Total of 71 species--Cozzen Lake active

Sharp-shinned Hawk - 1 (eating European Starling outside my window at
Great-tailed Grackle - lots (Wellington SWA; Loloff; Latham; Beebe;
WCR 59)
Mountain Plover - 1 (WCR 33/100--new location)
Burrowing Owl - 3+ (WCR 33/100)
Chipping Sparrow - 3+ (Nunn)
Loggerhead Shrike - 1(Nunn)
Long-billed Dowitcher - 15+ (Cozzens Lake)
Wilson's Phalarope - lots (Cozzens Lake; Loloff; WCR 59)
Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs - small group (Cozzens Lake)
Willet - lots (Cozzens Lake; Latham; Beebe)
"Peep" - 1 (Cozzens Lake)
Mute Swan - 1 (35th Ave Gravel)
White-faced Ibis - hundreds (Beebe)
Marbled Godwit - 4 (Loloff)
Black-necked Stilt - dozen or so (Loloff; WCR 59)
Eared Grebe - 1 (Loloff)
Ruddy Duck - 12+ (WCR 59)
Virginia Rail - 5-6 (Latham)
Multiple Whimbrels - Cozzen Lake (reported by Kathy B)
Semi-palmated Plover - 1 Cozzens Lake (reported by Kathy B)
Sandhill Crane - 1  Cozzens Lake (reported by Kathy B)

Gary Lefko, Nunn/CO
http://ColoradoBirder.ning.com/ -- Home of the "Nunn Guy"

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[cobirds] Four (or Five) Sparrow Day/Nunn

2010-05-02 Thread The "Nunn Guy"
In our yard throughout the day ... video/pix at URL below.

Brewer's Sparrow - 2
Vesper Sparrow - 2 (Videod)
White-crowned Sparrow - 1 (Videod)
Chipping Sparrow - 3+

(P. S. House "Sparrow" makes five ... :-) )

Also, arriving are Say's Phoebe and Rock Wren (Videod).  Yesterday
videod and photoed Sharp-shinned Hawk having a "Starling Breakfast".

Gary Lefko, Nunn/CO
http://ColoradoBirder.ning.com/ -- Home of the "Nunn Guy"

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[cobirds] Lark Buntings/Weld

2010-05-06 Thread The "Nunn Guy"
I went "Car(r)" birding after work ... in my car in Carr ... :-)

WCR 17-118-23-110

Lark Bunting - 12 (our favorite summer yard bird!)
Lark Sparrow - 40-50 flock
Clay-colored Sparrow - 20-30 flock
Brewer's Sparrow
Green-tailed Towhee
Loggerhead Shrike - 8
Say's Phoebe
Mountain Plover (118/23)

Photos/videos being posted ...

Gary Lefko, Nunn/CO
http://ColoradoBirder.ning.com/ -- Home of the "Nunn Guy"

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[cobirds] Baltimore Oriole (Possible Pair?)/Greeley

2010-05-09 Thread The "Nunn Guy"
My wife and I did "Birding by Bike" on the Greeley Poudre River
between Island Grove to 35th Avenue (1.5 hours out; 20 minutes on

Total of 51 species.

Baltimore Oriole - 1-2 (We saw beautiful male sit for us the entire
time we watched. We say two because while watching the perched one he
would call using the last two notes in this stream (http://
www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/Baltimore_Oriole/sounds) and we'd hear a
return call across the river. Male would call and we'd hear a similar
return call--at least four times we heard this sequence. Far NE corner
of 35th Ave East Gravel Pond)
Tennessee Warbler
Forster's Tern - 6
Brown Thrasher - 3
Solitary Sandpiper
Northern Mockingbird
Eastern Kingbird
Mute Swan

Rest of the best:
Yellow-rumped Warbler - lots
Common Yellowthroat
Yellow Warbler
Franklin's Gull - 12+
Bullock's Oriole
Snowy Egret
Mourning Dove
European Starling
American Robin
Rock Pigeon
House Sparrow
Western Kingbird
Barn Swallow
Brewer's Sparrow
Double-crested Cormorant
House Finch
Common Grackle
American Goldfinch
Song Sparrow
Cliff Swallow
Pied-billed Grebe
Great Blue Heron
American White Pelican
Red-winged Blackbird
Clay-colored Sparrow
White-crowned Sparrow
Belted Kingfisher
Northern Flicker
Western Grebe
Black-capped Chickadee
Black-crowned Night Heron - 3
Killdeer - nest right next to trail
Common Merganser
Black-billed Magpie
Western Meadowlark
Eurasian-collared Dove
Blue-winged Teal
Canada Goose - pair with six in tow (35th Ave Gravel Pond East)
Ring-billed Gull

Gary Lefko, Nunn/CO
http://ColoradoBirder.ning.com/ -- Home of the "Nunn Guy"

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[cobirds] New Yard Bird/Nunn

2010-05-15 Thread The "Nunn Guy"
Hermit Thrush today-thought for sure we'd get his "cousin" first

Habitat: 35 acres CRP property (old agricultural fields being
converted to native grasses). Fourteen feeders, cracked corn, whole
sunflower, sunflower chips, safflower, white proso millet, nyger and
two heated water sources. We've landscaped (bird-friendly) 12,000 sq
ft within our fenced backyard, phase II completed.

Landscape (Nunn, Colorado):

Hackberry - 3
Dwarf Rabbitbrush (Green/Blue) - 21
Austrian Pine - 8
Witchita Blue Juniper - 8
Spanish Goldbroom - 8
Radian Crabapple - 2
Fat Albert Spruce - 3
Canada Red Cherry Tree - 5
Dark Knight Spirea - 5
Straight Plains Cottonwood - 2
Blue Spruce - 1
Curl-leaf Mountain Mahogany - 11
Thornless Cockspur Hawthorn - 1
Nanking Cherry - 3
Pawnee Butte Sandcherry - 5
New Mexican Privet - 3
Grow-low Sumac - 7
Western Sandcherry - 5
Lilac - 10
White Snowberry - 9
Russian Hawthorn - 1
Patmore Ash - 2
Thunderchild Crabapple - 6
Dogwood (Yellow/Red-twigged) - 15

Yard Birds (Nunn, Colorado) 94 species total (since November 2002):

Sand Hill Crane
Great Blue Heron
Canada Goose
Snow Goose
American White Pelican
Turkey Vulture
Sharp-Shinned Hawk
Cooper's Hawk
Northern Harrier
Swainson's Hawk
Red-Tailed Hawk
Ferruginous Hawk
Rough-Legged Hawk
Golden Eagle
Bald Eagle
American Kestrel
Prairie Falcon
Northern Bobwhite
Ring-Necked Pheasant
Ring-billed Gull
Rock Pidgeon
Eurasian-Collared Dove
Mourning Dove
Great-Horned Owl
Burrowing Owl
Barn Owl
Common Nighthawk
Broad-Tailed Hummingbird
Rufous Hummingbird
Black-Chinned Hummingbird
Calliope Hummingbird
Northern Flicker (Yellow and Red-Shafted)
Eastern Kingbird
Western Kingbird
Western Wood-Pewee
Say's Phoebe
Northern Shrike
Loggerhead Shrike
Eastern Bluejay
Clark's Nutcracker
Northern Rough-winged Swallow
Barn Swallow
Cliff Swallow
European Starling
Black-Billed Magpie
American Crow
Common Raven
Common Grackle
Horned Lark
Rock Wren
House Wren
Mountain Bluebird
American Robin
Hermit Thrush
Sage Thrasher
Brown Thrasher
Northern Mockingbird
Ruby-Crowned Kinglet
Yellow Warbler
Wilson's Warbler
Yellow-Rumped Warbler
Lark Bunting
Green-tailed Towhee
Spotted Towhee
Lark Sparrow
Savannah Sparrow
Song Sparrow
Clay-Colored Sparrow
Brewer's Sparrow
American Tree Sparrow
Grasshopper Sparrow
Harris's Sparrow
Vesper Sparrow
Chipping Sparrow
White-Crowned Sparrow
Dark-eyed Junco (Oregon, Slate-Colored)
Lapland Longspur
Chestnut-Collared Longspur
McCown's Longspur
Brewer's Blackbird
Great-Tailed Grackle
Yellow-Headed Blackbird
Red-Winged Blackbird
Western Meadowlark
American Goldfinch
Pine Siskin
House Finch (Normal, Yellow Variant)
Gray-Crowned Rosy Finch
House Sparrow

Gary Lefko, Nunn/CO
We're Colorado Birders, Are You?

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[cobirds] New Yard Bird (Again)/Nunn

2010-05-15 Thread The "Nunn Guy"
Just had a Lincoln's Sparrow ...

Yard Birds (Nunn, Colorado) 95 species total (since November 2002):

Gary Lefko, Nunn/CO
We're Colorado Birders, Are You?

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[cobirds] Officially Summer in Nunn

2010-05-19 Thread The "Nunn Guy"
"Aside from our tornadoes" ... Grasshopper Sparrows returning-had
three in yard singing this morning.

Gary Lefko/Nunn
http://Coloradobirder.ning.com/ -- Home of the "Nunn Guy"

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[cobirds] More Wind Turbines on Pawnee/Weld

2010-05-21 Thread The "Nunn Guy"
Indirectly related to (impacting) birding ... :-)

"Weld County Approves Cedar Creek Expansion"

Full story: http://www.ncbr.com/article.asp?id=51693

Gary Lefko/Nunn
http://coloradobirder.ning.com/ -- Home of the "Nunn Guy"

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[cobirds] Hawk Spectacle/Weld

2010-05-24 Thread The "Nunn Guy"
Secondhand report ...

(Kiki reports) ... "Over 100+ Swainson's Hawks were grounded (windy
conditions) along WCR 114 between WCR 35 and 45 ..."

Gary Lefko, Nunn/CO
http://ColoradoBirder.ning.com/ -- Home of the "Nunn Guy"

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[cobirds] Bobcat Ridge Natural Area/Fort Collins

2010-05-31 Thread The "Nunn Guy"
Javier reports "Finally did an hour of birding in Bobcat Ridge. Among
other things, got Singing White winged- Dove (one singing and visual).
Cordillera flycatcher (1) Lazuli Bunting (pair), Warbling Vireo
nesting, House Wren (nesting), Canyon Wren (possibly nesting), White -
throated Swift, Summer Tanager (4 - two pairs), Say Phoebe, Broad
tailed Hummingbirds (6) and a pair of Blue-gray Gnathcatchers, among
other things. It was great for me. Cheers, Javier"

Highlight recap:

Summer Tanager - 4
White-winged Dove - 2

Gary Lefko/Nunn

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[cobirds] Re: Bobcat Ridge Natural Area/Fort Collins

2010-06-01 Thread The "Nunn Guy"
I confirmed with Javier his earlier report of four Summer Tanagers--he
said they were Western Tanagers.

Gary Lefko/Nunn

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[cobirds] Prairie Warbler/Crow Valley

2010-06-08 Thread The "Nunn Guy"
Looks like we might have a Prairie Warbler at Crow Valley (yesterday)


Gary Lefko, Nunn

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[cobirds] Upcoming "Nunn Guy" Birding Trip - Birding by Bike Greeley Poudre River Trail

2010-06-10 Thread The "Nunn Guy"
Jun 19th Saturday 7:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Join the "Nunn Guy" on a
"Birding by Bike" trip on Greeley's Poudre River Trail. The trail runs
from east side of Greeley all the way to west side of Windsor (20
miles). We'll concentrate on eastern portion for this trip. Meet at
McDonald's in Eaton along Hwy 85-new on southside of town--come
earlier for breakfast! RSVP to the "Nunn Guy" (Gary) at
http://coloradobirder.ning.com/events/nunn-guy-birding-birding-by or
send email to lefk...@coloradobirder.info.

Gary lefko/Nunn
http://coloradobirder.ning.com/ -- Home of the "Nunn Guy"

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[cobirds] "Nunn Road" Nesting Raptors

2010-06-11 Thread The "Nunn Guy"
"Nunn Road" aka LCR 64 aka WCR 100 is home to quite a few "roadside"
active raptor nests.  Going west (Wellington) to east (WCR 100 in
Nunn) we have active Swainson's, Red-tailed, Golden Eagle, Swainson's,
Burrowing Owl, Swainson's, American Kestrel (our box-parents coaxing
nestlings out), Red-tailed and about 1.5 miles north of WCR 100 a
Great Horned Owl nest.  Nice little assortment-my favorite is the
first Swainson's nest the male is always "waiting for me" each morning
atop a telephone pole on my commute to work.

Gary Lefko/Nunn
http://coloradobirder.ning.com/ -- Home of the "Nunn Guy"

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[cobirds] Wild Turkey/Greeley

2010-06-13 Thread The "Nunn Guy"
Windsor Lake
Clark's Grebe (pix)

Latham Reservoir-area
Black-necked Stilt - 3 (WCR 48)
Least Sandpiper (WCR 48)
American Avocet - 11 (WCR 46, 42)
Burrowing Owl (WCR 46)
White-faced Ibis - 8 (WCR 46, 40)
Wilson's Phalarope - 33 (WCR 46, 42)
Great-tailed Grackle - 22 (WCR 42)
Blue-winged Teal pair with two youngsters

Poudre River Along Hwy 85
Wild Turkey - 2 (pix, vid)

Gary Lefko/Nunn
http://coloradobirder.ning.com/ -- Home of the "Nunn Guy"

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[cobirds] "Birding by Bike" Greeley Poudre River Trail/Weld

2010-06-19 Thread The "Nunn Guy"
"Probably better to have used a kayak" ...

We started out at Island Grove Park and headed west to 25th Ave (trail
from 25th to 35th (blocked) has two large pumps pumping water from the
extremely high 35th Ave gravel ponds (east one) into the already high
and rapid Poudre River.  35th Ave to Dog Park blocked. We detoured to
O Street to 57th Ave.  At 57th Ave Poudre River above banks flooding
trail (blocked) from 57th to 71st.  I know from driving 71st and 83rd
were blocked earlier in the week.  We were able to ride from 57th to
the Dog Park (east) adding another mile of trail.  Jumped on Fst to
25th Ave back on (open section) Poudre Trail back to Island Grove Park
(total of 12 miles).

Took a trip over to Glenmere Rookery -- Three Cattle Egrets on nest
(probably more) amongst the throngs of Snowy Egrets and Black-crowned
Night Herons) -- then Randy's Fried Chicken Shack.


Great Egret
Wild Turkey (12)
Chimney Swift

Rest of Expected Species (total of 40):

Double-crested Cormorant
American Robin
Mourning Dove
American Kestrel
Eurasian-collared Dove
Common Grackle
European Starling
Western Kingbird
Cliff Swallow
Red-winged Blackbird
Bank Swallow
Snowy Egret
Marsh Wren
Mallard (only species of duck)
Western Meadowlark
Brown-headed Cowbird
Belted Kingfisher
American White Pelican
Great Blue Heron
Canada Goose
Western Grebe
Common Yellowthroat
Black-billed Magpie
Eastern Kingbird
Bullock's Oriole
House Finch
American Goldfinch
Yellow Warbler
Cliff Swallow
Barn Swallow
House Sparrow
Rock Pigeon
Downy Woodpecker
Song Sparrow
Northern Flicker
Red-tailed Hawk
Black-crowned Night Heron

Gary Lefko/Nunn
http://coloradobirder.ning.com/ -- Home of the "Nunn Guy"

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[cobirds] Chestnut-collared Longspurs "Falling Out of Sky"/Weld-CO-WY border

2010-06-20 Thread The "Nunn Guy"
Visited the BEST place "in Colorado" (okay near) to see Chestnut-
collared Longspurs--Chalk Bluff Road, WY.  It is three miles north of
CO-WY border along Hwy 85 out of Nunn.  It is on your east and runs
about 20 miles.  Pristine tall grass for most part (WY State Land
Trust on north; large (but few ranches on south)).  Most birds were in
fields displaying; I only had one on fenceline as I was leaving--think
the nest was about 5 feet from fence.

Chestnut-collared Longspur - two dozen at least (pix, video)
McCown's Longspur - 8 (including two fledglings on road-half the size
of adult)
Grasshopper Sparrow - 16+
Cassin's Sparrow - 4 (two videos singing on fenceline)
Lots of Lark Buntings-including albino (blurry photo), Horned larks
and Western Meadowlarks

Best tactic is "drive slow"-listen and watch for birds displaying; I
stopped every .3M for first four miles (turned off car); when you turn
north at 8.0m there is water and I saw at least half-dozen longspurs
here; about a mile north and road continues east for about 8 miles
(drive slowly).

The only negative experience was oil company doing seismic testing for
oil ("extension cords" and meters (I guess) all along road)

Fall is even better (and confusing-haha) when all the fledglings come

Gary Lefko/Nunn
http://coloradobirder.ning.com/ -- Home of the "Nunn Guy"

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[cobirds] Nunn Burrowing Owl Show/Weld

2010-07-03 Thread The "Nunn Guy"
A group of us watched the Burrowing Owl "show" in Nunn tonight.  There
have to be two to three dozen (fledglings included) in the Weld CR 33
pdog colony.  Saw many adults hunting and bringing food to fledglings
who would "hop" with anticipation. Optimal viewing times would be
630PM to dark; very active.

Gary Lefko/Nunn

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[cobirds] CO PBS - Journey of the Broad-Winged Hawk

2010-07-03 Thread The "Nunn Guy"
Saturday, July 3 at 8:00 pm on Colorado Public Broadcasting TV

DirecTV channel 12


Gary Lefko/Nunn

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[cobirds] Glenmere Park Rookery/Greeley

2010-07-04 Thread The "Nunn Guy"
Did a count of Glenmere Park Rookery today.  A significant increase of
Cattle Egrets over last year!

Cattle Egret - +/- 47 (clutch sizes of 1-9)
Snowy Egret - +/- 58 (clutch sizes of 4-5)
Black-crowned Night Heron -  +/- 69 (clutch sizes of 1-7)

With all the greenery easy to double count and miss many nesting in
middle of trees.


ALL BIRDERS should respect private property no matter your desire for
a close photo. If you don't have permission and don't know about
access restrictions DO NOT ENTER.

Gary Lefko/Nunn

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[cobirds] Dickcissel/Nunn

2010-07-07 Thread The "Nunn Guy"
I found three Dickcissel this morning; two at WCR 39/WCR 94 and one on
WCR 92 just east of Antelope Reservoir.

Gary Lefko/Nunn

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[cobirds] Calliope Hummingbird/Nunn

2010-07-11 Thread The "Nunn Guy"
A Calliope Hummingbird checked out our rainbow-colored, spiral wind
sock this morning.  We then put out our fall feeders-in hopes of
seeing more; get some (real close) pix/vid of hummers.

If anyone is good at IDing mammal burrows, we have a "critter" taking
up residence in front of our house; first at end of driveway; then
last night right in front of our front porch.  We "think" it is a
immature Jackrabbit who loves digging-we saw one near the hole at end
of driveway.


Gary Lefko/Nunn
http://coloradobirder.ning.com/ -- Home of the "Nunn Guy"

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[cobirds] Mystery Yard Mammal Solved/Nunn

2010-07-12 Thread The "Nunn Guy"
We have a pair of Badger who have taken up recent residence in our
yard ... ten feet from our front door(!).  Anyone know any humane
Badger removal services?

NunnCAM caught them in the hole--

Photos: http://coloradobirder.ning.com/photo
Videos (being uploaded now):  http://coloradobirder.ning.com/video

Gary Lefko/Nunn
http://coloradobirder.ning.com/ -- Home of the "Nunn Guy"

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[cobirds] Sandhill Crane [Lasalle, Weld]

2017-10-19 Thread 'The "Nunn Guy"' via Colorado Birds
Hi all

A dozen Sandhill Crane along Weld CR 48 marsh on south in taller grasses 
(Latham Reservoir).

Thanks Gary Lefko, Nunn

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[cobirds] Lesser Black-backed Gull (4 or 0?)/Larimer

2017-10-20 Thread 'The "Nunn Guy"' via Colorado Birds
Hi all

Four separate dark mantled (to me) gulls at Lake Loveland at 2MST.  Photos 
here, input welcomed to confirm?  Left photo is sleeping gull in middle, 
other three photos darkest bird standing.  Lots of Calirfornia and some 
Ring-billeds present.


Thanks Gary Lefko, Nunn

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[cobirds] Re: Lesser Black-backed Gull (4 or 0?)/Larimer

2017-10-20 Thread 'The "Nunn Guy"' via Colorado Birds
Hearing from others looks like-three standing are Lesser Black-backed Gull.
Thanks Gary Lefko, Nunn

On Friday, October 20, 2017 at 2:57:04 PM UTC-6, The "Nunn Guy" wrote:
> Hi all
> Four separate dark mantled (to me) gulls at Lake Loveland at 2MST.  Photos 
> here, input welcomed to confirm?  Left photo is sleeping gull in middle, 
> other three photos darkest bird standing.  Lots of Calirfornia and some 
> Ring-billeds present.
> http://coloradobirder.club/m/photos/browse/album/Loveland-Lake-Loveland/
> Thanks Gary Lefko, Nunn
> http://coloradobirder.club/

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[cobirds] Re: Lesser Black-backed Gull (4 or 0?)/Larimer

2017-10-20 Thread 'The "Nunn Guy"' via Colorado Birds
Hi all
Folks are indicating sleeping bird is 4th Lesser Black-backed Gull.
Thanks Gary Lefko, Nunn

On Friday, October 20, 2017 at 3:08:53 PM UTC-6, The "Nunn Guy" wrote:
> Hearing from others looks like-three standing are Lesser Black-backed Gull.
> Thanks Gary Lefko, Nunn
> http://coloradobirder.club/
> On Friday, October 20, 2017 at 2:57:04 PM UTC-6, The "Nunn Guy" wrote:
>> Hi all
>> Four separate dark mantled (to me) gulls at Lake Loveland at 2MST.  
>> Photos here, input welcomed to confirm?  Left photo is sleeping gull in 
>> middle, other three photos darkest bird standing.  Lots of Calirfornia and 
>> some Ring-billeds present.
>> http://coloradobirder.club/m/photos/browse/album/Loveland-Lake-Loveland/
>> Thanks Gary Lefko, Nunn
>> http://coloradobirder.club/

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[cobirds] Tundra Swan/Boulder

2017-10-26 Thread 'The "Nunn Guy"' via Colorado Birds
Hi all


There was a family of 6 Tundra Swans at Cottonwood Marsh yesterday morning. 
They foraged for awhile among the ducks and gulls and then took off to the 
southwest around 10:45 a.m. Beautiful!

Report from E. Anne W. 

Thanks Gary Lefko, Nunn

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[cobirds] Pine Siskin/Weld

2017-10-27 Thread 'The "Nunn Guy"' via Colorado Birds
Hi all

Six Pine Siskin in our yard yesterday morning. Always a treat to see 
"non-prairie" birds out here.

Thanks Gary Lefko, Nunn

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[cobirds] Lapland Longspur/Weld

2017-10-31 Thread 'The "Nunn Guy"' via Colorado Birds
Hi all

2 Lapland Longspur along Weld CR 33 one mile south of Weld CR 98 in Nunn.

6 Lapland Longspur at the very large prairie dog colony .5m north of Weld 
CR 90 on Weld CR 29.

Thanks Gary Lefko, Nunn

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[cobirds] Would this be the (same) "Parasitic Jaeger"?/Weld

2017-11-06 Thread 'The "Nunn Guy"' via Colorado Birds
Hi all

Seen yesterday at Windsor Lake ...


Thanks Gary Lefko, Nunn

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[cobirds] Re: Would this be the (same) "Parasitic Jaeger"?/Weld

2017-11-06 Thread 'The "Nunn Guy"' via Colorado Birds
Hi all

Forgot there was also a Lesser Black-backed Gull adult on east shore by 
beach area.

Thanks Gary Lefko, Nunn

On Monday, November 6, 2017 at 8:39:12 AM UTC-7, The "Nunn Guy" wrote:
> Hi all
> Seen yesterday at Windsor Lake ...
> Photos: 
> http://coloradobirder.club/m/photos/browse/album/Windsor-Lake-06-25-2017/
> Thanks Gary Lefko, Nunn
> http://coloradobirder.yahoo.com/

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[cobirds] "Snow Birds"/Weld

2017-11-07 Thread 'The "Nunn Guy"' via Colorado Birds
Hi all

This morning's snow brought in our first American Tree Sparrow (6) 
sightings of the winter in our backyard as well as a Lesser Goldfinch.  
Along Weld CR 100 between 27 and 23 were at least three Lapland Longspur 
with the large moving flock of Horned Lark.

Gary Lefko, Nunn

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Re: [cobirds] Snow Geese in Denver Co

2017-11-08 Thread 'The "Nunn Guy"' via Colorado Birds
Hi all

Five Snow Goose above us in Nunn with Canada flock yesterday afternoon.  
Side note, this might be our first year without a new yard bird ... 
currently holding at 131 species.

Thanks Gary Lefko, Nunn

On Wednesday, November 8, 2017 at 9:00:09 AM UTC-7, Libby wrote:
> Yesterday afternoon over Fort Collins the unmistakable sound of snow geese 
> made me look up and three flocks of about 50 snow geese each came 
> spiderwebbing across the sky going south 
> Libby Edwards 
> Larimer County 
> > On Nov 8, 2017, at 8:54 AM, ROBERT RIGHTER  > wrote: 
> > 
> > Hi 
> > 
> > Walking out side to pick up morning paper, near the DU area, over head 
> was a flock of about 25 Snow Geese in perfect Snow Goose formation. 
> > 
> > Bob Righter 
> > Denver CO 
> > 
> > -- 
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[cobirds] Weekend of Birding/Weld-Larimer

2017-11-14 Thread 'The "Nunn Guy"' via Colorado Birds
Hi all

This past weekend got to enjoy the Parasitic Jaeger at Windsor Lake 
for many hours with Nick K, Josh B and invited Windsor newspaper writer. 
Also, of note from weekend are:

   - Five goose species (enormous flocks at all) at Stewart's Pond 

   (at least six Greater White-fronted Goose, ~80 white goose (both)); 35th 
   Avenue Pond 

   (2 Greater White-fronted Goose; 30 white goose (both)); Woods Lake (2 
   Greater White-fronted Goose, both white goose 20-30); Hummel Reservoir 
   (1 Greater White-fronted Goose, both white goose (75+))
   - Marsh Wren (video and photo) at Stewart's Pond marsh on south
   - Great-tailed Grackle - 2 Drake Lake
   - Lapland Longspur - 2 at house and in Weld CR 33 prairie dog colony 
   between 98/100

Note: click location name for photos

Thanks Gary Lefko, Nunn


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[cobirds] Windsor Jaeger Story/Weld

2017-11-15 Thread 'The "Nunn Guy"' via Colorado Birds
Hi all

Small story in local Windsor Now newspaper about the jaeger at WIndsor 
Lake.  I invited author out Saturday along with Nick K and Josh B.  Jeff B. 
and his wife from Fort Collins also joined up with us later in morning.


She has a photo of jaeger chasing gull--click the widget just below the 
date of the article under author name (to your left as you view page).

My (and other) photos and videos here:

   - (Videos) 
   - http://coloradobirder.club/m/photos/browse/album/11-10-2017-2/

Thanks Gary Lefko, Nunn

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[cobirds] Nunn Christmas Bird Count

2017-11-16 Thread 'The "Nunn Guy"' via Colorado Birds
Hi all

The 51st  annual Audubon Christmas bird count will be on *December 20th 
 Wednesday. Meet at the SGRC conference center at 0745hrs 14698 CR 114 Nunn 
Co. 80648*. I will have a couple crock pots going so please bring a side.


*RSVP by December 18th* Monday so I can have an estimate of how many to 
cook for. See you all soon. Please get the word out.


Mark Lindquist

Site Manager

Semi-Arid Grassland Research Center

Site Operator: NADP, UCRN,UVB

Colorado State Universit

(970) 213-9576

Thanks Gary Lefko, Nunn


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[cobirds] Commom Redpoll/Weld

2017-11-20 Thread 'The "Nunn Guy"' via Colorado Birds
Hi all

For last three days our backyard has been hosting three Common Redpoll 
(photos) . 
Also, two Pine Siskin (photos) and Northern Shrike (photos) 
. I saw 
my first Rough-legged Hawk (photos) 

of season along Raptor Alley.  At both 35th Ave Gravel Ponds 

in Greeley and Windsor Lake 
5 and 4 species of goose respectively. Very large goose flocks.

Thanks Gary Lefko, Nunn

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[cobirds] Greater White-fronted Goose [Larimer]

2017-11-22 Thread 'The "Nunn Guy"' via Colorado Birds
Hi all

Lunch break to day ... Lake Loveland had a single Greater White-fronted 
(photo) on northwest shore hanging out with throngs of Canada and Cackling 
Goose (and gulls). Also, Great-tailed Grackle at Woods Lake 

Thanks Gary Lefko, Nunn

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[cobirds] Lapland Longspur [Weld]

2017-11-27 Thread 'The "Nunn Guy"' via Colorado Birds
Hi all

While strolling along Weld CR 33 between 98 and 100 (large prairie dog 
colony both sides) we had 15-20 Lapland Longspur flying around.  We hear 
some of these birds flying overhead in our yard, too, like yesterday 
putting up our Christmas lights.

   - Mute Swan - 2 (F St in gravel pond on north .25m west of 35th 
   Street--usually 1-2 semi-trucks parked along road on south)
   - Newell Lake [Larimer] - 5 goose species (2 Greater White-fronted 
   Goose, 68 Snow/Ross's Goose)
   - 35th Ave Gravel Pond-West [Weld] - 5 goose species (1 Greater 
   White-fronted Goose, 120+ Snow/Ross's Goose)

Thanks, Gary Lefko, Nunn

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[cobirds] Re: Updated Christmas Bird Count dates for CO

2017-11-27 Thread 'The "Nunn Guy"' via Colorado Birds
Hi Brandon

Just got an email from Greeley CBC--it is Sat. Dec 30 contact is Paul 
Lightsey plightse AT info2000 DOT net.

Thanks Gary Lefko, Nunn

On Thursday, November 23, 2017 at 8:08:54 AM UTC-7, Brandon wrote:
> Happy Thanksgiving to all the COBIRDS community, thanks for posting 
> and sharing your birding adventures around Colorado! 
> Christmas Bird Counts begin three weeks from today (14 December)! 
> To view the circles and find out about each CBC, click on 
> http://www.audubon.org/join-christmas-bird-count 
> Make sure to contact the compiler, as soon as possible, so they know 
> you are planning to help out. 
> Summaries from last year's Christmas Bird Counts, can now be seen at 
> http://www.audubon.org/summary-117th-christmas-bird-count-2016-2017 
> The Colorado Christmas Bird Count Summary for last year can be seen 
> at: http://www.audubon.org/news/the-117th-cbc-colorado 
> The summary doesn't include information from the Nunn CBC, since the 
> data wasn't entered by the deadline. 
> - 
> Updated Christmas Bird Count list for this winter: 
> Thursday, 14 December 2017 
> John Martin Reservoir 
> Sterling 
> Friday, 15 December 2017 
> Air Force Academy 
> Fairplay 
> Fountain Creek 
> Rocky Ford 
> Weldona-Fort Morgan 
> Saturday, 16 December 2017 
> Colorado Springs 
> Delta 
> Denver 
> Fort Collins 
> Granby 
> Longmont 
> Montrose 
> Monte Vista NWR 
> Pagosa Springs 
> Pueblo Reservoir 
> Roaring Fork River Valley 
> Salida 
> Steamboat Springs 
> Sunday, 17 December 2017 
> Aspen 
> Boulder 
> Durango 
> Evergreen-Idaho Springs 
> Grand Junction 
> Gunnison 
> Hotchkiss 
> Wednesday, 20 December 2017 
> Nunn 
> Pueblo 
> Friday, 22 December 2017 
> Bonny Reservoir 
> Saturday, 23 December 2017 
> Crook 
> Spanish Peaks 
> Tuesday, 26 December 2017 
> Flagler 
> Saturday, 30 December 2017 
> Barr Lake 
> Cortez 
> Dotsero 
> Douglas County 
> Eagle Valley 
> Grand Sand Dunes NP 
> Westcliffe 
> Monday, 1 January 2018 
> Denver (Urban) 
> Grand Mesa 
> Lake Isabel 
> Loveland 
> Waiting for dates for the following counts: 
> Black Forest 
> Greeley 
> North Park 
> Penrose 
> Rawhide Energy Station 
> Rocky Mountain NP (not occurring this year) 
> Summit County 
> -- 
> Brandon Percival 
> Pueblo West, CO 

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[cobirds] Re: Crow Valley situation

2017-11-29 Thread 'The "Nunn Guy"' via Colorado Birds
Hi all

I contacted our (my employer) Pawnee Ranger Station about what Dave 
reported below his response:

"I have given permission for the rec.  contractor to remain on site in 
order to complete work scheduled. I will send Mike out to inquire about the 
camo tent. We did have an illegal hunting stand placed last summer, which 
was removed."

Thanks Gary Lefko, Nunn

On Tuesday, November 28, 2017 at 7:52:56 PM UTC-7, Dave Leatherman wrote:
> I should have mentioned that the road down into the campground is closed 
> for the winter up near Weld CR77.  It is about a mile walk from the gate to 
> where the redpolls were along Crow Creek ne of the Group Area.  Not sure 
> what to make of a couple vehicles and a trailer down in the campground.  I 
> think the big RV is that of the hosts which is winterized and apparently 
> will be there until next spring.  Near the Picnic Shelter was a trailer and 
> a pick-up truck.  This may be a contractor working to cut dead trees in the 
> campground to whom the USFS gave a key.  Not sure.  I saw a motion 
> detection camera set up in a small honeylocust in the southwest corner, 
> apparently by a hunter, and there is a camo tent along the creek way out 
> north, that appears to be that of a hunter or "resident".  All this is FYI 
> if you plan to go out there in search of redpolls.
> Dave Leatherman
> Fort Collins

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[cobirds] Long-tailed Duck [Weld]

2017-12-11 Thread 'The "Nunn Guy"' via Colorado Birds
Hi all

I photographed the Common Goldeneye and Merganser large flock yesterday at 
Windsor Lake.  This morning found a Long-tailed Duck (photo) 
 among the large 

Windsor and Wood Lake jam-packed full of birds.  Drake Lake iced over--500 
gulls saw the usuals.

Thanks Gary Lefko, Nunn

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[cobirds] No Harris's Hawk [Larimer]

2017-12-11 Thread 'The "Nunn Guy"' via Colorado Birds
Hi all

I did some lunch break drive-by birding where Harris's Hawk had been 
reported.  Only stopped to scan everything up and down along Sharp Pointe 
Drive; Cottonwood Hollow, Running Deer, Archery-area, Arapaho Bend, Rigden 
Reservoir, ELC, Prospect Ponds and Kingfisher Point.  Only hawks were five 
Red-taileds.  Ton of geese at Kingfisher Point.  Got two hybrids along 
Sharp Pointe Drive--Canada x Snow Goose and Greater White-fronted x Canada 

Thanks Gary Lefko, Nunn

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[cobirds] Re: Harris’s Hawk in Fort Collins

2017-12-13 Thread 'The "Nunn Guy"' via Colorado Birds
Hi all

Ditto, 1pm-1:45pm)  two of us drive-by-birding and scanning areas at 
Running Deer-Prospect Ponds-Visitor Center-Archery-Rigden 

Thanks Gary Lefko, Nunn

On Wednesday, December 13, 2017 at 12:27:39 PM UTC-7, Austin Hess wrote:
> Searched for over 3 hours and walked 5.5 miles around Riverbend Ponds 
> Natural Area, Running Deer Natural Area, and the Colorado Welcome Center 
> without spotting the Harris's Hawk this morning (12/13/17). 
> Austin Hess
> Fort Collins, Colorado 

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[cobirds] Nunn CBC Longspurs

2017-12-22 Thread 'The "Nunn Guy"' via Colorado Birds
Hi all

We found quite a few Lapland Longspurs on the Nunn CBC this year.  Good 
spots to look are along Weld CR 122 btw 37 and 55.  Specifically at Weld CR 
122/49 there is a oil and gas operation on NW corner to its west you'll 
notice some type of seasonal stream that has water.  I had 32 Laplands 
flying in and out to the water.  Farther west near Weld CR 122 and 45 there 
is a windmill on south that had about a dozen flying around it.  I also saw 
and heard sporadically at various points about six more along Weld CR 122.

Thanks Gary Lefko, Nunn

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[cobirds] Harris's Hawk Seen [Larimer]

2017-12-26 Thread 'The "Nunn Guy"' via Colorado Birds
Hi all

I finally got best looks (so far) at Harris' Hawk today from noon-1PM along 
with seven other interested birders.  "Crappy" photos here:


It mainly hung out in large field near motorcycle business north of 
Prospect Road on I25 Frontage Road.  Seen on fence line along irrigation 
ditch chasing mallards; seen in the low shrubs nearest motorcycle 
business-perched very low could only see by parking right before the sewer 
drainage near the motorcycle driveway.  Also, seen in trees along west side 
of motorcycle business close to the building. It eventually lifted off, 
soared for a bit across I25 then circled around and veered towards Visitor 

Also, saw 2-3 Red-taileds in same area perched as well as two Great Horned 
Owls perched low in same area.

Thanks Gary Lefko, Nunn


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[cobirds] Greeley CBC Fun This Saturday [Weld]

2017-12-28 Thread 'The "Nunn Guy"' via Colorado Birds
Hi all

Some folks on the Greeley CBC (O Street Section) will have fun counting and 
sifting through the ENORMOUS mixed goose flock I saw on Sunday:


I saw plenty of Canada, Cackling, Snow, Ross's and Greater White-fronted 
Goose--could be Brant hidden in there but I could not find one.

First seven photos show entire flock.

Thanks Gary Lefko, Nunn


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[cobirds] National Geographic and Birds

2017-12-29 Thread 'The "Nunn Guy"' via Colorado Birds
Hi all

Sharing ... Nat Geo Mag embarking upon for 2018, "The Year of the Birds".  
They write ...

   - "In the January 2018 issue of *National Geographic* magazine, we kick 
   off a yearlong salute to birds to mark the centennial year of America’s 
   Migratory Bird Treaty Act. We begin with an essay by Jonathan Franzen, who 
   passionately explains why birds should matter to all of us, and why 
   continuing to protect them is a necessity."

Thanks Gary Lefko, Nunn


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[cobirds] Next "Nunn Guy" Raptor Alley Field Trip

2018-01-02 Thread 'The "Nunn Guy"' via Colorado Birds
Hi all

Details here:

   - http://coloradobirder.club/m/events/view/Raptor-Alley-Driving-Tour

Date start :  01.13.2018 : 08:30
Date end: 01.13.2018 : 14:00

Thanks Gary Lefko, Nunn


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[cobirds] Raptor Alley Scout Trip Results for Upcoming Field Trip/Weld

2018-01-08 Thread 'The "Nunn Guy"' via Colorado Birds
Hi all

I birded Raptor Alley on Sunday to scout for what is out there for upcoming 
trip this Saturday 
(http://coloradobirder.club/m/events/view/Raptor-Alley-Driving-Tour).  I 
got all of the expected species and good numbers. If that isn't enough to 
entice you to join us Lapland Longspur were easy to find and SEE at 
multiple locations.  Perfect raptor weather yesterday.

Total of 42 raptors:

   - First 37 photos here - 
   - Rough-legged Hawk - 9 (3 dark morphs)
   - Ferruginous Hawk - 4
   - Red-tailed Hawk - 10
   - Bald Eagle - 4
   - Golden Eagle - 5
   - Northern Harrier - 5
   - American Kestrel - 2 (very low total compared to my last outing of 15)
   - Prairie Falcon - 2
   - Merlin


   - Northern Shrike
   - Lapland Longspur - multiple dozens (HUGE Horned Lark flocks around)
   - Common Raven (and American Crow??) - 50-60 mobbing Bald Eagle on fence 
   line near Carr

Thanks Gary Lefko, Nunn


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[cobirds] Raptor Alley Trip Saturday Results [Weld]

2018-01-16 Thread 'The "Nunn Guy"' via Colorado Birds
 Hi all

Excellent raptor weather this weekend for the group outing.  Total of 41 

First 11 photos here - 
   Hawk - 11 (2 dark morphs), 1 at Nunn Cafe meeting place
   - Ferruginous Hawk - 3
   - Red-tailed Hawk - 8
   - Bald Eagle - 1
   - Golden Eagle - 2
   - Northern Harrier - 5
   - American Kestrel - 5
   - Prairie Falcon - 5 (one at Nunn Cafe meeting place)
   - Unknown - 1

   - Mule Deer - 2
   - Common Raven - 3
   - Pronghorn - 25+

Other birds and notes from weekend:

   (First seven photos, gigantic mixed goose flock as usual)
   - Rawhide Energy Plant reservoir wide open and full of birds
   - Windsor Lake has one nice hole in ice

Another trip being offered in next two week timeframe.

Thanks Gary Lefko, Nunn


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[cobirds] Eastern Screech Owl [Larimer]

2018-01-24 Thread 'The "Nunn Guy"' via Colorado Birds
Hi all

Spring Canyon Park's (Fort Collins) resident Eastern Screech Owl has been 
pretty regular of late 8-9AM past few weeks.

   - Photos 

   from this morning


Gary Lefko, Nunn


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[cobirds] Re: Ft. Collins Harris’s Hawk present 09:30

2018-01-29 Thread 'The "Nunn Guy"' via Colorado Birds
Hi all

Pat G. took a nice photo of the Fort Collin's Harris's Hawk: 

Thanks Gary Lefko, Nunn

On Sunday, January 28, 2018 at 9:33:08 AM UTC-7, Bill Schmoker wrote:
> Folks- I finally caught up with the Harris’s Hawk. It flew into a tree 
> along the frontage  road north of Prospect at the welcome center (I25 & 
> Prospect.) The tree is west of the road just before the hard right turn.
> Bill Schmoker, Longmont
> -- 
> /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
> Bill Schmoker  
> bill.s...@gmail.com   
> http://schmoker.org
> http://www.polartrec.com/expeditions/us-arctic-geotraces  
> <720/201-5749>
> \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\

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[cobirds] Raptor Alley Trip Results With CSU Ornithology Club [Weld]

2018-02-05 Thread &#x27;The &quot;Nunn Guy"' via Colorado Birds
Hi all

Another fantastic Saturday Raptor Alley trip with the many birders of the 
CSU Ornithology Club!  Fantastic weather and birds. Photos (~first 40):


Total raptors: 43

Accipiter - 1
Red-tailed Hawk - 6
Merlin - 1
Northern Harrier - 2
Golden Eagle - 1
Ferruginous Hawk - 11 (1 dark morph)
Prairie Falcon - 1
Bald Eagle - 6
Rough-legged Hawk - 8 (1 dark morph)
American Kestrel - 4
UNK ID - 2


Lapland Longspur - ~9
Northern Shrike - 1
White-crowned Sparrow - 1
Common Raven - 3
American Goldfinch - 22
Pronghorn - ~50

Next Raptor Alley trip probably in two weeks--stay tuned.

Thanks Gary Lefko, Nunn

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[cobirds] Harris's Hawk [Larimer]

2018-02-06 Thread &#x27;The &quot;Nunn Guy"' via Colorado Birds
Hi all

I commute by where the Harris's Hawk has been seen most mornings since he 
has been around ... today (8:15AM) he was perched nicely just off the 
frontage road north of Prospect Road and just before it curves east on low 
fence post.


Thanks Gary Lefko, Nunn


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[cobirds] Harris's Hawk Again [Larimer]

2018-02-07 Thread &#x27;The &quot;Nunn Guy"' via Colorado Birds
Hi all

It seems the window of opportunity of late is 7-9AM along the frontage road 
north of Prospect Road.  He was present for me (closest I've seen) at 
815-830AM just at the curve east.  Two other birders got great views as 


Thanks Gary Lefko, Nunn

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[cobirds] Next Raptor Alley Trip [Weld]

2018-02-08 Thread &#x27;The &quot;Nunn Guy"' via Colorado Birds
Hi all

Sat. Feb 17th details here - 

Thanks Gary Lefko, Nunn

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[cobirds] Northeast Section of Colorado Birding Trail Published

2018-02-16 Thread &#x27;The &quot;Nunn Guy"' via Colorado Birds

Hi all

FANTASTIC news in itself, as well for me, "Raptor Alley" is now included on 
the new northeast portion of the Colorado Birding Trail!  BTW there is a 
trip tomorrow at 0830 at Nunn Cafe meeting place.

Northeast Section of Colorado Birding Trail published here are new areas:

   - Raptor Alley - http://coloradobirdingtrail.com/site/raptor-alley/
   - New Pawnee Trail - 
   - New Sandsage Trail - 
   - New Prairie Oases Trail - 
   - Colorado Birding Trail - http://coloradobirdingtrail.com/
Thanks, Gary Lefko, Nunn


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[cobirds] Bird Article: 'One in a million' yellow cardinal spotted in Alabama

2018-02-26 Thread &#x27;The &quot;Nunn Guy"' via Colorado Birds
Hi all

Thought this might interest Colorado birders ... 

Thanks Gary Lefko, Nunn

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[cobirds] Last Raptor Alley Tour of Season This Saturday! [Weld]

2018-02-27 Thread &#x27;The &quot;Nunn Guy"' via Colorado Birds
Hi all

This will be last scheduled trip of the "Raptor Alley" season ... still 
plenty of raptors around.  Details here:

   - http://coloradobirder.club/m/events/view/Raptor-Alley-Driving-Tour

RSVP via email or if subscriber of Colorado Birder (URL below) you can 
click "Join" button to right on the event page (above) to RSVP.

Thanks Gary Lefko, Nunn

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[cobirds] Re: Red-necked Grebe at Fort Collins City Park Lake, 3pm 2/28

2018-02-28 Thread &#x27;The &quot;Nunn Guy"' via Colorado Birds
Hi all

Quickly left my office to see grebe-photos:  

Thanks Gary Lefko, Nunn

On Wednesday, February 28, 2018 at 2:25:07 PM UTC-7, Dave Leatherman wrote:
> Dave Leatherman 
> Sent from my iPhone 

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[cobirds] Red-necked Grebe Present [Larimer]

2018-03-01 Thread &#x27;The &quot;Nunn Guy"' via Colorado Birds
Hi all

I was at City Park at 0800 grebe was sleeping for a bit then awakened and 
was swimming and fishing until I left at 0830.  Seems content.  Viewed from 
pier on north.

More photos:  

Thanks Gary Lefko, Nunn

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