Re: Continuously running daemon process CFConstantStringRefs build up over time

2010-10-01 Thread Dave Keck
>        CFStringRef hexStringRef = CFStringCreateWithFormat( NULL, NULL, 
> CFSTR("%x"), versionValue );   <- Instruments is hi-lighting this line as 
> an allocation.

It sounds like you found the cause of your persisting string objects
so the details of CFSTR is irrelevant, but to clarify anyway: the
result of CFStringCreateWithFormat() is of course an allocation as
Instruments reported, but the format string that you supplied
CFStringCreateWithFormat() – that is, the CFString whose value is "%x"
– exists statically within your executable (in the __DATA/__cfstring
segment/section) and is therefore not an allocation.

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Re: Continuously running daemon process CFConstantStringRefs build up over time

2010-10-01 Thread Kevin Ross
Thanks a million Scott, 

I've started reading the sqlite documentation and it looks like I can adjust 
the PRAGMA cache_size to let me tweak the size of the cache.  I am only writing 
to the database with this daemon and I'll try to dig up any other options that 
might help optimize it for this scenario.  Those were the largest allocations 
in my testing and setting the cache to 10 seems to eliminate the outstanding 
malloc'ed objects.  

I still have some outstanding allocations from -[NSAutoeleasePool init] and 
+[NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop) currentRunLoop] that Foundation must be caching, but the 
memory overhead has drastically reduced under stress-testing.  

While I'm on the subject, are there any caveats to calling [[NSRunLoop 
currentRunLoop] run]; in the -(void)main of my NSOperation subclass?  In my 
testing it works wonderfully but I haven't read anything in the docs that say 
to avoid it.

Thanks again for your help,

Kevin Ross

On Oct 1, 2010, at 1:20 PM, Scott Ribe wrote:

> On Oct 1, 2010, at 2:15 PM, Kevin Ross wrote:
>> libsqlite3.dylib mallocs 35 objects that are still considered "live"
> Sqlite manages its own cache.
> -- 
> Scott Ribe
> (303) 722-0567 voice


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Re: Continuously running daemon process CFConstantStringRefs build up over time

2010-10-01 Thread Scott Ribe
On Oct 1, 2010, at 2:15 PM, Kevin Ross wrote:

> libsqlite3.dylib mallocs 35 objects that are still considered "live"

Sqlite manages its own cache.

Scott Ribe
(303) 722-0567 voice


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Re: Continuously running daemon process CFConstantStringRefs build up over time

2010-10-01 Thread Kevin Ross
Thanks for your insight Dave,

In my current implementation I do have an autorelease pool being created and 
released at the end of main, as well as inside each posted notification that 
NSFileHandle posts on each background thread.  Upon further inspection the 
largest culprits are not CFConstantStringRefs but instead non-object 
allocations inside libsqlite3.dylib being called by sqlite3MemMalloc.  The 
constant strings are indeed building but are not the largest allocations.

With one save of the managedObjectContext libsqlite3.dylib mallocs 35 objects 
that are still considered "live" even after the NSOperation that is the root of 
the call stack has since been freed.

Here is the call-stack for one of the allocations since they all seem to follow 
the same call stack:
   0 libsqlite3.dylib sqlite3MemMalloc
   1 libsqlite3.dylib mallocWithAlarm
   2 libsqlite3.dylib pcache1Fetch
   3 libsqlite3.dylib sqlite3PcacheFetch
   4 libsqlite3.dylib sqlite3PagerAcquire
   5 libsqlite3.dylib sqlite3BtreeBeginTrans
   6 libsqlite3.dylib btreeCursor
   7 libsqlite3.dylib sqlite3InitOne
   8 libsqlite3.dylib sqlite3Init
   9 libsqlite3.dylib sqlite3Pragma
  10 libsqlite3.dylib yy_reduce
  11 libsqlite3.dylib sqlite3Parser
  12 libsqlite3.dylib sqlite3RunParser
  13 libsqlite3.dylib sqlite3LockAndPrepare
  14 CoreData -[NSSQLiteConnection _executeSQLString:]
  15 CoreData -[NSSQLiteConnection _configurePragmaOptions]
  16 CoreData -[NSSQLiteConnection connect]
  17 CoreData -[NSSQLCore _loadOrSetMetadata]
  18 CoreData -[NSSQLCore _ensureMetadataLoaded]
  19 CoreData -[NSSQLCore 
  20 CoreData -[NSPersistentStoreCoordinator 
  21 MAID -[MIMaidServer persistentStoreCoordinator] 
  22 MAID -[MIMaidServer managedObjectContext] 
  23 MAID -[MIMaidOperation managedObjectContext] 
  24 MAID -[MIMaidOperation logClientData:] 
  25 MAID -[MIMaidOperation handleIncommingData:] 
  26 MAID -[MIMaidOperation dataReadFromClient:] 
  27 Foundation _nsnote_callback
  28 CoreFoundation __CFXNotificationPost
  29 CoreFoundation _CFXNotificationPostNotification
  30 Foundation -[NSNotificationCenter postNotificationName:object:userInfo:]
  31 Foundation _performFileHandleSource
  32 CoreFoundation __CFRunLoopDoSources0
  33 CoreFoundation __CFRunLoopRun
  34 CoreFoundation CFRunLoopRunSpecific
  35 Foundation -[NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop) runMode:beforeDate:]
  36 Foundation -[NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop) run]
  37 MAID -[MIMaidOperation main] 
  38 Foundation __NSThread__main__
  39 libSystem.B.dylib _pthread_start
  40 libSystem.B.dylib thread_start

With regard to the CFSTR being static within the executable

CFStringRef MICreateVersionStringFromVersionValue( UInt32 versionValue )
UniChar upperBase = 0;
UniChar lowerBase = 0;
UniChar major = 0;
UniChar minor = 0;

CFStringRef hexStringRef = CFStringCreateWithFormat( NULL, NULL, 
CFSTR("%x"), versionValue );   <- Instruments is hi-lighting this line as 
an allocation.

CFIndex sizeMatters = CFStringGetLength( hexStringRef );
//CFIndex charactersReturned = 0;

if ( sizeMatters > 3 )
CFStringGetCharacters( hexStringRef, CFRangeMake( sizeMatters - 
4, 1 ), &upperBase );
CFStringGetCharacters( hexStringRef, CFRangeMake( sizeMatters - 3, 1 ), 
&lowerBase );
CFStringGetCharacters( hexStringRef, CFRangeMake( sizeMatters - 2, 1 ), 
&major );
CFStringGetCharacters( hexStringRef, CFRangeMake( sizeMatters - 1, 1 ), 
&minor );

CFStringRef versionStringRef = CFStringCreateWithFormat( NULL, NULL, 
CFSTR("%c%c.%c.%c"), upperBase, lowerBase, major, minor );  <- Instruments 
is hi-lighting this line as an allocation even though it is being released by 
the caller of the function.

CFRelease( hexStringRef );

return versionStringRef;

The returned versionStringRef is being released from the caller of the function 
and none of the other tools are reporting this as a leak so I'm not sure why 
the system is still considers any of the memory "live".

Thanks for your help in this matter, it's been driving me crazy for a few days.


Kevin Ross

On Oct 1, 2010, at 1:00 AM, Dave Keck wrote:

> Since you're writing a daemon, you'll need to handle autorelease-pool
> creation and draini

Re: Continuously running daemon process CFConstantStringRefs build up over time

2010-10-01 Thread Dave Keck
Since you're writing a daemon, you'll need to handle autorelease-pool
creation and draining manually (something that's normally handled by
NSApplication in standard AppKit apps.) Perhaps objects are
autoreleased and placed in the root autorelease pool (that you might
be creating in main() or the like) which is never drained?

Also, how many strings are leaking? I know the frameworks cache
NSNumber instances; I'm not sure about immutable strings.

> I have run the daemon through the clang static analyzer and the Instruments 
> leaks tool but none are reporting any leaks.  I have even downloaded a fresh 
> copy of valgrind from svn and it too is not finding anything.  The 
> instruments allocation monitor is reporting that there are 
> CFConstantStringRefs that Foundation is allocating from internal methods and 
> CFSTR macros that I am using in some functions.  I'm happy to provide more 
> details of the actual call-stacks and code if necessary.

A pedantic detail: note that strings created with CFSTR exist
statically within your executable (they aren't dynamically allocated)
and therefore aren't leaks.

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Continuously running daemon process CFConstantStringRefs build up over time

2010-09-30 Thread Kevin Ross
Greetings Cocoa Developers,

I have run into a snag while writing my background daemon and I was hoping that 
there might be some people on this list that could point me in the right 
direction or suggest a workaround.  I am writing a background daemon to handle 
to field incoming software update requests for several client applications 
running in the wild.  My implementation is working great, but I seem to have a 
slow buildup of CFConstantStringRefs that are being created by internal 
Foundation calls and CFSTR macros and are  never released.  This slowly builds 
up over time and there doesn't appear to be any way to release these strings.  

I have run the daemon through the clang static analyzer and the Instruments 
leaks tool but none are reporting any leaks.  I have even downloaded a fresh 
copy of valgrind from svn and it too is not finding anything.  The instruments 
allocation monitor is reporting that there are CFConstantStringRefs that 
Foundation is allocating from internal methods and CFSTR macros that I am using 
in some functions.  I'm happy to provide more details of the actual call-stacks 
and code if necessary.

Does anyone have any idea about what could be causing this or what I can do 
about it?  While this isn't a big deal in the short term, I have seen it build 
up fairly quickly during stress testing.  I have even tried setting hard and 
soft resource limits using the launchd plist by setting the MemoryLock and 
ResidentSetSize but these are not having the expected effect of limiting the 
memory buildup.

A work around I was contemplating was to have an idle timer that kills the app 
after a time if there are no active or incoming connections so it will then be 
restarted by launchd and reset the memory.  This seems like a hack to get 
around the problem and I think I must be overlooking something.

Any help would be greatly appreciated as I've tried googling and re-reading the 
background daemon tech notes and have turned up nothing.  Thank you for your 


Kevin Ross


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