Re: TR: How to develop a web application with Cocoon

2002-11-08 Thread Bertrand Delacretaz
(note: please use reply-to instead of creating new messages when replying, to 
avoid breaking the message threads if possible)

>. . .
> HOW separate layers in Cocoon?? I have not enough experience
> in Cocoon to see the solution of the separation.
>. . .

Let me try to give a simple scenario where you want to insert data in your 
database, as an example. FE is the front-end (Cocoon for sure), BE is the 
backend (Cocoon maybe):

1. user submits an HTML form to FE:/newCustomer.html, with request parameters 
"firstname=Joe, lastname=Kool, operation=insert"

2. FE, probably using WebServiceProxyGenerator, relays the request in HTTP to 
BE:/insert/customer.xml, probably unmodified in such a simple case

3. BE process the request, inserts data in the database and returns an XML 
representation of the inserted data (or error message if it didn't work out).

This BE HTTP/XML interface is fully testable, will most probably not change 
often, even if the backend itself changes.

4. FE converts the XML data (received through WebServiceProxyGenerator) to 
the desired (probably HTML) format, adds navigation features and returns the 
generated HTML page to the user.

Does this help?

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RE: TR: How to develop a web application with Cocoon

2002-11-08 Thread Sylvain.Thevoz
Yes, the concept is very interesting.

It appears very clean and simple but the difficulty is now to translate it in 
pipelines and Cocoon concepts.

So imagine that I would use Cocoon as front-end (FE) and java classes with database 
mapping tool as backend (BE) instead of Cocoon
If I have understood (and from the Cocoon point of view):

1. user submits an HTML form (newCustomer.html) to FE with request parameters 
firstname, lastname and operation. This HTML form is produced by a Cocoon pipeline 
when the user request it. When the submit is done... 

2. ...a second Cocoon pipeline is called to collect the data and to relays it to BE 
(using WebServiceProxyGenerator or another): a java class that store the data in 
database is called.

3. this java class carry out some operations to store data or other things and returns 
some feedback.

4. the second pipeline (FE) receives the feedback (using WebServiceProxyGenerator or 
another) and finally convert it to HTML to display the result of the action.

Is this scenario completely crazy and out of reality or not??
Are there another solutions?
What do you think about?

Thank you

-Message d'origine-
De: Bertrand Delacretaz [mailto:bdelacretaz@;]
Date: vendredi, 8. novembre 2002 14:21
Objet: Re: TR: How to develop a web application with Cocoon

(note: please use reply-to instead of creating new messages when replying, to 
avoid breaking the message threads if possible)

>. . .
> HOW separate layers in Cocoon?? I have not enough experience
> in Cocoon to see the solution of the separation.
>. . .

Let me try to give a simple scenario where you want to insert data in your 
database, as an example. FE is the front-end (Cocoon for sure), BE is the 
backend (Cocoon maybe):

1. user submits an HTML form to FE:/newCustomer.html, with request parameters 
"firstname=Joe, lastname=Kool, operation=insert"

2. FE, probably using WebServiceProxyGenerator, relays the request in HTTP to 
BE:/insert/customer.xml, probably unmodified in such a simple case

3. BE process the request, inserts data in the database and returns an XML 
representation of the inserted data (or error message if it didn't work out).

This BE HTTP/XML interface is fully testable, will most probably not change 
often, even if the backend itself changes.

4. FE converts the XML data (received through WebServiceProxyGenerator) to 
the desired (probably HTML) format, adds navigation features and returns the 
generated HTML page to the user.

Does this help?

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FAQ before posting. <>

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Re: TR: How to develop a web application with Cocoon

2002-11-08 Thread Bertrand Delacretaz
On Friday 08 November 2002 15:51, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>. . .
> Is this scenario completely crazy and out of reality or not??
>. . .

That's how I would do it, but I haven't had the opportunity to test this 
concept IRL yet. Does anyone have a firsthand experience?


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