Same here. Was: [Cooker] Beta3 dies on install.

2000-06-02 Thread cteg

On Fri, Jun 02, 2000 at 02:17:05PM -0400, Eric wrote:
 The beta 3 snapshot won't install on my dual pentium II machine.
 after clicking ok on the first window of the install packages section, 
 I get a 'divide by 0'  error window.  I found no errors in any of the log
 windows except for one saying that it couldn't find kernel-smp.

I had some kind of same experience. that was weird:

Have a Tekram U2W controller and a IBM DNES 9.1 gb disk.
The following happened (expert mode)

in the partitioning tool, i cleared all partitions from my air installation
and made new ones, this time including a /boot.
Installing process went fine, but could not reboot because my root partition
is not the root partition that was installed with lilo.
Had to boot with tom's and repair/install lilo.
Ok so far, due to some issues i decided to reinstall again, and now
it begins.
After the first 7.1 installation, my scsi controller complains 
while booting up with something
like "expecting sectors xyz", that means, disk was formatted with different
I had to make some tweaks in the tekram bios. (enable 13H, disable 1GB. Why? worked 
with air)
With or without that tweak, i was not able to install 7.1 again.
After partitioning and selecting mount points, i got something like
"no base packages found". Hitting "back" brings me to partition tool,
hitting "done" again brings me to that "divide by 0" error.
Wrote fresh dos partition table to the disk, no success.
Tried that several times with different setups and configs.
Air CD shows the same error.

I had the idea to install something like a partition skeleton with a 
non-mandrake partition tool, i did that
with an old redhat distro cd. Then booted with 7.1 again, i only had
to set up the mountpoints.
Installation works then. Thats why i'm writing from hydrogen now ;).
It selected the wrong root partition for lilo again tho, but thats not that
bad, if one has tom's handy.

I have a feeling that partition tool is buggy.
It did something bad to my harddisk, dunno exactly.
Spent a whole weekend with that, i'm glad everything seems fine now.


erm, forgot to mention, i don't have beta3 and decided not to post my
experiences because my beta is kind of "outdated" (b2).
After reading the above email i thought maybe the bug is still there.

damn i'm looking good

Re: [Cooker] Announce: UnrealTournament 4.13 does work under mdk7b2

2000-06-01 Thread cteg

On Thu, Jun 01, 2000 at 07:38:43PM +0200, Kai Kohlmorgen wrote:
 Got UnrealTournament running today with OpenGL under XFree4 and latest OpenGL Nvidia 

awesome. this is really new. ;)

damn i'm looking good

Re: crypto stuff on 2nd cd ; was: [Cooker] GET READY FOR ADISCUSSION- Include the contents ofthe sit on thesecond CD

2000-05-26 Thread cteg

On Sat, May 27, 2000 at 09:03:16AM +0930, Allen Bolderoff wrote:
  By the way, what is all your opinion about xv? do you use it often?
  what do you use for fast-viewing pictures? (I don't mean processing it
  with Gimp for example)
 I use ee for fast viewing pictures
 I use gqview to see thumbnail catalog style
 I have not used xv since redhat 4.2 or thereabouts.

there's another nice one for quick viewing pics:
called "feh", using imlib2.
cli interface. very fast.
feh should be listed on freshmeat. imlib2 is available via


damn i'm looking good

[Cooker] DISCUSSION/Packages: Games, games and games

2000-05-25 Thread cteg

Include more games, different packages for different installations.
For example, include Quakeforge for different targets (Glide, OpenGL, SDL whatever) so 
that people just have to fire it up.
Include descriptions for that ("Install this package if you want to play
quake and you have a voodoo3 3000 graphics adapter")
Non-experienced (even experienced) people have problems to get games
running with their configuration ("hmmm, i have an nvidia card, do i need
mesa or utah-glx or what")
They don't know they have to compile mesa for glide if they have a
voodoo card. They just give up or bother people in irc channels.
They dont want to read 10 faqs on 10 different sites and the site with
the information they need is down.
I know all this from painful experiences.

Even the UnrealTournament kind-of-port could be included.

That would be a great improvement and would be one big difference
to other linux distributions. It's a reason for people to say wow.

There are some nice GPL'ed games.
(just to mention QuakeForge/Heretic/Hexen/Doom and lot's of others)
They all have GL ports so that would be a setup problem for most
people. They are not the newest but not anyone can afford new loki games.
And a playable configurated quake-glx would be nice, would you agree?
No one wants xbill or something (Thats billshit hehe) anymore (imho).

I'll contribute games packages for some targets/configurations,
just have to wait a week or two for more stable versions.

That was it for now


damn i'm looking good

 PGP signature

Re: [Cooker] Request: FTE-console

2000-05-20 Thread cteg

On Sat, May 20, 2000 at 08:52:47AM -0600, Vincent Danen wrote:
 On Sat, 20 May 2000, cteg wrote:
  the current FTE package has only xfte included.
  fte-console would be nice, fits better with mutt for example.
 Hi there.  Can you point me to fte-console and I'll include it in the
 package?  I'm assuming it's an external add-on?  Or is this something that
 comes with FTE by default and I just haven't included it in the
 RPM?  Thanks for any light you can shed on it.


It's in the tarball.
in /src/fte-unix.mak you can specify the targets.
It won't be built without.
Don't worry, this is not documented.
Just tried target vfte (console) from latest tarball but fails 
for some reason, i hope you have better luck/skills and can get
this one compiled.
Anyway, i'll try to track that down. Have to look close.
Thanks for taking care of that.


damn i'm looking good

Re: [Cooker] Request: FTE-console

2000-05-20 Thread cteg

On Sat, May 20, 2000 at 10:58:48AM -0600, Vincent Danen wrote:
 Yeah, I see it won't compile either.  Quick question, doesn't cfte work
 for you?  Isn't that the console version?  What's the difference between
 cfte and vfte (I haven't got a clue)?
 I'll see if there is a newer version and will try to upgrade the RPM to
 see if that makes a difference.

cfte is to recompile your configuration.
vfte is fte-console.
i haven't used vfte in linux before (just on my nt-box at the office,
there is a win version of vfte, os/2 as well) and found it would be nice
to have just like vim/gvim.
It must exist somehow ;)
Found a rpm for "conectiva linux" (??), it has all the binaries.
Binaries don't work on my system tho.
Maybe i can catch the author in #icewm (yeah he is the icewm dude)


damn i'm looking good

Re: [Cooker] Creative SB Live! Where is the Sequencer?

2000-05-13 Thread cteg

On Sat, May 13, 2000 at 11:30:29AM +1000, Ron Stodden wrote:
 Re: linux-mandrake Hydrogen (2511)
 With a new SB Live! PCI sound card followed by a virgin install of
 the above beta, I cannot play my Midi songs because it cannot open
 /dev/sequencer, suggesting it is already in use by another user. 
 That isn't true.

emu10k1 driver from creative does not support a synth device.
If you want to play midi's or listen to some classic game music,
get ALSA.
For me, Version 5.1a runs well, all other versions have their issues.
If you can't find that version somewhere, drop me a note.


damn i'm looking good

Re: [Cooker] unsusbcribe

2000-04-15 Thread cteg

On Sat, Apr 15, 2000 at 01:33:10PM -0700, Nael Mohammad wrote:
 -Original Message-
 From: Byron Miller [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Saturday, April 15, 2000 1:57 PM
 Subject: [Cooker] unsusbcribe
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.


damn i'm looking good

Re: [Cooker] 2.3.99pre5 kernel and PPPD

2000-04-15 Thread cteg

On Sat, Apr 15, 2000 at 07:41:54PM -0400, Robert L Martin wrote:
 just wondering about playing with the devkernels.
 My big problem is if i get a dev kernel to compile the pppd
 does not work but the same pppd works under my stock kernel.
 AnyDrakes with info? i have the .config and can go diving
 for files if needed.
 and no i am not using hackkernel since i have a Huappuage tv
 card and a Zip drive i want in the kernel

same problem here with pppd. died with iotrcl(TIOCSETD).

No problem with Hauppauge, i have it running with 2.3.99-pre5
Don't forget /var/shm.

I have another problem tho.
When shutting down or rebooting, umount complains about busy file systems
(/home /var /usr in my case). Trying 3 times, then rebooting.
But no filesystem-check at startup.


damn i'm looking good