Re: DeCSS Court Hearing Report

2000-01-05 Thread Eivind Eklund

On Tue, Jan 04, 2000 at 11:20:16AM -0800, Martin Minow wrote:
 Here's my translation of the law Eivind Eklund describes. Note that,
 while I am a fluent speaker of Swedish, Norwegian is a similar, but
 not identical language. This is a really quick translation and should
 not be relied upon for judicial opinion. It's free, and worth what
 you paid for it.

Thanks!  I had a translation done, but did not feel like doing it
again after I lost the copy while mishandling mail.

 S/S 39i It is permitted to create examples of a computer program's
   code and translate the code's form when this is a requirement for
   obtaining the information that is necessary to provide functional
   compatibilty between an independently developed computer program
   and other progrmms, where

'Copy' is what is meant where it says 'eksemplar' (what you've
translated to 'example').

   a) The operation is performed by a person who has the right to use an
  example of a computer program, or for the benefit of a person who
  has this right. [Sorry, sloppy: I think this means that an employee
  or consultant can do the work, not only the "person who has the right."]

This match my reading.

   b) The information that is necessary to achieve functional compatibility
  has not previously been readily available for those named in section a and,
   c) The operation is limited to those parts of the original program that
  are required to achive functional compatibility.
 The information obtained under the first paragraph may not
   a) Be used for other purposes than to provide functional compatibility
  with the independently developed computer program.
 b) Be given to others, except from when this is necessary to provide
  functional compatability with the independently developed
  computer program, or
   c) Be used for development, production, or marketing of a computer program
  that significantly duplicates the form, or in other fashion damanges
  the copyright of the program.
 These paragraphs cannot be revoked by contract.

One thing that is important in understanding norwegian law is that it
is the *intent* of the law that matters.  The intent of the law is
that proprietary dorks should not be able to block other people from
making compatible software (e.g, DVD players under
FreeBSD/Linux/whatever).  I do not believe anyone is going to be able
to argue around that in (norwegian) court; the politicians that
originally passed the law are available to be asked :-)


Re: DeCSS Court Hearing Report

2000-01-04 Thread Andreas Bogk

Sameer Parekh [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

   The DVD CCA does not have a strong case, but they will not
 back down. They have too much riding on this. As Lucky has stated,
 their entire existence is built upon licensing the CSS
 technology. Since it is no longer a trade secret, they have nothing
 left to license. The DVD CCA has expected and continues to expect to

Don't forget that the DVD CCA is only a month old. When the DVD CCA
became the licensee for CSS, CSS had already been published.

So in my opinion the entire reason for the existence of the DVD CCA is
the this very lawsuit.


"We should be willing to look at the source code we produce not as the
end product of a more interesting process, but as an artifact in its
own right. It should look good stuck up on the wall."

Re: DeCSS Court Hearing Report

2000-01-04 Thread Ray Hirschfeld

 Date: Mon, 3 Jan 2000 18:43:52 -0800 (PST)

 I'm a little confused. Are you saying that as of October it will be legal
 to do any amount of reverse-engineering, publishing, and writing to APIs
 you want without violating the original author's copyright? Does that mean
 that, say, Bsafe will have the rug yanked out from under it by allowing
 alternate non-infringing implementations?

No, October 28, 2000 is when the act of circumventing an effective
technological measure becomes a violation (with exceptions for fair
use, crypto research, reverse engineering, law enforcement, etc.).
Until then it is legal under the new copyright law.

Circumvention for interoperability purposes is already permitted, but
not as broadly as you state.  Trafficking in technology (including
software), the primary purpose of which is to circumvent effective
technological measures, is already prohibited.  I recommend that you
read Section 1201 of Title 17 for details, which is available online
at  I've
excerpted the subsection about reverse engineering below (paragraph 3
is the one I mentioned in my previous message).


(f) Reverse Engineering. - (1) Notwithstanding the provisions of
subsection (a)(1)(A), a person who has lawfully obtained the right to
use a copy of a computer program may circumvent a technological
measure that effectively controls access to a particular portion of
that program for the sole purpose of identifying and analyzing those
elements of the program that are necessary to achieve interoperability
of an independently created computer program with other programs, and
that have not previously been readily available to the person engaging
in the circumvention, to the extent any such acts of identification
and analysis do not constitute infringement under this title.
  (2) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsections (a)(2)
and (b), a person may develop and employ technological means to
circumvent a technological measure, or to circumvent protection
afforded by a technological measure, in order to enable the
identification and analysis under paragraph (1), or for the purpose of
enabling interoperability of an independently created computer program
with other programs, if such means are necessary to achieve such
interoperability, to the extent that doing so does not constitute
infringement under this title.
  (3) The information acquired through the acts permitted
under paragraph (1), and the means permitted under paragraph (2), may
be made available to others if the person referred to in paragraph (1)
or (2), as the case may be, provides such information or means solely
for the purpose of enabling interoperability of an independently
created computer program with other programs, and to the extent that
doing so does not constitute infringement under this title or violate
applicable law other than this section.
  (4) For purposes of this subsection, the term
''interoperability'' means the ability of computer programs to
exchange information, and of such programs mutually to use the
information which has been exchanged.

Re: DeCSS Court Hearing Report

2000-01-04 Thread Eivind Eklund

On Mon, Jan 03, 2000 at 11:46:48AM -0800, bram wrote:
 On Wed, 29 Dec 1999, Lucky Green wrote:
  1. CSS was reverse engineered from Xing's DVD player.
  2. Xing's player requires the user to click on a button accepting a license
  agreement prohibiting reverse engineering.
  3. Reverse engineering could not have been performed without accepting this
  license agreement.
 This may be reiterating the obvious, but isn't (3) just plain wrong?

Yes, but there are other errors, too.  The license agreement was not
valid for the person doing the reverse engineering, because he is a
norwegian, and this license agreement is in violation of paragraph 39
section i of the norwegian copyright law ("Ã…ndsverskloven"), active
from june 30th, 1995.  That's available from the following URL (in

This section specifically allows reverse engineering to get
information for product interoperability as long as you have a legal
copy to start from, and cannot be revoked by a license.

Oh, and AFAIK, click- and shrinkwrap-licenses aren't considered valid
here, either.


Re: DeCSS Court Hearing Report

2000-01-04 Thread Phil Karn

No, October 28, 2000 is when the act of circumventing an effective
technological measure becomes a violation (with exceptions for fair

But if it was an "effective technological measure", it couldn't have
been circumvented. And by circumventing CSS, wasn't it shown to not be
an effective technological measure??


Re: DeCSS Court Hearing Report

2000-01-04 Thread John Gilmore

 No, October 28, 2000 is when the act of circumventing an effective
 technological measure becomes a violation (with exceptions for fair
 But if it was an "effective technological measure", it couldn't have
 been circumvented. And by circumventing CSS, wasn't it shown to not be
 an effective technological measure??

No, read the law.  Their definition of "effective" is that it purports
to protect intellectual property.  Welcome to Wonderland, where words
mean what *Congress* says they mean.  Off with our heads!

 ``(B) a technological measure `effectively controls access
 to a work' if the measure, in the ordinary course of its
 operation, requires the application of information, or a process
 or a treatment, with the authority of the copyright owner, to
 gain access to the work.


Re: DeCSS Court Hearing Report

2000-01-04 Thread bram

On Tue, 4 Jan 2000, Ray Hirschfeld wrote:

  Date: Mon, 3 Jan 2000 18:43:52 -0800 (PST)
  From: bram [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  I'm a little confused. Are you saying that as of October it will be legal
  to do any amount of reverse-engineering, publishing, and writing to APIs
  you want without violating the original author's copyright? Does that mean
  that, say, Bsafe will have the rug yanked out from under it by allowing
  alternate non-infringing implementations?
 No, October 28, 2000 is when the act of circumventing an effective
 technological measure becomes a violation (with exceptions for fair
 use, crypto research, reverse engineering, law enforcement, etc.).
 Until then it is legal under the new copyright law.
 Circumvention for interoperability purposes is already permitted, but
 not as broadly as you state.

Specifically, is it, and will it be, legal to create an alternate
implementation of an API you didn't write?

This may be re-opening an old can of worms, but I couldn't help but notice
the extreme looseness of the encryption research exemption - 

(1) Definitions. - For purposes of this subsection - 

(A) the term ''encryption research'' means activities necessary to
identify and analyze flaws and vulnerabilities of encryption technologies
applied to copyrighted works, if these activities are conducted to advance
the state of knowledge in the field of encryption technology or to assist
in the development of encryption products; and

(B) the term ''encryption technology'' means the scrambling and
descrambling of information using mathematical formulas or algorithms.

Does breaking a proprietary algorithm 'advance the state of knowledge in
the field of encryption technology'? Is breaking protocols, with no
breaking of algorithms (as happened to ICQ) covered under (B)? Is it
illegal to point out that a product sends a challenge/response of some
trivial secret message before sending everything cleartext, since that
neither deals with the scrambling of information using mathematical
formulas or advances the state of encryption technology?


Re: DeCSS Court Hearing Report

2000-01-03 Thread Ted Lemon

 The only reason that justifies the existence of the player keys in the
 CSS scheme is control of the DVD consortium over the licensees: they
 can always threaten to revoke the player key of a given licensee if
 that licensee doesn't play by the rules (Macrovision, Region Codes,
 Now that the scheme has been published and broken, it's possible for
 anybody (and that distinctly includes the Linux folks) to build a DVD
 player. *That's* what they were afraid of. Piracy has been possible
 before, and they didn't care.

This is a _really_ good point.  It hadn't occurred to me before that a
snapshot of a DVD would work just as well as the original, given a
player with the appropriate key.   I'm me-tooing this because I think
the point you've made here deserves to have been at the top of your
article, not somewhere in the middle!   :')


Re: DeCSS Court Hearing Report

2000-01-03 Thread Ray Hirschfeld

 Date: Wed, 29 Dec 1999 20:06:32 -0800
 From: Lucky Green [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 First, basing the litigation on trade secret seems sub-optimal. Not that a
 different legal argument would be anywhere near compelling, but it appears
 that an argument based on copyright would have been a better approach.

I conjecture they did it this way because the prohibition against
circumventing effective technological measures that was added to
U.S. copyright law in October 1998 (as part of the Digital Millennium
Copyright Act, which implemented the WIPO Copyright Treaty) does not
take effect until October 28, 2000.  Cf. Title 17, Chapter 12.  The
section against trafficking in devices seems like it might apply,
though, and doesn't seem to be subject to the two-year delay.  But
reverse engineering for interoperability purposes is explicitly
permitted, and making information so obtained available to others for
interoperability purposes also does not constitute infringement under
the new law (cf. Sec. 1201 (f) (3)).

(I've just been looking at these regs as part of a separate discussion 
about DVD region codes.)

Re: DeCSS Court Hearing Report

2000-01-03 Thread Ray Hirschfeld

 From: Andreas Bogk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 01 Jan 2000 22:37:18 -0500

 Is it just me, or did the DVDCCA not exist when DeCSS was released?
 I've never heard of them, and when I tried to obtain a CSS license,
 the information I had was that CSS is licensed by some japanese
 company (which by the way didn't bother to respond to my request to
 license CSS for the purpose of building a Linux DVD player. Mistake.).

I think you're right.  According to their website, they started
licensing CSS on December 15.  See

Re: DeCSS Court Hearing Report

2000-01-03 Thread bram

On Mon, 3 Jan 2000, Ray Hirschfeld wrote:

  Date: Wed, 29 Dec 1999 20:06:32 -0800
  From: Lucky Green [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  but it appears that an argument based on copyright would have been
  a better approach.
 I conjecture they did it this way because the prohibition against
 circumventing effective technological measures that was added to
 U.S. copyright law in October 1998 (as part of the Digital Millennium
 Copyright Act, which implemented the WIPO Copyright Treaty) does not
 take effect until October 28, 2000.  Cf. Title 17, Chapter 12.  The
 section against trafficking in devices seems like it might apply,
 though, and doesn't seem to be subject to the two-year delay.  But
 reverse engineering for interoperability purposes is explicitly
 permitted, and making information so obtained available to others for
 interoperability purposes also does not constitute infringement under
 the new law (cf. Sec. 1201 (f) (3)).

I'm a little confused. Are you saying that as of October it will be legal
to do any amount of reverse-engineering, publishing, and writing to APIs
you want without violating the original author's copyright? Does that mean
that, say, Bsafe will have the rug yanked out from under it by allowing
alternate non-infringing implementations?

(Doesn't the RSA patent expire in October as well? That's a mighty funny
coincidence ... for anyone other than RSA, anyhow.)
