Re: Asaange

2020-07-28 Thread таракан
I think 'Cecilia' you are just an American UGLY TRANS

Anyway, I'm just looking how may people can join us from cipherpunk list.

so far 2

one with 10$ probability

second with 50% probability

for the other... get sleep dreams ...

last 'collective' communication

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‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
On Wednesday, 29 July 2020 г., 3:32, Cecilia Tanaka  

> On Tue, Jul 28, 2020, 21:08 Karl  wrote:
>> Hey, I was forced into a rape group and punished extensively and get very 
>> furious when I read these words of yours.
>> Just, there is diversity here, friend.
> Karl,
> I thank you very much, but don't worry so much. The guy is bored and trying 
> to start a flame war at any cost. He doesn't deserve your efforts. You know, 
> too much talk, but no much practical intelligence, or he would be working in 
> the weak points that coderman pointed us before, instead of making this 
> little show.
> I think you will really appreciate Mirimir's messages, even the technical 
> ones. He is my best "imaginary friend", one of the most comfortable persons 
> of this world. I do love him very much.
> Take care, be well. Kisses and hugs, dear. <3

Re: Asaange

2020-07-28 Thread таракан
Let us free the women via men not via ... women ;... right ?

The women-controlled society built in the USA is an abomination.

Re: F**ck ALL the non-Cypherpunks

2020-07-28 Thread таракан
Who ever said you are a woman ?

Cecília I think you are a very UGLY TRANS

Cecilia if you are not a transexual, send us a picture of your pretty sexual 
woman face holding a piece of blank paper with the number 1724353 written there

if we do not get it then you're just am ugly monster, more likely a Transexual 

F**ck ALL the non-Cypherpunks

2020-07-28 Thread таракан
So far only Mr Jim bell is cypherpunk, the rest you are just … punks right ?

Re: Asaange

2020-07-28 Thread таракан
>> Karl this is cipherpunk answer?

You know I enlisted there because of Cipher punk ...

If you're not a cypherpunk go F**ck y**ou

Re: Asaange

2020-07-28 Thread таракан
Females... stay where you are expected:

- make cooking
- make babies (if we even need them)
- clean the house

Anything more... well that's the fucking modern world where pussies DO think 

The thinking VAGINA or modern capitalism ...


2020-07-28 Thread таракан
Just watched 10 secs of the interview with Assange's .. Partner

The former 'partner' is her lawyer and in front of what?

Even if *she* makes him going out of jail it's just female understanding each 

Not like a helicopter extraction and shoot ... shoot .. Shoot
like men do :-)

 that fucking female world... sometimes I think Dombass not good enough, I 
get asylum in chechenya ...

if you think I just kidding... I really mean it and I really live there



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Re: timely as ever -- Re: Yuri Bezmenov: How To Brainwash A Nation

2020-07-28 Thread таракан
Somehow what is been described in the book looks strangely familiar ...
Actually I'm sure all this had been implemented at a large scale for the past 
decades but not by the KGB (since they are no more)
and not by the CIA (while they certainly did their best with poor Ukraine)

So why who? Or what ?

Re: communicating with police officers, narratives, discrimination

2020-07-27 Thread таракан

> > Many of the problems of police enforcement, especially unwarranted
> > violence, cannot be solved until the human officers are replaced by
> > androids.

There is not much difference between a US cop and an android now... same 
zombie, fanatic

I guess... yeah... with police robots will be much better indeed :-)
This will solve all issue. Why not also giving them power to make the law like 
the Judge Dreed character in the US comics ?

Or that robocop alternative, 'Cain' aka "you've got fifty seconds to comply"

Seriously I wonder why this list is for cypherpunks...
People here want robot-cops, praise pro-cops protesters, praise techno-control 

I'm sorry my understanding of life is ... leave me alone, let me live as I want 
and don't control me.

Re: Donbass -- Re: Assange

2020-07-27 Thread таракан


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‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
On Monday, 27 July 2020 г., 19:52, Zenaan Harkness  wrote:

> On Sun, Jul 19, 2020 at 11:46:29PM +0000, таракан wrote:
> > BTW I do not live in RUSSIA I live in DONBASS
> A helicopter extraction (or whatever) of Assange from Supermax
I did not say from supermax... so far he is not yet there

> if it were me, I thing I'd rather go to trial, get it out of the way, pay the 
> price of the result if I have to.
1) it is not you...
2) 'pay the price' is implying there is some sort of justice in the arrest of 
Assange and his 'trial'. Certainly you must be joking.
Whatever you do not like the man is another story but you should have a bit of 
honesty there and not pretending what happen against Assange is - even partly - 
the result of a legal process.

> Folks in Donbass on the other hand could no doubt make a few dollars go a 
> long way.

We can find volunteers here, also some Chechens.(note: one *always* find some 
Chechens, these guys like war and action like narcotics)

> Will you accept a small donation for improving day to day life in Donbass, 
> via PayPal?
I'm not sure if it's a joke. Hardly there is PayPal there at first (recall it's 
family-orientated lol)... secondly making life less miserable for people in 
Donbass will happen the day they win over fascist Ukraine and especially they 
mega-powerful masters, e.g. the deep fascism in the USA and Europe.

As for a commando-style extraction of Assange, it is probably extraordinary 
risky, extraordinary costly but so far it may be the only way to save him from 
a terrible fate.

I still think there are one other way, without any sort of military or risky 
action. I'm of course not speaking of any 'legal' farce.

As for helicopter extraction, it works. There is a long history of such acts. 
As for Assange which is so high-profile, that is another story.

Fw: Re: communicating with police officers, narratives, discrimination

2020-07-26 Thread таракан
Such terminology of 'bad apples' should be used for honest police officers, 
provided with ideals and eager to protect vulnerable people and defend 
innocents & punish the guilty...

Re: Bunker Fuel - black strap molasses

2020-07-26 Thread таракан

I wonder how that email survived to the SPAM filter.

Either proof of superior intelligence of Bayesian filters, either proof of 
their huge limitations...


Sent from ProtonMail, encrypted email based in Switzerland.

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‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
On Sunday, 26 July 2020 г., 12:15, Zenaan Harkness  wrote:

> Black strap molasses, either in jars or larger food grade storage containers, 
> is classified as a super food, and it's super affordable (relatively).
> From porridge to coffee, molasses is mineral rich and stores really well (if 
> you start with a large container, decant into e.g. jars for daily use 
> (minimises the risk of a large sealed bucket going mouldy etc).
> Such high density mineral supplement at such an affordable price, is rare 
> these days, and thanks to our sugar industry, should remain affordable.
> You can also mix it with ascorbic acid and warm water, or perhaps lemon 
> juice, to make morning drink.
> Zinc, Magnesium and Selenium are particularly good for men, and for quickly 
> solving muscle cramps. If you have animals including cats and dogs that you 
> may need to keep healthy in times where a vet is hard or inpossible to get to 
> or to afford, "horse molasses" is even cheaper, in bulk and supposedly lower 
> quality, but will certainly provide a treat for your cat if mixed in with 
> milk.
> If you are prepping for the apopalypse, you might even keep a written copy of 
> a "how to make licorice" recipe.
> May your apocalypse be healthy for you and yours ;)

Re: Red Bull - Official Drank o' The Alt-Freakin-Right - "you know you love 'em Ossie sheilas"

2020-07-25 Thread таракан
> From a non-US perspective, these things like BLM movement means absolutely 
> nothing for us. Some sort of marketing stunt indeed for sodas or similar 
> brands.
> Here we have 'Donbass lives matter'... actually no, they don't really matter 
> to anyone.
> Anyway a minimum of 100k death outside the USA killed by a Nazi army trained 
> by the US military isn't really to be put in balance with a dozen of Black 
> people, US citizens, killed by US police... proof that all this is just pure 
> hypocrisies like always.


2020-07-24 Thread таракан
[sans les coquilles]

I registered to that mailing list for a few weeks by now.

My surprise: no ideology, no thoughts, no 'operative' or 'operational' 
intelligence but only 'passive' intelligence, just forwarding events like 
synapses would transmit messages.

(I don't say that specifically for you Jim Bell, whether you are the 'real' Jim 
bell or a fake)

Using ideas, not 'raw feelings' is a mark of 'superior' intelligence.

Using 'concepts' not 'news' is equivalent mark.

Our 'post-whatever-modern-industrial' societies destroy intelligence to replace 
it by a fog , a swamp , a cloud of diffuse 'feelings'; 'desires' and other such 
Brownian movement orientated stuff.

Try to read Spinoza: Axioms... theorems in terms of philosophy

Concepts, theory, demonstration, examples...

Statements, analysis, synthesis ...

Whatever ...

I read the Cypherpunk manifesto... in other words: "me want privacy"

It's even an idea, as basic as it is. Even the Unabomber manifesto has more 
ideas : "me against technology, technology bad... cannot say why"

Funny enough both manifesto were written by mathematicians. I am also a 

Not all mathematicians are like Pascal or Descartes.

A mathematician is an expert in logic, symbolic abstraction and have learnt how 
to manipulate a bunch of abstract things ranging from Algebra to Functional 
Analysis or Algebraic Geometry.

Unfortunately being able of expressing ideas and ideology is an other problem...

I'm always amazed at example like Mr cedric villani... a medal fields prize who 
turned into politics but unable to express more ideas than ... 'one should 
clean the dog's shit of Paris..." or "there should be politics for ‘velibs’ 
(rent-a-bike from the town administration) "

@Jim bell (if you are the right one)

What your years in jail brought to your mind? What sort of ideology? Concepts ?

Sometimes I think that dying is easy but surviving is hard. The same I think 
going to jail is easy but defeating a bunch of special agents with guns is 


2020-07-24 Thread таракан
I registered to that mailing list for a few weeks by now.

My surprise: no ideology, no thoughts, no 'operative' or 'operational' 
intelligence but only 'passive' intelligence, just forwarding events like 
synapses would transmit messages.

(I don't say that specifically for you Jim Bell, whether you are the 'real' Jim 
bell or a fake)

Using ideas, not 'raw feelings' is a mark of 'superior' intelligence.
Using 'concepts' not 'news' is equivalent mark.

Our 'post-whatever-modern-oindustrial' societies destroy intelligence to 
replace it by a fog , a swamp , a cloud of diffuse 'feelings'; 'desires' and 
other such brownian movement orientated stuff.

Try to read Spinoza: Axioms... theorems in terms of philosophy
Concepts, theoiry, demonstration, examples...
Constatation, analysis, synthesis ...
whatever ...

I read the Cypherpunk manifesto... in other words: "me want privacy"
It's even an idea, as basic as it is. Ecven the Unabomber manifesto has more 
ideas : "me againt technology,m technology bad... cannot say why"

Funny enough both manifesto were written by mathematicians. I am also a 
Not all mathematicians are like Pascal or Descartes.

A mathematician is an expert in logic, symbolic abstraction and have learn how 
to manipulate a bunch of abstract things ranging from Algrabra to Functional 
Analysis or Algebraic Geometry.

Unfortunatelky being able of expressing ideas and ideology is an other 

I'm always amaze at example like Mr cedric villani... a medal fields prize who 
turned into politics but unable to express more ideas than ... 'one whould 
clean the dog's shit of Paris..." or "there should be politics for velibs 
(rent-a-bike from the town administration) "

@Jim bell (if you are the right one)
What your years in jail brought to your mind? What sort of ideology? Concepts ?

Sometimes I think that dying is easy but surviving is hard. The same I think 
going to jail is easy but defeating a bunch of special agents with guns is 


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Re: give a listening ear to those who might "struggle" -- [ Fwd: Fw: Interesting]

2020-07-20 Thread таракан

> I think the flu hysteria virus illustrates that the current human population 
> is hopelessly retarded(thanks to public 'education' mostly) and willing to 
> believe the most stupid lies, something that can indeed have catastrophic 
> consequences.
> What the flu hysteria has shown is that govcorp can tell the most outrageous 
> lies, and the majority of ignorant assholes (like many assholes on this list) 
> will believe them. And even advocate for more surveillace! Hey Jim, tell us 
> about the 'achievments' of musk and how google-nsa should 'track the flu'.

That crisis is the result of the madness of the ruling class and demonstrate 
how they are afraid, fearing everything with the fantasy to live in a totally 
artificial world under control. Everything that they perceive as a threat to 
their lives (e.g. the virus ...) must be wiped and destroyed with great fire. 
That biological virus is a threat for the few, probably because of their 
inherent lack of (biological) immunity.

That global power is now based on fear. Using fear as a political and social 
instrument is indeed outrageous. Nothing can be achieved with the logic of fear.

Imagine a corpulent middle-aged woman shouting like a shrew, with extreme rage, 
and - in her ugly ignorance and fear - brandishing a broom in the air ... 
you'll get a picture of our modern societies and how and who control them... 

That remind me the song of Pink Floyd

"Hush now, baby, baby, don't you cry
Mama's gonna make all of your nightmares come true
Mama's gonna put all of her fears into you
Mama's gonna keep you right here under her wing
She won't let you fly, but she might let you sing
Mama's gonna keep baby cozy and warm
Ooh baby, ooh baby, ooh baby
Of course mama's gonna help build the wall
Mama won't let anyone dirty get through
Mama's gonna wait up until you get in
Mama will always find out where you've been
Mama's gonna keep baby healthy and clean
Ooh baby, ooh baby, ooh baby
You'll always be baby to me"

'Mother' wants to keep the 7 billions 'babies' healthy and clean...

'Mother gonna ask you to wear the mask'

Re: Fwd: give a listening ear to those who might "struggle" -- [ Fwd: Fw: Interesting]

2020-07-20 Thread таракан
> Keep a disposable mask prominently displayed in your shirt pocket or
> around your neck, not only so you can use it if needed at a moment's
> notice, but to remind one another that we should look out for each
> other

These masks are perfectly useless. They are a symbol of human solidarity all 
over the world?
I would think they represent a very small piece of the gigantic fascism to come.

> We do not whow how this virus might mutate into something much worse -

Which virus? The biological one? It's the result of pollution in China mainly. 
Why it should evolve to something fundamentally different?
Biological viruses do have no such power as far as I am aware of (except in 
'blockbuster' films)

The psychological virus 'Covid-19', yes it may mutate to something 
fundamentally different, a global psychosis and madness with potentially 
catastrophic effects.

> This email has been checked for viruses by AVG.
... [sic]

Re: Assange

2020-07-20 Thread таракан
You can as well write to the pope in Vatican, you'll get the same answers.

Also, these are pre-written answers "The Queen cannot intervene in such ...

That letter never reached that Queen. I am puzzled that some idiots want to use 
that pre-formatted letter in front of a court.

These idiots with their petitions, balloons and open letters...

> .. I have received a reply back from Buckingham Palace following my >letter & 
> petition to the Queen in support of #JulianAssange some weeks >ago. The 
> response says, basically, that the Queen cannot intervene in >issues which 
> are Political. This should be used in court. > >

Re: Assange

2020-07-20 Thread таракан
>>I laud the goal of seeing Assange released.
>>But perhaps money is not going to get him out. Even the British Queen 
>>responded to the petition in relation to this, conceding it "is a political 

I think this is fake news... the Queen never took position regarding the case 
of Assange ...

>> I wonder what she really meant by that! If it is REALLY a "political 
>> matter", then it shouldn't have been brought in any criminal court, either 
>> US or UK.
>> My understanding is that in UK law, the Queen has the power to pardon. She 
>> should exercise that power immediately, and have Assange released.

The british Queen has certainly many powers, as of 2020, but she cannot 
exercise any of them ..

>> Jim Bell

What would save Assange now is money because with money you can (possibly) buy 
extraction teams.
Again, nothing else will save or free Assange... he is now on the way to 
extradition and then to court and then to supermax for the rest of his life, 
and they will make sure he stays alive but slowly becomes a zombie/vegetable.

As for 'political motives'... it's incorrect, these are 'imperial and 
ideological motives'. The man threatened (Digital) Rome and the (Digital) Power 
of Rome/Zeus/whatever must not be defied.

2,000 years ago a Christ was crucified and now in some ways Assange - which is 
to the contrary far from being without sins - is crucified by a similar power 
using different ways, hypocritical ways but probably even more horrible than 

The mad queen of Roma/ Hillary (Il-a-rit) the great is personnaly behind this 
and that vicious lady(sic) will make sure he suffers and suffers a lot because 
a woman's cruelty can far exceed a man's cruelty.

As for the 'laws' and 'democracy' it's a necessary decorum which, again, is 
very juicy (how much money spent for Assange ?)

Actually there is one and only thing that can save Assange, without the risks 
of sending a military extradition team to Belmarsh.
But don't believe I will tell there :-)

Some are working in the shadows


2020-07-19 Thread таракан
Anyone interested to [FUND THE] extract Assange from Jail - Mesrine + 
Cipherpunks style

contact me on my ProtonMail Email

BTW I do not live in RUSSIA I live in DONBASS - ONLY place to FUCK the world 
power -


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Re: Individual sovereignty -- Re: member the Fed - global debt jubilee is due about now (ish) - [PEACE] [MONEY] [FORGIVENESS]

2020-07-18 Thread таракан
> To this end, Russia.

Russia is the last untouched territory, still resisting to the 'global' system 
which is now in control of the vast majority of the planet.

But despite what you may think, this has very few to do with 'modern Russians', 
it's a more historical consequence and the result of the past events ... still 
a "mass" is present there...

'Modern Russia' is vastly awful. A perfect example of social and cultural 
emptiness, mediocrity and vulgarity. To some extent even far worse than west ...

'Modern Russia' is one thing and 'what still could exist in Russia' is one 
other thing ...

Putin is a middleman, a compromise, a perfect example of modern 'Menshevik'. In 
other terms a hypocritical political personage whose goal is to keep the 
illusion alive ... bullshit army with super-weapons made of cheap Chinese parts 
and vintage songs (very badly interpreted what's more)

Until 1991, Marxism-Leninism was ruling in Russia (USSR) ... what they - the 
communists-  achieved and constructed is still there despite the ideology been 
(purposively) destroyed.

There is an intangible "mass" present there, a 'force field' still alive that 
the other 'mass' of the west is fearing...

But All this is now invisible to the common people. The official 'ideology' of 
Russia is to drink beer, vodka, get girls, go to the nearby mall and buy good 
products and show to others how rich (sic) you are (well... how good you stole 
everything 20 years ago)

'Воры и проститутки' ... it's modern Russia and all what you will meet 
there, nothing else.

Well among that, every 100,000 of such people there remains one very different 
of 'them', a straw, a drop of water... and this is the real Russia... invisible.

Re: "unclean hands" -- Re: Fw: Re: Assange Superseding Indictment

2020-07-17 Thread таракан
The "legal team" of Mr Assange, it is before everything a juicy business... for 

'Law' is a parody there. A necessary comedy for that democratic circus. Well, 
they won't execute Mr Assange, they will make him slowly
and slowly die... to the extradition, then in the USA, then in a supermax, 
until the end, and he will be an example for the others who would like to 
try... just don't try...

Many things were wrong with Mr Assange, If you intend to be a spy, then you 
keep your profile a total secret, not showing and advertising yourself 
everywhere on TV.

If you intend to be a 'journalist' (and nothing really positive can be linked 
to that term) then it's a bad idea to act as a spy...

Finally, if you intend to create an 'open society' which is 'clean' and 
transparent and where everything is been known, that is exactly what the 
Soros-US-Democratic shit have promoted in Ukraine with the results of breaking 
the country in two...

If you mess with the US military secrets, expect reactions. In Russia, Assange 
would have been shot dead a long,long time ago for having done just a fraction 
of what he has done. Sometimes I think shot faster even  in 'democratic 
Ukraine', now after euromaidan.

Crimes of war are everywhere. War is awful. Regarding Donbass there are 
thousands and thousands of anonymous videos on youtube and elsewhere , similar 
to the 'Collateral Murders' which has produced by WikiLeaks... featuring 
horrible crimes , some fakes, some reals.
(and good luck to know which one are real and which one are fake)

So what do we learn from Wikileaks, that the USA are no better than the others 
'non-democratic' countries? What a lesson!

There is just a conclusion... whatever one may think of Assange, he certainly 
doesn't deserve such a horrible fate because Assange didn't kill anyone, didn't 
steal anyone and didn't intend to cause harm to anyone - even not to the US 
Government apparently... and I do believe he is probably a very naive person.

What happens to Assange will happen to many others. Once you're in their 
supermax, it is hard to escape.

Again, all this is a question of action... legal team is bullshit. Totally 
There are ways of making people out of jail... all depends on risks, money and 
especially motivations.

What we see is the manifestation of a hidden (and hideous) power inside the 
'democratic' countries. That power can only be fought by a group of people who 
are opposed to that power for ideological reasons. Once again, so far there are 
no ideology to unite...


Re: FCC approves the operation of 'Starlink Router' for SpaceX's internet

2020-07-17 Thread таракан
> > > so going back to your comments on ideology, notice how cypherpunks are > 
> > > just technocrats whose main interest is 'technology', not freedom.
> >
> > Everybody wants money and a piece of the cake...
> > Money is the key aspect here... PayPal used by 99% of the slaves-
> > freelancers to get their miserable payments...
> > Freedom is the essence...
> Well said.
> Ironically, this drill lockdown is leaving a lot of folks with a lot more 
> time to conteplate their lives.
> When shelter, food and water is handled, we have the space to find ourselves, 
> to make decisions like "what sort of communication network would be simple 
> and useful between small communities", and "where would we like to travel, or 
> need to travel, and how would we like to do that".
> Covid, for many at least, is a temporary halt to the Human Race.

My analysis is that there are 2 'Covid' viruses:

1) a 'strong' flu - a biological virus - which results from a combination of 
factors, I think mainly pollution.

2) a massive hysteria, collective paranoia and coordinated fear which is by far 
much more dangerous than the 'biological' virus. If our human society would be 
a network of machines, then that 'second Covid virus' would be a computer virus.

In 2) what is striking is the leading role of 'the police' and other similar 
fascist and coercive powers. People are getting beaten, fined, arrested ... or 
even killed because they dare to go in the street or refuse to wear a mask. 
Which mask is probably generally useless by the way ...  note the role of the 
media in the amplification of that fear: "That man went to a party and mocked 
Covid-19, now he's dead", just like if it was a punishment from god, at least 
from the god of Covid-19, like if Covid-9 was the punishment for our crimes and 
the mask the redemption, the police being the ministers of the 'cult'...

So what is hidden behind this madness? Nothing good? A collective madness... 
something sinister which is just starting.
Today we must get a mask to get food, tomorrow we will have to show our anus to 
get the same. This will never end.
It is a great crime than to refuse to sell food or healthcare to someone 
because that person 'does not wear a mask'.

Can we organize ourselves against that ? Creating groups? Again preppers are 
just the base, they lack 99% of what a structured parallel society would need 
to develop itself.

Re: FCC approves the operation of 'Starlink Router' for SpaceX's internet

2020-07-17 Thread таракан
> so going back to your comments on ideology, notice how cypherpunks are > just 
> technocrats whose main interest is 'technology', not freedom.

Everybody wants money and a piece of the cake...

Money is the key aspect here... PayPal used by 99% of the slaves-
freelancers to get their miserable payments...

Freedom is the essence...

Re: FCC approves the operation of 'Starlink Router' for SpaceX's internet

2020-07-17 Thread таракан
I agree that there is hardly anything to expect from Musk. In the USA, one does 
not become such a powerful person without having strong political ties with the 
Gvnt and power in place.

Musk may have some dreams and some talent, I  agree on this but knowing the 
character and how he made money from payPal which is a real piece of shit, 
which was sold billions of $ to eBay - another mega piece of shit - I have few 
hopes anything can be achieved by Musk that could benefit 'mankind" in general.

Anything that would provide alternative communications to people on earth 
should be affordable and ran by people / organizations which are not greedy or 
corrupt (good luck to find any !) ... well maybe that will be created... 
actually I am part of a group which is trying to build a free Short-Wave radio 
network for data transmissions using cryptography, sort of 'survival 
internet'... without any Musk behind.

We really may need that to keep our human knowledge. Some may know the project 
library genesis ... it's an attempt to survive what may be a Barbary 
apocalypse, a dark numerical age with a worldwide power taking suddenly control 
of everything everywhere and sending us to High-Security jails for the rest of 
our lives.

Re: FCC approves the operation of 'Starlink Router' for SpaceX's internet

2020-07-17 Thread таракан
I still think that if - for example - cypherpunks (or others) would like 
independent access to internet, they would need to use a technology that they 
understand from A to Z and more important that they can manufacture themselves.

Using internet by satellite would require the ability to manufacture satellites 
- which is not simple but doable and the ability to launch them in low orbit - 
which, with the technology of mini-launcher is also doable, while requiring a 
significant budget. Ground stations can also be manufactured... same story, 
hard to produce by small groups of people.

On the contrary Short-Waves based data communication do not require complicated 
digital processing and a ground station can be produced with relatively little 
Ground stations can be mobile enough not to stay at same place, thus avoiding 

I am unsure anyway we would really need satellites to bring internet to the 
world, since internet is already everywhere, in my opinion, we may need such 
satellites for interplanetary communications.

We're in 2020, the world space fleet is populated with ... a few Soyuz based 
solely on USSR technology (not bad but clearly slightly limited by now) and one 
or two (not sure how much) Space-X Dragon... (+ all the secondary stuff: space 
probes,... )

As for spaceships able of interplanetary travel, the fleet is ... 0

so... all that Starlink story is a marketing stunt like always.

Re: "Here's What 75 Preppers Learned During The Lockdown" -- Re: Australian's being prepped for total lockdown, no more freedom of movement

2020-07-17 Thread таракан
Preppers it's like the sandwich without the sauce, the bread etc... as a matter 
of fact just the 'raw' idea.

Here is lacking a political description of what the 'lockdown' is and what it 
represents and in fact there is need for a meta-political explanation, more in 
terms of science, technology, social changes and probably, biology.

The core question is: how to resist to it? How to organize ourselves against it 
? etc... laziness & lack of imagination seems the rule here.

Re: FCC approves the operation of 'Starlink Router' for SpaceX's internet

2020-07-17 Thread таракан
I doubt that someone in a country - X - will be able to access Starlink without 
the usual 'KYC" procedures...
Will there be a single place of registration - online ? I doubt it. I think 
Starlink will have no right to provide access to citizens of country X unless 
going via registered/accredited national operator Y from country X, which will 
apply any existing restrictive policy from country X.

Starlink will never allow a "wild" access to internet by satellite to anyone in 
the world.

Starlink is brought to you by the same guy that brought the wonderful PayPal - 
the 'family' oriented electronic wallet.
Does PayPal allow "wild" international money transfers? Of course not, better 
using Western Union.

PayPal bends to any national regulation in terms of financial control and so it 
will be the same for Starlink,,,

NK may not be an example but many countries seem more to turn like NK than the 

Creating a worldwide net using SW radio is possible but difficult. Need to 
build different radio systems and also to create efficient cryptography for 
They will never allow to play "online video games" but they can be used for the 
transfer of documenttaion, books, transfer orders scanned piece of arts,

Musk said that StarLink / quote: "is “designed to run real-time, 
competitivevideo games,”

I'm not sure musk is aware that real-Time video games would imply such games 
runs inside an operating system which is provided with a real-time kernel, but 
the point is that
StarLink IS the TOY there :-)

Imagine a group of people having only limited resources, able to access 
factories to produce "basic" electronic components ... they can build SW ground 
stations. They cannot build a StarLink ground station and they cannot produce 
or event repair a 3D printer which may be even more complicated.

What is the model? USA shining like a sun and bringing its light to every far 
remote territory of earth?
I would rather see USA as a death star, bringing death and chaos to every 
corner of our planet.

A real alternative worldwide internet system should not be based on the 
possibility to 'smuggle" technology from the USA to other territories or to 
depend on a central commercial operator which will provide worldwide internet 
like it provided worldwide payments ... with PayPal...

Re: FCC approves the operation of 'Starlink Router' for SpaceX's internet

2020-07-16 Thread таракан
> He might even offer the SpaceX internet service for free in some extreme 
> cases, such as
> Iran, Cuba, North Korea. (the tiny ground-stations might have to be smuggled 
> in.)

> Assuming the priority of North Koreans people is to get high-speed internet 
> from satellite may be a bit bold... I would rather believe their priority now 
> is more getting money for food, healthcare etc...

Also, how much would cost a ground station? How they would get access codes ? 
And How they would 'smuggle' and 'hide' such expensive ground stations This is 
totally absurd for a country like North Korea for instance. Also , again, There 
exists already many internet by satellite access, fully bidirectional so what 
that would change ?

Besides, since Iran and North Korea are under heavy embargo , I do not see how 
Starlink could be granted the right to provide internet to such territories. 
Control is easy ... The uplink of the ground station provides good satellite 
geolocation (DTO.DFO,...)

I would rather believe in a net of SW radio using data transmission (like 
PSK-31 and others) . Slow indeed but the ground sttaion can be realtively 
easily manufactured by engineers with local resources and that can be totally 
operated without governements.


Re: FCC approves the operation of 'Starlink Router' for SpaceX's internet

2020-07-16 Thread таракан
Reminds me of the Iridium project ... a great success ...

The problem is that it is impossible to maintain so many satellites, too costly 
for a small interest.

Doesn't really seem a novelty to me, I used to access ASTRA to get internet for 
many times. Of course as one can imagine it's completely anonymous ... lol ...

Would be more impressive to see real space travel...

a new ideology

2020-07-16 Thread таракан

here we come

What movement like cypherpunk are lacking ?

Brain, European Brains...

Read the "cypherpunk manifesto", it's just pathetic ... a few lines about 
privacy ...

Read the unabomber manifesto, you have a hard time believing such a garbage can 
come from apparently educated mind in mathematics... just a bunch of 
banalities... "they kill nature,,, kill them' "

Why is that? Simply because ideology is hard. It's maybe harder than 
everything. Having a lucid vision of past, present and future and what's to be 
done and achieved at the present time is the only priviledge of a few

As for Julian Assange, It's not better "want open socierty... transparency..."
well the same open society just put you in jail ... forever...

America... USA... the hyper-power with a population of most retarded people...

That's getting transparent here a nation of idiot cow-boys and their 
bit**ches cannot produce much , right ?

USA ... "the only place who switched directly from barabary to decadence" dixit 
Albert Einstein (who so far was never proven wrong)

Then we have R.U.S.S.I.A where marxism-leninism is still in the air. the last 
true idology of the human race.

Marixsm-leninism is based on real ideology from hegel at least, not something 
the sectarians americans idiots can get.

Russia got hit, badly... still on their feets...

only future ideology will come from Russia, despite the social situation of 
mafiosi-country which is ruling now.

Some have made Ukraine as a new ideology... a laboratory of control and horror 
for the Hillary Clinton power. Russia is also bad but still can be used for a 
differebnt power... a cypherpunk power or even more... but I only see asmathic 
freaks here...on this forum !

Re: Tibetan slaughter by Chinese -- Re: 100 years of shame/ a new Century of Shame for China -- Re: China reparations - returning Tibet - Wuhan China virus - [PEACE]

2020-07-16 Thread таракан
what's the fuck*** relationship with cypherpunk movement ?

Re: Free Julian Assange

2020-07-15 Thread таракан
An 'open letter' is unlikely to free Mr assange.

It's interesting that when people are in jail, the most common thought of their 
supporters is that writing letters will make them going out of jail...

Statistically speaking, most prisoners escaped jails by defeating the inner 
security of the prison by various ways (tunnels, disguise, etc...) and this 
usually involved a net of complicity (prison administration, drivers, 
helicopters, weapons etc...)

I'm afraid the same applies to Mr Assange ...

Re: brain imaging: TEDx: The most important lesson from 83, 000 brain scans

2020-07-11 Thread таракан
One important point would be if among these 83k brain scans - assuming they 
have been performed on randomly chosen people (probably not) -  there is a way 
to define two fundamentally very different categories, like say category A and 
Category B, with:

#population A={1}
#population B={82,999}


Sent from ProtonMail, encrypted email based in Switzerland.

Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.

‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
On Sunday, 12 July 2020 г., 3:19, Zenaan Harkness  wrote:

> "Did you know that psychiatrists are the only medical specialists that 
> virtually never look at the organ they treat."
> - Forwarded message from Gil May -
> From: Gil
> Date: Mon, 6 Jul 2020 20:37:19 +1000
> Subject: The most important lesson from 83,000 brain scans
> The most important lesson from 83,000 brain scans| Daniel Amen |
> TEDxOrangeCoast
> - End forwarded message -

Kanye West recently tweeted his intention to run for President in 2020.

2020-07-07 Thread таракан
I didn't know who that guy was: Kanye West...

Actually it's very credible he could become the next "president" (shall we 
still call it a president?) of the hyper-power which is ruling the world...

In Ukraine, the "president" is a former comical actor who interpreted for years 
the role of the Ukrainian president ... on TV.

After all who was Adolph Hitler...a failed clown ... a precursor of "IT"...

Are we not able to build an alternate power or are we OK to let bad clowns to 
control and guide us ?

Re: DHT algorithm cheat sheet?

2020-07-07 Thread таракан
In a DHT 'everybody' can join... imagine therefore what a botnet of millions of 
zombies machines and controlled by a single attacker could do...

BTW all these technologies - such as blockchain or DHT - are now being quietly 
transferred into permissioned systems such as Corda etc ... controlled directly 
by banks and Gvnt infrastructures and where the members can be thoroughly 

Re: in app (Java) crypt "file store"/ media cache ?

2020-07-06 Thread таракан
> The authorities are more interested in the metadata, who is
> communicating with whom. To reduce the value of this information, needs
> to be embedded in a flood of unimportant chats.

Yes this is an old technique called steganography.
This is roughly the same as publishing the date of the attack by a foreign army 
to a given target inside thousands of other - unimportant - dates, like wedding 
ceremonies published openly.

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Re: in app (Java) crypt "file store"/ media cache ?

2020-07-06 Thread таракан
>In the strict P2P concept, your friends or contacts may well get
>annoyed if you keep hitting their phone with requests for the same
>image for example.

Caching and decentralized content are 2 different things I guess

Well this is a mailing list of people who, more or less, are using technology 
and/or cryptographic science to ensure privacy for "anyone"...

In such a task, caching appears futile, unnecessary and an obvious risk. 
Therefore, better not to even considering it, that solves the issues.

I develop an embedded system for a secure communication station.
I want everything to stays transient, to be erased as soon and as fast as 
possible. I don't want that it is possible to scan the memory to intercept any 
variable, deciphered stuff etc...

In that communication station, communications can be eventually extremely 
scarce, internet very slow in extreme environments with all sort of modems 

Since this is a secure communication station, the last thing I want is to cache 
anything, simply because that is a secure system. The received data are stored 
in encrypted external components.


Re: in app (Java) crypt "file store"/ media cache ?

2020-07-06 Thread таракан
> Surely failing to cache such things is a needless deficiency which
> would be called a bug by most user's?

I wouldn't call that a bug... caching is very,very error-prone and as I said 
inherently a security problem. In other area than computation, AI, etc...  
caching is generally used for multimedia applications. I consider it as a 
stupid technique in such area. Sensitive things should never be cached...

Re: in app (Java) crypt "file store"/ media cache ?

2020-07-06 Thread таракан
The very idea of cache is unsecure by nature... it's almost always functionally 
unnecessary unless we're talking of things like memoization etc...  but since 
you mention  a "media" app, I guess that's a cache for pictures, videos etc...

Good point is: if a media app wants to really focus on security should it use a 
caching system ?


Sent from ProtonMail, encrypted email based in Switzerland.

Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.

‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
On Sunday, 5 July 2020 г., 17:38, Zenaan Harkness  wrote:

> In app media cache ought be in a crypt by default. Has anyone done this 
> before and can give hints?
> Platforms: initially android, but should be compilable for others including 
> Linux
> Object types: avatars, tweets, associated media including images and even 
> vids - whatever is in a standard social media 'stream'.
> Obviously cache needs to be parameterizable as to size, eviction policy, but 
> it's not going to be unencrypted.
> Come to think of it, FreeNet's code might be good, at the very least as a 
> tutorial - but experience is always valuable, so if you have some experience 
> you can share, please do.
> To simplify eviction, objects should be separate files, compressed prior to 
> saving, with one or more indices (also encrypted) for the application to do 
> it's thing efficiently, including store, lookup, read and re-enrypt when an 
> object is to be on-forwarded.
> Content addressed in some way of course - git has lead the way on this 
> principle - we just must make sure that if the user does not give up his 
> password, anything lying around must meet some minimum "hiddenness" standard.
> Possible libs:
> Tuweni
> ===
> Ancient Nacl-Java
> ==
> looks like a one man band, not updated for 5yrs
> Libsodium
> ==
> "complete security audit"
> ==
> Seems to be used by Tuweni
> ===
> Docs:
> Java Cryptography Architecture (JCA) Reference Guide
> =
> Tutorials:
> simple block encryption
> Java - Asymmetric Cryptography example -
> Encrypting and Decrypting Files in Java | Baeldung
> How to easily encrypt and decrypt text in Java
> Encrypt and Decrypt file/stream in Java

Re: Fw: debmirror: apt update performed "unsandboxed"? ~=> file path not readable

2020-07-06 Thread таракан
SO is full of these...


Sent from ProtonMail, encrypted email based in Switzerland.

Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.

‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
On Monday, 6 July 2020 г., 13:51, Zenaan Harkness  wrote:

> In case this is of interest.
> - Forwarded message from Zenaan Harkness -
> From: Zenaan
> To:
> Date: Mon, 6 Jul 2020 20:49:52 +1000
> Subject: debmirror: apt update performed "unsandboxed"? ~=> file path not
> readable
> This was a question, but after some digging, answered itself (see near 
> bottom), via a short recursive path analysis script showing that one path 
> component of the path hierarchy failed to have world-readable perms (a dir in 
> the middle), so in case it's useful for some:
> Local debmirror mirror, InRelease is out of date so setting 
> Acquire::Check-Valid-Until=false but getting "unsandboxed" notice/warning:
> apt update -o Acquire::Check-Valid-Until=false
> ===
> --->> 20200706@20:16:10 <<---
> Get:1 file:/public/debian/sid sid InRelease [146 kB]
> ...
> Ign:2 file:/public/debian/sid sid/main amd64 Packages
> Err:3 file:/public/debian/sid sid/main Translation-en
> File not found - /public/debian/sid/dists/sid/main/i18n/Translation-en (2: No 
> such file or directory)
> Get:4 file:/public/debian/sid sid/contrib amd64 Packages [70.1 kB]
> Reading package lists... Done
> N: Download is performed unsandboxed as root as file 
> '/public/debian/sid/dists/sid/InRelease' couldn't be accessed by user '_apt'. 
> - pkgAcquire::Run (13: Permission denied)
> E: Failed to fetch file:/public/debian/sid/dists/sid/main/i18n/Translation-en 
> File not found - /public/debian/sid/dists/sid/main/i18n/Translation-en (2: No 
> such file or directory)
> E: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones 
> used instead.
> Now when checking that file which is purpotedly causing the "unsandboxed" 
> 'download', we get this:
> ll /public/debian/sid/dists/sid/InRelease
> ==
> --->> 20200706@20:19:22 <<---
> 93K -rw-r--r-- 1 zenan zenan 143K 20200627 16:32.03 
> /public/debian/sid/dists/sid/InRelease
> Clearly that file is readable by all users.. hmm.
> So let's analyze the full path:
> $ zfile /public/debian/sid/dists/sid/InRelease
> --->> 20200706@20:25:42 <<---
>  Analyzing "/public/debian/sid/dists/sid/InRelease"
> type: /home/zenan/bin/zfile: line 9: type: 
> /public/debian/sid/dists/sid/InRelease: not found
> f: /public/debian/sid/dists/sid/InRelease
> Drwxr-xr-x root root /
> drwxr-xr-x root root public
> lrwxrwxrwx root root debian -> /Library/Lpools/zen/p1-setups_misc/repos/debian
> Drwxr-xr-x root root /
> drwxr-xr-x root zenan Library
> drwxr-xr-x root root Lpools
> drwxr-x--- zenan zenan zen
> Drwxr-xr-x zenan zenan p1-setups_misc
> Drwxr-xr-x zenan zenan repos
> drwxrwxr-x zenan zenan debian
> lrwxrwxrwx root root sid -> d00
> lrwxrwxrwx zenan zenan d00 -> d00-sid+tst+src-64
> drwxr-xr-x zenan zenan d00-sid+tst+src-64
> drwxrwxr-x zenan zenan dists
> drwxrwxr-x zenan zenan sid
> -rw-r--r-- zenan zenan InRelease
> -rw-r--r-- 1 zenan zenan 146310 Jun 27 16:32 
> /Library/Lpools/zen/p1-setups_misc/repos/debian/d00-sid+tst+src-64/dists/sid/InRelease
> /Library/Lpools/zen/p1-setups_misc/repos/debian/d00-sid+tst+src-64/dists/sid/InRelease:
>  ASCII text
> text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> {namei|readlink|/usr/bin/file} -f {file}...
> And we notice that /public/debian is a symlink and further down, this 
> suspicious dir:
> drwxr-x--- zenan zenan zen
> Culprit identified! A quick chmod a+rx /Library/Lpools/zen and the show is 
> back on the road.
> And the swanky recursive path analyzer (bash script):
> - End forwarded message -

what should be the goals of an 'evolved" technological & scientific society?

2020-07-05 Thread таракан
Question: what should be the goals of an 'evolved" technological & scientific 

- buying and selling the most 'popular' keywords ?
- making super shiny HTML5 websites for the bags sold by Karshadian (whatever 
his the correct name I don't care)
- watching (mostly stupid) videos on small devices everywhere at any moment of 
the day
- ordering pizzas with a mobile device?
- securing the money of the ones who steal fortunes?
- making all people under strict surveillance, using all sort of monitoring 
- putting 'IoT' smart (sic) devices into the asses of old people to measure the 
frequencies of their farts ?
- etc...

Not really, an evolved society should try to seek new ways of interacting with 
the universe, seeking answers about their origins, building robots to serve and 
help them, researching more knowledge and maybe more wiseness.

And before all, travelling in space, exploring the solar system and their 
galaxy. Needless to say we are far from that and everyday we get seperated from 
that evolved society by millions of kms.

Our society is people-focused... democracy as they claim... each 'people' is a 
god' with a beautiful body that smells good and a younger skin, a unique and 
beautiful creature which deserve the right to dignity and above all, a brand 
new smartphone provided with plenty of super programs. There are 7 billions of 
beautiful asses on that planet, superbs, polished and clean who 'stays at home 
to be safe' but is that really what we should have expected from a really 
'evolved' society ? Not at least a bit more ambitions than this?

Over all this, there should be a debate if digittal technology is really the 
most advanced thing we could do? We certainly need something like that but do 
we really need stuff like javascript which seems to consume the energy of so 
much young talents (sic). Computer are fascinating but so far all projects 
about 4th and 5th generations of computers were abandonned (the computers you 
dialog with, not program ) and since Android is becoming slowly but surely the 
OS of the future... I see this is a dead-end

there is surely a need for something else than digital technology but what ?

Re: If you wanna make your own open-source chip, just Google it. Literally. Web giant says it'll fab them for free • The Register

2020-07-04 Thread таракан
For Google, it's a good bargain... they collect new designs of processors for 
free and for them the fabrication cost (a few thousands $) is like a drop of 
water in the ocean.

This said I doubt this will be a massive production. First there are selective 
criteria. They will not build anything. It has to be relatively quality design 
so probably they'll only produce a few dozens per year.

Seriously a talented chip designer cannot find $2,000 to manufacture their own 

Re: If you wanna make your own open-source chip, just Google it. Literally. Web giant says it'll fab them for free • The Register

2020-07-04 Thread таракан

> Granted, I'm not sure I'd trust Google with something like this (I
> actually disable Google Chrome on my Android phones and use Firefox
> instead),

I hope you're aware that basically android = google/alphabet... so disabling 
chrome on Android won't protect you much from 'evil' google...

Re: Affirmative

2020-07-01 Thread таракан

> Fundamntal rights are fundamental for a reason - they are fundamental to 
> life, to our rights to survive, to thrive, and to merely exist.
> We cannot survive without existing.
> We cannot thrive without surviving.
> So we each individually, and collectively, are with all fundamental rights to 
> exist and to survive.

Survival defined precisely our essence, as Humans, because we are the
 very product of Survival.

If there was no need to survival, we wouldn't be Humans at all.

Which implies if, in our post-whatever-modern societies, there is no need for 
survival, there is no meaning at all to be Human.

Survival here indeed implies to survive to that giant and monstrous worldwide 
system which is been created in front or our eyes. Not destroying it, it's 
totally impossible, just escaping it or outliving it.

Re: Assange Superseding Indictment

2020-07-01 Thread таракан

> As I see it, privacy rights are inversely proportional to power over
> others.

It's a dangerous view... so unless you're totally inoffensive, you have no 
right to privacy ?

Actual system think also about the same ...

> So even if governments are necessary, which is questionable at
> best, nothing about them ought to be private. Because openness is a
> prerequisite for public oversight. And because despotism is totally
> inevitable without public oversight.

Governments are not necessary at all if we consider a population where *each 
individual* can self-govern itself. So far you can't get x people, make them 
live together without conflicts, hate, jealousy, conspiracy etc... it's human 

Here the point I think would be more to protect oneself to be spied by 
governments rather than to spy on governments.

To be able to live - simply to live in freedom - without tracking, constraints, 
control, monitoring (not only from Gov but also from other people acting as if 
they were the Government)  is a terrible challenge nowadays. No need to go and 
try to hack the secrets of corporations.(which BTW have not so big secrets ...)

Possibly a new form of resistance will be to try to simply ... live in a world 
shaped by global video-monitoring, paranoia, fear, controls, distrust, etc...

Live without having to wear masks to get food or money. Live without having to 
make selfie of your ass to get a phone number. Life without the fear to get 
video-monitored by the iPhones of people in secret. Life without having to show 
your ID at anytime to anyone dressed in something looking as a uniform with 

Yet it is claimed that a society without control would result in a large 
criminal world where several mafias would rule and you would fear to get 
wounded or killed at any corner of the street.

But 'Mafia' is also and before all a 'society' of control. Their controls are 
far more cruel than anyone can imagine.

All this isn't new, the "game changer" is technology which provide evil 
governments the way to make the planet as a giant 'supermax'.

Once again, this is probably where Cypherpunks, or others who still may have to 
come, may have a role to play as well... because this is all about technology 
(and the science behind)... one can fight against technology of controls 
(gps/sim/ai/pki/...)  only by using an equivalent - if not superior - 
technology in order to defat these technologies of control.

Re: Fw: Re: Assange Superseding Indictment

2020-06-30 Thread таракан
Assange is probably the most interesting subject in terms of Cypherpunk 

The paradox of Assange. While Cypherpunks are advocating privacy for the 
"ordinary people" (e.g. the John Does), Assange denied the right to
Governments to have as well privacy. This may look as a joke that governments 
should have as well privacy and not been open (and 'opened') but when you think 
about it,
there is that sentence from Nietzsche that says 'Wenn dulange in 
einenAbgrundblickst, blickt derAbgrundauch in dich hinein' , in other terms if 
you fight monsters, do not become one yourself and if you look deep into the 
abyss, the abyss also looks deep into you.

That say making lessons to the one who is rotting in jail is a bit too 

> ‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
> On Monday, June 29, 2020 7:51 AM, Digitalfolklore 
>  wrote:
>> Sabu posted a pic...made a bet with Jester...he also posted a blockchain 
>> address...
>> see if thats around...Sabus twitter was cloned...take the S out of 
>> anonymous...add Sabu and you';ll have the clone.
>> Also important to remember Biella Coleman met with Sabu more than once.
>> I 'll leave that for you to work out.
>> It is important to remember when your family are heroin dealers and you're 
>> the only family member not in will do anything to save the 
>> children...Sabu was in the wrong poke at the wrong time. He should have been 
>> more careful...ever notice that lovely iMac in pics?
>> There were other suspect accounts...wikileaks called out AnonIRC
>> Sabu was known in the local area as a home panel beater...he made videos on 
>> YT showing how to fix bent fendershe 'was' well known in the area.
>> VH
>> ‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
>> On Friday, 26 June 2020 7:52 AM, coderman  wrote:
>>> ‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
>>> On Thursday, June 25, 2020 9:50 PM, coderman  
>>> wrote:
>>> ...
 it should be noted in 2011 at DEF CON Sabu the rat fuck was helping FBI 
 NatSec "hack the hackers" using DirtBoxes with custom exploit chains.
>>> to be clear: Sabu didn't help write the hacks, only told them where to 
>>> point. Sabu more script kiddie than exploit dev...
>>> best regards,

Re: Any Cypherpunk there ?

2020-06-30 Thread таракан
> I'm in the USA and somebody mentioned CHAZ earlier, an autonomous secession 
> zone that sprouted here, which is inspiring. I believe we need reliable 
> secure logging of such things (restricted to the areas the residents want it 
> in) so as to know we can have future discourse around the issues they 
> struggle through. Sustainable public news on them written by residents, and 
> distribution of such news, would help, as well as collaboration between them 
> which could possibly be done with a blockchain wiki synchronized via ham 
> radio, say. I'm not near anything myself.
> Any thoughts?

Not sure if CHAZ is the Paris Commune or even could have any relation with it...

Anyway yes in general there is a need for a system which can provide news, 
information - and this could be shaped as a bulletin or a gazette.
In a way that its origin (e.g. authors, publication) could not be tampered with.

In my opinion of there would be a renewal of Cypherpunk movement, they would be 
more or less the sole consumer of their own technology.
Eg they would use the system to brodcast news to each others in such a way that 
news content cannot be altered and that the identity of the authors cannot be 
PKI + internet is certainly not the answer to that. Blockchain + Ham Radio may 
be the right solution.

making robust crypto algos using non-digital technology is not easy but 
surprinsingly it's possible. Such crypto devices uses 'basic' components which 
can be manufactured outside China without too much problems.

So yes a blockchain using ham radio and crypto on non-digital devices may be a 
solution. No PGP here, no PKI - at least in the usual meaning.

Re: Any Cypherpunk there ?

2020-06-29 Thread таракан
About the fascist farce and the "law of the masks" over the planet,
 this is like the "Reichstag Fire" technique... you put the virus somewhere (by 
accident or by malevolence) and you start to use it as a pretext to make the 
whole world submitting to your laws and you blame normal people for propagating 
the infection because they refuse to wear "the mask".

We live in a small community of 7 billion souls, all provided with a smartphone 
and driven by collective fears and psychoses.

That's hilarious to see all these idiots with their useless masks who think 
they're doing something great. If there was such a lethal virus, there would be 
piles of bodies in the streets everywhere by now.

It's just one more of these "mutating" viruses probably resulting from a 
combination of pollution, greed, malevolence, human experimentation and other 
similar manipulations.

And so what are we doing about that? Nothing... We let them imposing their 
pseudo-scientific laws with their limited knowledge of what really virus are...

By now many people start to understand that the Covid-19 isn't exactly a 
biological virus... more a virus in the mind itself... collective delusion and 

Re: Cointelegraph: Experts Split on Practical Implications of Quantum Cryptography

2020-06-29 Thread таракан
> On Monday, June 29, 2020, 09:50:46 AM PDT, Karl  wrote:
>>Jim put a lot of energy here into replying to a joke.
> I'm not aware that:
> "Scientists in China managed to exchange a crypto key at a distance of over 
> 1,000 kilometers"
>>"How can they do that?"
> is a joke.
> Actually this 50% a joke 50% serious, since the initial article did not 
> mention anything about using Quantum Entanglement and so as such the 
> challenged looked as if we were in ... 1820...

now for the 50% seriousity, I wonder how they can really use quantum 
entanglement at such a distance ... I am sceptical there and it would be 
marvelous if they really achieved what they claim they achieved... quantum 
entanglement over more than 1,000 km of distance... you flip a bit, it gets 
'instantaneously' flipped on an other part of the world, located at 1,200 km 
distance, information without matter movement, at a speed (much) faster than 

I got the explaination from Jim, still besides the obvious issues with the 
cables etc... such phenomenon as quantum entanglement relies on very complex 
experimentation and so I am not convinced at all that what they exchanged ( 
cryptohgraphic keys but in that context doesn't relaly matter ) was not used by 
"ordinary" communication, eg with matter displacement.

Re: Any Cypherpunk there ?

2020-06-29 Thread таракан
> I think the people who are whipping up before breakfast the anonymity 
> networks that could save enslaved nations, are doing most of their work in 
> private nowadays, to find more success.

Are nations really enslaved? Will these anonymity networks can really save 

I'm personally not using Tor I don't trust in it and I'm sure it's completely 
controlled by all sort of governmental systems and under heavy monitoring in 
all cases.

But anyway as you described it, anything such an impenetrable communication 
framework that would be really dangerous for 'the actual system' (eg the big 
thing who decided all the sudden we all had to wear masks all over the world) 
would be known only by a small amount of people, that's obvious. Question 
remains how these people would get to know each others in a safe way ?

Re: Any Cypherpunk there ?

2020-06-29 Thread таракан
My understanding of cypherpunks is that they are/were a group of people trying 
to defeat evil things such as, indeed, Clearview and using their deep knowledge 
of cryptography to counter the use of digital technologies by a fascist power 
(imagine the Third Reich equipped with computers...)

Tracking/Controlling people isn't really knew but let us say there was always 
... ways to escape... to find another land, another ID, where there was no 

Think about the fictional character of Jean Valjean in "Les Misérables"(the 
book by Victor Hugo) ...
As a convict he wore a mark on the arm, identifying him and had his infamous 
condition as a former forcat noted in his passport. This doesn't prevented him 
to become a notable, a rich entrepreuneur named Monsieur Madeleine.

The action is at the beginning of the XIX century in Post-revolutionary France.

Now imagine the same man in ... 2020... an escaped forcat... how can he live?, 
how can he change his identity? How can he transfer funds? Anything he will do, 
any move he will make will be noticed, tracked, recorded. The law enforcement 
will look at him everywhere , in all possible databases and if he wants to have 
a new French passport "the hard way", he shall have to tamper protected memory 
and insert false the records inside a biometric passport, which is extremely 
difficult. Corruption and social enginering may not work any more and making 
fake French passport should involve deep knowledge of cryptography...

Who can do this? Only Cypherpunks.

It can be argued that only 'criminals' should care about changing their 
identity but if you are targeted by a fascist regime, getting a new ID is a 
question of life and death.

yet to my understanding, escaping and defeating the net which is building 
itself, making the world as a gigantic jail, should be the mission of 
cypherpunks, or to whatever organization that would succeed to them.

Imagine a real fascist power taking control of the entire planet , how much 
time they need to seek and destroy opponents or individuals listed as potential 
dangers? maybe just one hour...

‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
On Monday, 29 June 2020 г., 21:44, Karl  wrote:

> On Mon, Jun 29, 2020, 2:43 PM Karl  wrote:
>> Just adding on here,
>> On Fri, Jun 26, 2020, 10:13 PM coderman  wrote:
>>> ‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
>>> On Friday, June 26, 2020 11:54 PM, таракан  
>>> wrote:
>>> ...
>>>> My understanding of Cypherpunks is - as per their Manifesto - that they 
>>>> are trying to build privacy in a world where privacy is becoming a crime.
>>>> I thought recently that the biggest 'weapon' against a fascism regime 
>>>> would be to create the inability for that fascist regime to track, locate, 
>>>> monitor and spy someone.
>>> in the words of every hacker ever: "What's your threat model?"
>>> nation state attackers are fairly infallible, unless you're personally 
>>> gifted and/or well resourced...
>> There are different degrees of being targeted. If you can stay 
>> uninteresting, there is still lots of value. (it's also quite inspiring to 
>> see targeted people using privacy technology, as not everyone is free to: 
>> and I imagine this helps talk to others without endangering them)
>>>> I walk in the street right now. Nobody knows who I am.
>>> check out Clearview AI - and remember this is a commercial, non-classified 
>>> effort!
>>> E.g.: 
>>>  ,
>> Note that many are pausing on facial recognition now due to authority abuse. 
>> The OP would be a dot in a database who might be wearing a coronavirus mask 
>> and is associated only with where he walks.
>>>> My SIM card isn't linked to any ID (true).
>>> check out "The Find", and other techniques that are designed to work 
>>> against burner phones; they attack pattern of life data exhaust across all 
>>> cell tower radios in addition to targeted attacks against specific baseband 
>>> chipsets of "selected" targets
>> Sounds like you need a lot of additional data to build a profile.
>>>> My phone cannot track me because it hasn'\t a GPS and so on ...
>>> note that tower based triangulation is nearly as effective as GPS, in terms 
>>> of geolocation privacy risk.
>> Effective, but less effecti

Re: Cointelegraph: Experts Split on Practical Implications of Quantum Cryptography

2020-06-29 Thread таракан
I quote the main title of the article:

"Scientists in China managed to exchange a crypto key at a distance of over 
1,000 kilometers"


How can they do that?

On Monday, 29 June 2020 г., 2:54, jim bell  wrote:

> Cointelegraph: Experts Split on Practical Implications of Quantum 
> Cryptography.

Re: Any Cypherpunk there ?

2020-06-26 Thread таракан
Well I guess Cypherpunks aren't necessarily trying to destroy governments, 
there are plenty of organizations doing that very well... especially their own 
secret services.

My understanding of Cypherpunks is - as per their Manifesto - that they are 
trying to build privacy in a world where privacy is becoming a crime.

I thought recently that the biggest 'weapon' against a fascism regime would be 
to create the inability for that fascist regime to track, locate, monitor and 
spy someone.

I walk in the street right now. Nobody knows who I am. My neighbor doesn't know 
my name. I rent a flat without any ID. Nobody knows my name. My SIM card isn't 
linked to any ID (true). My credit card isn't my own credit card but belongs to 
someone who doesn't know me really. I get paid in Bitcoins. I go to a local 
shop and get cash against BTC without showing any ID. My phone cannot track me 
because it hasn'\t a GPS and so on ...

I know that with the time that sort of life will be harder and harder. Hence I 
feel it is a noble task to build a system where people can live a normal life 
and stay anonymous - as they want.

Anything we want to do now, we must *prove* that we are not criminals, we must 
take pictures of ourselves, dancing in front of a webcam and so on... not for 

Interesting enough soon there will be Quantum crypto, and maybe NSA has already 
How long can we trust these good old programs such as PGP? RSA wouldn't last a 
long time against a quantum computer ...


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‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
On Saturday, 27 June 2020 г., 2:41,  wrote:

> There's some in the aether somewhere.
> The vulgarity is a side effect of free speech. But me, I'm fine with it. 
> Would much rather be able to call a spade a spade instead of guessing who is 
> what in the kayfabe of normalcy.
> But you're right a true cypher punk wouldn't be disgussing plans to subvert 
> government on an open message board
> Jun 26, 2020, 18:19 by
>> I am a Mathematician and involved in "industrial" cryptography.
>> However, I am interested in the Cypherpunk movement as described by the 
>> Cypherpunk's manifesto.
>> I am unsure if this mailing list still relates to the original Cypherpunk 
>> movement...
>> Obviously it contains many inordinate messages containing vulgar terms.
>> I also do believe that a public mailing list would be the last place on 
>> earth Cypherpunks would choose to meet and discuss but who knows?
>> ---
>> Crypto
>> --
>> --
>> Sent from [ProtonMail](, encrypted email based in 
>> Switzerland.
>> Sent with [ProtonMail]( Secure Email.

Any Cypherpunk there ?

2020-06-26 Thread таракан
I am a Mathematician and involved in "industrial" cryptography.
However, I am interested in the Cypherpunk movement as described by the 
Cypherpunk's manifesto.

I am unsure if this mailing list still relates to the original Cypherpunk 
Obviously it contains many inordinate messages containing vulgar terms.

I also do believe that a public mailing list would be the last place on earth 
Cypherpunks would choose to meet and discuss but who knows?



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