Re: [users] Re: kernel rebuild w.o./ purging 3rd-party modules?

2001-05-16 Thread MaD dUCK
also sprach Karsten M. Self (on Wed, 16 May 2001 09:30:37PM -0700):
> > Anybody know how to do kernel rebuilds in such a way that existing 3rd-party
> > kernel modules (ie  those not included in the  kernel src tree) aren't
> > removed from /lib/modules/... ? 
> Copy them off to the side, the copy them back into /lib/modules when
> you've installed your new kernel?

i don't think modules are removed. that was always my problem with
left-over modules after a kernel rebuild and subsequent non-defined
symbols when running depmod -a. but just to be sure, do as karsten

martin;  (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
al telefono: "pronto?  cantina sociale?".  "hic!".

Re: [users] potato isos

2001-05-16 Thread DvB

MaD dUCK wrote:

also sprach DvB (on Wed, 16 May 2001 08:30:15PM -0500):

I was going to burn myself a copy of potato to see how much the 
install's improved since I last ran it and noticed there are not one, 
not two, but _three_ freaking iso images (binary-i386-1 thru 3.iso) out 
there. Are they all really necessary? Or can I install off one and add 
packages via apt as I need them...

freaking whatever. use suse lately?

yes, bootdisks, or the first iso will do.

now shake off your pessimistic attitude and enjoy the debian install.

martin;  (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks :-)

Tried Susa once and really didn't like it... Mandrake's my choice for 
rpm based distros. If Mandrake shipped with apt it would be the ultimate 
linux distro :-)

Re: kernel rebuild w.o./ purging 3rd-party modules?

2001-05-16 Thread Karsten M. Self
on Mon, May 14, 2001 at 09:01:22AM -0700, Krzys Majewski ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
> Anybody know how to do kernel rebuilds in such a way that existing 3rd-party
> kernel modules (ie  those not included in the  kernel src tree) aren't
> removed from /lib/modules/... ? 

Copy them off to the side, the copy them back into /lib/modules when
you've installed your new kernel?

I don't believe you need to indicate modules to the kernel, but the
kernel versions need to match.

Karsten M. Self
 What part of "Gestalt" don't you understand?   There is no K5 cabal

Description: PGP signature

Re: in.telnetd

2001-05-16 Thread Karsten M. Self
on Wed, May 16, 2001 at 11:38:23AM -0700, Jon Hughes ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> In order to allow a friend to use a program on my machine, I wish to let
> her telnet in (I dislike telnet, but she's not allowed to install SSH :(
> ).


You're going to compromise your system's security because of some other
site's brain-dead policies?

...there are clients for any and all platforms, including clients which
can be run from floppy or java VMs.

The other possible hitch is that outbound port 22 traffic is blocked, in
which case you may want to set up an ssh port on 80 or another common
HTTP port (81, 88, 8000, 8080, 8081), or, if an authenticating proxy is
being used, find a way to tunnel IP over port 80.

If that's still not an option, then have her get a modem and dial
directly to your system or a non-fuxnored ISP, or have her negotiate
with her employer, though why she'd need to access an external system
during work hours might be a sticking point.

Karsten M. Self
 What part of "Gestalt" don't you understand?   There is no K5 cabal

Description: PGP signature

Re: mount/umount hangs after I messed with /etc/mtab

2001-05-16 Thread Karsten M. Self
on Wed, May 16, 2001 at 09:17:10AM -0700, Krzys Majewski ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
> I am unable  to mount/umount anything after messing  with my /etc/mtab
> last  night 

$ cat /proc/mounts > /etc/mtab

...and don't do that again.

Karsten M. Self
 What part of "Gestalt" don't you understand?   There is no K5 cabal

Description: PGP signature


2001-05-16 Thread b3
Hi Keneth,

The php3 and php3-mysql packages are for version 3 of php.  The
packages I mentioned are for version 4.  If you want to use version 3,
and NOT version 4, then you have the correct packages.  If you want to
upgrade to php4, install the ones I mentioned.

I'm unfamiliar with the tweaks needed to activate the php3 packages,
as I haven't installed them myself.  I know the php4 packages pretty
well, though =)

There are basically 2 things you should have to do, to make sure that
your apache install recognizes your version of php.

The first is to make sure you're loading the php modules.  In
httpd.conf, look for a line resembling the following:

LoadModule php4_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/

(this is the php4 module - yours might be or

Make sure it's uncommented.

Next, look for the following section:

# For example, the PHP 3.x module (not part of the Apache
# distribution - see will typically use:
#AddType application/x-httpd-php3 .php3
#AddType application/x-httpd-php3-source .phps
# And for PHP 4.x, use:
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps

(here I have the php4 entries uncommented, but you can see the php3
ones above it, commented out in my case.  In your case you'll probably
want the php3 ones active, and the php4 ones uncommented.)

After making sure everything is correct, stop apache with:

# /etc/init.d/apache stop

Verify that it's indeed stopped (ps aux | grep apache) and restart
it with:

# /etc/init.d/apache start

Now, in your apache docroot (default on Debian seems to be /var/www)
make a file called phpinfo.php3 (or phpinfo.php if you upgrade to
php4) containing the following:

Save it, then bring it up in a browser with:


If all goes well, you should see the php information page, which can
tell you all sorts of nifty things about your installation.

If all doesn't go well, let us know what happens.


On Thu, May 17, 2001 at 09:39:36AM +0800, Keneth wrote:
> I found that PHP3 and PHP3-MYSQL installed in "DSELECT", should I remove
> them and install the deb you mentioned?
> >
> > Very odd.  Did you install apache/php/mysql from source, or from debs?
> >
> > IIRC, when installing the debs (at least in unstable) it asks to run
> > apacheconf to set things up.  I do remember having to go in and
> > manually set the mime-type config for .php files, however.  I don't
> > recall having to touch the Add/LoadModule lines (although it'd be a
> > good idea to check)
> >
> > Here's the general set of debs I have apt install:
> >
> > apache php4 php4-dev php4-imap php4-gd php4-mysql mysql-server
> > libapache-mod-perl libapache-dbi-perl libdbi-perl libdbd-mysql-perl
> >
> > I think that's everything - if you don't want mod_perl, you can leave
> > out the last four pretty safely.
> >
> > -b3
> >
> > On Wed, May 16, 2001 at 05:09:21PM +0800, Keneth wrote:
> > > The line has been added! and I feel that there is something wrong with
> the
> > > httpd.conf. I added manually below code by myself, but doesnt seem to
> load
> > > the php modules
> > >
> > > AddModule php4_module mod_php4.c
> > > LoadModule php4_module /usr/local/apache/modules/
> > >
> > > Besides I coudlnt find after following the install guide come
> with
> > > the PHP-4.0.5 too.
> > >
> > > I am using Apache_1.3.19 and mysql.
> > >
> > > Could you help?
> > > From: "Kevin Ross" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > To: "Keneth" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 
> > > Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2001 5:03 PM
> > > Subject: Re: PHP
> > >
> > >
> > > > > Please help, my apache only load the content of a php instead of
> runnnig
> > > > it.
> > > >
> > > > Make sure you have a line in your httpd.conf file which reads:
> > > >
> > > > AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
> > > >
> > > > or, for PHP3:
> > > >
> > > > AddType application/x-httpd-php .php3
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> >
> >

Brent Bourgoine[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Geek Code Version: 3.1
G d- s+:+ a- C$ UBL+++$> P+$>+++ L++$> E$>++ W+++$ N++ o?
K w--- O M- !V PS+++ PE Y+ PGP++ t+ 5++ X+ R(++) tv(+) b+++ DI D++
G e h r++(+++) y?(+++)

Re: various selection/clipboard mechanisms in X

2001-05-16 Thread Erik Steffl
  this works with most application (I guess you already know it):

  drag left mouse button to select
  click middle mouse button to copy the selected text to focused window

  here comes the saviour:

  when it does not work, notably with staroffice, use xcutsel, try to
select, click one of the buttons in xcutsel, try to copy ... it usually
works with one button (there are only two buttons in xcutsel) or another
(depending if you copy from or to staroffice or other non-standard

  this is not much of an explanation but it might help you anyway, I was
able to copy almost everything so far (don't remeber anything I couldn't
copy), it helps a lot if you use X servers under ms windows... or use
vnc... etc...


Alan Eugene Davis wrote:
> Greetings to everyone.
> May I ask where I may find a tutorial or explanation about the use of
> the mouse under X?  I am puzzled by the variations.  Some programs can
> cut and paste into others, while others cannot.  Reading mail in
> Sylpheed, I just noticed, I was able to just highlight a URL (left
> button drag) and then just click with middle button in Netscape
> Location slot.  Then, in another instance when the url was highlighted
> by Sylpheed this didn't work.  Presumeably this is because the URL did
> not have "http://"; prefixed to it in the first instance.
> This is not  a problem isolated to Sylpheed, however.  There are three
> different selection buffer/clipboard programs, not one of which can do
> exactly what I need: xclipboard, xpaste, and xcutsel.  I haven't yet
> figured out the difference.  I think xclipboard is the best; but I
> cannot print without again copying into one of the others!  (Why can't
> I just highlight a paragraph in Netscape and print the highlighted
> region?  Emacs rules!)
> Emacs has it's own way of working with the mouse, and interoperability
> isn't assured, but it seems to be getting better recently.
> Is there some setup to get all these things talking?
> Alan Davis
> Marianas High School,
> --
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]  1-670-235-6580
> Alan E. Davis,  PMB 30, Box 10006, Saipan, MP 96950-8906, CNMI
>  I have steadily endeavored to keep my mind free, so as to give up any
>  hypothesis, however much beloved -- and I cannot resist forming one on
>  every subject -- as soon as facts are shown to be opposed to it.
>   -- Charles Darwin (1809-1882)

X hangs in mysterious ways

2001-05-16 Thread Simon Law

I seem to have a small, and mysterious problem.

I am running Sid with XFree86 4.0.3-3 on Linux 2.4.4.  My 
predicament, you see, is that my X server seems to hang the machine
whenever it fancies.  I have maximum uptimes of about 15 to 20 minutes
of usage.  If I don't touch my X server, it's fine.  If I don't use
my X server, it's fine.  I've tried MemTest86, but that passed with
flying colours.  Any suggestions for log files to look at, or diagnostics
to run?


Re: [users] Re: motherboard info

2001-05-16 Thread John Willey

On Wed, May 16, 2001 at 07:40:21PM -0400, MaD dUCK wrote:

 also sprach ktb (on Wed, 16 May 2001 06:23:07PM -0500):
 > give the executable an enviornment to work.  Finding the board number
 > would take the time of two boots and a minute or less more.  From there
 > finding the jumpers could take 10 minutes to never.

 yeah well, you have a point. but then, if i could find out the board
 model and get the jumpers from the web, it's quite possible to get the
 system back up. and if i don't, then it's saturday night and i'd hope
 my users have better shit to do anyway :>

 > If all of this is that mission critical buy a new board for 
$100.00 have the

 > machine ready with a generic kernel, slap the board in and boot.

 except for the $100 problem. no have...

In that case I don't see any other option but to go and _carefully_
open the fscker. With a flashlight and good eyesight you will find
whatever info the manufacturer printed on the board. Hopefully there
will be enough to google on (don't hold your breath, though).

Generally speaking you're SOL. You have a mission-critical server that
1) has no documentation, 2) uses obsolete hardware, 3) has to be up 24/7,
and on top of all that you have no backup machine and no money to buy one.

I've always had good luck with when 
tracking down info on mystery hardware.  OK.  So they call their 
search engines MOBOT and MoboCop, etc, etc.  It still allows you to 
do some decent searches with stats and jumper settings.

The surest way is with the BIOS string.  But, you've already said a 
reboot is out...

Good luck.

"All warfare is based on deception."
--Sun Tzu


Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free address at

Re: bothersome fsck on startup

2001-05-16 Thread Karsten M. Self
on Wed, May 16, 2001 at 10:08:52AM -0500, Andrew Perrin ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
> Folks-
> For some reason, my root mount (/dev/hdb3) *never* unmounts cleanly on
> halt or shutdown; I always get an fsck on startup. Any idea why?

How are you shutting down.

$ shutdown now

...doesn't shut down the system (poweroff or reboot), it drops to admin
(single user) mode.  To shut down fully, supply the '-r' (reboot) or
'-h' (halt) options:

$ shutdown -r now
$ shutdown -h now

...otherwise, post more data.

You should also be able to fake a shutdown by dropping to single-user
mode, unmounting all partitions other than /, turning off swap
(swapoff), then mounting root readonly:

$ mount -o remount,ro / which point you can power down the system.

It should boot cleanly.

Karsten M. Self
 What part of "Gestalt" don't you understand?   There is no K5 cabal

Description: PGP signature

Re: Woody network download

2001-05-16 Thread Carl Fink
On Wed, May 16, 2001 at 10:01:22PM -0500, Mike Thompson wrote:
> After having made root, rescue and driver disks 1 thru 4, when my system
> goes to download the base system if I choose network I get the
> following: "id: unknown user name: 0" then "[: 0: unexpected operator"
> Serveral messages later about "trying to get" I end up back at the
> install base system screen.

I tried to install Woody a couple of weeks ago.  It isn't installable
yet -- you have to install at least a minimal Potato, then
I-Con's Science and Technology Programming

Woody network download

2001-05-16 Thread Mike Thompson
After having made root, rescue and driver disks 1 thru 4, when my system
goes to download the base system if I choose network I get the
following: "id: unknown user name: 0" then "[: 0: unexpected operator"
Serveral messages later about "trying to get" I end up back at the
install base system screen.

I have successfully done this with "potato" but had problems with my
i810 motherboard and xserver so I thought I'd try "woody"

Any ideas for the newbie?
Thank you!


2001-05-16 Thread Hugh Brown

I'm running Debian 2.2, and I've got Telus (Vancouver, Canada) ADSL at
home.  Currently I'm using the 2.2.17 kernel, but I want to upgrade to
2.4.4 so I can rip CDs (my burner hangs the whole system under 2.2.17) and
get a few improvements to IPv6 networking.  Everything works fine when I
try booting 2.4.4 -- except for DHCP.  I cannot pick up a lease to save my

When I boot 2.2.17, I pick up a lease during booting in a matter of
seconds; both the LAN and the ADSL LEDs on my stock 3Com ADSL modem flash
a few times simultaneously, and then I've got the lease.  But when I boot
2.4.4, only the LAN light flashes, with increasing pauses between each
one, before it finally gives up.  When I try tcpdump, all I see are the
outgoing BOOTP requests -- nothing back from anyone.

I've compiled 2.4.4 with CONFIG_FILTER and CONFIG_PACKET.  I'm
insmod-ing ethernet modules in at boot time, but I've checked the logs and
my 2 ethernet cards are both getting the same eth[0,1] each time.  Just in
case, I tried running the dhcp clients on the other ethernet card: no
luck.  There isn't anything in the logs or dmesg about problems with the
ethernet card drivers; my LAN can be accessed just fine through the card
that isn't attached to the ADSL modem.

Different clients:  I've tried dhcpcd (my usual), tried dhcp-client and
I've tried pump.  All worked under 2.2.17, and failed under 2.4.4.  I've
tried logging the complaints to syslog (I *really* wish they had a verbose
option), and all that shows up is a complaint about timing out.

I am really at my wit's end here.  All three clients worked *straight* out
of the box under 2.2.17.  tcpdump doesn't show *any* reply from any server
when I run the clients manually under 2.4.4.  I can't find anything about
DHCP being broken under 2.4.4 on Google or Debian.  Can anyone help

The relevant part of .config for 2.4.4:


(Is it possible that the two occurrences of CONFIG_NETLINK are causing

I am now blessing your copy of "AOL for Dummies"...

St Aardvark the Carpeted
Because the plural of Anecdote is Myth.

Re: /dev/ttyS00?

2001-05-16 Thread Mark Hurley
On Wed, May 16, 2001 at 07:56:14PM -0600, John Galt wrote:
> >I'm trying to link to my agenda (through the serial cable).  But it won't 
> >work

I had to do a double take...thought I was on agenda-user?

> >because when I try to start pppd, it gives me an error (ppp line not 
> >disciplined
> >).  I was checking my kernel output, and I noticed that my serial ports are
> >ttyS00, and ttyS01 (instead of the ttyS0 and ttyS1 they used to be).  Could 
> >this
> >be the problem?  The dev files are still ttyS0 and ttyS1, which might be my
> >problem...
> If the Agenda is anything like a Palm, you don't use pppd.  You use things
> like coldsync and pilot-xfer.  Agenda's website says that they use
> Quicksync, so I'm guessing it's a degenerate HotSync (Palm's sync
> protocol).  As for the ttyS01/ttyS1 issue, go with the canonical ttyS1.
> The ttyS01 that you see in dmesg outpt is valid, but is pretty much
> deprecated outside kernelspace.

I think he's actually asking why his COM1 is ttyS00 and not ttyS0.
Sorry I cannot explain why this would be???  I have three COM ports...
ttyS0, ttyS1, ttyS2something like that.

Actually, you can use pppd.  Here is a sample line I use...

/usr/sbin/pppd -detach crtscts lock local novj proxyarp passive \ /dev/ttyS0 115200 noauth local

Mark Hurley

Re: dual NICs (fwd)

2001-05-16 Thread John Galt

I thought Matthew took this off list.  Matthew then forwarded his
questions to the list.  I now do so with my reply...  For the record, I
prefer to keep things on-list when possible.

mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Who is John Galt?

Failure is not an option. It comes bundled with your Microsoft product.
-- Ferenc Mantfeld

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 16 May 2001 16:56:06 -0600 (MDT)
From: John Galt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Matthew Sackman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: dual NICs

On Wed, 16 May 2001, Matthew Sackman wrote:

>On Wed, May 16, 2001 at 01:06:31AM -0600, John Galt wrote:
>> On Tue, 15 May 2001, Zac Epkes wrote:
>> >You can not have 1 NIC with 2 IPs simply not possible, i think u can buy
>> >network cards with upto 4 ports that all act alone, or something similar...
>> Wrong!  eth0:1 and eth0:0...  _Never_ say something's impossible...

eth0:1 is IP aliasing with one wire and one NIC

>Um I'm getting slightly confused here: what I need is one card which has two
>or more independant eth ports on it which can be assigned seperate IPs. I.e.
>not IP aliasing - each eth port has only one IP address, but each eth port
>must appear to linux as a seperate eth port, appearing in effect as if I have
>4x single eth NICs in the box.

There were hardware lists...

>Is this possible with, say, 2 of the Intel Dual Port Server NICs?

I think they just show up as 2 eepro100's.  I've never actually had one to
check, but the code for eepro.o will just go ahead and find all eepro100's
(I've used multiple eepro100's in systems, just not the 2-on-a-card ones)
in your system, and I assume they use two chips for two ports.  The only
problem is Intel's networking is a hodgepoge of first approximations and
half-supported buyouts, so my guess is that the 2-port will work after a
fashion, it may just be painful to see happen.  JMHO...

>Thanks for your help,
>> >- overid3 =)
>> >
>> >
>> >On Tuesday 15 May 2001 14:12, Matthew Sackman wrote:
>> >> Hay all.
>> >>
>> >> Does anyone have any knowledge of a network card that has two
>> >> independant eth ports on it? The reason I ask is that I've
>> >> gotta get 4 eth ports into a server squashed into a 2U rack
>> >> which means I only have 3 expansion cards available...
>> >>
>> >> I look forward to hearing from you!
>> >>
>> >> Matthew
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> --
>> mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Who is John Galt?
>> Failure is not an option. It comes bundled with your Microsoft product.
>>  -- Ferenc Mantfeld
>> --
>> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Who is John Galt?

Failure is not an option. It comes bundled with your Microsoft product.
-- Ferenc Mantfeld

shutdown -r now won't work

2001-05-16 Thread Brett
It does nothing. Just as if I typed nothing at all. The system doesn't hang;
I'm still able to use it normally. But it doesn't reboot. I'm root too. I
just did a kernel recompile but I've done a couple successful ones recently
and I've gotten pretty good at it so I don't think I messed up anything
there. Any ideas? Thanks.

Re: /dev/ttyS00?

2001-05-16 Thread John Galt
On Wed, 16 May 2001, Cameron Matheson wrote:

>I'm trying to link to my agenda (through the serial cable).  But it won't work
>because when I try to start pppd, it gives me an error (ppp line not 
>).  I was checking my kernel output, and I noticed that my serial ports are
>ttyS00, and ttyS01 (instead of the ttyS0 and ttyS1 they used to be).  Could 
>be the problem?  The dev files are still ttyS0 and ttyS1, which might be my

If the Agenda is anything like a Palm, you don't use pppd.  You use things
like coldsync and pilot-xfer.  Agenda's website says that they use
Quicksync, so I'm guessing it's a degenerate HotSync (Palm's sync
protocol).  As for the ttyS01/ttyS1 issue, go with the canonical ttyS1.
The ttyS01 that you see in dmesg outpt is valid, but is pretty much
deprecated outside kernelspace.

>Please help, thanks
>Cameron Matheson
>Do You Yahoo!?
>Get your free address at

mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Who is John Galt?

Failure is not an option. It comes bundled with your Microsoft product.
-- Ferenc Mantfeld

Re: [users] potato isos

2001-05-16 Thread MaD dUCK
also sprach DvB (on Wed, 16 May 2001 08:30:15PM -0500):
> I was going to burn myself a copy of potato to see how much the 
> install's improved since I last ran it and noticed there are not one, 
> not two, but _three_ freaking iso images (binary-i386-1 thru 3.iso) out 
> there. Are they all really necessary? Or can I install off one and add 
> packages via apt as I need them...

freaking whatever. use suse lately?

yes, bootdisks, or the first iso will do.

now shake off your pessimistic attitude and enjoy the debian install.

martin;  (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
la lune, c'est comme les canards
il faut aimer caresser les chats
pour avoir envie d'y aller.


2001-05-16 Thread Keneth
I found that PHP3 and PHP3-MYSQL installed in "DSELECT", should I remove
them and install the deb you mentioned?

> Very odd.  Did you install apache/php/mysql from source, or from debs?
> IIRC, when installing the debs (at least in unstable) it asks to run
> apacheconf to set things up.  I do remember having to go in and
> manually set the mime-type config for .php files, however.  I don't
> recall having to touch the Add/LoadModule lines (although it'd be a
> good idea to check)
> Here's the general set of debs I have apt install:
> apache php4 php4-dev php4-imap php4-gd php4-mysql mysql-server
> libapache-mod-perl libapache-dbi-perl libdbi-perl libdbd-mysql-perl
> I think that's everything - if you don't want mod_perl, you can leave
> out the last four pretty safely.
> -b3
> On Wed, May 16, 2001 at 05:09:21PM +0800, Keneth wrote:
> > The line has been added! and I feel that there is something wrong with
> > httpd.conf. I added manually below code by myself, but doesnt seem to
> > the php modules
> >
> > AddModule php4_module mod_php4.c
> > LoadModule php4_module /usr/local/apache/modules/
> >
> > Besides I coudlnt find after following the install guide come
> > the PHP-4.0.5 too.
> >
> > I am using Apache_1.3.19 and mysql.
> >
> > Could you help?
> > From: "Kevin Ross" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: "Keneth" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 
> > Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2001 5:03 PM
> > Subject: Re: PHP
> >
> >
> > > > Please help, my apache only load the content of a php instead of
> > > it.
> > >
> > > Make sure you have a line in your httpd.conf file which reads:
> > >
> > > AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
> > >
> > > or, for PHP3:
> > >
> > > AddType application/x-httpd-php .php3
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> --
> Brent Bourgoine[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> --
> Geek Code Version: 3.1
> G d- s+:+ a- C$ UBL+++$> P+$>+++ L++$> E$>++ W+++$ N++ o?
> K w--- O M- !V PS+++ PE Y+ PGP++ t+ 5++ X+ R(++) tv(+) b+++ DI D++
> G e h r++(+++) y?(+++)
> --
> --
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact

Re: potato isos

2001-05-16 Thread John Griffiths
At 08:30 PM 5/16/01 -0500, DvB wrote:
>I was going to burn myself a copy of potato to see how much the 
>install's improved since I last ran it and noticed there are not one, 
>not two, but _three_ freaking iso images (binary-i386-1 thru 3.iso) out 
>there. Are they all really necessary? Or can I install off one and add 
>packages via apt as I need them...

u can install off 3 floppies and net install the rest if you want to.

potato isos

2001-05-16 Thread DvB
I was going to burn myself a copy of potato to see how much the 
install's improved since I last ran it and noticed there are not one, 
not two, but _three_ freaking iso images (binary-i386-1 thru 3.iso) out 
there. Are they all really necessary? Or can I install off one and add 
packages via apt as I need them...


various selection/clipboard mechanisms in X

2001-05-16 Thread Alan Eugene Davis
Greetings to everyone.  

May I ask where I may find a tutorial or explanation about the use of
the mouse under X?  I am puzzled by the variations.  Some programs can
cut and paste into others, while others cannot.  Reading mail in
Sylpheed, I just noticed, I was able to just highlight a URL (left
button drag) and then just click with middle button in Netscape
Location slot.  Then, in another instance when the url was highlighted
by Sylpheed this didn't work.  Presumeably this is because the URL did
not have "http://"; prefixed to it in the first instance.  

This is not  a problem isolated to Sylpheed, however.  There are three
different selection buffer/clipboard programs, not one of which can do
exactly what I need: xclipboard, xpaste, and xcutsel.  I haven't yet
figured out the difference.  I think xclipboard is the best; but I
cannot print without again copying into one of the others!  (Why can't
I just highlight a paragraph in Netscape and print the highlighted
region?  Emacs rules!)  

Emacs has it's own way of working with the mouse, and interoperability
isn't assured, but it seems to be getting better recently.  

Is there some setup to get all these things talking?

Alan Davis
Marianas High School,

[EMAIL PROTECTED]  1-670-235-6580
Alan E. Davis,  PMB 30, Box 10006, Saipan, MP 96950-8906, CNMI

 I have steadily endeavored to keep my mind free, so as to give up any
 hypothesis, however much beloved -- and I cannot resist forming one on
 every subject -- as soon as facts are shown to be opposed to it.  
  -- Charles Darwin (1809-1882)


Re: [users] does not match kernel data

2001-05-16 Thread MaD dUCK
also sprach omicron (on Wed, 16 May 2001 03:57:53PM +0530):
>   what does it mean ? I *did* compile (and recompile ) my kernel a
> dozen it because of that ?

yes. copy the file /usr/src/linux/ to
/boot/`uname -r` and you are set. maps kernel address space to function names such that
proggies like ps, top, strace, and other debugging tools may present
the user with meaningful names rather than 32/64bit addresses.

martin;  (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
the packages come out en masse,
like minitab, systat, and sas.
the ultimate mess
is spss,
which everyone uses, alas. does not match kernel data

2001-05-16 Thread omicron
when i do `ps` , i get the following error message on stderr...

{inet_release} {inet_release_R__ver_inet_release}
Warning: /boot/ does not match kernel data.
{inet_release} {inet_release_R__ver_inet_release}
Warning: /boot/ does not match kernel data.
{inet_release} {inet_release_R__ver_inet_release}
Warning: /usr/src/linux/ does not match kernel data.

what does it mean ? I *did* compile (and recompile ) my kernel a
dozen it because of that ?

Thanks in advance..


omicron Mail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
(Sridhar N)

   C O G I T O   E R G O   S U M

Re: LILO and multiple disks

2001-05-16 Thread Barry Mathieu
On Fri, Mar 16, 2001 at 12:57:02PM -0500, Sean Morgan ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> On Wed, May 16, 2001 at 08:23:40PM +1000, Travis Place wrote:
> > i managed to get windows to boot from /dev/hdb1 by inserting this into 
> > lilo.conf...
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > other=/dev/hdb1
> >label=Win98
> >table=/dev/hdb
> >map-drive=0x80
> >  to=0x81
> >map-drive=0x81
> >  to=0x80
> > 
> > 
> > so yeah, it works...but i couldnt get it to work from /dev/hdc1
> Did you change the drive mappings to indicate hdc (0x81 becomes 0x82)?
> It won't fly if you just change "other=/dev/hdb1" to "other=/dev/hdc1".

I don't have expertise in this field, but for quite a while, when I used
to dual boot RedHat from one disk, & win95 from another, my lilo.conf
file was:

disk = /dev/hdc
sectors = 63
heads = 255
cylinders = 784

map-drive = 0x80
to = 0x81
map-drive = 0x81
to = 0x80
label = win95
table = /dev/hdc


To date, although I haven't given it a Herculean effort, I have not been
successful in modifying my Debian lilo.conf file to chose to boot from a
re-mapped hdc1.

Again, I am very much non-computer literate, and I couldn't explain the
detail of why this worked. 

Barry Mathieu

Re: log server

2001-05-16 Thread Mike Fedyk
On Tue, May 15, 2001 at 09:52:25PM -0500, ktb wrote:
> On Tue, May 15, 2001 at 09:50:39PM -0500, Bryan Andersen wrote:
> > ktb wrote:
> > > 
> > > I've set up a log server, which I fire up as -
> > > /sbin/syslogd -r
> > > 
> > > The machine I'm logging from I've recompiled Debian source and pointed it
> > > to a different syslog.conf file.  I've got it set up to log as normal
> > > but also log to the server, with the following -
> > > *.* @host
> > 
> > So your loghost machine is "host"?
> > 
> > Try looking at the logs on the source machine.  Look for error 
> > lines from syslogd.
> > 
> No the real name isn't "host" but the line points to the log server.
> No errors in the logs.  Everything is being logged as normal to console
> and the log files.  Just not fully logging to the remote log server.
> Thanks,
> kent
Please use tcpdump to test to see if traffic is actually being generated.

(assuming eth0 is the right interface) that would be:

tcpdump -ni eth0 dst or src syslog and udp port 514

s/syslog/your host/g


devfs. Virutal desktop size.

2001-05-16 Thread Ian Lee

I have kernel 2.4.2 with devfs 
Here are some the problems I 
v4l has not been setup. /dev/video is a link to 
/dev/video0 wihich does not exist.
/dev/rtc does not exist.
And the only way to get alsa sound is to run 
./snddevices each time a bootup.
There may be more but this is all I can find 
at the momoment, any help would be greatfull.
Does any one know how to disable the virtual 
desktop size?
---Outgoing mail is certified Virus 
Free.Checked by AVG anti-virus system ( 6.0.252 / 
Virus Database: 125 - Release Date: 09/05/2001

Re: [users] Re: motherboard info

2001-05-16 Thread MaD dUCK
also sprach Dimitri Maziuk (on Wed, 16 May 2001 06:56:47PM -0500):
> In that case I don't see any other option but to go and _carefully_
> open the fscker. With a flashlight and good eyesight you will find
> whatever info the manufacturer printed on the board. Hopefully there
> will be enough to google on (don't hold your breath, though).

weh. i can't but look forward to that then...

> Generally speaking you're SOL. You have a mission-critical server that
> 1) has no documentation, 2) uses obsolete hardware, 3) has to be up 24/7,
> and on top of all that you have no backup machine and no money to buy one.

well, (1) is definitely true since that machine was resurrected out of
parts and wasn't supposed to become a server. but now it's our main
cvs repository and mail server. yes, i know it's fscked, but it works.
(2) well, obsolete whatever. point: it works. i don't really care
about the 1.7 load nor do my users, but i got this spare baby lying
around and i figure i might just as well. (3) it's not really mission
critical. we aren't important people at all. so as i said: if on
saturday it screws up or someone walks in with a case of beer, the
system will be down until monday and noone will really care - *but* i
am not shooting for that.

martin;  (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Even if you persuade me, you won't persuade me."
   -- aristophanes

Re: Ati All-In-Wonder 128 Pro AGP?

2001-05-16 Thread Dana J . Laude
On Tue, 15 May 2001 13:32:49 Bart Szyszka wrote:
> Hi,
> Does anyone have any experience with setting up the
> Ati All-In-Wonder 128 Pro AGP graphics card with
> the latest task-x-window-system in unstable? I tried all
> the ati options in xf86config without any luck. When I
> run startx, all I get is a black blank screen. I know it's
> the graphics card because I tried a different monitor
> that works in Linux just fine and it got a blank screen too.
> When I press Alt+Ctrl+F1, there aren't any errors. Any ideas?
> I'm getting desperate here. Really need to get Linux working.

I'd go to and check it out.  Personally I think
the RAGE 128 Pro chipset is still not supported.  Sorry I
can't be of more help.

Found this on xfree86 for ya, but it's for 4.0.2.
Accelerated support is provided for Mach64, Rage, Rage 128 and
Radeon chips.  Unaccelerated support is provided for all of the
others except the Mach8 and some early Mach32 chips by the 

Best of luck.


Re: no mutt-ssl but we can have apacvhe-ssl? what's the deal?

2001-05-16 Thread Barry Mathieu
On Tue, May 15, 2001 at 09:29:15PM -0700, Erik Steffl ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
>   the README.Debian for mutt says:
> support 
> ~~~   
> SSL support has been disabled because debian cannot legally distribute
> binaries of a GPLed program like mutt linked with a library with a
> four clauses BSD-style license like the one of OpenSSL.
> If you want SSL support you'll have to install the libssl09-dev package
> and recompile the package yourself after editing debian/rules.
> No source changes are needed.
>   there are other *-ssl packages like apache ssl. why can't we have
> mutt-ssl? is there any chance there will be mutt-ssl in the future?
> what's the story?
>   thanks for any insight
>   erik

I'm a newbie, I have very little notion of what SSL is, or does, and if
there is a difference between OpenSSL & SSL. I have been doing some
recent reading on PGP and GPG though because I would like to try to
protect some amount of my privacy.

Anyway, I have mutt version  1.2.5-4 loaded (potato) and my
/usr/share/doc/README.Debian file indicates the following:

Experimental crypto modules
This version of mutt has been patched to dynamically load at run time
the modules needed for SSL security and Kerberos V authentication.
The Kerberos code is untested.

Needed packages:

libssl09 (for SSL support)
heimdal-lib (for Kerberos support)

Please try to break it and report any problem or success story to

I don't know if this helps, but it appeared relavant to your
information qwest.

Barry Mathieu

I'm a newbie, not a programmer, but interested in the potential power.

Re: Unable to gain access to secure sites

2001-05-16 Thread Barry Mathieu
On Wed, May 16, 2001 at 10:00:07AM +0800, Tham Kine Seng ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
> Hi to all,
>   I'm a newbie to Linux sys and I need some help here. I am unable to
> access secure sites using mozilla and netscape, is there any package
> that I should install on my Debian before I can do it? Or is it a
> Kernel thing? I am using Kernel 2.4.
>   Thanks for any help rendered.
> =
> Cheers,
> Just Me!!

>From a newbie,

I have the following packages installed and accessing secure (https)
appears to be no problem:


If you are simply going to do browsing, without need for mail,
newsreading, & simple html editor, I believe you only need to install
the navigator & netscape packages.

If you are really new to Debian, you will probably want to use
"dselect", or you can simply use "apt-get" if your sources file is
working. For example:

apt-get update
apt-get install netscape-base-477

By the way, I remember seeing a thread recently in this mailing list
that provided some information on what netscape packages to install for
just web browsing. 

I have tried Mozilla, and for the beginner I don't
think it is the way to go. Similar problem, couldn't access
secure sites. Yes, I do think there is a way this can be fixed by
downloading some software.

If you are watching this mailing list, you
may be interested in another thread that has something like, "browser
review" in the subject.

Good Luck!
Barry Mathieu

Re: [users] Re: motherboard info

2001-05-16 Thread Dimitri Maziuk
On Wed, May 16, 2001 at 07:40:21PM -0400, MaD dUCK wrote:
> also sprach ktb (on Wed, 16 May 2001 06:23:07PM -0500):
> > give the executable an enviornment to work.  Finding the board number
> > would take the time of two boots and a minute or less more.  From there
> > finding the jumpers could take 10 minutes to never.
> yeah well, you have a point. but then, if i could find out the board
> model and get the jumpers from the web, it's quite possible to get the
> system back up. and if i don't, then it's saturday night and i'd hope
> my users have better shit to do anyway :>
> > If all of this is that mission critical buy a new board for $100.00 have the
> > machine ready with a generic kernel, slap the board in and boot.
> except for the $100 problem. no have... 

In that case I don't see any other option but to go and _carefully_
open the fscker. With a flashlight and good eyesight you will find
whatever info the manufacturer printed on the board. Hopefully there
will be enough to google on (don't hold your breath, though).

Generally speaking you're SOL. You have a mission-critical server that
1) has no documentation, 2) uses obsolete hardware, 3) has to be up 24/7,
and on top of all that you have no backup machine and no money to buy one.

E-mail dmaziuk at bmrb dot wisc dot edu (@work) or at crosswinds dot net (@home) -- GnuPG 1.0.4 public key
We're sysadmins. Sanity happens to other people. -- Chris King in asr

thankyou for debian jr

2001-05-16 Thread Fred Heltsley
I love you man!

I have been trying like hell to get my local lug to adopt a young linux
user program of some sort.

Fred Heltsley

Dpkg broken.

2001-05-16 Thread Kieren Diment

I was trying to install LyX, with dpkg -i lyx*.deb, but was told that 
libforms0.89 was not installed.

So after that I kept making errors, downloading libforms-bin and
installing that by mistake, downloading libforms and Lyx for the wrong
Architecture (Mk68 and Sparc) by mistake.  I finally got the correct
deb files on my local machine and tried (as root)

# dpkg -i libforms0.89_0.89-9.deb 

and got the following error message

Selecting previously deselected package libforms0.89.
(Reading database ... dpkg: error processing libforms0.89_0.89-9.deb 
 files list file for package `procmail' contains empty filename
Errors were encountered while processing:
Processing was halted because there were too many errors.

The same error was generated when I tried a-t-get remove procmail
(thought that re-installing procmail might cure the problem), and now
my system is un-upgradeable.

Can anyone help me fix dpkg.  I just found that I was making too many
trpoes with LaTeX commands and not identifying them until it was too
late, , and I would like an easier life with LxY.

Thanks in advance.


Re: in.telnetd

2001-05-16 Thread Chris Cyll
On Wednesday 16 May 2001 13:38, Jon Hughes wrote:
> In order to allow a friend to use a program on my
> machine, I wish to let her telnet in (I dislike
> telnet, but she's not allowed to install SSH :( ).

How about MindTerm?  An ssh client in a java applet.  How's that for 
portable?  Can be run with a jre or with Netscape (version >= 4.06) or 
Internet Explorer (version >= 4), so no installation required!  Might be a 
better solution.  Here's the webpage:

Good luck!

-Chris Cyll

Re: [users] Re: motherboard info

2001-05-16 Thread MaD dUCK
also sprach ktb (on Wed, 16 May 2001 06:23:07PM -0500):
> give the executable an enviornment to work.  Finding the board number
> would take the time of two boots and a minute or less more.  From there
> finding the jumpers could take 10 minutes to never.

yeah well, you have a point. but then, if i could find out the board
model and get the jumpers from the web, it's quite possible to get the
system back up. and if i don't, then it's saturday night and i'd hope
my users have better shit to do anyway :>

> If all of this is that mission critical buy a new board for $100.00 have the
> machine ready with a generic kernel, slap the board in and boot.

except for the $100 problem. no have... 

martin;  (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"we should have a volleyballocracy.
 we elect a six-pack of presidents.
 each one serves until they screw up,
 at which point they rotate."
  -- dennis miller

Re: [users] Re: motherboard info

2001-05-16 Thread ktb
On Wed, May 16, 2001 at 07:16:17PM -0400, MaD dUCK wrote:
> also sprach ktb (on Wed, 16 May 2001 05:24:46PM -0500):
> > Maybe this isn't a lot of help but there is a couple of programs out
> > there that fit on a windows floppy that tells you the board number. That
> > can be used to find the manufacture and hopefully the documentation from
> > there.  I used it once a year ago and it worked well.  I just searched
> > on the net and found it.  I'll do some poking around and see what I can
> > come up with.
> thanks. but i want to minimized downtime and the system can only go
> down saturday night and only for at most 1 hour. so floppy boot isn't
> an option, and windoze definitely not in any case.

Sounds to me like you need to set up a backup server.  Give yourself
some time to work on this.  At any rate you don't need windows on the
server for the boot disk to work.  The windows boot is just a means to
give the executable an enviornment to work.  Finding the board number
would take the time of two boots and a minute or less more.  From there
finding the jumpers could take 10 minutes to never.

If all of this is that mission critical buy a new board for $100.00 have the
machine ready with a generic kernel, slap the board in and boot.

 From seeing and seeing the seeing has become so exhausted
 First line of "The Panther" - R. M. Rilke

Re: [: Re: dual NICs]

2001-05-16 Thread Brandon High
On Wed, May 16, 2001 at 11:22:06PM +0100, Matthew Sackman wrote:
> Um I'm getting slightly confused here: what I need is one card which has two
> or more independant eth ports on it which can be assigned seperate IPs. I.e.
> not IP aliasing - each eth port has only one IP address, but each eth port
> must appear to linux as a seperate eth port, appearing in effect as if I have
> 4x single eth NICs in the box.
> Is this possible with, say, 2 of the Intel Dual Port Server NICs?

If the chipset is supported, you should be able to use them. The card will
probably be assigned eth0 and eth1.

Check to see if the chipset is
listed with any notes.


Just think: in a few million years, Barney will be motor oil.

Re: [users] Re: motherboard info

2001-05-16 Thread MaD dUCK
also sprach ktb (on Wed, 16 May 2001 05:24:46PM -0500):
> Maybe this isn't a lot of help but there is a couple of programs out
> there that fit on a windows floppy that tells you the board number. That
> can be used to find the manufacture and hopefully the documentation from
> there.  I used it once a year ago and it worked well.  I just searched
> on the net and found it.  I'll do some poking around and see what I can
> come up with.

thanks. but i want to minimized downtime and the system can only go
down saturday night and only for at most 1 hour. so floppy boot isn't
an option, and windoze definitely not in any case.

martin;  (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
i am willing to make the mistakes
if someone else is willing to learn from them.

Re: woody

2001-05-16 Thread Karshi Hasanov

 I wasn't able to run the Xserver of potato-2.2r2, so I had to give up using it.

I'll try agian, see if my video card can run on SVGA server.


Martin Würtele wrote:

> On Wed, May 16, 2001 at 06:21:50PM -0500, Karshi Hasanov wrote:
> >
> >
> >  I want to install 'woody' but don't know where to start. Is there the
> > ISO image
> > of woody avaible ? If not , then what other method you would recommend
> > me to use.
> >  I've tried the potato 2.2r2, but it does not support my video card
> > (Voodoo5).
> if you still have potato install edit your /etc/apt/sources.list and replace
> stable (or potato) with testing (or woody). then do an apt-get update
> followed by an apt-get dist-upgrade and you have woody.
> it seems you're new to debian so i sugest you stick to potato but add some
> unoffical sources for kernel 2.4 and xfree 4 so you grafic card will work.
> this offers you the advantage of a stable system.
> unofficial sources:
> # Kernel 2.4
> deb potato main
> deb-src potato main
> # XFree 4 (requires kernel 2.4)
> deb xf402_potato/i386/
> yours martin
> --
> GnuPG 1024D/3E8DCCC0 30DC 1D28 1D79 32F5 5E67  3ABB 28EE B35A 3E8D CCC0
>work: factline Krisper Fabro Harnoncourt OEG (
> --
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [offtopic] recommendation on resources (books, websites) on object oriented programming?

2001-05-16 Thread Eric Richardson
Walter Tautz wrote:
>  Just wondering if there are any books that explain in detail with
> real-world (non-trivial) examples just what the OOP is about and
> why it might be a good idea to use it. I have no particular
> preference for languages, rather concepts should be emphasized
> although I wouldn't mind a material that leans towards python, C++ and
> Java.
Hi Walter,
If you want a very basic book that is in plain english, then I suggest
the following.

Object Technology: A Manager's Guide
by David A., Ph.D. Taylor
Paperback - 176 pages 2nd edition (September 1997) 
Addison-Wesley Pub Co; ISBN: 0201309947

This has pictures but it really explains the whys and concepts of object
technology and has some good insights as well. This book has no code
examples. BTW a manager would have to really read and study this book to
"get it" unless they are a real geek so the title is a bit misleading.

A second idea.

Java Design by Peter Coad has examples and is specific to Java using
some of the language features. Peter is one of the original OO people
and has written many books including the original OOA/OOD/OOP series and
is the inspiration behind the TogetherJ UML/Java IDE. This book has a
few far out concepts that some might not agree but overall very good.
ISBN 0-13-271149-4

Hope this helps,

Re: woody

2001-05-16 Thread Martin Würtele
On Wed, May 16, 2001 at 06:21:50PM -0500, Karshi Hasanov wrote:
>  I want to install 'woody' but don't know where to start. Is there the
> ISO image
> of woody avaible ? If not , then what other method you would recommend
> me to use.
>  I've tried the potato 2.2r2, but it does not support my video card
> (Voodoo5).

if you still have potato install edit your /etc/apt/sources.list and replace
stable (or potato) with testing (or woody). then do an apt-get update
followed by an apt-get dist-upgrade and you have woody. 

it seems you're new to debian so i sugest you stick to potato but add some
unoffical sources for kernel 2.4 and xfree 4 so you grafic card will work.
this offers you the advantage of a stable system.

unofficial sources:
# Kernel 2.4
deb potato main
deb-src potato main

# XFree 4 (requires kernel 2.4)
deb xf402_potato/i386/ 

yours martin
GnuPG 1024D/3E8DCCC0 30DC 1D28 1D79 32F5 5E67  3ABB 28EE B35A 3E8D CCC0
   work: factline Krisper Fabro Harnoncourt OEG (

Re: woody

2001-05-16 Thread ktb
On Wed, May 16, 2001 at 05:27:46PM -0500, ktb wrote:
> On Wed, May 16, 2001 at 06:21:50PM -0500, Karshi Hasanov wrote:
> > 
> > 
> >  I want to install 'woody' but don't know where to start. Is there the
> > ISO image
> > of woody avaible ? If not , then what other method you would recommend
> > me to use.
> >  I've tried the potato 2.2r2, but it does not support my video card
> > (Voodoo5).
> Throw a supported video card from another machine.  Install potato and
> then from there upgrade, put your Voodoo card in and install X.  There
> is an unofficial .iso around on the net.  Can't remember where though.
> kent

On second thought you shouldn't need a different card to install the base
and upgrade.

 From seeing and seeing the seeing has become so exhausted
 First line of "The Panther" - R. M. Rilke

Re: woody

2001-05-16 Thread Kevin Ross
>  I want to install 'woody' but don't know where to start. Is there the
> ISO image
> of woody avaible ? If not , then what other method you would recommend
> me to use.
> I've tried the potato 2.2r2, but it does not support my video card
> (Voodoo5).

Have you tried the SVGA driver in Debian 2.2?  The package name is 
xserver-svga.  It's a generic driver, so it should work with your card, 
although it won't take full advantage of it.  Do you know for certain that 
woody contains a driver specifically for your card?

Upgrading to woody is pretty easy.  If you already have Debian 2.2 installed, 
just modify your /etc/apt/sources.list file, replacing anything that says 
"stable" with "testing", then run "apt-get update" followed by "apt-get 

One problem area in the upgrade is the X server stuff.  They switched to 
version 4 of Xfree86, and the package names have changed, possibly causing some 
problems after the upgrade.  To fix this, after upgrading, run dselect, 
removing any remaining version 3 packages for the xserver, and select the 
version 4 packages.

-- Kevin

Re: woody

2001-05-16 Thread ktb
On Wed, May 16, 2001 at 06:21:50PM -0500, Karshi Hasanov wrote:
>  I want to install 'woody' but don't know where to start. Is there the
> ISO image
> of woody avaible ? If not , then what other method you would recommend
> me to use.
>  I've tried the potato 2.2r2, but it does not support my video card
> (Voodoo5).

Throw a supported video card from another machine.  Install potato and
then from there upgrade, put your Voodoo card in and install X.  There
is an unofficial .iso around on the net.  Can't remember where though.

 From seeing and seeing the seeing has become so exhausted
 First line of "The Panther" - R. M. Rilke

Re: [users] Re: motherboard info

2001-05-16 Thread ktb
On Wed, May 16, 2001 at 06:16:54PM -0400, MaD dUCK wrote:
> also sprach Brandon High (on Wed, 16 May 2001 03:13:02PM -0700):
> > You'll need to know the board manufacturer and BIOS version before upgrading
> > the processor. You may need to flash the BIOS to make sure that it supports
> > the new CPU.
> yes, i am aware of that. it's a standard award bios and i am
> moderately sure it will support the new processor. now i need to know
> jumper settings.

Maybe this isn't a lot of help but there is a couple of programs out
there that fit on a windows floppy that tells you the board number. That
can be used to find the manufacture and hopefully the documentation from
there.  I used it once a year ago and it worked well.  I just searched
on the net and found it.  I'll do some poking around and see what I can
come up with.

 From seeing and seeing the seeing has become so exhausted
 First line of "The Panther" - R. M. Rilke

Re: woody

2001-05-16 Thread Stephen E. Hargrove
Hash: SHA1

On Wed, 16 May 2001, Karshi Hasanov wrote:
>  I want to install 'woody' but don't know where to start. Is there the
> ISO image
> of woody avaible ? If not , then what other method you would recommend
> me to use.

there may be a better way, but here's how i did it.  once you have potato
installed, just edit your /etc/apt/sources.list to point to something

deb woody main contrib non-free

or whatever is best for your location.  then:

apt-get update
apt-get dist-upgrade

- -- 
 ) ,_)
(-(__ -|- __
 ) | (/_\/(/_
| mailto : [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
| linux  : |
| mozart :|
| buck   :  |
| I should have been a country-western singer.  |
| After all, I'm older than most western|
| countries. -- George Burns|
Version: GnuPG v1.0.4 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: Compiling Galeon

2001-05-16 Thread Ethan Benson
On Wed, May 16, 2001 at 10:56:14AM -0500, Stephen E. Hargrove wrote:
> when running ./configure, i get the following:
> checking for GNOME - version >= 1.2.0... yes
> checking for additional GNOME modules... *** vfs library is not installed
> configure: error:
> *** GNOME 1.2.0 or better is required.
> *** gnome-vfs 0.6.0 or better is required.
> however, dpkg -l *vfs* shows that gnome-vfs is installed:
> Desired=Unknown/Install/Remove/Purge/Hold
> | Status=Not/Installed/Config-files/Unpacked/Failed-config/Half-installed
> |/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err:
> uppercase=bad)
> ||/ NameVersion
> Description
> +++-===-===
> ii  libgnome-vfs0   1.0-2
> what do i need to do in order to get the configure script to see my
> lignome-vfs?

you need libgnome-vfs-dev

when a configure script says your missing some library, you always
need to install the -dev package as well as the binary one (the -dev
will depend on the binary one and thus brings both in)

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

[: Re: dual NICs]

2001-05-16 Thread Matthew Sackman
- Forwarded message from  -

Subject: Re: dual NICs

On Wed, May 16, 2001 at 01:06:31AM -0600, John Galt wrote:
> On Tue, 15 May 2001, Zac Epkes wrote:
> >You can not have 1 NIC with 2 IPs simply not possible, i think u can buy
> >network cards with upto 4 ports that all act alone, or something similar...
> Wrong!  eth0:1 and eth0:0...  _Never_ say something's impossible...

Um I'm getting slightly confused here: what I need is one card which has two
or more independant eth ports on it which can be assigned seperate IPs. I.e.
not IP aliasing - each eth port has only one IP address, but each eth port
must appear to linux as a seperate eth port, appearing in effect as if I have
4x single eth NICs in the box.

Is this possible with, say, 2 of the Intel Dual Port Server NICs?

Thanks for your help,

> >- overid3 =)
> >
> >
> >On Tuesday 15 May 2001 14:12, Matthew Sackman wrote:
> >> Hay all.
> >>
> >> Does anyone have any knowledge of a network card that has two
> >> independant eth ports on it? The reason I ask is that I've
> >> gotta get 4 eth ports into a server squashed into a 2U rack
> >> which means I only have 3 expansion cards available...
> >>
> >> I look forward to hearing from you!
> >>
> >> Matthew
> >
> >
> >
> -- 
> mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Who is John Galt?
> Failure is not an option. It comes bundled with your Microsoft product.
>   -- Ferenc Mantfeld
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Matthew Sackman

Using Debian/GNU Linux
Enjoying computing

- End forwarded message -


Matthew Sackman

Using Debian/GNU Linux
Enjoying computing


2001-05-16 Thread Karshi Hasanov

 I want to install 'woody' but don't know where to start. Is there the
ISO image
of woody avaible ? If not , then what other method you would recommend
me to use.
 I've tried the potato 2.2r2, but it does not support my video card

Re: [users] Re: motherboard info

2001-05-16 Thread MaD dUCK
also sprach Brandon High (on Wed, 16 May 2001 03:13:02PM -0700):
> You'll need to know the board manufacturer and BIOS version before upgrading
> the processor. You may need to flash the BIOS to make sure that it supports
> the new CPU.

yes, i am aware of that. it's a standard award bios and i am
moderately sure it will support the new processor. now i need to know
jumper settings.

martin;  (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"i'm always frank and earnest with women.
 uh, in new york I'm frank, and in chicago I'm ernest."
-- the long kiss goodnight

Re: [users] Re: motherboard info

2001-05-16 Thread Brandon High
On Wed, May 16, 2001 at 05:48:00PM -0400, MaD dUCK wrote:
> also sprach Colin Watson (on Wed, 16 May 2001 10:40:45PM +0100):
> > >is there any way to find out the motherboard make and model number of
> > >a running system? i can't take it down... just not an option. but i
> > >need the mobo info.
> > 
> > Assuming it's a PCI system, does /proc/pci give you what you need?
> > Failing that, you could try /var/log/dmesg or something else in /proc.
> kind of. although i am a little overwhelmed. the system is scheduled
> for downtime saturday night and i want to place a new processor in it
> (it's a P5 120 servicing about 200 users, with about 70 simultaneous
> logins - yay linux. but the load is 1.7 and i need to make it faster).
> so i want to find out (a) what processors are supported by the board,
> and (b) any jumper settings up front, so that actual downtime is 30
> minutes...

You'll need to know the board manufacturer and BIOS version before upgrading
the processor. You may need to flash the BIOS to make sure that it supports
the new CPU.


The only time the world beats a path to your door is if you're in the

Re: Mutt:Mailbox is read-only

2001-05-16 Thread ktb
On Wed, May 16, 2001 at 03:43:20PM -0400, Sebastian Canagaratna wrote:
> I am running testing. Recently I bought a new hard disk because I was
> running out of space and copied some old partitions ( /usr and /var )
> using cp -R -d to partitions on the new hard disk. I use exim and
> mutt.
>Now I have two problems. 1. After I fetch my mail using fetchmail,
>and view it with mutt, when I press 'D' to delete a message I get
>the message Mailbox is read-only. I have compared the permissions
>( the mail box is /var/spool/mail/scanagar  owned by scanagar,
>group mail, -rw) and they seem to be OK. I have the old
>partitions still to compare with. I cannot detect any difference.

scab:/$ ls -l /var/spool/mail/kent
-rw-rw1 kent mail0 May 16 13:47 /var/spool/mail/kent

>The 2nd problem: when I try to access the man pages, I get:
> man: can't set effective uid: operation not permitted. 

You should have used "cp -a" to preserve your permissions.  It may be
more advantageous to recopy the two directories if you can.  Otherwise
your can try to recreate the permissions of those two directories.

 From seeing and seeing the seeing has become so exhausted
 First line of "The Panther" - R. M. Rilke

Re: [users] Re: motherboard info

2001-05-16 Thread MaD dUCK
also sprach Dana J . Laude (on Wed, 16 May 2001 04:49:05PM -0500):
> Open up the case and use a flashlight? ;-)  That's about the
> only option I can think of, but who knows... might just be
> a program that does this.

yeah well. you do that on a running system with 70 users and you are,
um, brave. nope - one rule i learnt. never ever touch a running
system (it's not like i used to remove IDE drives or stuff like that

martin;  (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
all i ask of life is a constant and
exaggerated sense of my own importance.

Re: apt-get offline

2001-05-16 Thread Karsten Heymann
On Tue, May 15, 2001 at 12:28:12PM +0200 or thereabouts, Joerg Johannes wrote:
> Hello List
> [...] NT one has no wget...)

I use Windows Commander on my WinME/Woody Notebook when being forced to
use the builtin winmodem. WC supports downloading files from a list - but
you have to make it a dos file first. (

Just do a 

apt-get upgrade --print-uris -y  &2>1 | grep ^deb | todos > download.txt

(writing this from memory - maybe typos)

and on Windows Commander 'ftp download from file'. Works nice for me.



Karsten Heymann  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Netzwerkverwaltung  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Forschungsstelle für ÖkosystemtechnikUniversität Kiel

Re: motherboard info

2001-05-16 Thread Dana J . Laude
On Wed, 16 May 2001 14:58:49 MaD dUCK wrote:
> hey debians,
> is there any way to find out the motherboard make and model number 
> a running system? i can't take it down... just not an option. but i
> need the mobo info.

Open up the case and use a flashlight? ;-)  That's about the
only option I can think of, but who knows... might just be
a program that does this.

Good luck!


Re: [users] Re: motherboard info

2001-05-16 Thread MaD dUCK
also sprach Colin Watson (on Wed, 16 May 2001 10:40:45PM +0100):
> >is there any way to find out the motherboard make and model number of
> >a running system? i can't take it down... just not an option. but i
> >need the mobo info.
> Assuming it's a PCI system, does /proc/pci give you what you need?
> Failing that, you could try /var/log/dmesg or something else in /proc.

kind of. although i am a little overwhelmed. the system is scheduled
for downtime saturday night and i want to place a new processor in it
(it's a P5 120 servicing about 200 users, with about 70 simultaneous
logins - yay linux. but the load is 1.7 and i need to make it faster).
so i want to find out (a) what processors are supported by the board,
and (b) any jumper settings up front, so that actual downtime is 30

martin;  (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
it's as bad as you think, and they are out to get you.

Re: motherboard info

2001-05-16 Thread Colin Watson
>is there any way to find out the motherboard make and model number of
>a running system? i can't take it down... just not an option. but i
>need the mobo info.

Assuming it's a PCI system, does /proc/pci give you what you need?
Failing that, you could try /var/log/dmesg or something else in /proc.



Re: apt-get seg fault

2001-05-16 Thread Colin Watson
"Stephen E. Hargrove" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>here's the results of a recent install request.  any pointers most
>Selecting previously deselected package libnspr4.
>(Reading database ... 73543 files and directories currently installed.)
>Unpacking libnspr4 (from .../libnspr4_M18-3_i386.deb) ...
>Selecting previously deselected package mozilla.
>E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg received a segmentation fault.

What version of dpkg are you running?


Re: in.telnetd

2001-05-16 Thread morten
On 16, maj, 2001 at 01:02:40 -0600, ray p wrote:
> What OS is your freind using it is the OS of evil might I suggest the latest 
> dev build of putty. It does not require that she be able to install anything. 
> Standalone .exe the dev build has support for ssh2 public key auth. 

Yes, a good thing, I use it from work on Win2000 where I'm just a normal
user, works very well.

It's very small too.

lynx -source | gpg --import -
UNIX, reach out and grep someone!

motherboard info

2001-05-16 Thread MaD dUCK
hey debians,
is there any way to find out the motherboard make and model number of
a running system? i can't take it down... just not an option. but i
need the mobo info.

martin;  (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
q:  how did you get into artificial intelligence?
a:  seemed logical -- i didn't have any real intelligence.

Re: logitech mouseManPlus and fourth button: how to make it work?

2001-05-16 Thread Carel Fellinger
On Tue, May 15, 2001 at 09:46:10PM -0700, Erik Steffl wrote:
>   logitech cordless mouseMan wheel mouse (4 buttons & wheel)
>   XFree86 Version 4.0.3

I've a logitech mouseman wheel, but i'm running XFree version 3
something.  The sixth button (the wheel when pressed is button 2, when
wheel-ed 4 and 5, so that leaves six for the side button:).  IIRQ (and
beware it has been some time since i tried it) if I commented out the
line 'Buttons "6"' the side button worked as a duplicate for the 2e
button, but if I left it in it didn't work.  Maybe XFree 4 can handle
more then 5 buttons, but XFree 3 had problems there.

groetjes, carel

Re: Printing with the Gimp

2001-05-16 Thread Carel Fellinger
On Mon, May 14, 2001 at 04:51:15PM +, Victor wrote:
> Well, Ethan,
> I tried the same solution and it worked but, let's face it, it's a somewhat 
> makeshift solution!
> Is there anyone out there able to give the right hint? 

whether it's the _right_ hint...
I'm no gimp guru, have hardly understood printing in general but if you
insist... well i can always make things up:)

Some time ago I stumbled when trying to get gimp to print.  So I dived
into the source and found that the gimp prefers lpr above lprng.
Those two print daemon packages have a slightly different output
format for "lpstat -d -p", and gimp can't parse the output of lprng's.
The disadvantage of this is that gimp doesn't know that there are
printers on your computer, so all he offers is output to file.  You
can specify what kind of output is to go into the file with the setup
button, but that's it.

There are however two ways out:

1) use lpr instead of lprng, start gimp, select some printer, and go back
   to using lprng, or
2) edit the file ~/.gimp-1.1/printrc and put some magic lines in there.
   Next you'll have to start the gimp, and select with the file-button
   on the print dialogue a print queue, and use the setup button to
   change the driver to use and some of its params.

As an example, two of lines of what I used for approach 2 look like:

bw,/usr/bin/lpr -Pbw 
dj500,/usr/bin/lpr -Pdj500 -l,pcl-500,,0,300 

The above two lines tell gimp there are two print queues named bw and
dj500, to use the command "/usr/bin/lpr -P.. -l" to print, and to use
the drivers ps and pcl-500 respectively, with some specified default
values.  The important thing I think is to fill in the right queue
name and print command, and to use gimp's setup button to select the
appropriate driver and its default values.

good luck.

groetjes, carel

Re: openldap?

2001-05-16 Thread Tommi Komulainen
On Wed, May 16, 2001 at 01:36:41PM -0600, Robert L. Harris wrote:
> How do you disable the SASL?  The library was installed by default
> when I installed slapd.

I'm not sure if you can, otherwise than recompiling the package.  Just get
used to the -x option, until you get SASL running.  Oh, and when you do,
please let me know how :)

> I did do the "ldapdadd" command again with the -x, put in my pass
> and it returned a diff error,  "invalid credentials"... 

Ah, I read the first post too hastily, just saw the SASL thing first.
This time your problem is that you're trying to add your userid in the
LDAP and authenticating yourself as that user..  Chicken or egg, anyone?

Try using the admin account when adding the ldif, uid=admin,ou=People,
  dc=your_subdomain, etc...

Tommi Komulainen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
GPG 1024D/68388EE66FD6 DD79 EB38 BF6F 3533  09C0 04A8 9871 6838 8EE6

Description: PGP signature

Mutt:Mailbox is read-only

2001-05-16 Thread Sebastian Canagaratna
I am running testing. Recently I bought a new hard disk because I was
running out of space and copied some old partitions ( /usr and /var )
using cp -R -d to partitions on the new hard disk. I use exim and

   Now I have two problems. 1. After I fetch my mail using fetchmail,
   and view it with mutt, when I press 'D' to delete a message I get
   the message Mailbox is read-only. I have compared the permissions
   ( the mail box is /var/spool/mail/scanagar  owned by scanagar,
   group mail, -rw) and they seem to be OK. I have the old
   partitions still to compare with. I cannot detect any difference.

   The 2nd problem: when I try to access the man pages, I get:
man: can't set effective uid: operation not permitted. 

   I'll greatly appreciate any suggestion regarding how to proceed
   from here.


Sebastian Canagaratna
Department of Chemistry
Ohio Northern University

Re: openldap?

2001-05-16 Thread Robert L. Harris

How do you disable the SASL?  The library was installed by default
when I installed slapd.

I did do the "ldapdadd" command again with the -x, put in my pass
and it returned a diff error,  "invalid credentials"... 

Off to check another course of action.


Thus spake Tommi Komulainen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

> On Wed, May 16, 2001 at 01:16:22PM -0600, Robert L. Harris wrote:
> > but...
> > {0}:vampire:/etc/ldap>ldapadd -D
> > "cn=user1,dc=internal_domain,dc=my_domain,dc=com" -W < /home/user1/ldif 
> > Enter LDAP Password: 
> > ldap_sasl_interactive_bind_s: No such attribute
> You know SASL?  I don't, I use simple bind (-x) option to ldapadd and
> others.
> -- 
> Tommi Komulainen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> GPG 1024D/68388EE66FD6 DD79 EB38 BF6F 3533  09C0 04A8 9871 6838 8EE6

Robert L. Harris|  Micros~1 :  
Senior System Engineer  |For when quality, reliability 
  at RnD Consulting |  and security just aren't
\_   that important!
  These are MY OPINIONS ALONE.  I speak for no-one else.
 perl -e 'print $i=pack(c5,(41*2),sqrt(7056),(unpack(c,H)-2),oct(115),10);'

Re: openldap?

2001-05-16 Thread Tommi Komulainen
On Wed, May 16, 2001 at 01:16:22PM -0600, Robert L. Harris wrote:
> but...
> {0}:vampire:/etc/ldap>ldapadd -D
> "cn=user1,dc=internal_domain,dc=my_domain,dc=com" -W < /home/user1/ldif 
> Enter LDAP Password: 
> ldap_sasl_interactive_bind_s: No such attribute

You know SASL?  I don't, I use simple bind (-x) option to ldapadd and

Tommi Komulainen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
GPG 1024D/68388EE66FD6 DD79 EB38 BF6F 3533  09C0 04A8 9871 6838 8EE6

Description: PGP signature

Re: [offtopic] recommendation on resources (books, websites) on object oriented programming?

2001-05-16 Thread J.H.M. Dassen \(Ray\)
On Wed, May 16, 2001 at 15:15:09 -0400, Walter Tautz wrote:
> Just wondering if there are any books that explain in detail with
> real-world (non-trivial) examples just what the OOP is about and why it
> might be a good idea to use it. I have no particular preference for
> languages, rather concepts should be emphasized

Bertrand Meyer, Object-Oriented Software Construction 2nd Ed., is a very
thorough text on OOP, focusing on the concepts (yes, Meyer is the inventor
of Eiffel, but Eiffel is mentioned just once in this text). is your friend.

UNFAIR  Term applied to advantages enjoyed by other people which we tried 
to cheat them out of and didn't manage. See also DISHONESTY, SNEAKY, 
- The Hipcrime Vocab by Chad C. Mulligan  

Re: Saved mail viewer

2001-05-16 Thread Åsmund Ødegård
Tue, 15 May skrev csj:
> I'm looking for a stand-alone text viewer that filters out the mail
> headers in saved mail, basically a prettifier. Is there such an animal?
> -- 
> Say I have:

You may have a look on formail, e.g., pipe the message through formail -I "",
gives you the mail body.

Åsmund Ødegård
Scientific Programmer, SiV/ISU, Ifi, UiO
j: 22 84 00 63 - m: 90 06 99 15
-- auto sig --
2KO 12 10 Derfor er jeg vel til mote i skrøpelighet, i mishandling, i
  nød, i forfølgelser, i trengsler for Kristi skyld; for når jeg er
  skrøpelig, da er jeg sterk.

Re: no mutt-ssl but we can have apacvhe-ssl? what's the deal?

2001-05-16 Thread J.H.M. Dassen \(Ray\)
On Tue, May 15, 2001 at 21:29:15 -0700, Erik Steffl wrote:
> SSL support has been disabled because debian cannot legally distribute
> binaries of a GPLed program like mutt linked with a library with a four
> clauses BSD-style license like the one of OpenSSL.

Hmm... perhaps GnuTLS ( will become an

PATRIOTISM  A great British writer once said that if he had to choose 
between betraying his country and betraying a friend he hoped he would
have the decency to betray his country.  
- The Hipcrime Vocab by Chad C. Mulligan 

Re: openldap?

2001-05-16 Thread Robert L. Harris

That's about what I did...

 modified the domain lines to be pretty much:


# The base of your directory
suffix  "dc=internal_domain,dc=my_domain,dc=com"

# Where the database file are physically stored
directory   "/var/lib/ldap"

# Save the time that the entry gets modified
lastmod on

# For Netscape Roaming support, each user gets a roaming
# profile for which they have write access to
access to dn=".*,ou=Roaming,dc=internal_domain,dc=my_domain,dc=com"
by dnattr=owner write


and the like

I restart the daemon and start some testing...  I made an ldif file:

{0}:vampire:/etc/ldap>cat /home/user1/ldif 
dn: dc=internal_domain,dc=my_domain,dc=com
dc: my_domain
o: MyCompany Communications
objectclass: organization
objectclass: dcObject

dn: cn=user1,dc=internal_domain,dc=my_domain,dc=com
cn: user1
sn: user1
objectclass: person


{0}:vampire:/etc/ldap>ldapadd -D
"cn=user1,dc=internal_domain,dc=my_domain,dc=com" -W < /home/user1/ldif 
Enter LDAP Password: 
ldap_sasl_interactive_bind_s: No such attribute


Thus spake Tommi Komulainen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

> On Wed, May 16, 2001 at 11:59:16AM -0600, Robert L. Harris wrote:
> > 
> > Has anyone installed the openldap package slapd?  I'm trying to get it
> > configured and running.
> For me the the whole installation was 'apt-get install slapd' and
> answering a few questions.  It just worked (like everything else, in
> general.)  I am running sid, I can't really remember what the version in
> potato was like...
> Being paranoid about security, I additionally removed root privileges from
> slapd manually.  It's straightforward but I'm not actually sure if I
> haven't broken anything by doing so.  I really should use it more often. :)
> -- 
> Tommi Komulainen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> GPG 1024D/68388EE66FD6 DD79 EB38 BF6F 3533  09C0 04A8 9871 6838 8EE6

Robert L. Harris|  Micros~1 :  
Senior System Engineer  |For when quality, reliability 
  at RnD Consulting |  and security just aren't
\_   that important!
  These are MY OPINIONS ALONE.  I speak for no-one else.
 perl -e 'print $i=pack(c5,(41*2),sqrt(7056),(unpack(c,H)-2),oct(115),10);'

[offtopic] recommendation on resources (books, websites) on object oriented programming?

2001-05-16 Thread Walter Tautz
 Just wondering if there are any books that explain in detail with 
real-world (non-trivial) examples just what the OOP is about and
why it might be a good idea to use it. I have no particular
preference for languages, rather concepts should be emphasized
although I wouldn't mind a material that leans towards python, C++ and

Any thoughts.


Re: openldap?

2001-05-16 Thread Tommi Komulainen
On Wed, May 16, 2001 at 11:59:16AM -0600, Robert L. Harris wrote:
> Has anyone installed the openldap package slapd?  I'm trying to get it
> configured and running.

For me the the whole installation was 'apt-get install slapd' and
answering a few questions.  It just worked (like everything else, in
general.)  I am running sid, I can't really remember what the version in
potato was like...

Being paranoid about security, I additionally removed root privileges from
slapd manually.  It's straightforward but I'm not actually sure if I
haven't broken anything by doing so.  I really should use it more often. :)

Tommi Komulainen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
GPG 1024D/68388EE66FD6 DD79 EB38 BF6F 3533  09C0 04A8 9871 6838 8EE6

Description: PGP signature

Re: in.telnetd

2001-05-16 Thread ray p
What OS is your freind using it is the OS of evil might I suggest the latest 
dev build of putty. It does not require that she be able to install anything. 
Standalone .exe the dev build has support for ssh2 public key auth. 

On Wed, May 16, 2001 at 11:38:23AM -0700, Jon Hughes wrote:
> In order to allow a friend to use a program on my
> machine, I wish to let her telnet in (I dislike
> telnet, but she's not allowed to install SSH :( ).
> Anyhow, I tried to setup the telnet damian and when I
> attempt to start it by hand I get:
> $/usr/sbin/in.telnetd 
> in.telnetd: getpeername: Socket operation on
> non-socket
> The lines in /etc/inetd.conf for this are:
> telnet stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/in.telnetd -a
> valid
> And lastly, if osmeone attempts to telnet in (to let
> inetd.conf start it up) the error log shows: 
> May 25 13:35:05 c606733-b inetd[4608]: getpwnam:
> telnetd: No such user
> May 25 13:35:05 c606733-b tcplogd: telnet connection
> attempt from [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Suggestions?  Thanks muchly :)
> =
> "God, Root. What is the difference?"
>   Pitr, User Friendly
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Yahoo! Auctions - buy the things you want at great prices
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> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Random numbers are to computers what freewill is to humans. RAH
Beware he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams 
himself your master.

Description: PGP signature


2001-05-16 Thread Jon Hughes
In order to allow a friend to use a program on my
machine, I wish to let her telnet in (I dislike
telnet, but she's not allowed to install SSH :( ).

Anyhow, I tried to setup the telnet damian and when I
attempt to start it by hand I get:

in.telnetd: getpeername: Socket operation on

The lines in /etc/inetd.conf for this are:
telnet stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/in.telnetd -a

And lastly, if osmeone attempts to telnet in (to let
inetd.conf start it up) the error log shows: 

May 25 13:35:05 c606733-b inetd[4608]: getpwnam:
telnetd: No such user
May 25 13:35:05 c606733-b tcplogd: telnet connection
attempt from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Suggestions?  Thanks muchly :)

"God, Root. What is the difference?"
Pitr, User Friendly

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Auctions - buy the things you want at great prices

Re: [users] Re: email: Windows (Outlook, Eudora) -> Linux

2001-05-16 Thread morten
On 16, maj, 2001 at 06:40:15 +0100, Viktor Lakics wrote:
> On Wed, May 16, 2001 at 12:39:45AM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > On 15, maj, 2001 at 06:16:09 -0400, MaD dUCK wrote:
> > > also sprach Viktor Lakics (on Tue, 15 May 2001 07:17:09PM +0100):
> > > > The most comfortable way (I never tried it though) seems to be to
> > > > have a nice KDE 2.1.1 desktop. I use Debian potato, and noticed,
> > > > that there is a kmail import utility under Utilities in the KMENU.
> > > > It imports Outlook express 5.0 folders, and pegasus mail folders.
> > > > And eudora addressbok. Don't ask me why not Eudora folders...
> > 
> > Eudora folders are standard Unix mbox format, the same as kmail uses.
> I did not know that, so what was the question then? Just copy the
> files from Windows to Unix and that is it...

Yes, some things *are* easy! :-)

lynx -source | gpg --import -
UNIX, reach out and grep someone!


2001-05-16 Thread Robert L. Harris

Has anyone installed the openldap package slapd?  I'm trying to get it
configured and running.


Robert L. Harris|  Micros~1 :  
Senior System Engineer  |For when quality, reliability 
  at RnD Consulting |  and security just aren't
\_   that important!
  These are MY OPINIONS ALONE.  I speak for no-one else.
 perl -e 'print $i=pack(c5,(41*2),sqrt(7056),(unpack(c,H)-2),oct(115),10);'

Re: Can anyone help me with a modem problem ?

2001-05-16 Thread Paul Wright
On Wed, 16 May 2001 at 11:27:16 PDT Ricardo Maurcio wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm now using com3 irq 3... cause irq 4 would mess with com1... but i've
> tried using minicom to dial to my isp and staying connected for a long
> time... but after a few seconds i get disconnected, also with pppd, i dial..
> stablish a connection, and after a few secs, minutes at the most, i get
> suddenly disconnected... i've disabled the call waiting feature of my phone
> line but still get disconnected...
> I really don't know what to do... i want to use this modem :/
(rest of quote ommitted)

What are you seeing in /var/log/messages ?  
(use "tail -f /var/log/messages" before you initiate the connection.)
This will tell you about the interaction with the isp.

If you are sure it's a modem problem and not a setup problem you can read 
the modem-HOWTO (in /usr/share/doc/HOWTO) for a primer on troubleshooting 
your modem. There is a section (18.5) listing web sites with modem info. 
 was particularly educational 
for me.

I'm sorry this became a sort of polite version of "RTFM" but I can't 
really help without more specific info about the problem.  I hope that 
I've been somewhat helpfull.


Problem with date in mutt

2001-05-16 Thread Tomasz Olszewski
I previously sent this to mutt-user's list but there was no answer.

I have a little problem with displaying the proper date in mutt. My
date_format is set to "%c". The problem is with the time zone which mutt
shows when I reply to a message. Let's say I reply to my own mail. I am
in the CEST time zone (yes, date shows the right time; my locale is also
set as it should be) so mutt should fill the beginning of this reply
with: "On some_date CEST you wrote:". However, it shows the time zone as
GMT. What is more, it doesn't change the date (so, if the mail is
written at 12:00 CEST, it's printed as 12:00 GMT). It's a bit weird
because the Date: header in my mails are filled properly (like: the_time
+0200). My question is: what is the problem and how can I fix it :)? One
more thing: my hardware clock is set to local time.

Tomasz Olszewski | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Niepokoi nas to czego nie rozumiemy." -- Anatol France  

Re: can't print from acroread

2001-05-16 Thread peanut butter
Hi, everyone.  The problem I was having mid March is finally solved.  I
started this thread on Mar 16 having the problem of, though being able
to print fine from the command line, not being able to print internally
from applications such as acroread.  Though this problem (which appears
to be related to the printer filter I was using with lprng) was never
solved itself, I, for another reason, switched over to using the
printer filter provided by a program called 'ifhp' which uses the lprng
spooler.  Other than simply being better than the filter I was using
previously, it also "magically" fixed the problem I was having of not
being able to print from within various applications.  Possibly this
may also help someone else experiencing similar problems.


->>In response to your message<<-
  --received from Erdmut Pfeifer--

> thanks for the clear report. From this debugging information and a
> quick look at the lprng source, I would say that the problem occurs
> while trying to fork/exec the so-called "input filter", though I do not
> yet have a clear idea why it fails...
> The waitpid(2) call returns a "-1", which indicates that the waitpid
> failed. Actually, there are three error/return codes involved here: the
> exit code of the waited-for child process (the filter), the return code
> of the waitpid function itself, and in case the latter returns -1, the
> "errno" being set by waitpid, which _might_ provide further details on
> what went wrong (not sure whether it really would in this case, though).
> Unfortunately, this error number doesn't seem to make it to the
> debugging logs (or else we should see another diff) -- the "-1" appears
> to be propagated to the logs instead. Although it would generally be
> easy to add another printf() to the lprng code, outputting the errno, I
> assume that you would rather avoid having to recompile the code and
> having to make sure that the modified version gets installed in the
> appropriate place. I guess we should do things like these as a last
> resort only.
> Instead we might try to apply the same "wrap a script"-technique here
> as well, by substituting a script for the filter program run by lprng.
> The script could output a few interesting things like command line
> args, environment, the errno in question, etc. before/after running the
> filter... There is a faint hope that something will differ here... :)
> First, however, I'd like to take a look at the full logs available
> already, so feel free to send them to me privately. In particular, I'm
> not sure yet as to how the other diff (the fd-0..5 vs. fd-0..8 thing)
> is related to the waitpid error ocurring later on. Maybe that is the
> real place where things start to go wrong. The complete logs will make
> it easier to dig through the appropriate portions of the source.
> Also, I'd like to take a look at your printcap file (especially the
> "if"-specification which is in effect for the printer in question), so
> be sure to attach that as well. BTW, which printer are you using -- is
> it a native postscript printer, or are you using ghostscript as a
> filter?
> If you haven't done so already, you might also want to try to run your
> test script from the command line but in the background. This might
> help to rule out issues with a controlling terminal being required by
> the filter. Don't know why it would need one, but who knows ... just
> an idea.
> Erdmut
> PS: I cannot promise to be able to take a closer look at this immediately,
> but I _will_ as soon as time permits. After all, getting a deeper
> understanding of the lprng mechanics might help me to eventually solve
> a somewhat similar problem I'm experiencing myself sporadically ;)

Re: LILO and multiple disks

2001-05-16 Thread Sean Morgan
On Wed, May 16, 2001 at 08:23:40PM +1000, Travis Place wrote:
> i managed to get windows to boot from /dev/hdb1 by inserting this into 
> lilo.conf...
> other=/dev/hdb1
>  to=0x81
>  to=0x80
> so yeah, it works...but i couldnt get it to work from /dev/hdc1

Did you change the drive mappings to indicate hdc (0x81 becomes 0x82)?
It won't fly if you just change "other=/dev/hdb1" to "other=/dev/hdc1".

Re: mount/umount hangs after I messed with /etc/mtab

2001-05-16 Thread Hall Stevenson
> I am unable  to mount/umount anything after messing
> with my /etc/mtab last  night (I  had removed  a floppy

You shouldn't touch /etc/mtab. It's somewhat of a "live" file. It's
a real-time representation of what's currently mounted.

The file you would normally edit is /etc/fstab.

> Any idea how to reset  this? Renaming  /etc/mtab doesn't
> seem to  help!  Neither does rebooting! (Of  course, the box
> won't shutdown cleanly since  it can't umount  anything,
> although  for some  reason  it does  mount stuff  on
> boot-up.)

I'm real surprised that rebooting doesn't fix it... Maybe try
"mount -a". That will attempt to mount or re-mount devices spec'd in
/etc/fstab and in the process, re-write your /etc/mtab file.


mass storage specials!!!

2001-05-16 Thread CHRIS RAAB

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Re: Install from single floppy

2001-05-16 Thread Carl Fink
On Wed, May 16, 2001 at 01:57:36PM +0100, Patrick Colbeck wrote:

> I am going with the DOS partition option. I have installed FreeDos in
> a little 50 mb partition and that works OK. Now I have to get the
> reuired Debian files on there (loadlin kernel etc) and it looks like
> the best way to do this is via NFS over PLIP by booting the Libretto
> off a tomsrbt rescue disk and NFS mounting my other laptop over PLIP !
> So I am off to buy a parralel null cable on the way home !

Why?  If FreeDOS recognizes your floppy drive, you can copy the files
onto the DOS partition using floppies (or a single floppy if you're
really short).

Re: manual install

2001-05-16 Thread Peter Cordes
On Wed, May 16, 2001 at 08:50:24AM -0500, Andrew D Dixon wrote:
> That's consistent with what I've found so far.  I can boot the box into 
> single user
> mode but it'll hang trying to initialize inetd if I try a normal boot.  The 
> network is
> broken when I do get the box up so I'm guessing that that's where the problem 
> lies.
> I've gotten the /proc and / filesystems in /etc/fstab and they mount without 
> a problem
> and look OK.  I am a little unsure as to how to get the swap partition 
> activated.  I
> can't find where swapon is called in the init scripts but I'll try putting an 
> entry in
> /etc/fstab for it and see what happens.

yeti:~$ grep swapon -r /etc/init.d
/etc/init.d/ [ -x /sbin/swapon ]
/etc/init.d/   swapon -a 2> /dev/null
/etc/init.d/ Execute swapon command again, in case we want to swap 
/etc/init.d/ -qs resync /proc/mdstat || swapon -a 2> /dev/null

 I hope you've got a "normal" Debian system to compare with?  Manually
installing would not be a good way to learn Debian for the first time...

 BTW, the base system includes some stuff for configuring itself, so if you
get the right directories mounted, etc..  Notice the start of /etc/init.d/rcS:

#   See if system needs to be setup. This is ONLY meant to
#   be used for the initial setup after a fresh installation!
if [ -x /sbin/ ]

#define X(x,y) x##y
Peter Cordes ;  e-mail: X([EMAIL PROTECTED] ,

"The gods confound the man who first found out how to distinguish the hours!
 Confound him, too, who in this place set up a sundial, to cut and hack
 my day so wretchedly into small pieces!" -- Plautus, 200 BCE

Re: XFree 4.0.3 and remote clients

2001-05-16 Thread David Z. Maze
mallum  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
mallum> I apt-get upgarded my woody install this morning and Xfree
mallum> 4.0.3 got installed. All working fine except when I try and
mallum> launch an X app on a remote machine ( with DISPLAY set to the
mallum> 4.0.3 machine ) I get an unable to connect error. This used to
mallum> work fine and the remote machine is in xhost's .
mallum> Any ideas ?

Don't do that; it's massively insecure, since there is no encryption
at all over the X wire protocol.  A much better solution is ssh with X 
forwarding enabled.

In more detail: because of this, the default configuration for Debian
X servers is now to disable listening to TCP ports for connections,
and only accept local socket connections.  This is controlled by the
'-nolisten tcp' option to the X server; you should find where the
server is started (possibly in the configuration file for your display 
manager, if you use one, e.g. in /etc/gdm/gdm.conf) and remove the
option if that's what you *really* want to do.  I'd recommend
switching to ssh if you can, though, since it's much less painless;
in addition to getting better security, you can ignore $DISPLAY,
xhost, and xauth since ssh Just Deals.

"Theoretical politics is interesting.  Politicking should be illegal."
-- Abra Mitchell

mount/umount hangs after I messed with /etc/mtab

2001-05-16 Thread Krzys Majewski
I am unable  to mount/umount anything after messing  with my /etc/mtab
last  night (I  had removed  a floppy  without umounting  it,  and was
getting "Device  busy" when I tried  to remount/umount it,  so I nuked
the floppy line  in mtab, without backing it up, yay).  Now when I try
to mount or umount something, the command just hangs.  Any idea how to
reset  this? Renaming  /etc/mtab doesn't  seem to  help!  Neither does
rebooting! (Of  course, the box  won't shutdown cleanly since  it can't
umount  anything, although  for some  reason  it does  mount stuff  on

Re: Linux compatible IDE CDRW

2001-05-16 Thread Scott_Patterson

>Which would be the best for me to get?
>Plextor CD-RW PX-W1210TA 12/10/32 IDE 2m Buffer Burn-Proof
>Sony CD-RW CRX160EBK 12/8/32 Internal IDE Retail Kit 4mb PC/MAC
>Yamaha CD-RW Internal 16Wx10RWx40R IDE Retail Kit CRW2100EVK
>If I had a choice of these, is there anything to choose between them in
>terms of compatibility with Linux and ide-scsi driver?
>Even though I can't find anywhere that says anything about any of these
>being MMC-complient, are they?  I read somewhere that all CDRW IDE
>drives since 1999 should be MMC-complient.

I just purchased the Plextor model you mentioned and have had nothing but
success with it. Although it cost a little more than the Yamaha and Sony, the
Plextor name = reliability. After making way too many coasters with my previous
writer (not to mention 2x is slow), I figured I'd spend the extra $$$ and not
purchase another coaster-maker.

I got mine at


Re: Compiling Galeon

2001-05-16 Thread Tommi Komulainen
On Wed, May 16, 2001 at 10:56:14AM -0500, Stephen E. Hargrove wrote:
> however, dpkg -l *vfs* shows that gnome-vfs is installed:
> ii  libgnome-vfs0   1.0-2
> what do i need to do in order to get the configure script to see my
> lignome-vfs?

Rule of thumb: if running a program needs package libsomething, then
compiling the same program needs libsomething-dev.

Though, the library version number or whatever, slightly breaks the rule
sometimes, in this case install libgnome-vfs-dev.

Tommi Komulainen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
GPG 1024D/68388EE66FD6 DD79 EB38 BF6F 3533  09C0 04A8 9871 6838 8EE6

Description: PGP signature

Re: Linux compatible IDE CDRW

2001-05-16 Thread Alex Suzuki
On Thu, May 17, 2001 at 12:36:02AM +1000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Which would be the best for me to get?
> Plextor CD-RW PX-W1210TA 12/10/32 IDE 2m Buffer Burn-Proof

I have that drive and it works very well for me. Burn-proof is a must
these days, and is supported in the recent versions of cdrecord.

> Even though I can't find anywhere that says anything about any of these
> being MMC-complient, are they?  I read somewhere that all CDRW IDE

the plextor is mmc-compliant.

Alex Suzuki
Alex Suzuki | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
To send me an email, remove NOSPAM from the above address

Re: Compiling Galeon

2001-05-16 Thread Hall Stevenson
> when running ./configure, i get the following:
> checking for GNOME - version >= 1.2.0... yes
> checking for additional GNOME modules... *** vfs library is not
> configure: error:
> *** GNOME 1.2.0 or better is required.
> *** gnome-vfs 0.6.0 or better is required.
> however, dpkg -l *vfs* shows that gnome-vfs is installed:

> what do i need to do in order to get the configure script to see
> lignome-vfs?

libgnome-dev ??

Searching for "gnome-vfs" at returns this

Good luck

XFree 4.0.3 and remote clients

2001-05-16 Thread mallum

I apt-get upgarded my woody install this morning and Xfree 4.0.3 got
installed. All working fine except when I try and launch an X app on a
remote machine ( with DISPLAY set to the 4.0.3 machine ) I get an unable to
connect error. This used to work fine and the remote machine is in xhost's .

Any ideas ?


Compiling Galeon

2001-05-16 Thread Stephen E. Hargrove
Hash: SHA1

when running ./configure, i get the following:

checking for GNOME - version >= 1.2.0... yes
checking for additional GNOME modules... *** vfs library is not installed
configure: error:
*** GNOME 1.2.0 or better is required.
*** gnome-vfs 0.6.0 or better is required.

however, dpkg -l *vfs* shows that gnome-vfs is installed:

| Status=Not/Installed/Config-files/Unpacked/Failed-config/Half-installed
|/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err:
||/ NameVersion
ii  libgnome-vfs0   1.0-2

what do i need to do in order to get the configure script to see my

- -- 
 ) ,_)
(-(__ -|- __
 ) | (/_\/(/_
| mailto : [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
| linux  : |
| mozart :|
| buck   :  |
| There are no manifestos like cannon and   |
| musketry. -- The Duke of Wellington   |
Version: GnuPG v1.0.4 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: apt-get offline

2001-05-16 Thread Gordon Hart
On Wed, May 16, 2001 at 10:34:20AM +0200, Joerg Johannes wrote:
> Sorry, I did not express myself clear enough. This sed thing changes
> every line in the "wget-script" script. This, I did easily with emacs
> (while sed is much more elegant). My problem is: I do not want to do
> hundreds of 
> mv package1_1x3a.deb package1_1%3a.deb
> mv package2_1x3a.deb package2_1%3a.deb and so on

something along the lines of :-


cd dir/with/files

for oldname in `ls -1 *x*'
newname=`echo $oldname | sed s/x/%/`
mv $oldname $newname

mebbe? (untested)

Re: Can anyone help me with a modem problem ?

2001-05-16 Thread Ricardo Mauricio
I'm now using com3 irq 3... cause irq 4 would mess with com1... but i've
tried using minicom to dial to my isp and staying connected for a long
time... but after a few seconds i get disconnected, also with pppd, i dial..
stablish a connection, and after a few secs, minutes at the most, i get
suddenly disconnected... i've disabled the call waiting feature of my phone
line but still get disconnected...
I really don't know what to do... i want to use this modem :/

Ricardo E. Mauricio

- Original Message -
To: Ricardo Mauricio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, May 12, 2001 5:29 AM
Subject: Re: Can anyone help me with a modem problem ?

> On 11 May 2001, at 22:29, Ricardo Mauricio wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I have a Us Robotics 33.6 Internal modem, it has jumpers to set the com
port and irq, and if i remove all jumpers i turns to PnP. When i connect to
my isp i spend a secs online and then suddenly disconnects.. sometimes i can
dial back, but most of the times when i use "pon " pppd
> just exits... and i try using minicom (after the disconnection) and the
modem won't inittialize, i tried the modem on windoze and it connects just
fine... maybe i'm setting it up wrong so i would like some help.
>Ricardo E. Mauricio
> Hi Ricardo:
>  You didn't say how you set the jumpers, but I assume you went
> with pnp. My modem didn't work with linux on pnp, I used win to
> see which com it was set up on and then set the jumpers for that.
> HTH  Dean
> >
> >

Re: Multi-platform software development

2001-05-16 Thread Andrzej Swedrzynski
On Wed, 16 May 2001, Preben Randhol wrote:

> I recommend that you use Ada 95 and GtkAda.

Yes, Ada 95 is a nice language.

> The app I'm developing just
> needed to be compiled under Windows to work. It is being developed under
> Linux of course. Ada 95 is highly portable. C and C++ are not.

I think that well written C code is portable. Many projects deve­
loped under GPL proove it.

>Ada is the most powerful

What do you mean by "powerful"?

> object-oriented general purpose programming
>language. It has built-in concurrency, built-in exception handling,

Ada  exception  handling  is very limited when compared to C++ or
Java exception model.

>built-in generic templates, built-in distributed execution,

How  good is Ada 95 in dynamic distributed execution? (when we do
not know where are partitions of  distributed  program  prior  to
running it)

> standard
>and defacto standard interfaces to other programming languages and

Is  there an standard interface for database connection like JDBC
is for Java? Are there any libraries for most popular  commercial
and non-commercial database management systems?

[snipped summary and links]




Re: /dev/ttyS00?

2001-05-16 Thread Bob Nielsen
Although dmesg shows ttyS00 and ttyS01, these in reality are dev/ttyS0
and /dev/ttyS1.  Check 'setserial -ga /dev/ttyS?' to get a listing of
what your system thinks you have.

On Wed, May 16, 2001 at 07:11:09AM -0600, Cameron Matheson wrote:
> Hey,
> I'm trying to link to my agenda (through the serial cable).  But it won't work
> because when I try to start pppd, it gives me an error (ppp line not 
> disciplined
> ).  I was checking my kernel output, and I noticed that my serial ports are
> ttyS00, and ttyS01 (instead of the ttyS0 and ttyS1 they used to be).  Could 
> this
> be the problem?  The dev files are still ttyS0 and ttyS1, which might be my
> problem...

Re: Linux compatible IDE CDRW

2001-05-16 Thread Hall Stevenson
> Which would be the best for me to get?
> Plextor CD-RW PX-W1210TA 12/10/32 IDE 2m Buffer
> Burn-Proof
> Sony CD-RW CRX160EBK 12/8/32 Internal IDE Retail
> Kit 4mb PC/MAC
> Yamaha CD-RW Internal 16Wx10RWx40R IDE Retail
> Kit CRW2100EVK
> If I had a choice of these, is there anything to choose
> between them in terms of compatibility with Linux and
> ide-scsi driver?
> Even though I can't find anywhere that says anything about
> any of these being MMC-complient, are they?  I read
> somewhere that all CDRW IDE drives since 1999 should
> be MMC-complient.

Strictly speaking on compatibility, I think it's safe to say that if
your BIOS recognizes the drive at boot up (most will report the
primary master, primary slave, secondary master, etc, etc), that
Linux will work just fine with.

As far as MMC-compliant, I would assume they all are, but could be


Re: bothersome fsck on startup

2001-05-16 Thread Andrew D Dixon

> nujoma:/# cat /etc/fstab
> # /etc/fstab: static file system information.
> #
> #  
> /dev/hdb3   / ext2   defaults,errors=remount-ro 0  1
> /dev/hdb2   none  swap   sw 0  0
> /dev/hdd1   /src2   vfatumask=  0   0
> /dev/hdd2   none  swap   sw 0  0
> /dev/hdd3   /share  ext2defaults0  0
> /dev/hdb1   /rosa   vfatumask=
> /dev/hdc1   /theodor vfat   umask=
> /dev/hda3   /karl   ntfsumask=
> proc/proc proc   defaults   0  0

that looks OK.  Are you getting any messages in you logs on shutdown?  What 
happens when you boot from a rescue disk and
run e2fsck on the drive?


cd perms with devfs

2001-05-16 Thread The Doctor
My devfs (sid,2.4.4) seems to insist on making my cd as group disk:
brw-rw1 root disk  22,   0 Dec 31  1969 

I'd like it to be group cdrom. I've tried to make this happen with chgrp,
but these changes aren't stable across reboots. It always sets it back to disk, 
even after enabling the saves to /dev-state by removing the comment pound-signs 
in /etc/devfs/devfsd.conf. 

Anyone know how a bonehead like me can correct this?

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