Re: How to restore BIOS-based backup on a UEFI machine

2021-01-15 Thread Jesper Dybdal

On 2021-01-15 18:22, Linux-Fan wrote:

I back up with
  cd / && find home -xdev -print0 | cpio -o0 -H crc | gzip | openssl 
enc -md sha256 -salt -pass file:passwordfile -aes-128-cbc 

 Thank you for the `openssl` commandline. 

However, since I upgraded to buster, that openssl command gives the warning:

*** WARNING : deprecated key derivation used.
Using -iter or -pbkdf2 would be better.

I have not yet studied what that means in detail and precisely what 
other parameters are better to use.

Jesper Dybdal

Re: How to restore BIOS-based backup on a UEFI machine

2021-01-15 Thread Linux-Fan

Jesper Dybdal writes:

On 2021-01-14 23:21, Linux-Fan wrote:
Finally out of curiosity: You mention using CPIO archives. Do you have any  
input files above 8 GiB for your backup processes? I always thought that to  
be the limit of CPIO?

My backups do not contain large files within the cpio archives, so I don't  
know whether that would be a problem.  But some of the archives are much  
larger than 8 GiB.

Thank you for confirming this.

I've just realized that I may never actually have restored such large  
backups, but I have created contents listings for them, and if cpio can do  
that, surely it can also restore (but I'll try a real restore just to be  

As long as the individual files are below 8 GiB (in your case: 4 GiB), it  
should be fine. See below.

Since cpio as I use it works from and to standard input/output, I would not  
expect it to notice the archive size in any way.

Yes, that is what I think too. The 8 GiB are only a restriction of the  
individual input files, not for the resulting archive files. Here is the  
except from GNU CPIOs manpage cpio(1):

| -H, --format=FORMAT
|Use given archive FORMAT.  Valid  formats  are  (the  number  in
|parentheses gives maximum size for individual archive member):
|binThe obsolete binary format.  (2147483647 bytes)
|odcThe old (POSIX.1) portable format. (8589934591 bytes)
|newc   The  new (SVR4) portable format, which supports file sys‐
|   tems having more than 65536 i-nodes. (4294967295 bytes)
|crcThe new (SVR4) portable format with a checksum added.
|tarThe old tar format. (8589934591 bytes)
|ustar  The POSIX.1 tar format.   Also  recognizes  GNU  tar  ar‐
|   chives,  which are similar but not identical. (8589934591
|   bytes)
|hpbin  The obsolete binary format used  by  HPUX's  cpio  (which
|   stores device files differently).
|hpodc  The portable format used by HPUX's cpio (which stores de‐
|   vice files differently).

I back up with
  cd / && find home -xdev -print0 | cpio -o0 -H crc | gzip | openssl enc -md  
sha256 -salt -pass file:passwordfile -aes-128-cbc >backup.cpio.gz.aes

Hence in your case, the limit should be effectively max. 4 GiB per input  
file. As it is a streamed format, there is no practical limit on the  
resulting output archive file. Thank you for the `openssl` commandline.



Description: PGP signature

Re: How to restore BIOS-based backup on a UEFI machine

2021-01-15 Thread Jesper Dybdal

On 2021-01-14 23:21, Linux-Fan wrote:
Finally out of curiosity: You mention using CPIO archives. Do you have 
any input files above 8 GiB for your backup processes? I always 
thought that to be the limit of CPIO?

My backups do not contain large files within the cpio archives, so I 
don't know whether that would be a problem.  But some of the archives 
are much larger than 8 GiB.

I've just realized that I may never actually have restored such large 
backups, but I have created contents listings for them, and if cpio can 
do that, surely it can also restore (but I'll try a real restore just to 
be sure).

Since cpio as I use it works from and to standard input/output, I would 
not expect it to notice the archive size in any way.

I back up with
  cd / && find home -xdev -print0 | cpio -o0 -H crc | gzip | openssl 
enc -md sha256 -salt -pass file:passwordfile -aes-128-cbc 

Thanks to you and everybody else who answered my question.

Jesper Dybdal

Re: How to restore BIOS-based backup on a UEFI machine

2021-01-15 Thread Tixy
On Thu, 2021-01-14 at 13:45 -0500, The Wanderer wrote:
> On 2021-01-14 at 12:58, Tixy wrote:
> > On Thu, 2021-01-14 at 11:15 -0500, The Wanderer wrote:
> > > Newer-model Intel chipsets specifically prohibit booting to
> > > internal hard drives in "legacy boot" mode.
> > 
> > Surely it isn't the chipset which determines what disk format you can
> > boot from, it's the firmware.
> I'd have thought so too, but the reading I did on this a while back
> (after discovering that booting to MBR-based internal hard drives was
> impossible on the newest computer models at my workplace) led me to
> statements that firmware writers can't support this anymore, because
> Intel's chipset implementation specifically does not let them do it.
> In practice, now that I research this again in depth, not only can I not
> find those statements again, all the reports of this behavior in the
> real world seem to be on Dell computers. I remember finding it stated
> that Dell had no choice in this because of what Intel had done, but I'm
> not finding those again now.
> I *do* find multiple statements that Intel is dropping all BIOS support
> from its UEFI firmwares (including, presumably, those it creates with /
> for its motherboard partners) by sometime in 2020, which has already
> passed; it's possible that that might include this behavior, but I'm not
> finding explicit statements of or reports about that just yet.

That seems more likely, i.e. OEMs using Intel firmware for Intel
chipsets and Intel dropping the Compatibility Support Module (CSM).
And, reading some more, perhaps things are chipset related after all,
if the CSM runs in old 16-bit mode and it can't access all the hardware
it needs.

I don't know enough about this, I would have thought that CSM support
world somehow call out to UEFI to do the actual device work, but after
having passing dealings many years ago with the open source EFI code
(EDK2) it not something I would want to look into. (Me shudders at the
thought :-)


Re: How to restore BIOS-based backup on a UEFI machine

2021-01-14 Thread David Christensen

On 2021-01-14 07:41, Jesper Dybdal wrote:

I backup my Buster server simply as a (compressed, encrypted) cpio archive.

Restoring it to a BIOS-based machine is simple: boot a rescue cd, 
partition the disk, restore all files, fix fstab if necessary, run 
update-grub and grub-install in a chroot environment.  That works.

But if the machine should some day die and I can only find/buy a 
UEFI-only machine to restore it to, how do I do that?  And are there any 
precautions I should take in advance (on the BIOS system, before 
creating backups that may be needed on a future UEFI system) in order to 
make it easier to restore to a UEFI machine?

(My knowledge of UEFI is almost non-existent, and my knowledge of grub 
is very limited.)

I have a SOHO network with a few Debian workstations and a few FreeBSD 
servers, all still BIOS/MBR.

Backup/ restore is one thing and migration is another.  cpio(1) is a 
tool for the former.  Changing hardware/ firmware from BIOS to UEFI and 
partitioning scheme from MBR to GPT involve the latter, and require 
different tools and techniques.

Are you using a version control system (VCS) for system administration? 
If not, I recommend it.  Version control is a huge improvement over 
ad-hoc methods and "sneaker net".

For each host, I create a VCS project and check out a working directory 
under the root account on that host.  The project includes a text file 
with my system administration notes, a text file with a list of all 
installed packages, and any configuration files that I have modified or 
created.  I also include anything else that might be of use, such as the 
output of various diagnostic tools.

To migrate, I do a fresh install of the chosen OS onto a blank disk in 
the new machine, install the VCS client, check out the old host project, 
create a new host project, and proceed to install packages, restore/ 
edit configuration files, connect data, etc..  Plan carefully, backup 
religiously, schedule an outage, and be prepared to back out/ restore if 
the migration fails.


Re: How to restore BIOS-based backup on a UEFI machine

2021-01-14 Thread Linux-Fan

Alain D D Williams writes:

On Thu, Jan 14, 2021 at 04:41:50PM +0100, Jesper Dybdal wrote:
> I backup my Buster server simply as a (compressed, encrypted) cpio archive.
> Restoring it to a BIOS-based machine is simple: boot a rescue cd, partition
> the disk, restore all files, fix fstab if necessary, run update-grub and
> grub-install in a chroot environment.  That works.
> But if the machine should some day die and I can only find/buy a UEFI-only
> machine to restore it to, how do I do that?  And are there any precautions  
> I should take in advance (on the BIOS system, before creating backups that  
> may be needed on a future UEFI system) in order to make it easier to restore to

> a UEFI machine?

Standard precaution: Make sure your rescue disk boots on UEFI systems. For  
enhanced certainity, it has to be a physical system. I recently tried to  
test an UEFI live system in a virtual machine and it worked perfectly well,  
but degraded on a physical system: The GRUB menu choices could be used  
inside the VM but the physical system always booted the first entry...


If/when your machine dies I would suggest that the simplest thing is for you  
to do a completely fresh Debian install (which will get EUFI, etc, right) and  
then import your data from backups.

So what you need to do now is to ensure that your backups make it easy for  
you to do that:

* most of non system data is prob in /home So make that a separate cpio file

* ditto for other places where you have files that do not come from .deb

* keep a copy of /etc where it is easy to get hold of (maybe  

* ensure that you know what has been installed: dpkg --list


I'd also recommend this approach. I prefer to track installed packages  
manually (in form of custom meta packages that is :) ), because this reduces  
them to a comprehensible set of actually interesting things -- I do not care  
if some previously unused library will not be installed on the new system.

There are some pitfalls of storing copies of system data in home directories  
(it could bypass read-restrictions for files like /etc/shadow), but for many  
single-user-machines this is less relevant.

I attempt to store only the files which I have modified. Mostly because the  
system's files are to some extent, hardware dependent (i.e.  
/etc/X11/xorg.conf if used is likely not to be portable across different GPU  
vendors etc.)

Finally out of curiosity: You mention using CPIO archives. Do you have any  
input files above 8 GiB for your backup processes? I always thought that to  
be the limit of CPIO? I am asking because I am using CPIO for backups, too.  
But here, it is explicitly only used for the comparatively small amount of  
"actually important data" -- i.e. things like VMs, mirrors, program setup  
files etc. all excluded and (to some extent) backed up by different programs  
(rsync and borgbackup, but I am still looking for better alternatives).



Description: PGP signature

Re: How to restore BIOS-based backup on a UEFI machine

2021-01-14 Thread songbird
Jesper Dybdal wrote:
> (My knowledge of UEFI is almost non-existent, and my knowledge of grub 
> is very limited.)

  if you are not mixing Debian with any other system and
installing from scratch all you have to make sure of is
that the system is detected as an UEFI system to begin
with and then it should just work.

  however, since i've had grub updates screw up my 
preferences i've switched over to using refind as my boot 
loader and that works for me.  i find it very easy as 
i've set the configuration to use the most recent kernel 
as the default and then have alternate selections 
available if i want to boot those instead.  i haven't 
booted from grub in quite a long time now but i do still 
have it installed.


Re: How to restore BIOS-based backup on a UEFI machine

2021-01-14 Thread The Wanderer
On 2021-01-14 at 12:58, Tixy wrote:

> On Thu, 2021-01-14 at 11:15 -0500, The Wanderer wrote:

>> Newer-model Intel chipsets specifically prohibit booting to
>> internal hard drives in "legacy boot" mode.
> Surely it isn't the chipset which determines what disk format you can
> boot from, it's the firmware.

I'd have thought so too, but the reading I did on this a while back
(after discovering that booting to MBR-based internal hard drives was
impossible on the newest computer models at my workplace) led me to
statements that firmware writers can't support this anymore, because
Intel's chipset implementation specifically does not let them do it.

In practice, now that I research this again in depth, not only can I not
find those statements again, all the reports of this behavior in the
real world seem to be on Dell computers. I remember finding it stated
that Dell had no choice in this because of what Intel had done, but I'm
not finding those again now.

I *do* find multiple statements that Intel is dropping all BIOS support
from its UEFI firmwares (including, presumably, those it creates with /
for its motherboard partners) by sometime in 2020, which has already
passed; it's possible that that might include this behavior, but I'm not
finding explicit statements of or reports about that just yet.

   The Wanderer

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man. -- George Bernard Shaw

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: How to restore BIOS-based backup on a UEFI machine

2021-01-14 Thread Tixy
On Thu, 2021-01-14 at 11:15 -0500, The Wanderer wrote:
> Newer-model Intel chipsets specifically prohibit booting to internal
> hard drives in "legacy boot" mode.

Surely it isn't the chipset which determines what disk format you can
boot from, it's the firmware. I know the BIOS on my new intel PC boots
my new Bullseye install which I did with MBR boot partition and no ESP.
(Not having setup EFI booting before I stuck with what I knew).
The boot selection menu on my motherboard also lets me select between
the MBR and EFI boot on my Debian installer USB stick, so seems happy
to do both. I've read many places that this experience of legacy boot
support isn't universal though, but I'm pretty sure it's a firmware not
chipset issue.


Re: How to restore BIOS-based backup on a UEFI machine

2021-01-14 Thread Joe
On Thu, 14 Jan 2021 16:26:26 +
Alain D D Williams  wrote:

> On Thu, Jan 14, 2021 at 04:41:50PM +0100, Jesper Dybdal wrote:
> > I backup my Buster server simply as a (compressed, encrypted) cpio
> > archive.
> > 
> > Restoring it to a BIOS-based machine is simple: boot a rescue cd,
> > partition the disk, restore all files, fix fstab if necessary, run
> > update-grub and grub-install in a chroot environment.  That works.
> > 
> > But if the machine should some day die and I can only find/buy a
> > UEFI-only machine to restore it to, how do I do that?  And are
> > there any precautions I should take in advance (on the BIOS system,
> > before creating backups that may be needed on a future UEFI system)
> > in order to make it easier to restore to a UEFI machine?
> > 
> > (My knowledge of UEFI is almost non-existent, and my knowledge of
> > grub is very limited.)  
> If/when your machine dies I would suggest that the simplest thing is
> for you to do a completely fresh Debian install (which will get EUFI,
> etc, right)

I wouldn't necessarily guarantee that, see my earlier post in the
thread. Upgrading to buster killed booting to grub, and even a fresh
installation didn't fix it.

This has just given me an idea for when I have a couple of days spare:
I could try a clean installation of stretch to my problem machine. If
that fixes booting, I could leave /boot/efi untouched, and basically
copy / and the rest of /boot from my problem buster installation, which
I would previously have backed up. There are undoubtedly reasons why
this might fail, but it's the first new idea I've had in months on this


Re: How to restore BIOS-based backup on a UEFI machine

2021-01-14 Thread Alain D D Williams
On Thu, Jan 14, 2021 at 04:41:50PM +0100, Jesper Dybdal wrote:
> I backup my Buster server simply as a (compressed, encrypted) cpio archive.
> Restoring it to a BIOS-based machine is simple: boot a rescue cd, partition
> the disk, restore all files, fix fstab if necessary, run update-grub and
> grub-install in a chroot environment.  That works.
> But if the machine should some day die and I can only find/buy a UEFI-only
> machine to restore it to, how do I do that?  And are there any precautions I
> should take in advance (on the BIOS system, before creating backups that may
> be needed on a future UEFI system) in order to make it easier to restore to
> a UEFI machine?
> (My knowledge of UEFI is almost non-existent, and my knowledge of grub is
> very limited.)

If/when your machine dies I would suggest that the simplest thing is for you to
do a completely fresh Debian install (which will get EUFI, etc, right) and then
import your data from backups.

So what you need to do now is to ensure that your backups make it easy for you
to do that:

* most of non system data is prob in /home So make that a separate cpio file

* ditto for other places where you have files that do not come from .deb

* keep a copy of /etc where it is easy to get hold of (maybe /home/etc.tar.gz)

* ensure that you know what has been installed: dpkg --list

> -- 
> Jesper Dybdal

Alain Williams
Linux/GNU Consultant - Mail systems, Web sites, Networking, Programmer, IT 
+44 (0) 787 668 0256
Parliament Hill Computers Ltd. Registration Information:

Re: How to restore BIOS-based backup on a UEFI machine

2021-01-14 Thread Sven Joachim
On 2021-01-14 17:05 +0100, Sven Joachim wrote:

> I don't think so, the only important thing is that on the restore
> machine you need to set up an EFI system partition[1] from which the
> system boots.  It has to be formatted as FAT32 and mounted under
> /boot/efi when you install grub-efi-amd64.

I forgot the include the link to [1]:


Re: How to restore BIOS-based backup on a UEFI machine

2021-01-14 Thread The Wanderer
On 2021-01-14 at 10:41, Jesper Dybdal wrote:

> I backup my Buster server simply as a (compressed, encrypted) cpio 
> archive.
> Restoring it to a BIOS-based machine is simple: boot a rescue cd, 
> partition the disk, restore all files, fix fstab if necessary, run 
> update-grub and grub-install in a chroot environment.  That works.
> But if the machine should some day die and I can only find/buy a 
> UEFI-only machine to restore it to, how do I do that?  And are there 
> any precautions I should take in advance (on the BIOS system, before 
> creating backups that may be needed on a future UEFI system) in order
> to make it easier to restore to a UEFI machine?
> (My knowledge of UEFI is almost non-existent, and my knowledge of 
> grub is very limited.)

If my understanding is correct, a lot will depend on whether the machine
you're trying to restore it on is using a motherboard with a newer Intel
chipset or something else (an older one or, at least as far as I've been
able to determine to date, any AMD chipset).

Newer-model Intel chipsets specifically prohibit booting to internal
hard drives in "legacy boot" mode, i.e. (at least as far as I can
determine) to drives whose boot information is specified in the MBR
rather than with EFI partitions on GPT[1]. Older ones, and AMD chipsets
as a whole as far as I can determine, don't.

If you're trying to restore on a machine with that restriction attached,
you're probably going to need to convert the install which is being
restored from backup from MBR-style partitioning to GPT-style
partitioning - which is likely to include making changes to the
boot-configuration settings that are present in the backup (files under
/boot, if nothing else). I don't have enough experience with that to
give good guidance, unfortunately.

If you're trying to restore on a machine without that restriction, then
as long as you set the UEFI to boot the computer in "legacy" mode, I'd
expect things should be as straightforward as always.

[1] Yes, this is vague and probably not entirely accurate. My browser
just crashed and will take a while to bring back up, so I don't care to
do the research to resolve that fuzziness before sending this.

   The Wanderer

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man. -- George Bernard Shaw

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: How to restore BIOS-based backup on a UEFI machine

2021-01-14 Thread Sven Joachim
On 2021-01-14 16:41 +0100, Jesper Dybdal wrote:

> I backup my Buster server simply as a (compressed, encrypted) cpio archive.
> Restoring it to a BIOS-based machine is simple: boot a rescue cd,
> partition the disk, restore all files, fix fstab if necessary, run
> update-grub and grub-install in a chroot environment.  That works.
> But if the machine should some day die and I can only find/buy a
> UEFI-only machine to restore it to, how do I do that?

Partitioning and restoring should work pretty much the same way, but in
addition you have to replace the bootloader, i.e. install grub-efi-amd64
instead of grub-pc, before you can boot the restored system.

> And are there
> any precautions I should take in advance (on the BIOS system, before
> creating backups that may be needed on a future UEFI system) in order
> to make it easier to restore to a UEFI machine?

I don't think so, the only important thing is that on the restore
machine you need to set up an EFI system partition[1] from which the
system boots.  It has to be formatted as FAT32 and mounted under
/boot/efi when you install grub-efi-amd64.
