Re: time to split the list?

1996-09-10 Thread Eric Fluger

(In addition, 
a master containing all messages would probobly be appreciated by 
the thorough, the obsesive and the idle.)

ALSO: Making either the master or all subsets available as a digest 
would REALLY help!  I'm getting the firewall list this way.  
It's very tidy. 
(Perhaps those maintaining it could offer some pointers.)

- ef

Richard G. Roberto wrote:
> On Thu, 5 Sep 1996, Bruce Perens wrote:
> > Some newbies tell me they find debian-user intimidating due to the high
> > level of technical discussion that sometimes goes on there. Is it time
> > to split the list? About 2 years ago I proposed a separate list just for
> > people trying to install the system. At the time we did not have enough
> > traffic for that. We probably do now.
> >
> > I would propose:
> >
> >   debian-install
> >   debian-nontechnical
> >   debian-technical
> >
> > Now I just have to find our list administrator :-) .
> >
> >   Bruce
> >
> This sounds like a good idea, but I'd sure like to see one
> of the lists a superset of the others if that's possible (a
> la crossposting?)  Also, there's a new section in linux
> journal providing help with various distributions.  Last
> time I checked, Debian didn't have an entry.  Perhaps we
> should come up with a debian-support list?
> Thanks
> Richard G. Roberto
> 201-739-2886 - whippany, nj
> --
> ***
> Bear Stearns is not responsible for any recommendation, solicitation, offer or
> agreement or any information about any transaction, customer account or 
> account
> activity contained in this communication.
> ***

Re: time to split the list?

1996-09-10 Thread Richard G. Roberto
On Thu, 5 Sep 1996, Bruce Perens wrote:

> Some newbies tell me they find debian-user intimidating due to the high
> level of technical discussion that sometimes goes on there. Is it time
> to split the list? About 2 years ago I proposed a separate list just for
> people trying to install the system. At the time we did not have enough
> traffic for that. We probably do now.
> I would propose:
>   debian-install
>   debian-nontechnical
>   debian-technical
> Now I just have to find our list administrator :-) .
>   Bruce

This sounds like a good idea, but I'd sure like to see one
of the lists a superset of the others if that's possible (a
la crossposting?)  Also, there's a new section in linux
journal providing help with various distributions.  Last
time I checked, Debian didn't have an entry.  Perhaps we
should come up with a debian-support list?


Richard G. Roberto
201-739-2886 - whippany, nj

Bear Stearns is not responsible for any recommendation, solicitation, offer or
agreement or any information about any transaction, customer account or account
activity contained in this communication.

Re: time to split the list?

1996-09-09 Thread Mark Phillips
I would not like to see the mailing list exchanged for a news group.
My news source is very slow and unreliable.  I do not seem to get a
lot of the messages.

Split the mailing list, but do not get rid of it all together.

Mark Phillips.  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: time to split the list?

1996-09-07 Thread Derrick Mckoy
This is a good idea.  I would suggest:

debian-user (instead of debian-technical)
debian-novice (instead of debian-nontechnical).


Re: time to split the list?

1996-09-06 Thread Winfried Truemper

I'm only subscribed to lists which do not carry more than 10 mails/week.
This way my mailbox keeps mostly interesting stuff which I can oversee.

It is a _must_ to convert high-traffic lists into newsgroups because:

   - one gets overwhelmed by the number of e-mails per day,
   - the disk gets clobbered by the size of the whole bunch (argh, I
 had 5 people sumitted to "debian-users" on my system),

   - newbies are not capable of (or have other problems than) setting
 up e-mail filters to sort the whole junk (hint: gnus is really

   - high-traffic often means "general interest" (so why not make it
 more public?),

   - one actually pays for the whole junk to download it via modem,

   - one has to unsubscribe when going on holidays,

On the other hand I see that

   + developers need to communicate more quickly than via news (takes
 up to 4 days)

   + it is much easier to create a mailing-list than a newsgroup

So my suggestions are:

   o Tell the people about the newsgroup "linux.debian.users" as an
 alternative to the mailinglist when confirming their
 Ignoring the technical stuff is a special case of ignoring
 subjects of no personally interest and can be done with most
 (Yes, you can do this "easily" with mailinglist by using gnus,
  too but thats the exception.) 

   o make at least "debian-users-digest" for those people who want to
 keep on with the most interesting things

   o split the mailing-list to keep developers off from
 newbie-questions (they are likely to "waste" their time!) into

 for questions "not" covered by the installation-manual :-)

 for those who have at least reached the login-prompt
 but aren't familiar with the system yet [no technical
 discussion allowed here; even such evil words as "emacs",
 "kernel" and such are strictly forbidden] :-)

 the good old list; for "long-time" debian-users

 high-level technical discussions

   o make a "debian-all-digest" from all that lists above


Re: time to split the list?

1996-09-06 Thread Bill Wohler
  Casper made some good points regarding debian-install.  Let's start
  with debian-install and debian-user and see how it goes.  I don't
  like debian-*technical.  At the moment, the line between debian-user
  and a potential debian-devel is rather fuzzy in my mind and as such
  both would carry much of the same traffic.  (Isn't there already a
  list for the debian developers for discussion of packaging and
  releases and such that wouldn't be of interest to the general

Bill Wohler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   ph: +1-415-854-1857  fax: +1-415-854-3195
Say it with MIME.  Maintainer of and FAQs.
If you're passed on the right, you're in the wrong lane.

Re: time to split the list?

1996-09-06 Thread Christopher R. Hertel
On Sep 6,  8:31am, Thomas R Behrndt wrote:
> Subject: Re: time to split the list?
: A very good idea. However, it might be a good idea to retain the name
: debian-user as well, particularly since there is now a news group of
: that name.

Seconded.  I like the name debian-user better than debian-nontechnical.
 The latter (IMHO) sounds a bit more as though we are trying to divide
subscribers based on their knowledge level.

Christopher R. Hertel -)-   University of Minnesota
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Networking and Telecommunications Services

Re: time to split the list?

1996-09-06 Thread Dale Scheetz
On Thu, 5 Sep 1996, Bruce Perens wrote:

> Some newbies tell me they find debian-user intimidating due to the high
> level of technical discussion that sometimes goes on there. Is it time
> to split the list? About 2 years ago I proposed a separate list just for
> people trying to install the system. At the time we did not have enough
> traffic for that. We probably do now.

I suspect that the intimidation is more due to the volume of mail
(specially if these folks are suggesting that a news group would be a
better forum) and simply don't wish to deal with that volume. Any good
mail viewer (even pine) provide good sort facilities (to pull a thread
together), so there is no reason to "have" to read messages that are too
Another point: Our mailing lists are some of the most friendly forums
available on the net and only the most obnoxious folks recieve any flames.

> I would propose:
>   debian-install
>   debian-nontechnical
>   debian-technical
I would prefer debian-install, debian-user, and debian-devel. I don't see
any discussion of Debian that could go into debian-nontechnical. Even a
discussion of the color scheme in dselect could quickly degenerate into a
technical discussion. As has been stated elsewhere, we already have
debian-talk, which satisfies all needs for off-topic discussions.

I have no problems with splitting the mailing lists (they currently all
come to me) but would be very opposed to moving them to news groups.
However, a moderated news group that feeds both from and to the mail lists
could be an advantagious setup.

Thanks for your time,



aka   Dale Scheetz   Phone:   1 (904) 877-0257
  Flexible Software  Fax: NONE 
  Black Creek Critters   e-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 If you don't see what you want, just ask --

Re: time to split the list?

1996-09-06 Thread Lars Wirzenius
Casper BodenCummins:
> After reading your posts, I'm coming around to the view that two groups
> - debian-user and debian-install - would be best. There is perhaps
> insufficient non-technical discussion to warrant a separate list.

We already have the debian-talk list (send mail to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] for info).

Please read  before mailing me.
Please don't Cc: me when replying to my message on a mailing list.

Description: PGP signature

Re: time to split the list?

1996-09-06 Thread Billy Chow
> "Ken" == Ken Gaugler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Ken> Maybe debian-user and debian-install, to keep it simple?  

I second this.

Billy C.-M. Chow  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Debian Linux

RE: time to split the list?

1996-09-06 Thread Casper BodenCummins
Brian C. White wrote:

>People love to complain about there being too much information, but they
>overlook the fact that the reason they can get information and fast
>responses is because there is so much going on there.  If you split
>the list, many people will not subscribe to some of them and thus will
>not be available to answer questions.  The result is a need to crosspost
>to all lists in order to get a decent response.

On the other hand, a little sorting saves a lot of time - time that can
be used to actively contribute. I voiced my support for Bruce's idea,
but also said that we could compromise by having at least a separate
debian-install list. There are several issues:

i.  We are probably losing potential Debian users due to the size and
significant inaccessible technical content of debian-user. 60-70
a day is a lot to cope with, especially when you have other
When much of it is Double Dutch, you tend to feel intimidated.
* we lose fewer fans
ii. Decreasing the amount of irrelevant or uninteresting traffic leaves
time to spend usefully contributing.
* we have more useful time
iii.Some people get a real kick out of helping a newbie into the fray.
do some of the time. Others don't. If someone /wants/ to help,
subscribe. If they don't have time today, well they can just junk
all the
traffic in that list for today. Doing this manually is a bind.
I agree that we'll lose some help because people who would have been
to assist with a problem didn't subscribe to the debian-install
list, but
I also think that there'll still be sufficient altruism and
available. The trade-offs are worth it.
* we save effort

>I, for example, probably will not subscribe to the install and non-tech

I imagine that, in a similar vein, you also don't spend much time read
non-technical and installation-specific posts. More's the better for you
if the traffic isn't there in the first place.

>(maybe not even "technical" since I don't understand what each
>is for) and thus will not see questions regarding my packages.
>My personal opinion is that splitting the lists will add much confusion
>and help little.

I really don't see much difficulty is interpreting Bruce's categories.
Do you think the titles are confusing? Suppose we just had debian-user
and debian-install. Would this be okay?

After reading your posts, I'm coming around to the view that two groups
- debian-user and debian-install - would be best. There is perhaps
insufficient non-technical discussion to warrant a separate list.

Casper Boden-Cummins.
Please do not cc: me when replying to the list

Re: time to split the list?

1996-09-06 Thread Eze Ogwuma
> Some newbies tell me they find debian-user intimidating due to the high
> level of technical discussion that sometimes goes on there. Is it time
> to split the list? About 2 years ago I proposed a separate list just for
> people trying to install the system. At the time we did not have enough
> traffic for that. We probably do now.
> I would propose:
>   debian-install
>   debian-nontechnical
>   debian-technical
> Now I just have to find our list administrator :-) .
>   Bruce

If the lists were split the debian-user list could then get all messages from 
all the lists (something like the exmh-workers list).

Eze Ogwuma

Re: time to split the list?

1996-09-06 Thread wb2oyc

On 06:20:26 Boris Yati Beletsky wrote:
>>On Thu, 5 Sep 1996, Bruce Perens wrote:
>|>I would propose:
>|> debian-install
>|> debian-nontechnical
>|> debian-technical
>it's a very good idea , but i don't understand whats debian-nontechnical
>would do?
Well, I don't like it.  I've learned alot from the dialog, but I must admit that
often you guys get talking about issues that are unique to the packaging
or something, and has nothing to do with the user.  Its more like the 
maintainers often dialog here when that may be better done elsewhere.
Like, what I meant to do with this or that, but didn't have the time.Then
the response goes, well, why not do it this way, and we're offMaybe 
there should be a separate debian-install, but the other stuff is pretty
much debian-user (minus the developer or maintainer nits this and nit
that) if you ask me.


>Boris Beletsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>(finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for pgp public key)
>Commorandi natura deversorium nobis, non habitandi dedit

Re: time to split the list?

1996-09-06 Thread Guy Maor
On Thu, 5 Sep 1996, Bruce Perens wrote:

> Is it time to split the list?

This isn't necessary.  The number of messages per day is quite
reasonable.  As long as discussions are related to Debian, I don't
think it inappropriate that they get tecnical.


Re: time to split the list?

1996-09-05 Thread Brian C. White
> Some newbies tell me they find debian-user intimidating due to the high
> level of technical discussion that sometimes goes on there. Is it time
> to split the list? About 2 years ago I proposed a separate list just for
> people trying to install the system. At the time we did not have enough
> traffic for that. We probably do now.

People love to complain about there being too much information, but they
overlook the fact that the reason they can get information and fast
responses is because there is so much going on there.  If you split
the list, many people will not subscribe to some of them and thus will
not be available to answer questions.  The result is a need to crosspost
to all lists in order to get a decent response.

I, for example, probably will not subscribe to the install and non-tech
groups (maybe not even "technical" since I don't understand what each
is for) and thus will not see questions regarding my packages.

My personal opinion is that splitting the lists will add much confusion
and help little.
In theory, theory and practice are the same.  In practice, they're not.

Re: time to split the list?

1996-09-05 Thread Ken Gaugler
At 01:58 PM 9/5/96 PDT, you wrote:
>Some newbies tell me they find debian-user intimidating due to the high
>level of technical discussion that sometimes goes on there. Is it time
>to split the list? About 2 years ago I proposed a separate list just for
>people trying to install the system. At the time we did not have enough
>traffic for that. We probably do now.
>I would propose:
>   debian-install
>   debian-nontechnical
>   debian-technical
>Now I just have to find our list administrator :-) .
>   Bruce

Maybe debian-user and debian-install, to keep it simple?
Key fingerprint =  D6 A7 D7 8C 92 CB 42 FD  60 D5 62 1C D7 B9 EA 8E 
Ken Gaugler  N6OSK Hybrid Networks, Inc.  Cupertino, Calif.
"The life of a Repo Man is ALWAYS INTENSE..."

Re: time to split the list?

1996-09-05 Thread Boris Yati Beletsky
On Thu, 5 Sep 1996, Bruce Perens wrote:

|>Date: Thu, 5 Sep 96 13:58 PDT
|>From: Bruce Perens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
|>Subject: time to split the list?
|>Some newbies tell me they find debian-user intimidating due to the high
|>level of technical discussion that sometimes goes on there. Is it time
|>to split the list? About 2 years ago I proposed a separate list just for
|>people trying to install the system. At the time we did not have enough
|>traffic for that. We probably do now.
|>I would propose:
|>  debian-install
|>  debian-nontechnical
|>  debian-technical
it's a very good idea , but i don't understand whats debian-nontechnical
would do?


Boris Beletsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
(finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for pgp public key)
Commorandi natura deversorium nobis, non habitandi dedit

Re: time to split the list?

1996-09-05 Thread Tim Sailer
In your email to me, Bruce Perens, you wrote:
> Some newbies tell me they find debian-user intimidating due to the high
> level of technical discussion that sometimes goes on there. Is it time
> to split the list? About 2 years ago I proposed a separate list just for
> people trying to install the system. At the time we did not have enough
> traffic for that. We probably do now.
> I would propose:
>   debian-install
>   debian-nontechnical
>   debian-technical

I think this is a good idea. Would debian-user stay, or go away?


  "Why am I soft in the middle, and the rest of my life is so hard?"
   Paul Simon
** Disclaimer: My views/comments/beliefs, as strange as they are, are my own.**

Re: time to split the list?

1996-09-05 Thread Thomas R Behrndt
A very good idea. However, it might be a good idea to retain the name
debian-user as well, particularly since there is now a news group of that
> I would propose:
>   debian-install
>   debian-nontechnical
>   debian-technical

time to split the list?

1996-09-05 Thread Bruce Perens
Some newbies tell me they find debian-user intimidating due to the high
level of technical discussion that sometimes goes on there. Is it time
to split the list? About 2 years ago I proposed a separate list just for
people trying to install the system. At the time we did not have enough
traffic for that. We probably do now.

I would propose:


Now I just have to find our list administrator :-) .
