Re: MD5 hash for Flash Player Broken (again)

2014-08-27 Thread Justin Mclean

> playerglobal.swc file, I'd say the odds that we need the checksums for
> FP15 are low.  Maybe that file is small enough to be successful almost all
> of the time
I think that's the case although we do get the occasional error for FP player 
global swcs.


RE: [DISCUSSION] Squiggly 1.0 release candidate 0

2014-08-27 Thread Glenn Willianms

I have a largish project im maintaining that uses it and will grab rc0 and
see how it goes.
 Thanks for taking time to get this into good shape


-Original Message-
From: Justin Mclean [] 
Sent: 28 August 2014 02:13
Subject: [DISCUSSION] Squiggly 1.0 release candidate 0


Please place all of the discussion here rather than in the the thread.


Re: MD5 hash for Flash Player Broken (again)

2014-08-27 Thread Alex Harui
Sorry, I wasn't clear.  Sometime after July 22, I think the MD5 for FP14
beta got removed from sdk-installer-config-4.0.xml which would then cause
the installer to not checksum the download.  The download would be trusted
and if it was truly bad, would result in an error "later".  If it were the
AIR SDK MD5 that was removed then the installer would likely fail trying
to unzip the AIR SDK, but as I was writing this, I realized that the
playerglobal is not unzipped, so the install would succeed and then
someone would not be able to compile and we might hear about that on the
list, or they would have tried again.

So you're right that we probably can't get good data, but removing the MD5
and then getting a corrupted download should result in a different error.
But given that I don't think we heard any yelping on the list, about a bad
playerglobal.swc file, I'd say the odds that we need the checksums for
FP15 are low.  Maybe that file is small enough to be successful almost all
of the time.


On 8/27/14 9:16 PM, "Justin Mclean"  wrote:

>>  Maybe the analytics show how many 14-betas were successful and how
>>many failed?
>As we get the same error in each case it's impossible to tell,, but my
>guess is that we have had more installs fails as the MD5 hash was not
>updated vs ordinary download failures of the Flash Player swc.

Re: [DISCUSSION] Squiggly 1.0 release candidate 0

2014-08-27 Thread Justin Mclean

Just in case anyone needs a simple test to try it out:"; layout="vertical">



You need to provide en_US.aff and en_US.dic file and place in a data directory 
but these can be found in many places. eg Adobe's version of Squiggly or it 
looks like from the Open Office extensions site [1]



Re: [DISCUSSION] Squiggly 1.0 release candidate 0

2014-08-27 Thread Justin Mclean

While not a blocker, the main inconvenience I see with the current RC is that 
is requirement the user to source a dictionary, as none were provided in 
Adobe's donation. While it easy enough to take one from Adobe's version of 
Squiggly that's not exactly optimal.  What can we do about this? Obvious at the 
very least we need to add it to the README/RELEASE_NOTES

Does anyone know what Open Office does? I think they use (perhaps use to use?) 
the same dictionary format.


Re: MD5 hash for Flash Player Broken (again)

2014-08-27 Thread Justin Mclean

>  Maybe the analytics show how many 14-betas were successful and how many 
> failed?
As we get the same error in each case it's impossible to tell,, but my guess is 
that we have had more installs fails as the MD5 hash was not updated vs 
ordinary download failures of the Flash Player swc.


Re: MD5 hash for Flash Player Broken (again)

2014-08-27 Thread Alex Harui
We stopped checking 14 beta after a while.  Is there a way to see if folks
then truly got bad downloads of 14 beta?  Maybe the analytics show how
many 14-betas were successful and how many failed?


On 8/27/14 8:57 PM, "Justin Mclean"  wrote:

>Looks like the MD5 of Flash Player has changed again. Perhaps we
>shouldn't check the hash of Flash Player  beta's give they change so

Re: [VOTE] Squiggly 1.0 release candidate 0

2014-08-27 Thread Justin Mclean


+1 binding
- packages name etc good
- LICENSE needs to be double checked by someone else  but at the moment I can't 
seen anything that need to be added to the standard boillerplate
- NOTICE good
- source package contains no binary files
- all source files have apache header
- can compile swcs from source package
- could get simple example working

Minor issues:
- One swc doubles up on ApacheFlex name
- Would be nice to have better instructions on how to use these swcs
- A few directories and files still have "Adobe" in there name, probably should 
- This file [1] contains trademarked / company names and should be changed to 
something else
- perhaps swap points 3 and 4 in README


1. main/Tools/AdobeSpellingDictGen/sample/sampleWordList.txt

Re: [DISCUSSION] Squiggly 1.0 release candidate 0

2014-08-27 Thread Justin Mclean

A few things to consider:
- More instructions on how to use would be useful (could we get permission to 
use content from here?) [1]
- Do we need debug and non debug swc binary versions?
- Do we require ASDocs to be part of the first release or can that wait until a 
later release?
- Should we rename / get rid of main?



MD5 hash for Flash Player Broken (again)

2014-08-27 Thread Justin Mclean

Looks like the MD5 of Flash Player has changed again. Perhaps we shouldn't 
check the hash of Flash Player  beta's give they change so frequently?


Re: Squiggly and Hunspell

2014-08-27 Thread Alex Harui
My understanding is that squiggly calls hunspell
Sent via the PANTECH Discover, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone.

Justin Mclean  wrote:


Does anyone know the relationship between Squiggly and Hunspell? [1]

Was squiggly based on Hunspell code or just made to be compatible with it?



[VOTE] Squiggly 1.0 release candidate 0

2014-08-27 Thread Justin Mclean

This is a  Squiggly Release Candidate 0. Please see the RELEASE_NOTES and the 

As this is the first release please check it carefully as there are likely to 
be some issues.

The release candidate can be found here;

Before voting please review the section,"What are the ASF requirements on 
approving a release?", at:

Please vote to approve this release:
+1 Approve the release
-1 Veto the release (please provide specific comments to why)

This vote will be open for at least 72 hours or (more likely) as long as needed.

The vote passes if there is:
- At least 3 +1 votes from the PMC
- More positive votes than negative votes

People who are not in PMC or who are not an committer are also encouraged to 
test out the release and vote, although their votes will not be binding.

Please put all discussion about this release in the DISCUSSION thread not this 
VOTE thread.


[DISCUSSION] Squiggly 1.0 release candidate 0

2014-08-27 Thread Justin Mclean

Please place all of the discussion here rather than in the the thread.


Re: Squiggly donation and swc names

2014-08-27 Thread Justin Mclean

Well that was easy, think we're actually ready to go for a test RC0.


Re: Squiggly donation and swc names

2014-08-27 Thread Alex Harui
Ok with me to rename.
Sent via the PANTECH Discover, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone.

OmPrakash Muppirala  wrote:

On Aug 27, 2014 5:15 PM, "Justin Mclean"  wrote:
> Hi,
> Currently all of the squiggly swcs are named AdobeXXX.swc, eg
AdobeSpellingFramework.swc, obviously we wouldn't be able to release with
that. Should we go for ApacheFlexSpellingFramwork.swc or just
SpellingFramwork.swc? The first with ApacheFlex seems a little cumbersome
to me but you then know exactly where it come from.

ApacheFlexSpellingFramework sounds better.


> Thanks,
> Justin

Re: Squiggly donation and swc names

2014-08-27 Thread OmPrakash Muppirala
On Aug 27, 2014 5:15 PM, "Justin Mclean"  wrote:
> Hi,
> Currently all of the squiggly swcs are named AdobeXXX.swc, eg
AdobeSpellingFramework.swc, obviously we wouldn't be able to release with
that. Should we go for ApacheFlexSpellingFramwork.swc or just
SpellingFramwork.swc? The first with ApacheFlex seems a little cumbersome
to me but you then know exactly where it come from.

ApacheFlexSpellingFramework sounds better.


> Thanks,
> Justin

Squiggly donation and swc names

2014-08-27 Thread Justin Mclean

Currently all of the squiggly swcs are named AdobeXXX.swc, eg 
AdobeSpellingFramework.swc, obviously we wouldn't be able to release with that. 
Should we go for ApacheFlexSpellingFramwork.swc or just SpellingFramwork.swc? 
The first with ApacheFlex seems a little cumbersome to me but you then know 
exactly where it come from.


Squiggly and Hunspell

2014-08-27 Thread Justin Mclean

Does anyone know the relationship between Squiggly and Hunspell? [1]

Was squiggly based on Hunspell code or just made to be compatible with it?



RE: Open source parts of FP

2014-08-27 Thread Michael A. Labriola
>Long story short we are trying to do what the Flash Player does outside of 
>Flash. We have seen other companies have success using Emscripten and asm.js 
>so if Adobe could open source parts of the Flash Player then we could get some 
>of the Flash Player functionality in javascript. FTE and the Core Text 
>Services C library (documentation 
>) inside of 
>the Flash Player are of particular interest to me and anyone else that was 
>using TLF in their Flex application. This also has potential of making the 
>effort for Flex JS easier.


I am not going to address the why won't adobe open source flash part of this, 
there are too many threads on that in this forum to count already. However, 
just want to point out that a lot of what FTE was trying to accomplish is 
bringing the rendering capabilities of the browser into Flash Player. So, 
porting something that does browser rendering in the player back to the browser 
is a bit circular if not redundant. We have found that everything FTE could do 
is generally available, faster and easier in the browser DOM today. This isn’t 
a comment on Flex versus JS in general, just on text rendering.

Just something to think about,

Translation help needed

2014-08-27 Thread Justin Mclean

Just noticed an old JIRA still needs needs some community help.

Can anyone help with a few simple simple translations? We are misisng 
translations to  Danish, Korean, Norwegian, Swedish and Chinese.

invalidCharPostcodeError=The postcode contains invalid characters.
wrongLengthPostcodeError=The postcode is the wrong length.
wrongFormatPostcodeError=The postcode is the wrong format.
incorrectFormatPostcodeError=The postcode format string is incorrect.


Re: Order on download menu on website

2014-08-27 Thread Justin Mclean

Done and published.


Open source parts of FP

2014-08-27 Thread Joel Marks
Our company chose Flex for obvious reasons six years ago and now we are
looking to what is next. We built an application that is similar to
Word/Excel/Powerpoint and we are heavily dependent on TLF (unfortunately
version 1 of TLF because we forked) and FTE.

Long story short we are trying to do what the Flash Player does outside of
Flash. We have seen other companies have success using Emscripten and
asm.js so if Adobe could open source parts of the Flash Player then we
could get some of the Flash Player functionality in javascript. FTE and the
Core Text Services C library (documentation
) inside
of the Flash Player are of particular interest to me and anyone else that
was using TLF in their Flex application. This also has potential of making
the effort for Flex JS easier.


Joel Marks
Workiva  (formerly WebFilings)

RE: Flex 4 Plag In

2014-08-27 Thread Frédéric THOMAS
You can also try he's the founder and president of this 
company [1]

Frédéric THOMAS


> From:
> Date: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 14:57:38 -0500
> Subject: Re: Flex 4 Plag In
> To:
> I've tried calling him at the element river phone number, emailing him, and
> contacting him on LinkedIn before, just to find out what his plans were for
> SourceMate, and have yet to ever receive a response. That's why I thought
> if someone on this list knew him personally they may get more traction.
> On Tue, Aug 26, 2014 at 2:50 PM, OmPrakash Muppirala 
> wrote:
> > On Tue, Aug 26, 2014 at 12:39 PM, Nick Collins 
> > wrote:
> >
> > > Along those lines, I wonder if anybody here knows Chris Gross and might
> > be
> > > able to convince him to donate SourceMate (since it hasn't been updated
> > in
> > > a few years) so that we could integrate it into the Flash Builder plugin.
> > >
> > >
> > I believe this is him:
> > If someone wants to contact him...
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Om
> >
> >
> > >
> > > On Mon, Aug 25, 2014 at 8:07 AM, Patel Amit 
> > > wrote:
> > >
> > > > Hello,
> > > >
> > > > Is there any plugin for the Flex that we can use into the Eclipse
> > Indigo
> > > ?
> > > >
> > > > Amit
> > > >
> > >
> >

RE: OSMF bugs

2014-08-27 Thread Michael A. Labriola
Just to provide some context. OSMF is still used in a few things Adobe sells. I 
am glad to have Alex ask about it but I wouldn’t hold your breath on donation. 
That was the response I got last time I asked (which has admittedly been a year 
or so)

Re: Tour De Flex UE problem!

2014-08-27 Thread Justin Mclean

> I have just found that I can't scroll the scroll bars with my mouse or 
> touchpad, I have to click and drag the  thumb button to scroll it. 

What platform / browser are you on? There are some combinations of browser and 
FP version in which mouse/touchpad scrolling doesn't work. Not 100% sure what 
we can do about it.

But if you raise a JIRA hopefully someone will look into it.


Tour De Flex UE problem!

2014-08-27 Thread Ram Lee
I have just found that I can't scroll the scroll bars with my mouse or 
touchpad, I have to click and drag the  thumb button to scroll it. 

I believe this is a major user experience issue! Hoping this to be fixed really 

发自我的 iPhone

RE: [OT] Who owns the code?

2014-08-27 Thread Kessler CTR Mark J
For us here, we have two restrictions.

1.  Not using company resources or time to work on it.  Meaning do it on your 
own time.

2.  It does not directly compete with the company / it's contracts.  Meaning 
not doing work for a rival company for something they are/could compete on.  
However the SDK doesn't fall into that.

Just as a third optional thing I do is write everything from scratch that gets 
put into the SDK.  Many times I may have already solved an issue locally and I 
don't want the code donated to be the same.  Which also accounts for some 
strange naming/placement in the end :P


Re: Stack Overflow

2014-08-27 Thread Jeffry Houser


On 8/27/2014 8:27 AM, Justin Mclean wrote:


I would have changed it - but I'm not well versed in editing Wikis and more
importantly, I wouldn't know exactly where it should actually land.

I've changed it but needs to be peer reviewed in order to take effect.

Thanks for pointing it out.


Jeffry Houser
Technical Entrepreneur

Re: Stack Overflow

2014-08-27 Thread Justin Mclean

> I would have changed it - but I'm not well versed in editing Wikis and more
> importantly, I wouldn't know exactly where it should actually land.

I've changed it but needs to be peer reviewed in order to take effect.

Thanks for pointing it out.


Stack Overflow

2014-08-27 Thread Jack Ring
In the description Wiki for the "Flex" tag in stackoverflow << >> the link for "Getting Started
with Flex" leads to an old Adobe page...
<< >>

I would have changed it - but I'm not well versed in editing Wikis and more
importantly, I wouldn't know exactly where it should actually land.

Jack Ring

Re: Tour De Flex 1.1

2014-08-27 Thread Mihai Chira
Great. Thanks for creating the tickets.

On 27 August 2014 10:29, Justin Mclean  wrote:
> Hi,
>> * a FlexUnit test example + its test runner UI? I know it's not
>> strictly part of the component list, but in a "Tour de Flex" it might
>> be very useful.
> Nice idea and shouldn't be too hard. I have some existing tests for Array 
> Collection I could donate. JIRA:
>> * squiggly demo
> We can add that once squiggly is released. JIRA:
> Thanks for the input.
> Justin

Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Apache Flex TourDeFlex 1.0

2014-08-27 Thread Justin Mclean

> Could we add another section just for the third party examples?

We intend to,  see:

But like everything we need content and people to do the work.


RE: Order on download menu on website

2014-08-27 Thread Kessler CTR Mark J

-Original Message-
From: Justin Mclean []
Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2014 1:12 AM
Subject: Order on download menu on website


I was looking at the download menu and the order seems a bit random:

Download the SDK 
Installer (For Application Developers)
Download FlexJS 
'alpha' (For Application Developers) 
Download FlexUnit 
(For Application Developers) 
Download the SDK 
Binaries (For SDK Developers)
Download the SDK 
Source Code (For SDK Developers)
Download the 
Tour De Flex Code

Would a better order be this:

Download the SDK 
Installer (For Application Developers)
Download the SDK 
Source Code (For SDK Developers)
Download the SDK 
Binaries (For SDK Developers)
Download FlexJS 
'alpha' (For Application Developers) 
Download FlexUnit 
(For Application Developers) 
Download the 
Tour De Flex Code

Reasons being:
- /Most people are after the installer or the Flex SDK (download numbers seem 
to indicate this)
- Apache is all about source code so we should put that before the binaries 
(although slightly more people look at the binary page)
- Put all the SDK togethers followed by utilities

These download pages actually get a surprising number of page views 
(1000-2000/month each). The installer page gets 15,000 page views a month.

In the footer they are ordered by release date but as the date is listed that 
seems fine to me.


AW: Flex PMD donation

2014-08-27 Thread Christofer Dutz
Of course I don't want to do this all in one.
My priority would currently be:
- Mavenizer
- FlexUnit
- BlazeDS
- FlexPMD


Von: Justin Mclean 
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 27. August 2014 08:57
Betreff: Re: Flex PMD donation


>> Regarding the release ... I would be willing to step up as Release Manager
>> for FlexUnit, BlazeDS, Mavenizer and as soon as it's ready FlexPMD.

I'd try one at a time :-)

>> My new Employer grants me one working day per week

Nice - more employers should allow that.


RE: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Apache Flex TourDeFlex 1.0

2014-08-27 Thread Kessler CTR Mark J
Could we add another section just for the third party examples?

> Apache has been conservative about looking like it is promoting
for-profits so we have to be careful, but if nobody else objects I'm fine
with it.


-Original Message-
From: Alex Harui []
Sent: Monday, August 25, 2014 7:45 PM
Subject: Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Apache Flex TourDeFlex 1.0

On 8/25/14 4:19 PM, "OmPrakash Muppirala"  wrote:

>On Mon, Aug 25, 2014 at 4:13 PM, Alex Harui  wrote:
>> On 8/25/14 3:57 PM, "OmPrakash Muppirala"  wrote:
>> >On Mon, Aug 25, 2014 at 3:51 PM, Alex Harui  wrote:
>> >
>> >> AIUI, as long as we can build TDF by downloading third-party SWCs as
>> >>part
>> >> of the build process it doesn't even have to be compatibly-licensed.
>> >
>> >
>> >That is, assuming that a 3rd party component developer has a freely
>> >available download that we could use.  It is not a very likely
>> Maybe we need concrete examples.  If your component isn't freely
>> available, maybe the app that exhibits it should be in the showcase?
>Do you mean 'should not'?
I meant "should".  If you won't disclose the source code, that app is a
better fit for the showcase than the explorer with its source views.
>> Or are you talking about components that aren't free?  Good question if
>> for-pay components are a good fit for Apache TDF.
>We need to support free and non-free component developers.  Otherwise we
>will never see enterprise components in the wild.  That is one of the
>reasons we don't have a good public showcase in spite of great apps being
>built on top of Apache Flex.
Apache has been conservative about looking like it is promoting
for-profits so we have to be careful, but if nobody else objects I'm fine
with it.
>> And, if we get clearance from the Incubator to make changes to our
>> of TDF on our site, then we could add them to the site version but not
>> Apache version.
>Please elaborate.  I am not sure what the difference is.
Well, we may not want explorer.xml in the git repo to list these
third-party examples, but the one on the site (or compiled into the one on
the site) could.

>Finally, why can't we just hotlink if the 3rd party folks are okay with
Can do that too, but then there is increased risk of failure of that
external url stops working.


Re: OSMF bugs

2014-08-27 Thread Avi Kessner
I've always wanted to see OSMF tied more directly into flex as a component.

brought to you by the letters A, V, and I
and the number 47

On Wed, Aug 27, 2014 at 1:59 PM, Peter Ginneberge 

> +1
> On 27/08/2014 6:40, aYo ~ wrote:
>> Oh I definitely think it's something to have
>> aYo
>> On Aug 27, 2014 5:01 AM, "Alex Harui"  wrote:
>>  Don't know anything about OSMF.  Would we want it, or would it be a
>>> separate Apache project.  Seems like it has its own community already?
>>> I'll try to figure out who is in charge at Adobe.
>>> -Alex
>>> On 8/26/14 7:42 PM, "Justin Mclean"  wrote:
>>>  Hi,

 I notice that recent bugs in Adobe bug base on OSMF have been closed
 "NotEnoughTime" as the reason. Does any one know if Adobe has considered
 donating the framework to Apache and f not could we make that happen?



Re: OSMF bugs

2014-08-27 Thread Peter Ginneberge


On 27/08/2014 6:40, aYo ~ wrote:

Oh I definitely think it's something to have

On Aug 27, 2014 5:01 AM, "Alex Harui"  wrote:

Don't know anything about OSMF.  Would we want it, or would it be a
separate Apache project.  Seems like it has its own community already?

I'll try to figure out who is in charge at Adobe.


On 8/26/14 7:42 PM, "Justin Mclean"  wrote:


I notice that recent bugs in Adobe bug base on OSMF have been closed with
"NotEnoughTime" as the reason. Does any one know if Adobe has considered
donating the framework to Apache and f not could we make that happen?


Re: Tour De Flex 1.1

2014-08-27 Thread Justin Mclean

> * a FlexUnit test example + its test runner UI? I know it's not
> strictly part of the component list, but in a "Tour de Flex" it might
> be very useful.

Nice idea and shouldn't be too hard. I have some existing tests for Array 
Collection I could donate. JIRA:

> * squiggly demo

We can add that once squiggly is released. JIRA:

Thanks for the input.


Re: Tour De Flex 1.1

2014-08-27 Thread Mihai Chira
A couple more ideas of what we could add:
* a FlexUnit test example + its test runner UI? I know it's not
strictly part of the component list, but in a "Tour de Flex" it might
be very useful.
* squiggly demo

On 27 August 2014 09:28, Mihai Chira  wrote:
>> 2) IBM had some nice components, it would be nice to get them donated to
> If you mean iLog, they're still making money off those :)

Re: OSMF bugs

2014-08-27 Thread Mihai Chira

On 27 August 2014 05:49, Justin Mclean  wrote:
> Hi,
> Don't really care if it's part of our project or not, but as it's an optional 
> part of installing the SDK it would be good to have it at Apache.
> Justin

Re: Tour De Flex 1.1

2014-08-27 Thread Mihai Chira
> 2) IBM had some nice components, it would be nice to get them donated to
If you mean iLog, they're still making money off those :)

Re: Tour De Flex 1.1

2014-08-27 Thread sugan


Wow! Congrats. Really inspiring.

1) Samples for mobile apps?
2) IBM had some nice components, it would be nice to get them donated  
to Apache Flex.



Quoting Justin Mclean :


Tour De Flex 1.0 is hardly out the door and Tour De Flex 1.1 is  
already taking shape:

We now have over 300 examples. :-)

There a few issues we should try and fix for the 1.1 release and  
I've listed them here:

Any one willing to help out and fix those? Also are there any other  
features or examples people would like to see add to the existing  

Are there any third party component developers who would like to see  
their components in Tour De Flex?


Tour De Flex 1.1

2014-08-27 Thread Justin Mclean

Tour De Flex 1.0 is hardly out the door and Tour De Flex 1.1 is already taking 

We now have over 300 examples. :-)

There a few issues we should try and fix for the 1.1 release and I've listed 
them here:

Any one willing to help out and fix those? Also are there any other features or 
examples people would like to see add to the existing application?

Are there any third party component developers who would like to see their 
components in Tour De Flex?
