Re: DMD svn and contract inheritance

2009-10-02 Thread Stewart Gordon

Walter Bright wrote:

Stewart Gordon wrote:
I'm still none the wiser about why it absolutely has to be done like 
this instead of the simpler solution I proposed years ago.

Can you refresh my memory?

Seems straightforward to find to me, but here it is:

(The nested function approach is fairly simple in terms of lines of code 
to implement.)

I can imagine how it works now.  Essentially it's a function that can 
act as a nested function to the function for which it is originally 
defined or any override of it, which works since a nested function is 
really just a function with a pointer to the outer function's stack 
frame as a parameter.  Correct?

BTW I just rediscovered this old thread

which is making me think we probably ought to enable contracts on 
bodyless functions some time.


Re: What does Coverity/clang static analysis actually do?

2009-10-02 Thread Walter Bright

Brad Roberts wrote:

* graphing of issue trends

That's a crock g.

Uh, whatever.  Most of the rest of us humans respond much better to
pictures and trends than to raw numbers.  Show me some visual
indication of the quality of my code (ignoring the arguments about
the validity of such graphs) and I can pretty much guarantee that
I'll work to improve that measure.  Nearly everyone I've ever worked
with behaves similarly.. once they agree that the statistic being 
measured is useful.  One of the best examples is percent of code

covered by unit tests.  The same applies to number of non-false
positive issues discovered through static analysis.

A long time ago, the company I worked for decided to put up a huge chart
on the wall that everyone could see, and every day the current bug count
was plotted on it. The idea was to show a downward trend.

It wasn't very long (a few days) before this scheme completely backfired:

1. engineers stopped submitting new bug reports

2. the engineers and QA would argue about what was a bug and what wasn't

3. multiple bugs would get combined into one bug report so it only
counted once

4. if a bug was X is not implemented, then when X was implemented,
there might be 3 or 4 bugs against X. Therefore, X did not get implemented.

5. there was a great rush to submit half-assed fixes before the daily
count was made

6. people would invent bugs for which they would simultaneously submit 
fixes (look ma, I fixed all these bugs!)

7. arguing about it started to consume a large fraction of the
engineering day, including the managers who were always called in to
resolve the disputes

In other words, everyone figured out they were being judged on the
graph, not the quality of the product, and quickly changed their
behavior to work the graph rather than the quality.

To the chagrin of the QA staff, management finally tore down the chart.

Note that nobody involved in this was a moron. They all knew exactly 
what was happening, it was simply irresistible.

A specific case of this:  At informix we had a step in our build

 process that

ran lint (yes, it's ancient, but this was a decade ago and the

 practice was at

least a decade old before I got there).  Any new warnings weren't


The build automatically reported any delta over the previous build.

 It was standard practice and kept the code pretty darned clean.

I think that's something different - it's not graphing or trending the data.

Re: What does Coverity/clang static analysis actually do?

2009-10-02 Thread Brad Roberts
Walter Bright wrote:
 Brad Roberts wrote:
 * graphing of issue trends
 That's a crock g.

 Uh, whatever.  Most of the rest of us humans respond much better to
 pictures and trends than to raw numbers.  Show me some visual
 indication of the quality of my code (ignoring the arguments about
 the validity of such graphs) and I can pretty much guarantee that
 I'll work to improve that measure.  Nearly everyone I've ever worked
 with behaves similarly.. once they agree that the statistic being
 measured is useful.  One of the best examples is percent of code
 covered by unit tests.  The same applies to number of non-false
 positive issues discovered through static analysis.

 A long time ago, the company I worked for decided to put up a huge chart
 on the wall that everyone could see, and every day the current bug count
 was plotted on it. The idea was to show a downward trend.
 It wasn't very long (a few days) before this scheme completely backfired:
 1. engineers stopped submitting new bug reports
 2. the engineers and QA would argue about what was a bug and what wasn't
 3. multiple bugs would get combined into one bug report so it only
 counted once
 4. if a bug was X is not implemented, then when X was implemented,
 there might be 3 or 4 bugs against X. Therefore, X did not get implemented.
 5. there was a great rush to submit half-assed fixes before the daily
 count was made
 6. people would invent bugs for which they would simultaneously submit
 fixes (look ma, I fixed all these bugs!)
 7. arguing about it started to consume a large fraction of the
 engineering day, including the managers who were always called in to
 resolve the disputes
 In other words, everyone figured out they were being judged on the
 graph, not the quality of the product, and quickly changed their
 behavior to work the graph rather than the quality.
 To the chagrin of the QA staff, management finally tore down the chart.
 Note that nobody involved in this was a moron. They all knew exactly
 what was happening, it was simply irresistible.

Existence of a bad case doesn't disprove the usefulness in general.  Yes, I
agree that number of bugs is a bad metric to measure all by itself.

Water can drown a person, but that doesn't make it something to avoid.


Re: What does Coverity/clang static analysis actually do?

2009-10-02 Thread BCS

Hello Walter,

3) Rule creation.  The core engine usually generates some digested
dataset upon rules are evaluated.  The systems come with a builtin
set that do the sorts of things already talked about.  In addition
they come with the ability to develop new rules specific to your
application and business needs.  For example:

* tracking of taint from user data
* what data is acceptable to log to files (for example NOT

There have been several proposals for user-defined attributes for
types, I think that is better than having some external rule file.

For open source and libs, yes. For proprietary code bases, I'd say it's about 
a wash. Having it in another file could make the language/code base easier 
to read and also allow a much more powerful rules language (because it doesn't 
have to fit in the host language). And because only you will be maintaining 
the code, needing another tool (that you already have) and another build 
step isn't much of an issue.

Re: What does Coverity/clang static analysis actually do?

2009-10-02 Thread BCS

Hello Walter,

Consider the Bible. It's long and complicated, and by careful
examination of it you can find a verse here and there to justify *any*

This is true of any long document if you are willing to string together enough 
quotes and ignore enough of it. I'd bet you could get the Declaration of 
Intendance out of Playboy if you wanted to.

D is complicated, and is founded on principles that are not orthogonal
- they are often at odds with each other. Any attempt to take one
particular aspect of D's behavior and use it as a rule to impose
elsewhere is surely doomed to conflict with some other rule.

The only reasonable way forward is to evaluate each idea not only in
terms of all of D's principles, but also on its own merits, and throw
in one's best judgment.

Nearly a decade with D has now shown that some ideas and choices were
dead wrong, but others were more right than I even dreamed g.

You sort of tangentially hit what I think is the key to avoiding creating 
meaning out of whole cloth; take the document as a whole, look for themes 
and trends (any document worth reading will have them), use them to answer 
your questions.

Re: Null references redux + Cyclone

2009-10-02 Thread Dejan Lekic

Walter, is that article publicly available?

Re: Null references redux + Cyclone

2009-10-02 Thread Don

Dejan Lekic wrote:

Walter, is that article publicly available?

Re: Null references redux + Cyclone

2009-10-02 Thread Dejan Lekic

Thanks Don! \o/

Re: restructuring name hiding around the notion of hijacking

2009-10-02 Thread Michel Fortin
On 2009-10-01 23:52:28 -0400, Andrei Alexandrescu said:

Michel Fortin wrote:
On 2009-10-01 12:29:39 -0400, Andrei Alexandrescu said:

I think it's a good idea, but there should be a way to *override* 
static functions.

That has the same risks. The problem right now is that in order to use 
a class, you must absorb the definition of that class and that of each 
superclass of it, all the way up to Object. With hijacking thwarted, 
you can specify stuff in the base class that you can be sure will 
continue to work the same in derived classes. I believe this makes 
using classes quite a lot easier and safer.

But it breaks one pattern of mine. In the D/Objective-C bridge I have a 
few static functions and variables that must be redefined for each 
subclass defining an Objective-C interface.

I'd say that's a questionable practice (but then I don't know any more 

Well, essencially you can have a D class that act as a wrapper to an 
Objective-C class, or you can also have the reverse: a D class exposing 
itself as an Objective-C class. In all cases, the type hiearchy is 
preserved, so if you have NSString as a subclass of NSObject on the 
Objective-C side, you'll have the same on the D side.

The NSString wrapper must have different static members than NSObject, 
binding it to a different Objective-C class so it can call the right 
methods on it (and so it allocates the right function), but those 
members have the same role (just a different value per class) and must 
be accessible for any class declaring an Objective-C interface (so the 
bridge can swap between the Objective-C and D value when calling a 
function on the other side).

So it turns out that I'm implementing a mechanism somewhat alike 
classinfo for storing Objective-C related class-level data, and for 
that to work I need to reimplement any function accessing this data in 
each subclass that binds to a different Objective-C class.

If I could attach my class-related data to the ClassInfo of a specific 
class (so it could be retrieved at runtime) and if static functions had 
access to the classinfo of the class they're called from (practically 
making them member function of the corresponding ClassInfo) the 
situation might be different though, and much less code would be needed.

Michel Fortin

Re: Null references redux

2009-10-02 Thread Justin
bearophile Wrote:

 Max Samukha:
  Don't get confused by 'new' in struct initializers. Structs in C# are
  value types.
 Yes, you are right.
 But in D structs can be allocated on the heap too, so I think having optional 
 struct pointers can be useful. The syntax and usage is similar to normal 
 struct pointers.

AYK, in C++ structs are just classes with public protection (for members) by 
default, or, if you like,
classes are just structs with private protection (for members) by default.  
Other than protection rules
there aint any *useful* difference semantically and you can have pointers or 
references to both.

To a certain extent Bjarne would have done C++ a favour by either (1)
not introducing class as a separate language entity and simply resigning to

#define class struct

and adding the OO the features to struct,
or (2), instead of bleeding OO features into structs, heeding

teacher, teacher leave the struct alone

and introducing class as the clean addition that C++ brought to C.

With D, the designer has made some rather brilliant distinction between classes 
and structs
in terms of value vs reference.  In doing so he has sorted out the dot (.) vs 
arrow (-) mess
that is the infamous signature of C++.

Quoting from the D spec:

Structs and unions are meant as simple aggregations of data, or as a way to 
paint a
data structure over hardware or an external type. External types can be defined 
by the operating
system API, or by a file format. Object oriented features are provided with the 
class data type.

I think it would be a billion dollar mistake to make the last sentence in that 
quote obsolete.

But, if people insist, then let's be consistent and apply the same logic (re 
nonnull pointers being useful) to unions as well (and, for that matter, to 
anything that
can be pointed to).  Ahggg, shock horror.

But then again, out of the shock and horror, maybe something beautiful can 


-- Justin Johansson

Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-02 Thread Justin Johansson
For the interest of newsgroups readers, I dropped in at the Cafe the other day 
the barista had this to say

Disclaimer: YMMV


-- Justin Johansson

Re: restructuring name hiding around the notion of hijacking

2009-10-02 Thread Max Samukha
On Thu, 01 Oct 2009 22:52:28 -0500, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

Michel Fortin wrote:
 On 2009-10-01 12:29:39 -0400, Andrei Alexandrescu said:
 I think it's a good idea, but there should be a way to *override* 
 static functions.

 That has the same risks. The problem right now is that in order to use 
 a class, you must absorb the definition of that class and that of each 
 superclass of it, all the way up to Object. With hijacking thwarted, 
 you can specify stuff in the base class that you can be sure will 
 continue to work the same in derived classes. I believe this makes 
 using classes quite a lot easier and safer.
 But it breaks one pattern of mine. In the D/Objective-C bridge I have a 
 few static functions and variables that must be redefined for each 
 subclass defining an Objective-C interface.

I'd say that's a questionable practice (but then I don't know any more 


It may be questionable but it is used quite often. The technique can
be illustrated by altering your example of automatic code injection:

class Counted {
 // Insert here stuff that must be pasted for each subclass
 // of Counted (including Counted itself).
 // Use Derived as the name of the current subtype of
 private static uint _counter;
 uint staticCounter() { return _counter; } 

 static if (is(Counted == Derived))
 uint getCounter() { return staticCounter; }
 override uint getCounter() { return staticCounter; }

The counter variable is now incapsulated.

If the counter is, for example, an object that should be lazily
created, then you cannot get away without the static function any

BTW, your example shows that 'override' being optional may actually be
a good idea and in this particular case allows to avoid the static
check and code duplication

Re: restructuring name hiding around the notion of hijacking

2009-10-02 Thread Michel Fortin

On 2009-10-02 08:29:09 -0400, Max Samukha said:

class Counted {
 // Insert here stuff that must be pasted for each subclass
 // of Counted (including Counted itself).
 // Use Derived as the name of the current subtype of
 private static uint _counter;
 uint staticCounter() { return _counter; }

 static if (is(Counted == Derived))
 uint getCounter() { return staticCounter; }
 override uint getCounter() { return staticCounter; }

The counter variable is now incapsulated.

Hum, I think you forgot to make staticCounter static, as in:

static uint staticCounter() { return _counter; }

Michel Fortin

Re: restructuring name hiding around the notion of hijacking

2009-10-02 Thread Max Samukha
On Fri, 2 Oct 2009 08:54:49 -0400, Michel Fortin wrote:

On 2009-10-02 08:29:09 -0400, Max Samukha said:

 class Counted {
  // Insert here stuff that must be pasted for each subclass
  // of Counted (including Counted itself).
  // Use Derived as the name of the current subtype of
  private static uint _counter;
  uint staticCounter() { return _counter; }
  static if (is(Counted == Derived))
  uint getCounter() { return staticCounter; }
  override uint getCounter() { return staticCounter; }
 The counter variable is now incapsulated.

Hum, I think you forgot to make staticCounter static, as in:

   static uint staticCounter() { return _counter; }

Yes, I do it all the time. Thanks!

Re: restructuring name hiding around the notion of hijacking

2009-10-02 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

Michel Fortin wrote:
If I could attach my class-related data to the ClassInfo of a specific 
class (so it could be retrieved at runtime) and if static functions had 
access to the classinfo of the class they're called from (practically 
making them member function of the corresponding ClassInfo) the 
situation might be different though, and much less code would be needed.

It has crossed my mind more than once to put an Object userdata[string] 
member somewhere in TypeInfo or Classinfo (in fact the two will be soon 
merged). That way client code would be able to plant their own arbitrary 
data on a per-class basis.


Re: Should certain abstract classes be instantiable?

2009-10-02 Thread Jarrett Billingsley
On Thu, Oct 1, 2009 at 11:48 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

 But.. you mark something abstract when you want it to be .. abstract.
 How would you argue that abstract is basically a no-op when used on
 methods with bodies?

 It's not a no-op. Try it.

Yeah, not *currently*, but isn't that what you're proposing?

Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-02 Thread Jeremie Pelletier

Justin Johansson wrote:

For the interest of newsgroups readers, I dropped in at the Cafe the other day 
the barista had this to say

Disclaimer: YMMV


-- Justin Johansson

Most of the bugs he expose are trivial to debug and mostly come from 

From the article:
The distinction between primitive and object types is a relic of days 
when 40 MHz was considered a fast CPU

I so disagree with that on so many levels. That's exactly what I believe 
is wrong with programmers today, they excuse their sloppy programming 
and lazy debugging with safe constructs which have way more overhead 
than is actually needed. It doesn't really make the program easier to 
code but the programmer less careful, leading to new kind of bugs.

Maybe for financial or medical domains its acceptable since speed is not 
an issue, but I expect my $3k computer to not slow down to a crawl 
because its software is written in a safe way and I like people with 
older computers to still be able to run my programs without waiting 5 
minutes between any two mouse clicks.

Re: What does Coverity/clang static analysis actually do?

2009-10-02 Thread Rainer Schuetze


Walter Bright wrote:

There's a lot of hoopla about these static checkers, but I'm not 
impressed by them based on what I can find out about them. What do you 
know about what these checkers do that is not on this list? Any other 
kinds of checking that would be great to implement?

The development edition of VS2008 also has a static code analyzer. There
is a list of issued warnings for C/C++ with examples at:

There are a lot more messages generated for managed code:

The analyzer does inter-procedural-analysis, so it (sometimes) knows, 
what range of values function arguments can have.

I've run the analysis on the dmd source code, but deactivated some
warnings regarding memory leaks and variable hiding to not get flooded
with messages. After that, code analysis added about 150 warnings to the
1000 already issued by the compiler (mostly signed/unsigned mismatch
and unreferenced local variable).

The code analyzer warnings often deal with
- Dereferencing NULL pointer (I've added __assume statements to
assert, so the compiler does not warn null pointers, if there is an
assert(pointer) somewhere before the indirection). Most of these
warnings are not so easy to verify, but some are probably correct.

- Using uninitialized memory: mostly after switch-statements without
variable initialization in default.

- Invalid data: accessing 'variable', the readable size is 'X' bytes,
but 'Y' bytes might be read: as far as I could see, these are often
false positives, because the analyzer could not deal with variable sized
arrays at the end of structs (you can add annotation to help the
analyzer, though, but I have not tried). Even with constant size arrays, 
some of the warnings are plain wrong.

- stdlib/windows-api calls (e.g. printf arguments, ignored return codes)

I guess, that you'll have to annotate the code a lot if you want to have 
the compiler always do the analyzing and get reasonable results. I've 
also seen C# code with a lot of attributes just to suppress warnings 
from the analyzer.


Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-02 Thread Jarrett Billingsley
On Fri, Oct 2, 2009 at 8:13 AM, Justin Johansson wrote:
 For the interest of newsgroups readers, I dropped in at the Cafe the other 
 day and
 the barista had this to say

 Disclaimer: YMMV


 -- Justin Johansson

I always think it's funny when people are like so, I had this idea,
lemme throw this out there. I know it sounds weird, but just bear with
me - what if there were _no null_? Did I just _blow your mind?_

And the perspective of languages with better type systems, it's like.. and?

data Maybe T = Just T | Nothing

The whole null/nonnull debate is a complete nonissue in languages like
Haskell because _they actually treat it formally and correctly_. And
they've _been_ doing this for years. For all the Java-ites to be like
OMG PARADIGM SHIFT it's just funny.

Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-02 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

Justin Johansson wrote:

For the interest of newsgroups readers, I dropped in at the Cafe the other day 
the barista had this to say

Disclaimer: YMMV


-- Justin Johansson

This article brings up a very interesting point that beats Walter's 
argument to a pulp, then puts salt on it.

Walter's overriding argument (I'm sure you know it, he repeated it 
claiming nobody understands it until we learned it by heart) was: I 
don't want the compiler to require a value there! People will just put 
some crappy value in to get the code to compile, and the code with 
errors in it will soldier on instead of duly crashing! How is that 
better??? etc.

Yet D has structs.

Walter knows D has structs, and knows how D structs operate. He put 
structs in D because he thought structs, vegetables, exercising, and 
flossing are good for you.

Yet structs operate the exact way that Walter claim is pernicious. 
Structs don't have a singular null value and always are nominally valid 

Yet I've never heard Walter continuing his argument with Just look at 
those stinky structs. It must be a million times I had a bug caused by 
the absence of null structs! I just had to put a crappy struct there in 
my code, and my code soldiered on in error instead of crashing!

Why didn't he continue his argument that way? And why didn't anybody 
else continue his argument that way? Because nobody has had such a 
problem. Everybody uses structs, and everybody's happy about them 
lacking null.

To complete the irony, Walter and I discussed a while ago about structs 
and .init values. We concluded that D, at least for the time being, will 
allow struct construction without any code invocation, by just 
bitcopying the .init value of the struct over. He was very happy about 
that because a lot of code generation got majorly simplified that way. 
(I was less happy because that meant less user control over struct 
construction.) So Walter was happy that he had for structs a feature he 
thinks is amazingly dangerous for classes.

So I don't think Walter's argument is invalid, I think it simply doesn't 
exist. This post made it disappear.


Re: Should certain abstract classes be instantiable?

2009-10-02 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

Jarrett Billingsley wrote:

On Thu, Oct 1, 2009 at 11:48 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

But.. you mark something abstract when you want it to be .. abstract.
How would you argue that abstract is basically a no-op when used on
methods with bodies?

It's not a no-op. Try it.

Yeah, not *currently*, but isn't that what you're proposing?

No. I think it would help going back to my original message instead of 
asking one-liner questions. This would work much better in real life, 
but it's a time sink in a newsgroup. You spend five seconds on asking a 
question with a foregone answer just because you don't want to invest 
fifteen seconds in re-reading my initial post, and then you have me 
spend five minutes explain things again. It's counter-productive.

If a class defines an abstract method and also provides a body for it, 
it still requires the derived class to override the method. So abstract 
still has some meaning.

On the other hand, technically such a class would become instantiable 
because it defines all of its methods. I wanted to explain that, 
however, that wouldn't be a good idea because... and here's where 1-2 
good examples would have helped. I guess I'm going to drop it.


Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-02 Thread Yigal Chripun

On 02/10/2009 16:16, Jeremie Pelletier wrote:

Justin Johansson wrote:

For the interest of newsgroups readers, I dropped in at the Cafe the
other day and
the barista had this to say

Disclaimer: YMMV


-- Justin Johansson

Most of the bugs he expose are trivial to debug and mostly come from

 From the article:
The distinction between primitive and object types is a relic of days
when 40 MHz was considered a fast CPU

I so disagree with that on so many levels. That's exactly what I believe
is wrong with programmers today, they excuse their sloppy programming
and lazy debugging with safe constructs which have way more overhead
than is actually needed. It doesn't really make the program easier to
code but the programmer less careful, leading to new kind of bugs.

Maybe for financial or medical domains its acceptable since speed is not
an issue, but I expect my $3k computer to not slow down to a crawl
because its software is written in a safe way and I like people with
older computers to still be able to run my programs without waiting 5
minutes between any two mouse clicks.

all I can say is: Thank God I'm an atheist.
it seems you do not want to hear a different opinion despite the fact 
that option types exist in FP for half a century already and provide the 
correct semantics for nullable types.

with your logic we should remove seat-belts from cars since it makes for 
less careful drivers.

scope class members - in-situ

2009-10-02 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

I think this has been discussed in this group already.

An object storing another object needs two allocations:

class A { ... }
class B {
   A a;
   this() {
  a = new A;

auto b = new B; // two allocations

I'm thinking of using scope in this situation to imply in-situ storage:

class B {
   scope A a;
   this() {
  a = new A;

Now the A member actually lies inside of B - no more indirection. That 
means the constructor needs special scrutiny, in particular a cannot be 
null because that wouldn't make much sense.

What do you think?


Re: scope class members - in-situ

2009-10-02 Thread Bill Baxter
On Fri, Oct 2, 2009 at 8:33 AM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
 I think this has been discussed in this group already.

 An object storing another object needs two allocations:

 class A { ... }
 class B {
   A a;
   this() {
      a = new A;

 auto b = new B; // two allocations

 I'm thinking of using scope in this situation to imply in-situ storage:

 class B {
   scope A a;
   this() {
      a = new A;

 Now the A member actually lies inside of B - no more indirection. That means
 the constructor needs special scrutiny, in particular a cannot be null
 because that wouldn't make much sense.

 What do you think?

I think it would be nice, but there are enough issues that I'm not
convinced that saving a few allocations is worth it.

Mainly what happens if you do   someB.a = someOtherA  later on?

The answer to that might be different than how you treat  someB.a = new A().

The latter could be converted into a placement new.   But the former
has to still point to the original someOtherA to maintain proper
reference semantics.

You can sidestep these issues by saying that a scope A in a class is
not rebindable.  But that no doubt cuts out some useful cases.

Another option would be to make scope A reserve space for both a
pointer to an A and the memory for it.  Then the someB.a is just a
regular A reference that can be rebound like any other, or made null
if desired.  It would just leave orphaned memory sitting there if
rebound to point to some other A.   Or it could use placement
construction if you assign a new A to it.   (but not if you say
someB.a = new DerivedFromA()).


Re: scope class members - in-situ

2009-10-02 Thread Daniel Keep

Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
 I think this has been discussed in this group already.


And I'm certain I've missed quite a few.

I know history is cyclical, but this is getting ridiculous.

Re: scope class members - in-situ

2009-10-02 Thread bearophile
Andrei Alexandrescu:

 class B {
 scope A a;
 this() {
a = new A;
 Now the A member actually lies inside of B - no more indirection. That 
 means the constructor needs special scrutiny, in particular a cannot be 
 null because that wouldn't make much sense.
 What do you think?

I have recently discussed about this. One idea is to keep the compiler simpler, 
keeping such scoped class as possible similar to normal class. So you keep the 
indirection. So B keeps inside itself the memory needed to keep an A plus a 
reference to A itself. This wastes a little memory for the reference and keeps 
the indirection, but allows to keep the semantics of A almost unchanged, 
because you can always do reassign a to another instance of A (an instance 
that can allocated on the heap too).

In such situation the main and maybe only thing you have to keep care of is the 
deallocation of a, that has to not happen (well, you can call its destructor, 
but you can't actually free its memory), because even if the GC has declared it 
as dead (because of a delete or because a has being reassigned to something 
else), it can't be deallocated until the instance of B is deallocated.

There are other ways to implement this, but I think they require more 
special-casing and more changes to the frontend and probably a little more 


Re: scope class members - in-situ

2009-10-02 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

Bill Baxter wrote:

On Fri, Oct 2, 2009 at 8:33 AM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

I think this has been discussed in this group already.

An object storing another object needs two allocations:

class A { ... }
class B {
  A a;
  this() {
 a = new A;

auto b = new B; // two allocations

I'm thinking of using scope in this situation to imply in-situ storage:

class B {
  scope A a;
  this() {
 a = new A;

Now the A member actually lies inside of B - no more indirection. That means
the constructor needs special scrutiny, in particular a cannot be null
because that wouldn't make much sense.

What do you think?

I think it would be nice, but there are enough issues that I'm not
convinced that saving a few allocations is worth it.

Mainly what happens if you do   someB.a = someOtherA  later on?

The answer to that might be different than how you treat  someB.a = new A().

The latter could be converted into a placement new.   But the former
has to still point to the original someOtherA to maintain proper
reference semantics.

You can sidestep these issues by saying that a scope A in a class is
not rebindable.  But that no doubt cuts out some useful cases.

Yah, the idea was to make it not rebindable. Initially I even thought of 
using final instead of scope.

Another option would be to make scope A reserve space for both a
pointer to an A and the memory for it.  Then the someB.a is just a
regular A reference that can be rebound like any other, or made null
if desired.  It would just leave orphaned memory sitting there if
rebound to point to some other A.   Or it could use placement
construction if you assign a new A to it.   (but not if you say
someB.a = new DerivedFromA()).

Having a reference plus in-situ storage also crossed my mind, but I 
think it would serve corner cases that could best be served by either 
using two allocations, or having the user herself define one reference + 
one scope object.


Re: scope class members - in-situ

2009-10-02 Thread bearophile
Bill Baxter:
 Or it could use placement
 construction if you assign a new A to it.   (but not if you say
 someB.a = new DerivedFromA()).

I hope Andrei's book will explain how (and where) to use placement construction 
for classes in D.


Re: dmg for Snow Leopard x86_64 ?

2009-10-02 Thread Hagen Kaiser
simon Wrote:

 Was just wondering if there were plans to create a Snow Leopard build of D 

After reading this I thought D2.0 and D1.0 isnt working at all on 10.6.
But in fact compiling a testprog in D1.0 worked out of the box while D2.0 gives 
me segfault.
Is D2 supposed to be working at all in OSX10.6?

Re: Defining some stuff for each class in turn

2009-10-02 Thread Steven Schveighoffer
On Thu, 01 Oct 2009 13:53:46 -0400, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

Jarrett Billingsley wrote:

On Thu, Oct 1, 2009 at 12:25 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

[code injection]

What do you think?

 I think it sounds interesting enough, but I can't help but wonder if
this is a feature that you've really thought through (especially wrt.
how it interacts with mechanisms such as template mixins and normal
symbol inheritance), or if you just want it to support some pattern
you want to use in Phobos 2.

I've known for a long time this was in store if we want to define decent  
reflection. It's also been a perennial source of trouble with a lot of  
code that needs to inject members.

Let me give another example. When we discussed opCmp around here, people  
said that's the old way of doing things and that the right way is to use  
an interface Comparator!T, akin to Java's ComparatorT:

That only solves exactly one level of inheritance. It's a more elaborate  
solution that doesn't quite help that much. Consider:

interface Comparator(T)
 int opCmp(T rhs); // yum, exact type

class Widget : Comparator!Widget
 override opCmp(Widget rhs) { ... } // yum, exact type

class Gadget : Widget
 override opCmp(Gadget rhs) { ... } // ERROR

Of course that didn't work. Gadget.opCmp doesn't override anything.  
Gadget needs to remember to inherit Comparator!Gadget:

class Gadget : Widget, Comparator!Gadget
 override opCmp(Gadget rhs) { ... } // oh ok

So any class X in Widget's hierarchy that forgets to inherit  
Comparator!X undergoes the risk of having the wrong opCmp called for it.

With injection, Comparator can be made to work for any interface:

interface Comparator(T)
 int opCmp(Comparator!T rhs);
 mixin(Impl) // for each implementation Impl
 int opCmp(Impl rhs);
 override int opCmp(Comparator!T rhs)
 return opCmp(cast(Impl) rhs);

class Widget : Comparator!Widget { ... }

Now every derived class of Widget, including Widget itself, commits to  
define a opCmp with the proper signature (failure to do so results in a  
linker error), and also defines the interface function in terms of it.

This still isn't optimal.  For example, two different derivatives of the  
same class could try to compare to eachother and end up passing null into  
your opCmp.  It would be nice if the compiler could reject unrelated  

class X: Comparator!X
  int opCmp(X) {}

class Y: X
  int opCmp(Y) {}

class Z: X
  int opCmp(Z) {}

void main()
  auto y = new Y;
  auto z = new Z;
  z  y; // error, rejected because they can't possibly be related

If there was a way to do that it would be cool.  I also think the  
auto-defined opCmp should look like this:

override int opCmp(Comparator!T rhs)
  if(auto imp = cast(Impl) rhs)
 return opCmp(imp);
  return false;

That would cut down on calls into your actual opCmp function with a null  


Re: Should certain abstract classes be instantiable?

2009-10-02 Thread Steven Schveighoffer
On Thu, 01 Oct 2009 16:30:43 -0400, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:


class A {
 abstract void fun() {}

The class defines a function that is at the same time abstract (so it  
requires overriding in derivees) and has implementation.

Currently the compiler disallows creation of objects of type A, although  
technically that is feasible given that A defines the abstract method.

Should A be instantiable? What designs would that help or hinder?

If you want to force a class to be abstract, even though it technically  
could be concrete given it has implementations for all functions, you  
could allow that by marking the class abstract.  i.e.:

abstract class A {
   void fun() {}

The other side, allowing A to be instantiated, makes no sense whatsoever.   
If you (as a class designer) want something to be instantiated, and it has  
all methods implemented, why mark it abstract?  IMO, it should be a  
compiler error to give implementation to an abstract method.


Re: Should certain abstract classes be instantiable?

2009-10-02 Thread Lionello Lunesu

On 2-10-2009 8:32, Lionello Lunesu wrote:

On 2-10-2009 4:30, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:


class A {
abstract void fun() {}

The class defines a function that is at the same time abstract (so it
requires overriding in derivees) and has implementation.

Currently the compiler disallows creation of objects of type A, although
technically that is feasible given that A defines the abstract method.

Should A be instantiable? What designs would that help or hinder?


If it were instantiable, what would be the difference between abstract
and virtual?

OK, so I reread your post and yes, it requires overriding in derivees.

Derived classes would still be allowed to do, calling the 
'abstract' class's implementation. It's like NVI, only worse?


Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-02 Thread language_fan
Fri, 02 Oct 2009 10:16:05 -0400, Jeremie Pelletier thusly wrote:

 I expect my $3k computer to not slow down to a crawl
 because its software is written in a safe way and I like people with
 older computers to still be able to run my programs without waiting 5
 minutes between any two mouse clicks.

Your $3k computer can probably run about 7200 billion instructions in 5 
minutes - it will eventually get old in the coming years. I really hope 
the bloat in various software components never gets that bad that you 
would have to wait 5 minutes between two mouse clicks!

Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-02 Thread language_fan
Fri, 02 Oct 2009 10:30:24 -0400, Jarrett Billingsley thusly wrote:

 I always think it's funny when people are like so, I had this idea,
 lemme throw this out there. I know it sounds weird, but just bear with
 me - what if there were _no null_? Did I just _blow your mind?_
 And the perspective of languages with **better type systems**, it's 

*plonk* :-P (old-timers might know)

 The whole null/nonnull debate is a complete nonissue in languages like
 Haskell because _they actually treat it formally and correctly_. And
 they've _been_ doing this for years. For all the Java-ites to be like
 OMG PARADIGM SHIFT it's just funny.

You know, mainstream is pretty much religion driven.. many might have 
already plonked you automatically because your postings have contained 
the words 'disagree', 'progress', 'haskell', or 'scala'. The performance 
focused people from the c++ land seem to have a strong conservative view 
towards new things - like it or not. Walter being mostly a C++ guy and 
not having written much code in any other language (including D!) only 
makes the situation a bit worse, if you prefer progress.

Re: Should certain abstract classes be instantiable?

2009-10-02 Thread Jarrett Billingsley
On Fri, Oct 2, 2009 at 11:00 AM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

 No. I think it would help going back to my original message instead of
 asking one-liner questions. This would work much better in real life, but
 it's a time sink in a newsgroup. You spend five seconds on asking a question
 with a foregone answer just because you don't want to invest fifteen seconds
 in re-reading my initial post, and then you have me spend five minutes
 explain things again. It's counter-productive.

 If a class defines an abstract method and also provides a body for it, it
 still requires the derived class to override the method. So abstract still
 has some meaning.

Yes, I see now the parenthesized requires overriding in derivees now.

 On the other hand, technically such a class would become instantiable
 because it defines all of its methods. I wanted to explain that, however,
 that wouldn't be a good idea because... and here's where 1-2 good examples
 would have helped. I guess I'm going to drop it.

Speaking of counterproductive timesinks, why would you bring up a
proposal only to argue that it's a bad idea?

generalizing hiding rules

2009-10-02 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

I was just playing with some nested classes:

class Base {
int x;

class A {
private int x, y;
class B : Base {
int z;
this() {
x = 42;
y = 43;
this.outer.x = 44;
z = 45;

In the code above, if you just write x in A.B's constructor, Base.x is 
fetched. So Base.x hides this.outer.x.

Disallowing hiding vertically in nested scopes has been quite 
successful. Also, D's no-hijack stance is also shaping up to be a hit. I 
am therefore thinking - why not apply the no-hijack rule throughout the 

If one symbol leads to working code through two different lookups, an 
ambiguity error would be issued. The only exception would be if one 
symbol is scoped and the other is at module scope (for the reasons I 
discussed in another post).

I wonder to what extent this would break modular code, or foster more 
intelligible code. With this rule in tow, A.B.this() would have to use 
Base.x and this.outer.x to access the two x's.

What do you think?


Re: scope class members - in-situ

2009-10-02 Thread Tom S

Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

I think this has been discussed in this group already.

An object storing another object needs two allocations:

class A { ... }
class B {
   A a;
   this() {
  a = new A;

auto b = new B; // two allocations

I'm thinking of using scope in this situation to imply in-situ storage:

class B {
   scope A a;
   this() {
  a = new A;

Now the A member actually lies inside of B - no more indirection. That 
means the constructor needs special scrutiny, in particular a cannot be 
null because that wouldn't make much sense.

What do you think?

I think it should be done in userland, not built-in. Here's a 
proof-of-concept implementation:

import std.stdio;

string scopeInstance(string type, string name) {
return `
	private byte[__traits(classInstanceSize, `~type~`)] 

static this() {
const int off = _scopeInstance__`~name~`.offsetof;
const int len = __traits(classInstanceSize, `~type~`);
typeof(this).classinfo.init[off .. off + len] = 

`~type~` `~name~`() {
return cast(`~type~`)_scopeInstance__`~name~`.ptr;

void `~name~`(`~type~` f) {
		_scopeInstance__`~name~`[] = 


class Foo {
int x;
float y;
string zomg = zomg;

this(int x, float y) {
writeln(making a Foo);
this.x = x;
this.y = y;

~this() {
writeln(death-tracting a Foo);

class Bar {
string x;

this (string x) {
writeln(making a Bar);
this.x = x;

class Baz {
mixin(scopeInstance(Foo, foo));
mixin(scopeInstance(Bar, bar));

this() {
writeln(making a Baz);
foo.__ctor(1, 3.14f);

~this() {
writeln(death-tracting a Baz);

void main() {
scope b = new Baz;
writeln(,  ,,  ,;
writeln(Foo size: , __traits(classInstanceSize, Foo));
writeln(Bar size: , __traits(classInstanceSize, Bar));
writeln(Baz size: , __traits(classInstanceSize, Baz));


making a Baz
making a Foo
making a Bar
1 3.14 zomg
Foo size: 24
Bar size: 16
Baz size: 48
death-tracting a Baz
death-tracting a Foo

Now for a brief summary:
* I couldn't get hold of the initializer of a class at compile-time. 
I've tried using symbol.mangleof ~ 6__initZ, but DMD told me it could 
not be an initializer for a static array. This forced me to initialize 
the 'inline' / 'scope' class instances in a static ctor. I'm not sure if 
this is legal - can ClassInfo ever wind up to live in ROM? Perhaps 
__traits(classInitializer, _) could be added.
* The long proposed __ident extension would allow turning the string 
mixin into a regular template mixin.

* __ctor should be standardized (or is it?)

I'm not very good at D2, so perhaps there are better ways to implement 
it by now. Here's a similar proposal in pseudo-D2-code:

Tomasz Stachowiak
h3/h3r3tic on #D freenode

Re: Should certain abstract classes be instantiable?

2009-10-02 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

Jarrett Billingsley wrote:

On Fri, Oct 2, 2009 at 11:00 AM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

No. I think it would help going back to my original message instead of
asking one-liner questions. This would work much better in real life, but
it's a time sink in a newsgroup. You spend five seconds on asking a question
with a foregone answer just because you don't want to invest fifteen seconds
in re-reading my initial post, and then you have me spend five minutes
explain things again. It's counter-productive.

If a class defines an abstract method and also provides a body for it, it
still requires the derived class to override the method. So abstract still
has some meaning.

Yes, I see now the parenthesized requires overriding in derivees now.

On the other hand, technically such a class would become instantiable
because it defines all of its methods. I wanted to explain that, however,
that wouldn't be a good idea because... and here's where 1-2 good examples
would have helped. I guess I'm going to drop it.

Speaking of counterproductive timesinks, why would you bring up a
proposal only to argue that it's a bad idea?

It was a question, you one-liner-asker you.


Re: scope class members - in-situ

2009-10-02 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

Tom S wrote:
I think it should be done in userland, not built-in. Here's a 
proof-of-concept implementation:

[awesome code snipped]

I am struck with awe. Thanks.


Re: scope class members - in-situ

2009-10-02 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

Tom S wrote:
I think it should be done in userland, not built-in. Here's a 
proof-of-concept implementation:

[awesome code snipped]

I am struck with awe. Thanks.


Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-02 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

language_fan wrote:

Fri, 02 Oct 2009 10:30:24 -0400, Jarrett Billingsley thusly wrote:

I always think it's funny when people are like so, I had this idea,
lemme throw this out there. I know it sounds weird, but just bear with
me - what if there were _no null_? Did I just _blow your mind?_

And the perspective of languages with **better type systems**, it's 


*plonk* :-P (old-timers might know)

The whole null/nonnull debate is a complete nonissue in languages like
Haskell because _they actually treat it formally and correctly_. And
they've _been_ doing this for years. For all the Java-ites to be like
OMG PARADIGM SHIFT it's just funny.

You know, mainstream is pretty much religion driven.. many might have 
already plonked you automatically because your postings have contained 
the words 'disagree', 'progress', 'haskell', or 'scala'. The performance 
focused people from the c++ land seem to have a strong conservative view 
towards new things - like it or not. Walter being mostly a C++ guy and 
not having written much code in any other language (including D!) only 
makes the situation a bit worse, if you prefer progress.

I'll note two things. For one, Walter is a heck more progressive than 
his pedigree might lead one to think. He has taken quite some risks with 
a number of features that made definite steps outside the mainstream, 
and I feel he bet on the right horse more often than not. Second, this 
particular discussion is not about efficiency.


Re: Should certain abstract classes be instantiable?

2009-10-02 Thread Jarrett Billingsley
On Fri, Oct 2, 2009 at 1:34 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

 It was a question, you one-liner-asker you.



Re: What does Coverity/clang static analysis actually do?

2009-10-02 Thread Jérôme M. Berger

Walter Bright wrote:

Nick Sabalausky wrote:

Walter Bright wrote in message
2. possible dereference of NULL pointers (some reaching definitions 
of a pointer are NULL)
2. Optimizer collects the info, but ignores this, because people are 
annoyed by false positives.

If you mean something like this:

Foo f;
f = new Foo();;

Then I *want* the compiler to tell me. C# does this and I've never 
been annoyed by it, in fact I've always appreciated it. I'm not aware 
of any other C# user that has a problem with that either. If that's 
not what you mean though, then could you elaborate?

The problem crops up when there are two connected variables:

  void foo(bool flag)
char* p = null;
if (flag)
p = hello;
if (flag)

The code is logically correct, there is no null pointer dereference 
possible. However, the data flow analysis will see the *p and see two 
reaching definitions for p: null and hello, even though only one 
actually reaches.

Hence the false positive. To eliminate the false error report, the user 
would have to insert a redundant null check.

Does this happen in practice? Yes.

	I don't know about Coverity/clang, but I have used Klocwork a 
couple of times and it will work properly in the example you have 
given. I.e it sees that both conditions are linked and that you 
don't use p if you haven't initialized it.

	Of course, if the condition is more complex or if the condition 
might be modified by another thread (even if you know it isn't), 
there comes a point at which it will give a warning.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: null references redux + Looney Tunes

2009-10-02 Thread language_fan
Fri, 02 Oct 2009 12:38:33 -0500, Andrei Alexandrescu thusly wrote:

 I'll note two things. For one, Walter is a heck more progressive than
 his pedigree might lead one to think. He has taken quite some risks with
 a number of features that made definite steps outside the mainstream,
 and I feel he bet on the right horse more often than not. Second, this
 particular discussion is not about efficiency.

I apologize that I said it in a way that might hurt Walter. I know he is 
extremely talented programmer and also open for new ideas. That is often 
not the problem. But it is not that hard to find features in D that are 
there only to make old C++ users feel comfortable. E.g. C style pointer 
syntax is harmful for the syntax of new features like tuples. It is also 
really confusing, but somehow has to be there since D must feel like C+
+, otherwise someone would notice that D is actually a modern multi-
paradigm language that allows even functional programming, which is a bit 
bad for the reputation in conservative c++ circles.

Some people would not even touch the language with a 10 foot pole, if 
someone dared to provide a practical garbage collector library for it. 
Because that would mean that there are people with wrong opinions (tm) in 
the community. I know there is a old and stubborn language war between 
academic foofoo and practical aspects.

Multiple subtyping with alias this and nested classes

2009-10-02 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu
I just realized that nested classes work so well with alias this, you'd 
think it was an evil plot all along. It wasn't, but I'm happy about the 

Here's how to effect multiple subtyping in D very effectively:

import std.stdio;

class Base1 {
void fun() { writeln(; }

class Base2 {
void gun() { writeln(; }

class Multiple : Base1 {
// Override method in Base1
override void fun() { writeln(; }
// Override method in Base2
class MyBase2 : Base2 {
override void gun() { writeln(Multiple.gun); }
// Effect multiple subtyping
Base2 _base2;
alias _base2 this;
this() {
_base2 = new MyBase2;

void main()
auto obj = new Multiple;
Base1 obj1 = obj;;
Base2 obj2 = obj;

The program above segfaults because somehow obj2 is null. That is a bug 
I just reported. For now, you can replace obj2.gun() with obj.gun() to 
make things work.

When we first introduced alias this, I knew multiple subtyping was 
possible. I didn't expect it to dovetail so nicely with nested classes.


Re: Multiple subtyping with alias this and nested classes

2009-10-02 Thread language_fan
Fri, 02 Oct 2009 13:00:05 -0500, Andrei Alexandrescu thusly wrote:

 I just realized that nested classes work so well with alias this, you'd
 think it was an evil plot all along. It wasn't, but I'm happy about the
 Here's how to effect multiple subtyping in D very effectively:
 import std.stdio;
 class Base1 {
  void fun() { writeln(; }
 class Base2 {
  void gun() { writeln(; }
 class Multiple : Base1 {
  override void fun() { writeln(; } 
  class MyBase2 : Base2 {
  override void gun() { writeln(Multiple.gun); }
  // Effect multiple subtyping
  Base2 _base2;
  alias _base2 this;
  this() {
  _base2 = new MyBase2;

I do not get why didn't you just use the 'import' keyword here instead of 
alias, since what you are basically doing is importing the symbols from 
one scope to another. It would seem a perfect generalization of import to 
also include cases where 'with' is currently used and also alias. The use 
of the term 'alias' is somewhat confusing.

Re: generalizing hiding rules

2009-10-02 Thread bearophile
Andrei Alexandrescu:

 Disallowing hiding vertically in nested scopes has been quite 
 successful. Also, D's no-hijack stance is also shaping up to be a hit. I 
 am therefore thinking - why not apply the no-hijack rule throughout the 

I agree that making D tidier in such regards is positive, helps avoid errors. 
Explicit is better than implicit says Python Zen (even if in such attribute 
scoping regards Python has some design holes).


Re: Multiple subtyping with alias this and nested classes

2009-10-02 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

language_fan wrote:

Fri, 02 Oct 2009 13:00:05 -0500, Andrei Alexandrescu thusly wrote:

I just realized that nested classes work so well with alias this, you'd
think it was an evil plot all along. It wasn't, but I'm happy about the

Here's how to effect multiple subtyping in D very effectively:

import std.stdio;

class Base1 {
 void fun() { writeln(; }

class Base2 {
 void gun() { writeln(; }

class Multiple : Base1 {
 override void fun() { writeln(; } 
 class MyBase2 : Base2 {

 override void gun() { writeln(Multiple.gun); }
 // Effect multiple subtyping
 Base2 _base2;
 alias _base2 this;
 this() {
 _base2 = new MyBase2;

I do not get why didn't you just use the 'import' keyword here instead of 
alias, since what you are basically doing is importing the symbols from 
one scope to another. It would seem a perfect generalization of import to 
also include cases where 'with' is currently used and also alias. The use 
of the term 'alias' is somewhat confusing.

Well if we did use 'import' people would have asked why we don't use 
'alias' because that's much closer to what really happens.

Note that the feature does not only import symbols from one scope to 
another. It just allows you to substitute some expression when someone 
tries to use this under another type.


Re: Multiple subtyping with alias this and nested classes

2009-10-02 Thread Max Samukha
On Fri, 02 Oct 2009 13:00:05 -0500, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

I just realized that nested classes work so well with alias this, you'd 
think it was an evil plot all along. It wasn't, but I'm happy about the 

Here's how to effect multiple subtyping in D very effectively:

import std.stdio;

class Base1 {
 void fun() { writeln(; }

class Base2 {
 void gun() { writeln(; }

class Multiple : Base1 {
 // Override method in Base1
 override void fun() { writeln(; }
 // Override method in Base2
 class MyBase2 : Base2 {
 override void gun() { writeln(Multiple.gun); }
 // Effect multiple subtyping
 Base2 _base2;
 alias _base2 this;
 this() {
 _base2 = new MyBase2;

void main()
 auto obj = new Multiple;
 Base1 obj1 = obj;;
 Base2 obj2 = obj;

The program above segfaults because somehow obj2 is null. That is a bug 
I just reported. For now, you can replace obj2.gun() with obj.gun() to 
make things work.

When we first introduced alias this, I knew multiple subtyping was 
possible. I didn't expect it to dovetail so nicely with nested classes.


Neat! But what if there is Base3? Is it supposed to be subtyped like

class Base3
 void run() {}

class Multiple : Base1 {
 // Override method in Base1
 override void fun() { writeln(; }
 // Override method in Base2
 class MyBase2 : Base2 {
 class MyBase3 : Base3
  override void run() { writeln(; }  
MyBase3 _base3;
this() { _base3 = new MyBase3; } 
alias _base3 this;
 override void gun() { writeln(Multiple.gun); }
 // Effect multiple subtyping
 MyBase2 _base2;
 alias _base2 this;
 this() {
 _base2 = new MyBase2;

Note that there is an additional level of indirection per each

auto m = new Multiple; is unrolled to

Re: Multiple subtyping with alias this and nested classes

2009-10-02 Thread Max Samukha
On Fri, 02 Oct 2009 21:41:54 +0300, Max Samukha

Note that there is an additional level of indirection per each

subtype = subtyped type

Don Clugston's article Member Function Pointers and the Fastest Possible C++ Delegates

2009-10-02 Thread Walter Bright

Re: Multiple subtyping with alias this and nested classes

2009-10-02 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

Max Samukha wrote:

On Fri, 02 Oct 2009 13:00:05 -0500, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

I just realized that nested classes work so well with alias this, you'd 
think it was an evil plot all along. It wasn't, but I'm happy about the 

Here's how to effect multiple subtyping in D very effectively:

import std.stdio;

class Base1 {
void fun() { writeln(; }

class Base2 {
void gun() { writeln(; }

class Multiple : Base1 {
// Override method in Base1
override void fun() { writeln(; }
// Override method in Base2
class MyBase2 : Base2 {
override void gun() { writeln(Multiple.gun); }
// Effect multiple subtyping
Base2 _base2;
alias _base2 this;
this() {
_base2 = new MyBase2;

void main()
auto obj = new Multiple;
Base1 obj1 = obj;;
Base2 obj2 = obj;

The program above segfaults because somehow obj2 is null. That is a bug 
I just reported. For now, you can replace obj2.gun() with obj.gun() to 
make things work.

When we first introduced alias this, I knew multiple subtyping was 
possible. I didn't expect it to dovetail so nicely with nested classes.


Neat! But what if there is Base3? Is it supposed to be subtyped like

class Base3
 void run() {}

class Multiple : Base1 {
 // Override method in Base1
 override void fun() { writeln(; }
 // Override method in Base2
 class MyBase2 : Base2 {
 class MyBase3 : Base3
  override void run() { writeln(; }  

MyBase3 _base3;
this() { _base3 = new MyBase3; } 
alias _base3 this;
 override void gun() { writeln(Multiple.gun); }

 // Effect multiple subtyping
 MyBase2 _base2;
 alias _base2 this;
 this() {
 _base2 = new MyBase2;

Note that there is an additional level of indirection per each

auto m = new Multiple; is unrolled to

Multiple alias this declarations must be allowed.


Re: scope class members - in-situ

2009-10-02 Thread bearophile
Andrei Alexandrescu:

I'm thinking of using scope in this situation to imply in-situ storage:

It may be good for the compiler to show a warning (that explains exactly why) 
where the compiler can't scope a class marked as scope (both in a function or 
in a method).


Re: generalizing hiding rules

2009-10-02 Thread Marianne Gagnon
Andrei Alexandrescu Wrote:
 Disallowing hiding vertically in nested scopes has been quite 
 successful. Also, D's no-hijack stance is also shaping up to be a hit. I 
 am therefore thinking - why not apply the no-hijack rule throughout the 
 If one symbol leads to working code through two different lookups, an 
 ambiguity error would be issued. The only exception would be if one 
 symbol is scoped and the other is at module scope (for the reasons I 
 discussed in another post).
 I wonder to what extent this would break modular code, or foster more 
 intelligible code. With this rule in tow, A.B.this() would have to use 
 Base.x and this.outer.x to access the two x's.

Count my vote in favor of this change.

-- Auria

Re: Defining some stuff for each class in turn

2009-10-02 Thread Christopher Wright

Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

Christopher Wright wrote:

Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
I am becoming increasingly aware that we need to provide some means 
to define certain members (data and functions) for each class as if 
they were pasted there.

Most of the examples given would be well served by decent builtin 
reflection. Walter thinks reflection is too expensive to be active by 
default. Find a cheaper way to provide runtime reflection. It's not as 
sexy as using templates, but it's DRY and easier to use. Slower, but 
you don't pay the cost of reflection multiple times if you have 
multiple libraries requiring reflection.

What cheaper way would be than allowing a base class to prescribe 
reflection for its hierarchy? Where do templates even enter the mix? 
What's slower and why? Why do reflection as a language feature 
(increases base language size, buggy, rigid) instead of allowing it as a 
library if we so can? I'm totally against that.


Once you get two or three libraries using reflection, it's cheaper to 
have the language provide it than to have separate, incompatible 
reflection systems.

It doesn't matter whether the language provides reflection or the 
standard library. (The only way for me to tell is whether I'm importing 
from core or from std.) Either way, it should be standardized and easy 
to opt in or out (depending on the default), and there should be no way 
or no cost for opting in twice.

You have to use templates to get reflection info, currently. Unless CTFE 
has gotten a lot better, in which case it's effectively the same as 
using templates, but with a bit less executable bloat.

Template-based solutions can be faster than reflection-based solutions 
because you can access fields and methods directly. But runtime 
reflection doesn't disallow templates.

Re: What does Coverity/clang static analysis actually do?

2009-10-02 Thread Christopher Wright

BCS wrote:

Hello Walter,

Consider the Bible. It's long and complicated, and by careful
examination of it you can find a verse here and there to justify *any*

This is true of any long document if you are willing to string together 
enough quotes and ignore enough of it. I'd bet you could get the 
Declaration of Intendance out of Playboy if you wanted to.

What is this Declaration of Intendance you speak of?

As for ignoring context...well, I'm willing to discuss this, but not here.

Re: What does Coverity/clang static analysis actually do?

2009-10-02 Thread Walter Bright

Rainer Schuetze wrote:

I've run the analysis on the dmd source code, but deactivated some
warnings regarding memory leaks and variable hiding to not get flooded
with messages. After that, code analysis added about 150 warnings to the
1000 already issued by the compiler (mostly signed/unsigned mismatch
and unreferenced local variable).

Could you turn it all on, run it through the dmd source code, and send 
me the results? I'd like to see if it detected any real bugs.

Arrays template arguments and CT data structures

2009-10-02 Thread bearophile
(after a small discussion on IRC) Tuples may be used for similar purposes, but 
fixed-sized arrays are simpler to use, simpler to define, and they don't induce 
compilation/code bloat. Is this a good idea?

int foo(int[3] arr)() {
return arr[1];
const int[3] a = [10, 20, 30];
void main() {
foo!(a)(); // a must be a constant fixed-sized array


A good purpose for compile-time functions is to pre-generate constant data 
structures, avoiding to waste time generating them at compile time. But 
currently creating fixed-sized arrays at compile time while possible is tricky 
(it's easy for me to write code that doesn't compile. So I'd like D2 to become 
more flexible here).
Constant associative arrays defined at compile time may use perfect hashing 
functions that can be used at run time.
And generating structures with pointers is not possible at compile time 
(possible usage for such structure: a trie that stores a constant dictionary, 
avoiding both build and load time, even if loading the precomputed chunk of 
memory of the array at run time takes a short time). At compile time indexes 
can be used instead of pointers, for example allocating the trie nodes into a 
compile time array and then using indexes to link nodes together.


Re: What does Coverity/clang static analysis actually do?

2009-10-02 Thread Nick Sabalausky
Bill Baxter wrote in message

Probably more like

Foo f;


Foo f;
if (a  10) { f = new Foo(10); }
if (a  10) {;

How does C# handle the cases above?

Just did a little test:

static void Main(string[] args)
Foo f;
if(args.Count()  2) { f = new Foo(); }

if(args.Count()  2)
{; // ERROR: Use of unassgned local variable 'f'

Foo f2;
createFoo(ref f2); // ERROR: Use of unassgned local variable 'f2';

static void createFoo(ref Foo f)
f = new Foo();

The first one is rather strange coding though and makes it easy to hide 
errors anyway. And the second one's a tad odd too, plus I don't see any harm 
in solving that with Foo f2=null: it would at least be a hell of a lot 
better than the compiler doing that very same =null automatically. I know 
Walter doesn't agree, but I'd much rather have a few slightly inconvinient 
false positives (or would it really be a false negative?) than even a mere 
possibility for a hidden error.

Re: Multiple subtyping with alias this and nested classes

2009-10-02 Thread Leandro Lucarella
Andrei Alexandrescu, el  2 de octubre a las 13:00 me escribiste:
 I just realized that nested classes work so well with alias this,
 you'd think it was an evil plot all along. It wasn't, but I'm happy
 about the coincidence.
 Here's how to effect multiple subtyping in D very effectively:
 import std.stdio;
 class Base1 {
 void fun() { writeln(; }
 class Base2 {
 void gun() { writeln(; }
 class Multiple : Base1 {
 // Override method in Base1
 override void fun() { writeln(; }
 // Override method in Base2
 class MyBase2 : Base2 {
 override void gun() { writeln(Multiple.gun); }
 // Effect multiple subtyping
 Base2 _base2;
 alias _base2 this;
 this() {
 _base2 = new MyBase2;
 void main()
 auto obj = new Multiple;
 Base1 obj1 = obj;;
 Base2 obj2 = obj;
 The program above segfaults because somehow obj2 is null. That is a
 bug I just reported. For now, you can replace obj2.gun() with
 obj.gun() to make things work.
 When we first introduced alias this, I knew multiple subtyping was
 possible. I didn't expect it to dovetail so nicely with nested

We might have very different taste, but I find that a little... horrible.
What do you have against mixins? I think you're trying to use D as C++ :)

Leandro Lucarella (AKA luca)
GPG Key: 5F5A8D05 (F8CD F9A7 BF00 5431 4145  104C 949E BFB6 5F5A 8D05)
-- Crónica TV

Re: Should certain abstract classes be instantiable?

2009-10-02 Thread Justin Johansson
Andrei Alexandrescu Wrote:

 Jarrett Billingsley wrote:
  On Thu, Oct 1, 2009 at 4:30 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
  class A {
 abstract void fun() {}
  The class defines a function that is at the same time abstract (so it
  requires overriding in derivees) and has implementation.
  Currently the compiler disallows creation of objects of type A, although
  technically that is feasible given that A defines the abstract method.
  Should A be instantiable? What designs would that help or hinder?
  Uh... why?

 Because I want to give a good argument one way or another in TDPL. FWIW, 
 I can't imagine why you'd ever... or Never needed that are not 
 strong enough arguments.


I had a brilliant maths teacher at high school.  Every now and then
someone would ask a question which everyone else though was silly.

Often he would jokingly reply, Good question.  Next question. and then,
after a pause, explore the subtleties of the silly question to everyone's
total amazement.

There was one really, really smart guy who asked enough silly questions
and ended up getting his Ph.D. in Mathematics before the age of 20.

 Because I want to give a good argument one way or another in TDPL.

Fair enough, Andrei.  I'm trying hard with the following use case
to demonstrate that instantiation of the abstract is possibly useful.

Hope this helps or leads to further insight.

class NonNegativeInteger
   static NonNegativeInteger infinity;

   static this() {
  infinity = new NonNegativeInteger();

   /+abstract+/ long value() {
  // In Andrei's scenario, this method is marked abstract
  // so we don't really care what we return here;
  // For moment comment out abstract keyword so that the
  // initialization of the singleton instance of
  // NonNegativeInteger, infinity, gets past the current
  // compiler.
  // Other than the private singleton instantiation inside
  // the static this block, no external code is allowed to
  // call new NonNegativeInteger() because the class
  // is, for all intensive purposes, abstract (once the
  // abstract keyword is uncommented).

  return infinity.value;

   void print() {
  writefln( Infinity);

class FiniteNonNegativeInteger: NonNegativeInteger
   private long val;
   this( long value) {
  val = value;
   long value() {
  return val;

   NonNegativeInteger opDiv( NonNegativeInteger divisor) {
  return (divisor.value != 0) ?
new FiniteNonNegativeInteger( value / divisor.value) :

   void print() {
  writefln( %d, val);

void main() {

   auto hundred = new FiniteNonNegativeInteger( 100);
   auto two = new FiniteNonNegativeInteger( 2);
   auto zero = new FiniteNonNegativeInteger( 0);
   auto fifty = hundred / two;
   auto infinity = hundred / zero;




Justin Johansson.

Re: Arrays template arguments and CT data structures

2009-10-02 Thread language_fan
Fri, 02 Oct 2009 16:56:48 -0400, bearophile thusly wrote:

 A good purpose for compile-time functions is to pre-generate constant
 data structures, avoiding to waste time generating them at compile time.
 But currently creating fixed-sized arrays at compile time while possible
 is tricky (it's easy for me to write code that doesn't compile. So I'd
 like D2 to become more flexible here). Constant associative arrays
 defined at compile time may use perfect hashing functions that can be
 used at run time. And generating structures with pointers is not
 possible at compile time (possible usage for such structure: a trie that
 stores a constant dictionary, avoiding both build and load time, even if
 loading the precomputed chunk of memory of the array at run time takes a
 short time). At compile time indexes can be used instead of pointers,
 for example allocating the trie nodes into a compile time array and then
 using indexes to link nodes together.

You have probably already noticed that there is always a tradeoff to be 
made. Either you get smaller binaries and faster compilation times or 
larger binaries and (perhaps) more efficient runtime performance. Note 
that if the data structures are small, generating them takes very little 
time on modern 32/64-bit hardware. OTOH if you have tens of megabytes of 
binary data in your .exe, hard drives are a serious bottleneck.

Re: Multiple subtyping with alias this and nested classes

2009-10-02 Thread language_fan
Fri, 02 Oct 2009 19:35:55 -0300, Leandro Lucarella thusly wrote:

 We might have very different taste, but I find that a little...
 horrible. What do you have against mixins? I think you're trying to use
 D as C++ :)

So basically the diamond problem is again implementable in D, yay?

Re: Arrays template arguments and CT data structures

2009-10-02 Thread Tom S

bearophile wrote:

(after a small discussion on IRC) Tuples may be used for similar purposes, but 
fixed-sized arrays are simpler to use, simpler to define, and they don't induce 
compilation/code bloat. (...)

What do you mean by that? So parametrizing a template with a static 
array would cause less bloat than doing so with a tuple? I guess you 
might shave off a few bytes if mangling was shorter, but except that? *gasp*

Tomasz Stachowiak
h3/h3r3tic on #D freenode

Re: Multiple subtyping with alias this and nested classes

2009-10-02 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

Leandro Lucarella wrote:

We might have very different taste, but I find that a little... horrible.
What do you have against mixins? I think you're trying to use D as C++ :)

If mixins work better, all the better. How would you use them to achieve 
multiple inheritance?


Re: Arrays template arguments and CT data structures

2009-10-02 Thread bearophile

 that if the data structures are small, generating them takes very little 
 time on modern 32/64-bit hardware. OTOH if you have tens of megabytes of 
 binary data in your .exe, hard drives are a serious bottleneck.

You forget an important thing: If you generate things at compile time the 
compiler is more able to optimize the code, because more data is available at 
compile time (it can be a form of partial specialization).


Tom S:

 What do you mean by that? So parametrizing a template with a static 
 array would cause less bloat than doing so with a tuple? I guess you 
 might shave off a few bytes if mangling was shorter, but except that? *gasp*

Tuples seems composed of dynamically typed items at compile time, so an array 
may need less memory to be managed by the compiler because its items have all 
the same type.

And regarding the binary bloat, I was thinking about the static foreach over 
tuples, that has inflated some of my programs. But this isn't a real problem, 
so please breath normally :-)

Bye and thank you,

Re: Multiple subtyping with alias this and nested classes

2009-10-02 Thread downs
language_fan wrote:
 Fri, 02 Oct 2009 19:35:55 -0300, Leandro Lucarella thusly wrote:
 We might have very different taste, but I find that a little...
 horrible. What do you have against mixins? I think you're trying to use
 D as C++ :)
 So basically the diamond problem is again implementable in D, yay?

Nah, there's no ambiguity - when in doubt, the primary inherited class is the 
source of the function.

AFAIK, alias this only kicks in on otherwise undefined functions.

Re: implicit ubyte casting

2009-10-02 Thread Don

Saaa wrote:

Jeremie Pelletier wrote

Saaa wrote:

I think is very bug-prone, isn't it obvious iub should be -5?

ubyte ub = 5;
int iub = -ub; // iub now is 251

What is the reasoning to do it this way?
Minus toggles the most significant bit, be it on a signed or unsigned 
type. When converting it to an int, the byte being signed or unsigned does 
make a difference: when unsigned the number is copied as is, when signed 
the most significant bit (bit 7) is shifted to the most significant bit of 
the int (bit 31).

Its therefore pretty standard logic, no warning is given since the entire 
ubyte range fits within an int


Thanks, but it is not that I do not know how it occurs more that
I should have asked whether people use this kind of logic.
For me it resulted in annoying bug like this:
for(int i = nloop;i10;i++);//ubyte nloop is created quite a few lines 

This has been discussed before, and it really should be an error.
It's reasonable to implicitly cast between integral types of different 
size, and also signed-unsigned, but performing both within the same 
expression is almost always a bug. It should not be possible without an 
explicit cast.

Test - ignore - browser problems

2009-10-02 Thread Frustrated
Testing 1, 2, 3, testing

Re: implicit ubyte casting

2009-10-02 Thread Don

Jeremie Pelletier wrote:

Don wrote:

Saaa wrote:

Jeremie Pelletier wrote

Saaa wrote:

I think is very bug-prone, isn't it obvious iub should be -5?

ubyte ub = 5;
int iub = -ub; // iub now is 251

What is the reasoning to do it this way?
Minus toggles the most significant bit, be it on a signed or 
unsigned type. When converting it to an int, the byte being signed 
or unsigned does make a difference: when unsigned the number is 
copied as is, when signed the most significant bit (bit 7) is 
shifted to the most significant bit of the int (bit 31).

Its therefore pretty standard logic, no warning is given since the 
entire ubyte range fits within an int


Thanks, but it is not that I do not know how it occurs more that
I should have asked whether people use this kind of logic.
For me it resulted in annoying bug like this:
for(int i = nloop;i10;i++);//ubyte nloop is created quite a few 
lines above.

This has been discussed before, and it really should be an error.
It's reasonable to implicitly cast between integral types of different 
size, and also signed-unsigned, but performing both within the same 
expression is almost always a bug. It should not be possible without 
an explicit cast.

I know VC++ shouts a warning everytime signed and unsigned integrals are 
mixed, maybe that's the road D should take too.

We can do *much* better than that.
About two releases ago D2 got integer range tracking, so you can do 
things like:

long a = someCrazyFunction();
ubyte b = (a  7) | 0x60; // No worries! This is perfectly fine!
ubyte c = a;  // Error, might overflow.

It just needs to be extended a bit more. It's far from finished.

Re: implicit ubyte casting

2009-10-02 Thread Don

Brad Roberts wrote:

On Thu, 1 Oct 2009, Saaa wrote:

I think is very bug-prone, isn't it obvious iub should be -5?

ubyte ub = 5;
int iub = -ub; // iub now is 251

What is the reasoning to do it this way? 

The inclusion of the 'int' part obscures what I think the real problem 

   Does it make sense to use uniary-minus on a unsigned type?

My answer.. no.

I agree. But you don't actually need unary minus to see the problem:

import std.stdio;

void main()
  uint a = 0;
  uint b = 5;
  long ib =  a - b;
  writefln(%s, ib); // prints: 4294967291

Re: implicit ubyte casting

2009-10-02 Thread Moritz Warning
On Fri, 02 Oct 2009 16:25:01 +0200, Don wrote:

 Brad Roberts wrote:
 On Thu, 1 Oct 2009, Saaa wrote:
 I think is very bug-prone, isn't it obvious iub should be -5?

 ubyte ub = 5;
 int iub = -ub; // iub now is 251

 What is the reasoning to do it this way?
 The inclusion of the 'int' part obscures what I think the real problem
Does it make sense to use uniary-minus on a unsigned type?
 My answer.. no.
 I agree. But you don't actually need unary minus to see the problem:
 import std.stdio;
 void main()
uint a = 0;
uint b = 5;
long ib =  a - b;
writefln(%s, ib); // prints: 4294967291

I feel like walking on the edge of a cliff all time without noticing. :

Re: implicit ubyte casting

2009-10-02 Thread Stewart Gordon

Moritz Warning wrote:

ubyte z = 5;
int x = -z; // x now is 251
int y = -1 * z; // y is now -5

Indeed, I've just looked at the spec, and it appears that the promotion 
of all smaller integer types to int/uint applies only to binary 
operations.  Why?

It even arguably breaks the looks like C, acts like C principle (which 
I thought was the reason behind these promotions in D):

#include stdio.h

int main() {
unsigned char z = 5;
int x = -z; // x now is 251
int y = -1 * z; // y is now -5

printf(%d %d %d\n, z, x, y);
return 0;
5 -5 -5
(DMC 8.42n Win)


Re: looking for an IDE

2009-10-02 Thread Jussi Jumppanen
Phil Deets Wrote:

 Is there a Windows IDE with support for D2 debugging, 

The Zeus IDE can be easily configured to run the D compiler
or any of the build tools:

 and basic code navigation (such as go to definition)? 

Zeus comes with a modified version of ctags meaning it can 
generate tag information for the D language.

This tag information is used to drive the code navigation, 
class browsing and intelisensing features.

I made these ctags changes quite some time ago changes when 
there was no D2 so I am not sure if this tagger stil works 
for D2. 

For any one that is inerested her are my ctags code changes:


NOTE: Zeus is shareware

Jussi Jumppanen
Author: Zeus IDE

Re: implicit ubyte casting

2009-10-02 Thread Stewart Gordon

Stewart Gordon wrote:

#include stdio.h

int main() {
unsigned char z = 5;
int x = -z; // x now is 251


Needless to say, this comment is a mistake.


[Issue 3359] New: Cannot parse pure/const/immutable functions with inferred return type

2009-10-02 Thread d-bugmail

   Summary: Cannot parse pure/const/immutable functions with
inferred return type
   Product: D
   Version: 2.031
  Platform: All
OS/Version: All
Status: NEW
  Keywords: rejects-valid
  Severity: normal
  Priority: P2
 Component: DMD

--- Comment #0 from Don 2009-10-02 00:07:23 PDT ---
This bug was originally reported as part of bug 3174.

int goo(int i) pure { return i; } // OK
auto foo(int i) pure { return i; } // Can't parse

class A {
auto hoo(int i) pure  { return i; }  // can't parse
const boo(int i) const { return i; }  // can't parse
auto coo(int i) const { return i; }  // can't parse
auto doo(int i) immutable { return i; }  // can't parse

Configure issuemail:
--- You are receiving this mail because: ---

[Issue 3356] Make pure functions require immutable parameters

2009-10-02 Thread d-bugmail

--- Comment #3 from Don 2009-10-02 08:03:51 PDT ---
(In reply to comment #2)
 (In reply to comment #1)
  (In reply to comment #0)
   2. When a function takes a reference type parameter, the chanses are 
   slim, that
   the return value doesn't depend on the referenced data. 
   So the referenced data must be immutable.
  That conclusion does not follow. I don't think you're seeing all of the
  benefits of 'pure'.
  Consider foo(a) + foo(a). This can be changed into 2*foo(a), even though a 
  not immutable.
 You participated in discussion of bug 3057, where I described my view of the
 problem. The question is *how* can you benefit from advertised pureness of in
 fact impure functions?

If you pass it the same *values*, you get the same results.

  It is true that in the case where all parameters are immutable, additional
  optimisations (such as caching) can be performed. But there's more to pure 
 But what you did with foo(a)+foo(a) if not caching? You effectively cached the
 result of function without any requirement for immutability.

You don't need immutability in this case.
foo(a) cannot change a, because foo is pure. There is nothing else in the
expression which uses a. Therefore a does not change during the expression.
(I'm assuming a is not shared). Therefore both calls to foo(a) have the same
parameters, and the transformation foo(a) + foo(a) --- 2*foo(a) is legal.

As soon as you have an assignment, or a call to an impure function, you can't
do this any more. But if a is immutable, you have a much stronger guarantee.

 I'm asking to remove a bug from the language, because I think it's incorrect 
 allow marking impure functions as pure (and later benefit from this).

Caching can only occur if all parameters passed to the function are the same.
If the parameters are references, you need to ensure the value being referenced
has not changed. Which is trivial if it's an immutable reference, but that's
not the _only_ case where it is true.

This is just an argument that const references _could_ be allowable in pure
functions. But after all that, the spec currently says that parameters have to
be implicitly immutable! So you can just change this to an accepts-invalid bug.

Configure issuemail:
--- You are receiving this mail because: ---

[Issue 3361] New: code in std.zlib concatenates void[] arrays

2009-10-02 Thread d-bugmail

   Summary: code in std.zlib concatenates void[] arrays
   Product: D
   Version: 1.045
  Platform: All
OS/Version: All
Status: NEW
  Severity: critical
  Priority: P2
 Component: Phobos

--- Comment #0 from Vladimir 2009-10-02 18:39:32 PDT 
Created an attachment (id=468)
proposed patch

In several places, the code in the std.zlib concatenates void[] arrays. This
causes allocation of data incorrectly marked as possibly containing pointers.
This bug is the main source of severe memory leaks in my application, thus it
is marked as critical.

Configure issuemail:
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