Re: GUI program on Mac OS in D?

2018-02-07 Thread mrphobby via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 5 February 2018 at 19:44:37 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

Note that this applies to all classes, not just NSString.

Ah yes, I will make sure it works for all the NSObject types.

class NSStringRef {
     this(string s) {
     str_ = 
NSString.alloc.initWithBytes(cast(immutable(ubyte)*) s.ptr,


     ~this() {

Note that this is not deterministic. There's not even a 
guarantee that a destructor for a class will be run at all.

Oh I simply tested this by running millions of allocations and it 
seemed to work but I will have to use a struct then instead I 

     NSStringRef s = new NSStringRef("Hello");

You can add an "alias this" [1] to avoid calling "str" 

Ah that's neat!

Currently the only correct way would be to wrap the class in a 
struct. There as been some talk to extend the language to 
support for reference counted classes [2].

Ok that sounds good. However, I'm mostly interested in how to 
make it work with the tools that are available now :)

Re: GUI program on Mac OS in D?

2018-02-05 Thread mrphobby via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 21 December 2017 at 17:56:54 UTC, mrphobby wrote:

Thanks for sharing! Your solution is more complete for sure. I 
think I will borrow a few ideas here :)

I've been playing around with this a bit and it works pretty 
well. One thing that bothers me is the handling of NSString. I 
came up with the following class to handle strings and make sure 
they do not leak. But maybe there is a nicer way to handle this 
in D?

class NSStringRef {
this(string s) {
str_ = 
NSString.alloc.initWithBytes(cast(immutable(ubyte)*) s.ptr,




~this() {

NSString str() @property {
return str_;

NSString str_;

And then you have to use it like this:

NSStringRef s = new NSStringRef("Hello");

Ideally I would like to write code more like this (without 
leaking the NSString):


Surely this must be possible in D somehow? :)

Re: GUI program on Mac OS in D?

2017-12-21 Thread mrphobby via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Thursday, 21 December 2017 at 15:45:32 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe 

oh sorry i forgot to post this sooner here's my code so far.

when i'm reasonably happy with it, it will be part of my 
simpledisplay.d. I might leave it undocumented, but if you 
wanted to dive into my source the final version will be in 
there somewhere.

Thanks for sharing! Your solution is more complete for sure. I 
think I will borrow a few ideas here :)

Re: GUI program on Mac OS in D?

2017-12-21 Thread mrphobby via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 14 December 2017 at 19:10:26 UTC, mrphobby wrote:
On Thursday, 14 December 2017 at 14:07:25 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe 
I was playing with this myself based on Jacob's code and made 
it look like this:

extern (Objective-C) interface ViewController : 
NSViewController {

extern (C)
static void loadView(ViewController self, SEL sel) {

extern (C)
static void viewDidLoad(ViewController self, SEL sel) {

ViewController init() @selector("init");
mixin RegisterObjCClass;

This looks pretty awesome and very much like something I was 
looking for. Would really appreciate if you could share your 
work. Otherwise I'll have to roll up my sleeves and try hacking 
it on my own :)

Ok, I finally had some time to work this out today. Thanks to the 
ideas posted here I was able to wrap something up despite my very 
limited knowledge of D and its compile time features :)

Basically this is what your classes will look like:

extern (Objective-C)
interface AppDelegate : NSApplicationDelegate {
mixin ObjCClass;

AppDelegate init() @selector("init");

extern (C):

	static void applicationDidFinishLaunching(AppDelegate self, SEL 
sel, NSNotification notification) {


In this case I needed to add the explicit superclass attribute 
since NSApplicationDelegate is a protocol and not a class. If 
your object inherits from an interface representing a regular 
Objective-C class you don't need this.

The actual registration and setup principle is based on Jacobs 
code and I added stuff to handle the attributes. Obviously you 
need declarations for Objective-C runtime calls but you can find 
those in Jacobs example source as well.

Anyway, hope this helps. Feel free to fork and improve!

Re: GUI program on Mac OS in D?

2017-12-14 Thread mrphobby via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Thursday, 14 December 2017 at 14:07:25 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe 
I was playing with this myself based on Jacob's code and made 
it look like this:

extern (Objective-C) interface ViewController : 
NSViewController {

extern (C)
static void loadView(ViewController self, SEL sel) {

extern (C)
static void viewDidLoad(ViewController self, SEL sel) {

ViewController init() @selector("init");
mixin RegisterObjCClass;

so the mixin does some registering based on the method override 
attrs. It is still static with self cuz I actually felt hiding 
that made things a bit worse (inheritance wouldn't work like 
you expect), but most the registration stuff is now pulled from 
the attribute metadata.

Of course, my goal here isn't actually to do all of obj-c... 
just enough to port my simpledisplay.d. So I'm not sure if I'll 
make this public yet or just leave it as private and/or 
undocumented inside my library file.

This looks pretty awesome and very much like something I was 
looking for. Would really appreciate if you could share your 
work. Otherwise I'll have to roll up my sleeves and try hacking 
it on my own :)

Thanks for sharing your ideas!

Re: GUI program on Mac OS in D?

2017-12-14 Thread mrphobby via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Thursday, 14 December 2017 at 16:12:30 UTC, Jacob Carlborg 
No, that would not work. Several years ago I created an The 
bridge basically wrapped an Objective-C object inside a D 
object, resulted in two objects for each object instead of one. 
That bridge turned out to be a failure, vary complicated, huge 
amount of template instantiations and bloat from a lot of 
virtual methods that could not be removed. A simple test 
application with a window and a button resulted in a 60 MB 

DIP43 is the next step in the evolution after the bridge and 
it's a much better approach. When DIP43 is done, or at least 
has made some more progress it will be much simpler.

Please keep in mind that all this is work in progress, that's 
why it is as complicated now as it is.


Ok, I see! Sounds like I'll have to wait then. How long do you 
think it will take until DIP43 is available for use? Is it months 
or years we are talking about here?

Re: GUI program on Mac OS in D?

2017-12-14 Thread mrphobby via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 14 December 2017 at 11:36:46 UTC, mrphobby wrote:
I'm thinking it would be nice to wrap this setup code into some 
kind of mixin template so that I could put the required 
configuration setup in each class. In other languages like 
Python or C# I would maybe decorate my methods with an 
attribute and then use reflection to build the proper data 
structures at runtime. However, I'm completely new to D so it's 
a bit difficult to see a good solution here. If you have any 
ideas how to do this I'd appreciate it. Thanks for all help!

Also, it feels a bit awkward to implement the callback handling 
methods as static methods, with the "self" and SEL arguments. 
Would have been nice if it was possible to use instance methods.

After thinking about it for a while I guess it could work with 
one static dispatch method that maps selectors to specific 
instance methods. So when callbacks are made from Objective-C 
they are made to this one static method, which would then call 
the right method on the class.

I'm still struggling with D syntax, so here's some pseudo code:

class AppDelegate {
   static var methodMap = {}// Maps selector name to methods

   static void handleCallback(AppDelegate self, SEL sel, ...) {
  var method = methodMap[sel];, va_list);  // Call the method with 
args (not sure if possible in D)


   void applicationDidFinishLaunching(NSNotification 
notification) {

  // Normal instance method here

Now, you would also need a registration step somewhere that sets 
up the selectors to use, perhaps in a static constructor that is 
run when AppDelegate class is used for the first time.

I hope this makes sense. Just throwing out some ideas :)

Re: GUI program on Mac OS in D?

2017-12-14 Thread mrphobby via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Thursday, 14 December 2017 at 10:14:13 UTC, Jacob Carlborg 
That is to register the methods with the Objective-C runtime. 
Currently the @selector attribute can only be used on methods 
that are already implemented in Objective-C. If a need to 
implement a new method or override an existing method in a 
subclass, then it's necessary to manually register that method 
with the runtime.

Ok I understand it now, thanks!

I'm thinking it would be nice to wrap this setup code into some 
kind of mixin template so that I could put the required 
configuration setup in each class. In other languages like Python 
or C# I would maybe decorate my methods with an attribute and 
then use reflection to build the proper data structures at 
runtime. However, I'm completely new to D so it's a bit difficult 
to see a good solution here. If you have any ideas how to do this 
I'd appreciate it. Thanks for all help!

Re: GUI program on Mac OS in D?

2017-12-13 Thread mrphobby via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 13 December 2017 at 15:17:59 UTC, Jacob Carlborg 
I forgot to mention that there have been several discussions 
around adding support for reference counted classes. Several of 
the mentioning interfacing with Objective-C is important/a 

Ok, good to know!

I have another question about your Webkit test example... I see 
that you are doing some elaborate setup in order to bind the 
application delegate methods. Can you explain a bit about why you 
are doing it in this way instead of using the @selector attribute 
in a class?

The thing is that I'm currently attempting to get it to work 
using the "easy" way using @selector but the methods in my 
AppDelegate class are not called. Not sure why that is, but I 
probably screwed something up :)

Re: GUI program on Mac OS in D?

2017-12-13 Thread mrphobby via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Thursday, 23 November 2017 at 17:28:43 UTC, Jacob Carlborg 
I have a simple example [2] of an application that shows a 
window with a WebKit view, i.e. and embedded browser. This 
works with the upstream DMD and LDC compilers. It basically 
only contains bindings for what I needed for that sample 
application. As you'll see there you need to use some parts of 
the Objective-C runtime to create class instances and 
subclasses. Also some gymnastics are required for class/static 

I have been taking a look at your example. Looks pretty neat! 
Some advanced mixin stuff there that looks pretty useful. 
However, as far as I can tell there is no handling of 
retain/release. How would you incorporate this into your mixin 
system without having to put "release" in all the interface 
definitions? Would it be possible to somehow hook this up 
automatically to the D destructor perhaps? Interested in hearing 
your thoughts on this!

Re: GUI program on Mac OS in D?

2017-12-08 Thread mrphobby via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Thursday, 7 December 2017 at 12:27:36 UTC, Guillaume Piolat 
On Thursday, 7 December 2017 at 12:18:21 UTC, Guillaume Piolat 

You can easily make a DUB frontend to do that, for example

And it might be cleaner to do this as a post-build step.

Thanks, I'll have a look at that.

Re: What is "stringImportPaths"

2017-12-08 Thread mrphobby via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Thursday, 7 December 2017 at 09:47:31 UTC, Jacob Carlborg 

On 2017-12-06 20:05, mrphobby wrote:
There are two kinds of language constructs that uses the 
"import" keyword. One is the "Import Declaration" [1] which is 
the most common one and is used to import other symbols. The 
other language construct is the "Import Expression" [2], which 
is used to read a file at compile time and put its content into 
a string literal in your source code.

Anything specified to the "stringImportPaths" build setting 
will be sent to the compiler with the -J flag.


Ok thanks! I couldn't find that in the docs so kudos for pointing 
me to it.

I still think using the word "import" is confusing. Would rather 
have it called "load" or something. But at least I understand it 
now :)

Re: GUI program on Mac OS in D?

2017-12-08 Thread mrphobby via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Thursday, 7 December 2017 at 09:39:45 UTC, Jacob Carlborg 
The latest DMD compiler only supports what's in the official 
documentation, i.e. [1]. What's documented in DIP43 [2] (except 
anything marked with "unimplemented") is what's been 
implemented in one of my forks. I'm working on adding what's in 
my fork piece by piece to upstream.

Ok thanks for clearing that up! Your work looks really appealing. 
Hope it gets into the official compiler soon.

What is "stringImportPaths"

2017-12-06 Thread mrphobby via Digitalmars-d-learn
Can anyone explain what "stringImportPaths" is? I have seen this 
being used in dub.json files and I think I kind of know what it 
does, but I haven't been able to find a clear explanation in any 
documentation of what it does. It does not look like anything I'm 
familiar with from other languages.

I understand it can be used for resources but I have seen it 
being used with both text files and binary files so I'm a bit 
confused. The documentation says I can import "whatever", but 
that feels a bit weird since importing is a construct used for 
importing symbols, right?

Re: GUI program on Mac OS in D?

2017-12-06 Thread mrphobby via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 24 November 2017 at 15:56:21 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
BTW, the following line [3] of the Dub file will embed the 
Info.plist file in the executable, which can be handy if you 
don't want to use application bundles. The Info.plist file is 
not always necessary, I think my sample application will work 
without it, but for some things is necessary.

I also have a Dockerfile [4] with a cross-compiler setup that 
targets macOS.

You should also know that there's a bug in DMD, which I haven't 
manged to fix, that occurs when returning certain structs from 
Objective-C methods. I'm pretty sure if works correctly in LDC, 
since it's using the LLVM backend that already knows about 

Finally, since you're using D you'll not have ARC (Automatic 
Reference Counting) which these days are preformed by the 
Objective-C and Swift compilers. You'll need to resort to 
traditional release/retain calls where appropriate. I have not 
included those calls in my sample application.

I'm also interested in making native macOS apps. I have a lot of 
experience in Objective-C but I'm new at D. I'm a bit confused at 
what documentation to look at. In [1] I get the impression that 
support for creating instances is very rudimentary, but in [2] it 
looks much better with constructors mapped with @selector. What 
level of support is there in the latest DMD compiler?

Also, is there any support for creating macOS application bundles?
