[digitalradio] Re: another non- contest on a no contest band

2008-04-11 Thread wd4elg_base

> It was not until I 
> was relicensed in 1980 that I started to pay more attention to the 
> various subsets of amateur radio. I was quite stunned to find out 
> grown adults will literally spend their entire weekend at a fixed 
> operating position. My reaction was, "this can't be true, people 
> never do such a thing." But I was wrong and they do.

As a fanatical DXer and occasional contester, you are 100% correct, 
Rick.  It is true.  My wife thinks I have something wrong with me.  
Maybe so, but it's harmless I tell her.  Maybe I am too competitive?

Think of the "hacker" golfer who spends tons of time on the golf 
course every free moment.  He sacrifices sleep, social time, and 
relaxation time (the golfing is competitive rather than relaxing) for 
his quest of a par score.  Only for me I sacrifice sleep, outdoor 
time, other hobbies, even eating just to catch some DX.

It's an addictive personality thing, I believe.  I have never smoked 
(only cigars, maybe three times in college) but after I worked the 
YK9G/Syria DXPedition for my 250th country today on 20 meter CW after 
30 minutes through the pileups with my 100 watts, I felt like I 
needed a cigarette and a beer.  Same feeling during contests - 
adrenalin flowing, competitive streak emerging, body tensing.

Having said (confessed?) all that, I am concerned that any contest on 
30M or other WARC bands sets a precedent which might not be a good 
thing.  But it is balanced by increased activity on the band and 
interest in a growing field in our hobby (low power digital), which 
is always a good thing.  Conclusion: result is neutral.

Mark, WD4ELG http://wd4elg.net 

[digitalradio] Re: another non- contest on a no contest band

2008-04-11 Thread Don
David WD4KPD,

I guess the "bring it on" means you want a response. I noticed reading
many of your replies that you leave these types of remarks below your
name/call when you reply to message posts to get a point across for
what ever reason so I can only assume by what you have listed before
on other posts you want me to respond or as you say "bring it on".  

I for one want to let you know that I did NOT provoke a response like
you have given me but my post was in good and positive spirit of Ham
Radio.  I also did NOT post the 30 Meter Digital QRP Weekend to be
belittled by you or anyone else…you have voiced your opinion and I
can't change that nor will I try but by you voicing it publicly you
are trying to sway others in your views…they will have to decide what
is right and wrong or what they agree or disagree with according to
facts…so far the facts are not on the Internet but by listening to the
great bunch of digital ops on the 30 Meter band that have no
intentions of contesting on the 30 Meter band.   

If you don't mind David I will answer your post publicly since you
were so fast at responding to my message post that again didn't
warrant such a reply you have given it but then again you have your
own opinions so that is a right no one can take away and many have
died for you to have that right here in the good old USA. 

"for all intents and purposes, this non-contest is still a
contest"…..Right from the start your reply message changes my message
post from a 30 Meter Digital QRP Weekend to ANOTHER NON-CONTEST ON A
NO CONTEST BAND is of a mean spirited nature and negative and I'm not
sure why that is but that is your call (many times I just use my
delete key if not intersted)for those of you that do decide to
work the 30 Meter Digital QRP Weekend on April 19/20 you are going to
be very disappointed if you are looking for a contest.  All you are
going to find is a bunch of really nice digital ops making casual
contacts, experimenting with low power, long ragchews and DX if the
band allowsyou will NOT find is any rules on about a contest
because there is no contest…no rules for exchange…no time limits…..no
points….no logs are requested to be sent in for any contest prize for
the weekend because there are none ….the only winners are those that
participate and have fun.   

"there is a sponsor"….a sponsor is one that spends money maybe on a
contest or something and I guess would give out prizes for those
winners and might gain something from all this.  Again we might be
putting the word out to give 30 Meters a try and we do hope for more
Hams to participate on the 30 Meter band so that is true (could care
less if they join the 30MDG because our main focus or goal is to have
an increase awareness and usage of digital modes on 30 Meters…if they
join in 30MDG so be it but not our goal)…..having fun on Ham Radio is
FREE and we don't spend any money on FREE fun…again there is no winner
for the most contacts or having the most points on the QRP Weekend
because again David there are no points, contest like exchanges or
contact limits and good luck on having fast contacts because there is
a nice bunch of long winded ragchew digital operators on the 30 Meter
band so you will have a hard time getting to that next contact very
quickly even if you wanted to.

"and bragging rights are earned by contesters in the organization"….oh
really?  I think bragging about how far a QRP signal may go or who
hears your low power signal and maybe how many contacts you make using
low power and to what areas of the World those contacts are made is
what we do all the time, right?  You David post your MEPT reports and
I don't think that is contesting on 30 Meters yet it is bragging of
sorts and very informative (thanks for doing that by the way).   BTW,
we are NOT an organization but a group of average `Joe" digital
operators just having fun on the 30 Meter band.   I agree though there
are some contesters in our group and some darn good ones, I understand
you don't like contesting and that is fine and you have that right to
not like it as I'm not much on contesting myself…but even though there
are contesters in our group doesn't mean they are contesting on the 30
Meter band in fact just the opposite as I think from reading the mail
on many of them since 30 Meters is a WARC band and a NO CONTEST band
they seems to like this place to come to and ragchew and get to know
other Hams vs when on the other bands getting hammered by folks just
needing a fast contact and 599 report to get them in the log and
sometimes QRM'd to the degree they couldn't carry on a good ragchew if
they wanted to.

"it may be legal" ….yes it is legal to use the 30 Meter Band (we are
secondary users…should give way to gov/com'l transmitions…also be kind
to our neighbors in QSO with the modes we use..and follow the rules or
our license), unless you are now in charge of the rule making David
and we no longer can use the 30 Meter band or promote the use of th

[digitalradio] Re: another non- contest on a no contest band

2008-04-12 Thread Danny Douglas
In the beginning, it was correct that there was really no DX chasing (at
least for awards) but now that is not so.  In fact I have at least one
country worked, where I have only one contact, an that was on 30 meters.
DXCC started accepting those contacts some time ago, so yes it is indeed a
DX band.  30 is a great band which has long openings, to some parts of the
world, most all of the day or night.  Lets not screw it up, and make it
unuseable for those who have not been bit by the contest bug.

Because of the very limited bandwidth of 30, 17, and 12 meter bands, right
from the start, it was deemed they were off limits for contests.  If one
thinks there are complaints now, about contest weekends, just wait until one
or all of these three bands are added to the mix.  There simply is not
enough room on them to drag in hundreds or thousands of other contest
signals, and continue to use them for other uses as well.  Right now, one of
the so called excuses that are being used about interference on contest
weekends is that one can always go to these bands and operate to get away
from contesters.  Put them into contest modes, and that all goes away.  One
of the other things that you must remember is that 30 meters is a shared
band, and we MUST not intefere with those other operations with which we
share this limited space.  W all know that many contesters would completely
ignore that fact, in the heat of battle.

Danny Douglas
All 2 years or more (except Novice)
Pls QSL direct, buro, or LOTW preferred,
I Do not use, but as a courtesy do upload to eQSL for
those who do.

[digitalradio] Re: another non- contest on a no contest band

2008-04-12 Thread Don

I **AGREE with most of your post!   

BUT….the 30 Meter Digital QRP Weekend is NOT a contest but a weekend
to promote 30 meter awareness, experimentation, and activity (proof of
this is again not here on the Internet on what you `think' this event
is but off the Internet on the 30 Meter Band and if you actually
operate on 30 Meters you will then know this is no contest in any way
nor would we support that on a WARC band).   I appreciate your reply
but I can't agree more with most of what you said:

"There is no contest" - ** AGREE (gentleman agreement none on WARC)
" There is no SSB" - ** AGREE (no all Countries though)
"There is no CW pile-ups ** AGREE (sometimes)
"lot of QRPer, fuzzy modes, Visual MEPT" ** AGREE (fun stuff)
"peaceful band" - ** AGREE (sometimes too peaceful, like waiting for a
6 Meter opening if others don't answer your calls after hours of
calling…band always open somewhere just no one home sometimes)

"I love the idea to promote QRP, QRPp, unusual digital mode.
And the 30m band is perfect for that."  ** AGREE  PERFECT …so why
don't you promote it?

"Well, because it's quiet and there is a lot of free bandwidth for
"experimentation". **AGREE..(best of both 20m and 40m propagation-good
mix-open most all the time somewhere, quite band unlike 40m and
smaller antennas needed than 40m)

"But i'd like to keep the 30m for learning purpose and
experimentation" **AGREE …BUT for who?  Just for a few operators or
can anyone licensed to use 30m also use it?  Do we hand pick who can
and can not use a band?

"And bringing people that are not used to the lovely 30m band is a bad
idea" ** DISAGREE – are we to judge who we think should use or not use
a band allowed to them?  

"Simple.The 30m band don't need any promotion :)" ** DISAGREE…like any
band we want to keep we should be active and promoting the use of the
bands we are allowed (keeping in mind of course that the 30m band we
are not the primary users and must give way and show good Amateur
Radio practice).  No one owns a band or section(s) within a band…so
this doesn't make since to me to not promote something so it is dead
space for only a few to use and experiment only when they want to use
it yet 30 Meters is alive and full of wonderful propagation and space
for Hams to experiment, ragchew, and work DX…...why would you want to
keep that a secret? 

I can tell you this I have been in many a QSO the last year on 30
Meters where as the other operator said "thanks for experimenting with
me on 30 Meters with different modes/power levels/antennas/propagation
etc" or "you are my first digital QSO on the 30 Meter band"….or "never
thought to stop on 30 Meters when switching from 20 Meters to 40
meters but this seems to be a great band"…or "never new my antenna
would load up on 30 meters and put out as good of a signal as it is, I
will try this band again"...all good and positive things I think to
see folks using an under used band.   

You might want to get more involved in experimenting with WSPR, MEPT,
HELL, WSJT- JT65a, JASON or whatever other digital mode that might
come our way and experiment with and maybe experiment on VHF/UHF, 10m,
17m, 40m, 80m, 160m on different bands...so why is promoting 30 Meter
activity so different?


I can remember when I had to really search to find PSK activity on 20
Meters..it was new but  people keep promoting its use and soon others
joined in to experiment more and more then on other bands...same with
let's say WSJT weak signal modes on VHF/UHF and some thought you were
crazy and then using them on HF even more crazy yet many didn't know
about them or even tried them.  Promoting 30 Meters is not much
different because there many Hams that hardly ever use the 30 Meter
band and some that might have never used the 30 Meter band…that is
fact, why is that?  Could it be there is such low activity that they
get bored experimenting or trying to make contacts with no one so they
move to other bands like 20m and 40m?  

I will be promoting and using the 30 Meter Band and I don't mind to
disagree with some of what you are saying because we have more we
agree on than what we might disagree on so hope to work you sometime
on the band.   I really don't get the we should not promote something
we enjoy or worth promoting yet all I was doing is promoting the use
of the 30 Meter Band yet for some they would like it 'hands off 30
Meters and leave it alone for me' and the "bringing people that are
not used to the lovely 30m band is a bad idea" what does that refers
to?  Leave it a dead band for only the few?  Or maybe bad operators
that are new to digital modes..maybe?  But then again that is why more
experienced Hams need to `Elmer' and teach others proper operation,
right?  Ultimately the operator is in charge of his or her own station
and should adhere to all rules that apply to his or her license.

Have fun at it all….great hobby we have.

De kb9umt Do

[digitalradio] Re: another non- contest on a no contest band

2008-04-12 Thread lweaver
Don, if you believe that 30 meters needs to be promoted because of lack 
of activity please check out this :


This is a 24 hour around the world activity in spite of the fact that 
Propnet moved within 300Hz of it. Most stations run 1 watt or less.


[digitalradio] Re: another non- contest on a no contest band

2008-04-12 Thread Don

Thanks for the link and I'm very aware of it...I have done my
homework.   I think that it is neat and very coolgood propagation
and experimenting...but what is it telling me?  That the band is open?
 And are all these station in QSO?  Is it a QSO mode?  (no need to
reply on that)

Did this start happening and all these stations were participating
back in 2006?  or 2007? When did all this activity on 30 Meters start
increasing?  I remember PropNet maps/data back in 2006 and 2007 and
also how the digital part of the 30 meter band was used (or not
used)...so yes GREAT that they are on the 30 meter band pinging the
atmosphere if you will.

I again think it is neat and use it often use and read the posts on it
all...for me I would just rather be on the band in QSO and I have used
QRP or QRPP on 30 Meters many times and always amazed.  Thanks for the

de kb9umt Don

--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, "lweaver" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Don, if you believe that 30 meters needs to be promoted because of lack 
> of activity please check out this :
> http://www.wsprnet.org/meptspots.php
> This is a 24 hour around the world activity in spite of the fact that 
> Propnet moved within 300Hz of it. Most stations run 1 watt or less.
> Larry

[digitalradio] Re: another non- contest on a no contest band

2008-04-12 Thread Don
Danny N7DC,

Last post because you guys are being to kind to me today….so stop it.

First off let me say I agree with most of what you have stated…I also
respect you as a Ham and enjoy reading most of your posts, so thank
you and indeed you are a good Ham.

I have been a member of this list since 2002 and I bet I don't have
more than 50 or so posts over those few years to this group so I do
more reading and listening than replying or commenting on every post I
thought I do or do not agree with.  I think I'm starting to see how
this works here and a select few have to agree with your thought
process in order to be maybe an everyday poster….I normally would not
keep replying but to me this all is silly and your statements have
already been stated before and my posts were of `FYI' only nor did I
provoke any responses and I find it funny that few months back that
Andy sent a reminder to the group about one of our 30 Meter Digital
Weekend Events and not one reply or negative comment yet when I posted
the same few come back out and restate their `views' when I never
asked or replied the their first ones and let it all go.   I have had
emails off list from Andy and a few others..even Rick emailed off list
and we had an few email exchanges over some concerns of his and he is
a great person to talk with and I respected him and he knows he was
treated with nothing but respect back, we don't have to agree but I
sure do respect his opinions.

Now to your comments about my post of the 30 Meter Digital QRP Weekend
which was not intended to provoke any response but just an FYI to
those in a Ham Digital Group that might be interested.  I think I last
posted here back in I think January some months back on a 30 Meter
Digital EU Weekend and you and I think you Danny and maybe one of the
others that have recently commented posted back replies but I never
responded back to them at that time…but now I guess a response is in
order so the others here that `lurk' understand my postings and not
just what you `think' is going on on 30 Meters or that I'm doing
something illegal or as you say `screwing up' the band….so far been at
this over a year or more I think actually my first post was here in
this Digital Group on "why such little digital activity on 30 Meters"
and I posted here back in 2006 and many of you replied so this move
toward trying to increase experimentation and increased participation
or use of 30 Meters has been going on some time and not just thought
out with no concerns that you have listed…so far it all has been
positive other than those that don't join in and see for themselves
what goes on but again that is up to you to have your own opinions but
none of them are based on facts but you have the right to your own
views and I respect that…and I have mine and then so do all others here. 

You will NOT see me posting every week about trying to as you say
`screw things up' on the 30 Meter Band….not the case at all..in fact
you might see a post once a month at best and not even that actually
as we have not had that many events to promote the 30 Meter Band or
our small group.   We didn't just one day think…"how can we screw up
30 Meters and make it un usable for everyone"…not the case at all and
we actually thought this out to bring on slowly those that might not
use 30 Meters that often or skip over the 30 Meter Band to give it a
try more often….by no means do or would we want thousands of stations
on the band and you don't have to worry because that isn't going to
happen after seeing the numbers over the last year but believe me the
digital portion of 30 Meters is nothing like it was in 2006 or 2007
and you actually might find someone to experiment with or have QSO
(well maybe not everyday but your chances are much better than years
back).  I did have a day off yesterday and sat patiently switching to
different modes and antennas and playing in the shack some and made
all day 2 really nice QSO's on the band and as usual many times QSOs
scarce on the band…but one QSO with a QRP station on a buddy pole in
VA and another with an attic antenna down in TX with good reports and
one DX station over in EU seen...back in 2006 if I sat looking at the
waterfall not a trace for hours or sometime days in the digital
portion of the 30 Meter Band or after hours of calling CQ in any
digital mode.

I don't contest (or if I do put my call out in one it is to give
someone a few points then off to other things for me) and I don't
collect QSL cards for any Awards….but Congrats on your Award but to me
I'm just not impressed or interested or have the time at this point in
life but that is why there are different things to do in Ham Radio for
everyone, right?   I find it interesting that when mentioned of that
`rare' or `last one' who would be calling the kettle black because as
stated  above I could care less and I know that is true with many of
the folks I talk to and experiment with or ragchew with on the 30
Meter Band and they are not 

[digitalradio] Re: another non- contest on a no contest band

2008-04-13 Thread Danny Douglas
I wasnt speaking direct at the "activity" day concept.  It just happened
that I was reading along in the daily digest, and happened to select the
(reply to all)  at the end of your message, in which to put in my three
cents worth, about contesting in general, on the 30 meter band.  I guess I
gotta be more careful about that.  This is only one of two groups where I
dont get individual emails as they are sent, but get the daily digest (which
had 25 messages this time around).  In fact, I agree that a digital activity
would be a very good way to introduce more ops to not only the band, but to
entice them to try different digital modes.  I just dont want to see it, or
12 or 17 become 'contest bound", making them unuseable for any other type
operations during long periods of time.

As I almost said, these bands are an "escape" for operators who do not want
to put up with the contest QRM, going on on the other HF bands.  The one
thing I would recommend is that any such activity day be set to insure its
NOT on the same dates that major events are happening on the other HF bands,
so the band is available for those operators wanting a get away.

I just took a look and see I have several dozen PSK contacts and a couple of
hundred RTTY contacts on the 30 meter band, so there is indeed "some" of us

Danny Douglas
All 2 years or more (except Novice)
Pls QSL direct, buro, or LOTW preferred,
I Do not use, but as a courtesy do upload to eQSL for
those who do.

Re: [digitalradio] Re: another non- contest on a no contest band

2008-04-11 Thread John Becker, WØJAB
If it's a ham band and open why not use it for whatever?
After all a contest is only 24 or 48 hours.


Re: [digitalradio] Re: another non- contest on a no contest band

2008-04-11 Thread John Becker, WØJAB
As one of the moderators of this list let you thank
you for you post stating what I really can't.

BTW - I did sent him a note saying that we really 
don't need the "screw you" comment.

John, W0JAB

At 09:04 PM 4/11/2008, you wrote:
>David WD4KPD,
>I guess the "bring it on" means you want a response. I noticed reading
>many of your replies that you leave these types of remarks below your
>name/call when you reply to message posts to get a point across for
>what ever reason so I can only assume by what you have listed before
>on other posts you want me to respond or as you say "bring it on".  
>I for one want to let you know that I did NOT provoke a response like
>you have given me but my post was in good and positive spirit of Ham
>Radio.  I also did NOT post the 30 Meter Digital QRP Weekend to be
>belittled by you or anyone else…you have voiced your opinion and I
>can't change that nor will I try but by you voicing it publicly you
>are trying to sway others in your views…they will have to decide what
>is right and wrong or what they agree or disagree with according to
>facts…so far the facts are not on the Internet but by listening to the
>great bunch of digital ops on the 30 Meter band that have no
>intentions of contesting on the 30 Meter band.   
>If you don't mind David I will answer your post publicly since you
>were so fast at responding to my message post that again didn't
>warrant such a reply you have given it but then again you have your
>own opinions so that is a right no one can take away and many have
>died for you to have that right here in the good old USA. 
>"for all intents and purposes, this non-contest is still a
>contest"…..Right from the start your reply message changes my message
>post from a 30 Meter Digital QRP Weekend to ANOTHER NON-CONTEST ON A
>NO CONTEST BAND is of a mean spirited nature and negative and I'm not
>sure why that is but that is your call (many times I just use my
>delete key if not intersted)for those of you that do decide to
>work the 30 Meter Digital QRP Weekend on April 19/20 you are going to
>be very disappointed if you are looking for a contest.  All you are
>going to find is a bunch of really nice digital ops making casual
>contacts, experimenting with low power, long ragchews and DX if the
>band allowsyou will NOT find is any rules on about a contest
>because there is no contest…no rules for exchange…no time limits…..no
>points….no logs are requested to be sent in for any contest prize for
>the weekend because there are none ….the only winners are those that
>participate and have fun.   
>"there is a sponsor"….a sponsor is one that spends money maybe on a
>contest or something and I guess would give out prizes for those
>winners and might gain something from all this.  Again we might be
>putting the word out to give 30 Meters a try and we do hope for more
>Hams to participate on the 30 Meter band so that is true (could care
>less if they join the 30MDG because our main focus or goal is to have
>an increase awareness and usage of digital modes on 30 Meters…if they
>join in 30MDG so be it but not our goal)…..having fun on Ham Radio is
>FREE and we don't spend any money on FREE fun…again there is no winner
>for the most contacts or having the most points on the QRP Weekend
>because again David there are no points, contest like exchanges or
>contact limits and good luck on having fast contacts because there is
>a nice bunch of long winded ragchew digital operators on the 30 Meter
>band so you will have a hard time getting to that next contact very
>quickly even if you wanted to.
>"and bragging rights are earned by contesters in the organization"….oh
>really?  I think bragging about how far a QRP signal may go or who
>hears your low power signal and maybe how many contacts you make using
>low power and to what areas of the World those contacts are made is
>what we do all the time, right?  You David post your MEPT reports and
>I don't think that is contesting on 30 Meters yet it is bragging of
>sorts and very informative (thanks for doing that by the way).   BTW,
>we are NOT an organization but a group of average `Joe" digital
>operators just having fun on the 30 Meter band.   I agree though there
>are some contesters in our group and some darn good ones, I understand
>you don't like contesting and that is fine and you have that right to
>not like it as I'm not much on contesting myself…but even though there
>are contesters in our group doesn't mean they are contesting on the 30
>Meter band in fact just the opposite as I think from reading the mail
>on many of them since 30 Meters is a WARC band and a NO CONTEST band
>they seems to like this place to come to and ragchew and get to know
>other Hams vs when on the other bands getting hammered by folks just
>needing a fast contact and 599 report to get them in the log and
>sometimes QRM'd to the degree they couldn't carry on a good ragchew if
>they wanted to.
>"it may be legal" ….yes it is

Re: [digitalradio] Re: another non- contest on a no contest band

2008-04-11 Thread John Becker, WØJAB
Sorry all
that was meant to go direct.

Re: [digitalradio] Re: another non- contest on a no contest band

2008-04-11 Thread Tim N9PUZ
John Becker, WØJAB wrote:
> Sorry all
> that was meant to go direct.

Some of us "lurkers" appreciate that it did not.

Tim, N9PUZ

Re: [digitalradio] Re: another non- contest on a no contest band

2008-04-11 Thread Laurent Laborde
2008/4/12, Don <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>  What would you suggest David to
>  promote the 30 Meter band?  I'm all ears and you can list all your
>  ideas here or email me direct if you wish.

The 30m band don't need any promotion :)

I like and use 30m because :
- There is no contest
- There is no SSB
- There is no CW pile-up with tons of "OMG CQ  D FFS 59 KTHXBYE"
running on overstressed KiloWatt-class amp (who said CW had no
bandwidth ? :p )
- lot of QRPer, fuzzy mode, Visual MEPT, ...
- in 1 word : "peacefull" band :)

The 30m band have many unofficial (a real gentlman agreement)
sub-sub-sub-band. And bringing people that are not used to the lovely
30m band is a bad idea.

I love the idea to promote QRP, QRPp, unusual digital mode.
And the 30m band is perfect for that.
The 30m is perfect for that, exactly because there is no event, no
contest, no pile-up, no DX chasing, ... Well, because it's quiet and
there is a lot of free bandwidth for "experimentation".

I don't know about other country, but the french law explain in the
"radioamateur" definition that you can transmit ONLY for learning
purpose and technical experimentation.
Event, Contest, ... shouldn't happen. It is, of course, totally
ignored by most operator. But i'd like to keep the 30m for learning
purpose and experimentation... as it's supposed to be on every band.
That's why i'm personally against this non-contest/event/weekend.

And about the "bring it on".
It look like a random signature from his mail client.


Kerunix Flan
Laurent Laborde

Re: [digitalradio] Re: another non- contest on a no contest band

2008-04-11 Thread David
Hi AllSSB is allowed by all countries on 30m..

SSB stands for Single Side Band and is a form of modulation and not a 
Mode as suggested by some.many people use SSB to mean Speech or 
Voice which is a Mode and a misuse of the term SSB.

RTTY is sent in LSB or Lower Side Band form of SSBmost digital modes 
are USB another form of SSB.all allowed on 30m.

i think you will find in most Amateur Radio Regulations of all countries 
that Voice or Speech is donated as such and not SSB

Yes i know this is a usage hangover from the 'wars' between ops of AM 
and SSB but by now should be buried and the terms used correctly.AM 
Voice or SSB Voicejust as the new technology is being called Digital 

The misuse of terms is also confusing to new hams who in classes are 
taught correctly..

I know im going to get some flames for this but who cares...i dont as it 
is correct

73 David VK4BDJ

Laurent Laborde wrote:
> 2008/4/12, Don <[EMAIL PROTECTED] >:
> >
> > What would you suggest David to
> > promote the 30 Meter band? I'm all ears and you can list all your
> > ideas here or email me direct if you wish.
> Simple.
> The 30m band don't need any promotion :)
> I like and use 30m because :
> - There is no contest
> - There is no SSB
> - There is no CW pile-up with tons of "OMG CQ D FFS 59 KTHXBYE"
> running on overstressed KiloWatt-class amp (who said CW had no
> bandwidth ? :p )
> - lot of QRPer, fuzzy mode, Visual MEPT, ...
> - in 1 word : "peacefull" band :)
> The 30m band have many unofficial (a real gentlman agreement)
> sub-sub-sub-band. And bringing people that are not used to the lovely
> 30m band is a bad idea.
> I love the idea to promote QRP, QRPp, unusual digital mode.
> And the 30m band is perfect for that.
> The 30m is perfect for that, exactly because there is no event, no
> contest, no pile-up, no DX chasing, ... Well, because it's quiet and
> there is a lot of free bandwidth for "experimentation".
> I don't know about other country, but the french law explain in the
> "radioamateur" definition that you can transmit ONLY for learning
> purpose and technical experimentation.
> Event, Contest, ... shouldn't happen. It is, of course, totally
> ignored by most operator. But i'd like to keep the 30m for learning
> purpose and experimentation... as it's supposed to be on every band.
> That's why i'm personally against this non-contest/event/weekend.
> And about the "bring it on".
> It look like a random signature from his mail client.
> *hugs*
> -- 
> Kerunix Flan
> Laurent Laborde

Re: [digitalradio] Re: another non- contest on a no contest band

2008-04-12 Thread Laurent Laborde
2008/4/12, David <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>  Yes i know this is a usage hangover from the 'wars' between ops of AM
>  and SSB but by now should be buried and the terms used correctly.AM
>  Voice or SSB Voicejust as the new technology is being called Digital
>  Voice

And SSB voice is AM :)

Ah ! Next time i'll use A3E, J3E, A1A, ... intead of keeping it simple
and writing AM, SSB, CW, ...

Kerunix Flan
Laurent Laborde