Re: [slim] Re: Performance measurements ?

2005-10-14 Thread Niek Jongerius
 Second pass:
 [55.391] titles 0 1

 Third pass:
 [66.390] titles 0 1

 With a 20% variance, we can see that the testing methodology and
 environment is very rough.

 And, with Niek running a P4/2.8 getting

 [24.201] titles 0 1

 and Bill running a P4/3 getting an average of

 [60.114] titles 0 1

 There's an almost 2.5x difference in times running on hardware where
 hardware specs alone would account roughly for only 10% difference.

 Hopefully nobody will look at these data points and attempt to draw
 unwarranted conclusions.

Agreed. There are too many variables in the way machines are set up to
readily compare output numbers. CPU and RAM are by no means the only
variables here. OS, procs running, procs priority, intermediate network
(if test prog is run over a network) etc.

But bottom line still is that it takes that reported amount of time for
the SlimServer to cough up the data requested (assuming the CLI uses
comparable ways in getting the data). If Bill is getting 2.5 times worse
performance in the same tests as I get, I would assume his setup performs
about that factor worse than mine when serving a SqueezeBox. The proggy
does nothing fancy (I'll post the source in a minute on my site), it
just times the start and end of the CLI command.

I have not been very inventive in the queries I posed in my sample input
file. It could be that my example commands are somehow not representable
for gauging performance. Someone with a better understanding of what
actually are reasonable queries could maybe give a few. It's just a matter
of editing the input file to test other CLI commands.


Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Performance measurements ?

2005-10-14 Thread Niek Jongerius
You'll have to open port 9090 on the server's firewall
 Windows firewall is disabled.  I am running Sygate Personal Firewall,
 which lists port 9090 as allowed for perl.exe.

 I can connect via telnet to localhost 9090, but as soon as I type anything
 and press return, I get a disconnect with no output.

This is the reason sstime will not work either. It does exactly that.
If you cannot get a manual telnet to 9090 to work, the test program will
fail as well.


Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: Performance measurements ?

2005-10-14 Thread Niek Jongerius

 Yeah, you really need to be careful about methodology here.

 If you want to select typical things and get typical response times,
 you probably need to carefully think out the typical things people do
 at the user interface and mimic them in the CLI and run them on many
 different configurations.

 I doubt many people list the top thousand songs when they're at the

 If you want to benchmark the code to do before and after studies of
 code improvements, you need to have one typical machine, benchmark it
 accurately AND THEN FREEZE IT AND DON'T CHANGE IT. That almost means
 dedicate it to the benchmarking task and making it a reference system,
 because you never know when installing Microsoft Office 2007 (heaven
 help us) or IE 17.2 won't change the way I/O works or how much
 background activity there is cluttering up the disk.

Note that I did not intend this to be a benchmark tool. In a lot of posts
on this list people said the performance of their install was insert your
favourite speed indication here, which was a very subjective indication.
This program simply times a request to the CLI. It should give some idea
about what a user would see if using a real SqueezeBox (assuming we use a
reasonable set of CLI queries, which I probably don't).

There are even some of us desparately switching OSes and tweaking stuff
on the same machine and discussing whether ActiveState is faster than
compiled Windows or CygWin or whatever. This tool then is able to give
_some_ numbers. Again, you cannot compare them 1 on 1 to other installs,
but IMHO if one install does someting in 20 seconds, and another one in
just 2, there is going to be the same user experience when connecting and
using a SqueezeBox.


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RE: [slim] Performance measurements ?

2005-10-14 Thread Niek Jongerius
I've put up the source for the Linux version here:

This source should compile on any modern Linux. Other *nix flavors maybe
need a bit of tweaking in header files etc. The Windows source needs some
more fiddling, I'll put up a source covering both platforms if there is
a need, but I doubt there are many users willing (or have the tools) to
compile under Windows.


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[slim] itunes 6

2005-10-14 Thread jhurley

Anyone upgraded?  Is it all OK?

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[slim] Re: Map of us all

2005-10-14 Thread seanadams

Michaelwagner Wrote: 
 Do they also want to deposit $100,000 in your bank account?

Exactly. The problem is, they never reply to my email!

Begin forwarded message:

From: Mail Delivery Subsystem MAILER-DAEMON
Date: September 13, 2003 4:17:06 PM PDT
Subject: Returned mail: see transcript for details

The original message was received at Sat, 13 Sep 2003 16:17:03 -0700
from []

- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -
(reason: 550 Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable)

- Transcript of session follows -
... while talking to
 550 Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable
550 5.1.1 [EMAIL PROTECTED]... User unknown
 503 Need Rcpt command.
Reporting-MTA: dns;
Received-From-MTA: DNS;
Arrival-Date: Sat, 13 Sep 2003 16:17:03 -0700 (PDT)

Final-Recipient: RFC822; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Action: failed
Status: 5.1.1
Remote-MTA: DNS;
Diagnostic-Code: SMTP; 550 Requested action not taken: mailbox
Last-Attempt-Date: Sat, 13 Sep 2003 16:17:03 -0700 (PDT)

From: Sean Adams [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: September 13, 2003 4:17:25 PM PDT

Mr John,

I think I can help with your SITUATION. I am an american expatriate
currently living in Guatemala, with experience in ferrying black
money through my Swiss and Cayman Islands bank accounts in the NATURAL
course of operating my South American fish squeezing BUSINESS. You see,
we extract the delicious OVA and send them around the world to wealthy
folks, you know, the type who enjoy such FOODS as caviar and goosenuts.
These guys like to keep their FINANCIAL dealings under wraps, and they
always pay in heroin.

Anyway, lately my health has been deteriorating, and my nurse-wench is
becoming quite stressed FROM the constant beatings.  As such, I am
LOOKING for new opportunities to work with gentlemen SUCH as yourself,
and I look forward to your reply as to how we can work TOGETHER to
liberate these funds.

Please contact me immediately with your INSTRUCTIONS.


On Saturday, September 13, 2003, at 09:09 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]



BENIN REPUBLIC TEL:  +229-481137
SATELLITE TEL:  +88216-46689736

Please, kindly call me MR JOHN for now, though this is
not my complete name. I will give you my full name later.
I am in a hide out now in BENIN REPUBLIC, a Country in
West African. I have Large sum of money for INVESTMENT.
The money is in Millions of U.S. dollars. I cannot move
about freely now for reasons i will explain to you later.
I need Your help urgently for both SAFE KEEPING and
INVESTING this money in your country. You are one of the
three email contacts given to me by a Cyber Cafe' operator
on my request for a foreign contact. She did not tell me
your name or country of origin. Though I did not tell
her why I needed the contact of any foreigner.

Because of the urgent and confidential nature of this
business, you are advised to keep everything secret for
now. If you are interested in doing this business with me,
kindly reply immediately to my two email Addresses:


After that, i will send you all the details about the
business, my family and my complete name.
You may if you so wish call me any time on my satellite
phone:  +88216-46689736.

As from wednesday (17/9/2003), I will be in the city.
Only then can you get me on My BENIN REPUBLIC telephone
number: +229-481137

Thanks while waiting for your immediate reply.

MR JOHN (For the Family).

Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: Saving streamed files off internet radio?

2005-10-14 Thread AaronS

I'm not an expert, and haven't thought this through, but maybe it'd be
possible to make a plugin that launches a batch file on the server when
you listen to an internet radio stream.

For example, when I listen to streaming MP3 stations on my PC, I have a
batch file which launches a program which captures the stream, and then
launches the captured file in Winamp. Maybe we could have similiar

No idea how to make it happen though!

Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: Map of us all

2005-10-14 Thread CardinalFang

seanadams Wrote: 
 Exactly. The problem is, they never reply to my email!

Some people can't see an golden opportunity when it's staring them in
the face, can they? 

Personally I'm more disturbed by the increase in emails from 70's
throwback prog-rock outfits asking for people to confirm bank account
details, Phishing I believe it's called.

Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: itunes 6

2005-10-14 Thread CardinalFang

jhurley Wrote: 
 Anyone upgraded?  Is it all OK?

I updated my Mac last night and it's all OK. I'm using 6.2 beta. I
don't think it's a major upgrade, just support for video, so I don't
think any file formats for databases have changed.


Discuss mailing list

RE: [slim] itunes 6

2005-10-14 Thread Craig, James (IT)
I'm not upgrading until I hear of any 'must have' features. 
And paying for overpriced music videos is not one of them ;-) 


NOTICE: If received in error, please destroy and notify sender.  Sender does 
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[slim] Re: Alien BBC Garbled Sound

2005-10-14 Thread MKS

jonathanbarber Wrote: 
 Firstly wanted to say a huge thank you for fixing this problem which has
 until now taken the shine off my Squuezebox.
 I still have the problem on Radio 2 plays introduction and then
 silence. I can't edit perl, would this be fixed by downloading the
 latest night version of Squuzebox software?
Sorry - I know I'm a noob around here, but I think I fixed this problem
easily using Triode's advice in an earlier thread about AlienBBC and
Radio2 (search on Radio2).
Triode Wrote: 
 2) for the radio2 live only playing the ident problem, edit
 Plugins/Alien/ to set $multistream = 1. I.e replace:
 my $multistream; with my $multistream = 1;
You can edit this file easily from Windoze Explorer by selecting Open,
and then choose Wordpad or Notepad from the list of possible
applications.  You don't need Perl.  Search for Multistream within
the document and you'll quickly find the appropriate bit to change.

Oh - by the way, I'm absolutely amazed at what all of this software can
do (Squeezebox, Slimserver, Softsqueeze, AlienBBC, Slimscrobbler, LastFM
plugins etc.)  You're all amazingly lovely, talented, helpful people...
;-) I'm looking forward to watching less crap television and listening
to more good radio and music... (SB2 arrives within the next week...)

Discuss mailing list

[slim] Bass and Treble Reset

2005-10-14 Thread rbetts

After restarting (hold down power) my squeeze1 my treble and bass audio
settings return to default even though the settings display shows them
in the original position before the restart. By simply selecting the
Bass and treble and either selecting up or down restores them

Is this normal behavior?

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: help!! connected but cant find library?!!!

2005-10-14 Thread Ben Sandee
On 10/14/05, nietsni3 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
omg so i am screwed??where shoudl i go before returning the thing to the store?thanksNowhere! If you can still return it you should do so, in my opinion.Ben
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: Multi Disc Sets

2005-10-14 Thread NickM

In example 2, the fact that  - 2CD is appended to the album name does
not matter and can be omitted.  Then the feature suggested works OK for


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[slim] Re: problems with new Squeezebox/iTunes

2005-10-14 Thread gages

Set mine up the other day with itunes 5.  No issues.  After I modify the
playlists i do a rescan and after a few minutes everything show up.

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: Multi Disc Sets

2005-10-14 Thread Geoff B
On 10/11/05, NickM [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Geoff - you're right (I think), but then so is Takashi.

 So, how about this for a future FEATURE request:-

 1.If the Group Discs setting is checked,


Hi Nick,

Your post was cut off, but in fact, it's working ok for me at the
moment.  All I have done is add all three tags to all my files, and it
works fine.  It would be great if this could be standardised to one
tag for number of albums, another tag for total number of albums.

Also, I think this enhancement would be entirely worthwhile:

Discuss mailing list

RE: [slim] Re: problems with new Squeezebox/iTunes

2005-10-14 Thread Craig, James (IT)
What version of SlimServer are you running  What OS is your SlimServer
running on?

Do you have a lot of music with accented characters in the tags or


NOTICE: If received in error, please destroy and notify sender.  Sender does 
not waive confidentiality or privilege, and use is prohibited.
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[slim] Re: Bass and Treble Reset

2005-10-14 Thread Michaelwagner

Hard to imagine it's normal. Can you tell us which version of
slimserver, which O/S, which squeezebox?

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[slim] Re: Performance measurements ?

2005-10-14 Thread Michaelwagner

I can probably pull together an equivalent routine for windows systems
that will work across all current windows platforms. But I won't be
able to get to it until next week. Helping the spouse move her place of
work this weekend.

It's a good idea, what this routine does. I didn't mean to be
disparaging it in a previous post. It's just that we must realize what
it does (and more importantly, does not) test.

But I think the idea would make an excellent test bed for regular
performance regression testing. That is, once a week or so, download
the latest nightlies, run a standardized script of enquiries against a
standardized configuration (static set of music files not otherwise
used), and see if performance changes on any of the enquiries. If it
improves, great. If it takes a sudden nosedive, that's an early warning
that something in that code path needs attention (or perhaps it's a
known thing, because it's supporting new function). Anyways, it's a
warning system.


Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: Map of us all

2005-10-14 Thread Michaelwagner

CardinalFang Wrote: 
 Phishing I believe it's called.
Phishing, fish squeezing, I see a trend here.

By the way, how did I become a senior member according to this forum?
I never gave it my age ...

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[slim] Re: help!! connected but cant find library?!!!

2005-10-14 Thread Michaelwagner

But it used to work?

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[slim] Re: SB2 wont detect new music.

2005-10-14 Thread Michaelwagner

This sounds like a problem with the music scanning logic. It's certainly
not the way it's supposed to work. Please each of you report what O/S
and what version of slim you're using.

Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: problems with new Squeezebox/iTunes

2005-10-14 Thread AaronS

Sorry, I should have given that info already.

It's 6.1.1, on XP. I don't have many accented characters. I allow
iTunes to look after the filenames, so they should be pretty

One thing I was wondering.. i do have quite a lot of files with similar
names. For example, I keep a lot of recordings of gigs. When there's
some talking between songs, I tend to give it a track number and no
track name - meaning there's a lot of files named something like
01.mp3, 02.mp3. They're all in different folders, obviously, but
thought I'd mention it.

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: Map of us all

2005-10-14 Thread dean blackketter
I think I see the problem, you forgot to include one of the email  


On Oct 14, 2005, at 12:31 AM, seanadams wrote:

Michaelwagner Wrote:

Do they also want to deposit $100,000 in your bank account?

Exactly. The problem is, they never reply to my email!

Begin forwarded message:

From: Mail Delivery Subsystem MAILER-DAEMON
Date: September 13, 2003 4:17:06 PM PDT
Subject: Returned mail: see transcript for details

The original message was received at Sat, 13 Sep 2003 16:17:03 -0700
from []

- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -
(reason: 550 Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable)

- Transcript of session follows -
... while talking to
 550 Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable
550 5.1.1 [EMAIL PROTECTED]... User unknown
 503 Need Rcpt command.
Reporting-MTA: dns;
Received-From-MTA: DNS;
Arrival-Date: Sat, 13 Sep 2003 16:17:03 -0700 (PDT)

Final-Recipient: RFC822; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Action: failed
Status: 5.1.1
Remote-MTA: DNS;
Diagnostic-Code: SMTP; 550 Requested action not taken: mailbox
Last-Attempt-Date: Sat, 13 Sep 2003 16:17:03 -0700 (PDT)

From: Sean Adams [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: September 13, 2003 4:17:25 PM PDT

Mr John,

I think I can help with your SITUATION. I am an american expatriate
currently living in Guatemala, with experience in ferrying black
money through my Swiss and Cayman Islands bank accounts in the  
course of operating my South American fish squeezing BUSINESS. You  

we extract the delicious OVA and send them around the world to wealthy
folks, you know, the type who enjoy such FOODS as caviar and  

These guys like to keep their FINANCIAL dealings under wraps, and they
always pay in heroin.

Anyway, lately my health has been deteriorating, and my nurse-wench is
becoming quite stressed FROM the constant beatings.  As such, I am
LOOKING for new opportunities to work with gentlemen SUCH as yourself,
and I look forward to your reply as to how we can work TOGETHER to
liberate these funds.

Please contact me immediately with your INSTRUCTIONS.


On Saturday, September 13, 2003, at 09:09 AM,  




BENIN REPUBLIC TEL:  +229-481137
SATELLITE TEL:  +88216-46689736

Please, kindly call me MR JOHN for now, though this is
not my complete name. I will give you my full name later.
I am in a hide out now in BENIN REPUBLIC, a Country in
West African. I have Large sum of money for INVESTMENT.
The money is in Millions of U.S. dollars. I cannot move
about freely now for reasons i will explain to you later.
I need Your help urgently for both SAFE KEEPING and
INVESTING this money in your country. You are one of the
three email contacts given to me by a Cyber Cafe' operator
on my request for a foreign contact. She did not tell me
your name or country of origin. Though I did not tell
her why I needed the contact of any foreigner.

Because of the urgent and confidential nature of this
business, you are advised to keep everything secret for
now. If you are interested in doing this business with me,
kindly reply immediately to my two email Addresses:


After that, i will send you all the details about the
business, my family and my complete name.
You may if you so wish call me any time on my satellite
phone:  +88216-46689736.

As from wednesday (17/9/2003), I will be in the city.
Only then can you get me on My BENIN REPUBLIC telephone
number: +229-481137

Thanks while waiting for your immediate reply.

MR JOHN (For the Family).

Discuss mailing list

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[slim] Re: problems with new Squeezebox/iTunes

2005-10-14 Thread tubesguy

I doubt that it's similar song titles or tags, or that it's the way you
have iTunes set up to update the iPod.  I have none of those issues,
and I've found that the only reliable way to have 6.1 recognize the
entire library, instead of some random number that is approximately 2/3
of the library, is to download slimserver again and start from scratch.

There are now a number of posts from folks with similar problems. I'm
just guessing, but this appears to be a bug of some type.  The problem
is that so far, it just appears that peers are responding to these
threads, and no one from Slim is reading them.  I'm new here, and I'm
not sure how to direct attention to the problem. - Pat

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[slim] Re: Multi Disc Sets

2005-10-14 Thread takashi37

NickM Wrote: 
 In example 2, the fact that  - 2CD is appended to the album name does
 not matter and can be omitted.  Then the feature suggested works OK for

Nick -

I really don't get how this is a feature request, but either way, in
your example two, players that don't support discnum will play the
albums dovetailed with songs by alphabet probably.

What problem exactly are you trying to solve?


Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: SB2 wont detect new music.

2005-10-14 Thread tubesguy

I've got XP SP2 and I'm using 6.1.1 with the problem.  It's not just
getting it to recognize newly added songs, but also just getting it to
recognize the entire library when I turn the computer off and then on
again. Frustrating. - Pat

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[slim] Re: help!! connected but cant find library?!!!

2005-10-14 Thread nietsni3

Michaelwagner Wrote: 
 But it used to work?

yeh, it used to work for like a week. both mp3 and internet radio were
fine. then one morning it stopped. then i checked the computer and then
everything happened as i described above

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[slim] Re: SB2 wont detect new music.

2005-10-14 Thread marc1966

Mac OS 10.4.2, iTunes 5.9, Squeezebox1, Slimserver 6.1.1
Over 11.500 songs in iTunes

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[slim] Re: Squeezeboxes randomly rebooting

2005-10-14 Thread Nick McGrogan

All seems to have gone quiet on this issue...  Is it still a live

I'm seeing the same problems occasionally (SB1 firmware v40, SlimServer
6.1.1 running on XP Pro SP2) and was wondering whether any fix (or even
a cause!) had been identified.


Nick McGrogan
Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: Scan Speed Adjustment ?

2005-10-14 Thread Aaron Zinck

 This is how it =should= work but doesn't. You have to press the
 button for each increase in speed (e.g. 4 clicks to go to 16x). Not
 very intuitive. I've posted a feature request which addresses this and
 a few other usability issues.



I wouldn't agree that that's how it should work.  In fact, I think the way
it works now is perfect.  It allows for more precision and doesn't require
that you get your timing just right.

Discuss mailing list

RE: [slim] Re: problems with new Squeezebox/iTunes

2005-10-14 Thread Craig, James (IT)
I was having the same problems with chunks of my iTunes library going
missing and upgrading to 6.2 fixed it. (And this was a couple of months

I belive the iTunes parser is a complete re-write in 6.2, which I think
is why any complaints about 6.1 are being quietly ignored - no point
fixing something that's already been superceded!

I think that 6.2 will be released officially soon if you don't fancy
installing a 'beta' version.


NOTICE: If received in error, please destroy and notify sender.  Sender does 
not waive confidentiality or privilege, and use is prohibited.
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Re: [slim] Re: Alien BBC Garbled Sound

2005-10-14 Thread Triode

Better still - try the new version of AlienBBC if you are using server version 

Sorry - I know I'm a noob around here, but I think I fixed this problem
easily using Triode's advice in an earlier thread about AlienBBC and
Radio2 (search on Radio2).
Triode Wrote: 

2) for the radio2 live only playing the ident problem, edit
Plugins/Alien/ to set $multistream = 1. I.e replace:
my $multistream; with my $multistream = 1;

You can edit this file easily from Windoze Explorer by selecting Open,
and then choose Wordpad or Notepad from the list of possible
applications.  You don't need Perl.  Search for Multistream within
the document and you'll quickly find the appropriate bit to change.

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: Scan Speed Adjustment ?

2005-10-14 Thread Robin Bowes

Aaron Zinck said the following on 14/10/2005 18:15:

This is how it =should= work but doesn't. You have to press the
button for each increase in speed (e.g. 4 clicks to go to 16x). Not
very intuitive. I've posted a feature request which addresses this and
a few other usability issues.



I wouldn't agree that that's how it should work.  In fact, I think the way
it works now is perfect.  It allows for more precision and doesn't require
that you get your timing just right.

Me too.

I checked out similar functionality on a Pace Sky+ box and a Topfield 
5800 (both essentially dual tuner digital recorders) and both require 
pressing the button multiple times. The Sky+ overloads holding down the 
button to mean Skip to beginning|end.


If a man speaks in a forest,
and his wife's not there,
is he still wrong?

Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: problems with new Squeezebox/iTunes

2005-10-14 Thread CardinalFang

Craig, James (IT) Wrote: 
 I was having the same problems with chunks of my iTunes library going
 missing and upgrading to 6.2 fixed it. (And this was a couple of
 I belive the iTunes parser is a complete re-write in 6.2, which I
 is why any complaints about 6.1 are being quietly ignored - no point
 fixing something that's already been superceded!
 I think that 6.2 will be released officially soon if you don't fancy
 installing a 'beta' version.

Actually I'm not sure I'd agree 100% with that, but it's only from the
standpoint of a user rather than someone with inside knowledge of the

I had a very similar problem and fixed it by going from 6.1 to a later
version of 6.1. I would agree that there appears to be a parser bug
that seems to get SlimServer knotted at some point and it can't recover
- a clean istall seems to fix it. Are there temporary or cached files
that SlimServer uses that could be at the root of this problem? I
suggested in another thread that a native version of SS would be
faster, it would be easier to debug I would suggest as well...


Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: problems with new Squeezebox/iTunes

2005-10-14 Thread kdf

Quoting marc1966 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Thx James for your hint! But is it a problem for Slimdevices to give us
users this information?

There is no problem as the information has been out there for a long time. The
only limit for some is that it gets tiring saying try 6.2 nightlies all of
the time (for both sides).  The parser re-write was VERY early in the 6.2
changes (probably mentioned in the dev forum in several places) and was not
part of 6.1.2 becuase it was so experimental.  By the time it stabilised, 6.2
was nearing the release cycle.  There is a LOT of work remaining on 6.2 to
clear up the targetted bugs in time, so hopefully you can forgive a bit of
percieved silence.

Slim Devices builds both a stable and developers build evey day.  This means
that changes like this become old very fast for those who update 
daily. Wading through what has now become well over 200 posts a day 
while retaining a

backlog of changes nearly 90 days of builds is tricky for any user or


Discuss mailing list

[slim] Squeezebox 1G for sale.

2005-10-14 Thread Nick Silberstein

Hello all,

I'm putting my beloved Wireless Squeezebox 1G up for sale, to help fund 
an upgrade to a Squeezebox 2.  This is functionally equivalent to the 
Squeezebox, but with the higher resolution graphical display upgrade. 
I'll put it on Craigslist and/or Ebay within a few days, but thought I'd 
check with the community here first!

The unit is in excellent/mint condition (the factory film is still on 
the remote, I'm strange that way), and includes the original remote 
control, the original VFD display (from prior to the graphical display 
upgrade) in the extremely unlikely event of some future failure with the 
current display, and RCA cables.

I'm asking $140.  I believe this is fair; there is an available unit on 
Ebay at $112 with 3 days remaining, and one sold for $160 two days ago. 
 I don't believe either of those units had the graphical display 
upgrade, which is a significant improvement over the original Squeezebox 

I would prefer to deal with someone local to the Seattle, WA area. 
You're more than welcome to contact me if you're outside that area, but 
I'll give preference to someone who can pick it up locally.

I'd be happy to answer questions if you have any (off-list, of course)!

Best regards,

Nick Silberstein
Senior Developer
Flying Machine Development, Inc.
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: Slimscrobbler- why should I have it?

2005-10-14 Thread bklaas

Dave Dewey Wrote: 
 Quoting snarlydwarf (snarlydwarf.1wr8fn (AT) no-mx (DOT)
 8) Your friends can make fun of you when your #1 artist of the week is
 Clarkson, no matter how much you protest that it was your wife
 to the backyard Squeezebox.

Wow, that's s weird because my wife did the same thing...listened
to a bunch of Kelly Clarkson and made it on to my weekly top
10...luckily though, my account tells me that You don't have
any friends, so there's no one to make fun of me...

Also, my 1 year old daughter's favorite song, by FAR, is Beck's Que
Onde Guero. I have no issue whatsoever with this being listed as my
favorite daughter has better taste.

Audioscrobbler rules. I'm not sure anyone mentioned it, but another
nice aspect of it is that it can catalog music played on multiple
players, even (gasp) non-squeezeboxen...


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Re: [slim] Performance measurements ?

2005-10-14 Thread Philip Meyer
It's not perl.exe which is accessing port 9090, but sstime.exe. Put the  
firewall in learning mode (or disable it entirely to be sure).

perl.exe is listening on port 9090.

The firewall always prompts when new applications attempt to send packets on 
the network.  However, as the IP address is local, so I guess I don't see any 

 I can connect via telnet to localhost 9090, but as soon as I type  
 anything and press return, I get a disconnect with no output.

I'd really say this is the firewall blocking access to this port.
No, it's not.

I found the problem - I have configured a Username/Password for accessing 
SlimServer.  I removed the security setting and the sstime exe worked.

Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: Scan Speed Adjustment ?

2005-10-14 Thread Yannzola

Well... I've honestly =never= encountered any media playing devices that
didn't ramp up scanning (or volume level) on key hold. How about
this if it's possible: keep the existing behaviour for rapid key
presses, but ramp up on key hold. The best of both worlds, non? 

I'm more than happy to remove my request, however, if the majority of
Squeezers ike it the way it is. How abut a poll?

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[slim] Re: Multi Disc Sets

2005-10-14 Thread NickM

Very simple problem Takashi...

My albums are named as in Example 2:-
2 CD’s both named “Buddha Bar IV”, with Disc# tag set to 1 or 2 as
appropriate for the tracks.

And at the moment they play in the wrong order, track1 CD1, track1 CD2,
track2 CD1, track2 CD2 etc.

(And I do not want to have to go through my entire library re-numbering
the track numbers of the second CD in multi disc sets!)


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Re: [slim] Re: Scan Speed Adjustment ?

2005-10-14 Thread Ben Sandee
On 10/14/05, Yannzola [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I'm more than happy to remove my request, however, if the majority ofSqueezers ike it the way it is. How abut a poll?The majority of Squeezers don't even subscribe to this list/read this forum so your poll wouldn't really be meaningful.

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[slim] Re: Naxos radio

2005-10-14 Thread wprestong

I am also a Naxos Radio subscriber (  I think the
issue is how you get the URL and password in; it's not an audiophile

I haven't figured it out, but I am hoping someone will.  Naxos has
around 30 channels of classical music for $10 a year.  I have listened
to it on my computer for a long time (and have bought a lot of Naxos
CDs) but I'd like to get the sound coming out through my stereo

Naxos also will charge you a nominal fee that allows you to listen to
complete tracks of any CD in their catalog (there are thousands).  But
I have never figured out how to listen to program more than one track.

Naxos CDs go for around $7 each and are of very high quality: I am
hoping this is the way the record business is going to go in the
future.  They aren't really doing a lot for online music, but at least
they aren't hostile to it.

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