[ECOLOG-L] Wildlife Conservation/Rehabilitation Potential Job Opportunities

2013-05-20 Thread Brittnei Miller
Hello to you all,

As a new graduate from Chapman University with a BS in Environmental Science 
and Policy, I am 
searching specifically for any job opportunities involving the care, 
conservation, research, and/or 
study of wildlife. I am willing to travel or to work in many different areas. I 
have a deep passion for 
the environment, ecology, and wildlife of all kinds that I would love to put to 
hard work somewhere. If 
you have any ideas or know of someone who might be looking to hire, please let 
me know!

Thank you for any and all insight,
Brittnei Miller

[ECOLOG-L] Conservation Science Writing and Education Career Prosepect

2016-01-10 Thread Brittnei Miller

I am posting this brief personal outreach to the List in hopes that it falls 
upon the eyes of someone 
who might be able to provide me with some direction or even possibly a career 
opportunity. I am 
having a hard time finding the right fit for myself in the conservation science 
world and thought that 
reaching out to many who have acquired further experience than myself might 
prove beneficial. I 
would be happy to send my resume to any who might be interested in learning 
more after reading 
this post...

Through my time spent studying for my Masters of Science degree, I have 
realized that without 
increased public support for conservation initiatives, scientific research and 
advancements will 
remain underappreciated and undervalued. It is important to me that the general 
public is led to feel 
involved within the scientific process, as well as able to understand how 
conservation science is 
important in their lives. 

For this reason, I believe that my professional and educational experiences 
should be combined in a 
way that applies my ever developing skill sets with my inherent desire to 
promote the national and 
international education of conservation science. My strong writing and oral 
communication skills as 
well as my ability to persevere in a field that can often be misunderstood 
provide me with a strong 
foundation to create and develop strategies benefitting conservation science 
and ecosystem services.

As a successful Naturalist, Sustainability Project Coordinator, and even a 
member of the Anaheim 
Ducks NHL Ice Crew, I have always have desired to positively impact the 
environment through my 
actions as well as through my fields of work. Recently, I created my own 
website based off of the 
statistically significant results found during my graduate thesis project on 
enhancing public 
understanding and involvement with conservation science. My website, Why Should 
You Care 
(whyshouldyoucareblog.wordpress.com), serves to inform the public of various 
scientific findings 
based on published literature in a simplified yet compelling and motivating 
manner. I believe that 
even small changes in public action and understanding can lead to the long-term 
establishment and 
maintenance of many of the ongoing conservation initiatives today. 

For these reasons, I seek a career where I can assist others in the learning of 
conservation science 
while also challenging myself to continue learning. I look forward to hearing 
from you regarding any 
potential opportunities you may have in mind based around the brief information 
that I have 
provided to you. 

Have a wonderful day,
Brittnei Miller

MSc Conservation and Management of Protected Areas
BSc Environmental Science and Policy
Website: https://whyshouldyoucareblog.wordpress.com/

[ECOLOG-L] Wildlife Biology/Conservation Research Opportunity

2014-08-25 Thread Brittnei Miller
Hello to all!

I am about to enter into a one year MSc Wildlife Biology and Conservation 
program. For the last 4 
months of the program (beginning May 2015), I am required to create and 
undertake my own 
research project related to Wildlife Biology and Conservation. 

While it is a bit of a ways off, I wanted to get in touch with any of you to 
hear your thoughts/topic 
ideas/opinions/advice about potential ways to apply my research. Or possibly 
you might know of an 
organization that might be interested in supporting my efforts. 
I am based out of Southern California and would prefer to do my studies on 
wildlife and their 
ecosystems in the surrounding area, however I am open to all ideas! 

I look forward to hearing from you!

Have a great day,
Brittnei Miller

[ECOLOG-L] Looking for graduate research assistance

2015-02-16 Thread Brittnei Miller

I am beginning my third trimester for my MS Conservation and Management of 
Protected Areas 
degree from late May - August of this year.

I am interested in researching the social, political, and/or scientific aspects 
of wolf (Canis lupus) 
populations in North America. I have 15 related research questions that I have 
created and now am 
in need of choosing one that is feasible enough to be carried out, analyzed, 
and written up within 
the three months of the last trimester.

However, I am in need of an "advisor" who can attest to my work efforts as well 
as potentially provide 
access to resources as needed based on the chosen research question. I would be 
happy to forward 
the research questions I have created to any who might feel that they can help 
me with this endeavor 
or provide further direction.

I am extremely excited to get started working with my passion for wolves and 
hope to hear from you 

Thank you for your help,

[ECOLOG-L] Survey Link: Grad School Project

2015-03-13 Thread Brittnei Miller

I am currently working on my graduate research project for my MS Conservation 
and Management of 
Protected Areas degree. Later next month, I will need to publicize the link to 
a survey I am currently 
creating for my study. I will be needing a large sample of individuals 18 and 
older to take my survey 
and was wondering if any of you might be willing to spread the link to my 
survey within your 
organizations via email, social media, or word of mouth etc.

It would help me out so much.

If you are interested and willing, please do respond to this email and I can 
provide you with a brief 
Consent for Participation Form to sign that will provide some further details 
about the study as well.

I look forward to hearing from you!

Thank you,

[ECOLOG-L] Potential conservation job?

2015-06-01 Thread Brittnei Miller

I am reaching out to you to enquire if you might know of any paid job opening 
in wildlife and 
environmental conservation. I am about to graduate with my MS and am highly 
motivated and ready 
to take my next career step. Ideally, I would like to spend some time in Africa 
working with 
endangered or threatened species and finding solutions for (or at least working 
towards) human 
related conflicts. Even if it is for a short amount of time, I am open to all 
suggestions and hope to 
hear back from you soon with good news!

Thank you,
Brittnei Miller

[ECOLOG-L] Wildlife/Conserv. NON-PROFIT Insight/Input

2016-10-13 Thread Brittnei Miller
Hello all!

For any of you that are a part of a non-profit wildlife/conservation based 
organization - I was hoping 
you could provide me with just a bit of very helpful feedback.

I am working on coming up with a few different strategies to assist smaller 
non-profits in achieving 
the most possible funding and donations - whether through tourist 
donations/public engagement activities/other donations etc (dependent on the 
ways in which the 
non-profit generates funds).

If you are involved in such, would you mind sharing with me your thoughts on 
the following 

1. On a scale of 1 - 5 (1 being "not important" and 5 being "very important") 
how important are 
donations to achieving the conservation goals of your non-profit?

2. What is perhaps the most challenging part of generating funds/donations that 
you have had 
during your experience (from the public and/or other donors)? 

3. Would you find it beneficial for a credible outside source - at no cost to 
you - to assess the 
effectivity of the current procedures/outreach/activities used by your 
non-profit in gaining 
donations? And then for that source to follow up with recommendations on 
possible ways to better 
your strategies for gaining funds? (based on research of your current 
procedures used) 

4. What do you wish you knew more about or could do better to possibly get more 

5. Do you feel that the public would provide you with more donations/fundings 
if they knew more 
clearly what your non-profit is about?

6. Do you feel that you have the time and/or resources needed to look more 
thoroughly into the 
effectiveness of how your current outreach methods are gaining you the most 
donations possible?

Thank you so much for taking the time to respond - I greatly appreciate your 

If you currently have your own non-profit and find interest in what I am asking 
- please send a 
separate email to this same address (mille...@mail.chapman.edu). I would love 
to hear from you.

Make sure to check out my website - whyshouldyoucare.org - and have an amazing 

Thank you,
Brittnei Miller