[Elecraft] KSB2 R15

2006-06-29 Thread Mike Short
I am building the KSB2, and R15 (180 ohms) is missing. Can I substitute a
220 ohm resistor for this? It is the attten signal on the Mic AF. 
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RE: [Elecraft] Antennas for KX-1

2006-06-29 Thread Ron D'Eau Claire
In an earlier post, I mentioned using a small inductor - such as some
enameled wire wound on a plastic 35-mm film can - with a number of tap
points to add inductance to the antenna. It goes in series with the "hot"
side of the KX1 output. That will usually let you adjust the electrical
length of the antenna to bring it within range of the ATU without having to
go out and fiddle with the length of the radiator itself. 

The KX1 ATU is more limited than the other Elecraft ATUs but it still has a
very useful range. It's not necessary to be close to 50 ohms non-reactive
for the KXAT1 to provide a good match. 


-Original Message-
I've been following the 4-band antennas for KX-1 thread.  Interesting and a
real challenge for field operations.  K2HYD's idea of a 51 foot antenna and
counterpoise was helpful.

Some additional thoughts-  the ATU in the KX-1 is a little limited, as
compared to other larger ATUs with more combinations, so we need antenna
lengths which are relatively close to 50 ohms and nonreactive.

The G5RV has already been done, but I am thinking of getting out my MFJ
bridge thingie and trying flattop/feeder, or antenna/counterpoise length
combinations (other than the G5RV) that will work well, and repeatably with
the KX-1 internal ATU.

Seems to me there have to be many flattop/feeder or antenna/counterpoise
length combinations.


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[Elecraft] Antennas for KX-1

2006-06-29 Thread J. Coote
I've been following the 4-band antennas for KX-1 thread.  Interesting and a
real challenge for field operations.  K2HYD's idea of a 51 foot antenna and
counterpoise was helpful.

Some additional thoughts-  the ATU in the KX-1 is a little limited, as
compared to other larger ATUs with more combinations, so we need antenna
lengths which are relatively close to 50 ohms and nonreactive.

The G5RV has already been done, but I am thinking of getting out my MFJ
bridge thingie and trying flattop/feeder, or antenna/counterpoise length
combinations (other than the G5RV) that will work well, and repeatably with
the KX-1 internal ATU.

Seems to me there have to be many flattop/feeder or antenna/counterpoise
length combinations.


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Re: [Elecraft] KX1 #1403 Antenna Project

2006-06-29 Thread Stuart Rohre
Good points Ron.

I usually call those RF control radials, an RF counterpoise, as sometimes 
you can use one cut for each band of concern and run it around the baseboard 
of a shack.

I like to think of a radial as an outside wire, and counterpoise as an 
insulated inside the shack RF control aid.  But, the word counterpoise seems 
not to have as good a general meaning as radial has come to mean to hams.


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Re: [Elecraft]linux and elecraft

2006-06-29 Thread Brian Mury
On Wed, 2006-06-28 at 08:28 -0400, Tom Althoff wrote: 
> Here are three roughly equivilent Linux terms for "Macafee AV" and 
> "Symantec/Norton AV"..
> "F-Prot"
> "RAV (Reliable Anti Virus)"
> "Clam AV."

Those aren't really equivalent. Those may run on Linux, but they are
generally used on mail servers and file servers to protect Windows
clients from viruses.

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RE: [Elecraft] KX1 #1403 Antenna Project

2006-06-29 Thread Ron D'Eau Claire
What Stuart says about radials is quite true, but there is another important
reason for a tuned radial (or other ground connection) other than to improve
the efficiency of an end-fed wire. 

Consider the end-fed dipole; it's probably the most extreme example of what
I'm talking about. Fed at the end, a dipole (1/2 wave radiator) presents a
very high impedance to the source. Hence, the RF voltage at the feed point
will be very high. Without a ground on the ATU and rig, the whole rig will
tend to "float" at a high RF voltage. At QRP you may not notice any RF
"bites" or "burns" (although you certainly can get burns at less than 5
watts under the right conditions) but other problems abound. RF gets into
the controllers and other logic in the rig causing erratic operation, and
just touching the rig may detune the whole system, because of your body
capacity to ground. 

An electrically 1/4 wave long "radial"  connected to the rig ground can
prevent these problems since a 1/4 wave wire has an impedance of only 35
ohms. That means that the rig case and ground will see an impedance of only
35 ohms, maximum, to ground even though the feed point at the "hot" side of
the antenna connection may be looking into thousands of ohms. 

The Elecraft ATUs, like most tuners, can't handle the very high impedance of
an end-fed dipole. Still, they can match to a sufficiently-high impedance
that RF on the rig can easily become a problem, as many have reported here
on the reflector. 

Usually a 1/4 wave long wire, elevated a few feet off the ground (over 6
feet if it's where people might walk into it) is a good investment. Another
approach, as Stuart observed, is a wire on the ground that will capacitively
couple to it and help hold the RF voltage on the rig down. 


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Re: [Elecraft] KX1 #1403 Antenna Project

2006-06-29 Thread Stuart Rohre
The whole concept of radials is to improve the conductivity path for return 
current to the base of the vertical antenna, when the antenna is not a 
complete half wave dipole, (and therefore, balanced and a complete radiator 
unto itself).  You are replacing always lossy (to some degree), earth or 
rock, with copper conductors.

The vertical of whatever length produces return currents that flow to couple 
into the earth, from the high tip of the antenna.  There is some curvature 
of these return current paths, but generally speaking the tip current will 
traverse a path and reach ground (earth) about the same distance out from 
the base of the antenna, as the antenna element length or less due to the 
curvature of current paths.

Therefore, there is probably no reason to make the radials a quarter wave 
long exactly, if the radiator element is not a quarter wave long.  In 
addition, the presence of radials close to earth couples with capacitance 
such as to detune the electrical length of the physical radial.  That 
quarter wave length you cut will not be electrically a quarter wave lying 
upon the ground.  When you are backpacking, you may be upon stony ground in 
one place and good earth somewhere else.  (Good in terms of RF character).
You will have differing amounts of earth coupling.

To get the full benefit of quarter wave radials, then, they would need to be 
elevated some distance above earth.  Fortunately, with elevated radials, you 
get some benefit as to length and it has been found you no longer need a 
physical quarter wave length.

Thus, if you pick an antenna length for its being easy to backpack, and at 
least 60 per cent of the full resonant antenna length, you get a shorter 
load to carry, but also you benefit from the current return path being no 
taller height than your antenna, such that radials can be less than quarter 
wave and still provide a good current return to the base of the antenna.

SWR can be "good" as being near one to one, and you can still have a lossy 
vertical or other antenna.
Don't get too wrapped up with seeking 1:1.  A good quarter wave vertical is 
not 50 ohms, ever.  And thus, if the vertical is quarter wave resonant, you 
will never have 1:1 SWR.  But, that is OK.  The goal is maximum field 
strength.   The character of the surrounding terrain 2 to 5 waves out from 
the antenna will have more effect on reflections that could give you 
reflection gain, and help your antenna work well in terms of skip.

In every back packer's kit should be a simple field strength meter, which 
can consist of a miniature meter movement, a diode and a RF bypass 
capacitor.  This detector and a short whip can be used at some standard 
distance from your antenna over flat terrain to establish a "normal" field 
reading.  Then, when you set up in a camp, you can quickly check if the 
antenna is radiating as well as it did when you first tested it under 
controlled conditions.  Note the meter reading or mark the scale where your 
antenna tuned up best on your standard "antenna range", and you will be able 
to ensure you are getting out if that mark is reached by the field strength 
during backpacking operations.


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RE: [Elecraft] Remoting a T1

2006-06-29 Thread Craig D. Smith
Ken ...

Good decision!   Actually, you may not even need to use a relay, but just
remote a switch to your operating position with a twisted pair cable.  I'm
planning on doing a similar thing with my vertical setup this summer,
although my cable run is a lot shorter than yours will be.

   ... Craig   AC0DS

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[Elecraft] Remoting a T1

2006-06-29 Thread Ken Alexander
Thanks everyone for pointing out that Elecraft has
already taken care of controlling the T1 remotely! 
Needless to say that was all it took to push me over
the edge...my order went in about a half hour ago!

73 and thanks again,


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[Elecraft] w0rw/pm KX1 at USNO Tonight

2006-06-29 Thread W0rw
i will be operating pedestrian mobile using my KX1 on a 10 foot whip from the 
US Naval Observatory tonight (Thus) at z on  14,060z.
USNO is in Washington D.C.
Have you ever worked the 51st State?
'Taxation Without Representation' is on their license plates.
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[Elecraft] FS: American Morse Paddles

2006-06-29 Thread Bob Baxter
Now that I've got the American Morse paddles out and dusted them off, 
would anyone like to buy them for $45 delivered conus.  Used very little 
since I got the Palm paddles.

Bob Baxter aa7eq
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Re: [Elecraft] "Remoting" at T1

2006-06-29 Thread Brian Broggie

Hi, Ken!

It's very easy to "remote" a T1.  There already exists a 3.5mm stereo 
jack on the side of the T1's case.  Get a 3.5mm Stereo phone plug and 
wire the normally open contacts of your relay across the "ring" and 
"ground" connection on the jack (no connection to the "tip").  This will 
duplicate the functionality of the "PWR/Tune" button on the front of the 

Brian Broggie - W6FVI
Elecraft Parts

Ken Alexander wrote:


My HF antenna consists of a 28 ft vertical with eight
20-foot elevated radials.  I use an SGC autotuner at
the feedpoint for multiband coverage and I'm very
satisfied with the setup.  Coax from the shack to the
antenna is buried.

When my K2 is completed later this summer I will
complete my conversion to 100% QRP by selling my Yaesu
FT-857 and the SGC tuner, but this wasn't intended to
be a For Sale message.

I'll replace the SGC with an Elecraft T1 (I want to
use it on an FT-817 as well).  I like the idea of
installing the tuner at the antenna feedpoint, hence
my question:  Has anyone "remoted" a T1 before?  I was
thinking of doing this by bringing the Tune switch
contacts to a small jack on the side of the case
(assuming there's room) and plugging in a relay that I
could energize from the shack, i.e., closing the relay
contacts would replace pushing the Tune button.  

I'll see the results on my SWR meter, so the LEDs on
the T1 wouldn't be missed.  The T1 would be installed
in a weatherproof cabinet, which could also house the
relay...and the slick way to do the switching would be
to send 12V down the coax.

I assume that this configuration would work better
than using the T1 in the shack for multiband
operation, but maybe I'm wrong.

Good idea?  Dumb idea?  Has it been done?

Thanks and 73,

Ken Alexander
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RE: [Elecraft] How to test noise blanker

2006-06-29 Thread Sverre Holm
> -Original Message-
> Can anyone recommend a way to test my new K2 noise blanker?  

The simplest way to test the KNB2 is to rub a screwdriver across Q21 - the
RF Preamplifier- a metal case transistor which is visible when the K2 top is
removed. That will generate the kind of noise that it is supposed to

Search the archives with keywords "q21 noise" and you will find more about
this test.

Good luck!



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[Elecraft] FW: Re: Iambic Keying

2006-06-29 Thread Clark Macaulay



  I can really empathize with you; I was there about a year ago.  Not quite
the 807 generation, I was the 6146 generation (early 60’s) and still have
the straight key I used as novice. When I build my K1, I had all the same
questions you did.  For example: which paddle do I use for the di and for
the dah?  Like a bug (di on the thumb, I think) or reverse?  If reverse,
why?  It seems that the instructions with the K1 assumes the builder already
knows this.   

  I started relearning the code after a few decades absence by using a free
code course by K7QO.  You learn the letters at a high speed but with lots of
space in between.  Before long, I was back up to 8 wpm, then 10wpm, and now
about 14wpm.  You can get the same course on a CD by visiting
http://www.fists.org/hamsite.html and following the directions.  It’s really
very good (and challenging!)

  Like you, I wondered about iambic keying and what all the bother was
about.  I prefer the use of keyers because it makes it easier for me to send
good CW that can be copied at the other end.  Using a K1 as well as
FT-1000mp, I do as much practice sending and I do receiving so that it is
smooth.  I’m also pursuing ARRL Code Proficiency at 15 wpm (now have 10 wpm)
and using the ARRL Code programs starting at 35 wpm (can anyone REALLY copy
that fast?  Wow…) downward and the Bulletins at 18 ½ wpm. Am doing a lot of
practice?  You bet.  Others may want to practice on the air; my preference
is do it off-line until I am at a proficiency level that I’m comfortable
with, and I’m almost there!

  Like you, I wondered about the iambic fuss.  Since I do not have several
decades of use as a CW op, I started to learn iambic.  I’m probably not
squeezing like I should (for “C”, “L”, etc), and perhaps I never will, but
I’m delighted when I do.  It sounds so cool to have the di and dah in a “C”
so perfectly timed; it does take practice, though.

  I’m starting to listen in on the ECN (see the message from Kevin).  I’ve
tried only once to break in and haven’t made it yet.  Putting up a new
antenna this weekend might cure that.  The Elecraft folks are so kind, so
join in.

  Finally….if you EVER want to find a home for your Lionel key, I hope you
keep me in mind.  The other hobby I have is Lionel model railroading…


  Clark Macaulay, ke4rq


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Re: [Elecraft] "Remoting" at T1

2006-06-29 Thread Vic K2VCO

Ken Alexander wrote:

When my K2 is completed later this summer I will
complete my conversion to 100% QRP by selling my Yaesu
FT-857 and the SGC tuner

Most of the SGC tuners will work at 5 watts.  I think the T1 is neat, 
but why bother replacing the SGC, waterproofing the T1, etc?  You can 
still build a T1 and use it for portable operations!

I assume that this configuration would work better
than using the T1 in the shack for multiband
operation, but maybe I'm wrong.

You're right. On those bands where the SWR and reactance are high, 
having the tuner at the antenna base is an advantage.

Vic, K2VCO
Fresno CA
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[Elecraft] "Remoting" at T1

2006-06-29 Thread Ken Alexander

My HF antenna consists of a 28 ft vertical with eight
20-foot elevated radials.  I use an SGC autotuner at
the feedpoint for multiband coverage and I'm very
satisfied with the setup.  Coax from the shack to the
antenna is buried.

When my K2 is completed later this summer I will
complete my conversion to 100% QRP by selling my Yaesu
FT-857 and the SGC tuner, but this wasn't intended to
be a For Sale message.

I'll replace the SGC with an Elecraft T1 (I want to
use it on an FT-817 as well).  I like the idea of
installing the tuner at the antenna feedpoint, hence
my question:  Has anyone "remoted" a T1 before?  I was
thinking of doing this by bringing the Tune switch
contacts to a small jack on the side of the case
(assuming there's room) and plugging in a relay that I
could energize from the shack, i.e., closing the relay
contacts would replace pushing the Tune button.  

I'll see the results on my SWR meter, so the LEDs on
the T1 wouldn't be missed.  The T1 would be installed
in a weatherproof cabinet, which could also house the
relay...and the slick way to do the switching would be
to send 12V down the coax.

I assume that this configuration would work better
than using the T1 in the shack for multiband
operation, but maybe I'm wrong.

Good idea?  Dumb idea?  Has it been done?

Thanks and 73,

Ken Alexander
Elecraft mailing list
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Re: [Elecraft] KX1 #1403 Antenna Project

2006-06-29 Thread Alexandra Carter
Well, it's probably the Pac-12. Add 1-2 more of those sections to the  
part below the coil, use plenty of radials, and try something I saw  
someone set up, they just use the 40m coil with a jumper with an E-Z  
Hook on it to select turns for higher bands. It's a nice antenna! 73  
de Alex NS6Y.

On Jun 28, 2006, at 10:39 PM, Jack Regan wrote:

I have been following the antenna threads since I started building  
the KX1.
These experiments are based on that thread, the ARRL Handbook 2004,  

research into commercial verticals and my own experience.

The goals are to find the best antenna for the KX1 under various  


1.   Smallest, lightest, easiest to set up 4 band backpacking  

2.   Smallest, lightest, easiest to set up for 1, 2, or 3 bands  


3.   Most efficent antenna for 4 bands but still backpackable.

4.   Most efficent 1, 2, or 3 band antennas but still  

5.   Learn Antenna Theory and Practice.  Formulas, Software,  

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Re: [Elecraft] American Morse Paddle?

2006-06-29 Thread Alexandra Carter
I have one too and don't plan to give it up, BTW rather than screwing  
down the nuts and hoping they'll stay, I use washers for shims and  
just tighten it all down, it stays put, the paddle's a bit "rattly"  
but I like it. 73 de Alex NS6Y.

On Jun 28, 2006, at 7:50 PM, Sam Binkley wrote:

Anyone have a American Morse Paddle gathering dust in their pile  
of 'I

never use this thing I should get rid it'  ~ Steve/n0tu


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[Elecraft] Wanted Kent Single Paddle Key

2006-06-29 Thread Robert L Kalkwarf

Want to buy clean Kent Single Paddle key.
Bob W7WO

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RE: [Elecraft] Iambic Myth

2006-06-29 Thread Bill Tippett


>I've done a couple of read's through that article.  While it has many
good points, it also has some glaring errors which make it somewhat
uncredible to me.

Some good points Keith.  If someone wanted to
analyze this to death they would weight the analysis by
frequency of occurrence of letters in ordinary conversation.
Of course this is not an issue in the HST tests since they
send random 5 letter code groups.

>The other mentioned disadvantage of Iambic is that it has a speed
ceiling where sending faster than 40 wpm or so is too difficult.  I have
a ceiling on receiving that kicks in long before 40 wpm so that is
absolutely not an issue.

Competition is the ultimate measure of efficiency IMHO.
Believe me, most competitors would learn to send standing on
their heads if they felt it would improve their results.  The
simple fact is that the non-iambic single-paddle method has
been proven better in QRQ competition.

>Just because the speed champs use non-iambic does not make
that method "better" any more than a race car is "better"
than a mini-van.

I agree completely.  Just because some claim iambic
is "more efficient", does not make it better.  Non-iambic has
been proven better for QRQ speeds or for people whose hand
coordination (for squeeze timing) may not be good due to age
or other disabilities such as palsy, MS, etc.

My good friend N4SU (now SK) had to give up his hobby
of some 70 years because his trembling hands could not send
due to Parkinson's disease.  I didn't realize it at the time
or I would have suggested he stop trying to send iambic with
dual-paddles and switch to a single-paddle key, which is much
more forgiving of timing errors.

My point is don't always take conventional wisdom as
as gospel.  Sometimes we simply need to find what works best
for us individually (as you said).

73,  Bill  W4ZV

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2006-06-29 Thread Roger Marrotte
I have for sale KX1 serial #1447.  It's about two months old.  Included
options are:
KXB3080 Four Band Board
KXAT1 Auto Internal Tuner
KXPD1 Paddle
Six Slightly Used Lithium batteries
The radio works and looks like new.  I have built three K2s, a K1, two KX1s,
two Elecraft transverters, and just about all the options.  I enjoy the
building process.
I will sell the radio and options listed above for what they cost me,
$502.00 + $8.00 shipping in the US.  So you get a KX1 for the Elecraft
price, built for free.
Please respond off list.
Roger Marrotte, W1EM
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[Elecraft] K2 4-sale (new #5422)

2006-06-29 Thread Fred (FL)
For Sale:

Brand new, most recent K2 # 5422:

- K2 # 5422 (latest version K2, May 2006)
- KSB2 SSB Option (May 2006)
- Ten Tec 701 Mobile Mike
- KNB2 NB Noise Blanker (June 2006)
- Dimple 
- Toroid-Guy TOROID SET (K2, KSB2, & KNB2)
- 100% low ros - Kester Solder (mil std)
- CW/SSB Filters - aligned Spectrogram 5.7

All tests, alignments to spec.  Dummy load SSB
checked.  Built by a EE/Ham with tons of building
experience.  A brand new K2, with CW & SSB &
Noise Blanker.  Full set of Toroid-Guy Toroids,
throughout!  Built with best Kester solder.

Please contact off-line.  We are building another
ham project.   $800 total, incl. S&H and insurance,
to mainland U.S.   All Elecraft manuals & docs.

Fred, N3CSY
Cape Vincent, NY

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[Elecraft] RE: first checks resist kx1

2006-06-29 Thread Paul Huff
Hi Andy and Paul,

I just completed my KX1 about a week ago.  I don't have any suggestions for you,
but I can say that all of my resistance checks for part 1 (page 26) were within
the specifications listed in the manual.

With a few hours of actual on-air use logged I can now say the KX1 is a great
little rig.  So keep at it and good luck!

Paul - N8XMS

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RE: [Elecraft] Iambic Myth

2006-06-29 Thread Darwin, Keith
I've done a couple of read's through that article.  While it has many
good points, it also has some glaring errors which make it somewhat
uncredible to me.

E.g. when listing the letters that benefit from squeeze technique, the
list is limited to C, F, K, L, Y, Q and R.  When listing the letters
that are most commonly used and then identifying those that are
squeezable, R is left off the list.  So instead of 1 in 12 being
squeezable, the right number is 2 in 12, thus doubling the "efficiency".
If we're willing to accept the idea that squeezing with thumb and index
finger is more efficient than rocking the hand back & forth, then we can
add A and N to the list as they can be sent with one squeeze motion.
Now the list of squeezable chars climbs to 4 in 12.

Other thoughts like "If you force yourself to squeeze every possible
character, you will expend more time and effort in learning to do that,
than any possible efficiency savings" are not universally true.  I
suppose if I were an experienced bug user trying to learn Iambic it may
have some validity but in my case I went to Iambic from a straight key
and had no built-in bias against Iambic.  I don't have to "force" myself
to do anything with the keyer.  Squeeze keying comes naturally as it is
all I've ever known.  Sending with a Cootie key - now that is something
I have to think about!

The other mentioned disadvantage of Iambic is that it has a speed
ceiling where sending faster than 40 wpm or so is too difficult.  I have
a ceiling on receiving that kicks in long before 40 wpm so that is
absolutely not an issue.  Just because the speed champs use non-iambic
does not make that method "better" any more than a race car is "better"
than a mini-van.

The article is very interesting and a good read, much like a 20/20

Bottom line?  Don't let the attempt to bust a myth steal your fun.  If
you like Iambic, go for it (A or B - your choice).  If you think it's
stupid, fine, use a single paddle key, bug, cootie or join me and use a
straight key!

It's not so much how you send, but THAT you send, Yes?


- Keith KD1E -
- K2 5411 -

-Original Message-


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Re: [Elecraft] How to test noise blanker

2006-06-29 Thread VR2BrettGraham

KD1E added to another comment:

The NB was optimized to block out ignition noise from UPS trucks.
Proper testing requires you order more stuff from Elecraft so UPS will

Actually, it was quite tricky coming up with a circuit to block out the
ignition noise from a diesel engine

I would hate to imagine what the running costs are of that petrol
cement lorry N3CSY blanked out - they probably have the most
dear product around!

I believe there was mention in the past that the K2's NB was
optimized to some extent on a VW Transporter (replace with
model name used in your market) of vintage I have forgotten.

The state of motor vehicle ignition systems in NA must have
deteriorated significantly in the past 20 years, as here in
maintenance-prevention-not-preventative-maintenance Asia it's
not much worse than back there back then & it's other noise
(like power) where a NB gets the most use.

Or presumably there are a lot of VW-based buggies or other
less quiet petrol internal combustion engine powered devices
to be encountered in the great NA outdoors nowadays.

Remember, there is nothing wrong with the NB - you just need
to have the right noise.  Perhaps it would be better to call it
something else, as NB does imply something of what it will do
based on what other rigs' NBs do (unlike AUX I/O ;^).

Then there would not need to for the ever repeating
defend-the-NB thread here, usually starting with somebody
wondering in a post if their recently completed NB works as it
doesn't seem to behave as they expected it to (read last
sentence of last paragraph again).

73, VR2BrettGraham

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Re: [Elecraft] K2 Serial # 5600

2006-06-29 Thread Nick Waterman
Darwin, Keith wrote:
> Come to think of it, who ever decided that keeping track of SNs was a
> good idea?  I've seen interest in SNs with other rigs but only to
> identify new vs. old and whether a rig has the latest mods or not.  But
> then I guess Elecraft is not like other rigs.

That makes them almost like collector's items, doesn't it? "number 5209
of 5600 made", only "problem" being they're increasingly less limited
editions   :-)

"Nosey" Nick Waterman, G7RZQ, K2 #5209.
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