[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Free Saddam Hussein'

2006-06-25 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Robert Gimbel" 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shempmcgurk" 
>  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert Gimbel 
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > Free Saddam Hussein;
> > >   Both of his sons are dead;
> > >   And he is an old man now;
> > >   Tired and burned out.
> > >   Let him save his country from civil war;
> > >   Before he dies;
> > >   He never killed as many as we have;
> > >   So, we've failed to bring the American Style democracy;
> > >   But the hatreds go to deep;
> > >   We had a civil war too;
> > >   North and South;
> > >   The bloodiest to date.
> > >   Let them fight it out,
> > >   Amongst themselves.
> > >
> > >   R.Gimbel   Philadelphia,PA.
> > > 
> > >   
> > > -
> > > Yahoo! Groups gets better. Check out the new email design. 
> > there's much more to come.
> > >
> > 
> > Having just read
> > The article linked from here
> > On Timothy Leary
> > I can only imagine
> > That Nimbel Gimbel
> > Is heavily sedated
> > On mind-altering
> > Drugs
> >
> In attempting to justify this war, with false info;

Dear, dear Robert
I don't think
It was false information
That Gaddamn Saddam
Had 17 resolutions passed
Against him
By the United Nations
He didn't comply with inspections
So right or wrong information
On whether there was WMD
Is moot
When all Saddy Baby had to do
Was let us in
And inspect
Which he didn't do
So who, pray tell, was providing
The false info?

> And capturing the leader of this country;
> I meant to point out;
> That this whole Iraqi adventure;
> Has been insane, and has produced

Is writing
That the U.S.
Killed more
Than Saddam

> No good thing for America;
> In taking an opposite viewpoint,
> Of suggesting that we admit we were mistaken;
> And that 'might does not make right'(shock & awe; mission 
> accomplished);
> Then suggesting the Democrats are weak on defense;
> By not going along with(keep the course of insanity).
> The fact is:
> The U.S. has killed more Iraqis,
> Then Saddam ever did.
> Robert Gimbel

Are you on drugs
Must be
To make such a statement


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[FairfieldLife] Re: Why Meditate

2006-06-25 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "suziezuzie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> I would be curious to know why people practice TM. Whether it be 
> experiential reasons or philosophical or both, what are the 
reasons why 
> you sit down once or twice a day and practice TM and the sidhis? 
> do you gain at the time you practice, afterwards, in the short 
> long run and does an afterlife belief have anything to do with 
> practice?

I do TM twice a day (plus sidhis) because it is the path I've 
chosen, which I did at age 18 and have done it regularly pretty much 
since then (I'm 51 now) with a few pockets of irregular practise 
dispersed throughout the 33 years.

I was always looking for "something" and I had criteria.  It had to 
be something that didn't require blind belief...I had been exposed 
to that growing up while going to church etc. and knew very much it 
couldn't be that.  Two other factors were also important but I 
didn't realize what they were until they were mentioned within the 
context of TM being explained to me but when they were, something 
clicked that that was what I was looking for.  And those two things 
were: (1) that the practise was scientifically or objectively 
verifiable; and (2) that it was easy and didn't require 

And once I chose TM as a path, I pretty much knew that I'd be doing 
it regularly for the rest of my life...and for those few pockets of 
time when I wasn't regular, I distinctly experienced a difference, 
so I always went back to regular practise.

Is it experiential or philosophical reasons or both: Both. 
Philosophical for the reasons mentioned above (sorry, that's about 
as philosophical as I get) and, more importantly -- MUCH more 
importantly -- experiential.  I need to experience pure 
consciousness in the here and now while I am alive and not as some 
reward in heaven after I die.

What I gain: 

short term: a more relaxed life.

Long term: hopefully, higher states of consciousness.

Afterlife considerations: not really 'cause I want it all NOW.

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[FairfieldLife] 'Iraq War a Farce of Biblical Proportions'

2006-06-25 Thread Robert Gimbel

This war is a farce;  How can we bring democracy abroad;  While stealing our constitutional rights at home?     The old regime in Iraq, was keeping Iran at bay;  As well as outsiders such as the bin Laden bunch of maniacs;  Saddam is not so insane as some that have followed him...     The 'enemy of our enemy' was our friend, in the eighties;  Iraq was in a costly war with Iran.  The U.S. sold them arms to fight Iran.  Mr. Rumsfeld shook Saddam's hand,(Remember the Picture, pictures don't lie)     We are in a much weaker position now;  In regard to Iran, and that is why they are flexing their muscle.  That is why they are so bold now;  Because we are bogged down, with our Saddam obsession.  Who, by the way, had nothing to do with the 'Events of 9/11'. 
     So,Why oh why are we sending our kids there to die;  To be maimed and their souls abused with horrible images,  They can't forever forget...     Why do we have a President, so obsessed with Saddam?  Perhaps because Saddam had tried to have the Bush elder killed?  That is why we send our kids to die, day after day?     There are many dictators in this world of ours.  Many in Africa.  But,  No oil in Africa?     New Orleans has to save itself.  But for Bush's Saddam obsession,  Billions are not a problem.  Perhaps Mr. Bush is just a typical;  (As they say in A.A.)  Like an alcoholic that just quits with no help.  Just an angry, 'Dry drunk'.   It's about oil,
 stupid.  We could have had electric cars, ten years ago.     As for L.S.D... the C.I.A. gave up on it years ago.  They decided it was an unreliable tool for brainwashing.     Instead they decided to go with the "Mindwar Doctrine"  This involves control of the media, used to brainwash.  As well as stressors to weaken the resolve of the population.  And promoting the notion that the U.S.  Can do no wrong.     We are in a very sick and dishonest state of affairs;  In Washington D.C.  And everybody,knows it...    
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[FairfieldLife] Re: 2400 Pundits to Germany?

2006-06-25 Thread cardemaister
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "jyouells2000" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante  wrote:
> >
> > http://www.globalgoodnews.com/world-peace-a.html?
> >

I'm afraid that might improve Deutschland's possibilities
to win the Soccer World Cup...

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Hmm....turiiya(?) as described in Shriimad Bhaagavatam (bh. puraaNa) part 2

2006-06-25 Thread cardemaister
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

Oops! Typo: "ninanyet" -- should be: "ninayet"!
Fixed below. 

> manaH svabuddhyayaamalayaa niyamya
> kSetra-jña etaaM ninayet tam aatmani
> aatmaanam aatmany avarudhya dhiiro
> labdhopashaantir virameta kRtyaat
> (manaH; svabuddhyayaa; a_malayaa; niyamya;
> kSetra-jñe[sic!]; etaam; ninayet; tam; aatmani;
> aatmaanam; aatmani; avarudhya; dhiiraH;
> labdha-upashaantiH; virameta; kRtyaat)
> Swami Prabhupaada's translation:
> SB 2.2.16: Thereafter, the yogii should merge his mind, by his 
> unalloyed intelligence, into the living entity, and then merge the 
> living entity into the Superself. And by doing this, the fully 
> satisfied living entity becomes **situated in the supreme stage of 
> satisfaction**, so that he ceases from all other activities.
> --
> labdha mfn. taken , seized , caught , met with , found &c. ; got 
at , 
> arrived (as a moment) Katha1s. ; obtained (as a quotient in 
> Col 
>  upazAnti [=upashaanti] f. cessation , intermission , remission 
> Sus3r. Ragh. Hit. &c. ; tranquillity , calmness.  
> **labdhopashaantiH (labdha-upashaantiH): (someone having) found -- 
> stuff -- calmness??

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Hmm....turiiya(?) as described in Shriimad Bhaagavatam (bh. puraaNa) - - -

2006-06-25 Thread surya
There are 2 lines. One is line of science in which human effort gets 
results. The other line is Supernatural line in which powers are 
attained by God's grace only. Even demons did penance and got powers 
by the grace of God only. Now the middle age scholars mixed these 2 
lines and developed 3rd line in between i.e., by human effort, you 
can get powers. People are fooled like this. 

By human effort, like controlling breath, you can get health only 
which is not a power and this is completely first line only. People 
are attracted like this in the name of Yoga. To get powers, Ravana 
should have joined Yoga centre. Why he did penance for God Brahma? 
Yoga means achievement of grace of God by which only powers are 

Kundalini is your mind which is the base of your love and which is 
called as the serpent going with curves. Generally the mind of the 
people is curved by nature. Mind is energy and is propagated as 
waves according to science. These wheels are the family bonds and 
crossing them in a curved way is cheating those cheating bonds. This 
justifies that Maya can be crossed by Maya and a thorn can be taken 
out by another thorn. The first wheel represents earth, which is the 
bond with mother and is called as Mooladhara. Only from earth living 
beings like plants etc. (life) are born. The Kundalini sleeps in the 
Mooladhara wheel. This indicates your sleeping state of mind in the 
womb of your mother. 

The awakening of Kundalini means that you are delivered and came 
into world and you are trapped in bonds as your mind grows. So, 
there is no need of awakening the Kundalini, which was already in 
the awakened state. By closing your eyes, you are encouraging 
Kundalini (mind) to sleep. First you have to cut your bond/love with 
mother for the sake of God. The second wheel is `Manipura' of water 
representing the father. The sky having clouds is said to be the 
father in Veda. When water falls from the sky and unites with earth, 
life is produced. The bond with the father should also be cut as 
Prahlada left his father for the sake of God. Now, you may argue 
that Veda says mother and father are God (Matru devaha, pitru 
devaha). These words have two meanings as per the grammar. The first 
meaning is that mother and father are God. This is correct because 
in the world among all the people, they should be very highly 
respected and loved. The second meaning for these words is that God 
is mother and father. This meaning should be taken, when God comes 
into your life and competes with mother and father. The third wheel 
is Swadhistana (fire) representing the bond between wife and 
husband. The union of a couple takes place only due to heat (fire). 
Buddha left his wife and Meera left her husband for the sake of God. 
The fourth wheel is Anahata, of air, representing the bond with 
children. Veda says air is the strongest. This wheel is placed in 
the heart, which means that this is the heart or the essence of all 
the bonds. Buddha left his one year old son for the sake of God.

The fifth wheel is Visuddha of Akasha (space), which is in the 
throat, representing the bond with false gurus (preachers). A fraud 
guru preaches only nonsense, which represents nothing like space. To 
reach the God who is the Sadguru you must leave all the gurus. 
Prahlada left such teachers. The final wheel is Aajna, in between 
the two eyebrows, representing the `Jnananetra' i.e., the sight of 
knowledge. This is of mind. With the help of knowledge that is Vedas 
and Sashtras, you must decide the real form of God as Lord Datta and 
all other forms are only his various dresses. Vedas say that Datta 
is only the ultimate and real God (Brahman). Veda says that God 
should be one and that one God creates, rules and destroys the 
universe. Datta is only one and does these three works through His 
three divine faces. But, such ultimate God cannot be reached because 
Vedas say that even words, mind, intelligence, logic and even 
imagination cannot touch him. But, He comes in the human form and 
then only you can see, touch, talk and even spend your whole life 
with Him. Such human form is called DATTA.

Datta means the God who is given to devotees, you can meet Him in 
this world in human form only. Gita says that God comes in human 
form only (Manusheem……). Gita also says that if one worships 
formless, he or she gets sorrow only (Avyaktahi…). Gita also says 
that if you worship a statue, you are born as a stone (Bhutejyah….). 
A statue has only a limited use of being seen by devotees (Darsanam) 
and is not meant for worship. A human form only gives full 
satisfaction to devotees during worship.

Yoga means joining the God after cutting all the family bonds 
through cheating to avoid hurting as explained above. The bonds can 
be cut only when a new bond with God is formed. Without the new 
bond, the old bond cannot be cut. First attachment to God (Bhakti) 
should come and detachment from the relatives (Vyragya) is 

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Free Saddam Hussein'

2006-06-25 Thread nablus108
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert Gimbel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Free Saddam Hussein;
>   Both of his sons are dead;
>   And he is an old man now;
>   Tired and burned out.
>   Let him save his country from civil war;
>   Before he dies;
>   He never killed as many as we have;
>   So, we've failed to bring the American Style democracy;
>   But the hatreds go to deep;
>   We had a civil war too;
>   North and South;
>   The bloodiest to date.
>   Let them fight it out,
>   Amongst themselves.
>   R.Gimbel   Philadelphia,PA.

The fellow the americans wants us to think is Saddam Hussein is a 
relative and one of his 7 doubles. Saddam Hussein died in the first 
bomb-attack on Bhagdad. 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Free Saddam Hussein'

2006-06-25 Thread Robert Gimbel
> >
> > Free Saddam Hussein;
> >   Both of his sons are dead;
> >   And he is an old man now;
> >   Tired and burned out.
> >   Let him save his country from civil war;
> >   Before he dies;
> >   He never killed as many as we have;
> >   So, we've failed to bring the American Style democracy;
> >   But the hatreds go to deep;
> >   We had a civil war too;
> >   North and South;
> >   The bloodiest to date.
> >   Let them fight it out,
> >   Amongst themselves.
> >
> >   R.Gimbel   Philadelphia,PA.
> The fellow the americans wants us to think is Saddam Hussein is a 
> relative and one of his 7 doubles. Saddam Hussein died in the 
> bomb-attack on Bhagdad. 
> For more information, please see: 
> http://www.shareintl.org/magazine/SI_current.htm
Well, it's hard to know what to believe, anymore, truely!
Robert G. from Philly...
{Original place of the Revolution, and the correlation of electicity 
with Lightning, amoung other things, long past gone...
What would Ben Franklin have thought?

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Why Meditate

2006-06-25 Thread Peter
I meditate instead of robbing banks.

--- suziezuzie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I would be curious to know why people practice TM.
> Whether it be 
> experiential reasons or philosophical or both, what
> are the reasons why 
> you sit down once or twice a day and practice TM and
> the sidhis? What 
> do you gain at the time you practice, afterwards, in
> the short run, 
> long run and does an afterlife belief have anything
> to do with your 
> practice? 
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[FairfieldLife] Re: Why Meditate

2006-06-25 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I meditate instead of robbing banks.

I meditate *and* rob banks.

> --- suziezuzie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I would be curious to know why people practice TM.
> > Whether it be 
> > experiential reasons or philosophical or both, what
> > are the reasons why 
> > you sit down once or twice a day and practice TM and
> > the sidhis? What 
> > do you gain at the time you practice, afterwards, in
> > the short run, 
> > long run and does an afterlife belief have anything
> > to do with your 
> > practice? 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Free Saddam Hussein'

2006-06-25 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "nablus108" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert Gimbel  
> wrote:
> >
> > Free Saddam Hussein;
> >   Both of his sons are dead;
> >   And he is an old man now;
> >   Tired and burned out.
> >   Let him save his country from civil war;
> >   Before he dies;
> >   He never killed as many as we have;
> >   So, we've failed to bring the American Style democracy;
> >   But the hatreds go to deep;
> >   We had a civil war too;
> >   North and South;
> >   The bloodiest to date.
> >   Let them fight it out,
> >   Amongst themselves.
> >
> >   R.Gimbel   Philadelphia,PA.
> The fellow the americans wants us to think is Saddam Hussein is a 
> relative and one of his 7 doubles. Saddam Hussein died in the 
> bomb-attack on Bhagdad. 

Assuming the American military knows about this and is purposely 
foisting this Saddam relative upon us, why would they do that?  
Certainly, it is much more to the Americans' advantage to have had a 
dead Saddam on their hands.

Even though Adolf Hitler killed himself at war's end, insurgents 
continued fighting for Germany for about 4 years after WWII's end.  
But it is believed that had Hitler lived and put, presumably, on 
trial, insurgency in Germany would have not only continued longer 
but have been very, very strong.

A dead Saddam is to the Americans' advantage.

> For more information, please see: 
> http://www.shareintl.org/magazine/SI_current.htm
> > 
> > 
> > -
> > Yahoo! Groups gets better. Check out the new email design. Plus 
> there's much more to come.
> >

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Why Meditate

2006-06-25 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter  
> >
> > I meditate instead of robbing banks.
> I meditate *and* rob banks.

Fifteen to twenty minutes in the bank twice a day balanced by 
another three minutes in the bank and the rest of the day spending 
the money in the marketplace...is that how the analogy goes?

> > --- suziezuzie  wrote:
> > 
> > > I would be curious to know why people practice TM.
> > > Whether it be 
> > > experiential reasons or philosophical or both, what
> > > are the reasons why 
> > > you sit down once or twice a day and practice TM and
> > > the sidhis? What 
> > > do you gain at the time you practice, afterwards, in
> > > the short run, 
> > > long run and does an afterlife belief have anything
> > > to do with your 
> > > practice?

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Progressive and Flat Taxes

2006-06-25 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shempmcgurk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  
> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> > >
> > > shempmcgurk wrote:
> > 
> > > >Concentrated wealth in the hands of those responsible for 
> creating 
> > > >it is a GREAT thing and should be encourated.
> > > >
> > > > Bhairitu, if you tax it, it goes to government which will NOT 
> use 
> > > > it wisely.  It WILL be used more wisely by those that create 
> the 
> > > > wealth.
> > > >
> > > History shows that not to be true at all.  Most are just greedy 
> > > bastards who care little about their fellow humanity.  People 
> like 
> > > Bill Gates are a rare exception but as I stated earlier he has 
> > > always had a mood of detachment from his wealth which I 
> > > particularly noted in a local Seattle interview with him in 
> > > 
> > > You still don't get that a progressive tax means people won't 
> try 
> > > to earn another dime if they are going to pay more in taxes.  
> > > the government doesn't get anything.  They're already wealthy 
> and 
> > > anything more is just an ego driven power trip.   This lets 
> others 
> > > have more of a chance.
> > 
> > I was just reading in the Times about Richard Grasso,
> > who, making $12 million a year, went through all kinds
> > of contortions to obtain his $140 million retirement
> > package.
> > 
> > At some point in the accumulation of wealth, money
> > ceases to be a medium of exchange and becomes something
> > entirely different, having to do, as Bhairitu suggests,
> > with ego and power.  Your attitude toward it changes
> > in a way that makes it literally impossible to empathize
> > with the person for whom, say, fresh blueberries are
> > a luxury they can't afford.
> > 
> > You no longer have to make choices based on what
> > something costs.  Money becomes an abstraction with no
> > practical consequences in terms of what you do with it,
> > except those that have to do with how much *more* of
> > this abstraction you are able to accumulate.
> Alas.  You've just described big government!
> A $2.8 trillion budget without any care what it costs, Congressmen -
> -and Presidents for that matter! -- spend, spend, spend.

Not quite.  They have no personal interest in using the
government's revenue to multiply and accumulate ever-greater
amounts of it for themselves.  As abstract as the amounts
may seem, the funds are used to pay for goods and services.

> > When rich people talk about money, they're talking
> > about something entirely different from what poor and
> > middle-class people mean when they talk about it.
> > They might as well be on different planets.
> Of course.
> Rich people, having the experience of vast wealth, know by 
> experience that money doesn't buy happiness.  Poorer people don't 
> have that experience.

Right.  What poorer people know by experience isn't
about money buying happiness or not, but about money
making it possible for them and their children to eat
three times a day and have a roof over their heads.

> That is why it is SO important that we ensure that the poorest of 
> the poor have enough money to buy the basic necessities of life 
> and, hopefully, a pint of blueberries whenever they  see and desire 
> it on the produce shelves.
> That is why, dear Billie Batts, you should join me in encouraging 
> capitalist enterprises like Wal-Mart toward all success so that the 
> poor which you invoke above have their blueberries.

No, afraid not.  As you'd know if you did any reading
beyond your right-wing sources, Wal-Mart may enable
poor people to buy blueberries one week, but ultimately
at the expense of decently paying jobs in the town, not
to mention poorer-quality goods even at Wal-Mart.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Why Meditate

2006-06-25 Thread uns_tressor
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter  wrote:
> >
> > I meditate instead of robbing banks.
> I meditate *and* rob banks.

...and its the meditation which makes you so adept. 
But be on your guard if the FBI ever ring up the 
Washington TM centre for times of Introductory Talks!
It took TM to get me to saw a dead straight cut in 
a plank of wood, and to tune a guitar on the 5th/7th
fret harmonics.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Free Saddam Hussein'

2006-06-25 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shempmcgurk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> Because
> He didn't comply with inspections
> So right or wrong information
> On whether there was WMD
> Is moot
> When all Saddy Baby had to do
> Was let us in
> And inspect
> Which he didn't do

Of course, he *did* let the inspectors in.  Bush
pulled them out even though--or actually, because--
they weren't finding any WMD, making nonsense of
his excuse for the invasion.

Bush has said several times publicly that Saddam
wouldn't let in the inspectors, which is manifestly
untrue.  Has he been lying blatantly about something
that's clearly on the public record, or is he just
so unaware of what went on that he really *believes*
what he says?

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[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Free Saddam Hussein'

2006-06-25 Thread uns_tressor
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shempmcgurk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert Gimbel  
> wrote:
> >
> > Free Saddam Hussein;
> >   Both of his sons are dead;
> >   And he is an old man now;
> >   Tired and burned out.
> >   Let him save his country from civil war;
> >   Before he dies;
> >   He never killed as many as we have;
> >   So, we've failed to bring the American Style democracy;
> >   But the hatreds go to deep;
> >   We had a civil war too;
> >   North and South;
> >   The bloodiest to date.
> >   Let them fight it out,
> >   Amongst themselves.
> >
> >   R.Gimbel   Philadelphia,PA.
> > 
> > 
> > -
> > Yahoo! Groups gets better. Check out the new email design. Plus 
> there's much more to come.
> >
> Having just read
> The article linked from here
> On Timothy Leary
> I can only imagine
> That Nimbel Gimbel
> Is heavily sedated
> On mind-altering
> Drugs

Probably taken in suppository form. 
Some people will believe anything that is
typed up if it suits them for some reason.
A Saddam back in power might feature the Shi'ites
supported by Iran against the Sunnis backed
by Syria - and a few of the 36 suitcase size
Soviet nukes that are not accountaed for.

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[FairfieldLife] Fox News on Meditation

2006-06-25 Thread MDixon6569

I just heard Dr. Rosen on Fox news make some very nice 
comments on the value of Meditation. He was asked a question about people having 
more heart attacks that bring their jobs home for the week end. He said how 
important it was to leave stress behind and take the mind off of things that 
cause stress. He commented that while he doesn't meditate because he doesn't 
know how, his wife does, and is a totally different person when she finishes her 

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Re: [FairfieldLife] 'Free Saddam Hussein'

2006-06-25 Thread MDixon6569

In a message dated 6/24/06 11:53:51 P.M. Central Daylight Time, 

  Free Saddam Hussein;
  Both of his sons are dead;
  And he is an old man now;
  Tired and burned out.
  Let him save his country from civil war;
  Before he dies;
  He never killed as many as we have;
  So, we've failed to bring the American Style democracy;
  But the hatreds go to deep;
  We had a civil war too;
  North and South;
  The bloodiest to date.
  Let them fight it out,
  Amongst themselves.

I would be a liar if I said "I can't believe 

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Jesus is coming, and man is he unstressing!

2006-06-25 Thread MDixon6569

In a message dated 6/25/06 1:29:28 A.M. Central Daylight Time, 
  have justified the murder of thousands of innocent children ( an act for 
  which Jesus said , he would condemn them all ), and innocent 
  Iraqi's.Whole families wiped out by YOUR American arrogance and 
  fundamentalist beliefs that you defend 

Off World , I take it then that you were against the sanctions 
or were for lifting sanctions against the Saddam regime because those sanctions 
were doing the very same thing, just in a different 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Progressive and Flat Taxes

2006-06-25 Thread new_morning_blank_slate
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> History shows that not to be true at all.  Most are just greedy
> who care little about their fellow humanity.  People like Bill Gates
> a rare exception 

Well 280 billion annually in american philanthropy sort of deflates
your thesis. (Or are you concerned about the miserliness of Europeans
-- who have lower levels of philanthropy?)  

Sure I would love to see american philanthropy at a trillion or 10
trillion a year. European and Asian philanthropy matching such. It can
 happen. It requires a change of ethos. A softening of world
consciousness if you will. Its "progressively" happening. 

What will stop such in its tracks is confisgatory tax rates of 95-100%
> You still don't get that a progressive tax means people won't try to 
> earn another dime if they are going to pay more in taxes.  

I get it. And I think you You are dead wrong. Many such people will
spend every waking hour on how to shelter income. Very unproductive
for society to have many of its better minds engaged in such. 

And if I finally get your plan (let see if I do), it will lead to a
such surge of conspicuous consuption and a drop in savings and
investment -- two things that are huge drags on the economy.

So let me see if I get your plan. If one's ESTATE were to reach 12
mil, you would then tax marginal INCOME at 100% rates. If this is
true, then when net worth is 11,900 or so, rational (and irrational
alike) people will spend 100% of their income and save and invest
nothing. Being forced to spend everything, against their, long-honed
spirit to save and invest, they will spend their money primarily on
conspicuous consumption and toys. How this mitigates greed in society
at large is beyond me.

But I probably have misunderstood your plan. I can't imagine anyone
with a straight face suggesting something so destructive to the
economy and a savings/investment ethos -- which is at the core of
productivity (the basis for  wage increases for all) -- and to wildly
inflame greed, shallow values, consumerism, class jealousy and crass

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'Free Saddam Hussein'

2006-06-25 Thread MDixon6569

In a message dated 6/25/06 5:19:13 A.M. Central Daylight Time, 

  > >> > Free Saddam Hussein;> > Both of his 
  sons are dead;> > And he is an old man now;> > Tired and 
  burned out.> > Let him save his country from civil war;> > 
  Before he dies;> > He never killed as many as we have;> > 
  So, we've failed to bring the American Style democracy;> > But the 
  hatreds go to deep;> > We had a civil war too;> > North 
  and South;> > The bloodiest to date.> > Let them fight it 
  out,> > Amongst themselves.> > > > R.Gimbel 
  Philadelphia,PA.> > The fellow the americans wants us to 
  think is Saddam Hussein is a > relative and one of his 7 doubles. 
  Saddam Hussein died in the first > bomb-attack on Bhagdad. > 
  > For more information, please see: > http://www.shareintl.org/magazine/SI_current.htmWell, 
  it's hard to know what to believe

I heard that!

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'Free Saddam Hussein'

2006-06-25 Thread MDixon6569

In a message dated 6/25/06 8:56:54 A.M. Central Daylight Time, 
  course, he *did* let the inspectors in. Bushpulled them out even 
  though--or actually, because--they weren't finding any WMD, making 
  nonsense ofhis excuse for the invasion.Bush has said several times 
  publicly that Saddamwouldn't let in the inspectors, which is 
  manifestlyuntrue. Has he been lying blatantly about somethingthat's 
  clearly on the public record, or is he justso unaware of what went on that 
  he really *believes*what he says?

Judy as I recall, Saddam would let in the  inspectors 
from time to time but every time he did, he threw every obstacle he could in the 
way of the inspectors while doing their jobs, making it difficult if not 
impossible to do. Blix and others often complained of having to wait outside of 
a building they wanted to inspect for hours and hours while Saddam's people 
moved things out of another side of the building. Also numerous road blocks and 
accidents were staged to prevent the inspectors from getting to their announced 
destination in  timely matter. Saddam was letting in inspectors, but there 
was no cooperation once they began their jobs.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Free Saddam Hussein'

2006-06-25 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> In a message dated 6/25/06 8:56:54 A.M. Central Daylight Time,  
> Of  course, he *did* let the inspectors in. Bush
> pulled them out even  though--or actually, because--
> they weren't finding any WMD, making  nonsense of
> his excuse for the invasion.
> Bush has said several times  publicly that Saddam
> wouldn't let in the inspectors, which is  manifestly
> untrue. Has he been lying blatantly about something
> that's  clearly on the public record, or is he just
> so unaware of what went on that  he really *believes*
> what he says?

> Judy as I recall, Saddam would let in the  inspectors  from time to
> time but every time he did, he threw every obstacle he could in 
> the  way of the inspectors while doing their jobs, making it 
> difficult if not  impossible to do. Blix and others often 
> complained of having to wait outside of  a building they wanted to 
> inspect for hours and hours while Saddam's people  moved things out 
> of another side of the building. Also numerous road blocks and  
> accidents were staged to prevent the inspectors from getting to 
> their announced  destination in timely matter. Saddam was letting 
> in inspectors, but there  was no cooperation once they began their 
> jobs.

He didn't make it easy for them, but they *were* getting
the job done nevertheless.  And Saddam was not the only
party getting in their way--the Bush administration did
everything it could to sabotage the inspectors and
denigrate their work.

They were in Iraq, doing their job, right up until Bush
pulled them out so he could invade.  They were *furious*.

For Bush to say Saddam wouldn't let them in is simply a lie.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Progressive and Flat Taxes

2006-06-25 Thread new_morning_blank_slate
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I was just reading in the Times about Richard Grasso,
> who, making $12 million a year, went through all kinds
> of contortions to obtain his $140 million retirement
> package.
> At some point in the accumulation of wealth, money
> ceases to be a medium of exchange and becomes something
> entirely different, having to do, as Bhairitu suggests,
> with ego and power.  Your attitude toward it changes
> in a way that makes it literally impossible to empathize
> with the person for whom, say, fresh blueberries are
> a luxury they can't afford.
> You no longer have to make choices based on what
> something costs.  Money becomes an abstraction with no
> practical consequences in terms of what you do with it,
> except those that have to do with how much *more* of
> this abstraction you are able to accumulate.
> When rich people talk about money, they're talking
> about something entirely different from what poor and
> middle-class people mean when they talk about it.
> They might as well be on different planets.

Your speculations of how others', or perhaps your own, values and
motivations may change with substantial wealth is simply speculation
-- not a well reserched set of studies developing a concensus view of
researchers on this issue. Same with my speculations.
However, I assume your thesis is not a universal one. That is, when
you say, "when rich people talk about money, they're talking about
something entirely different from what poor and
middle-class people mean when they talk about it." I assume you don't
really mean all rich people. There are ample cases of some if not many
wealthly not being much phased by wealth. Warren Buffet, as I recall,
 still drives an old Volvo and lives in a middle class home in Omaha.
Many of the net and PC fortunes are driving foundations and lead
"jeans based lives". I know and am  aware of those of wealth who are
more down to earth and empathetic than most. 

So while Paris Hilton makes a great case against inherited wealth, and
it being associated with low social consciousness and shallow
maerialist values, such are not universal among the rich. (Was it
Paris or Nicole who asked, "Whats Walmart?") 

It appears you are confusing correlation with causation. There
certainly is some degree of correlation between (often sudden) wealth
and shallow values among some nouveau riche. But it is clearly not an
overwhelming and universal trait in all, perhaps not even in a
majority of cases. (Particularly sudden) wealth does not create
shallow values, low  empathy with the non-wealthy, and low compassion,
even if a moderate correlation can be shown in some cases.

Nor can strong social values, strong empathy with others, and
expansive compassion be shown to be caused by lack of weath. Here   
the correlation is quite weak I would suggest.  I can think of an
abundant of examples where shallow values, low empathy with others,
and low compassion are quite manifest among the non-wealthy. (Take 
this list for example. :) )  

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[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Free Saddam Hussein'

2006-06-25 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, MDixon6569@ wrote:
> >
> >  
> > In a message dated 6/25/06 8:56:54 A.M. Central Daylight Time,  
> > jstein@ writes:
> > 
> > Of  course, he *did* let the inspectors in. Bush
> > pulled them out even  though--or actually, because--
> > they weren't finding any WMD, making  nonsense of
> > his excuse for the invasion.
> > 
> > Bush has said several times  publicly that Saddam
> > wouldn't let in the inspectors, which is  manifestly
> > untrue. Has he been lying blatantly about something
> > that's  clearly on the public record, or is he just
> > so unaware of what went on that  he really *believes*
> > what he says?
> > 
> > Judy as I recall, Saddam would let in the  inspectors  from time 
> > time but every time he did, he threw every obstacle he could in 
> > the  way of the inspectors while doing their jobs, making it 
> > difficult if not  impossible to do. Blix and others often 
> > complained of having to wait outside of  a building they wanted 
> > inspect for hours and hours while Saddam's people  moved things 
> > of another side of the building. Also numerous road blocks and  
> > accidents were staged to prevent the inspectors from getting to 
> > their announced  destination in timely matter. Saddam was letting 
> > in inspectors, but there  was no cooperation once they began 
> > jobs.
> He didn't make it easy for them, but they *were* getting
> the job done nevertheless.  And Saddam was not the only
> party getting in their way--the Bush administration did
> everything it could to sabotage the inspectors and
> denigrate their work.
> They were in Iraq, doing their job, right up until Bush
> pulled them out so he could invade.  They were *furious*.

>From a March 20, 2003, column by Joe Conason in Salon (shortly after 
the invasion):

Nobody is paying much attention to Hans Blix except the BBC, which 
reported his criticism yesterday of the Bush 
administration's "impatience" with the inspection effort. He strongly 
suggested that the U.S. had expected no cooperation from Iraq when 
inspections commenced and that "you would have a clash from the 

Instead, he noted, "We had made a rapid start. We did not have any 
obstacles from the Iraqi side in going anywhere. They gave us prompt 
access and we were in a great many places all over Iraq." As for the 
intentions behind Resolution 1441, Blix added: "I somewhat doubt that 
when [the Security Council] got the resolution last November they 
really intended to give under three-and-a-half months for 

Yesterday, the New York Times reported that the Pentagon has prepared 
an elaborate mission to find and test suspected chemical and 
biological weapons sites. Military sources told Judith Miller that 
they have a list of between 300 and 1,400 sites.

Apparently the information to be used by the Pentagon teams wasn't 
disclosed to Hans Blix. Indeed, he told the BBC that his inspectors 
had been dispatched on several pointless excursions by American 
intelligence. Would the Bush administration have withheld useful 
information and intentionally sent the U.N. inspectors elsewhere? 
Then when the U.N. teams found nothing, the inspection process could 
be declared a failure.

"I'm very curious to see if they [the U.S.] find something in Iraq," 
said Blix drily.

> For Bush to say Saddam wouldn't let them in is simply a lie.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Progressive and Flat Taxes

2006-06-25 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new_morning_blank_slate 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> >
> > I was just reading in the Times about Richard Grasso,
> > who, making $12 million a year, went through all kinds
> > of contortions to obtain his $140 million retirement
> > package.
> > 
> > At some point in the accumulation of wealth, money
> > ceases to be a medium of exchange and becomes something
> > entirely different, having to do, as Bhairitu suggests,
> > with ego and power.  Your attitude toward it changes
> > in a way that makes it literally impossible to empathize
> > with the person for whom, say, fresh blueberries are
> > a luxury they can't afford.
> > 
> > You no longer have to make choices based on what
> > something costs.  Money becomes an abstraction with no
> > practical consequences in terms of what you do with it,
> > except those that have to do with how much *more* of
> > this abstraction you are able to accumulate.
> > 
> > When rich people talk about money, they're talking
> > about something entirely different from what poor and
> > middle-class people mean when they talk about it.
> > They might as well be on different planets.
> Your speculations of how others', or perhaps your own, values and
> motivations may change with substantial wealth is simply speculation
> -- not a well reserched set of studies developing a concensus view
> of researchers on this issue. Same with my speculations.

> It appears you are confusing correlation with causation. There
> certainly is some degree of correlation between (often sudden) 
> wealth and shallow values among some nouveau riche.

I don't believe I said anything about "shallow values."
You might want to go back and read what I *did* write

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'Free Saddam Hussein'

2006-06-25 Thread MDixon6569

In a message dated 6/25/06 10:43:22 A.M. Central Daylight Time, 
  were in Iraq, doing their job, right up until Bushpulled them out so he 
  could invade. They were *furious*.For Bush to say Saddam wouldn't let 
  them in is simply a lie.

I would like to see the exact quote and speech in which Bush 
said "Saddam wouldn't let them in". Yes there were times when Saddam threw them 
out and wouldn't let them in, but after enough saber rattling and threats he 
would change his mind. Also if Bush said "Saddam wouldn't let them in", while he 
had to order the inspectors out before hostilities began, it could have been in 
the context that Saddam wouldn't let them in 

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'Free Saddam Hussein'

2006-06-25 Thread MDixon6569

In a message dated 6/25/06 10:53:56 A.M. Central Daylight Time, 
  he noted, "We had made a rapid start. We did not have any obstacles from 
  the Iraqi side in going anywhere. They gave us prompt access and we were 
  in a great many places all over Iraq."

Again I would like to know when and where Blix said this. Too 
many others that where there complained of the obstacles they had to go through 
to inspect suspected sites. Also there were times and places the Iraqis 
absolutely forbid inspections. I don't recall Saddam ever giving the UN 
inspectors access to his forty or so Peace Palaces, which were big enough to 
hold enormous stock piles of weapons. Also, many Iraqi building complexes often 
took days to get permission to inspect or were flatly denied until enough 
pressure was place on them. All in all, Saddam sure made it look as though he 
were playing a shell game.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Free Saddam Hussein'

2006-06-25 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> In a message dated 6/25/06 8:56:54 A.M. Central Daylight Time,  
> Of  course, he *did* let the inspectors in. Bush
> pulled them out even  though--or actually, because--
> they weren't finding any WMD, making  nonsense of
> his excuse for the invasion.
> Bush has said several times  publicly that Saddam
> wouldn't let in the inspectors, which is  manifestly
> untrue. Has he been lying blatantly about something
> that's  clearly on the public record, or is he just
> so unaware of what went on that  he really *believes*
> what he says?
> Judy as I recall, Saddam would let in the  inspectors  from time 
to time but 
> every time he did, he threw every obstacle he could in the  way of 
> inspectors while doing their jobs, making it difficult if not  
impossible to do. Blix 
> and others often complained of having to wait outside of  a 
building they 
> wanted to inspect for hours and hours while Saddam's people  moved 
things out of 
> another side of the building. Also numerous road blocks and  
accidents were 
> staged to prevent the inspectors from getting to their announced  
destination in 
>  timely matter. Saddam was letting in inspectors, but there  was 
> cooperation once they began their jobs.

Judy never met a mass-murdering dictator she didn't like.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Free Saddam Hussein'

2006-06-25 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, MDixon6569@ wrote:
> >
> >  
> > In a message dated 6/25/06 8:56:54 A.M. Central Daylight Time,  
> > jstein@ writes:
> > 
> > Of  course, he *did* let the inspectors in. Bush
> > pulled them out even  though--or actually, because--
> > they weren't finding any WMD, making  nonsense of
> > his excuse for the invasion.
> > 
> > Bush has said several times  publicly that Saddam
> > wouldn't let in the inspectors, which is  manifestly
> > untrue. Has he been lying blatantly about something
> > that's  clearly on the public record, or is he just
> > so unaware of what went on that  he really *believes*
> > what he says?
> > 
> > Judy as I recall, Saddam would let in the  inspectors  from time 
> > time but every time he did, he threw every obstacle he could in 
> > the  way of the inspectors while doing their jobs, making it 
> > difficult if not  impossible to do. Blix and others often 
> > complained of having to wait outside of  a building they wanted 
> > inspect for hours and hours while Saddam's people  moved things 
> > of another side of the building. Also numerous road blocks and  
> > accidents were staged to prevent the inspectors from getting to 
> > their announced  destination in timely matter. Saddam was 
> > in inspectors, but there  was no cooperation once they began 
> > jobs.
> He didn't make it easy for them, but they *were* getting
> the job done nevertheless.  And Saddam was not the only
> party getting in their way--the Bush administration did
> everything it could to sabotage the inspectors and
> denigrate their work.
> They were in Iraq, doing their job, right up until Bush
> pulled them out so he could invade.  They were *furious*.
> For Bush to say Saddam wouldn't let them in is simply a lie.

Now THAT'S a novel experience: reading that Judy is calling someone 
a liar.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Free Saddam Hussein'

2006-06-25 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shempmcgurk"  
> wrote:
> > Because
> > He didn't comply with inspections
> > So right or wrong information
> > On whether there was WMD
> > Is moot
> > When all Saddy Baby had to do
> > Was let us in
> > And inspect
> > Which he didn't do
> Of course, he *did* let the inspectors in.

I see.

Silly United Nations passing those 17 resolutions when Saddam was so 

>  Bush
> pulled them out even though--or actually, because--
> they weren't finding any WMD, making nonsense of
> his excuse for the invasion.
> Bush has said several times publicly that Saddam
> wouldn't let in the inspectors, which is manifestly
> untrue.  Has he been lying blatantly about something
> that's clearly on the public record, or is he just
> so unaware of what went on that he really *believes*
> what he says?

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Progressive and Flat Taxes

2006-06-25 Thread new_morning_blank_slate
Original posts

> I was just reading in the Times about Richard Grasso,
> who, making $12 million a year, went through all kinds
> of contortions to obtain his $140 million retirement
> package.
> At some point in the accumulation of wealth, money
> ceases to be a medium of exchange and becomes something
> entirely different, having to do, as Bhairitu suggests,
> with ego and power. Your attitude toward it changes
> in a way that makes it literally impossible to empathize
> with the person for whom, say, fresh blueberries are
> a luxury they can't afford.
> You no longer have to make choices based on what
> something costs. Money becomes an abstraction with no
> practical consequences in terms of what you do with it,
> except those that have to do with how much *more* of
> this abstraction you are able to accumulate.
> When rich people talk about money, they're talking
> about something entirely different from what poor and
> middle-class people mean when they talk about it.
> They might as well be on different planets.

Your speculations of how others', or perhaps your own, values and
motivations may change with substantial wealth is simply speculation
-- not a well reserched set of studies developing a concensus view of
researchers on this issue. Same with my speculations.

However, I assume your thesis is not a universal one. That is, when
you say, "when rich people talk about money, they're talking about
something entirely different from what poor and
middle-class people mean when they talk about it." I assume you don't
really mean all rich people. There are ample cases of some if not many
wealthly not being much phased by wealth. Warren Buffet, as I recall,
still drives an old Volvo and lives in a middle class home in Omaha.
Many of the net and PC fortunes are driving foundations and lead
"jeans based lives". I know and am aware of those of wealth who are
more down to earth and empathetic than most.

So while Paris Hilton makes a great case against inherited wealth, and
it being associated with low social consciousness and shallow
maerialist values, such are not universal among the rich. (Was it
Paris or Nicole who asked, "Whats Walmart?")

It appears you are confusing correlation with causation. There
certainly is some degree of correlation between (often sudden) wealth
and shallow values among some nouveau riche. But it is clearly not an
overwhelming and universal trait in all, perhaps not even in a
majority of cases. (Particularly sudden) wealth does not create
shallow values, low empathy with the non-wealthy, and low compassion,
even if a moderate correlation can be shown in some cases.

Nor can strong social values, strong empathy with others, and
expansive compassion be shown to be caused by lack of weath. Here
the correlation is quite weak I would suggest. I can think of an
abundant of examples where shallow values, low empathy with others,
and low compassion are quite manifest among the non-wealthy. (Take
this list for example. :) )

> > It appears you are confusing correlation with causation. There
> > certainly is some degree of correlation between (often sudden) 
> > wealth and shallow values among some nouveau riche.
> I don't believe I said anything about "shallow values."
> You might want to go back and read what I *did* write
> again.

OK, sorry, I should have been more redundant in my writing and
included the tri-set of characteristics that i stated twice in the
short post, that I thought relevant to the discussion "shallow values,
low empathy with the non-wealthy, and low compassion". 

In the causual form or writing here, I admit I did "short-hand"
"shallow values, low empathy with the non-wealthy, and low compassion"
to solely "shallow values" in the passage you cited. All aplologies. I
should have said "shallow values, etc.". Or better, redundantly list
the tri-set a third time, "It appears you are confusing correlation
with causation. There certainly is some degree of correlation between
(often sudden) wealth and "shallow values, low empathy with the
non-wealthy, and low compassion" among some nouveau riche."

Then you might argue, or even politely clarify, that you were only
referring to low empathy, and not "shallow values and low compassion".
And you could have stated, if it were the case, as I infer from your
comments, that you disagree that that the same rich  that exhibit 
low empathy, typically also exhibit shallow values and low
compassion". Ok then. Thats a POV. Not one I find compelling, but if
thats your point, fine.

But I am heartened that you find nothing more wrong with my thesis
that you are confusing confusing correlation with causation -- other
than a lack of an "etc.", or a more clearly differentiation between
your point about "empathy" and my broader point of "empathy, values
and compassion". 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Progressive and Flat Taxes

2006-06-25 Thread new_morning_blank_slate
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new_morning_blank_slate 
>  wrote:
> > > When rich people talk about money, they're talking
> > > about something entirely different from what poor and
> > > middle-class people mean when they talk about it.
> > > They might as well be on different planets.
> > 
> > Your speculations of how others', or perhaps your own, values and
> > motivations may change with substantial wealth is simply speculation
> > -- not a well reserched set of studies developing a concensus view
> > of researchers on this issue. Same with my speculations.

Yes, my comment was a bit leaden. But I could not think of a better
alternative to counter the, IMO, weak writing that conveys a broad
sweeping generalization about a group, as if its universal, when it at
best applies to only a portion of the group.

How would you suggest writers tighten up their phrasing to better
correspond to reality and not lead readers to erroneous impressions?

Perhaps something as simple as the following would do.

When [some] rich people talk about money, [it appears to me]they're
talking about something entirely different from what poor and
middle-class people mean when they talk about it.
[This segment of the rich] [They (excluded)] might as well be on
different planets [as far as I and my values are concerned].

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[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Free Saddam Hussein'

2006-06-25 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> In a message dated 6/25/06 10:43:22 A.M. Central Daylight Time,  
> They  were in Iraq, doing their job, right up until Bush
> pulled them out so he  could invade. They were *furious*.
> For Bush to say Saddam wouldn't let  them in is simply a lie.
> I would like to see the exact quote and speech in which Bush  
> said "Saddam wouldn't let them in". Yes there were times when 
> Saddam threw them  out and wouldn't let them in, but after enough 
> saber rattling and threats he  would change his mind. Also if Bush 
> said "Saddam wouldn't let them in", while he  had to order the 
> inspectors out before hostilities began, it could have been in the 
> context that Saddam wouldn't let them in  "unfettered".

Press conference, January 27, 2004:

Well, I think the Iraq Survey Group must do its work. Again, I 
appreciate David Kay's contribution. I said in the run-up to the war 
against Iraq that -- first of all, I hoped the international 
community would take care of him. I was hoping the United Nations 
would enforce its resolutions, one of many. And then we went to the 
United Nations, of course, and got an overwhelming resolution -- 
1441 -- unanimous resolution, that said to Saddam, you must disclose 
and destroy your weapons programs, which obviously meant the world 
felt he had such programs. He chose defiance. It was his choice to 
make, and he did not let us in.


Press conference, July 14, 2003 (with Kofi Annan sitting
beside him):

The larger point is, and the fundamental question is, did Saddam 
Hussein have a weapons program? And the answer is, absolutely. And we 
gave him a chance to allow the inspectors in, and he wouldn't let 
them in.


Press conference, March 21, 2006:

I also saw a threat in Iraq. I was hoping to solve this problem 
diplomatically. That's why I went to the Security Council; that's why 
it was important to pass 1441, which was unanimously passed. And the 
world said, disarm, disclose, or face serious consequences -- and 
therefore, we worked with the world, we worked to make sure that 
Saddam Hussein heard the message of the world. And when he chose to 
deny inspectors, when he chose not to disclose, then I had the 
difficult decision to make to remove him. And we did, and the world 
is safer for it.


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[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Free Saddam Hussein'

2006-06-25 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> In a message dated 6/25/06 10:53:56 A.M. Central Daylight Time,  
> Instead,  he noted, "We had made a rapid start. We did not have any
> obstacles from  the Iraqi side in going anywhere. They gave us 
> prompt access and we were  in a great many places all over Iraq."
> Again I would like to know when and where Blix said this.

He said it to the BBC the previous day (March 19, 2003):


I notice you snipped this from my Consaon quote:

Yesterday [March 19, 2003], the New York Times reported that the 
Pentagon has prepared an elaborate mission to find and test suspected 
chemical and biological weapons sites. Military sources told Judith 
Miller that they have a list of between 300 and 1,400 sites.

Apparently the information to be used by the Pentagon teams wasn't 
disclosed to Hans Blix. Indeed, he told the BBC that his inspectors 
had been dispatched on several pointless excursions by American 
intelligence. Would the Bush administration have withheld useful 
information and intentionally sent the U.N. inspectors elsewhere? 
Then when the U.N. teams found nothing, the inspection process could 
be declared a failure.

"I'm very curious to see if they [the U.S.] find something in Iraq," 
said Blix drily.

 Too  many others 
> that where there complained of the obstacles they had to go 
through  to inspect 
> suspected sites. Also there were times and places the Iraqis  
> forbid inspections. I don't recall Saddam ever giving the UN  
inspectors access to 
> his forty or so Peace Palaces, which were big enough to  hold 
enormous stock 
> piles of weapons. Also, many Iraqi building complexes often  took 
days to get 
> permission to inspect or were flatly denied until enough  pressure 
was place on 
> them. All in all, Saddam sure made it look as though he  were 
playing a shell 
> game.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Free Saddam Hussein'

2006-06-25 Thread new_morning_blank_slate
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shempmcgurk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Judy never met a mass-murdering dictator she didn't like.

Bush? Nixon? Oh, you said "dictators", not "almost or hopeful
dictators". My mistake.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Progressive and Flat Taxes

2006-06-25 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new_morning_blank_slate 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new_morning_blank_slate 
> >  wrote:
> > > > When rich people talk about money, they're talking
> > > > about something entirely different from what poor and
> > > > middle-class people mean when they talk about it.
> > > > They might as well be on different planets.
> > > 
> > > Your speculations of how others', or perhaps your own, values
> > > and motivations may change with substantial wealth is simply 
> > > speculation -- not a well reserched set of studies developing a 
> > > concensus view of researchers on this issue. Same with my 
> > > speculations.
> > 
> > 
> Yes, my comment was a bit leaden. But I could not think of a better
> alternative to counter the, IMO, weak writing that conveys a broad
> sweeping generalization about a group, as if its universal, when it 
> at best applies to only a portion of the group.

I believe the portion you quoted above applies
across the board, even to people like Bill Gates.

The  was because mine was a pretty unexceptional
observation, almost a truism; but you have a habit of
taking exception to such observations even when there's 
virtually no little excuse to do so, apparently just to
hear yourself talk.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Progressive and Flat Taxes and Stepped up Basis

2006-06-25 Thread new_morning_blank_slate
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shempmcgurk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Few people are aware that any suggestion for the elimination of the 
> estate tax comes with the elimination of the stepped-up basis for 
> capital gains.  Currently, all capital gains get "stepped-up" of 
> their cost basis to market value on the day of death...so when your 
> heirs inherit an asset of your's with a capital gain the cost basis 
> on it is considered the market value on the day of death...in other 
> words, ZERO capital gains.
> With the elimination of the estate tax (as the law currently calls 
> for in the year 2010...and JUST the year 2010...it comes back in 
> 2011) is the elimination of the stepped-up basisso the 
> government gives with one hand and takes with the other.
> So if and when the government eliminates the estate tax don't scream 
> that it is a give-away for the rich because the rich very well may 
> end up paying MORE on death than if there was an estate tax...
> By the way, that is the way it is in socialist Canada: there is no 
> estate tax but there IS a capital gains tax on death.


While its a good point you raise about the (partial) take back due to
loss of stepped-up basis, I am unable to construct an example where an
heir would pay more taxes with an original basis and a 15% capital
gains tax vs an inheritance tax of ~35-46% on a stepped up basis. Can
 you provide one.

For example using current limits, if origianl basis in a house is 300k
and is sold by the estate for 1,300K (not unusual in todays inflated
RE market) then heirs would be subject to 15% x 1Mil capital gain =
$150k. (Unless the house had been placed in an irrevocable trust prior
to the "willer's" death. If so, then as I understand it, the basis is
stepped up, and is under the estate tax limit, thus no tax on the
house is due.)

In contrast, if no estate tax exepemtion were in place, the heirs
would owe 35%+ on the 1.3 mil = ~450k. Much more than the $150 with
the stepped up basis and estate tax limitations.

Can you clarify  when and how an heir would pay more taxes with an
original basis and a 15% capital gains tax vs an inheritance tax of
~35-46% on a stepped up basis? Thanks. 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Progressive and Flat Taxes

2006-06-25 Thread new_morning_blank_slate
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new_morning_blank_slate 
>  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new_morning_blank_slate 
> > >  wrote:
> > > > > When rich people talk about money, they're talking
> > > > > about something entirely different from what poor and
> > > > > middle-class people mean when they talk about it.
> > > > > They might as well be on different planets.
> > > > 
> > > > Your speculations of how others', or perhaps your own, values
> > > > and motivations may change with substantial wealth is simply 
> > > > speculation -- not a well reserched set of studies developing a 
> > > > concensus view of researchers on this issue. Same with my 
> > > > speculations.
> > > 
> > > 
> > 
> > Yes, my comment was a bit leaden. But I could not think of a better
> > alternative to counter the, IMO, weak writing that conveys a broad
> > sweeping generalization about a group, as if its universal, when it 
> > at best applies to only a portion of the group.
> I believe the portion you quoted above applies
> across the board, even to people like Bill Gates.
> The  was because mine was a pretty unexceptional
> observation, almost a truism;

That the rich lack empathy towards the non-rich perhaps it is almost a
truism to you and perhaps to your peers, but its far from universl. To
me, to imply its "universal" (which I infer from your comments) is a
cognitive error, a social myth, a quite empirically ungrounded
specualation. Perhaps if you (to coin an "insult" :)) that 'you read
my post' :) you would have seen a few examples and my personal
observation that a number of wealthy have high degrees of empathy
(empathy being the trait you observed or speculated was low among the
rich). Additionally, as I observed, (and am NOT claiming that you also
observed), there is a high degree of compassion and deep values among
at least some rich. And some notable exceptions, such as Paris Hilton.

>but you have a habit of
> taking exception to such observations even when there's 
> virtually no little excuse to do so, 

I am not citing small exceptions, but quite large ones, in my experience. 

More broadly, I am campaigning against weak sweeping universal
generalizations made to an entire class,when there is little  evidence
for such universality other than your (quite limited,IMO) personal
sense of truisms.

> apparently just to
> hear yourself talk.

If you wish to start a new thread on "The Massive Shortcommings of
New.Morning" I could start it with at least several 100 points. But I
am biased. I am sure you cite 1000's of points, real or imagined. And
just let Unc get started. Perhaps you and others can start the thread
and I will add as my time, deep introspection and humor enable.

However, I do think such a topic should be in its own thread, and not
mixed in with discussions of ideas. Arguments and points taken should
be strong enough to stand on their own merits -- and not rely on
suppositions that the poster has weak character traits (my inference,
perhaps incorrect, of what you wrote above.) 

And some people will not be interesed at all in "The Massive
Shortcommings of New.Morning", and skip over the post. Others will
jump right to it, like  some skip the front page to get to the comics.
I know I will, being a superficial kind of guy, I will jump right to
that thread, and ignore the substantive ones.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Progressive and Flat Taxes

2006-06-25 Thread new_morning_blank_slate
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new_morning_blank_slate 
>  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new_morning_blank_slate 
> > >  wrote:
> > > > > When rich people talk about money, they're talking
> > > > > about something entirely different from what poor and
> > > > > middle-class people mean when they talk about it.
> > > > > They might as well be on different planets.
> > > > 
> > > > Your speculations of how others', or perhaps your own, values
> > > > and motivations may change with substantial wealth is simply 
> > > > speculation -- not a well reserched set of studies developing a 
> > > > concensus view of researchers on this issue. Same with my 
> > > > speculations.
> > > 
> > > 
> > 
> > Yes, my comment was a bit leaden. But I could not think of a better
> > alternative to counter the, IMO, weak writing that conveys a broad
> > sweeping generalization about a group, as if its universal, when it 
> > at best applies to only a portion of the group.
> I believe the portion you quoted above applies
> across the board, even to people like Bill Gates.
> The  was because mine was a pretty unexceptional
> observation, almost a truism;

That the rich lack empathy towards the non-rich perhaps it is almost a
truism to you and perhaps to your peers, but its far from universl. To
me, to imply its "universal" (which I infer from your comments) is a
cognitive error, a social myth, a quite empirically ungrounded
specualation. Perhaps if you (to coin an "insult" :)) that 'you read
my post' :) you would have seen a few examples and my personal
observation that a number of wealthy have high degrees of empathy
(empathy being the trait you observed or speculated was low among the
rich). Additionally, as I observed, (and am NOT claiming that you also
observed), there is a high degree of compassion and deep values among
at least some rich. And some notable exceptions, such as Paris Hilton.

>but you have a habit of
> taking exception to such observations even when there's 
> virtually no little excuse to do so, 

I am not citing small exceptions, but quite large ones, in my experience. 

More broadly, I am campaigning against weak sweeping universal
generalizations made to an entire class,when there is little  evidence
for such universality other than your (quite limited,IMO) personal
sense of truisms.

> apparently just to
> hear yourself talk.

If you wish to start a new thread on "The Massive Shortcommings of
New.Morning" I could start it with at least several 100 points. But I
am biased. I am sure you cite 1000's of points, real or imagined. And
just let Unc get started. Perhaps you and others can start the thread
and I will add as my time, deep introspection and humor enable.

However, I do think such a topic should be in its own thread, and not
mixed in with discussions of ideas. Arguments and points taken should
be strong enough to stand on their own merits -- and not rely on
suppositions that the poster has weak character traits (my inference,
perhaps incorrect, of what you wrote above.) 

And some people will not be interesed at all in "The Massive
Shortcommings of New.Morning", and skip over the post. Others will
jump right to it, like  some skip the front page to get to the comics.
I know I will, being a superficial kind of guy, I will jump right to
that thread, and ignore the substantive ones.

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[FairfieldLife] The Massive Shortcomings of New.Morning

2006-06-25 Thread new_morning_blank_slate
>From adjacent post:

[to Judy]
If you wish to start a new thread on "The Massive Shortcomings of
New.Morning" I could start it with at least several 100 points. But I
am biased. I am sure you cite 1000's of points, real or imagined. And
just let Unc get started. Perhaps you and others can start the thread
and I will add as my time, deep introspection and humor enable.

However, I do think such a topic should be in its own thread, and not
mixed in with discussions of ideas. Arguments and points taken should
be strong enough to stand on their own merits -- and not rely on
suppositions that the poster has weak character traits (my inference,
perhaps incorrect, of what you wrote above.) 

And some people will not be interesed at all in "The Massive
Shortcomings of New.Morning", and skip over the post. Others will jump
right to it, like  some skip the front page to get to the comics.
I know I will, being a superficial kind of guy, I will jump right to
that thread, and ignore the substantive ones.


OK Judy, the ball is in your court. Fire away. But try to keep your
points on The Massive Shortcomings of New.Morning in this thread, and
not as substitites for real points of criticism of ideas, concept or
POVs in other threads. 

Of course all others are cordially welcomed to chime in. Unc, Tom,
Jim, Peter all have good, perhaps at times entertaining, insights on
this topic.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Free Saddam Hussein'

2006-06-25 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shempmcgurk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  
> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shempmcgurk" 
> > wrote:
> > 
> > > Because
> > > He didn't comply with inspections
> > > So right or wrong information
> > > On whether there was WMD
> > > Is moot
> > > When all Saddy Baby had to do
> > > Was let us in
> > > And inspect
> > > Which he didn't do
> > 
> > Of course, he *did* let the inspectors in.
> I see.
> Silly United Nations passing those 17 resolutions when Saddam was 
> so co-operative.

You know, Shemp, somebody who doesn't know you
very well might think you're just outrageously
stupid rather than outrageously dishonest.

Actually, you're both.  You're outrageously
stupid to think anybody is going to believe your
outrageous falsehoods.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Free Saddam Hussein'

2006-06-25 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shempmcgurk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  
> wrote:

> > For Bush to say Saddam wouldn't let them in is simply a lie.
> >
> Now THAT'S a novel experience: reading that Judy is calling someone 
> a liar.

Perhaps if you didn't lie so much, you wouldn't find
the experience so familiar.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Progressive and Flat Taxes

2006-06-25 Thread new_morning_blank_slate

Again, I am heartedned that your manfiest critique of my observation
-- that you maybe confusing correleation with causation with regards
to "being rich" and "empathy towards the 'non-rich'" -- is a minor and
not substantive one, and focuses on my poor traits -- not a critique
of the thesis itelf.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new_morning_blank_slate
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new_morning_blank_slate 
> >  wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new_morning_blank_slate 
> > > >  wrote:
> > > > > > When rich people talk about money, they're talking
> > > > > > about something entirely different from what poor and
> > > > > > middle-class people mean when they talk about it.
> > > > > > They might as well be on different planets.
> > > > > 
> > > > > Your speculations of how others', or perhaps your own, values
> > > > > and motivations may change with substantial wealth is simply 
> > > > > speculation -- not a well reserched set of studies developing a 
> > > > > concensus view of researchers on this issue. Same with my 
> > > > > speculations.
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > 
> > > Yes, my comment was a bit leaden. But I could not think of a better
> > > alternative to counter the, IMO, weak writing that conveys a broad
> > > sweeping generalization about a group, as if its universal, when it 
> > > at best applies to only a portion of the group.
> > 
> > I believe the portion you quoted above applies
> > across the board, even to people like Bill Gates.
> > 
> > The  was because mine was a pretty unexceptional
> > observation, almost a truism;
> That the rich lack empathy towards the non-rich perhaps it is almost a
> truism to you and perhaps to your peers, but its far from universl. To
> me, to imply its "universal" (which I infer from your comments) is a
> cognitive error, a social myth, a quite empirically ungrounded
> specualation. Perhaps if you (to coin an "insult" :)) that 'you read
> my post' :) you would have seen a few examples and my personal
> observation that a number of wealthy have high degrees of empathy
> (empathy being the trait you observed or speculated was low among the
> rich). Additionally, as I observed, (and am NOT claiming that you also
> observed), there is a high degree of compassion and deep values among
> at least some rich. And some notable exceptions, such as Paris Hilton.
> >but you have a habit of
> > taking exception to such observations even when there's 
> > virtually no little excuse to do so, 
> I am not citing small exceptions, but quite large ones, in my
> More broadly, I am campaigning against weak sweeping universal
> generalizations made to an entire class,when there is little  evidence
> for such universality other than your (quite limited,IMO) personal
> sense of truisms.
> > apparently just to
> > hear yourself talk.
> If you wish to start a new thread on "The Massive Shortcommings of
> New.Morning" I could start it with at least several 100 points. But I
> am biased. I am sure you cite 1000's of points, real or imagined. And
> just let Unc get started. Perhaps you and others can start the thread
> and I will add as my time, deep introspection and humor enable.
> However, I do think such a topic should be in its own thread, and not
> mixed in with discussions of ideas. Arguments and points taken should
> be strong enough to stand on their own merits -- and not rely on
> suppositions that the poster has weak character traits (my inference,
> perhaps incorrect, of what you wrote above.) 
> And some people will not be interesed at all in "The Massive
> Shortcommings of New.Morning", and skip over the post. Others will
> jump right to it, like  some skip the front page to get to the comics.
> I know I will, being a superficial kind of guy, I will jump right to
> that thread, and ignore the substantive ones.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Free Saddam Hussein'

2006-06-25 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shempmcgurk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> Judy never met a mass-murdering dictator she didn't like.

The only way to convince Shemp you don't care for
mass-murdering dictators is to be willing to lie
about them, as Shemp and Bush do.

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[FairfieldLife] Vit B12 Methyl Form

2006-06-25 Thread new_morning_blank_slate
Thanks card for posting the article on B12. For decades, as a
vegetarian (mostly -- with a 2-3 year trial exception of fish and
poultry ) and vegan at times, I have been aware of the need to
supplement ones diet with B12. 

I did not know the low absorbsion rate of the almost universally used
form of B12 used in supplements, cobalamin. I bought some of the more
absorbable sub-lingual methyl form yesterday -- its 500 mcg per tab
(hm that phrase has an oddly familiar ring to it). The RNI (Required
Nutritional Intake) is 1.5 mcg. So today, my brain may be functioning
at 300+ times its usual sluggish rate. :)

Actually, I do feel better, more energy, but that might just be from
the coffee I just had from my neighbor the meth manufacturer. :)
Hardly a controlled study.

But I suggest others look into trying the subligual methyl form of B12. 

Here is another article that states similar things as the one you posted.

First an excerpt:

"A deficiency often manifests itself first in the development of
neurological dysfunction that is almost indistinguishable from senile
dementia and Alzheimer's disease. There is little question that many
patients exhibiting symptoms of Alzheimer's actually suffer from a
vitamin B12 deficiency. Their symptoms are totally reversible through
effective supplementation." 

Maybe someone can give MMY daily methyl -- sublingual B12, or shots,
and see if the TMO is suddenly transformed to something like the 70's.

a vitamin B12 deficiency may not manifest itself until after 5 or 6
years of a diet supplying inadequate amounts. Vitamin B12 functions as
a methyl donor and works with folic acid in the synthesis of DNA and
red blood cells and is vitally important in maintaining the health of
the insulation sheath (myelin sheath) that surrounds nerve cells. The
classical vitamin B12 deficiency disease is pernicious anaemia, a
serious disease characterized by large, immature red blood cells. It
is now clear though, that a vitamin B12 deficiency can have serious
consequences long before anaemia is evident. The normal blood level of
vitamin B12 ranges between 200 and 600 picogram/milliliter (148-443

A deficiency often manifests itself first in the development of
neurological dysfunction that is almost indistinguishable from senile
dementia and Alzheimer's disease. There is little question that many
patients exhibiting symptoms of Alzheimer's actually suffer from a
vitamin B12 deficiency. Their symptoms are totally reversible through
effective supplementation. A low level of vitamin B12 has also been
associated with asthma, depression, AIDS, multiple sclerosis,
tinnitus, diabetic neuropathy and low sperm counts. Clearly, it is
very important to maintain adequate body stores of this crucial vitamin.

The amount of vitamin B12 actually needed by the body is very small,
probably only about 2 micrograms or 2 millionth of a gram/day.
Unfortunately, vitamin B12 is not absorbed very well so much larger
amounts need to be supplied through the diet or supplementation. The
richest dietary sources of vitamin B12 are liver, especially lamb's
liver, and kidneys. Eggs, cheese and some species of fish also supply
small amounts, but vegetables and fruits are very poor sources.
Several surveys have shown that most strict, long-term vegetarians are
vitamin B12 deficient. Many elderly people are also deficient because
their production of the intrinsic factor needed to absorb the vitamin
from the small intestine decline rapidly with age.

Fortunately, oral supplementation with vitamin B12 is safe, efficient
and inexpensive. Most multi-vitamin pills contain 100-200 microgram of
the cyanocobalamin form of B-12. This must be converted to
methylcobalamin or adenosylcobalamin before it can be used by the
body. The actual absorption of B12 is also a problem with supplements.
Swallowing 500 micrograms of cyanocobalamin can result in absorption
of as little as 1.8 microgram so most multivitamins do not provide an
adequate daily intake. The best approach is to dissolve a sublingual
tablet of methylcobalamin (1000 micrograms) under the tongue every
day. That will be sufficient to maintain adequate body stores.
However, if a deficiency is actually present then 2000 microgram/day
for one month is recommended followed by 1000 microgram/day. Some
physicians still maintain that monthly injections of vitamin B12 is
required to maintain adequate levels in the elderly and in patients
with a diagnosed deficiency. There is however, no scientific evidence
supporting the notion that injections are more effective than
sublingual supplementation. 




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Re: [FairfieldLife] Progressive and Flat Taxes

2006-06-25 Thread Bhairitu
Vaj wrote:

> On Jun 24, 2006, at 4:57 PM, new_morning_blank_slate wrote:
>> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> That's why a progressive income tax is a good thing. It is an
>>> disincentive to accumulating excessive wealth. It is better to have
>> more
>>> millionaires than any billionaires. You would allow people to
>> accumulate
>>> an estate worth up to $12 million and then the progressive tax kicks
>> in.
>>> It's not there to make money for the government. Anyone who thinks  
>>> they
>>> need more than $12 million has to be sick.
>>> (Just watch the resident righties -- rich wannabes but never-gonna- 
>>> bees
>>> -- whine at this).
>> Well I am not a resident rightie, but your conception of a progressive
>> income tax is fine, but has nothing to do with the progressive income
>> tax thats in place. Or the much more progressive one of the pre-80's.
>> A problem with high marginal rates -- near 70% in pre-80's, is people
>> spend an inordinate amount of time trying to shelter it or make it tax
>> deductable via "clever" means -- elaborate business trips and meals,
>> etc. Very unproductive energy for them and society. But understandable
>> when sheltering $1000 saves you $700. And such systems lead to hugely
>> complex tax codes, and an army of tax accountants -- all unproductive
>> overhead on society. And such complex tax codes increases corruption
>> in government where special interests are willing to pay a lot to get
>> special tax breaks. And lots of research does indicate the strong
>> correlation of low(er) marginal tax rates with economic growth.
>> A flat tax (some say 17% would do it) with no or few deductions,
>> starting at incomes over $30-50,000, (even a negative income taxfor
>> incomes below say $15,000) would eliminate all the inefficiencies,
>> overheads and drags on society from excessive tax accountants,
>> searching for tax shelters and deductions, poor economic choices for
>> tax reasons, etc. And would trigger greater economic growth -- which
>> is the engine for productivity increases, and that being the driver
>> for wage rate increases at all levels.
>> Unless you are mistakenly saying "income" when you mean estate tax --
>> and want to tax estates above 12 million. A fair proposal in my view
>> -- particularly if there are 3-5 kids, 20 grand kids etc.
>> But then again, few with estates above 12 million pay much estate tax
>> -- its all in sheletered trusts.
>> I suggest a flat tax per above, with an estate tax kicking in at
>> $10-20 million.
>> Just watch the resident ultra-leftists -- poor wannabes but
>> never-gonna-bees,  whine at this :)
> Are you a CPA or Tax Attorney? You sure seem to know a lot about the  
> economic and financial world!
Vaj, you haven't read any of the economists?   I found it well worth my 
time to crack some of their books plus I have friends who are economists 
and teach it too.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'Free Saddam Hussein'

2006-06-25 Thread MDixon6569

Notice the dates on each of these press conferences, well 
after the invasion. Everybody knew the UN had been in Iraq looking for WMDs. 
Also, everybody knew Saddam had expelled inspectors before and eventually let 
them back in. Also obviously, everybody knew Bush pulled out the inspectors 
before the hostilities began. So the context in which Bush was saying "they 
wouldn't let inspectors in" was, they wouldn't let inspectors in unfettered to 
do their jobs or without trying to interfere. The big complaint at the time was 
the shell game Saddam was trying to play or give the appearance of  
playing. So it is easy to call Bush a liar in this instance if you take his 
comments out of context. One thing Bush's political enemies constantly criticize 
him about are his communication skills and obviously the lack of clarification 
in his comments opened him up to attack, calling him a liar. But I think anybody 
with half a brain that has kept up with the conflict and is not a Bush hater 
knows exactly what was meant in those press conference 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Free Saddam Hussein'

2006-06-25 Thread new_morning_blank_slate
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shempmcgurk"  
> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  
> > wrote:
> > > For Bush to say Saddam wouldn't let them in is simply a lie.
> > >
> > 
> > Now THAT'S a novel experience: reading that Judy is calling someone 
> > a liar.
> Perhaps if you didn't lie so much, you wouldn't find
> the experience so familiar.

Lets put up to scientific scrutiny: Does i) shemp's nose
"progressively" grow longer, and/or ii) are his pants indeed on fire?
Submit articles for peer review to the Journal of Infancy Insults,
1008 InYourFace Lane, University of UpYourAss, Poodunk, FU, 6, USA.


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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Progressive and Flat Taxes

2006-06-25 Thread Bhairitu
new.morning wrote:

>--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>new_morning_blank_slate wrote:
>>>--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new_morning_blank_slate

>A flat tax (some say 17% would do it) with no or few deductions,
>starting at incomes over $30-50,000, (even a negative income taxfor
>incomes below say $15,000) would eliminate all the inefficiencies,
>overheads and drags on society from excessive tax accountants, 
>searching for tax shelters and deductions, poor economic choices for
>tax reasons, etc. And would trigger greater economic growth -- which
>is the engine for productivity increases, and that being the driver
>for wage rate increases at all levels.
>Unless you are mistakenly saying "income" when you mean estate tax 
>and want to tax estates above 12 million. A fair proposal in my view
>-- particularly if there are 3-5 kids, 20 grand kids etc.
>But then again, few with estates above 12 million pay much estate 
< tax -- its all in sheletered trusts.

>I suggest a flat tax per above, with an estate tax kicking in at
>$10-20 million.
>Just watch the resident ultra-leftists -- poor wannabes but
>never-gonna-bees,  whine at this :)
This leftist has absolutely no problem with the 
suggestion. I'd make the estate tax level much
lower, but other than that, a flat tax with no
deductions is the way to go.

>>>Ok, my final offer: :) a 17% flat estate tax above five million.  But
>>>you hafta also support my 15 points towards real democracy --
>>>yesterdays rant (IRV, etc.) Its a package deal :)
>>BTW, I do agree with some of your 15 points.  Probably more than you 
>>would imagine.  BTW, do you fancy yourself a Libertarian?  You read
>I don't fancy myself anything. I don't take some platform and adopt
>it. I think through each  issue and decide on the merits. My views
>certainly are not universally libertairan. Ask me about pollution.  
Your views come off as Libertarian.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'Free Saddam Hussein'

2006-06-25 Thread MDixon6569

In a message dated 6/25/06 12:00:21 P.M. Central Daylight Time, 

  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED].. wrote:>> > In a message dated 6/25/06 
  10:53:56 A.M. Central Daylight Time, > [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:> 
  > Instead, he noted, "We had made a rapid start. We did not have 
  any> obstacles from the Iraqi side in going anywhere. They gave us 
  > prompt access and we were in a great many places all over 
  Iraq."> > Again I would like to know when and where Blix said 
  this.He said it to the BBC the previous day (March 19, 
  notice you snipped this from my Consaon quote:Yesterday [March 19, 
  2003], the New York Times reported that the Pentagon has prepared an 
  elaborate mission to find and test suspected chemical and biological 
  weapons sites. Military sources told Judith Miller that they have a list 
  of between 300 and 1,400 sites.Apparently the information to be used 
  by the Pentagon teams wasn't disclosed to Hans Blix. Indeed, he told the 
  BBC that his inspectors had been dispatched on several pointless 
  excursions by American intelligence. Would the Bush administration have 
  withheld useful information and intentionally sent the U.N. inspectors 
  elsewhere? Then when the U.N. teams found nothing, the inspection process 
  could be declared a failure."I'm very curious to see if they [the 
  U.S.] find something in Iraq," said Blix 

Quite frankly I don't think the Bush administration trusted 
Blix  to be able to find anything and since Blix notified the Iraqi's in 
advance of which buildings and sites he was going to, that gave the Iraqis the 
opportunity to move things or sanitize the site before he got there. Obviously 
the Pentagon wasn't going to tip off the Iraqis via Hans Blix with ever 
suspected site so they could be cleaned up before 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The Massive Shortcomings of New.Morning

2006-06-25 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new_morning_blank_slate 
> From adjacent post:
> [to Judy]
> If you wish to start a new thread on "The Massive Shortcomings of
> New.Morning"

Did I say I wanted to start a new thread on "The Massive
Shortcomings of New.Morning"?

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'Free Saddam Hussein'

2006-06-25 Thread MDixon6569

In a message dated 6/25/06 12:00:21 P.M. Central Daylight Time, 
In a 
  message dated 6/25/06 10:53:56 A.M. Central Daylight Time, > [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  writes:> > Instead, he noted, "We had made a rapid start. We did 
  not have any> obstacles from the Iraqi side in going anywhere. They 
  gave us > prompt access and we were in a great many places all over 
  Iraq."> > Again I would like to know when and where Blix said 
  this.He said it to the BBC the previous day (March 19, 
  notice you snipped this from my Consaon quote:

Sorry, I did not make myself clear here. What was the context 
in which this quote is taken,not the time or place of the quote. Blix may have 
been right at one point about not being interfered with. But that obviously 
changed or he is a liar. Too many people have come away complaining of Iraqi 
interference in doing the UN inspections and I remember Blix complaining of the 
same in interviews he gave in the media. 

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Religion and spirituality
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Maharishi mahesh yogi



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[FairfieldLife] Re: Progressive and Flat Taxes

2006-06-25 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new_morning_blank_slate 
> Judy, 
> Again, I am heartedned that your manfiest critique of my observation
> -- that you maybe confusing correleation with causation with regards
> to "being rich" and "empathy towards the 'non-rich'" -- is a minor and
> not substantive one

Oh, actually it's a substantive and major one: You're
completely wrong.

You also like to hear yourself talk.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Progressive and Flat Taxes

2006-06-25 Thread Bhairitu
new_morning_blank_slate wrote:

>--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>History shows that not to be true at all.  Most are just greedy
>>who care little about their fellow humanity.  People like Bill Gates
>>a rare exception 
>Well 280 billion annually in american philanthropy sort of deflates
>your thesis. (Or are you concerned about the miserliness of Europeans
>-- who have lower levels of philanthropy?)  
>Sure I would love to see american philanthropy at a trillion or 10
>trillion a year. European and Asian philanthropy matching such. It can
> happen. It requires a change of ethos. A softening of world
>consciousness if you will. Its "progressively" happening. 
>What will stop such in its tracks is confisgatory tax rates of 95-100%
>>You still don't get that a progressive tax means people won't try to 
>>earn another dime if they are going to pay more in taxes.  
>I get it. And I think you You are dead wrong. Many such people will
>spend every waking hour on how to shelter income. Very unproductive
>for society to have many of its better minds engaged in such. 
Thanks for proving my point.  Anyone who would spend their time doing 
that is mentally imbalanced.   They are more in need of a psychiatrist 
than a financial adviser.   You must have missed my point about Gates 
being like Hurley on "Lost."  Hurley in the series is the unlikely young 
kid who happened to win the lottery and worth millions.   Since he knew 
he was no expert on money he has financial manager taking care of his 
investments.  In a flashback episode they show him meeting with the 
manager and learning of companies he didn't know he owned.

If anything they need a serious course in meditation as they are too 
attached to their wealth.

>And if I finally get your plan (let see if I do), it will lead to a
>such surge of conspicuous consuption and a drop in savings and
>investment -- two things that are huge drags on the economy.
>So let me see if I get your plan. If one's ESTATE were to reach 12
>mil, you would then tax marginal INCOME at 100% rates. If this is
>true, then when net worth is 11,900 or so, rational (and irrational
>alike) people will spend 100% of their income and save and invest
>nothing. Being forced to spend everything, against their, long-honed
>spirit to save and invest, they will spend their money primarily on
>conspicuous consumption and toys. How this mitigates greed in society
>at large is beyond me.
>But I probably have misunderstood your plan. I can't imagine anyone
>with a straight face suggesting something so destructive to the
>economy and a savings/investment ethos -- which is at the core of
>productivity (the basis for  wage increases for all) -- and to wildly
>inflame greed, shallow values, consumerism, class jealousy and crass
Why when taxes went up under the Clinton administration did the economy 
improve?  That disproves your point.

I've already mentioned this isn't my idea, it was floated years ago and 
I think I first heard it around the 1980 elections which was back when I 
was reading a lot of the published economists. 

So which million are you working on your third, second, first or even 
your first 100K?  :)

While you're at it here are the tax rates from 1954 (during the 
Eisenhower Administration) which I believe were in effect up until the 
Reagan administration which implemented "voodoo economics" or the 
fallacy of the "trickle down theory" which I guess means "piss on the poor."

We see there was a 91% tax on people earning over 200K a year.  Adjusted 
for inflation that would be somewhere over $1 million a year today.

Adam Smith and Thomas Jefferson were advocates of a progressive income 
tax.  I am a fan of Thom Hartmann's show who has written on the subject 
of progressive taxes.

At this moment the news is mentioning Warren Buffet giving away 85% of 
his wealth.  Buffet has been goading the masses for years about the 
unfairness of the tax code and their lack of doing something about it.

Someone once said: "the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, 
or the one." :)

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'Free Saddam Hussein'

2006-06-25 Thread MDixon6569

In a message dated 6/25/06 12:06:10 P.M. Central Daylight Time, 

  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
  "shempmcgurk" ...>wrote:>> > 
  Judy never met a mass-murdering dictator she didn't like.Bush? Nixon? 
  Oh, you said "dictators", not "almost or hopefuldictators". My 

You conveniently left Bill Clinton out of this. Remember 
thousands of innocent Serbian civilians bombed in order to reduce the 
possibility of an American pilot being shot down while attacking military 
targets, mostly cardboard tanks, from a height of over 30,000 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Progressive and Flat Taxes

2006-06-25 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new_morning_blank_slate 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new_morning_blank_slate 
> >  wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  
> > > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new_morning_blank_slate 
> > > >  wrote:
> > > > > > When rich people talk about money, they're talking
> > > > > > about something entirely different from what poor and
> > > > > > middle-class people mean when they talk about it.
> > > > > > They might as well be on different planets.
> > > > > 
> > > > > Your speculations of how others', or perhaps your own,
> > > > > values and motivations may change with substantial wealth 
> > > > > is simply speculation -- not a well reserched set of 
> > > > > studies developing a concensus view of researchers on this 
> > > > > issue. Same with my speculations.
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > 
> > > Yes, my comment was a bit leaden. But I could not think of a 
> > > better alternative to counter the, IMO, weak writing that 
> > > conveys a broad sweeping generalization about a group, as if 
> > > its universal, when it at best applies to only a portion of the 
> > > group.
> > 
> > I believe the portion you quoted above applies
> > across the board, even to people like Bill Gates.
> > 
> > The  was because mine was a pretty unexceptional
> > observation, almost a truism;
> That the rich lack empathy towards the non-rich

Does the portion you quoted above say anything about empathy?

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Progressive and Flat Taxes

2006-06-25 Thread Bhairitu
shempmcgurk wrote:

>--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new.morning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>>--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
>>>And I *do* want to make it clear the progressive tax would work 
>>>way: once you had an estate valued at 12 million the progressive 
>>>would kick in.  
>>At what rate(s)? At the current 35-60% (aproximate numbers)
>>progressively? Or are you actually suggesting a a 100% tax after 12
>>million? If so  Wow! O to 100% taxataion at 12 million!!! Wow!!
>>Nothing AT ALL progressive about that. Progresive taxes have a long
>>hist ory, NO ONE that I can recall has ever suggesting anthing so
>>Still, your proposal is far more liberal than current laws that 
>>taxation  at just over a million and then tax at 35 to 60 %
>In 2006, the estate tax exemption is $2,000,000 per person 
>($4,000,000 for a married couple) and that's going up to $3,500,000 
>per person in a few years.
>The highest rate is 46% (it starts at, I think, about 38%).
And why did it go up?  Well those old homes that mom and dad bought back 
in the 30's and 40's for a song (not then but now) are sometimes worth 
as much as a $1 million.  Many including the own I own are worth over 
$600K which was the old exemption.  My aunt's home in the South Bay is 
probably worth over $1 million and it is nothing but she is just located 
in the right place (the house cost something like $2500 originally).

While we're at the minimum wage needs to go way up.  Oh boy, I'm sure 
we'll hear the whining here on that.  :)

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'Free Saddam Hussein'

2006-06-25 Thread MDixon6569

In a message dated 6/25/06 1:09:54 P.M. Central Daylight Time, 

  In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
  "shempmcgurk" ...> wrote:>> --- In 
  "authfriend"  > wrote:> >> > --- In 
  "shempmcgurk" > > > wrote:> > 
  > > > Because> > > He didn't comply with 
  inspections> > > So right or wrong information> > > 
  On whether there was WMD> > > Is moot> > > When all 
  Saddy Baby had to do> > > Was let us in> > > And 
  inspect> > > Which he didn't do> > > > Of 
  course, he *did* let the inspectors in.> > I see.> 
  > Silly United Nations passing those 17 resolutions when Saddam was 
  > so co-operative.You know, Shemp, somebody who doesn't know 
  youvery well might think you're just outrageouslystupid rather than 
  outrageously dishonest.Actually, you're both. You're 
  outrageouslystupid to think anybody is going to believe youroutrageous 

Judy I'm sorry, But I find nothing stupid or dishonest about 
anything Shemp has commented on this post. There were 17 resolutions passed 
concerning the matter and Saddam did little or nothing to co-operate unless he 
was forced to do so.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Progressive and Flat Taxes

2006-06-25 Thread new_morning_blank_slate
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> new.morning wrote:
>>> BTW, do you fancy yourself a Libertarian?  You read that way.
> >
> >I don't fancy myself anything. I don't take some platform and adopt
> >it. I think through each  issue and decide on the merits. My views
> >certainly are not universally libertairan. Ask me about pollution.  
> >
> Your views come off as Libertarian.

OK, you personally find my views similar to Libertarians. Your point
is? Any particular relevance that you attach to that? Or just making
causual non-related observations?

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[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Free Saddam Hussein'

2006-06-25 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Notice the dates on each of these press conferences, well  after 
> the invasion.

 Everybody knew the UN had been in Iraq looking for WMDs.  Also, 
> everybody knew Saddam had expelled inspectors before and eventually 
> let  them back in. Also obviously, everybody knew Bush pulled out 
> the inspectors  before the hostilities began. So the context in 
> which Bush was saying "they  wouldn't let inspectors in" was, they 
> wouldn't let inspectors in unfettered to  do their jobs or without 
> trying to interfere. The big complaint at the time was  the shell 
> game Saddam was trying to play or give the appearance of   playing. 
> So it is easy to call Bush a liar in this instance if you take his  
> comments out of context.

The comments were not taken out of context.

Even Bush is smart enough to say "He wouldn't let the
inspectors do their jobs" instead of "He wouldn't let
the inspectors in" if that's what he wanted people to

And it wasn't just a slip of the tongue; he said it
*at least three times*, at formal White House press
conferences, no less.

It isn't just me and Joe Conason.  Even the Washington
Post remarked on Bush's misstatement:

"The president's assertion that the war began because Iraq did not 
admit inspectors appeared to contradict the events leading up to war 
this spring: Hussein had, in fact, admitted the inspectors and Bush 
had opposed extending their work because he did not believe them 

And again, according to Blix--the man who was there--
the inspectors were *not* having any trouble getting
access to the sites they wanted to see.  It was the
Bush administration that was trying to sabotage their
work, not Saddam.

Sorry, but you just can't spin Bush out of this one.

> One thing Bush's political enemies constantly criticize  him about 
are his 
> communication skills and obviously the lack of clarification  in 
his comments 
> opened him up to attack, calling him a liar. But I think anybody  
with half a 
> brain that has kept up with the conflict and is not a Bush hater  
knows exactly 
> what was meant in those press conference  statements.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Free Saddam Hussein'

2006-06-25 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> In a message dated 6/25/06 12:00:21 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  
> ,  MDixon6569@,  MDi
> >
> > 
> > In a message dated 6/25/06  10:53:56 A.M. Central Daylight Time, 
> > jstein@ writes:
> >  
> > Instead, he noted, "We had made a rapid start. We did not have  
> > obstacles from the Iraqi side in going anywhere. They gave us  
> > prompt access and we were in a great many places all over  Iraq."
> > 
> > Again I would like to know when and where Blix said  this.
> He said it to the BBC the previous day (March 19,  2003):
> _http://news.http://newhttp://newshttp://news.http://news_ 
> (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/2867913.stm) 
> I  notice you snipped this from my Consaon quote:
> Yesterday [March 19,  2003], the New York Times reported that the 
> Pentagon has prepared an  elaborate mission to find and test 
> chemical and biological  weapons sites. Military sources told 
> Miller that they have a list  of between 300 and 1,400 sites.
> Apparently the information to be used  by the Pentagon teams wasn't 
> disclosed to Hans Blix. Indeed, he told the  BBC that his 
> had been dispatched on several pointless  excursions by American 
> intelligence. Would the Bush administration have  withheld useful 
> information and intentionally sent the U.N. inspectors  elsewhere? 
> Then when the U.N. teams found nothing, the inspection process  
> be declared a failure.
> "I'm very curious to see if they [the  U.S.] find something in 
> said Blix  drily.
> Quite frankly I don't think the Bush administration trusted  Blix  
to be able 
> to find anything and since Blix notified the Iraqi's in  advance of 
> buildings and sites he was going to, that gave the Iraqis the  
opportunity to 
> move things or sanitize the site before he got there. Obviously  
the Pentagon 
> wasn't going to tip off the Iraqis via Hans Blix with ever  
suspected site so 
> they could be cleaned up before  inspection.

Oh, please, M.  When are you going to wake up and smell
the coffee?

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[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Free Saddam Hussein'

2006-06-25 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> In a message dated 6/25/06 12:00:21 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  
> In a  message dated 6/25/06 10:53:56 A.M. Central Daylight Time, 
> > jstein@  writes:
> > 
> > Instead, he noted, "We had made a rapid start. We did  not have 
> > obstacles from the Iraqi side in going anywhere. They  gave us 
> > prompt access and we were in a great many places all over  Iraq."
> > 
> > Again I would like to know when and where Blix said  this.
> He said it to the BBC the previous day (March 19,  2003):
> _http://news.http://newhttp://newshttp://news.http://news_ 
> (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/2867913.stm) 
> I  notice you snipped this from my Consaon quote:
> Sorry, I did not make myself clear here. What was the context  in 
which this 
> quote is taken,not the time or place of the quote.

I gave you a link to the whole BBC interview!  What
more context could you want?

 Blix may have  been right 
> at one point about not being interfered with. But that obviously  

"At one point"??  The interview took place *after the

 or he 
> is a liar. Too many people have come away complaining of Iraqi  
> in doing the UN inspections and I remember Blix complaining of the  
same in 
> interviews he gave in the media.

You'd better check your memory banks and see when he
made those complaints.  And how many of the "complaints"
from "too many people" came via the Bush administration?

Remember, it was in the administration's interest to
portray Saddam as not letting the inspectors do their
jobs.  Likewise it was in the administration's interest
to portray Blix as somehow incompetent.

And finally, remember that Blix was *correct*: The weapons
they were looking for did not exist.  Saddam had been
telling the truth.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Progressive and Flat Taxes

2006-06-25 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> new_morning_blank_slate wrote:
> >--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> >  
> >
> >>History shows that not to be true at all.  Most are just greedy
> >>
> >>
> >bastards 
> >  
> >
> >>who care little about their fellow humanity.  People like Bill Gates
> >>
> >>
> >are 
> >  
> >
> >>a rare exception 
> >>
> >>
> >
> >Well 280 billion annually in american philanthropy sort of deflates
> >your thesis. (Or are you concerned about the miserliness of Europeans
> >-- who have lower levels of philanthropy?)  
> >
> >Sure I would love to see american philanthropy at a trillion or 10
> >trillion a year. European and Asian philanthropy matching such. It can
> > happen. It requires a change of ethos. A softening of world
> >consciousness if you will. Its "progressively" happening. 
> >
> >What will stop such in its tracks is confisgatory tax rates of 95-100%
> >  
> >
> >>You still don't get that a progressive tax means people won't try to 
> >>earn another dime if they are going to pay more in taxes.  
> >>
> >>
> >
> >I get it. And I think you You are dead wrong. Many such people will
> >spend every waking hour on how to shelter income. Very unproductive
> >for society to have many of its better minds engaged in such. 
> >  
> >
> Thanks for proving my point.  Anyone who would spend their time doing 
> that is mentally imbalanced.   They are more in need of a psychiatrist 
> than a financial adviser.   You must have missed my point about Gates 
> being like Hurley on "Lost."  Hurley in the series is the unlikely young 
> kid who happened to win the lottery and worth millions.   Since he knew 
> he was no expert on money he has financial manager taking care of his 
> investments.  In a flashback episode they show him meeting with the 
> manager and learning of companies he didn't know he owned.

Interesting thing to say about Gates. His stated goal in life for several 
decades was to 
become the richest man in the world...

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[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Free Saddam Hussein'

2006-06-25 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> In a message dated 6/25/06 1:09:54 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  
(mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com) ,  
> "shempmcgurk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> wrote:
> >
> > --- In  [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> (mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com) ,  "authfriend"  
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In  [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> (mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com) ,  "shempmcgurk" 
> > > wrote:
> > >  
> > > > Because
> > > > He didn't comply with  inspections
> > > > So right or wrong information
> > > >  On whether there was WMD
> > > > Is moot
> > > > When all  Saddy Baby had to do
> > > > Was let us in
> > > > And  inspect
> > > > Which he didn't do
> > > 
> > > Of  course, he *did* let the inspectors in.
> > 
> > I see.
> >  
> > Silly United Nations passing those 17 resolutions when Saddam
> > was so co-operative.
> You know, Shemp, somebody who doesn't know  you
> very well might think you're just outrageously
> stupid rather than  outrageously dishonest.
> Actually, you're both. You're  outrageously
> stupid to think anybody is going to believe your
> outrageous  falsehoods.
> Judy I'm sorry, But I find nothing stupid or dishonest about  
anything Shemp 
> has commented on this post. There were 17 resolutions passed  
concerning the 
> matter and Saddam did little or nothing to co-operate unless he  
was forced to 
> do so.

No, M., sorry, *in context* (you're a big fan of context,
right?) Shemp's response was outrageously dishonest.  That
Saddam had not let inspectors in *at other times* is
irrelevant to the fact that he *had* let them in during the
period Bush was talking about when he said (three times)
that Saddam hadn't let the inspectors in.

That you can't see Shemp's remark was dishonest certainly
fits the pattern of your inability to see Bush's dishonesty.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Progressive and Flat Taxes

2006-06-25 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> >
> > new_morning_blank_slate wrote:
> > 
> > >--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> > >  
> > >
> > >>History shows that not to be true at all.  Most are just greedy
> > >>
> > >>
> > >bastards 
> > >  
> > >
> > >>who care little about their fellow humanity.  People like Bill 
> > >>
> > >>
> > >are 
> > >  
> > >
> > >>a rare exception 
> > >>
> > >>
> > >
> > >Well 280 billion annually in american philanthropy sort of 
> > >your thesis. (Or are you concerned about the miserliness of 
> > >-- who have lower levels of philanthropy?)  
> > >
> > >Sure I would love to see american philanthropy at a trillion or 
> > >trillion a year. European and Asian philanthropy matching such. 
It can
> > > happen. It requires a change of ethos. A softening of world
> > >consciousness if you will. Its "progressively" happening. 
> > >
> > >What will stop such in its tracks is confisgatory tax rates of 
> > >  
> > >
> > >>You still don't get that a progressive tax means people won't 
try to 
> > >>earn another dime if they are going to pay more in taxes.  
> > >>
> > >>
> > >
> > >I get it. And I think you You are dead wrong. Many such people 
> > >spend every waking hour on how to shelter income. Very 
> > >for society to have many of its better minds engaged in such. 
> > >  
> > >
> > Thanks for proving my point.  Anyone who would spend their time 
> > that is mentally imbalanced.   They are more in need of a 
> > than a financial adviser.   You must have missed my point about 
> > being like Hurley on "Lost."  Hurley in the series is the 
unlikely young 
> > kid who happened to win the lottery and worth millions.   Since 
he knew 
> > he was no expert on money he has financial manager taking care of 
> > investments.  In a flashback episode they show him meeting with 
> > manager and learning of companies he didn't know he owned.
> > 
> Interesting thing to say about Gates. His stated goal in life
> for several decades was to become the richest man in the world...

He has said publicly that before he dies, he wants to
give away 96 percent of his fortune.

It's not impossible that's *why* he wanted to become the
richest man in the world: so he could give most of it

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The Massive Shortcomings of New.Morning

2006-06-25 Thread new_morning_blank_slate
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new_morning_blank_slate 
>  wrote:
> >
> > From adjacent post:
> > 
> > [to Judy]
> > If you wish to start a new thread on "The Massive Shortcomings of
> > New.Morning"
> Did I say I wanted to start a new thread on "The Massive
> Shortcomings of New.Morning"?

No. There are actually many things you do not say. Not every post on
this forum must be directly related to something you explicitly said.
By your constant questions along the lines of "Did I say that?", I
infer you may  have such an understanding.

Though we could start a new chat group that must confrom to such
rules. What fun! 

(And to short-cut your next possible question -- based on pattern,
'no, you did not explicitly say you wanted to do that. I thought it up
myself.' I am sure you are getting the hang of this by now.

My points, both implied and explicit, that you were eveidently undable
to follow were:

1) you made an observation of a personal nature on my traits as if
that were a valid substitute for an effective argument to the points
in my post.
2) I simply reminded you that usually such personal observations are
not a useful or valid substitute for an effective argument to the
points of a post.

3) And I suggested (not the "I", not "you", thats a big clue here), IF
you have MORE observations of a personal nature on my traits, then
lets start a separate thread on that, so we can do the topic justice. 

4) And doing such will separate personal observations and attacks from
the arguments and discussion of substantive ideas. A good thing in my

I know its a pretty complex chain of logic, but I am confident that if
you re-read it -- if you are still  confused -- that it will be become
clear. If not, if you still confused, please follow-up off-line so as
not to waste the forum's on remedial matters.

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[FairfieldLife] And I thought *I* had OCD problems...

2006-06-25 Thread sparaig
For the past few days, I've been contributing to the wikipedia entry on 
Meditation. Boy, is that fun in dysfunctional sort of way. Between Peter, 
Andrew Skolnick and 
myself, we've managed to completely rewrite the whole thing about 10x over.

http://www.wikipedia.org keyword: "transcendental meditation". Click on the 
"history" tab to 
see what I mean...

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Progressive and Flat Taxes

2006-06-25 Thread new_morning_blank_slate
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new_morning_blank_slate 
>  wrote:
> >
> > Judy, 
> > 
> > Again, I am heartedned that your manfiest critique of my observation
> > -- that you maybe confusing correleation with causation with regards
> > to "being rich" and "empathy towards the 'non-rich'" -- is a minor and
> > not substantive one
> Oh, actually it's a substantive and major one: You're
> completely wrong.
> You also like to hear yourself talk.

OK then. So it be written, so it is true. 

If only the world agreed with you, that your just saying it makes a
strong case, you would be in fat city.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Progressive and Flat Taxes

2006-06-25 Thread new_morning_blank_slate
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new_morning_blank_slate 
>  wrote:
> >
> > Judy, 
> > 
> > Again, I am heartedned that your manfiest critique of my observation
> > -- that you maybe confusing correleation with causation with regards
> > to "being rich" and "empathy towards the 'non-rich'" -- is a minor and
> > not substantive one
> Oh, actually it's a substantive and major one: You're
> completely wrong.
> You also like to hear yourself talk.

OK then. So it be written, so it is true. 

If only the world agreed with you, that your just saying it makes a
strong case, you would be in fat city.

And again -- I think this is the fourth go around, I am heartened that
you have not offered a single direct critique of my observation  --
that you may be confusing correleation with causation with regards
to "being rich" and "empathy towards the 'non-rich'".  

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Progressive and Flat Taxes

2006-06-25 Thread new_morning_blank_slate
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new_morning_blank_slate 
>  wrote:
> >
> > Judy, 
> > 
> > Again, I am heartedned that your manfiest critique of my observation
> > -- that you maybe confusing correleation with causation with regards
> > to "being rich" and "empathy towards the 'non-rich'" -- is a minor and
> > not substantive one
> Oh, actually it's a substantive and major one: You're
> completely wrong.
> You also like to hear yourself talk.

OK then. So it be written, so it is true. 

If only the world agreed with you, that your just saying it makes a
strong case, you would be in fat city.

And again -- I think this is the fourth go around, I am heartened that
you have not offered a single direct critique of my observation (aka
"the observation")  -- that you may be confusing correleation with
causation with regards
to "being rich" and "empathy towards the 'non-rich'".  

If you have any direct and substantial critiques of "the observation",
please post your actual argument. Step by step. 

And, as you know,  simply addressing side issues really does not
address the core point. They simply divert attention for a second or two.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Progressive and Flat Taxes

2006-06-25 Thread Bhairitu
new_morning_blank_slate wrote:

>--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>new.morning wrote:
BTW, do you fancy yourself a Libertarian?  You read that way.

>>>I don't fancy myself anything. I don't take some platform and adopt
>>>it. I think through each  issue and decide on the merits. My views
>>>certainly are not universally libertairan. Ask me about pollution.  
>>Your views come off as Libertarian.
>OK, you personally find my views similar to Libertarians. Your point
>is? Any particular relevance that you attach to that? Or just making
>causual non-related observations?
It allows for a certain predictability in your responses.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Progressive and Flat Taxes

2006-06-25 Thread Bhairitu
sparaig wrote:

>--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>new_morning_blank_slate wrote:
>>>--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
History shows that not to be true at all.  Most are just greedy

who care little about their fellow humanity.  People like Bill Gates

a rare exception 

>>>Well 280 billion annually in american philanthropy sort of deflates
>>>your thesis. (Or are you concerned about the miserliness of Europeans
>>>-- who have lower levels of philanthropy?)  
>>>Sure I would love to see american philanthropy at a trillion or 10
>>>trillion a year. European and Asian philanthropy matching such. It can
>>>happen. It requires a change of ethos. A softening of world
>>>consciousness if you will. Its "progressively" happening. 
>>>What will stop such in its tracks is confisgatory tax rates of 95-100%
You still don't get that a progressive tax means people won't try to 
earn another dime if they are going to pay more in taxes.  

>>>I get it. And I think you You are dead wrong. Many such people will
>>>spend every waking hour on how to shelter income. Very unproductive
>>>for society to have many of its better minds engaged in such. 
>>Thanks for proving my point.  Anyone who would spend their time doing 
>>that is mentally imbalanced.   They are more in need of a psychiatrist 
>>than a financial adviser.   You must have missed my point about Gates 
>>being like Hurley on "Lost."  Hurley in the series is the unlikely young 
>>kid who happened to win the lottery and worth millions.   Since he knew 
>>he was no expert on money he has financial manager taking care of his 
>>investments.  In a flashback episode they show him meeting with the 
>>manager and learning of companies he didn't know he owned.
>Interesting thing to say about Gates. His stated goal in life for several 
>decades was to 
>become the richest man in the world...
The founder of the company I used to work for stated in his high school 
yearbook that his goal in life was to be a millionaire.  He made it.  It 
also interesting to note he was born one month earlier than Gates with 
the same rising sign.  I once told him that now that he was wealthy he 
would turn into a Republican.  You should have seen the look he gave me.  :)

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The Massive Shortcomings of New.Morning

2006-06-25 Thread new_morning_blank_slate
Re: The Massive Shortcomings of New.Morning

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new_morning_blank_slate
>  wrote:
> >
> > From adjacent post:
> >
> > [to Judy]
> > If you wish to start a new thread on "The Massive Shortcomings of
> > New.Morning"
> Did I say I wanted to start a new thread on "The Massive
> Shortcomings of New.Morning"?

No. There are actually many things you do not say. Not every post on
this forum must be directly related to something you explicitly
said.(No you did not say that. I inferred it as a possble hypothesis
for your constant asking such questions as "Did I say that?". I have
other hypotheses. Wanna hear them?)

Though we could start a new chat group that must confrom to such
rules. What fun!

(And to short-cut your next possible question -- based on pattern,
'no, you did not explicitly say you wanted to do that. I thought it up
myself.' I am sure you are getting the hang of this by now.

My points, both implied and explicit, that you were evidently unable
to follow, were:

1) you made an observation of a personal nature on my traits as if
that were a valid substitute for an effective argument to the points
in my post.

2) I simply reminded you that usually such personal observations are
not a useful or valid substitute for an effective argument to the
points of a post.

3) And I asked if, suggesting was the implied tone and meaning, (note
the "I", not "you", thats a big clue here), we should start a separate
thread on that topic. 

The implication was that IF you have MORE observations of a personal
nature on my traits, then we could start a separate thread, so that we
could do the topic justice. 

4) And doing such will separate personal observations and attacks from
the arguments and discussion of substantive ideas. A good thing in my

I know its a pretty complex chain of logic, but I am confident that if
you if you are still confusedre, if you re-read it, that it will be
become clearer. 

If not, if you still confused, please follow-up off-line so as
not to waste the forum's on such matters that some may find remedial.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Progressive and Flat Taxes

2006-06-25 Thread new_morning_blank_slate
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> new_morning_blank_slate wrote:
> >--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> >  
> >
> >>new.morning wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> BTW, do you fancy yourself a Libertarian?  You read that way.
> >>>I don't fancy myself anything. I don't take some platform and adopt
> >>>it. I think through each  issue and decide on the merits. My views
> >>>certainly are not universally libertairan. Ask me about pollution.  
> >>>
> >>>  
> >>>
> >>Your views come off as Libertarian.
> >>
> >>
> >
> >OK, you personally find my views similar to Libertarians. Your point
> >is? Any particular relevance that you attach to that? Or just making
> >causual non-related observations?
> >
> It allows for a certain predictability in your responses.

Why you seek to predict my responses, which I infer is a type of
sterotyping, pegging, profiling, prejudgement heuristic that you find
of value (I don't), instead of actually reading the posts with an
unbiased mind, is not clear.

But if you are pegging me as a mainstream libertarian, your
predictions will fail miserably on some topics. Want to try gun
control, pollution and education?


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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'Free Saddam Hussein'

2006-06-25 Thread MDixon6569

In a message dated 6/25/06 2:42:54 P.M. Central Daylight Time, 
. Even 
  the WashingtonPost remarked on Bush's 

That's my point. Misstatements. Obviously Bush was 
meaning Saddam didn't allow the UN inspectors  in unfettered, because 
it was clear they were there and had been there. It was on the front page 
of the news almost everyday.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Vit B12 Methyl Form

2006-06-25 Thread Bhairitu
new_morning_blank_slate wrote:

>Thanks card for posting the article on B12. For decades, as a
>vegetarian (mostly -- with a 2-3 year trial exception of fish and
>poultry ) and vegan at times, I have been aware of the need to
>supplement ones diet with B12. 
>I did not know the low absorbsion rate of the almost universally used
>form of B12 used in supplements, cobalamin. I bought some of the more
>absorbable sub-lingual methyl form yesterday -- its 500 mcg per tab
>(hm that phrase has an oddly familiar ring to it). The RNI (Required
>Nutritional Intake) is 1.5 mcg. So today, my brain may be functioning
>at 300+ times its usual sluggish rate. :)
>Actually, I do feel better, more energy, but that might just be from
>the coffee I just had from my neighbor the meth manufacturer. :)
>Hardly a controlled study.
>But I suggest others look into trying the subligual methyl form of B12. 
>Here is another article that states similar things as the one you posted.
>First an excerpt:
>"A deficiency often manifests itself first in the development of
>neurological dysfunction that is almost indistinguishable from senile
>dementia and Alzheimer's disease. There is little question that many
>patients exhibiting symptoms of Alzheimer's actually suffer from a
>vitamin B12 deficiency. Their symptoms are totally reversible through
>effective supplementation." 
>Maybe someone can give MMY daily methyl -- sublingual B12, or shots,
>and see if the TMO is suddenly transformed to something like the 70's.
>a vitamin B12 deficiency may not manifest itself until after 5 or 6
>years of a diet supplying inadequate amounts. Vitamin B12 functions as
>a methyl donor and works with folic acid in the synthesis of DNA and
>red blood cells and is vitally important in maintaining the health of
>the insulation sheath (myelin sheath) that surrounds nerve cells. The
>classical vitamin B12 deficiency disease is pernicious anaemia, a
>serious disease characterized by large, immature red blood cells. It
>is now clear though, that a vitamin B12 deficiency can have serious
>consequences long before anaemia is evident. The normal blood level of
>vitamin B12 ranges between 200 and 600 picogram/milliliter (148-443
>A deficiency often manifests itself first in the development of
>neurological dysfunction that is almost indistinguishable from senile
>dementia and Alzheimer's disease. There is little question that many
>patients exhibiting symptoms of Alzheimer's actually suffer from a
>vitamin B12 deficiency. Their symptoms are totally reversible through
>effective supplementation. A low level of vitamin B12 has also been
>associated with asthma, depression, AIDS, multiple sclerosis,
>tinnitus, diabetic neuropathy and low sperm counts. Clearly, it is
>very important to maintain adequate body stores of this crucial vitamin.
>The amount of vitamin B12 actually needed by the body is very small,
>probably only about 2 micrograms or 2 millionth of a gram/day.
>Unfortunately, vitamin B12 is not absorbed very well so much larger
>amounts need to be supplied through the diet or supplementation. The
>richest dietary sources of vitamin B12 are liver, especially lamb's
>liver, and kidneys. Eggs, cheese and some species of fish also supply
>small amounts, but vegetables and fruits are very poor sources.
>Several surveys have shown that most strict, long-term vegetarians are
>vitamin B12 deficient. Many elderly people are also deficient because
>their production of the intrinsic factor needed to absorb the vitamin
>from the small intestine decline rapidly with age.
>Fortunately, oral supplementation with vitamin B12 is safe, efficient
>and inexpensive. Most multi-vitamin pills contain 100-200 microgram of
>the cyanocobalamin form of B-12. This must be converted to
>methylcobalamin or adenosylcobalamin before it can be used by the
>body. The actual absorption of B12 is also a problem with supplements.
>Swallowing 500 micrograms of cyanocobalamin can result in absorption
>of as little as 1.8 microgram so most multivitamins do not provide an
>adequate daily intake. The best approach is to dissolve a sublingual
>tablet of methylcobalamin (1000 micrograms) under the tongue every
>day. That will be sufficient to maintain adequate body stores.
>However, if a deficiency is actually present then 2000 microgram/day
>for one month is recommended followed by 1000 microgram/day. Some
>physicians still maintain that monthly injections of vitamin B12 is
>required to maintain adequate levels in the elderly and in patients
>with a diagnosed deficiency. There is however, no scientific evidence
>supporting the notion that injections are more effective than
>sublingual supplementation. 
Like many TM'ers back in the late 1970's I gave up on being a 
vegetarian.   I had too many bouts with hypoglycemia, anemia and vata 

Re: [FairfieldLife] 2400 Pundits to Germany?

2006-06-25 Thread Bhairitu
So why are the "Vedic Pundits" Indian?  Why doesn't the TMO just train 
Germans to be pundits?  Or is this like bringing in Mexicans to mow your 

bob_brigante wrote:


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[FairfieldLife] Re: And I thought *I* had OCD problems...

2006-06-25 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> For the past few days, I've been contributing to the wikipedia 
entry on Transcendental 
> Meditation. Boy, is that fun in dysfunctional sort of way. Between 
Peter, Andrew Skolnick and 
> myself, we've managed to completely rewrite the whole thing about 
10x over.
> http://www.wikipedia.org keyword: "transcendental meditation". 
Click on the "history" tab to 
> see what I mean...

Omigod, what a disaster.  Skolnick's going to turn
the entry into a rerun of his JAMA article if he's not

I'm tempted to put in a paragraph or three on the JAMA
episode and point out that one of the people making
"contributions" to the entry is the author of the JAMA
muckraking piece and that he was sued by TM for it.

There ought to be *some* way of getting a person 
barred from editing Wikipedia entries when it can be
demonstrated that they have a personal interesting in
and a history of smearing whatever the entry is about.
Or at the very least, there ought to be some way of
identifying such a person's "contributions" in the
main entry.

(Laswon, please do me a flavor: Don't let Peter Klutz
keep putting in the phrase "comprises of"--it isn't
English.  You corrected it once, and he put it back in;
then you or someone else corrected it again--but he's
liable to put it back if you're not careful.  Minor
point, but the phrase is really illiterate.)

You're doing terrific work, Lawson, but if Andrew has
time on his hands, countering his distortions and
misstatements is going to be a full-time job.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The Massive Shortcomings of New.Morning

2006-06-25 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new_morning_blank_slate
> Of course all others are cordially welcomed to chime in. Unc, Tom,
> Jim, Peter all have good, perhaps at times entertaining, insights 
> on this topic.

The topic is all about self importance, and thus 
boring. Judy nailed it. Often you seem to post 
for no other reason than to hear yourself talk.

You seem to be used to all this chatter going on 
in your mind all the time, to the point that you
don't perceive it as everyday, boring mindchatter
when you choose to externalize it. Trust us...it's 

There's a nice guy in there, if he just spent less
time trying to capture other people's attention... 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Progressive and Flat Taxes

2006-06-25 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new_morning_blank_slate 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new_morning_blank_slate 
> >  wrote:
> > >
> > > Judy, 
> > > 
> > > Again, I am heartedned that your manfiest critique of my 
> > > -- that you maybe confusing correleation with causation with 
> > > to "being rich" and "empathy towards the 'non-rich'" -- is a 
minor and
> > > not substantive one
> > 
> > Oh, actually it's a substantive and major one: You're
> > completely wrong.
> > 
> > You also like to hear yourself talk.
> OK then. So it be written, so it is true. 
> If only the world agreed with you, that your just saying it makes a
> strong case, you would be in fat city.
> And again -- I think this is the fourth go around, I am heartened 
> you have not offered a single direct critique of my observation  --
> that you may be confusing correleation with causation with regards
> to "being rich" and "empathy towards the 'non-rich'".

You seem to be having reading comprehension difficulties.
My direct critique of your "observation" is that it is
completely wrong.


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[FairfieldLife] Re: Progressive and Flat Taxes

2006-06-25 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new_morning_blank_slate 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new_morning_blank_slate 
> >  wrote:
> > >
> > > Judy, 
> > > 
> > > Again, I am heartedned that your manfiest critique of my 
> > > -- that you maybe confusing correleation with causation with 
> > > to "being rich" and "empathy towards the 'non-rich'" -- is a 
minor and
> > > not substantive one
> > 
> > Oh, actually it's a substantive and major one: You're
> > completely wrong.
> > 
> > You also like to hear yourself talk.
> OK then. So it be written, so it is true. 
> If only the world agreed with you, that your just saying it makes a
> strong case, you would be in fat city.
> And again -- I think this is the fourth go around, I am heartened 
> you have not offered a single direct critique of my observation (aka
> "the observation")  -- that you may be confusing correleation with
> causation with regards
> to "being rich" and "empathy towards the 'non-rich'".  
> If you have any direct and substantial critiques of "the 
> please post your actual argument. Step by step.

All you have to do is reread what I actually wrote.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The Massive Shortcomings of New.Morning

2006-06-25 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new_morning_blank_slate 
> Re: The Massive Shortcomings of New.Morning
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new_morning_blank_slate
> >  wrote:
> > >
> > > From adjacent post:
> > >
> > > [to Judy]
> > > If you wish to start a new thread on "The Massive Shortcomings 
> > > New.Morning"
> >
> > Did I say I wanted to start a new thread on "The Massive
> > Shortcomings of New.Morning"?
> No.

Very good.  Then your intro is irrelevant, and
there's no need for such a thread.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Progressive and Flat Taxes

2006-06-25 Thread Bhairitu
new_morning_blank_slate wrote:

>--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>new_morning_blank_slate wrote:
>>>--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
new.morning wrote:


>>BTW, do you fancy yourself a Libertarian?  You read that way.
>I don't fancy myself anything. I don't take some platform and adopt
>it. I think through each  issue and decide on the merits. My views
>certainly are not universally libertairan. Ask me about pollution.  
Your views come off as Libertarian.

>>>OK, you personally find my views similar to Libertarians. Your point
>>>is? Any particular relevance that you attach to that? Or just making
>>>causual non-related observations?
>>It allows for a certain predictability in your responses.
>Why you seek to predict my responses, which I infer is a type of
>sterotyping, pegging, profiling, prejudgement heuristic that you find
>of value (I don't), instead of actually reading the posts with an
>unbiased mind, is not clear.
>But if you are pegging me as a mainstream libertarian, your
>predictions will fail miserably on some topics. Want to try gun
>control, pollution and education?
Yes, I observed those already in your list.  In some surveys I actually 
even come out as a libertarian.  Your arguing on taxes and wealth is 
almost classic libertarian almost if not the Aynn Rand school of it.

And no one is 100% any one way.  I have many friends who fancy 
themselves as liberals who live very conservatively.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Free Saddam Hussein'

2006-06-25 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> In a message dated 6/25/06 2:42:54 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  
> . Even  the Washington
> Post remarked on Bush's  misstatement:
> That's my point. Misstatements. Obviously Bush was  meaning Saddam 
> didn't allow the UN inspectors  in unfettered,

No, it's not obvious at all, especially not after he
made the same claim three separate times.

 because  it was clear 
> they were there and had been there. It was on the front page  of the 
> news almost everyday.

So was the fact that there was no connection between
Saddam and 9/11, yet the administration has continued
to try to make that connection in the public's mind,
with a great deal of success.

Bush even made the connection *this year* in his State
of the Union.

What you don't seem able to recognize is that this
administration has no qualms whatsoever about misleading
and deceiving the public.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: And I thought *I* had OCD problems...

2006-06-25 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> There ought to be *some* way of getting a person 
> barred from editing Wikipedia entries when it can be
> demonstrated that they have a personal interesting in

Personal *interest* in...

> and a history of smearing whatever the entry is about.
> Or at the very least, there ought to be some way of
> identifying such a person's "contributions" in the
> main entry.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Vit B12 Methyl Form

2006-06-25 Thread new_morning_blank_slate
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Like many TM'ers back in the late 1970's I gave up on being a 
> vegetarian.   I had too many bouts with hypoglycemia, anemia and vata 
> derangements.   Using supplements will not often deal with the pH 
> imbalance that occurs in some wannabe vegetarians which will only be 
> solved with the inclusion of some animal protein in their diet.
> Now just watch the wailing and gnashing of teeth raising this subject 
> causes. :)

Hey if it works for you, great. I tried fish and poultry for 3 years
after 30 years of veg, and found it didn't suit me, so I am back to a
neo-veg. No grains, grams of carbs no more than grams of protein, lots
of fresh veg, little fruit (focus on pomigranate,cranberry, blueberry
-- the high polyphenols and anti-oxidants). 

There are many many possible veg diets. One cannot say all are bad or
unsuitable because the type they tried was not good.
My own experience, and observations of others, is that TMO's load up
on carbs -- rice, dahl, chapati, little raw veg, lots of fruit. No
wonder they get back results with such high carb levels and low
protein. Its a miracle that longtime consmers of such are not all
diabetics (oops, MMY, Devendra, Amma, more, etc, all diabetics I think).

And did you use methyl form of b-12? If not, that clearly corrleates
with and could explain anemia,low energy, hypoglycemia, etc. And a
high carb, high legume consumption can correlate with vata
derangments. NONE of this is necessary in a well-structured veg diet.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The Massive Shortcomings of New.Morning

2006-06-25 Thread new_morning_blank_slate
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new_morning_blank_slate
>  wrote:
> >
> > Of course all others are cordially welcomed to chime in. Unc, Tom,
> > Jim, Peter all have good, perhaps at times entertaining, insights 
> > on this topic.
> The topic is all about self importance, and thus 
> boring. Judy nailed it. Often you seem to post 
> for no other reason than to hear yourself talk.

I am glad it seems that way to you. Provides you with some amusement I
suspect. Good.

> You seem 

"seem" [to you] being the operative concept.

> to be used to all this chatter going on 
> in your mind all the time, to the point that you
> don't perceive it as everyday, boring mindchatter
> when you choose to externalize it. Trust us...it's 
> mindchatter. 

Another great concept I hope amuses you.
> There's a nice guy in there, if he just spent less
> time trying to capture other people's attention...

My motives for posting have not yet been hit upon. But keep trying to
Pin the Tail on the Donkey. Particularly as you find it amuses you. 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Progressive and Flat Taxes

2006-06-25 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> new_morning_blank_slate wrote:
> >--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> >  
> >
> >>History shows that not to be true at all.  Most are just greedy
> >>
> >>
> >bastards 
> >  
> >
> >>who care little about their fellow humanity.  People like Bill Gates
> >>
> >>
> >are 
> >  
> >
> >>a rare exception 
> >>
> >>
> >
> >Well 280 billion annually in american philanthropy sort of deflates
> >your thesis. (Or are you concerned about the miserliness of Europeans
> >-- who have lower levels of philanthropy?)  
> >
> >Sure I would love to see american philanthropy at a trillion or 10
> >trillion a year. European and Asian philanthropy matching such. It can
> > happen. It requires a change of ethos. A softening of world
> >consciousness if you will. Its "progressively" happening. 
> >
> >What will stop such in its tracks is confisgatory tax rates of 95-100%
> >  
> >
> >>You still don't get that a progressive tax means people won't try to 
> >>earn another dime if they are going to pay more in taxes.  
> >>
> >>
> >
> >I get it. And I think you You are dead wrong. Many such people will
> >spend every waking hour on how to shelter income. Very unproductive
> >for society to have many of its better minds engaged in such. 
> >  
> >
> Thanks for proving my point.  Anyone who would spend their time doing 
> that is mentally imbalanced.   They are more in need of a psychiatrist 
> than a financial adviser.   You must have missed my point about Gates 
> being like Hurley on "Lost."  Hurley in the series is the unlikely young 
> kid who happened to win the lottery and worth millions.   Since he knew 
> he was no expert on money he has financial manager taking care of his 
> investments.  In a flashback episode they show him meeting with the 
> manager and learning of companies he didn't know he owned.
> If anything they need a serious course in meditation as they are too 
> attached to their wealth.

A point that MMY has used in his explanation for why he's jacked the price of 
TM to the 
Moon: the wealthy run the world and need TM more than anyone, but won't use it 
if it is 
too common. "A rich man does not go to a poor store."

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Progressive and Flat Taxes

2006-06-25 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig"  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> > >
> > > new_morning_blank_slate wrote:
> > > 
> > > >--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> > > >  
> > > >
> > > >>History shows that not to be true at all.  Most are just greedy
> > > >>
> > > >>
> > > >bastards 
> > > >  
> > > >
> > > >>who care little about their fellow humanity.  People like Bill 
> Gates
> > > >>
> > > >>
> > > >are 
> > > >  
> > > >
> > > >>a rare exception 
> > > >>
> > > >>
> > > >
> > > >Well 280 billion annually in american philanthropy sort of 
> deflates
> > > >your thesis. (Or are you concerned about the miserliness of 
> Europeans
> > > >-- who have lower levels of philanthropy?)  
> > > >
> > > >Sure I would love to see american philanthropy at a trillion or 
> 10
> > > >trillion a year. European and Asian philanthropy matching such. 
> It can
> > > > happen. It requires a change of ethos. A softening of world
> > > >consciousness if you will. Its "progressively" happening. 
> > > >
> > > >What will stop such in its tracks is confisgatory tax rates of 
> 95-100%
> > > >  
> > > >
> > > >>You still don't get that a progressive tax means people won't 
> try to 
> > > >>earn another dime if they are going to pay more in taxes.  
> > > >>
> > > >>
> > > >
> > > >I get it. And I think you You are dead wrong. Many such people 
> will
> > > >spend every waking hour on how to shelter income. Very 
> unproductive
> > > >for society to have many of its better minds engaged in such. 
> > > >  
> > > >
> > > Thanks for proving my point.  Anyone who would spend their time 
> doing 
> > > that is mentally imbalanced.   They are more in need of a 
> psychiatrist 
> > > than a financial adviser.   You must have missed my point about 
> Gates 
> > > being like Hurley on "Lost."  Hurley in the series is the 
> unlikely young 
> > > kid who happened to win the lottery and worth millions.   Since 
> he knew 
> > > he was no expert on money he has financial manager taking care of 
> his 
> > > investments.  In a flashback episode they show him meeting with 
> the 
> > > manager and learning of companies he didn't know he owned.
> > > 
> > 
> > Interesting thing to say about Gates. His stated goal in life
> > for several decades was to become the richest man in the world...
> He has said publicly that before he dies, he wants to
> give away 96 percent of his fortune.
> It's not impossible that's *why* he wanted to become the
> richest man in the world: so he could give most of it
> away.

Yeah, but his behavior in the business world was NOT that of someone who had an 
of altruism. He made very few charity-oriented remarks until afer he got 
married. And his 
most famous comment about charities before he got married was that he was going 
wait until he was 65 and retired before he started worrying about that kind of 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: 2400 Pundits to Germany?

2006-06-25 Thread jyouells2000
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So why are the "Vedic Pundits" Indian?  Why doesn't the TMO just train 
> Germans to be pundits?  Or is this like bringing in Mexicans to mow
> lawn?
> bob_brigante wrote:
> >http://www.globalgoodnews.com/world-peace-a.html?art=1151176428109153
> >

It's harder to raise money with German pundits. Look how much the
Indian  pundits have raised by not being here...

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[FairfieldLife] Re: 2400 Pundits to Germany?

2006-06-25 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So why are the "Vedic Pundits" Indian?  Why doesn't the TMO just train 
> Germans to be pundits?  Or is this like bringing in Mexicans to mow your 
> lawn?
> bob_brigante wrote:
> >http://www.globalgoodnews.com/world-peace-a.html?art=1151176428109153
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >  
> >

Because punditism is in their genes? MMY has made remarks (IIRC) that different 
families have the genes required to cognize different parts of the Veda.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: And I thought *I* had OCD problems...

2006-06-25 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig"  wrote:
> >
> > For the past few days, I've been contributing to the wikipedia 
> entry on Transcendental 
> > Meditation. Boy, is that fun in dysfunctional sort of way. Between 
> Peter, Andrew Skolnick and 
> > myself, we've managed to completely rewrite the whole thing about 
> 10x over.
> > 
> > http://www.wikipedia.org keyword: "transcendental meditation". 
> Click on the "history" tab to 
> > see what I mean...
> Omigod, what a disaster.  Skolnick's going to turn
> the entry into a rerun of his JAMA article if he's not
> stopped.
> I'm tempted to put in a paragraph or three on the JAMA
> episode and point out that one of the people making
> "contributions" to the entry is the author of the JAMA
> muckraking piece and that he was sued by TM for it.

its immaterial to the way Wikipedia works. As long as Andrew can back up his 
rhetoric with  
references to external sources, he's within guidelines. 

> There ought to be *some* way of getting a person 
> barred from editing Wikipedia entries when it can be
> demonstrated that they have a personal interesting in
> and a history of smearing whatever the entry is about.
> Or at the very least, there ought to be some way of
> identifying such a person's "contributions" in the
> main entry.
> (Laswon, please do me a flavor: Don't let Peter Klutz
> keep putting in the phrase "comprises of"--it isn't
> English.  You corrected it once, and he put it back in;
> then you or someone else corrected it again--but he's
> liable to put it back if you're not careful.  Minor
> point, but the phrase is really illiterate.)

Peter has a habit of deleting entire sections without vetting with the rest of 
contributors so I don't see me as having any influence on the situation, save 
that I possibly 
made it worse by challenging Andrew on a point or two. He got angry after that 
started quoting  3rd hand sources within the body of the article. The nastier, 
the better, 

> You're doing terrific work, Lawson, but if Andrew has
> time on his hands, countering his distortions and
> misstatements is going to be a full-time job.

Eh. Selective quoting is what Wiki is all about in these controversial areas, I 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Progressive and Flat Taxes

2006-06-25 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> new_morning_blank_slate wrote:
> >--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> >  
> >
> >>new_morning_blank_slate wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>>--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> >>> 
> >>>
> >>>  
> >>>
> new.morning wrote:
> >>BTW, do you fancy yourself a Libertarian?  You read that way.
> >>   
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >I don't fancy myself anything. I don't take some platform and adopt
> >it. I think through each  issue and decide on the merits. My views
> >certainly are not universally libertairan. Ask me about pollution.  
> >
> > 
> >
> >  
> >
> Your views come off as Libertarian.
> >>>OK, you personally find my views similar to Libertarians. Your point
> >>>is? Any particular relevance that you attach to that? Or just making
> >>>causual non-related observations?
> >>>
> >>>  
> >>>
> >>It allows for a certain predictability in your responses.
> >>
> >>
> >
> >Why you seek to predict my responses, which I infer is a type of
> >sterotyping, pegging, profiling, prejudgement heuristic that you find
> >of value (I don't), instead of actually reading the posts with an
> >unbiased mind, is not clear.
> >
> >But if you are pegging me as a mainstream libertarian, your
> >predictions will fail miserably on some topics. Want to try gun
> >control, pollution and education?
> >
> Yes, I observed those already in your list.  In some surveys I actually 
> even come out as a libertarian.  Your arguing on taxes and wealth is 
> almost classic libertarian almost if not the Aynn Rand school of it.
> And no one is 100% any one way.  I have many friends who fancy 
> themselves as liberals who live very conservatively.

To me, being socially "liberal" isn't about how you live your own life, but 
about how willing 
you are to let others live theirs.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Progressive and Flat Taxes

2006-06-25 Thread Bhairitu
sparaig wrote:

>--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>new_morning_blank_slate wrote:
>>>--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
History shows that not to be true at all.  Most are just greedy

who care little about their fellow humanity.  People like Bill Gates

a rare exception 

>>>Well 280 billion annually in american philanthropy sort of deflates
>>>your thesis. (Or are you concerned about the miserliness of Europeans
>>>-- who have lower levels of philanthropy?)  
>>>Sure I would love to see american philanthropy at a trillion or 10
>>>trillion a year. European and Asian philanthropy matching such. It can
>>>happen. It requires a change of ethos. A softening of world
>>>consciousness if you will. Its "progressively" happening. 
>>>What will stop such in its tracks is confisgatory tax rates of 95-100%
You still don't get that a progressive tax means people won't try to 
earn another dime if they are going to pay more in taxes.  

>>>I get it. And I think you You are dead wrong. Many such people will
>>>spend every waking hour on how to shelter income. Very unproductive
>>>for society to have many of its better minds engaged in such. 
>>Thanks for proving my point.  Anyone who would spend their time doing 
>>that is mentally imbalanced.   They are more in need of a psychiatrist 
>>than a financial adviser.   You must have missed my point about Gates 
>>being like Hurley on "Lost."  Hurley in the series is the unlikely young 
>>kid who happened to win the lottery and worth millions.   Since he knew 
>>he was no expert on money he has financial manager taking care of his 
>>investments.  In a flashback episode they show him meeting with the 
>>manager and learning of companies he didn't know he owned.
>>If anything they need a serious course in meditation as they are too 
>>attached to their wealth.
>A point that MMY has used in his explanation for why he's jacked the price of 
>TM to the 
>Moon: the wealthy run the world and need TM more than anyone, but won't use it 
>if it is 
>too common. "A rich man does not go to a poor store."
So TM is now the Neimann-Marcus of meditation?  :)

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Vit B12 Methyl Form

2006-06-25 Thread Nelson
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new_morning_blank_slate 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> >
> > Like many TM'ers back in the late 1970's I gave up on being a 
> > vegetarian.   I had too many bouts with hypoglycemia, anemia and 
> > derangements.   Using supplements will not often deal with the pH 
> > imbalance that occurs in some wannabe vegetarians which will only 
> > solved with the inclusion of some animal protein in their diet.
> > 
> > Now just watch the wailing and gnashing of teeth raising this 
> > causes. :)
> Hey if it works for you, great. I tried fish and poultry for 3 years
> after 30 years of veg, and found it didn't suit me, so I am back to 
> neo-veg. No grains, grams of carbs no more than grams of protein, 
> of fresh veg, little fruit (focus on pomigranate,cranberry, 
> -- the high polyphenols and anti-oxidants). 
> There are many many possible veg diets. One cannot say all are bad 
> unsuitable because the type they tried was not good.
> My own experience, and observations of others, is that TMO's load up
> on carbs -- rice, dahl, chapati, little raw veg, lots of fruit. No
> wonder they get back results with such high carb levels and low
> protein. Its a miracle that longtime consmers of such are not all
> diabetics (oops, MMY, Devendra, Amma, more, etc, all diabetics I 
> And did you use methyl form of b-12? If not, that clearly corrleates
> with and could explain anemia,low energy, hypoglycemia, etc. And a
> high carb, high legume consumption can correlate with vata
> derangments. NONE of this is necessary in a well-structured veg 
>+++ Would this work with all people?
 I was thinking or the different requirements of say a rabbit and 
a tiger and would wonder if you could make a vegitarian out of the 
 Being a type-O kapha barbarian, I don't care much for many 
vegetables myself.  N.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 2400 Pundits to Germany?

2006-06-25 Thread Bhairitu
sparaig wrote:

>--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>So why are the "Vedic Pundits" Indian?  Why doesn't the TMO just train 
>>Germans to be pundits?  Or is this like bringing in Mexicans to mow your 
>>bob_brigante wrote:
>Because punditism is in their genes? MMY has made remarks (IIRC) that 
>different pundit 
>families have the genes required to cognize different parts of the Veda.
My point exactly.  MMY by leaving out a lot of tradition and culture 
leaves many westerners clueless about the tradition and culture.  Other 
organizations don't do that and teach these things.  You can very well 
have westerners doing the pujas, homas, etc. if you just teach it to 
them and especially give them a course on Indian culture that most 
Indians grow up in.  Today most young Indians would rather have a 
computer than a puja set.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Vit B12 Methyl Form

2006-06-25 Thread Bhairitu
new_morning_blank_slate wrote:

>--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Like many TM'ers back in the late 1970's I gave up on being a 
>>vegetarian.   I had too many bouts with hypoglycemia, anemia and vata 
>>derangements.   Using supplements will not often deal with the pH 
>>imbalance that occurs in some wannabe vegetarians which will only be 
>>solved with the inclusion of some animal protein in their diet.
>>Now just watch the wailing and gnashing of teeth raising this subject 
>>causes. :)
>Hey if it works for you, great. I tried fish and poultry for 3 years
>after 30 years of veg, and found it didn't suit me, so I am back to a
>neo-veg. No grains, grams of carbs no more than grams of protein, lots
>of fresh veg, little fruit (focus on pomigranate,cranberry, blueberry
>-- the high polyphenols and anti-oxidants). 
>There are many many possible veg diets. One cannot say all are bad or
>unsuitable because the type they tried was not good.
>My own experience, and observations of others, is that TMO's load up
>on carbs -- rice, dahl, chapati, little raw veg, lots of fruit. No
>wonder they get back results with such high carb levels and low
>protein. Its a miracle that longtime consmers of such are not all
>diabetics (oops, MMY, Devendra, Amma, more, etc, all diabetics I think).
>And did you use methyl form of b-12? If not, that clearly corrleates
>with and could explain anemia,low energy, hypoglycemia, etc. And a
>high carb, high legume consumption can correlate with vata
>derangments. NONE of this is necessary in a well-structured veg diet.
Yup, it works for me but then that is the point of ayurveda, 
individually tailoring your diet as well as making adjustments for 
climate and life changes.  However many ayurvedic practitioners would 
not agree with you on your last sentence.

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[FairfieldLife] Another Damn, Greedy, Non-Empthatetic Rich Person! Let Lynch the Basards!

2006-06-25 Thread new_morning_blank_slate
We were sitting in a Manhattan living room on a spring afternoon, and
Warren Buffett had a Cherry Coke in his hand as usual. But this
unremarkable scene was about to take a surprising turn.

"Brace yourself," Buffett warned with a grin. He then described a
momentous change in his thinking. Within months, he said, he would
begin to give away his Berkshire Hathaway fortune, then and now worth
well over $40 billion.

Should you leave it all to the children?
If you do, you may not be doing them a favor. But if you want to,
there are sensible ways of passing on what you have without depriving
the kids of a feeling of achievement. (more)
Letters from Buffett
As part of his plan, Warren Buffett is sending letters to each of the
five foundations that will be receiving his gifts. The letters may be
found on Berkshire Hathaway's Web site. (See the letters)

This news was indeed stunning. Buffett, 75, has for decades said his
wealth would go to philanthropy but has just as steadily indicated the
handoff would be made at his death. Now he was revising the timetable.

"I know what I want to do," he said, "and it makes sense to get
going." On that spring day his plan was uncertain in some of its
details; today it is essentially complete. And it is typical Buffett:
rational, original, breaking the mold of how extremely rich people
donate money.

Buffett has pledged to gradually give 85% of his Berkshire stock to
five foundations. A dominant five-sixths of the shares will go to the
world's largest philanthropic organization, the $30 billion Bill &
Melinda Gates Foundation, whose principals are close friends of
Buffett's (a connection that began in 1991, when a mutual friend
introduced Buffett and Bill Gates).

The Gateses credit Buffett, says Bill, with having "inspired" their
thinking about giving money back to society. Their foundation's
activities, internationally famous, are focused on world health --
fighting such diseases as malaria, HIV/AIDS, and tuberculosis -- and
on improving U.S. libraries and high schools.

Up to now, the two Gateses have been the only trustees of their
foundation. But as his plan gets underway, Buffett will be joining
them. Bill Gates says he and his wife are "thrilled" by that and by
knowing that Buffett's money will allow the foundation to "both deepen
and accelerate" its work. "The generosity and trust Warren has shown,"
Gates adds, "is incredible." Beginning in July and continuing every
year, Buffett will give a set, annually declining number of Berkshire
B shares - starting with 602,500 in 2006 and then decreasing by 5% per
year - to the five foundations. The gifts to the Gates foundation will
be made either by Buffett or through his estate as long as at least
one of the pair -- Bill, now 50, or Melinda, 41 -- is active in it.

Berkshire's price on the date of each gift will determine its dollar
value. Were B shares, for example, to be $3,071 in July - that was
their close on June 23 - Buffett's 2006 gift to the foundation,
500,000 shares, would be worth about $1.5 billion. With so much new
money to handle, the foundation will be given two years to resize its
operations. But it will then be required by the terms of Buffett's
gift to annually spend the dollar amount of his contributions as well
as those it is already making from its existing assets. At the moment,
$1.5 billion would roughly double the foundation's yearly
benefactions. But the $1.5 billion has little relevance to the value
of Buffett's future gifts, since their amount will depend on the price
of Berkshire's stock when they are made. If the stock rises yearly, on
average, by even a modest amount - say, 6% - the gain will more than
offset the annual 5% decline in the number of shares given. Under
those circumstances, the value of Buffett's contributions will rise.

Buffett himself thinks that will happen. Or to state that proposition
more directly: He believes the price of Berkshire, and with it the
dollar size of the contributions, will trend upward - perhaps over
time increasing substantially. The other foundation gifts that Buffett
is making will also occur annually and start in July. At Berkshire's
current price, the combined 2006 total of these gifts will be $315
million. The contributions will go to foundations headed by Buffett's
three children, Susan, Howard, and Peter, and to the Susan Thompson
Buffett Foundation.

This last foundation was for 40 years known simply as the Buffett
Foundation and was recently renamed in honor of Buffett's late wife,
Susie, who died in 2004, at 72, after a stroke. Her will bestows about
$2.5 billion on the foundation, to which her husband's gifts will be
added. The foundation has mainly focused on reproductive health,
family planning, and pro-choice causes, and on preventing the spread
of nuclear weapons. Counting the gifts to all five foundations,
Buffett will gradually but sharply reduce his holdings of Berkshire
(Charts) stock. He now owns close to 31% of the company-worth nearly

[FairfieldLife] Re: 2400 Pundits to Germany?

2006-06-25 Thread bob_brigante
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> >
> > So why are the "Vedic Pundits" Indian?  Why doesn't the TMO just 
> > Germans to be pundits?  Or is this like bringing in Mexicans to 
mow your 
> > lawn?
> > 
> > bob_brigante wrote:
> > 
> > >http://www.globalgoodnews.com/world-peace-a.html?
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >  
> > >
> >
> Because punditism is in their genes? MMY has made remarks (IIRC) 
that different pundit 
> families have the genes required to cognize different parts of the 


Also the movement pundits in India are sincere and ordinary people 
with a family tradition of living Vedic lifestyle, not the 
frequently odd Purusha types in the West who are not really suited 
to be recluse monks, but are like householders who are simply at 
loose ends, which is why all the chaos in the operation that we have 
seen over the last years.

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