Re: [Felvtalk] crf-Belinda

2008-07-17 Thread expressprintkm
Not sure about cosequin for cats, but it's been around for years helping 
horses. It's one of the most popular supplements for horses out there.? I use 
Recover EQ for my horses because they have other issues, but many of my horse 
friends have used?cosequin for years and swear by it. Kathryn

-Original Message-
From: catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tue, 15 Jul 2008 11:17 am
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] crf-Belinda

I think the cosequin is supposed to help with phosphorous or potassium or 
something like that. Mine are pink and white too.? I dont know what the liver 
values are, but I listed everything that was out of range.? Bob is eating well 
and?his weight?is fine, ?but he HATES getting fluids.? He will take his norvasc 
in a pill pocket but he hates taking the cosequin because it's too big for one 
of those and I have to pill him.


I checked out the crf site Beth sent and I'm going to look at methods of giving 
fluids and see if I can't figure out a better way to give them that will work.? 
I normally can barely get 50 in him at a time, and quite frankly have given up 
on them until I felt like he really needed them to get by. :(


Belinda Sauro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

??? Hi Tonya,
? Lysine as far as I know isn't going to hurt his kidney's, never heard that 
Cosquin helps them, Fred gets this for his arthritis too.? He gets the pink and 
white capsules, my vet said I could go with 1 or 2 a day depending on how 
Fred's arthritis seemed to be.? He currently get 1 because he gets so much 
stuff now already, that seems to be enough for him.? They really need to be 
given everyday though, they take up to 6 weeks to make a difference.? I've 
never seen a BUN that low if it is correct, what are his liver values like?

Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) - Urea, which is normally excreted by the kidney, is 
a by-product of protein metabolism.

High levels of BUN may be the result of a high protein diet, dehydration, 
ulcers in the digestive tract, kidney disease, or blockage of the normal flow 
of urine (from a crystal or mucus plug, for example).

Low BUN levels can result from a low protein diet or liver disease.

I wouldn't worry so much about the low protein diet, my vet said she didn't get 
them on that until the end stages when they were a lot worse than Bob is, Fred 
doesn't eat that stuff and he does fine.? He eats Fancy Feast, home cooked or 
baby food with supplements.? He has been CRF for over 2 years now and his last 
blood work like I said was really good, almost normal.? Mainly you want to keep 
the phosphorus under 6, mid 4's if good and the potassium solidly in the mid to 
high 4's.? Low potassium can cause back leg muscle weakness and isn't good for 
the heart.? I agree that 100cc of fluid a week is not going to do much good.? 
If Bob is dehydrated I would give him between 50 and 100cc a day, if he isn't 
he doesn't need any fluids.? Fred even when his numbers are low is dehydrated 
and needs 100cc a day.

Fred has lost pretty much all the muscle in both back legs now, he still gets 
around OK just can't use them to scratch or anything else.? He is starting to 
lose a bit of weight so I have to really keep on him to eat, he is getting lazy 
and if the food is not right there in front of him he will go without, so I 
have to remember to make sure he has food wherever he is laying.

It's almost time for more blood work, kind of afraid of what it is going to say 
though, it was really good last time, so I hope it is still good.

-- Belinda  happiness is being owned by cats ...Be-Mi-Kitties [affordable hosting & web 
design] [custom printing]
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Re: [Felvtalk] crf-Belinda

2008-07-15 Thread Sharyl
That makes more sense.  Here is a link on giving Sub Q fluids that has really 
helped me.
Sophia Gets Her Subcutaneous (Sub Q) Fluids 
Good luck

--- On Tue, 7/15/08, catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] crf-Belinda
Date: Tuesday, July 15, 2008, 2:58 PM

Found Bun.  It is 40. 

Sharyl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

Tonya, is that a typo for Bob's BUN value?  Just very low for a CRF kitty with 
a Crea of 2.6.  You will want to read and bookmark Tanya's web site.
SubQ fluids are usually given to maintain adequate hydration.  Weekly fluids 
probably don't help much on that score.  Usually kitties are no longer able to 
maintain adequate hydration when the Crea value gets to the high 3's but each 
kitty is different and requires a unique treatment plan.  All of Bob's other 
values look good.  The best food for a CRF kitty is the lowest phosphorus food 
he'll eat.
Sharyl Sissy Rocket and Daisy's babies

--- On Tue, 7/15/08, catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] crf-Belinda
Date: Tuesday, July 15, 2008, 10:15 AM

Hey Belinda,
This has been lost in cyberspace several times.  I'm hoping it comes through 
with the new server.
Bob's numbers:
creatnine 2.5
bun 16
phosphorus 4.5
potassium 4.1
HCT 37.9
Other numbers that were noted as high were:
urea nitrogen 40
cholesterol 269
amylase 1440
we have put him on the new science diet kd canned (it has a better consistency 
and it is the only one out of about 4 we've tried that he will eat.) 100 mL of 
fluid per week.
and yes, he has high blood pressure and we have him on norvasc 2.5 mg daily
plus the vet has recommended cosequin for joints and said it actually helps the 
kidneys (i can't read the dosage it's written so small on the capsules and i 
can't find the box.  i have a hard time getting them down him though so he 
doesn't take them with much regularity.)
how does all of this sound to you.
I need to put lysine in the wet food for sneaker's herpes. the vet said this 
would not hurt bob's kidneys. what do you think about that?

Belinda Sauro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
What are his numbers, specifically his Creatinine, BUN, 
Phosphorus, Potassium, and his HCT, these are the important ones that 
tell you how well or not well he is doing? Get them from your vet, they 
can fax or give you a copy of his last blood work results, you paid for 
them they are yours. Tell me what they are and I can tell you what my 
vet would be doing if Fred had those numbers. Also has his blood 
pressure been checked, CRF cats are notorious for getting high blood 
pressure, this can be very dangerous and cause blindness if not caught 
and treated. Several cats on the CRF list have gone blind been put on 
amlodipine and regained some if not all of their sight. The retinas 
detach when the blood pressure gets too high, too high can vary for each 
individual cat but you really don't want the blood pressure higher than 
170 or 180 at the vets.

Fred's has been as high as 200 to 240 when he was having the episode 
that I took him in for right away, thankfully his retinas never detached 
but I got him in right away when his legs were twitching and he kind of 
looked spacey and fell over.

Get the numbers and send them ... does he still get fluids?


happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties [affordable hosting & web design] [custom printing]

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Re: [Felvtalk] crf-Belinda

2008-07-15 Thread catatonya
I think the cosequin is supposed to help with phosphorous or potassium or 
something like that. Mine are pink and white too.  I dont know what the liver 
values are, but I listed everything that was out of range.  Bob is eating well 
and his weight is fine,  but he HATES getting fluids.  He will take his norvasc 
in a pill pocket but he hates taking the cosequin because it's too big for one 
of those and I have to pill him.
  I checked out the crf site Beth sent and I'm going to look at methods of 
giving fluids and see if I can't figure out a better way to give them that will 
work.  I normally can barely get 50 in him at a time, and quite frankly have 
given up on them until I felt like he really needed them to get by. :(

Belinda Sauro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Hi Tonya,
  Lysine as far as I know isn't going to hurt his kidney's, never heard that 
Cosquin helps them, Fred gets this for his arthritis too.  He gets the pink and 
white capsules, my vet said I could go with 1 or 2 a day depending on how 
Fred's arthritis seemed to be.  He currently get 1 because he gets so much 
stuff now already, that seems to be enough for him.  They really need to be 
given everyday though, they take up to 6 weeks to make a difference.  I've 
never seen a BUN that low if it is correct, what are his liver values like?
   Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) - Urea, which is normally excreted by the kidney, 
is a by-product of protein metabolism.
   High levels of BUN may be the result of a high protein diet, dehydration, 
ulcers in the digestive tract, kidney disease, or blockage of the normal flow 
of urine (from a crystal or mucus plug, for example).  
   Low BUN levels can result from a low protein diet or liver disease.
I wouldn't worry so much about the low protein diet, my vet said she didn't get 
them on that until the end stages when they were a lot worse than Bob is, Fred 
doesn't eat that stuff and he does fine.  He eats Fancy Feast, home cooked or 
baby food with supplements.  He has been CRF for over 2 years now and his last 
blood work like I said was really good, almost normal.  Mainly you want to keep 
the phosphorus under 6, mid 4's if good and the potassium solidly in the mid to 
high 4's.  Low potassium can cause back leg muscle weakness and isn't good for 
the heart.  I agree that 100cc of fluid a week is not going to do much good.  
If Bob is dehydrated I would give him between 50 and 100cc a day, if he isn't 
he doesn't need any fluids.  Fred even when his numbers are low is dehydrated 
and needs 100cc a day.

Fred has lost pretty much all the muscle in both back legs now, he still gets 
around OK just can't use them to scratch or anything else.  He is starting to 
lose a bit of weight so I have to really keep on him to eat, he is getting lazy 
and if the food is not right there in front of him he will go without, so I 
have to remember to make sure he has food wherever he is laying.

It's almost time for more blood work, kind of afraid of what it is going to say 
though, it was really good last time, so I hope it is still good.

-- Belinda  happiness is being owned by cats ...Be-Mi-Kitties [affordable hosting & web 
design] [custom printing]
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Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] crf-Belinda

2008-07-15 Thread catatonya
Thanks Beth,
  Bob has always had problems with his kidneys/bladder.  He had surgery for 
bladder stones at a young age.  He tested positive for felv when he was young 
and then later tested negative.  He has constantly had blood in his urine, has 
had bladder, kidney infections, etc.. his entire life.  He's around 15 now.  
He's my old buddy.  We have ALL (up  to 15 at times) had to eat prescription 
diets since Bob had bladderstones. lol.  We were all on Royal Canin S/O, but 
we've recently switched to science diet kd canned and dry (mostly canned).

Beth Noren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Hi Tonya,
  Sounds like Bob is having problems very similar to what we are now going 
through with Will Feral.  He began spraying a few weeks ago, blood has been in 
the urine off and on.  X-ray was clear, urinalysis had no crystals, good ph, no 
blockage.  Dx was "interstitial cystitis".  He did 2 weeks of Clavamox with no 
improvement.  He is now on a glucosamine/chondroitin drug made for cats.  It's 
called Dasuquin, it also has "avacado/soybean unsaponifables" added to it, 
probably just something to make it unique and patentable and doubly expensive.  
I mix 2 capsules with a tablespoon of Fancy Feast every morning and he scarfs 
it down.  Didn't seem to be helping so the vet has added 1 more drug, Elavil 
(Amitriptyline) 5mg per day by pill popper.  It is an anti-depressant but is 
also supposed to have anti-inflammatory properties.  4 days into it he still 
had bloody urine, we're at 1 week now, haven't seen any puddles in a couple of 
days, but he may just be hiding his squatting better.
  He's still playing fetch with his mouse and eating well.  We haven't done the 
prescription food yet as it is difficult to feed it to just one of 5.  I have 
decreased the amount of dry food they all get and have increased the wet.  I 
also read some good tips somewhere (maybe I got the link here?) on getting them 
to drink more water.  I now leave a bowl on the end table by the couch where he 
always tries to steal sips from my glass.  They all love drinking at that spot 
now.  I put the L-lysine into this water.  Here are Will's blood values for 
  Creatnine - 2.1(0.8-2.4)  *HIGH NORMAL
  Bun - 35   (16-36)  *HIGH NORMAL
  Na - 162 mmol/L   (150-165)
  K - 4 mmol/L   (3.5-5.8)
  Cl - 120 mmol/L   (112-129)
  HCT - 37.4   (30-45)
  I'll holler if the Elavil, (or anything else) seems to work.
  Kind regards,
  Beth, Blue, Moxie. Dash, Scooter, and Will Feral


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Re: [Felvtalk] crf-Belinda

2008-07-15 Thread catatonya
Found Bun.  It is 40. 

Sharyl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Tonya, is that a typo for Bob's 
BUN value?  Just very low for a CRF kitty with a Crea of 2.6.  You will want to 
read and bookmark Tanya's web site.
  SubQ fluids are usually given to maintain adequate hydration.  Weekly fluids 
probably don't help much on that score.  Usually kitties are no longer able to 
maintain adequate hydration when the Crea value gets to the high 3's but each 
kitty is different and requires a unique treatment plan.  All of Bob's other 
values look good.  The best food for a CRF kitty is the lowest phosphorus food 
he'll eat.
  Sharyl Sissy Rocket and Daisy's babies

--- On Tue, 7/15/08, catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  From: catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] crf-Belinda
Date: Tuesday, July 15, 2008, 10:15 AM

Hey Belinda,
  This has been lost in cyberspace several times.  I'm hoping it comes through 
with the new server.
  Bob's numbers:
  creatnine 2.5
  bun 16
  phosphorus 4.5
  potassium 4.1
  HCT 37.9
  Other numbers that were noted as high were:
  urea nitrogen 40
  cholesterol 269
  amylase 1440
  we have put him on the new science diet kd canned (it has a better 
consistency and it is the only one out of about 4 we've tried that he will 
eat.) 100 mL of fluid per week.
  and yes, he has high blood pressure and we have him on norvasc 2.5 mg daily
  plus the vet has recommended cosequin for joints and said it actually helps 
the kidneys (i can't read the dosage it's written so small on the capsules and 
i can't find the box.  i have a hard time getting them down him though so he 
doesn't take them with much regularity.)
  how does all of this sound to you.
  I need to put lysine in the wet food for sneaker's herpes. the vet said this 
would not hurt bob's kidneys. what do you think about that?

Belinda Sauro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  What are his numbers, specifically his Creatinine, BUN, 
Phosphorus, Potassium, and his HCT, these are the important ones that 
tell you how well or not well he is doing? Get them from your vet, they 
can fax or give you a copy of his last blood work results, you paid for 
them they are yours. Tell me what they are and I can tell you what my 
vet would be doing if Fred had those numbers. Also has his blood 
pressure been checked, CRF cats are notorious for getting high blood 
pressure, this can be very dangerous and cause blindness if not caught 
and treated. Several cats on the CRF list have gone blind been put on 
amlodipine and regained some if not all of their sight. The retinas 
detach when the blood pressure gets too high, too high can vary for each 
individual cat but you really don't want the blood pressure higher than 
170 or 180 at the vets.

Fred's has been as high as 200 to 240 when he was having the episode 
that I took him in for right away, thankfully his retinas never detached 
but I got him in right away when his legs were twitching and he kind of 
looked spacey and fell over.

Get the numbers and send them ... does he still get fluids?


happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties [affordable hosting & web design] [custom printing]

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Re: [Felvtalk] crf-Belinda

2008-07-15 Thread catatonya
Bob also had a kidney infection at the time and was put on antibiotics. This 
has since cleared up.

Sharyl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Tonya, is that a typo for Bob's BUN value?  Just very low for a CRF 
kitty with a Crea of 2.6.  You will want to read and bookmark Tanya's web site.
  SubQ fluids are usually given to maintain adequate hydration.  Weekly fluids 
probably don't help much on that score.  Usually kitties are no longer able to 
maintain adequate hydration when the Crea value gets to the high 3's but each 
kitty is different and requires a unique treatment plan.  All of Bob's other 
values look good.  The best food for a CRF kitty is the lowest phosphorus food 
he'll eat.
  Sharyl Sissy Rocket and Daisy's babies

--- On Tue, 7/15/08, catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  From: catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] crf-Belinda
Date: Tuesday, July 15, 2008, 10:15 AM

Hey Belinda,
  This has been lost in cyberspace several times.  I'm hoping it comes through 
with the new server.
  Bob's numbers:
  creatnine 2.5
  bun 16
  phosphorus 4.5
  potassium 4.1
  HCT 37.9
  Other numbers that were noted as high were:
  urea nitrogen 40
  cholesterol 269
  amylase 1440
  we have put him on the new science diet kd canned (it has a better 
consistency and it is the only one out of about 4 we've tried that he will 
eat.) 100 mL of fluid per week.
  and yes, he has high blood pressure and we have him on norvasc 2.5 mg daily
  plus the vet has recommended cosequin for joints and said it actually helps 
the kidneys (i can't read the dosage it's written so small on the capsules and 
i can't find the box.  i have a hard time getting them down him though so he 
doesn't take them with much regularity.)
  how does all of this sound to you.
  I need to put lysine in the wet food for sneaker's herpes. the vet said this 
would not hurt bob's kidneys. what do you think about that?

Belinda Sauro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  What are his numbers, specifically his Creatinine, BUN, 
Phosphorus, Potassium, and his HCT, these are the important ones that 
tell you how well or not well he is doing? Get them from your vet, they 
can fax or give you a copy of his last blood work results, you paid for 
them they are yours. Tell me what they are and I can tell you what my 
vet would be doing if Fred had those numbers. Also has his blood 
pressure been checked, CRF cats are notorious for getting high blood 
pressure, this can be very dangerous and cause blindness if not caught 
and treated. Several cats on the CRF list have gone blind been put on 
amlodipine and regained some if not all of their sight. The retinas 
detach when the blood pressure gets too high, too high can vary for each 
individual cat but you really don't want the blood pressure higher than 
170 or 180 at the vets.

Fred's has been as high as 200 to 240 when he was having the episode 
that I took him in for right away, thankfully his retinas never detached 
but I got him in right away when his legs were twitching and he kind of 
looked spacey and fell over.

Get the numbers and send them ... does he still get fluids?


happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties [affordable hosting & web design] [custom printing]

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Re: [Felvtalk] crf-Belinda

2008-07-15 Thread catatonya
It says BUN/Creatinine Ratio = 16
  no plain ole BUN...
  also platelet count is 199 (low) and says clumps are detected leading to a 
lower count than  is probably accurate.
  thanks for link.

Sharyl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Tonya, is that a typo for Bob's BUN value?  Just very low for a CRF 
kitty with a Crea of 2.6.  You will want to read and bookmark Tanya's web site.
  SubQ fluids are usually given to maintain adequate hydration.  Weekly fluids 
probably don't help much on that score.  Usually kitties are no longer able to 
maintain adequate hydration when the Crea value gets to the high 3's but each 
kitty is different and requires a unique treatment plan.  All of Bob's other 
values look good.  The best food for a CRF kitty is the lowest phosphorus food 
he'll eat.
  Sharyl Sissy Rocket and Daisy's babies

--- On Tue, 7/15/08, catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  From: catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] crf-Belinda
Date: Tuesday, July 15, 2008, 10:15 AM

Hey Belinda,
  This has been lost in cyberspace several times.  I'm hoping it comes through 
with the new server.
  Bob's numbers:
  creatnine 2.5
  bun 16
  phosphorus 4.5
  potassium 4.1
  HCT 37.9
  Other numbers that were noted as high were:
  urea nitrogen 40
  cholesterol 269
  amylase 1440
  we have put him on the new science diet kd canned (it has a better 
consistency and it is the only one out of about 4 we've tried that he will 
eat.) 100 mL of fluid per week.
  and yes, he has high blood pressure and we have him on norvasc 2.5 mg daily
  plus the vet has recommended cosequin for joints and said it actually helps 
the kidneys (i can't read the dosage it's written so small on the capsules and 
i can't find the box.  i have a hard time getting them down him though so he 
doesn't take them with much regularity.)
  how does all of this sound to you.
  I need to put lysine in the wet food for sneaker's herpes. the vet said this 
would not hurt bob's kidneys. what do you think about that?

Belinda Sauro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  What are his numbers, specifically his Creatinine, BUN, 
Phosphorus, Potassium, and his HCT, these are the important ones that 
tell you how well or not well he is doing? Get them from your vet, they 
can fax or give you a copy of his last blood work results, you paid for 
them they are yours. Tell me what they are and I can tell you what my 
vet would be doing if Fred had those numbers. Also has his blood 
pressure been checked, CRF cats are notorious for getting high blood 
pressure, this can be very dangerous and cause blindness if not caught 
and treated. Several cats on the CRF list have gone blind been put on 
amlodipine and regained some if not all of their sight. The retinas 
detach when the blood pressure gets too high, too high can vary for each 
individual cat but you really don't want the blood pressure higher than 
170 or 180 at the vets.

Fred's has been as high as 200 to 240 when he was having the episode 
that I took him in for right away, thankfully his retinas never detached 
but I got him in right away when his legs were twitching and he kind of 
looked spacey and fell over.

Get the numbers and send them ... does he still get fluids?


happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties [affordable hosting & web design] [custom printing]

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Re: [Felvtalk] crf-Belinda

2008-07-15 Thread catatonya
The doctor recommended 100 cc twice a week or as much as I could do it.  Bob is 
NOT cooperative at all with the fluids.

Sharyl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Tonya, is that a typo for Bob's BUN value?  Just very low for a CRF 
kitty with a Crea of 2.6.  You will want to read and bookmark Tanya's web site.
  SubQ fluids are usually given to maintain adequate hydration.  Weekly fluids 
probably don't help much on that score.  Usually kitties are no longer able to 
maintain adequate hydration when the Crea value gets to the high 3's but each 
kitty is different and requires a unique treatment plan.  All of Bob's other 
values look good.  The best food for a CRF kitty is the lowest phosphorus food 
he'll eat.
  Sharyl Sissy Rocket and Daisy's babies

--- On Tue, 7/15/08, catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  From: catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] crf-Belinda
Date: Tuesday, July 15, 2008, 10:15 AM

Hey Belinda,
  This has been lost in cyberspace several times.  I'm hoping it comes through 
with the new server.
  Bob's numbers:
  creatnine 2.5
  bun 16
  phosphorus 4.5
  potassium 4.1
  HCT 37.9
  Other numbers that were noted as high were:
  urea nitrogen 40
  cholesterol 269
  amylase 1440
  we have put him on the new science diet kd canned (it has a better 
consistency and it is the only one out of about 4 we've tried that he will 
eat.) 100 mL of fluid per week.
  and yes, he has high blood pressure and we have him on norvasc 2.5 mg daily
  plus the vet has recommended cosequin for joints and said it actually helps 
the kidneys (i can't read the dosage it's written so small on the capsules and 
i can't find the box.  i have a hard time getting them down him though so he 
doesn't take them with much regularity.)
  how does all of this sound to you.
  I need to put lysine in the wet food for sneaker's herpes. the vet said this 
would not hurt bob's kidneys. what do you think about that?

Belinda Sauro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  What are his numbers, specifically his Creatinine, BUN, 
Phosphorus, Potassium, and his HCT, these are the important ones that 
tell you how well or not well he is doing? Get them from your vet, they 
can fax or give you a copy of his last blood work results, you paid for 
them they are yours. Tell me what they are and I can tell you what my 
vet would be doing if Fred had those numbers. Also has his blood 
pressure been checked, CRF cats are notorious for getting high blood 
pressure, this can be very dangerous and cause blindness if not caught 
and treated. Several cats on the CRF list have gone blind been put on 
amlodipine and regained some if not all of their sight. The retinas 
detach when the blood pressure gets too high, too high can vary for each 
individual cat but you really don't want the blood pressure higher than 
170 or 180 at the vets.

Fred's has been as high as 200 to 240 when he was having the episode 
that I took him in for right away, thankfully his retinas never detached 
but I got him in right away when his legs were twitching and he kind of 
looked spacey and fell over.

Get the numbers and send them ... does he still get fluids?


happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties [affordable hosting & web design] [custom printing]

___  Felvtalk mailing list

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Re: [Felvtalk] crf-Belinda

2008-07-15 Thread Belinda Sauro

   Hi Tonya,
 Lysine as far as I know isn't going to hurt his kidney's, never heard 
that Cosquin helps them, Fred gets this for his arthritis too.  He gets 
the pink and white capsules, my vet said I could go with 1 or 2 a day 
depending on how Fred's arthritis seemed to be.  He currently get 1 
because he gets so much stuff now already, that seems to be enough for 
him.  They really need to be given everyday though, they take up to 6 
weeks to make a difference.  I've never seen a BUN that low if it is 
correct, *what are his liver values like*?

* Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) - Urea, which is normally excreted by
  the kidney, is a by-product of protein metabolism.

   1. High levels of BUN may be the result of a high protein diet,
  dehydration, ulcers in the digestive tract, kidney disease,
  or blockage of the normal flow of urine (from a crystal or
  mucus plug, for example).
   2. Low BUN levels can result from a low protein diet or liver

I wouldn't worry so much about the low protein diet, my vet said she 
didn't get them on that until the end stages when they were a lot worse 
than Bob is, Fred doesn't eat that stuff and he does fine.  He eats 
Fancy Feast, home cooked or baby food with supplements.  He has been CRF 
for over 2 years now and his last blood work like I said was really 
good, almost normal.  Mainly you want to keep the phosphorus under 6, 
mid 4's if good and the potassium solidly in the mid to high 4's.  Low 
potassium can cause back leg muscle weakness and isn't good for the 
heart.  I agree that 100cc of fluid a week is not going to do much 
good.  If Bob is dehydrated I would give him between 50 and 100cc a day, 
if he isn't he doesn't need any fluids.  Fred even when his numbers are 
low is dehydrated and needs 100cc a day.

Fred has lost pretty much all the muscle in both back legs now, he still 
gets around OK just can't use them to scratch or anything else.  He is 
starting to lose a bit of weight so I have to really keep on him to eat, 
he is getting lazy and if the food is not right there in front of him he 
will go without, so I have to remember to make sure he has food wherever 
he is laying.

It's almost time for more blood work, kind of afraid of what it is going 
to say though, it was really good last time, so I hope it is still good.


happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties [affordable hosting & web design] [custom printing]

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] crf-Belinda

2008-07-15 Thread Beth Noren
Hi Tonya,
Sounds like Bob is having problems very similar to what we are now going
through with Will Feral.  He began spraying a few weeks ago, blood has been
in the urine off and on.  X-ray was clear, urinalysis had no crystals, good
ph, no blockage.  Dx was "interstitial cystitis".  He did 2 weeks of
Clavamox with no improvement.  He is now on a glucosamine/chondroitin drug
made for cats.  It's called Dasuquin, it also has "avacado/soybean
unsaponifables" added to it, probably just something to make it unique and
patentable and doubly expensive.  I mix 2 capsules with a tablespoon of
Fancy Feast every morning and he scarfs it down.  Didn't seem to be helping
so the vet has added 1 more drug, Elavil (Amitriptyline) 5mg per day by pill
popper.  It is an anti-depressant but is also supposed to have
anti-inflammatory properties.  4 days into it he still had bloody urine,
we're at 1 week now, haven't seen any puddles in a couple of days, but he
may just be hiding his squatting better.  He's still playing fetch with his
mouse and eating well.  We haven't done the prescription food yet as it is
difficult to feed it to just one of 5.  I have decreased the amount of dry
food they all get and have increased the wet.  I also read some good tips
somewhere (maybe I got the link here?) on getting them to drink more water.
I now leave a bowl on the end table by the couch where he always tries to
steal sips from my glass.  They all love drinking at that spot now.  I put
the L-lysine into this water.  Here are Will's blood values for comparison:
Creatnine - 2.1(0.8-2.4)  *HIGH NORMAL
Bun - 35   (16-36)  *HIGH NORMAL
Na - 162 mmol/L   (150-165)
K - 4 mmol/L   (3.5-5.8)
Cl - 120 mmol/L   (112-129)
HCT - 37.4   (30-45)

I'll holler if the Elavil, (or anything else) seems to work.

Kind regards,
Beth, Blue, Moxie. Dash, Scooter, and Will Feral
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] crf-Belinda

2008-07-15 Thread Rosenfeldt, Diane
Tonya -- re the cosequin, we've been giving it to our senior guy Luc for
several months now -- we get the capsules and sprinkle it into his wet
food.  He goes for the juicy part first so we try to get the cosequin
powder mostly into the juice.  He sucks it right up. ;-)
Diane R.

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Sharyl
Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2008 10:35 AM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] crf-Belinda

Tonya, is that a typo for Bob's BUN value?  Just very low for a CRF
kitty with a Crea of 2.6.  You will want to read and bookmark Tanya's
web site.


SubQ fluids are usually given to maintain adequate hydration.  Weekly
fluids probably don't help much on that score.  Usually kitties are no
longer able to maintain adequate hydration when the Crea value gets to
the high 3's but each kitty is different and requires a unique treatment
plan.  All of Bob's other values look good.  The best food for a CRF
kitty is the lowest phosphorus food he'll eat.

Sharyl Sissy Rocket and Daisy's babies

--- On Tue, 7/15/08, catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] crf-Belinda
Date: Tuesday, July 15, 2008, 10:15 AM

Hey Belinda,
This has been lost in cyberspace several times.  I'm hoping it
comes through with the new server.
Bob's numbers:
creatnine 2.5
bun 16
phosphorus 4.5
potassium 4.1
HCT 37.9
Other numbers that were noted as high were:
urea nitrogen 40
cholesterol 269
amylase 1440
we have put him on the new science diet kd canned (it has a
better consistency and it is the only one out of about 4 we've tried
that he will eat.) 100 mL of fluid per week.
and yes, he has high blood pressure and we have him on norvasc
2.5 mg daily
plus the vet has recommended cosequin for joints and said it
actually helps the kidneys (i can't read the dosage it's written so
small on the capsules and i can't find the box.  i have a hard time
getting them down him though so he doesn't take them with much
how does all of this sound to you.
I need to put lysine in the wet food for sneaker's herpes. the
vet said this would not hurt bob's kidneys. what do you think about

Belinda Sauro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

What are his numbers, specifically his Creatinine, BUN, 
Phosphorus, Potassium, and his HCT, these are the
important ones that 
tell you how well or not well he is doing? Get them from
your vet, they 
can fax or give you a copy of his last blood work
results, you paid for 
them they are yours. Tell me what they are and I can
tell you what my 
vet would be doing if Fred had those numbers. Also has
his blood 
pressure been checked, CRF cats are notorious for
getting high blood 
pressure, this can be very dangerous and cause blindness
if not caught 
and treated. Several cats on the CRF list have gone
blind been put on 
amlodipine and regained some if not all of their sight.
The retinas 
detach when the blood pressure gets too high, too high
can vary for each 
individual cat but you really don't want the blood
pressure higher than 
170 or 180 at the vets.

Fred's has been as high as 200 to 240 when he was having
the episode 
that I took him in for right away, thankfully his
retinas never detached 
but I got him in right away when his legs were twitching
and he kind of 
looked spacey and fell over.

Get the numbers and send them ... does he still get


happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties [affordable hosting & web design] [custom printing]

Felvtalk mailing list

This electronic mail transmissio

Re: [Felvtalk] crf-Belinda

2008-07-15 Thread Sharyl
Tonya, is that a typo for Bob's BUN value?  Just very low for a CRF kitty with 
a Crea of 2.6.  You will want to read and bookmark Tanya's web site.
SubQ fluids are usually given to maintain adequate hydration.  Weekly fluids 
probably don't help much on that score.  Usually kitties are no longer able to 
maintain adequate hydration when the Crea value gets to the high 3's but each 
kitty is different and requires a unique treatment plan.  All of Bob's other 
values look good.  The best food for a CRF kitty is the lowest phosphorus food 
he'll eat.
Sharyl Sissy Rocket and Daisy's babies

--- On Tue, 7/15/08, catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] crf-Belinda
Date: Tuesday, July 15, 2008, 10:15 AM

Hey Belinda,
This has been lost in cyberspace several times.  I'm hoping it comes through 
with the new server.
Bob's numbers:
creatnine 2.5
bun 16
phosphorus 4.5
potassium 4.1
HCT 37.9
Other numbers that were noted as high were:
urea nitrogen 40
cholesterol 269
amylase 1440
we have put him on the new science diet kd canned (it has a better consistency 
and it is the only one out of about 4 we've tried that he will eat.) 100 mL of 
fluid per week.
and yes, he has high blood pressure and we have him on norvasc 2.5 mg daily
plus the vet has recommended cosequin for joints and said it actually helps the 
kidneys (i can't read the dosage it's written so small on the capsules and i 
can't find the box.  i have a hard time getting them down him though so he 
doesn't take them with much regularity.)
how does all of this sound to you.
I need to put lysine in the wet food for sneaker's herpes. the vet said this 
would not hurt bob's kidneys. what do you think about that?

Belinda Sauro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
What are his numbers, specifically his Creatinine, BUN, 
Phosphorus, Potassium, and his HCT, these are the important ones that 
tell you how well or not well he is doing? Get them from your vet, they 
can fax or give you a copy of his last blood work results, you paid for 
them they are yours. Tell me what they are and I can tell you what my 
vet would be doing if Fred had those numbers. Also has his blood 
pressure been checked, CRF cats are notorious for getting high blood 
pressure, this can be very dangerous and cause blindness if not caught 
and treated. Several cats on the CRF list have gone blind been put on 
amlodipine and regained some if not all of their sight. The retinas 
detach when the blood pressure gets too high, too high can vary for each 
individual cat but you really don't want the blood pressure higher than 
170 or 180 at the vets.

Fred's has been as high as 200 to 240 when he was having the episode 
that I took him in for right away, thankfully his retinas never detached 
but I got him in right away when his legs were twitching and he kind of 
looked spacey and fell over.

Get the numbers and send them ... does he still get fluids?


happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties [affordable hosting & web design] [custom printing]

Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] crf-Belinda

2008-07-15 Thread catatonya
Hey Belinda,
  This has been lost in cyberspace several times.  I'm hoping it comes through 
with the new server.
  Bob's numbers:
  creatnine 2.5
  bun 16
  phosphorus 4.5
  potassium 4.1
  HCT 37.9
  Other numbers that were noted as high were:
  urea nitrogen 40
  cholesterol 269
  amylase 1440
  we have put him on the new science diet kd canned (it has a better 
consistency and it is the only one out of about 4 we've tried that he will 
eat.) 100 mL of fluid per week.
  and yes, he has high blood pressure and we have him on norvasc 2.5 mg daily
  plus the vet has recommended cosequin for joints and said it actually helps 
the kidneys (i can't read the dosage it's written so small on the capsules and 
i can't find the box.  i have a hard time getting them down him though so he 
doesn't take them with much regularity.)
  how does all of this sound to you.
  I need to put lysine in the wet food for sneaker's herpes. the vet said this 
would not hurt bob's kidneys. what do you think about that?

Belinda Sauro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  What are his numbers, specifically his Creatinine, BUN, 
Phosphorus, Potassium, and his HCT, these are the important ones that 
tell you how well or not well he is doing? Get them from your vet, they 
can fax or give you a copy of his last blood work results, you paid for 
them they are yours. Tell me what they are and I can tell you what my 
vet would be doing if Fred had those numbers. Also has his blood 
pressure been checked, CRF cats are notorious for getting high blood 
pressure, this can be very dangerous and cause blindness if not caught 
and treated. Several cats on the CRF list have gone blind been put on 
amlodipine and regained some if not all of their sight. The retinas 
detach when the blood pressure gets too high, too high can vary for each 
individual cat but you really don't want the blood pressure higher than 
170 or 180 at the vets.

Fred's has been as high as 200 to 240 when he was having the episode 
that I took him in for right away, thankfully his retinas never detached 
but I got him in right away when his legs were twitching and he kind of 
looked spacey and fell over.

Get the numbers and send them ... does he still get fluids?


happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties [affordable hosting & web design] [custom printing]

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: crf-Belinda

2008-03-22 Thread catatonya
I took Bob to the vet yesterday, and they are running all his bloodwork again.  
I go back next week to see results and check blood pressure.  He is already on 
the norvasc and has blood in his urine.  This second doctor I saw didn't think 
his bloodwork showed signs of crf, but wanted to run bloodwork to look for 
changes since november when it was last run.  I will get copies when I go in.
  He put Bob on amoxy for the blood in his urine and put him on cosequin, which 
he said can help somehow with either the kidneys or the bladder.  I don't 
recall which.  He suggested keeping him on amoxy for a while, because Bob got 
so sick last time I put him on Baytril.  He also suggested probiotics, but 
wants to wait for all test results first.  I will get a copy of the bloodwork 
from november and from yesterday.
  Popeye, the last cat I lost was on Norvasc and lost his eyesight.  He also 
had a heart murmur.

Belinda Sauro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  What are his numbers, specifically his Creatinine, BUN, 
Phosphorus, Potassium, and his HCT, these are the important ones that 
tell you how well or not well he is doing? Get them from your vet, they 
can fax or give you a copy of his last blood work results, you paid for 
them they are yours. Tell me what they are and I can tell you what my 
vet would be doing if Fred had those numbers. Also has his blood 
pressure been checked, CRF cats are notorious for getting high blood 
pressure, this can be very dangerous and cause blindness if not caught 
and treated. Several cats on the CRF list have gone blind been put on 
amlodipine and regained some if not all of their sight. The retinas 
detach when the blood pressure gets too high, too high can vary for each 
individual cat but you really don't want the blood pressure higher than 
170 or 180 at the vets.

Fred's has been as high as 200 to 240 when he was having the episode 
that I took him in for right away, thankfully his retinas never detached 
but I got him in right away when his legs were twitching and he kind of 
looked spacey and fell over.

Get the numbers and send them ... does he still get fluids?


happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties [affordable hosting & web design] [custom printing]

Re: crf-Belinda

2008-03-11 Thread catatonya
I will get a copy of them and send you the numbers.  I've got to speak to the 
new vet tomorrow about Bob's paperwork and get his prescription filled for the 
blood pressure.

Belinda Sauro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  What are his numbers, specifically his Creatinine, BUN, 
Phosphorus, Potassium, and his HCT, these are the important ones that 
tell you how well or not well he is doing? Get them from your vet, they 
can fax or give you a copy of his last blood work results, you paid for 
them they are yours. Tell me what they are and I can tell you what my 
vet would be doing if Fred had those numbers. Also has his blood 
pressure been checked, CRF cats are notorious for getting high blood 
pressure, this can be very dangerous and cause blindness if not caught 
and treated. Several cats on the CRF list have gone blind been put on 
amlodipine and regained some if not all of their sight. The retinas 
detach when the blood pressure gets too high, too high can vary for each 
individual cat but you really don't want the blood pressure higher than 
170 or 180 at the vets.

Fred's has been as high as 200 to 240 when he was having the episode 
that I took him in for right away, thankfully his retinas never detached 
but I got him in right away when his legs were twitching and he kind of 
looked spacey and fell over.

Get the numbers and send them ... does he still get fluids?


happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties [affordable hosting & web design] [custom printing]

Re: crf-Belinda

2008-03-11 Thread catatonya
I will get a copy of them and send you the numbers.  I've got to speak to the 
new vet tomorrow about Bob's paperwork and get his prescription filled for the 
blood pressure.

Belinda Sauro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  What are his numbers, specifically his Creatinine, BUN, 
Phosphorus, Potassium, and his HCT, these are the important ones that 
tell you how well or not well he is doing? Get them from your vet, they 
can fax or give you a copy of his last blood work results, you paid for 
them they are yours. Tell me what they are and I can tell you what my 
vet would be doing if Fred had those numbers. Also has his blood 
pressure been checked, CRF cats are notorious for getting high blood 
pressure, this can be very dangerous and cause blindness if not caught 
and treated. Several cats on the CRF list have gone blind been put on 
amlodipine and regained some if not all of their sight. The retinas 
detach when the blood pressure gets too high, too high can vary for each 
individual cat but you really don't want the blood pressure higher than 
170 or 180 at the vets.

Fred's has been as high as 200 to 240 when he was having the episode 
that I took him in for right away, thankfully his retinas never detached 
but I got him in right away when his legs were twitching and he kind of 
looked spacey and fell over.

Get the numbers and send them ... does he still get fluids?


happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties [affordable hosting & web design] [custom printing]

Re: crf-Belinda

2008-03-11 Thread Belinda Sauro
 What are his numbers, specifically his Creatinine, BUN, 
Phosphorus, Potassium, and his HCT, these are the important ones that 
tell you how well or not well he is doing?  Get them from your vet, they 
can fax or give you a copy of his last blood work results, you paid for 
them they are yours.  Tell me what they are and I can tell you what my 
vet would be doing if Fred had those numbers.  Also has his blood 
pressure been checked, CRF cats are notorious for getting high blood 
pressure, this can be very dangerous and cause blindness if not caught 
and treated.  Several cats on the CRF list have gone blind been put on 
amlodipine and regained some if not all of their sight.  The retinas 
detach when the blood pressure gets too high, too high can vary for each 
individual cat but you really don't want the blood pressure higher than 
170 or 180 at the vets.

Fred's has been as high as 200 to 240 when he was having the episode 
that I took him in for right away, thankfully his retinas never detached 
but I got him in right away when his legs were twitching and he kind of 
looked spacey and fell over.

Get the numbers and send them ... does he still get fluids?


happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties [affordable hosting & web design] [custom printing]

Re: crf-Belinda

2008-03-10 Thread catatonya
by the way the previous vet did recommend 150 mL of fluids per week for right 
now.  I've also put him on all wet food.  It's a pain not to have someone to 
call "my" vet!

Belinda Sauro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Hi Tonya,
Fred gets, Nutrived which is a liquid for his slight anemia, he gets a 
potassium supplement (potassium gluconate powder that I put in capsules, he 
gets 4 a day) and he gets phosphorus binders because his phosphorus was too 
high, we've got it down again and he gets Marrow Plus (this is for anemia and 
energy, not sure if this is really doing much, his HCT has stayed at 28%, just 
low for months so it may be helping) and amlodipine and benazipril for high 
blood pressure.  He just had his last blood work a week ago and all his number 
were very good, there has been a big improvement.   We started him on 
benazapril in addition to his amlodipine for high blood pressure and his 
numbers shot up.  They are almost normal again and benazapril is known to make 
the numbers go higher initially when started.  He's also been on an antibiotics 
and eye goop for a urinary tract infection and conguntivitis in his eye this 
last week.  I took him in last week because I could tell he wasn't
 feeling well.  We go in this morning to check on those two things and recheck 
his blood pressure, forgot last week.

My vet is thrilled that his numbers have come down so much.  He also gets 150ml 
of fluid daily.  Fred gets pills 5 or 6 times a day and we have it down to a 
routine now, he is pretty good about it.  He doesn't love it but he knows it is 
going to happen so he just lets me do it, I think he realizes he feels better 
too, especially after his fluids.

Do you have blood work you can send me for your possible CRF kitty?

-- Belinda  happiness is being owned by cats ...Be-Mi-Kitties [affordable hosting & web 
design] [custom printing]

Re: crf-Belinda

2008-03-10 Thread catatonya
I don't have a copy of his bloodwork, but it is in very, very, early stages.  
The vet wanted to try him on something 'new' and sent a test to Michigan State 
university.  I have had to change vets again. :(  so I'm hoping this new vet 
will follow through with that.  She has recommended I start him on fluids 
weekly only at this time, but he will not stand for them.  he also has high 
blood pressure and is on the amlodipine.
  I was hoping you knew something about the medication that that the previous 
vet was talking about (that she sent bloodwork to michigan state for) was 
something you might know about.
  I don't know how much you've kept up with my vet saga.  But I found a really 
good vet, BUT she wouldn't do ANY procedures in the room.  wanted to take Bob 
back for EVERYTHING.  So I switched to the vet who has a child in my 
  and guess what?  he knew that vet and didn't like her.   He said the stuff 
about not allowing people into the back if they wanted to be with their animals 
was b.s. and had nothing to do with insurance.  hinted that this new vet might 
not be the nicest behind closed doors.
  so I switched to him... but he's not as 'cutting edge' on things as 
she was.
  also have had a dog with a broken foot going on 8 weeks now, plus sneakers' 
herpes or whatever it is... so I haven't got Bob back in.

Belinda Sauro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Hi Tonya,
Fred gets, Nutrived which is a liquid for his slight anemia, he gets a 
potassium supplement (potassium gluconate powder that I put in capsules, he 
gets 4 a day) and he gets phosphorus binders because his phosphorus was too 
high, we've got it down again and he gets Marrow Plus (this is for anemia and 
energy, not sure if this is really doing much, his HCT has stayed at 28%, just 
low for months so it may be helping) and amlodipine and benazipril for high 
blood pressure.  He just had his last blood work a week ago and all his number 
were very good, there has been a big improvement.   We started him on 
benazapril in addition to his amlodipine for high blood pressure and his 
numbers shot up.  They are almost normal again and benazapril is known to make 
the numbers go higher initially when started.  He's also been on an antibiotics 
and eye goop for a urinary tract infection and conguntivitis in his eye this 
last week.  I took him in last week because I could tell he wasn't
 feeling well.  We go in this morning to check on those two things and recheck 
his blood pressure, forgot last week.

My vet is thrilled that his numbers have come down so much.  He also gets 150ml 
of fluid daily.  Fred gets pills 5 or 6 times a day and we have it down to a 
routine now, he is pretty good about it.  He doesn't love it but he knows it is 
going to happen so he just lets me do it, I think he realizes he feels better 
too, especially after his fluids.

Do you have blood work you can send me for your possible CRF kitty?

-- Belinda  happiness is being owned by cats ...Be-Mi-Kitties [affordable hosting & web 
design] [custom printing]

Re: crf-Belinda

2008-03-03 Thread Belinda Sauro

   Hi Tonya,
   Fred gets, *Nutrived* which is a liquid for his slight anemia, he 
gets a potassium supplement (*potassium gluconate powder* that I put in 
capsules, he gets 4 a day) and he gets *phosphorus binders* because his 
phosphorus was too high, we've got it down again and he gets *Marrow 
Plus* (this is for anemia and energy, not sure if this is really doing 
much, his HCT has stayed at 28%, just low for months so it may be 
helping) and *amlodipine* and *benazipril* for high blood pressure.  He 
just had his last blood work a week ago and all his number were very 
good, there has been a big improvement.   We started him on benazapril 
in addition to his amlodipine for high blood pressure and his numbers 
shot up.  They are almost normal again and benazapril is known to make 
the numbers go higher initially when started.  He's also been on an 
antibiotics and eye goop for a urinary tract infection and conguntivitis 
in his eye this last week.  I took him in last week because I could tell 
he wasn't feeling well.  We go in this morning to check on those two 
things and recheck his blood pressure, forgot last week.

My vet is thrilled that his numbers have come down so much.  He also 
gets 150ml of fluid daily.  Fred gets pills 5 or 6 times a day and we 
have it down to a routine now, he is pretty good about it.  He doesn't 
love it but he knows it is going to happen so he just lets me do it, I 
think he realizes he feels better too, especially after his fluids.

Do you have blood work you can send me for your possible CRF kitty?


happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties [affordable hosting & web design] [custom printing]


2008-03-02 Thread catatonya
What pills are you giving Fred for crf?

Belinda Sauro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'm sorry the doxy is so hard to administer, I wouldn't worry about 
the injections though, just get a small needle, insulin size, I get them 
from my local pharmacy. I give all my guys a vitamin b once a week and 
none notice the needle at all, some do notice the vit b going in because 
I guess it can sting a bit, but even then they don't mind much, just a 
grouch from them but by the time they grouch at me it's over. 
Injections for me anyway, are the easiest way to go, if anything comes 
as an injectable that is my first choice, pills second. None of my guys 
like liquids and they aren't fooled by pill pockets.

I have learned to give pills because Fred my CRF guy gets them 5 times a 
day and it wasn't easy at first. I finally took a deep breathe pictured 
in my head how the vet does and and I now do it the same way. Grab his 
jaw on both sides with my thumb and forefinger while my palm is across 
the top part of his head, then use the forefinger of my other hand to 
pull the bottom jaw down, put the pill as far back as I can and he 
usually swallows. Once you get the hang of it it is really easy to do, I 
always make sure he eats a few bites after and if he won't I give him a 
squirt of water. Here is a video that may help.


happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties [affordable hosting & web design] [custom printing]