Re: Another Felix filly

2001-07-10 Thread John Bosomworth
This message is from: "John Bosomworth" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Just a quick note to everyone that Felix has another, very feminine daughter
.. yet unnamed.who arrived 7 days early  What a lovely surprise
on a grey Tuesday morning.  >>>
Congratulations Cheryl!   We also had a surprise on Tuesday morning (hot and
Our mare foaled 10 days earlyA handsome big boy!   Maybe these  fjord
"twins" will go out on a date sometime in the future.

Do you always have the vet come when a new foal is born?
Don't think you will be able to part with either of these fillies.

Fjordally yours,  Eunice[EMAIL PROTECTED]

John & Eunice Bosomworth
Deere Country Fjords
Ayton, Ontario, CANADA

Re: Time for BOD nominations

2001-07-10 Thread Fjord1901
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 7/8/01 7:06:28 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

<<  I just received a wonderful letter from 
 Jack (I even made a copy of it!) about their first outing and how much Jack 
 is enjoying him.  That kind of letter sure gives me 'warm & fuzzies' and 
 makes all of the work worthwhile! >>
Hey, cut that out,
Now it's my turn to blush (hard to see on my Calif. Tan) But the truth is 
the truth.
Just for my information, Am I unqualified to think about the NFHR BoARD 
OF DIRECTORS? I guess by asking this question, I have automatically 
disqualified myself : ) I just want so much to be a part of everything, and 
at my age, I don't have a lot of time to participate in a lot of things. So, 
tell me. Please. Your student, Jack

Re: sites

2001-07-10 Thread GailDorine
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 7/10/01 7:06:20 AM Mountain Daylight Time, 

> Since this rapidly veers off topic, replies should probably come to me
>  directly.
Nah, this is too good not to share.  If you go to, it will take 
you anywhere on any search.  A great search engine.
Gail in Tucson

Re: the new Rafael

2001-07-10 Thread Fjord1901
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 7/9/01 8:30:32 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

<< dear jack, what a letter and what an imspiration to us all!
 congratulations!!  hope to see you and rafael at turlock.  denise >>
Dear Denise,
Thank you for the nice responce. I only wanted to make things a little 
clearer, and perhaps instill a little inspiration in others who truly want to 
exceed in this wonderful sport, but are either afraid or ashamed of being a 
beginner. I have always been told, if you don't ask questions you don't get 
answers. If you hide, no one will find you, The best one, if the gate dosen't 
squeek, it never gets oiled. I will see you in Turlock, please introduce 
yourself to me, and remind me of your post.  Jack

Re: American Registry

2001-07-10 Thread tillie34
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I goofed the last note was for Pamela!!  Trying to help. But  I  hurried. I 
also sent the note to her.   Tillie

Dun Lookin' Fjords
Bud,Tillie & Amy Evers
Redmond OR  (541) 548-6018

Re: American Registry

2001-07-10 Thread tillie34
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

ooohh its so easy Go to all the information is there. Need more help 
email Mike May. See easy. And welcome to the Norwegian Fjord Horse Reg.  It 
has a lot to offer as Canada does and you can keep" Both" ,its getting better 
all the time. Tillie

Dun Lookin' Fjords
Bud,Tillie & Amy Evers
Redmond OR  (541) 548-6018

American Registry

2001-07-10 Thread BugEwhip
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'm looking to get my Canadian registered Fjords into the American Registry.  
Is it hard to do?  Who do I contact?   Please send information to my e-mail.

Pamela Garofalo

Shipping from Norway

2001-07-10 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
This message is from: "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To ship to LA from Norway cost approx. $3700.00

Catherine Lassesen

Pre-evaluation clinic Thank yous

2001-07-10 Thread Dudley and Karen Haines
This message is from: "Dudley and Karen Haines" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I want to send a big THANK YOU to everyone who participated in the
pre-evaluation clinic this last weekend and made it such a fun and educational

Beth - Thank you so much for taking time out of your busy schedule to share
your knowledge. Your (seemingly) untiring enthusiasm, knowledge and belief in
the evaluation program translates into a fun, non-threatening and
individualized-to-each-student style of teaching.

Karen Mac - What can I say. You can get some sleep now! Thanks for your work
into the wee hours of the mornings finishing last minute details so we could
enjoy a smoothly run clinic. And thanks for arranging for all the wonderful
food - especially the delicious BBQ your neighbors prepared.

And to all the folks who attended - thanks for coming and contributing to make
it such a fun and positive clinic.

And of course, last, but definitely not least, Alycia, and all the other
horses. Thanks for being so patient with us and continuing to trot around that
stupid triangle long after you wanted to go back home and munch your hay!

Now we just have to practice, practice, practice.

Until next time, take care,

Karen H.

For Sale

2001-07-10 Thread HapDayBMF
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello Everyone,
Boy has this year been busy.  I think every year things will slow down and 
they don't.  
I've decided to part with 2 of my mares.  I also have 2 - 2001, colts for 
sale, when weaned.

The first for sale is a Danish Imported Mare.  Malene Stanstorp DK-X-100-M (
sire: Caesar Halsnaes  grandsire: Rei Halsnaes)
D.O.B.  April 4th, 1984.  Brown Dun, 14 Hands
She rides and drives (though she hasn't been hitched in years) She's a little 
out of shape, been a broodmare only for a number of years.  She's an excellent
 mother. She had a year off from motherhood and is now in foal for 2002  with 
our Stallion DRAFN KTF-H-655-S (Sanjar) She is a quiet mare that has been 
used in the past for therapeutic riding.
The second mare for sale is double registered: White Roses' Matilda C-1421  
HIV-I-1711-M (sire: Anvil's Randi  grandsire: Rudaren)
D.O.B. July 15th, 1995.  Brown Dun 14.1 hands.  
Last year she was green broke to ride and drive.  She had her first foal in 
June, of this year (gorgeous stud colt) by our stallion DRAFN.  She is very 
forward moving and will make an excellent mount with more training. What 
little time she spent learning to drive, showed her to be VERY responsive and 
light on the bit.  She hasn't had any work done with her this year.  She is 
GREAT on trails, on roads, & trailering.  She is also a great mother.   We 
will sell her as a package deal with this years stud colt or after her foal 
has been weaned.
We also have for sale the 2 stud colts by our stallion DRAFN.  Both are 
sturdy built, very nice heads, brown duns.  

Please contact me privately if you're interested in more info and prices of 
any of these horses.   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
We are located in Central Maine.

Thank You,
Aimee Day
Days End Fjords

Another Felix Filly!

2001-07-10 Thread Cheryl Beillard
This message is from: "Cheryl Beillard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Just a quick note to everyone that Felix has another, very feminine daughter
.. yet unnamed, out of Soleia (Grabb granddaugher) who arrived 7 days early
with almost no signs (compared to last year's delivery which was 3 weeks
late, when there were "signs" every night and nada for days  and days).
Missed it, of course.  She may not be as big as Veronica, who is (dare I say
it) wonderful to look at and a super mover (several key people have told me
so!), at just over a year, but she sure is cute.  What a lovely surprise on
a grey Tuesday morning.  Vet just arrived and I"m off to meet the vet and
"read the signs".   One or the other of these girls will be for sale this
year, but I don't know which yet.   Thanks for listening, everyone. It's
nice to be able to share news with people that may have more than just a
passing interest in the arrival of another fjord in the world!