Re: fjordhorse-digest V2005 #265

2005-11-30 Thread SReiber464
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I bodyclip my Fjord, Gus, in the spring with the heavy duty Stewart clippers. 
They're also the ones I use to roach his maneeven the white hairs on 
either side of the black, down about a half an inch. They do a great job! 
Sandy Reiber 
In Nebraska where winter has finally discovered us!

PS  I'm going to a new web-server so e-mail address is changing to:   

Alex - I'm sure I speak for most of us when I tell you you're in our prayers. 
Best of luck in whipping both the cancer and the "system."

RE: TWO Secret Santa Hints

2005-11-30 Thread
This message is from: "" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Cynthia, all.

I thought I should report that Cynthia's e-mails are consistently being 
quarantined by my ISP. This is happening even after I have reported the message 
as legitimate to my ISP.

 I think it is the secret word along with santa in the title that may be doing 
it.  Anyway..if you are not getting hints you think you should be getting, 
check your quarantine box.


Fjords at Southern Horse Festival

2005-11-30 Thread Curt
This message is from: Curt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi,  This weekend myself, Allison Cabral, Hiedi Fiedler, and Sue Freivald will 
be at the Fjord Horse booth at the Southern Horse Festival in Raleigh, NC.  The 
festival is being held at the State Fair Grounds.  If you are in the area, 
please come by and see us at booth BA07.  Allison's Fjord, Magni (aka Tigger), 
will be in the booth stall most of the time. and riding in the demonstrations  
Solvar will be there to drive in the demonstrations and to relieve Tigger if 
Curt Pierce
Mathias, WV

Re: The Foundation

2005-11-30 Thread Beaver Dam Farm

This message is from: "Beaver Dam Farm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello from Carol Rivoire at Beaver Dam Farm in Nova Scotia -

Thank you, Catherine, for taking the time to answer my questions.  --
You're right in that I know nothing about charitable foundations.  --  I"ve
read the articles and asked several people including a board member, but
still haven't completely understood the purpose of the Fjord Foundation.

You've explained in a general way what the Foundation envisions doing --
However, I've got to admit that I still don't get it.  --  If the purpose is 
to provide tax havens for people, then I understand.  If the purpose is to 
'protect the purity of the breed', then I've got questions because I believe 
that's the Registry's job.  --

Let me ask you a few more questions --

Will the books be open to NFHR members.  Will there be a financial statement
published yearly, or is the Foundation not obligated to do this by virtue of
being a private group?--

Will the NFHR membership know how much money is in the foundation and what 
it's currently being spent on?

You say money will be available for research pertaining to the
Fjordhorse.  --  Can you tell us if there's some specific
type of research in mind?  -

***  When the last Herald's article mentioned one of the goals being
Marketing, I naturally thought it meant . .  marketing Fjordhorses, meaning
advertising.  --  You say it means "marketing the Foundation".  --
Fine!  But, I think that marketing anything to do with  Fjordhorses will 
attract people interested in owning a Fjordhrose, and I'm wondering how 
those inquiries might be handled.

If the Fjord Foundation is an organization that is going to promote and 
protect, and do good things for  the Fjordhorse, then, of course, I'm all 
for it.  --  I've asked these questions because Beaver Dam Farm is in the 
business of Fjordhorses.  We have a full-time staff, and those people as 
well as Arthur and I make our living breeding, training, importing, buying, 
and selling Fjordhorses.  --  All of us here have a need to know what's 
happening in the Fjord world, and rightly or wrongly, I did not feel that 
the two articles published in the Herald contained enough information for us 
to form a considered opinion on the Fjord Foundation.

Regards,  Carol Rivoire

Re: Question on clippers

2005-11-30 Thread Marsha Jo Hannah
This message is from: Marsha Jo Hannah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Barbara Sollner-Webb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> be sure to clip only a dust/dirt-free horse, though, or the blades
> wear out real fast.  since washing a fuzzy guy, and keeping him from
> rolling until dry, is pretty much of a fairy-tale, i recommend
> getting one of those cheapie dust-beater hand-held vacuums
> [...with...] a rotating brush, that you can run upward, beating
> against the grain of the fur, and even the deep dirt beats out very
> easily.

I've got one of the small horse-vac's, and I find it to be relatively
useless on my winter-hairy donkey or Fjords.  I've had better luck
brushing them a little to break up the mud clods, then taking a small
shop vac, putting the hose into the exhaust port, and "blow-dusting"
my equines.  It works best in an area with a slight breeze---position
the animal with its head up-wind, and nothing behind it that has to
stay clean.  Start at the head (being very careful not to blow dirt
into eyes or ears), and "flick" the airstream back and forth across
the animal's coat, small sections at a time.  It's amazing how quickly
and thoroughly the dirt goes flying away!  My donkey hates being
brushed or vacuumed (causes a lot of static electricity in her coat),
but seems to enjoy being blow-dusted.  The vac's exhaust stream is
usually somewhat warm, which apparently feels good on a cold day.

Marsha Jo HannahMurphy must have been a horseman--
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   anything that can go wrong, will!
15 mi SW of Roseburg, Oregon

Re: Foundation

2005-11-30 Thread Warren Stockwell
This message is from: "Warren Stockwell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

O.K don't mean to sound dumb but now I'm more confused. If you read the
following letter I see 2 very distinctive blank statements.

From: "E.German\ R. Petrowski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 "independent organization in the sense of being an educational or other
sort of
> charitable foundation,"

what is "other sort of cheritable foundation"? sounds pretty openended. I
like to know where my hard earned funds go, and what good they are doing.

> "for specified purposes".   What specified purposes?? Pretty open ended.

 "in fact, it's a testament to the
> commitment of those  people who are willing to volunteer to serve both
> breed association as well as the foundation.  I think that those who
> the Fjord Foundation and those serving on its Board now should be

I couldn't agree more there is truly a dedication here but to what? It has
to do with Fjords, but where is the clarity and mission statement so that us
lay people can make informed decisions.

Their are so many organisations looking for our contrubitions. To make blind
contribuations is foolish. I want to know that the little I donate  goes
where it will do the most good.

The word Foundation means "the principles of a program or agency, a
cheritable instituation" ( referance: gazeteer students dictionary ).

I would like to be in the know : )


Who has to much time on her hands to be writting this : )

New Mexico and dogs

2005-11-30 Thread Vanessa N Weber
This message is from: "Vanessa N Weber" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi All, 
My kids and I will be coming down to visit my family in Santa Fe, the
weekend of December 15 -19. I'm hoping to be able to bring two small dogs,
under the seat, and turn them over to an elderly lady from Las Cruces. It
will be too late for her to get them from us (we fly in to Albequerque) and
return to her home by bus - she's afraid to drive far- so I'm wondering if
anyone in the area might be able to help me out with this. The dogs are
adorable and I need to visit my aunt's family. She's still alive as I write
this but probably won't be for long. I'm hoping to see her before she goes
so she can tell me more about the Fjord horses she gave me.
If anyone could help me get the dogs to Tessa, I would be so grateful, and
so would the dogs, Tigger (Japanese Chin) and Holly (English Toy Spaniel).

TWO Secret Santa Hints

2005-11-30 Thread Cynthia Madden
This message is from: Cynthia Madden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Here's your hint I'm proud to say
Your secret santa gift is on its way
The perfect gift I have found
It keeps on giving all year round

Another trinket in case you're bored
Your very own pocket sized fjord
Around his neck a red bandana
He came to you from Indiana

To Kay Konove,
   I was going to work on your gift today
   But lots of snow got in my way.
   It started really really late
   And fell all night...I know its fate !

   So chores were done in muck and mud,
   ( The ice and dirt just turned to crud )
   Ive got to go
   My hose is froze !
   And now I have to blow my nose.
 your Secret Santa ( sniff sniff )

Cynthia Madden
Las Cruces, NM
2nd annual Christmas Carriage Ornaments available at:

An unconscious people, an indoctrinated people, a people fed only on
information and opinion that confirm their own bias, a people made morbidly
obese in mind and spirit by the junk food of propaganda, is less inclined to
put up a fight, to ask questions and be skeptical. That kind of orthodoxy
kill a democracy – or worse.
- Bill Moyers, National Conference on Media Reform
  St. Louis, Missouri  May 15, 2005

Re: Question on clippers

2005-11-30 Thread Barbara Sollner-Webb
This message is from: Barbara Sollner-Webb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   re. clippers, i recommend oster's clipmaster (model 610; 170 watts; $215 
from  there are two clipmasters, but the extra $10 for the 
variable speed (i.e., model 610) is really worth it, especially to initiate a 
horse new to clipping.  don't waste your money on the oster A5 as i did (it is 
claimed to be perfect, but is only 45 watts and gets stopped by thick fur, and 
it costs 2/3 as much as the 610).  most cheapie clippers are less than 15 
watts, so useless for furry guys.  although the double k clipper seems neat 
'cause the noisy motor is many feet away from the actual blades, it is 
relatively low power and seems to work well for fuzzy guys only if you clip 
them quite often, so you are not trying to remove an arctic circle amount of 
fur at once. 
   be sure to clip only a dust/dirt-free horse, though, or the blades wear out 
real fast.  since washing a fuzzy guy, and keeping him from rolling until dry, 
is pretty much of a fairy-tale, i recommend getting one of those cheapie 
dust-beater hand-held vacuums at a local hardware store.  [you can get them in 
some horse catalogs, but the bag then has horses printed on it and the pricetag 
is increased about 4-fold!]  these vacuums have a rotating brush, that you can 
run upward, beating against the grain of the fur, and even the deep dirt beats 
out very easily. i have now clipped 9 iceys (real fuzz-balls) with a single set 
of blades, and they are only now getting ready to be sent in for sharpening.
   also, they make a blade that leaves 3/16th of an inch fur, so you can do a 
trace clip in the winter without the guys freezing (at least here in maryland).
   happy clipping!
yours,  barbara

Trying to get Avastin

2005-11-30 Thread Gail Russell
This message is from: "Gail Russell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

HI Alex,
I just looked on my computer at your old posts and was reminded that you
have liver metatasis.I gather the drug is probably approved for
metatastic liver cancer if you have colorectal cancer.  Could they somehow
look for some kind of colorectal problem and slip you into that category


I am sure you have thought of just about everything, but maybe oe of those
minds out there can come up with something. 

This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I am engaged in trying to get the drug, Avastin, made by 
Genetech, in  San Francisco, funded somehow, as it is not "approved" for my
type of 
cancer,  and therefore my insurance will not pay the $34,000.00 per month
it costs.  My Doctor has prescribed it, but there is no way to get it. 
Anybody have any  contacts at Genentech?

Re: fjordhorse-digest V2005 #265

2005-11-30 Thread Quilter855
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 11/29/2005 8:33:12 PM Pacific Standard Time,  

Eileen  in eastern WA, where we might get our first snow of the  season.

I may have asked you before, but where is Eastern WA do you live?
Patty  in Yakima who got only another inch of snow.