Re: State operated horse parks

2005-11-03 Thread snafflesnshelties

This message is from: snafflesnshelties <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The Frankilin Creek Park outside of Franklin Grove, Il is a state horse 
Several rides scheduled during the year... fun show, open show. Camping 


Robert Morgan wrote:

This message is from: "Robert Morgan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I'm wondering how many states own a horse park? I know KY, MD, CO, NY have
horse parks. Please respond to my email as to any other state owned and
operated horse parks.  Thank you very much.

Helena, MT

Re: Problem !

2005-10-21 Thread snafflesnshelties

This message is from: snafflesnshelties <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

ooops... too late at night.. I should be in bed...
the first sentence should have said:
the cats came running... and so did the resident SKUNK

snafflesnshelties wrote:

This message is from: snafflesnshelties <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

A woman who used to live near us... put out the cat food one night... 
the cats came running... and so did the resident cat...

Re: Problem !

2005-10-21 Thread snafflesnshelties

This message is from: snafflesnshelties <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

A woman who used to live near us... put out the cat food one night... 
the cats came running... and so did the resident cat...
another neighbor .. used to dump large amounts of cat food ... for the 
cats... until the day they saw the coons and skunk.. munching the cat 
food... alongside the cats.

We never have uninvited guests... I measure out exactly what two cats 
will eat morning and night...

if you put out a 'live trap' to attempt to catch the skunk... you may 
catch a cat or two... usually a cat will not go back into the cage the 
second time...

so you will catch it only once...
if you catch a skunk... well it must be in the deceased mode... 
before you can remove it from the cage without becoming fragranced.


Warren Stockwell wrote:

This message is from: "Warren Stockwell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

My neighbors that kept the skunk population in their end of town have moved
: ((
Now the stinkinkie suckers have moved into my barn!!! I hate those neighbors
that don't take all their stuff and leave it for me to deal with!!!

Re: Horse odor

2005-10-20 Thread snafflesnshelties

This message is from: snafflesnshelties <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

or a hog farm!


This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I would tell your neighbor you have good news. Someone would like to put  300 
low income apartments on your land. That will make her  think.

Re: Animal Control Issue

2005-10-20 Thread snafflesnshelties

This message is from: snafflesnshelties <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

thank you for sharing your story. I am so sorry that you had to go 
through that. I am thankful that you had the brains to stand your 
ground. I have the feeling that you might be watched for a while longer.

Sometimes the worst animal control officers are those who have never 
owned an animal. If they would have gotten their way with your horses, 
they might possibly go after livestock farmers ect. and that could go 
all over the united states.

In my state, all too often the bad animal owners seem to get "off" way 
too often. Good people like you undergo headaches.

When I filed for my license to board dogs, the inspector told me that I 
had to redo my indoor runs. They measured 4 x4 with a 4 x12 outdoor run 
I could not afford to redo them. After a few moments of frustration, I 
asked him if the size was a state law and he replied no. He "thought" 
they should be larger.He was very shocked when I explained how a larger 
indoor run, might give an unhousebroke visitor the idea that it could 
relieve itself indoors.

Please keep us posted on your dilema

Lisa Wiley wrote:

This message is from: "Lisa Wiley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I have been involved in a serious AC issue since last Thursday.  All of this
was because my horses chose to stand in the rain.  The link is for the article
in today's newspaper.

Re: fjordhorse-digest V2005 #235

2005-10-20 Thread snafflesnshelties

This message is from: snafflesnshelties <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

this reminds me of a small country town near us. A dairy cattle farm had 
been there for years (on the corner lot of the town). New people moved 
to town and eventually complained about the odor from the cattle. Went 
as far as to take the dairy farmer to court. When it was all over, the 
dairy farmer stayed and his cattle. There were established there first. 
Residents bought their property  knowing full well that the dairy farm 
was there.

I notice an odor from our horse lots sometimes after a drenching rain.
I had one neighbor complain about my flies ... bombarding their home.. I 
set her straight... with all the fly control I used... there was no way 
the flies came from our home. The flies came from a hog farmer.. who 
used nothing for fly control.

Very often if someone complains, they are senior citizens... who tend to 
grumble and no one can make them happy. Not all seniors are this way though.

I usually call the person... who is complaining about me... and very 
sweetly discuss it with them. First time I ever did th is.. the 
gentleman was sooo

embarrassed, basically denied what he has said.

I would talk to them about the rumor... explaining that you do 
everything you can to control odors ect... and ask them kindly to let 
you know IF they ever detect an odor... I always call any new 
neighbors... and ask them to let me know if my dogs bark too much and 
annoy them.. never thought of it with manure odor.. however we dont have 
anyone directly downwind from us.



This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 10/19/2005 7:14:21 PM Pacific Standard Time,  

learned  from a neighbor that my neighbors of twenty five years to the east
of me  told them that they can not eat on their patio because of the  
smell" from my place  

Re: Trailers and Vehicles

2005-10-12 Thread snafflesnshelties

This message is from: snafflesnshelties <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

We purchased a 2 horse Bonanza a few years ago. Couldnt afford an 
aluminum. The trailer was one year old when we bought it. Dealer told us 
it would be rusted through in four  years. Wow.. what a great selling 
The trailer is a 1996, a steel one. Dressing room in the front. Saddle 
racks in the rear.
We have replaced the floors. I dont think the lumber was treated that 
was in it originally. We have also had to replace the gear crank to 
raise it up and down to hook it up.  The paint job on it is pathetic. 
Paint is so thin. It has not rusted through.. but it needs a paint job.
We pull it with a two wheel drive truck. We do not live in a hilly 
area. If I do have to run up a hill... it tends to take it's time. I 
have noticed 4 wheel drive trucks often take their time going up some hills.

I dont mind a steel stock trailer... but since we now have had a 
dressing room.. I wouldnt want to be without it. It is so handy, 
especially at horse shows... trail rides..
There are other brands of steel trailers.. I am assuming the paint on 
them has got to be better than the Bonanza. We happen to live on a 
gravel road... and it can take a beating... even when I drive slow..

I did some research last winter on pick ups... if we get another truck 
it will probably be 4 wheel drive.. and I wouldnt want one newer than 
1999 because the newer ones seem to get awful gas mileage.


Vanessa N Weber wrote:

This message is from: "Vanessa N Weber" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi All,

I am thinking of getting a vehicle and a trailer to pull my horses with and
wondered what to buy. I absolutely need a back seat so I can bring my kids
with me. I can't afford a huge amount but would like a minimum 2 horse

Re: Potomac Fever Warning

2005-09-20 Thread snafflesnshelties

This message is from: snafflesnshelties <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

you must have the mosquitoes we didnt get this year.
out of curiosity.. have you ever tried the method of putting the yellow 
joy dish soap in some water and putting it on a white plate...

and setting it out to attrack mosquitos? I have often wondered if it works.

Warren Stockwell wrote:

This message is from: "Warren Stockwell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

We have been vaccinating for it for more than 10 years, FYI


66°, dark, damp, with the worst mosquitoes of the year, maybe 2 or 3 years!

Re: drooling horse

2005-09-15 Thread snafflesnshelties

This message is from: snafflesnshelties <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

This doesnt sound exactly like the drooling we experienced one year, but 
I will share it with you... just in case.
We had a mare that suddenly started drooling so bad the saliva actually 
ran out of her mouth. It was as if a faucet was turned on low.
No other horses were affected. We called the vet out who said the 
drooling was the result of her eating so much 'water' grass.
She had been leaning over the fence and dining on the full grown water 
grass on the other side of the fence.

The only way I can describe the water grass is that when it goes to 
seed...the top end of the seed stalk (3 to 4 inches) has a cluster of 
tightly fitted seeds ...
with tiny 'hairs' that stick out from between them. Not to be confused 
with fox tail.


Robert Morgan wrote:

This message is from: "Robert Morgan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I do have two Fjords, but this is a problem with the mustang. He has a lot of
slobber at the back of his mouth, he will stretch out his head and neck 

Re: fungal infections

2005-09-12 Thread snafflesnshelties

This message is from: snafflesnshelties <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I think someone has recommended products by Solid Gold


This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Several weeks back Sealmeal and another product were discussed concerning increasing immunity to help prevent fungus. Once again Aron has had fungus flair up and I really think it is time to put him on one of mentioned  products. I would like to try the product that was mentioned besides Sealmeal. I know it was expensive but I can't remember the name. If the person that discussed this product would email me with the product name I would appreciate it very much. Thank you, Onna

Re: Fungus and Betadine Scrub

2005-09-07 Thread snafflesnshelties

This message is from: snafflesnshelties <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I havent heard of stop and shop apple cider vinegar.
I did take time to check out the ingredient label of the 'generic' brand 
at our super walmart... and found ingredients of grain...

and no apples.

with apple season coming up... too bad I couldnt find out how to buy the 
gallons of apple cider at the orchard and make my own cider


Vanessa N Weber wrote:

This message is from: "Vanessa N Weber" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I called the vet yesterday and they also recommended Pete's Equine Remedy.
Ever heard of that? Also, have you ever used the Stop and Shop brand of
Apple Cider vinegar?  From the label it looks as if the apple juice is ok.
Not sure though.



Re: Fungus and Betadine Scrub

2005-09-06 Thread snafflesnshelties

This message is from: snafflesnshelties <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I located my notes for fungal infections...

here they are..
Lyme Dip from Revival (it has lime and sulpher in it)

health food stores have a salve with black walnut hull ticture

feed amino acids

tea trea oil

apple cider vinegar with the "mother" in it
Braggs brand is the best

vicks vapo rub

Hi Yield Brand lime sulphur from the nursery or garden shop
it is a dormant spray.. the same as lyme dip only cheaper
mix 6 tbs in 10 oz of water


Vanessa N Weber wrote:

This message is from: "Vanessa N Weber" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thanks, this is great!


---Original Message---

From: snafflesnshelties
Date: 09/05/05 12:05:23
Subject: Re: Fungus and Betadine Scrub

This message is from: snafflesnshelties <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

somewhere in my notes... I have written  down the name of something that
can be purchased from garden centers that work on fungus...

Re: Fungus and Betadine Scrub

2005-09-05 Thread snafflesnshelties

This message is from: snafflesnshelties <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

somewhere in my notes... I have written  down the name of something that 
can be purchased from garden centers that work on fungus...

I spray the vinegar straight... it changes the ph of the skin and fungus 
can not survive in the different ph.
The apple cider vinegar is the best.. however you must notice that there 
is a difference in apple cider vinegars. The type from the health food 
stores is the best.. it has the 'mother' in it. I have never used it.
Heinz from the grocery stores is the best in a grocery store.. 
HOWEVER... the small bottle is better than the large bottles.. if you 
read the label.. the small bottle says apple cider vinegar and is made 
from apples...
the larger bottles often say apple cider flavored..and the indredients 
are not apple.. they are grains.

I use the brown listerine and use it straight. Sometimes I mix the 
vinegar and listerine in the same bottle. Listerine is an anticeptic.

These are the things I learned about these products over the net. I try 
to do as much as I can by myself before calling a vet in. Tends to save 
me money and saves the vet some time for other things.

I like to use natural remedies if I can before using drugs or chemicals.


This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

HI all, I have been a lurker for some time now but the fungus topic is 
interesting to me as we have had a quarter horse with rain rot this year. 

Re: Fungus and Betadine Scrub

2005-09-04 Thread snafflesnshelties

This message is from: snafflesnshelties <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

whenever we suspect any type of fungus... rain rot ect...
we spray the area with vinegar and/or listerine
I have also used Equus Bio Tek shampoo's and sprays.. but that was 
before I learned about vinegar and listerine.


Vanessa N Weber wrote:

This message is from: "Vanessa N Weber" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

My vet came by the other day to float one of the Fjords, and mentioned a
fungus he saw on the legs of one of the other ponies.

Re: Best Veterinary sites, horse sites?

2005-09-04 Thread snafflesnshelties

This message is from: snafflesnshelties <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I like the yahoo email list

the owner is a vet of race horses in Kentucky.

you can do a yahoo search for other horse lists... health ones... ect

Vanessa N Weber wrote:



2005-08-15 Thread snafflesnshelties

This message is from: snafflesnshelties <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

there was a recent discussion on anemic blood levels and fjords.
If I remember correctly... the fjord tends to have blood that appears to 
be anemic and this is normal.

Perhaps some of the more experienced fjord owners will reply

Re: Horse and Colt show Wisc Sept

2005-08-12 Thread snafflesnshelties

This message is from: snafflesnshelties <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

When's the show I'd like to go. Not to far from the area I think??


sept 24 and 25

Re: Myler Bits

2005-08-12 Thread snafflesnshelties

This message is from: snafflesnshelties <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

can you tell me which bit you have and prefer? I looked at their website 
and the draft bits are too big I am assuming. The western bits has some 
with low ports. Isnt that what we need with fjords?


Re: Evaluations

2005-08-10 Thread snafflesnshelties

This message is from: snafflesnshelties <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


That tells me that the Fjord owner/breeders are educating
themselves about what is a good quality Fjord horse. 

I have only visited one fjord breeder. I did not see any horse there that was 
not a stunning animal. I saw beautiful profiles, great bone, and the one I took 
home... had wonderful eyes!! adorable face!

Usually when I have visited other breeds homes... I can always pick out a horse 
with either a terrible rear... awful front legs... or ugly head I found it 
so interesting at the fjord stable... they were all so similar ... and so well 
handled and cared for

Re: Feeding

2005-08-09 Thread snafflesnshelties

This message is from: snafflesnshelties <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

This message is from: "Vanessa N Weber" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Why haven't you put the Fjords on Strategy then if it works on the other
horses so well. Do you think it's too rich? Can you tell me more about
Purina Omelene and why you are using that?


. purina had a promotion this spring of "buy two get two free" 
I had been feeding it to our quarter horse 3 yr old and to the only fjord we own.

We felt it was a step up from what we had been feeding some of the horses.
Eventually we plan to put all of the horses on the strategy/born to win blend 
that my daughter seems to prefer.

Re: Feeding

2005-08-09 Thread snafflesnshelties

This message is from: snafflesnshelties <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

we switched our horses to strategy a year ago and found that not only do 
their bodies look better and different, but their coats look better. 
Keep in mind that those horses are quarter horses and one paint.
our fjord is getting about 1 1/2  of purina omelene ... um dont remember 
if it is the 100 or 200.

we were also told that we did not need to supplement the strategy. 
however we never feed the recommended amount on the bag... and we are 
top dressing the strategy for the bred mares with select 2 and the 
select mare and foal.

Our fjord is awaiting the results of a hair mineral analyses so we are 
not top dressing his ration with anything except garlic for now.

we have always noticed that when our horses are given too much grain, 
they get 'hot'

dont want that!! I like my horses calm.

Re: lost phone at Blue Earth

2005-08-04 Thread snafflesnshelties

This message is from: snafflesnshelties <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I lost one while tracking a lost dog...
fell out of my pocket, I had a pretty good idea which area so I got in 
touch with my husband who continually redialed my phone until I heard it 

You need to contact the phone company so they can cancel the number ( 
just in case someone has found it  and could be making calls to 
timbucktoo causing your bill to escalate.)

so sorry you lost it...

Re: Fwd: RE: LA County Fair (Fjord)

2005-07-28 Thread snafflesnshelties

This message is from: snafflesnshelties <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Before I would ever allow any of my animals to be entered in any country 
fair, I would be asking a ton of questions. The night after my daughter 
was crowned Queen at our Fair... I found our fair superintendent inside 
the stall of my daughters gelding. He had become frightened from the 
noise of a nearby event, and this super horse woman took it upon 
herself  to halter him, tie his head up high and whip the h*ll out of 
him when he reacted from fright. Because of my speaking up about this 
incident I was basically thrown off of our fair board.

The fjord gelding we have is very sensitive and he could be destroyed 
emotionally from an incident like that. Before anyone enters any fair 
... I would encourage them to look into the backgrounds of any and all 
volunteers. Just a quick question over the phone is not sufficient.

We can never be too cautious when it comes to our horses.


Re: Caution feeding garlic to horses

2005-07-28 Thread snafflesnshelties

This message is from: snafflesnshelties <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

there was a discussion on another horse list about feeding garlic and a 
study on anemia. One lister was adamant about garlic being bad. She 
posted a site  about garlic...and horses and problems. The study didnt 
even had 20 horses in it.. and those in that study were given a 
gawdawful amount of garlic. Garlic has been known to have healing 
properties..  I would think that whatever anyone comes up with for 
anything.. there will be pros and cons.

For example.. I have said for years that no one should eat grean 
beans...  they can kill you.. my study and proof is this:

everyone who ate green beans in the year 1820 is dead.

The sheltie is one of those breeds that can suffer from a skin disease 
called dermatomyositis. The medication that texas a&m uses for 
treatement has properties to thin the blood. I know of three shelties 
who suffered from DM and are now in remisiion (?) with hari regrowth 
after being on fresh garlic daily and apple cider vinegar.

One of the sheltie owners told me that her parents fed chopped fresh 
garlic to their mixed breed dogs for about 12 to 14 years daily. those 
dogs appeared to healthy... and never saw the vet except for regular 
routine check ups and rabies vaccinations.


Re: Vinegar and Flies

2005-07-28 Thread snafflesnshelties

This message is from: snafflesnshelties <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Granulated garlic from is $3.10 per pound with a $5 
handling . The $5 handling fee stays the same for whatever and how much 
you order. You never pay more that the $5.
I received my shipment of 10 pounds yesterday and began to feed it last 



As for purchasing, we have been buying granulated garlic in 1 lb. containers at 
Costco.  Each costs about $4 and four will cover 15 horses for approximately 
one month.  This is a minuscule investment compared to what we might have spent 
with a commercially available feed through fly control system.  I hope this is 
helpful.  If anyone has a cheaper line on granulated garlic I would love to 

Re: Vinegar & Flies

2005-07-28 Thread snafflesnshelties

This message is from: snafflesnshelties <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

we used this recipe at a horse show one summer...
kept applying it because the flies kept biting... poor horse broke out 
in itchy hives and we had to hose her down


one part Apple-Cider Vinegar

one part Water

one part Blue Dawn Dishwashing Liquid

Mix well and apply with a spray bottle.

**The Dawn has dried some horses skin**

Re: Vinegar & Flies

2005-07-28 Thread snafflesnshelties

This message is from: snafflesnshelties <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

this is the recipe that you can cross off the list. I tried it many 
years ago and it didn't work for me. I tried it this season and never 
caught a fly. If it has worked for  anyone here, I would sure like to know.

Make your own flytrap:

3 cups Water

1/4 cup Sugar

1/4 cup Vinegar

Mix ingredients. Place in a jar or can with holes in the lid. Place were 


Re: Vinegar & Flies

2005-07-27 Thread snafflesnshelties

This message is from: snafflesnshelties <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I had been adding about one  cup of apple cider vinegar to the horses 
feed.(not the white vinegar... the apple cider vinegar)  Also adding the 
cheap garlic powder from walmart. . Both are supposed to repel flies. 
but in my case it is not 100%

. The real apple cider vinegar it hard for me to find in the gallon jugs 
around here. Most of it says apple cider flavored. Perhaps that is why 
it isn't working Wonderfully. The garlic powder as I said is the 
cheapest at walmart.. so I have decided it must be lacking in something.
I have now ordered garlic granules from in Napa California. I 
heard about that source on another list and the poster was satisfied 
with it. There products seem to be very reasonable.

I first heard about garlic and flies last year from a woman with five 
horses. She ordered the garlic supplement from Springtime and told me 
that she didn't even have to apply fly spray when they went on trail 
rides. But she felt it was a bit expensive for 5 horses. That is why I 
went with the cheap walmart source.

Every time I think that I have an abundance of flies... I am informed by 
other horse owners that they dont think I have a fly problem compared to 
I received my garlic granules from today and am looking 
forward to trying it.

When adding the cider vinegar or garlic powder you have to start out 
slowly so they become adjusted to the flavor. Gradually work your way up 
to the one cup of apple cider vinegar. Garlic powder can be fed 1 to 2 
tsp. per day... garlic granules can be fed 1 to 2 tablespoons per day.

I keep one of those fly terminator bottles active too. I used to have 
three bottles going..but found I dont have enough flies anymore to keep 
them activated.
Our horses spend all day outdoors... and the sorrel horses  have got the 
best shine!!! I am not sure if it is because of the strategy/born to win 
from purina we feed them.. or the garlic or the apple cider vinegar.


Re: Looking for saddles

2005-07-19 Thread snafflesnshelties

This message is from: snafflesnshelties <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

is Crates a magazine? a vendor? a brand name?

Sharon Nash wrote:

This message is from: "Sharon Nash" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Try Crates lite traveler

Re: fjordhorse-digest V2005 #157

2005-07-17 Thread snafflesnshelties
This message is from: snafflesnshelties <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I wouldnt know...
I lost two balls before the first hole...
my husband 'fired' me from playing golf and told me to drive the cart

Pat Holland wrote:

>This message is from: "Pat Holland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>pat, i consider that i placed in a class when i am in the same ring as i
>>started :)
> Kind of like golf...I am pleased when I finish the game with the same ball
>I started with.