Re: [fpc-devel] Alternative parsers

2010-10-19 Thread Paul Breneman
Thanks Helmut for your encouraging message.  I enjoy lurking and 
learning by reading these extensive threads.

Back in March 2010 there was a similar thread about Lazarus development 
and in the end several people posted their success stories which are now 

I'm glad you came along to help us look at the "big picture" with your 
FPC success story!  :)

fpc-devel maillist  -

[fpc-devel] Free Pascal 2.4.2 minimal distros for fpGUI available

2010-11-13 Thread Paul Breneman
This web page has i386 Win32 and ARM WinCE cross-compiler zips that 
include everything needed (no install necessary) to test FPC 2.4.2 with 
the fpGUI 0.7 release (Aug 2010):

The i386 Linux version is almost ready.  Email me if you want to test a 
private copy of that distro.

Paul Breneman - VCL database replication components - Hardware and software development services
- Educational programming project for environment monitoring
- Information on using FreePascal for embedded systems
- Support information for the TurboPower open source libraries
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Free Pascal 2.4.2 minimal distros for fpGUI available

2010-11-14 Thread Paul Breneman

Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:

On 14 November 2010 04:09, Paul Breneman wrote:

This web page has i386 Win32 and ARM WinCE cross-compiler zips that include
everything needed (no install necessary) to test FPC 2.4.2 with the fpGUI
0.7 release (Aug 2010):

Nicely done, thanks Paul.

Thanks for fpGUI!

Please check your spam folder for an email from me.  Or just send me an 
email and I'll reply to it.  We had some email discussion on 
16-Jan-2010.  I could use your help on a few items with the i386 Linux 
distro that isn't on that page yet.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Free Pascal 2.4.2 minimal distros for fpGUI available

2010-11-14 Thread Paul Breneman

Paul Breneman wrote on 11/13/2010:
This web page has i386 Win32 and ARM WinCE cross-compiler zips that 
include everything needed (no install necessary) to test FPC 2.4.2 with 
the fpGUI 0.7 release (Aug 2010):

The i386 Linux version is almost ready.  Email me if you want to test a 
private copy of that distro.

If you downloaded the i386 Win32 111310 version to see what fpGUI 
controls look like, you might consider downloading the new 111410 
version from today.  Not only are the two simple programs from yesterday 
still there, but the source for the fpGUI uidesigner program is now 
included so you can compile and run that program.  And, of course, the 
uidesigner program itself is a good example of a more complex fpGUI program.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Free Pascal 2.4.2 minimal distros for fpGUI available

2010-11-15 Thread Paul Breneman

Michael Schnell wrote:

On 11/14/2010 03:09 AM, Paul Breneman wrote:
This web page has i386 Win32 and ARM WinCE cross-compiler zips that 
include everything needed (no install necessary) to test FPC 2.4.2 
with the fpGUI 0.7 release (Aug 2010):

The i386 Linux version is almost ready.  Email me if you want to test 
a private copy of that distro.

Great !

I's like to take a look at the ARM-Linux cross tool chain !

Note that I wrote that i386 Linux is almost ready.  ARM Linux isn't 
coming soon unless there is an official release for that platform, and 
that hasn't happened since the 2.2.2 release.

Special request: remote debugging vie Ethernet would be very desirable.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Free Pascal 2.4.2 minimal distros for fpGUI available

2010-11-17 Thread Paul Breneman

Martin Schreiber wrote:

On Tuesday, 16. November 2010 14.52:12 Paul Breneman wrote:

I'd like to take the minimal distros and add a simple option to use
MSEide and it supports debugging from what I understand.  Then maybe
extending that with remote debugging would be the next item.

MSEide is ready to work with remote gdbserver and gdbproxy. I even use it for 
C development with AVR32.

That is good to know.  Thanks Martin!
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Free Pascal 2.4.2 minimal distros for fpGUI available

2010-11-17 Thread Paul Breneman

Michael Schnell wrote:

On 11/16/2010 02:52 PM, Paul Breneman wrote:

I try hard to write Pascal programs without using pointers and without 
allocating or deallocating memory. 

OOpps. How is this possible :) ?  But in what way does this help on that 
issue ? I do see that memory allocation/deallocation is a source to very 
hard to find bugs, but avoiding it makes may things close to impossible.

I don't doubt that there are certain domains where application-level 
memory allocation/deallocation is very necessary.  But for the type of 
programs I usually write it isn't.  I've written a lot of machine 
control projects with TurboPascal starting in 1985.  The only strings 
(short) at that time were still long enough for the serial data buffers 
I needed.

In 1985 I started working on an existing real-time video editing program 
written in PDP-11 assembler.  In the early 90s I ported that to pure 
TurboPascal (no assembler) with ~50,000 source lines.  The only 
interrupts were for the keyboard and also a video timing interrupt (50 
or 60 Hz) and about one-third of the code lived in the timing interrupt 
routine.  One system had 24 RS-422 serial ports (38,400 baud) in an 
inexpensive RadioShack Tandy 386 computer, which was the main computer 
that controlled about $2 million of digital video editing equipment. 
Quite a funny picture in a way (a peasant running a rich kingdom)...

Several fellows who developed such PC-based editors before me had to use 
expensive and complex intelligent multi-port serial port cards but 
thankfully I waited just long enough that the 16550 UART (with the 16 
byte FIFO) had arrived on the scene so my system was much simpler.  All 
of the commands (during the real-time recording) were 16 bytes or less 
so using 16550 UARTS it all worked without interrupts for the serial ports.

I just went back and searched the ~50,000 likes of source, and there is 
not a single New/Dispose (nor Mark/Release) in all of my code.  My 
program never crashed (even at the beginning beta stage) and I never 
used a debugger but rather a little logging when needed.

All video editing is now done with fast computers but here is a freeware 
version of that program that can utilize 9 serial ports:

One of my favorite authors (Jack Crenshaw) likes TurboPascal a lot, and 
(if I remember right) years ago he wrote something along the lines of: 
When I compile a C program I'm surprised if it runs the first time, but 
when I compile a TurboPascal program I'm surprised if it doesn't run the 
first time.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Free Pascal 2.4.2 minimal distros for fpGUI available

2010-11-19 Thread Paul Breneman

Henry Vermaak wrote:

On 15/11/10 13:13, Paul Breneman wrote:

Michael Schnell wrote:

On 11/14/2010 03:09 AM, Paul Breneman wrote:

This web page has i386 Win32 and ARM WinCE cross-compiler zips that
include everything needed (no install necessary) to test FPC 2.4.2
with the fpGUI 0.7 release (Aug 2010):

The i386 Linux version is almost ready. Email me if you want to test
a private copy of that distro.

Great !

I's like to take a look at the ARM-Linux cross tool chain !

Note that I wrote that i386 Linux is almost ready. ARM Linux isn't
coming soon unless there is an official release for that platform, and
that hasn't happened since the 2.2.2 release.

Special request: remote debugging vie Ethernet would be very desirable.


This only concerns the toolchain.  All you need is gdbserver for your 
target machine and an arm-linux-gdb on your host machine.

Thanks Henry for that info.

I try hard to write Pascal programs without using pointers and without 
allocating or deallocating memory.  If the RTL is reliable (when it does 
those things behind the scenes) then all of *my* bugs are logical (and 
shouldn't crash the program) and usually a few debug or log messages 
will be all that is needed (and many times I don't even need those). 
That has worked very well for me since 1985 since the TurboPascal RTL 
always seemed *very* reliable.  In 1995 the VCL wasn't quite as solid 
but still pretty good...

And since Pascal strings can contain nulls I never have to allocate 
buffers in my communication programs but rather I just use (safe) 
strings there as well.

I'd like to take the minimal distros and add a simple option to use 
MSEide and it supports debugging from what I understand.  Then maybe 
extending that with remote debugging would be the next item.

I know that you and many other experts on this list already have this 
stuff figured out, but I've had to spend my time on a lot of other 
things.  The minimal distros started out as my method of trying to 
reduce things as much as possible when I started programming on ARM 
Linux.  I am amazed at how simple the Free Pascal "hello world" distro 
is, so it has been quite an education for me to go all the way down to 
that and then build things on top of that in various ways.

Are there other open source development tools with which I could do 
Windows and Linux minimal distros?  If so I'm interested in adding those 
to the web site.

It is neat how, especially for Windows, there are basically no 
requirements.  Well, I guess ZIP support wasn't in the OS before XP so 
that is one requirement.  :)  Right now I'm trying to figure out how to 
provide something for the Linux distro that works as simply as the 
compile.bat does on Windows.

Yesterday at work I started using the latest Win32 and WinCE minimal 
distros to develop a very simple fpGUI program for a nice PDA.  I'll 
develop mostly on Win32 and test occasionally on WinCE and the actual 
device.  It is nice to use the fruits of my *long* day Saturday.  :) 
Most of all I'm thankful for the great Free Pascal and fpGUI tools that 
allow such efficient development environments!

I guess I wrote what should be a blog article somewhere...  :)
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] "embedded" again

2013-01-14 Thread Paul Breneman

Michael Schnell wrote:

On 01/11/2013 12:37 PM, Michael Schnell wrote:
I don't suppose I can run an X11 stub (such as NoMachine NX or 
whatever the Xorg stub is called) plus a widget set (such as QT) on 
the QNAP NA device.

later I found this:

So it might be possible, though 



This "embedded" thread you started recently has been great.  I've tried 
to keep up with how you are using (or hoping to use) FPC on headless 
embedded systems for years now.  Thanks, and please continue to keep us 
in the feedback loop!

I've used some with desktops but I'll have to use what 
you linked on my RPi.  Then it might allow my RPi to be a simple 
headless embedded system using the ARM Linux stuff here:


fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Is target mips-embedded possible / planned?

2013-05-16 Thread Paul Breneman

Michael Ring wrote:
I finished first tests on memory read performance fot jtag probes/pic32, 
all on my Mac except the raspberry test:

Olimex TINY-H with openocd:120 Seconds for 32k of data
Olimex TINY-H with ejtagproxy: 10 Seconds for 1k of data, I did not have 
the patience to wait for the transfer of 32k ;-)

Raspberry PI with openocd in gpiomode: 50 Seconds for 32k of data

J-Link Edu with openocd: 30 Seconds for 32k of data

mikroProg from Mikro-E: approx. 8 Seconds for 32k (but no gdbserver and 
ICD Protocol on windows, only for reference)

ST-Link2: not yet tested.

pickit3 on ejtagproxy: not yet tested

I had high hopes for the Raspberry Pi solution because there's no USB 
transfer involved, sniff.

J-Link performance is not stellar, but will be good enough for me right 

If anybody has better results, please feel free to share on how you were 
able to get better performance.


Am 16.05.13 09:55, schrieb Michael Ring:

Nice find, question is why did I not find this link ;-)

I etched some testboards yesterday and connected them to my 
ARM-USB-TINY, openocd detects the chip just fine but Michel was right, 
flash read performance is a mess, it took two minutes to read out the 
32k flash of my pic32mx220 chip, that's pretty slow. I will check if a 
j-link or st-link work better, but I do not have high hopes.

But perhaps the ejtagproxy or pic32prog can solve this problem, will 
keep you posted.


Am 16.05.13 08:53, schrieb Michael Schnell:

On 05/15/2013 12:11 PM, Michael Ring wrote:
If you find the time to find out how to actually start up & use 
their gdbserver I will be more than happy to integrate it into 
lazarus, right now I take what I can get and that seems to be openocd.

Maybe this helps 

"EJTAGproxy open source GDB interface for PIC32 and MIPS"

They say "PIC-KIT3  (ICSP) 
interfaces are supported."


You might want to try the new BeagleBone Black as it might be better for 
real-time machine control (and boots up in a more standard way) than the 
Raspberry Pi?  A friend of mine put together a lot of this page:
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] where do download BinUtils for ARM - Raspberry Pi?

2013-06-29 Thread Paul Breneman

On 06/29/2013 08:58 AM, Michel Catudal wrote:

Le 2013-06-21 03:32, Michael Schnell a écrit :

I don't understand why RPI (still) gets so much interest.

A friend of mine just bought two BeagleBone "Black" boards for € 38.- (+VAT) each. With the extremely 
versatile and well supported TI 1 GHz chip (that is taken from TI's "AM..." series of devices for 
"embedded" use instead of for "cellphone" use), with
512 MB RAM and additional "internal SD-Card", and with a HDMI socket.

He is up to try to install and develop with FPC/Lazarus ASAP. (Please com back 
with any question on that behalf, I'm going to forward them.)

I definitively would use this board for my future "embedded" projects.


In the US it is $45 each plus shipping. Tax is added if you order from the same 
state. For someone who doesn't have the money for an HDMI monitor, it does have 
a RCA connector for NTSC (or PAL) video. It has access to GPIO but so does the 
BeagleBone so the
only thing I can see that would have some value would be for those who cannot 
afford to buy a decent computer monitor or don't care how bad the picture can 
be. I got one of those to see what the big fuzz was about. If I had to choose 
between the two, it
would not be my choice.

An odroid is much superior (2G of RAM). While on vacation in Québec I tried it 
out on a 50 inches HD TV. I was able to play movies with it, using Funtoo Linux.
If you want hard disk the Mele A2000G might be a better choice, it has 1G of 
RAM, a connector for sata hard disk and includes wifi support plus more. I was 
able to create gentoo on it with no problem. It is not as nice to play video as 
the odroid which has
a 4 cores arm device.


Hi Michel,

I was glad to see your AVR32 FPC releases on your web page:

Since your stuff is related to embedded stuff ("stuff" is one of my 
favorite technical terms) I plan to add a link to your page several 
places on my site when I next update it:


How the BBB and RPi differ (a recent list subject to change/correction):
1) With the RPi the RAM is soldered on top of the CPU, a very
critical technology only a few shops can offer.
2) The ARM1176JZF-S (RPi) is vfpv2 which supports floating point 
exceptions whereas the Am335x chip (BeagleBone) is vfpv3 and does not 
provide such support.
3) The RPi boots up via the GPU whereas the BBB boots up normal.  This 
is one reason my linux-cnc friend (see below) gave up on using the RPi 
for his real-time stuff.


An engineer who lives near to me recently got linux-cnc working on the 
BB and also the BB Black:

There are a few links for the RPi, BB, and Arduino near the top of this 


fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] fpc on odroid (ARM hardfloat)

2013-08-10 Thread Paul Breneman

On 08/09/2013 11:06 PM, Michel Catudal wrote:

For those interested I have created a repository for ubuntu 13.04 on odroid. 
Sorry about the typo in my previous comment, an extra d was in the name, google 
isn't likely to find the right site with a typo in the name.

Ignore the suggested download file, that is bogus and I haven't seen anyway to 
remove that ridiculous suggestion. Look at the wiki for details on how to 
install fpc and lazarus

You will find binaries for fpc 2.6.2 with hard float support as well as larazus 
1. The code is based on the code from Debian. There is a small issue with a 
package that doesn't seem to exist, for menus I guess. It doesn't keep lazarus 
from loading, just an
anoying message as you start lazarus.

You will also find on that repository binaries for the mate desktop. Those who 
much like me hate gnome 3 with a passion will appreciate the contribution. This 
should also work on Mele, I haven't tried it since I do not use ubuntu on the 
Mele but gentoo,
soon to be replaced with funtoo. On either funtoo or gentoo all you have to do 
is use the Sabayon overlay. There might be a few files to convert, if you have 
issues with it just send me a note on the sourceforge directory.

For those interested I will publish an image for funtoo on odroid in a few 


I'd like to add ARM hardfloat mini distributions on about 6 pages: - also 4 other pages

Do I need to change all of the existing ARM Linux units (in fpcunits 
folder), or do I only need to change the compiler (ppcarm)?

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] TCustomApplication

2013-08-19 Thread Paul Breneman

On 08/19/2013 08:45 AM, Michael Schnell wrote:

On 08/19/2013 02:48 PM, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:

I will not implement anything, you will :)

Right you are :-) .

I sincerely hope I once will find the time to do this, now that we
TThread.Queue which proves that it in fact is possible.

I'm enjoying this thread (one of my favorites every year :) ) and I am 
glad to learn that things are progressing!

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Smarter way of generating ARMHF fpc trunk installation?

2014-03-03 Thread Paul Breneman

On 03/03/2014 03:24 AM, Reinier Olislagers wrote:

fpcup, an FPC/Lazarus build/installation/update program uses the
following steps on ARMHF Linux (e.g. raspbian, odroid):

1. Get FPC stable (2.6.2 currently) ARM bootstrap compiler binary
This compiler cannot directly build ARMHF FPC trunk.

2. Use the compiler to build a regular ARM fpc trunk compiler ("the
intermediate bootstrap" compiler... sorry, not that good at naming :) )

make "FPC=/home/odroid/development/fpcbootstrap/arm-linux-ppcarm"

3. Use the generated compiler to build regular ARMHF FPC+RTL etc, as
well as Lazarus.

Would there be a smarter/shorter way of doing this?


Could the first part(s) be packaged into a small Free Pascal 
distribution, like the 3 zips on this page?

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Smarter way of generating ARMHF fpc trunk installation?

2014-03-03 Thread Paul Breneman

On 03/03/2014 12:13 PM, Jonas Maebe wrote:

On 03 Mar 2014, at 17:49, Paul Breneman wrote:

On 03/03/2014 03:24 AM, Reinier Olislagers wrote:

fpcup, an FPC/Lazarus build/installation/update program uses the
following steps on ARMHF Linux (e.g. raspbian, odroid):

1. Get FPC stable (2.6.2 currently) ARM bootstrap compiler binary
This compiler cannot directly build ARMHF FPC trunk.

2. Use the compiler to build a regular ARM fpc trunk compiler ("the
intermediate bootstrap" compiler... sorry, not that good at naming :) )

make "FPC=/home/odroid/development/fpcbootstrap/arm-linux-ppcarm"

Could the first part(s) be packaged into a small Free Pascal distribution, like 
the 3 zips on this page?

No, because you have to redo step 2 every single time you update your sources.

I'm not suggesting that the source be put into the zip.  But could the 
other tools be put into a zip so I could download a small zip on my 
Raspberry Pi and easily follow a few directions to compile a new ARMHF 

I'm also interested in doing something similar for Android.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Smarter way of generating ARMHF fpc trunk installation?

2014-03-03 Thread Paul Breneman

On 03/03/2014 02:37 PM, Reinier Olislagers wrote:

On 03/03/2014 19:39, Paul Breneman wrote:

On 03/03/2014 12:13 PM, Jonas Maebe wrote:

On 03 Mar 2014, at 17:49, Paul Breneman wrote:

On 03/03/2014 03:24 AM, Reinier Olislagers wrote:

fpcup, an FPC/Lazarus build/installation/update program uses the
following steps on ARMHF Linux (e.g. raspbian, odroid):

I'm not suggesting that the source be put into the zip.  But could the
other tools be put into a zip so I could download a small zip on my
Raspberry Pi and easily follow a few directions to compile a new ARMHF

See the lines I started my original post with...
See also
specifics about Linux ARMHF (on Odroid, should also apply to other devices)

Thanks for the links!  I need to study fpcup more.

It might be nice to see how simple I can make the process of compiling for ARMHF (using fpcup).  I'm really trying to avoid 
crosscompiling.  It is good for a full-time programmer, but I'm trying 
to find the most simple ways to get people started.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Building 2.7.1 on current Raspbian fails

2014-10-23 Thread Paul Breneman

On 10/23/2014 08:41 AM, Joost van der Sluis wrote:

On 10/23/2014 11:49 AM, Jonas Maebe wrote:

On 23/10/14 11:28, Thaddy de Koning wrote:

The starting compiler is any official FPC 2.6.4 compiler that can be
downloaded from our website. With any of those compilers, you can build
both cross and native trunk compiler for any of the targets supported
only by trunk. That's how all targets are bootstrapped.


That's why I said you have to cross-compile. E.g.:
* download FPC 2.6.4 of Linux/i386

And for those who are wondering why Jonas is making such a big point out
of this: (Just a bug report
from today)

We get this kind of bugs, questions and comments all the time. All from
people who try to build trunk-with-trunk, while they do not know what
they are doing.

That must stop. So, please, please, *never* say you can/have to build
fpc-trunk with fpc-trunk. (Unless it's the same revision)


This thread has been *very* educational so thanks to all who 
participated.  I've spent a bit of time during the past 7 years trying 
to figure out how to simplify things by avoiding cross-compiling.

I'll start another thread about this but I think there is a way to 
simplify cross-compiling.  Levinux is a small Qemu download for x86 PC 
(Windows, OS X, Linux) that provides a small Linux VM.  I'd like to see 
something similar but with Debian and all the files and tools needed to 
cross-compile FPC.

Please hold your comments until there is a new thread (feel free to 
start that).  Thanks!

fpc-devel maillist  -

[fpc-devel] Small virtual machine to cross compile FPC

2014-10-27 Thread Paul Breneman
I've spent a bit of time during the past 7 years trying to figure out 
how to simplify things by avoiding cross-compiling.  This page has many 
of the details:

I think there is a way to simplify cross-compiling.  Levinux is a small 
(~20 MB) QEMU download for x86 PCs (Windows, OS X, Linux) that provides 
a small Tiny Core Linux VM.  I'd like to see something similar but with 
all the files and tools needed to pull the latest source code and 
cross-compile FPC (also with Debian instead of Tiny Core?).

It seems to me that such a small VM should allow a nice standard method 
that will make it easy to test and see things work.

I look forward to your thoughts and comments!
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Small virtual machine to cross compile FPC

2014-10-31 Thread Paul Breneman

On 10/27/2014 06:09 PM, Paul Breneman wrote:

I've spent a bit of time during the past 7 years trying to figure out
how to simplify things by avoiding cross-compiling.  This page has many
of the details:

I think there is a way to simplify cross-compiling.  Levinux is a small
(~20 MB) QEMU download for x86 PCs (Windows, OS X, Linux) that provides
a small Tiny Core Linux VM.  I'd like to see something similar but with
all the files and tools needed to pull the latest source code and
cross-compile FPC (also with Debian instead of Tiny Core?).

It seems to me that such a small VM should allow a nice standard method
that will make it easy to test and see things work.

I look forward to your thoughts and comments!

I'm not suggesting a single VM for multiple uses.

How hard would it be to make a small VM (~100 MB with Debian?)  that 
will run on a x86 PC and download FPC and Lazarus source (trunk) and 
configure Lazarus for Android development?

I think having a small VM (that doesn't depend on anything on the user's 
PC) that can easily demonstrate things would be very nice.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Small virtual machine to cross compile FPC

2014-10-31 Thread Paul Breneman

On 10/31/2014 12:02 PM, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:

On Fri, 31 Oct 2014, Paul Breneman wrote:

On 10/27/2014 06:09 PM, Paul Breneman wrote:

I've spent a bit of time during the past 7 years trying to figure out
how to simplify things by avoiding cross-compiling.  This page has many
of the details:

I think there is a way to simplify cross-compiling.  Levinux is a small
(~20 MB) QEMU download for x86 PCs (Windows, OS X, Linux) that provides
a small Tiny Core Linux VM.  I'd like to see something similar but with
all the files and tools needed to pull the latest source code and
cross-compile FPC (also with Debian instead of Tiny Core?).

It seems to me that such a small VM should allow a nice standard method
that will make it easy to test and see things work.

I look forward to your thoughts and comments!

I'm not suggesting a single VM for multiple uses.

How hard would it be to make a small VM (~100 MB with Debian?)  that
will run on a x86 PC and download FPC and Lazarus source (trunk) and
configure Lazarus for Android development?

I think 100Mb is a bit small.
You'll need cross-binutils, X, cross-dev libs and whatnot.

650Mb would be feasable, I guess.

Thanks for that info, but couldn't most of that be download into the VM 
*after* it is running?  Seems to me I'd like the *smallest* VM and then 
have a way to load things into that standard PC.  But maybe I'm thinking 
wrongly?  If so please help me get it right.

I've looked at (or tried) laz4android and fpcup.  Seems that such an 
approach would work much better on a "standard" PC?

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Small virtual machine to cross compile FPC

2014-11-01 Thread Paul Breneman

On 11/01/2014 03:13 AM, Hans-Peter Diettrich wrote:

Paul Breneman schrieb:

I think 100Mb is a bit small.
You'll need cross-binutils, X, cross-dev libs and whatnot.

650Mb would be feasable, I guess.

Thanks for that info, but couldn't most of that be download into the
VM *after* it is running?  Seems to me I'd like the *smallest* VM and
then have a way to load things into that standard PC.  But maybe I'm
thinking wrongly?  If so please help me get it right.

I don't understand why the VM *size* should matter - unless it's >30GB
for current Windows versions. My goal would be a *simple* OS, easy to
configure and manage, and then install into it whatever is required. Why
download and configure all the required tools whenever the VM is run?
This may take half an day, to get the VM up for cross-development, and
the downloads end up on the virtual disk as well.

For cross-development I'd install a network of dedicated target VMs, one
of which can host the project files, and then build the project in every
target VM. This would allow for parallel builds, and every created
executable can be tested immediately on its platform - also in parallel
for comparison of the GUI and operation. With a single development VM
you would need another VM or emulator to perform the final checks, for
every single target platform.

I've looked at (or tried) laz4android and fpcup.  Seems that such an
approach would work much better on a "standard" PC?

Virtual machines work well on the same hardware (CPU), but for other
targets (ARM instead of x86) an emulator is required. Wikipedia says
that a LiveCD and AndroVM with Android for x86 is available, where it
might be possible to develop Android applications somewhat "natively" on
an x86 machine. But finally an emulator or physical device is required,
where the cross-compiled programs can run on their target CPU, using the
according libraries (RTL, VCL... for ARM).

Please don't ask me about Adroid, my experience is limited to
FPC/Lazarus development on various Windows and Linux VMs, and I never
tried to cross-compile myself. Why cross-compile when I cannot check the


Thanks DoDi for all of your feedback.

You are correct that the size of the VM doesn't matter much.  I was 
thinking of leaving out things that change often but maybe that is 
really only the source code.

Building FPC is complex and mobile seems even more complex.  So an easy 
and simple way to see things work might be a valuable first step even 
though the developer should move over to a better development 
environment ASAP.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] FreeSparta project is dead - Generics.Collections is live

2014-12-26 Thread Paul Breneman

On 12/26/2014 12:24 PM, Karoly Balogh (Charlie/SGR) wrote:


On Tue, 23 Dec 2014, Maciej Izak wrote:

I've Decided to close the "FreeSparta". Thanks you all for your interest. There 
are several
When I look for new jobs, it seems that there are no more jobs for 
Pascal/Delphi Programmers. Now
in my new job I'm using Java EE and C# most of the time.

I can feel your pain. :( I had to spend almost a decade in other languages
before I found a Pascal job which suited me.

Actually, I visited a few meetings lately, where I talked with
representatives of several companies with large existing Pascal code base,
and were looking to hire Pascal/Delphi developers, but they were strugling
to find good candidates. Or sometimes any at all.

Maybe there's supply and maybe there's demand but these - for some reason
- cannot meet? How about some FPC/Delphi job forum?

Maybe FPC-Devel is not the best place to discuss this, but it's definitely
a topic I'd be glad to hear other's opinion on this.

Hi Charlie,

Here is a Lazarus, Free Pascal job forum:,41.0.html


fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Small virtual machine to cross compile FPC

2015-04-14 Thread Paul Breneman
I didn't know better, but last fall I also posted this topic in the Free 
Pascal section of the Lazarus forums.  Today and yesterday I left notes 
there about making small VMs with Debian Jessie RC2 *and* ReactOS:,26315.0.html

On 11/01/2014 06:17 AM, Paul Breneman wrote:

On 11/01/2014 03:13 AM, Hans-Peter Diettrich wrote:

Paul Breneman schrieb:

I think 100Mb is a bit small.
You'll need cross-binutils, X, cross-dev libs and whatnot.

650Mb would be feasable, I guess.

Thanks for that info, but couldn't most of that be download into the
VM *after* it is running?  Seems to me I'd like the *smallest* VM and
then have a way to load things into that standard PC.  But maybe I'm
thinking wrongly?  If so please help me get it right.

I don't understand why the VM *size* should matter - unless it's >30GB
for current Windows versions. My goal would be a *simple* OS, easy to
configure and manage, and then install into it whatever is required. Why
download and configure all the required tools whenever the VM is run?
This may take half an day, to get the VM up for cross-development, and
the downloads end up on the virtual disk as well.

For cross-development I'd install a network of dedicated target VMs, one
of which can host the project files, and then build the project in every
target VM. This would allow for parallel builds, and every created
executable can be tested immediately on its platform - also in parallel
for comparison of the GUI and operation. With a single development VM
you would need another VM or emulator to perform the final checks, for
every single target platform.

I've looked at (or tried) laz4android and fpcup.  Seems that such an
approach would work much better on a "standard" PC?

Virtual machines work well on the same hardware (CPU), but for other
targets (ARM instead of x86) an emulator is required. Wikipedia says
that a LiveCD and AndroVM with Android for x86 is available, where it
might be possible to develop Android applications somewhat "natively" on
an x86 machine. But finally an emulator or physical device is required,
where the cross-compiled programs can run on their target CPU, using the
according libraries (RTL, VCL... for ARM).

Please don't ask me about Adroid, my experience is limited to
FPC/Lazarus development on various Windows and Linux VMs, and I never
tried to cross-compile myself. Why cross-compile when I cannot check the


Thanks DoDi for all of your feedback.

You are correct that the size of the VM doesn't matter much.  I was
thinking of leaving out things that change often but maybe that is
really only the source code.

Building FPC is complex and mobile seems even more complex.  So an easy
and simple way to see things work might be a valuable first step even
though the developer should move over to a better development
environment ASAP.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Small virtual machine to cross compile FPC

2015-05-24 Thread Paul Breneman

Today I updated the message for Debian Jessie as it was released last month:,26315.msg174469.html#msg174469

On 04/14/2015 02:39 PM, Paul Breneman wrote:

I didn't know better, but last fall I also posted this topic in the Free
Pascal section of the Lazarus forums.  Today and yesterday I left notes
there about making small VMs with Debian Jessie RC2 *and* ReactOS:,26315.0.html

On 11/01/2014 06:17 AM, Paul Breneman wrote:

On 11/01/2014 03:13 AM, Hans-Peter Diettrich wrote:

Paul Breneman schrieb:

I think 100Mb is a bit small.
You'll need cross-binutils, X, cross-dev libs and whatnot.

650Mb would be feasable, I guess.

Thanks for that info, but couldn't most of that be download into the
VM *after* it is running?  Seems to me I'd like the *smallest* VM and
then have a way to load things into that standard PC.  But maybe I'm
thinking wrongly?  If so please help me get it right.

I don't understand why the VM *size* should matter - unless it's >30GB
for current Windows versions. My goal would be a *simple* OS, easy to
configure and manage, and then install into it whatever is required. Why
download and configure all the required tools whenever the VM is run?
This may take half an day, to get the VM up for cross-development, and
the downloads end up on the virtual disk as well.

For cross-development I'd install a network of dedicated target VMs, one
of which can host the project files, and then build the project in every
target VM. This would allow for parallel builds, and every created
executable can be tested immediately on its platform - also in parallel
for comparison of the GUI and operation. With a single development VM
you would need another VM or emulator to perform the final checks, for
every single target platform.

I've looked at (or tried) laz4android and fpcup.  Seems that such an
approach would work much better on a "standard" PC?

Virtual machines work well on the same hardware (CPU), but for other
targets (ARM instead of x86) an emulator is required. Wikipedia says
that a LiveCD and AndroVM with Android for x86 is available, where it
might be possible to develop Android applications somewhat "natively" on
an x86 machine. But finally an emulator or physical device is required,
where the cross-compiled programs can run on their target CPU, using the
according libraries (RTL, VCL... for ARM).

Please don't ask me about Adroid, my experience is limited to
FPC/Lazarus development on various Windows and Linux VMs, and I never
tried to cross-compile myself. Why cross-compile when I cannot check the


Thanks DoDi for all of your feedback.

You are correct that the size of the VM doesn't matter much.  I was
thinking of leaving out things that change often but maybe that is
really only the source code.

Building FPC is complex and mobile seems even more complex.  So an easy
and simple way to see things work might be a valuable first step even
though the developer should move over to a better development
environment ASAP.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Future of FPCUP tool

2015-05-24 Thread Paul Breneman

On 05/19/2015 02:19 AM, Alfred wrote:

This was a regression ... should be fixed by now.

Importing should have been done !
However, this all started as a not-too-serious attempt by me to get
fpcup running again.

I must say its not easy to maintain/understand code without possibility
to consult the author.

I am interested in working on a console version of fpcup to use in a 
small linux console VM:,26315.msg174469.html#msg174469

Any suggestions on where to start?  Maybe get the GUI version working in 
my ReactOS VM?

fpc-devel maillist  -

[fpc-devel] Teensy (no OS) programmed with Free Pascal Embedded ARM

2015-05-28 Thread Paul Breneman

Wow, yesterday I started this new message:,28561.0.html

And today Laksen says it's committed to SVN trunk.  That was fast!

Thanks to all the FPC developers!
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Future of FPCUP tool

2015-07-29 Thread Paul Breneman

On 05/24/2015 02:24 PM, Paul Breneman wrote:

On 05/19/2015 02:19 AM, Alfred wrote:

This was a regression ... should be fixed by now.

Importing should have been done !
However, this all started as a not-too-serious attempt by me to get
fpcup running again.

I must say its not easy to maintain/understand code without possibility
to consult the author.

I am interested in working on a console version of fpcup to use in a
small linux console VM:,26315.msg174469.html#msg174469

Any suggestions on where to start?  Maybe get the GUI version working in
my ReactOS VM?

I started my first Free Pascal wiki page weeks ago:

* The text below is from that wiki page *
This downloads a file (875240 bytes) but can't execute it (help needed):

mv fpcup_linux_x86?raw=true fpcup
chmod u+rx fpcup
sudo ./fpcup (Get No such file or directory error)

Anyone here have any quick suggestions on what I might be doing wrong? 
I've asked on the Lazarus forum but have gotten no response.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Future of FPCUP tool

2015-07-29 Thread Paul Breneman

On 07/29/2015 08:23 AM, Marco van de Voort wrote:

In our previous episode, Paul Breneman said:

* The text below is from that wiki page *
This downloads a file (875240 bytes) but can't execute it (help needed):
mv fpcup_linux_x86?raw=true fpcup
chmod u+rx fpcup
sudo ./fpcup (Get No such file or directory error)

Anyone here have any quick suggestions on what I might be doing wrong?
I've asked on the Lazarus forum but have gotten no response.

output of

ls -l fpcup

ldd ./fpcup

file fpcup


uname -a

would be helpful

I got a new file (fpcup1) today using the "-O outputfilename" on the 
wget like Ewald suggested.  They both fail to run.

ls -l fpcup*
-rwxr--r-- 1 test test 875240 Jul 28 20:41 fpcup
-rwxr-xr-x 1 test test 875240 Jul 29 10:22 fpcup1

ldd ./fpcup => /lib/... => /lib/... => /lib/...
/usr/lib/ => /lib/...

file: command not found

uname -a
Linux debian 3.16.0-4-686-pae #1 SMP Debian 3.16.7-ckt9-3~deb8u1 
(2015-04-24) i686 GNU/Linux

Thanks Marco.  Anything else that would be helpful?

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Future of FPCUP tool

2015-07-29 Thread Paul Breneman

On 07/29/2015 12:25 PM, Paul Breneman wrote:

On 07/29/2015 08:23 AM, Marco van de Voort wrote:

In our previous episode, Paul Breneman said:

* The text below is from that wiki page *
This downloads a file (875240 bytes) but can't execute it (help needed):

mv fpcup_linux_x86?raw=true fpcup
chmod u+rx fpcup
sudo ./fpcup (Get No such file or directory error)

Anyone here have any quick suggestions on what I might be doing wrong?
I've asked on the Lazarus forum but have gotten no response.

output of

ls -l fpcup

ldd ./fpcup

file fpcup


uname -a

would be helpful

I got a new file (fpcup1) today using the "-O outputfilename" on the
wget like Ewald suggested.  They both fail to run.

ls -l fpcup*
-rwxr--r-- 1 test test 875240 Jul 28 20:41 fpcup
-rwxr-xr-x 1 test test 875240 Jul 29 10:22 fpcup1

ldd ./fpcup => /lib/... => /lib/... => /lib/...
/usr/lib/ => /lib/...

file: command not found

uname -a
Linux debian 3.16.0-4-686-pae #1 SMP Debian 3.16.7-ckt9-3~deb8u1
(2015-04-24) i686 GNU/Linux

Thanks Marco.  Anything else that would be helpful?

I did apt-get update and apt-get upgrade and now uname -a shows:
Linux debian 3.16.0-4-686-pae #1 SMP Debian 3.16.7-ckt111-1+deb8u2 
(2015-07-17) i686 GNU/Linux

The same problem remains.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Teensy (no OS) programmed with Free Pascal Embedded ARM

2015-10-10 Thread Paul Breneman

On 05/28/2015 08:45 AM, Paul Breneman wrote:

Wow, yesterday I started this new message:,28561.0.html

And today Laksen says it's committed to SVN trunk.  That was fast!

Thanks to all the FPC developers!

And today I finally made my first release:

Can I put the 3 files (as, ld, objcopy) in my zip?

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Teensy (no OS) programmed with Free Pascal Embedded ARM

2015-10-11 Thread Paul Breneman

On 10/10/2015 01:49 PM, Paul Breneman wrote:

On 05/28/2015 08:45 AM, Paul Breneman wrote:

Wow, yesterday I started this new message:,28561.0.html

And today Laksen says it's committed to SVN trunk.  That was fast!

Thanks to all the FPC developers!

And today I finally made my first release:

Can I put the 3 files (as, ld, objcopy) in my zip?

Since those files were on the site I figured it must be 
OK so I added all 6 of them and released a new 10 MB zip (also has the 
entire RTL for the release).

I left a message in this forum thread:

Got a reply with lots of questions:
How easy is it to do all the common hardware things from Freepascal? How 
much low-level setup is required use digital and analog I/O? Can you use 
the serial ports? Timers? Capacitive touch sensing? Can you even access 
the registers without porting a massive header file? Is it possible to 
link with existing C or C++ libraries?

Any quick summary anyone would like for me to post as a response? 
Please write back here if you don't want to register on that forum.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Specific RTL for embedded target

2015-11-20 Thread Paul Breneman

On 11/20/2015 06:09 PM, Marco van de Voort wrote:

In our previous episode, Simon Ameis said:

So will FPC provide the compiler (and maybe an FPC-embedded linker for
ARM) only?
Or would be a reasonable goal to publish "default" device drivers for
embedded targets?

It would depend on contributions I guess.

Here is my current contribution (I'd like to do more):


fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Specific RTL for embedded target

2015-11-22 Thread Paul Breneman


Jeppe was so nice to check in a new set of units for stm32f4, teensy and
arduino due, this means that my older, much bigger unit for the teensy
is now replaced with a much leaner version. Can you please check if this
causes issues for your distribution?

Thanks for that info.  I'll try to update this soon:

I am working on highlevel teensy interfaces for the pxl lib, perhaps you
can think about giving those a try as soon as they are ready.

I've looked at pxl a little, and I'll try to add those ASAP.

Thanks for your support!


fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Porting FPC to Support OpenMoko

2009-03-21 Thread Paul Breneman

Hello Ido,

I have a real (not emulator) opnmoko PDA/cell phone.  The main distro for it
uses armv4tl.
Is there a need to add extra support for OM, or will FPC (what version) will
support it ? If there is a support, are there any known issues with it ?

If there is work needed to be done, can you please point me to what is
needed to be done ?

Could you please try compiling and running the program here and let me 
know if it works out?

Paul Breneman - Notes on using FreePascal 
on embedded systems - Free environment monitoring programs - TurboPower support links
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Porting FPC to Support OpenMoko

2009-03-21 Thread Paul Breneman


I have a real (not emulator) opnmoko PDA/cell phone.  The main distro for it
uses armv4tl.
Is there a need to add extra support for OM, or will FPC (what version) will
support it ? If there is a support, are there any known issues with it ?

do you know if it uses eabi or oabi?  last time i tried eabi, it
worked with -O-.  you might also have to build the compiler and rtl
for softfloat.

I've started developing some embedded ARM products (for city tornado 
warning sirens) using FreePascal.  Thankfully FPC 2.2.2 ARM-Linux works 
just fine on the board I'm using.

But I'd like to understand more about the different options that FPC 
supports, and maybe add more examples at this page:

oabi & hard float - default FPC 2.2.2 ARM-Linux?
oabi & soft float
eabi & hard float
eabi & soft float

Are those the main options?

FreePascal is only precompiled for the first configuration?

Thanks in advance for any advice.  I sure do need to study up on this 
more so links or info would be appreciated.

Paul Breneman - Notes on using FreePascal 
on embedded systems - Free environment monitoring programs - TurboPower support links
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Porting FPC to Support OpenMoko

2009-03-23 Thread Paul Breneman


I've tested your Hello World example and it returns to me the following
error message:

./ppcarm hello.pas
Illegal instruction

The two OM distro I tested using EABI

On 14 Dec 2008 on the fpc-devel maillist Florian Klaempfl wrote:

Yes. I uploaded a starting eabi compiler to

Please use only with -O-

Maybe you could try replacing the ppcarm in my helloworld example with 
that (and also use -O-)?

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Win64 FPC is in wrong download location

2010-05-06 Thread Paul Breneman


I suppose it would be possible to create an FPC compiler running on
ARM/Linux and creating ARM code.

FreePascal 2.2.2 had a ARM/Linux compiler release.  I have a 922 KB 
"Hello World" example (compiler and everything) minimal distribution on 
this page:

I have used that compiler to compile programs (also with SynaSer and 
fpGUI) on an ARM system.

Paul Breneman - VCL database replication components - Hardware and software development services
- Educational programming project for environment monitoring
- Information on using FreePascal for embedded systems
- Support information for the TurboPower open source libraries

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Exceptions on wiki

2018-08-01 Thread Paul Breneman

On 07/31/2018 08:32 PM, Kirinn wrote:

Hi all,

Inspired by Gareth aka. Kit's infectious enthusiasm, and the recent long 
discussion on exceptions on this list, I wrote up an article on 
Exceptions on the FPC wiki. (Strangely enough we didn't have one before.)

I hope it'll be useful, and not entirely inaccurate! Particularly the 
part about performance. If a programmer knows exactly what each 
exception statement inserts in the code, that should help in deciding 
when to worry about the performance, and when to embrace the convenience.


Thanks Kirinn for making this new wiki page.  I just added a single line 
at the bottom for "Further reading".

When you add a component to your program, are you made aware about all 
of the exceptions that might be raised by the component?  When writing 
control software this can be *very* important.

There is a little more to the old story here (maybe should be added to 
the wiki page):

I have these links here:

Best regards,
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Programming in Pascal .

2019-03-27 Thread Paul Breneman

On 3/27/2019 10:28 AM, Tomas Hajny wrote:

On Wed, March 27, 2019 14:53, Yves Boudeville wrote:

Merci Tomas pour votre sympathique aide sur le Free Pascal.

Pas de quoi / you're welcome. :-)


I absolutely agree with you Tomas, I can do very interesting simulations
1920 x 1080 in using only Windows 10 / 64 bits for Fpc/Ptc and also I am
conviced that Raspberry Rpi3 B+ ( 33.85 Euros) is a fantastic tool to
do cheap scientific models. This is the reason why I am a little


To develop my scientific stuff, I have been helped very kindly by
Nikolay Nikolov who, I hope, shall develop new PtcGraph modes
in FpcPASCAL to reach in light programs the full HDMI capacity 1920 x
1080  x 65536c of the Rpi3 with the latest OS under Raspbian "stretch".


Admittedly, FPC doesn't seem to support the resolution 1920x1080
(hi-colour or true colour) on Unix platforms at the moment. I believe that
Nikolay is subscribed to this list, he might be able to respond himself
whether he sees possibility to extend the list of supported modes there.


I am also *very* interested to see if will support PTC!

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Minor debate with ISO standard on case blocks

2019-07-30 Thread Paul Breneman

This message thread has been interesting to read.

I just realized today that I dealt with similar issues in Delphi 19 
years ago.  This is discussed in the good Microsoft Press book *Code 
Complete* by Steve McConnell.  Using the default else block of a case 
statement to show a program error message is exactly what is recommended 
on pages 319-320 (and the same thing for repeated if statements on page 
316).  I don't know if this directly applies, but it was fun to renew a 
few brain cells by looking at old emails.

If I add an enumerated type and forget to update some of my code, I'd 
like to get an error message when the unchanged code is run.

fpc-devel maillist  -