Re: port for separation audio from video in mp4 file

2009-06-08 Thread Polytropon
On Mon, 8 Jun 2009 21:05:20 +0200, Stefan Miklosovic wrote:
 title says it, i downloaded mp4 file by youtube-dl,
 but it downloaded video and audio as well. I would
 like to separate audio from that file.

Maybe mplayer can do that for you. It has options -dumpvideo
and -dumpaudio. As you know, mplayer / mencoder can do everything
that you can imagine. :-)

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Re: General and specific make questions

2009-06-08 Thread Polytropon
On Mon, 8 Jun 2009 22:12:17 +0200, Roland Smith wrote:
 On Sun, Jun 07, 2009 at 11:52:17PM -0500, Lars Eighner wrote:
  What I need most is to find (a) make tutorial(s) that do not suppose make is
  being used for compling c/c++ programs.  Yes, I know, that is mostly why
  make exists, but many tutorials plunge right into C examples with implicit C
  rules, while -- it seems to me -- make could be much more useful for a
  variety of things, and I could sure use more of the general and arbitrary
 I use make to e.g. build complex LaTeX documents with included gnuplot
 graphs. Works like a charm. But that it is not conceptually different
 from compiling a C program.

Correct. I do the same here. Additionally, I use make and
Makefile to process HTML to emulate SSI before uploading,
which I do with - you already guessed it - with make install
(uses ftp -u then), and make deinstall deletes stuff from
the webserver. :-)

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Re: PDF inventory software

2009-06-08 Thread Polytropon
On Mon, 8 Jun 2009 17:17:29 -0400, Daniel Underwood 
 I'm looking for a way to manage my personal collection of research
 articles.  Ideally I'd like some way to keep records on authors,
 keywords, journals, and publication years of articles (PDF files)
 downloaded onto my local drive.
  In the course of reading literature for research, it often happens
 that I find myself wanted to return to something I have previously
 read, but I only recall a few things about the article, often the
 author and a keyword.  Is there some inventory/database software (for
 local use only) that can be easily used for this purpose?  (The
 closest things that comes to mind (conceptually) is image collection
 What are some of my options here?

One of your options - one of the most basic ones - is to use
a CSV file where you define the different fields you want to
be able to search.

This is an imaginable approach:
# inventory.csv
# =
# $1: $2: $3: $4: $5
# Author(s) : Title : Year  : Keywords  : File
# --:---:---:---:-
Foobar, J   : Foo and Bar   : 2000  : Foo Bar Baz Bleep : xyz12345.pdf
Klopps, M   : My Bratklops  : 1975  : Eat Food Meat Loaf: qwertzui.pdf

You can then use grep, cut, awk, sed, perl or any other scripting
language for postprocessing, like making a list of your collection
of a subset of it.

The File field could even contain the full path of the file, or
you use locate go get its location. This is handy for automating
tasks, like print all the articles by Foobar J.

One general advantage of this approach is that your favourite
editor, along with grep, sed, awk 'n stuff are your tools of
choice. You don't need to install lots of stuff. Even your bare
base system can handle it. Because it's pure text, it's human
readable and can be easily transfered between systems. It is
very versatile and not limited by the functionalities of one
certain program that you use.

I'm very sure there is already a tool or a whole GUI subsystem that
does indexing and taking care of arbitrary file collections, but
of course I don't know its name because I never used it. :-)

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Re: PDF inventory software

2009-06-08 Thread Polytropon
On Mon, 8 Jun 2009 17:45:38 -0400, Daniel Underwood 
 Poly and LoH: Thanks, these are great ideas!

I'd like to add that if you define your data fields well, you
can use it to generate BibTeX and other LaTeX entries from your

You can even easily turn it into HTML.

But as I said: Keep in mind that it's very basic - but that
makes is so versatile and strong. You could add a script that
does some work (add, delete, modify, search or duplicate
entries) for you, if you don't want to spend much time in the
editor, and don't want to keep the pretty printing of the
file intact (it doesn't matter anyway).

The MOST important thing to pay attention to is NOT to use
the desired delimiter inside a data field. If you already
know that : will be in one of the fields, just use a less
common symbol as delimiter, such as | or even ~.

Of course, more comfortable solutions will surely keep
off this manual work from you, but in most cases, they
involve installing LOTS of dependencies.

Finally, the advice of using some version control for the
upcoming changes of the file is a good idea. You can even
have more than one file, e. g. for separating topics or

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Re: PDF inventory software

2009-06-09 Thread Polytropon
On Mon,  8 Jun 2009 22:37:01 -0400 (EDT), (Karl Vogel) 
Are these PDF files generated by scanning journal pages, or do they
contain text?  If the latter, you could use something like xapian or
hyperestraier to make a full-text index of your files.

On a much lower level, PDF files that contain text could be
decomposited into ASCII using pdftotext, making it easy for
further indexing.

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Re: PDF inventory software

2009-06-09 Thread Polytropon
On Mon, 8 Jun 2009 23:11:50 -0400, Daniel Underwood 
 Since all the PDFs contain text (none are scanned images), can I
 simply use some command like grep to search for text within the
 collection?  If so, how would I do this?  Can grep read text from
 within PDFs?

I don't think so, because PDF files seem to be binary format.
There are two ways. The first is using the strings program
that can isolate printable strings from binary files. The
second - the much better way - is to use pdftotext to turn
the PDF files into regular ASCII text which is greppable then.
You could write a kind of pdfgrep tool that acts as a wrapper
around pdftotext, grep, and your PDF file collection.

In any case, it would surely help if your files have meaningful
filenames, so they can easily be identified.

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Re: Problem with burncd

2009-06-09 Thread Polytropon
On Tue, 9 Jun 2009 16:31:10 -0400, Carmel wrote:
 I just installed FreeBSD-7.2. I attempted to burn a CD; however,
 when the burn completes, I receive this message:
 burncd: ioctl(CDRIOCFIXATE); Input/output error.
 This is the command line:
 # burncd -ev -s max fixate data notes.txt

As far as I know, the command should be like

# burncd -ev -s max data notes.txt fixate

I don't know if the order matters. Furthermore: You know that
you are recording notes.txt directly onto the CD and omitting
the ISO-9660 filesystem?

 Now, if I do not use the 'fixate' command, no error message is
 displayed; however, the CD is not readable.

Yes, it is not fixated.

 I have no idea what the
 problem is. I have used brand new CD disks that work fine on my Windows

I had similar problems with burncd a long while ago, and I dropped
it completely in favour of SCSI / CAM based tools.

 Is there a better CD-Burner program that I could use instead?

There is. Install cdrecord and / or cdrdao for CDs, and growisofs
for DVDs. Loat atapicam kernel module. Use it. Be happy. :-)

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Re: PDF inventory software

2009-06-09 Thread Polytropon
On Tue, 09 Jun 2009 16:07:03 -0500, LoH wrote:
 Daniel Underwood wrote:
  Yes, it works fine on most PDFs.  There are a couple that give me:
  $ pdftotext Sanda-JAMA-2009\ \(Prostate\ Cancer\ Treatment\).pdf
  Error: Document has not the mandatory ending %EOF

 It's probably an issue with the PDF itself, not with the program.


% file Sanda-JAMA-2009\ \(Prostate\ Cancer\ Treatment\).pdf

Just to be sure it REALLY is a PDF file - and not a PPT with wrong
name. :-)

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Re: Control-Z the Sleep Signal

2009-06-09 Thread Polytropon
On Tue, 09 Jun 2009 16:30:30 -0500, Martin McCormick wrote:
 Which signal is sent to a process when one types ^z or
 Control-z? It appears to be SIGSTOP and according to signal's
 man page, this is one signal you can't catch.

You can check the setting with this command:

% stty -a
cchars: discard = ^O; dsusp = ^Y; eof = ^D; eol = undef;
eol2 = undef; erase = ^H; erase2 = ^H; intr = ^C; kill = ^U;
lnext = ^V; min = 1; quit = ^\; reprint = ^R; start = ^Q;
status = ^T; stop = ^S; susp = ^Z; time = 0; werase = ^W;

This entry indicates that ^Z sends the suspend signal.
According to 

% stty -g
... status=14:stop=13:susp=1a:time=0:werase=17: ...


% man 3 signal

says that

 17SIGSTOP  stop process stop (cannot be caught or

And I think that 17 (decimal) is refered to as 1a (hexadecimal)
in the previous stty command.

   I have an application with a signal handler I wrote and
 I am trying to discourage folks typing CTRL-Z if it hangs
 because that does make it seem to go away but it is really still
 hanging around and any lock files it created are not removed.
 The effect is about as bad as if it crashed and left lock files.
 Normally, CTRL-c makes it remove the locks before exiting.

If I read the information above correctly, ^Z cannot be caught.

(I'm always interested in statements that correct me if I'm wrong.)

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Re: Control-Z the Sleep Signal

2009-06-09 Thread Polytropon
On Tue, 9 Jun 2009 17:07:30 -0500, Dan Nelson wrote:
 ^Z sends a SIGTSTP, which can be caught (or ignored, in your case).
 18SIGTSTP  stop process stop signal generated from

What is the way to get this information?

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Re: Control-Z the Sleep Signal

2009-06-09 Thread Polytropon
On Wed, 10 Jun 2009 00:15:27 +0200, Erik Trulsson 
 Not quite.  It indicates (according to stty(1)) that ^Z generates the
 SUSP character.
 The termios(4) manpage (referenced by stty(1)) says that
   SUSPIf the ISIG flag is enabled, receipt of the SUSP character causes
   a SIGTSTP signal to be sent to all processes in the foreground
   process group for which the terminal is the controlling terminal,
   and the SUSP character is discarded when processed.
 So it appears to be SIGTSTP which is sent by typing ^Z, which agrees with
 signal(3) where the SIGTSTP signal is described as stop signal generated
 from keyboard

That's highly interesting. Thanks for the pointer to termios
man page. I'm always surprised how well intended things work
in FreeBSD. =^_^=

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Re: FreeSBIE

2009-06-10 Thread Polytropon
On Wed, 10 Jun 2009 14:13:45 -0700 (PDT), Chris Neudorf 
 I'm not sure who to contact about this, but there is a problem with
 the website. I can't seem to connect to it.

Me neither.

% telnet 80

... long long time passes ...

telnet: connect to address Operation timed out
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host

And nothing more.

Seems that the site (or their web server in particular) is down.

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Re: Compiling in sound driver in kernel

2009-06-10 Thread Polytropon
On Wed, 10 Jun 2009 18:11:56 -0400, Carmel wrote:
 This is my first attempt to compile in a driver in a new kernel I am
 attempting to build.
 Using loader.conf, I have the 'snd_hda' driver presently being loaded.
 I want to compile it directly into the kernel. I tried this:
 devicesnd_hda # Sound driver
 Unfortunately, the kernel will not build. What is the proper way to
 build a kernel with sound embedded into it?

I have this:

# Sound
device  sound
device  snd_cmi

As far as I know, both sound and snd_* for your particular hardware
is needed in the kernel configuration file. I'm not sure if only device
sound is sufficient and / or will load snd_* required automatically.

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Re: Compiling in sound driver in kernel

2009-06-11 Thread Polytropon
On Thu, 11 Jun 2009 20:48:32 +0200, Bernt Hansson wrote:
 Yes. No go. I even tested to put snd_hda=YES in /etc/rc.conf

I don't think that can have any effect. :-) The setting


in /boot/loader.conf would be the correct choice. Anyway, if
you included

device  sound
device  snd_hda

in your kernel configuration file, the driver (a) should be
compiled in and (b) loaded at startup. Of course, it won't
show up in kldstat then, but

% cat /dev/sndstat

should indicate the running driver.

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Re: Compiling in sound driver in kernel

2009-06-11 Thread Polytropon
On Thu, 11 Jun 2009 21:44:56 +0200, Bernt Hansson wrote:
 Polytropon skrev:
  On Thu, 11 Jun 2009 20:48:32 +0200, Bernt Hansson 
  Yes. No go. I even tested to put snd_hda=YES in /etc/rc.conf
 Even tested kldload snd_hda=YES in rc.conf
 In 7.1 it dit work with some errors.

Of course. /etc/rc.conf is executed, in the normal way it
is used it simply associates values to variables. If you
would put

echo Get me beer!

into /etc/rc.conf, you would see this message.

So what you did: You executed

kldload snd_hda=YES

which you could also have tried the same command at the
command line (sh).

 Indeed. But it does not load snd_hda

Of course not. You could put

kldload snd_hda.ko

into /etc/rc.conf, but that isn't the way such things are done.

 None. No driver. Always have to add it manually.

Which would not work if the driver was actually compiled int
the kernel. Example: I have compiled snd_cmi and sound into
my kernel. So my kldstat looks like this:

# kldstat
Id Refs AddressSize Name
 13 0xc040 6959cc   kernel
 21 0xc0a96000 683b4acpi.ko

If I now try to load the snd_cmi kernel module, this happens:

# kldload snd_cmi.ko 
kldload: can't load snd_cmi.ko: File exists

This indicates that the driver is already present. It has been
preloaded by the kernel (it is IN the kernel), so it cannot
be loaded by kldload.

So if you ARE able to kldload the module, it hasn't been in
the kernel (or at least not loaded). Maybe you can check your
hints file for some strange entries?

 I'm going to reboot now so i get a fresh dmesg. OAU

Good luck.

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Re: Compiling in sound driver in kernel

2009-06-11 Thread Polytropon
On Thu, 11 Jun 2009 11:51:03 -0800, Mel Flynn wrote:
 On Thursday 11 June 2009 11:11:46 Polytropon wrote:
  Of course, it won't show up in kldstat then
 It will if you add -v to kldstat.

Hmmm... true!

% kldstat -v
118 pci/snd_cmi
119 sound

But anyway, if you would kldload snd_something AFTER the kernel
or through the means of /boot/loader.conf, kldstat without -v
would show it, with .ko appended, as far as I remember.

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Re: Compiling in sound driver in kernel

2009-06-12 Thread Polytropon
On Fri, 12 Jun 2009 04:45:59 +0200, Bernt Hansson wrote:
 Mel Flynn said the following on 2009-06-12 01:23:
  FreeBSD 7.2-STABLE #0: Thu Jun 11 21:56:24 CEST 2009
  Did you edit GENERIC
 Yes. Added sound and snd_hda

Polite note: This is NOT the way to create a custom kernel. The
handbook mentions that it's advised to create a copy of GENERIC
and work with that. It's even possible to create a config file
from scratch, including material from LINT and NOTES, as well
as from GENERIC.

In order to avoid problems, you should follow this advice given
in the handbook.

  or did you forget to set KERNCONF during build/installkernel?
 No. cd /usr/src
 make buildkernel KERNCONF=GENERIC
 make installkernel KERNCONF=GENERIC
 is what I did. No snd_hda

It looks understandable (allthough not mentioned in the handbook).
Just to be sure, try the recommended approach. If you're not using
KERNCONF, GENERIC will be selected automatically.

# cd /usr/src/sys/i386/conf
(or use any other descriptive name instead of MYKERNEL).
edit MYKERNEL and add
device sound
device snd_hda
# cd /usr/src
# make buildkernel KERNCONF=MYKERNEL
# make installkernel KERNCONF=MYKERNEL
# reboot

Check /etc/make.conf and /etc/src.conf for any strange values
that may be a reason for our strange observations.

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Re: XFCE4 and screen resolution

2009-06-12 Thread Polytropon
On Fri, 12 Jun 2009 08:27:54 -0400, Carmel wrote:
 I tried a trick I found while Googling to place 'xrandr - 1024x768 -r
 85' in the '.xinitrc' file; however, that did not work either.

Maybe your .xinitrc isn't executed? In mine, I have

xrandr --fb 1400x1050
xrandr --size 1400x1050

to override non-functioning X autodetect and non-working xorg.conf

 Obviously I am doing something wrong here. Should I post this on the
 XFCE forum or does someone here have a solution.

Do you have the same problems with other WM / DE?

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Re: Compiling in sound driver in kernel

2009-06-12 Thread Polytropon
On Fri, 12 Jun 2009 14:43:46 +0200 (CEST), Wojciech Puchar wrote:
 why not:
 config MYKERNEL
 cd ../compile/MYKERNEL
 make depend
 make install

Yes, why not? It still works.

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Re: FreeBSD 7.2 Installation Manual

2009-06-12 Thread Polytropon
On Fri, 12 Jun 2009 15:09:04 +0200, wrote:
 It says: If the X server has been configured and a Default Desktop  
 chosen, it can be started by typing startx at the command line. but  
 nowhere in the manual or the installation program is there any  
 information or options on X server configuration or choosing a Default  
 Desktop!  Help!

Today's X configures automatically. Otherwise, refer to the
handbook's section about configuring X.

For selecting a default desktop, refer to KDE and Gnome on FreeBSD
which you'll find in the handbook, too. Of course you can use
XFCE, Fluxbox, FVWM, WindowMaker, Metacity, Enlightenment or any
other DE / WM you can think of.

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Re: XFCE4 and screen resolution

2009-06-12 Thread Polytropon
On Fri, 12 Jun 2009 09:42:52 -0400, Carmel wrote:
 Evidently, it is not being executed by startxfce4. If I run the command
 once XFCE4 is started, it works.

Of course. ..-)

What is startxfce4? Do you call it from text mode? Or is it
a command in .xinitrc or .xsession?

Because my primary dialog shell is csh, I have these:


source ~/.cshrc
exec ~/.xinitrc

It incorporates the settings from .cshrc and then continues
as .xinitrc.

[ -f ~/.xmodmaprc ]  xmodmap ~/.xmodmaprc
xrandr --fb 1400x1050
xrandr --size 1400x1050
exec startxfce4

(The last line is assumed; I have start wmaker there.)

Make sure both files are +x.

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Re: FreeBSD 7.2 Installation Manual

2009-06-12 Thread Polytropon
On Fri, 12 Jun 2009 08:02:38 -0600 (MDT), Warren Block 
 Unless you're starting X with one of the methods that ignores .xinitrc 
 and looks at .xsession instead, like xdm.

Exactly this is why I invented the .xinitrc + .xsession
double strike. :-)

It works perfectly with xdm, and even without xdm, if you
run startx from text mode.

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Re: Compiling in sound driver in kernel

2009-06-13 Thread Polytropon
On Sat, 13 Jun 2009 12:35:42 +0200, Ruben de Groot wrote:
 The handbook, IMO, is wrong.
 The copy of GENERIC will in the course of upgrades deviate from the original 
 You won't pick up improvements, like the scheduler change from 4BSD - ULE

I don't think the handbook is wrong, but you mentioned a different,
but still completely valid solution:

 What I do is include the GENERIC file and override things with 

Never tried this, but surely will.

The last time I compiled a kernel, I made a copy of GENERIC,
edited the copy to only include what is really present on the
system, and used KERNCONF with this file. So I composed a
new file on the example of GENERIC.

Of course I know that it's not possible to use a kernel config
from 4.10 to build a kernel on 7.2, so caution is intended. :-)

The benefit of my solution is that you are not depending on
another file, or have to read it through in order to form the
intended nodevice and nooption statements. Anyway, you have to
review the file with each system update, to find out if something
important changed (e. g. the default scheduler, as you mentioned).

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Re: vim question...

2009-06-15 Thread Polytropon
On Mon, 15 Jun 2009 14:22:48 -0700, Gary Kline wrote:
   PS: if gvim ever evolves into a word-processor, life will be 
   *perfect* ;-)

If you load a LaTeX file in gvim, it will get ahead of a
word processor and evolve into a typesetting system. :-)

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Re: Automated Production of Web Pages

2009-06-18 Thread Polytropon
On Thu, 18 Jun 2009 06:55:41 -0500, Martin McCormick wrote:
   This needs to be some sort of script application so we
 can feed it automatically and not have to manually build each
   Is there any open-source platform which makes this
 especially quick and easy?

I've found that a source file from : separated valus serves
well for the (sometimes changed and appended) source data,
and a Makefile that does everything else. From this Makefile,
I simply first call a preamble HTML file, then a simple
awk script that adds the data lines, sourced by the CSV
file, in HTML format, and finally a HTML file with the
rest of the page. The command make install would then
automatically upload it.

 Of course, as one who likes to script
 repetitive tasks, I can attest to the fact that that first
 script is murder at times but the time you spent building it is
 payed back the next time when it runs automatically at 3 A.M.
 and only took 15 seconds to run.

Really, it's not a big deal, no murder at times. The easiest
way is you start with one HTML file that represents what you
want to have in the end, then cut it into three parts (the
preamble, the changing part, the footer) and the replace the
changing part by a script.

Well, you can even (ab)use cpp for this.

HTMLPP=cpp -C -P -traditional

The advantage is that you have separated parts for everything.
The preamble file changes the look of the page, e. g. via CSS.
The CSV database contains the changing data, and the awk script
contains the description how the data should be displayed. This
separation makes it very easy if you want to change of of the
different aspects I mentioned.

   So, are there php-based or other packages that help
 automate this process?

Forgive my polite disagreement, but according to your description
which sounds to describe a relatively easy problem, PHP looks
like really too much, too big for this job. (I don't use PHP
very often, so my opinion might not be the best one to rely on.)

 That's why I love Unix.

If you love UNIX, why not following its philosophy? Keep the
thing simple. Make one solution that solves the problem best,
nothing more, nothing less. As you said, it may take some time
to get it running, but when it runs, it will run nearly forever.

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Re: Changing my login directory

2009-06-18 Thread Polytropon
On Thu, 18 Jun 2009 12:33:24 -0400, Glen Barber wrote:
 Thanks for that little tidbit in return -- I've been trying to
 figure how prompt settings. :)

See those:

set promptchars = %#
set prompt = %...@%m:%~%# 

Or even:

set prompt = [%T] %...@%m:%~%# 
set prompt = [%T] *%h =%? :%m/%l @%n %~%B%#%b 
set prompt = *%h=%? [%T] %...@%m/%l:%~%B%#%b 

There's lots of customization that you can do with csh's prompt
variable; man csh is really very interesting.

Ah yes, and don't forget to

set autolist

which is very handy, by the way.

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Re: ftp user issues

2009-06-18 Thread Polytropon
On Thu, 18 Jun 2009 11:45:43 -0700, Chris Maness wrote:
 I just upgraded to 7.2, and I am no longer able to log in via ftp with
 my user name.  Other accounts are ok on the server.  I checked the
 ftpusers file and my name is not on the list.

You can use ftp -v to get more information, and maybe tcpdump
from that interface so see what's happening.

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Re: Unable to auto-mount a CD in XFCE4

2009-06-18 Thread Polytropon
On Thu, 18 Jun 2009 15:30:22 -0400, Jerry wrote:
 Thanks, that works. In retrospect, 99% of PC users insert a CD and it
 just 'works'. Why can't FreeBSD make it that simple?

Because it is already doing it simple.

Personally, I find myself often putting in a CD and NOT
wanting to do something with it right now. Then any kind
of forced interaction would be annoying.

FreeBSD keeps it right in my opinion: Keep to the OS what
is the OS's stuff, and leave everything optional to modular
parts, such als HAL or DBUS.

What should, in your opinion, happen? Mounting the disc
to a predefined directory? Which one? What if it isn't
a ISO-9660 disc, but a UFS or tar or plain disc? What
if the disc is empty, should a CD recording applicaion
be launched? Which one should it be? If two discs are
put into two different drives (a situation common if you
want to copy a disc 1:1), what should happen then? What
if the order of puttin in the two discs is vice versa?
If it is a rewritable disc, mount it rw? What if it gets
popped out right after that (because it was the wrong
disc), what should the OS do? When there's something
executable on the disc, should it be executed right now?
Maybe with root privileges, just to be sure? If there's
more than one executable, should all of the executables
be launched? If there are documents on it, should they
be automatically opened? By which programs? If there's
an installer for some program on the disc, should the
application be installed automatically? Should the content
of the disc be indexed right away, because this could be
needed sometimes in the future?

If you can answer these and many following questions, you
are on your way on making FreeBSD being just like everything
else that just works - like Windows. :-)

FreeBSD is acting determinable: It does exactly what you
tell it to do, by commands or by preconfiguration. This
is a big strength, you always can predict what will happen.

Have you ever thought about using PC-BSD? It is very
convenient for 99% of the users you described, and still
a FreeBSD system.

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Re: self-serving redeux/revisited, and more questions?

2009-06-21 Thread Polytropon
On Sat, 20 Jun 2009 22:52:39 -0700, Gary Kline wrote:
 i'll explain
 later, but if i can use a lightweight computer that has audio with the
 kde apps, i can create a reasonably priced tts or speech synthesizer that
 would be accessible to a great many people.  instead of the $8-9 kilobuck
 windose devs.

Lightweight computer and KDE apps? You must be joking. :-)

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Re: self-serving redeux/revisited, and more questions?

2009-06-21 Thread Polytropon
On Sun, 21 Jun 2009 12:42:00 -0700, Gary Kline wrote:
 On Sun, Jun 21, 2009 at 09:18:55AM -1000, Al Plant wrote:
  HP Tech Support gave me advice to replace it with FreeBSD 7.2. Try it 
  from a flash drive first to test everything then replace the Ubunto.
  I hear some people on the list have FreeBSD on Asus Eee net books and it 
  is working well.
   is there a particular url[s], or should i just google?

Thre's an excellent article:

Don't be scared because of .de - it's in English. :-)

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Re: self-serving redeux/revisited, and more questions?

2009-06-21 Thread Polytropon
On Sun, 21 Jun 2009 21:25:23 -0700, Gary Kline wrote:
   one q, polyt.  am i mis-reading the timestamp on your mail?
   it reads 05:24 which is getting pretty late.  i admit to not
   sacking out until 04:09 this morning, but hey, it's sunday!

Actually, it's Monday morning in Germany:

% date
Mon Jun 22 06:59:58 CEST 2009

I'm up since 2:00 in the morning (night).

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Re: self-serving redeux/revisited, and more questions?

2009-06-23 Thread Polytropon
On Mon, 22 Jun 2009 08:14:47 -0700, Gary Kline wrote:
   ok, sorry.  Brain fault: Core dump  :-)

Core fault: brain dump. :-)

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Re: you're not going to believe this.

2009-06-23 Thread Polytropon
On Tue, 23 Jun 2009 09:31:06 +0200 (CEST), Wojciech Puchar wrote:
 today we have huge flash disks for really cheap, but still don't have 
 native flash filesystem in any OS, be it FreeBSD or windoze or mac os x or 
 This flash chips have to emulate hard drive, which slows them down 

Article: NILFS: A File System to Make SSDs Scream

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Re: you're not going to believe this.

2009-06-23 Thread Polytropon
On Tue, 23 Jun 2009 15:59:44 -0500, David Kelly wrote:
 We are already there. SSDs are not slower than mechanical disk drives,
 they are faster. The only detriments are 1) cost, 2) limited write life.

What about power consumption? Because they seem to be
primarily intended for portable devices, it should be
better than tradidional hard disks, but as I read,
it's worse (less efficient, because higher current

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Re: 7.2 system stuck trying at boot, trying to mount root device

2009-06-24 Thread Polytropon
On Wed, 24 Jun 2009 14:13:41 -0400, Forrest Aldrich wrote:
 I also did a proper mount, fsck, and umount under the LiveFS shell, 
 which made no difference.

I hope I'm just reading it in the wrong order. The correct
order is to 1st fsck, then mount, not vice versa. Never
fsck a mounted file system.

 The other messages I see on the console include GEOM output:
 GEOM_LABEL:  Label for provider ad4s1a is ufsid/blahblah
 GEOM_LABEL: Label for ufsid/blahblah removed.

This is completely normal today. As long as a file system is
not mounted, the label is provided. When it gets mounted, this
label is being removed. You see this on your console.

 Anyone know how I can rescue this?

Does /var/log/messages show something strange looking?

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Re: Versioning File System for FreeBSD?

2009-06-24 Thread Polytropon
On Wed, 24 Jun 2009 21:11:25 +0200, Roland Smith wrote:
 VMS had a filesystem that uses versioning: 

That's the first thing that came into my mind when reading this
message. See LOGIN.COM;1 and then rm -rf /*.*;* :-)

But it's not had, it's has, because VMS and its file system
does still exist.

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Re: Versioning File System for FreeBSD?

2009-06-24 Thread Polytropon
On Wed, 24 Jun 2009 23:57:34 +0200, cpghost wrote:
 Yep, you're right. I thought about a way to extend the API in a
 backwards compatible way, but that's not as easy or straight
 forward as it seems. In fact, it opens a whole can of worms.
 If the versioned file system isn't also POSIX compatible (where
 everything happens in HEAD unless specified otherwise), it's
 practically useless.

The question is: Do you want to take versioning support into
the file system intendedly? FreeBSD keeps most things on a
per-file basis (ordinary files, devices, processes etc.).
Versioning can always be added as a separate solution
(using versioning systems as separate programs) that does
not make any assumptions on the file system used. As you
concluded, the file system's complexity would of course
grow with those requirements. In addition to your arguments,
just imagine how a fsck for such a file system would have
to be implemented...

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Re: The question of moving vi to /bin

2009-06-25 Thread Polytropon
On Thu, 25 Jun 2009 14:20:42 -0400, wrote:
 2009/6/24 Manish Jain
  everyone has hundreds of GB's
  on the disk
 No.  No they don't.  Please hang up and try again.  If you need
 to make a collect call, please dial zero to speak with an oper-

Dial all the numbers altogether to talk to the fat guy
with the big hard disk. :-)

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Re: mounting network NTFS drive on FreeBSD

2009-06-25 Thread Polytropon
On Thu, 25 Jun 2009 20:33:12 +0200, Zbigniew Szalbot 
 I am trying to figure out how to mount a network NTFS drive 
 (\backups) on a FreeBSD system.
 Can you point me to the appropriate documentation? The Handbook mentions 
 the mount command but I am not sure I can do it using mount? Or can I?
 Thank you very much in advance!

Because Windows does not conform to standards, you have to use
mount_smbfs. As far as I understood, it doesn't even matter which
file system is on the Windows disk.

I will give an example.

First, set up those in your /etc/fstab (makes things more easy):

//administra...@ntws2kxx/a$ /smb/a smbfs rw,noauto 0 0
//administra...@ntws2kxx/c$ /smb/c smbfs rw,noauto 0 0
//administra...@ntws2kxx/d$ /smb/d smbfs rw,noauto 0 0
//administra...@ntws2kxx/e$ /smb/e smbfs rw,noauto 0 0
//administra...@ntws2kxx/f$ /smb/f smbfs rw,noauto 0 0

Then, make /etc/nsmb.conf look like this:


You can then simply issue

# mount /smb/c

You can check out manpages for:

Then, I'm sure, how you can add a directory name as you mentioned
above (\backups). I think that's possible, too.

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Re: mkisofs in FreeBSD

2009-06-25 Thread Polytropon
On Thu, 25 Jun 2009 18:34:22 -0400, Daniel Underwood 
 Looked for mkisofs in the online FreeBSD man pages, but couldn't find
 it. What is modern equivalent?

Ther is no modern equivalent - mkisofs is the tool of choice,
and it's very modern because it does the job well which it is
intended for.

Anyway, it does not belong to the base OS, so it needs to be
installed by the port / package cdrtools. More information
via man mkisofs is available then.

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Re: The question of moving vi to /bin

2009-06-25 Thread Polytropon
On Fri, 26 Jun 2009 08:24:13 +0800, Erich Dollansky wrote:
 To be honest, I never have had a problem with /usr since disks are 
 large enough to have all on only one.

Mostly, partitioning according to directory structures has nothing
to do with disk space, but with intention. There are many many
arguments pro and contra partitioning. It's a matter of intention.

   It would be even better to have an editor like joe in /bin
   than anything like vi.
 Ok, then let us support joe.

Or the Midnight Commander's editor, mcedit. :-)

The good thing about vi - yes, there is such a thing - is the
fact that it even works completely under the weirdest
circumstances, e. g. if you are on a terminal line that does
not have cursor keys or function keys, then you can still
use the full power of vi, as long as you know how to master
it, but that's true for anything in the UNIX world.

 But isn't there emacs in the ports too?

Sure, let's take emacs into the OS, as well as any other editor
one could imagine. And because most people like graphical
applications, let's include OpenOffice for editing configuration
files in maintenance mode. :-)

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Re: The question of moving vi to /bin

2009-06-25 Thread Polytropon
On Fri, 26 Jun 2009 09:55:48 +0800, Erich Dollansky wrote:
 this is not what I mean. I wanted to say, as long as the boot disk 
 come up, I also have /usr available when I have the space to have 
 it all on the same disk.

I see. The fact that /usr isn't available after booting in
maintenance mode (SUM) is often important for recovery
purposes. The OS leaves it to the admin to take such important
decisions. :-)

  The good thing about vi - yes, there is such a thing - is the
  fact that it even works completely under the weirdest
  circumstances, e. g. if you are on a terminal line that does
  not have cursor keys or function keys, then you can still
  use the full power of vi, as long as you know how to master
  it, but that's true for anything in the UNIX world.
 Aren't all - or at least most - of the Unix editors like this?

I think most of them are. But, for example, I don't think that
the mcedit (Midnight Commander's editor) is very usable without
cursor and function keys...

   But isn't there emacs in the ports too?
  Sure, let's take emacs into the OS, as well as any other editor
  one could imagine. And because most people like graphical
  applications, let's include OpenOffice for editing
  configuration files in maintenance mode. :-)
 Yes, this is the idea of the ideas.
 But why don't we take Microsoft Word running under wine?
 I mean, if we strike, we should have a real strike.

That's a very good suggestion. But let's take into mind that we
do need the most advanced and modern MICROS~1 technology, so
FreeBSD should include a pirated copy of Windows 7 in order
to run the latest and most expensive pirated copy of Office,
programmed in Java, running through Flash. With music. And
dancing puppies.

If - then real. :-)

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Re: The question of moving vi to /binHi,

2009-06-25 Thread Polytropon
On Fri, 26 Jun 2009 10:33:56 +0800, Erich Dollansky wrote:
 On 26 June 2009 am 10:02:30 Polytropon wrote:
  From Magdeburg, Germany
 big brother is watching me.

Yes, Dr. Schäuble does so. :-)

 An xterm just came up with this message:
 The default editor in FreeBSD is vi, which is efficient to use 
 when you have learned it, but somewhat user-unfriendly.  To use 
 ee (an easier but less powerful editor) instead, set the 
 environment variable EDITOR to /usr/bin/ee
 Isn't this the best reasoning why it should stay as it is?

The ee editor isn't that bad. Especially ^K and ^L are more
easy to use than vi's edit buffer equivalent.

While there's ed and ex in /rescue, ee isn't.

% which ee | xargs ldd
/usr/bin/ee: = /lib/ (0x28088000) = /lib/ (0x280c6000)

Relies on ncurses, but so does dialog / sysinstall...

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Re: Which latex should I install

2009-06-25 Thread Polytropon
On Fri, 26 Jun 2009 03:38:00 +, wrote:
 for LaTeX. I was using a Linux system at work and would like to install it  
 on my FreeBSD system at home since I've been looking for something like  
 this for exchanging math questions I have with a friend who's helping me  
 understand mathematics as I pursue my degree. LaTeX is just what I've been  
 looking for. However, when I went to find the port by doing make search  
 name=latex I was returned so many hits, frankly, I'm overwhelmed. What do  
 I need to install from ports to get the LaTeX language on my system, show  
 the markup using the native DVI and more importantly, write pdf file from  
 the markup?

The easiest way is to install teTeX via package.

# pkg_add -r teTeX

You can then use latex and pdflatex commands from your tex source

 The tutorial I was going off of was using something called  
 pdftex I think, but not sure.

tex - latex == pdftex - pdflatex. :-)

 There's just so much there. Obviously, LaTeX is much more than I thought it  
 was. I'm looking forward to understanding it more.

LaTeX is a professional typesetting system which can be (ab)used
to do everything imaginable. :-)

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Re: The question of moving vi to /binHi,

2009-06-25 Thread Polytropon
On Fri, 26 Jun 2009 12:03:21 +0800, Erich Dollansky wrote:
 What kind of editor do you need for rescue? Just edit one or two 
 lines in some config file to allow the full system to start 
 Rescue does not need an editor programmers are used to edit their 
 source files.

I won't say anything different. For the usual maintenance and
get the damn thing working again tasks the /rescue editor,
especially vi, should be enough. Commands are i, a, and :wq.
From my experience, I can't remember to have used anything

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Re: The question of moving vi to /bin

2009-06-26 Thread Polytropon
On Fri, 26 Jun 2009 15:40:50 +0800, Erich Dollansky wrote:
 On 26 June 2009 pm 14:01:02 Polytropon wrote:
  Maybe this is because vi scared me when using WEGA (which is
  the GDR's equivalent of UNIX System III, run on the P8000
 was this the russian PDP-11?

I'm not sure if there was a PDP-11 compatible system. Contruction
mostly concentrated on IBM compatibles (and I don't mean PCs
with that, of course). Maybe there's something USSR-special
with a russian name (Iskra, Minsk, erm, no the Minsk wasn't
a PDP-like...).

There in fact was a system compatible to DEC's VAX architecture,
the robotron K1840:

It did not only have software support for VAX (with its OS
SVP1800), but as well for UNIX (with its OS MUTOS1800).

As far as I know, the russians (i. e. the soviets) participated,
like every country in the RGW, in manufacturing computers. From
the USSR, especially processors were delivered, while other
countries specialized on other fields, such as the GDR on
magnetic tape units.

The P8000 was manufactured by EAW in Berlin in the GDR. It was a
UNIX System III multi-user workstation environment, used mostly
for application programming.

I still own such a system and would like to get it working some
day (one P8000 and one P8000 compact).

So much for today's history lesson. :-)

  multi-user workstation). Well, we were all young, many many
  years in the distant past. :-)
 You want to say 'yesterday'?

No. Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away. :-) Being
into that computer stuff makes you feel old, even when you're
young, because you've already seen everything...

  When Bill G. arrives at the pearly gate, ol' Pete won't ask
  him what he did do, instead send him to MICROS~1 C:\HELL.EXE
  with the advice to click on the devil to start the everlasting
  pain. :-)
 I do not think so. He will go directly to heaven. Why? He made all 
 computer users pray that no data get lost when the machine 
 freezes again.

And finally, he invented God, the Heaven, the Hell (delivered in
small packages called Windows), the universe, life and everything.
Children get educated that way, at least in today's german
schools. :-)

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Re: Which latex should I install

2009-06-26 Thread Polytropon
On Fri, 26 Jun 2009 09:32:31 -0400, Daniel Underwood 
 Hopefully Polytropon will chime in on this, but I had to install
 TeXLive for everything to work.

Ere I am, J. H., the ghost in the machine. :-)

I've never tried TeXLive, I have to admit, because I NEVER had ANY
problem using the teTeX package. And yes, I don't build it from
source because pkg_add -r is so much comfortable.

There are some tools that are a good put aside for teTeX, such
as xpdf (which brings also pdftotext), and gv, dvitty, xdvi.

 Suggestion: try teTeX.  If you encounter problems, then install TeXLive.

It would be nice to hear what - in such a case - has been the
problem with teTeX that TeXLive then solved. As I said, I never
found myself in such a situation, and I'm using LaTeX for
nearly everything.

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Re: Which latex should I install

2009-06-26 Thread Polytropon
On Fri, 26 Jun 2009 20:53:46 -0400, Daniel Underwood 
 Polytropon, here is the problem I was having:
 Granted, that's not much to go on :)

Ah, I see, the famous xcolor package. Okay, I have to admit that I
never used it before, so no problem for teTeX from the ports.
Until now, I was fine with usepackage(color) and usepackage(colortbl),
then rowcolor, columncolor and cellcolor, and finally colorbox.
Seems that I am not a color-power-user. :-)

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Re: Stale lock files

2009-06-27 Thread Polytropon
On Sat, 27 Jun 2009 10:00:24 -0500, Charles Howse wrote:
 What are stale lock files?
 I've been having them for a few weeks now, they need to go away!

Lock files are used by several programs to indicate file-wise that
they are running. The lock file is created when the program starts,
and usually deleted when it ends. If it is interrupted (due to an
error or ^C), the lock file isn't removed.

Most programs remove stale lock files by theirselves when they are
started again (e. g. fetchmail).

It's possible that there are programs that refuse to start, because
the lock file (falsely) indicates that the program is already running.

The location of the lock file seems to depend on the respective

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Re: Best practices for securing SSH server

2009-06-27 Thread Polytropon
On Sat, 27 Jun 2009 21:17:11 -0400, Daniel Underwood 
 Exactly.  For example, the server in question is a desktop machine
 at work.  I regularly see transfer rates of 13MB/s.  It's at a major
 university, which is by itself another high-risk factor, precisely
 because there are so many (often weakly protected) high-speed

That's a valid point, and I'd like to add that there is some
consideration: Servers are usually protected with proper means.
This goes especially for UNIX servers. Desktops, on the other
hand, can more easily be taken over (especially non-UNIX machines),
so if an attacker got his foot inside a network, it's very 
useful to him. There are even trading platforms where criminals
buy and sell whole networks of compromised PCs. Of course,
everything happening inside such networks should be seen as
what it is: a threat to security. Just imagine some clever
guy uses telnet inside such a network to configure the

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Re: The question of moving vi to /bin

2009-06-28 Thread Polytropon
On Thu, 25 Jun 2009 16:15:12 -0500, Gary Gatten wrote:
 I like M$ Notepad - is there a version of that for FBSD?

You are on the wrong list. Correct your inner state of mind and
try again. :-)

No, seriously: Maybe gnotepad+ appeals to you?

 Actually the old edit from dos is sweet too

Try the Midnight Commander's mcedit editor, it has some of
the functionaliy, keyboard-usage-wise...

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Re: The question of moving vi to /bin

2009-06-28 Thread Polytropon
On Thu, 25 Jun 2009 22:23:17 -0700, Gary Kline wrote:
   what about j, k [down, up].  and h,l  [left, right]?
   why reach over for the arrow keys!  oh, and o, and O
   [open line below/Above], and 
   and that's 97 and 44/100ths of what you'll ever need.  

Well, I'm not good at vi. As a lazy guy (TM) I honestly prefer
ee, as long as the cursor keys work. If they don't, well, I
have a vi keyboard reference in my extremely important
documentation folder - and yes, it is a real folder, not a
directory. :-) So if everything fails, there's still vi and
the content of /rescue to get you back working.

Maybe this is because vi scared me when using WEGA (which is
the GDR's equivalent of UNIX System III, run on the P8000
multi-user workstation). Well, we were all young, many many
years in the distant past. :-)

   ps:  when bill j. dies and meets st. pete at the pearly
gate, pete'll say: So what did you do--  And bill
will say, I wrote vi.  red-carpet is rolled out

When Bill G. arrives at the pearly gate, ol' Pete won't ask
him what he did do, instead send him to MICROS~1 C:\HELL.EXE
with the advice to click on the devil to start the everlasting
pain. :-)

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Re: serial modem

2009-06-30 Thread Polytropon
On Mon, 29 Jun 2009 23:13:31 -0400, kalin m wrote:
 yes the entry was wrong...   changed it. when i try to use tip i get 
 device busy. when i use cu it says connected but nothing else happens 
 and i don't see any prompts. it's like frozen. i can't type any AT 
 commands... nothing. i changed the baud rate around. all the way down to 
 9600. so now the same thing happens with tip. if used tip says connected 
 but i can not issue any commands...

You could try to leave it to ppp, just for testing purposes.
Everything you need is a number you can dial. Here's an
example for an /etc/ppp/ppp.conf that would do something
like this:

# --- ppp.conf ---
set log Phase Chat LCP IPCP CCP tun command
ident user-ppp VERSION (built COMPILATIONDATE)
set device /dev/cuad0
set speed 115200
set timeout 120
enable dns
set phone PHONE_NUM
set authname USERNAME
set authkey PASSWORD
add default HISADDR
set phone 0123456789
set authname QWERTZ
set authkey ASDFGH
add default HISADDR
# --- ppp.conf --- end ---

With such a file, you can now:

# ppp test
ppp dial
*click dit dit dit dit... do doo... *
PPP close

In this case, you have confirmed that the serial modem works as
intended. You can of course enter real data for an ISP that offers
modem dial-in to get online. :-)

You can find more help and examples in man ppp.

 the modem has 2 leds. one yellow and one green. according to the manual 
 the yellow should be blinking as follows:
 Fast Blinking (0.5 sec on/0.5 sec off)  Net search/ Not 
 registered/Turning Off
 Slow Blinking (0.3 sec on/ 2.7 sec off)  Registered, Full Service
 i think i'm only seeing 'Fast Blinking'.  i wonder what 'Net search' 
 really means and where it's searching for it. it's connected through a 
 RS-232 to the serial port...

But it IS a modem to dial tones and connect to something?
Net search... no idea what that could mean. Serial modems usually
don't search for nets...

Or am I completely misunderstanding you and you're trying to find a
command access to a DSL modem that has a serial line?

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Re: named startup problems upgrading from 7.1p4 to 7.1p5 or 7.1p6

2009-06-30 Thread Polytropon
On Tue, 30 Jun 2009 08:35:26 +, wrote:
 Sorry for starting a new thread with this - my ISP's mail server seems to 
 rejecting all mail recipients when I 

Which which reason?

 send email with a mail client, so I'm having to use webmail instead. Their 
 tech says they won't help - they 
 only support Outlook! Grrr!

Can I read this as they don't support proper POP/SMPT? What
an ISP... :-(

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Re: ANNOUNCE: Custom GNOME-based FreeBSD iso released

2009-06-30 Thread Polytropon
On Tue, 30 Jun 2009 09:45:32 -0600, Tim Judd wrote:
 Earlier, I made hints at a webGUI install (the install medium would
 boot into X, basic setup (VESA driver @1024x768, 24 [or 16bit]

Why not a choice, 800x600 for laptops with smaller screen (or
in 16:9 format for modern laptops) - or try to autodetect what
is REALLY on the screen (instead of assuming a standard)?
Just a polite idea.

 run firefox or another lightweight browser

You're a funny guy. :-)

When talking about lightweight browser in X, strangely dillo comes
to my mind. Yes, I know, it's quite limited, but...

 (even lynx in the
 console if X fails to start)

Very good idea.

 on it's own filesystem or over apache.
 Once network configuration is done, you can pull the data sets for
 your choice of WM from the internet.

A kind of preview screenshot would be good - you know, users judge
from first sight primarily. :-)

 I think this has potential, and would offer making it (already started
 on it), but I think my statements went on deaf ears when addressed to
 the broad public.

Hmmm... I don't think so. In my opinion, it's a very good idea.
You're offering functionality (like preinstalled and preconfigured)
in a matter that only PC-BSD serves today, and for PC-BSD, you need
quite modern hardware. It's not usable for older systems, and you
know how fast today's systems are considered older.

 So I'll ask again if anyone else would be interested in this. 

Yes, if you include WindowMaker and support for a Sun keyboard. :-)
No, honestly; as much as I think you are bringing a good idea into
life, I prefer to completely install systems myself. The chance
that anything that I do not need to be included is too high. Of
course, you are aware that you cannot cater all kinds of intentions
with only one solution, that's impossible. But as I said, that's
only my own, unimportant point of view.

 advantage is that on this webGUI install, you can offer it (secured of
 course) over the internet for someone more technical to do the install
 or configuring, including the same post-install configuration that
 sysinstall offers.

This would be very interesting as long as it does not require too
much additional services to be included and run.

 Anybody else think it's a good idea? 

At least an interesting idea, and this is what counts. Good is
always defined from the viewer's site.

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Re: Older FreeBSD reorders my disk nodes, can't mount root

2009-06-30 Thread Polytropon
On Tue, 30 Jun 2009 12:12:19 -0400, Alexander Sack wrote:
 Okay, no big deal.  My da's in the fstab were reordered so I try to
 find it by mounting s1a from the other da nodes and no matter what I
 choose I can not mount root.  I can't see the exact disk because dmesg
 scrolls by too fast but based on the number of da's, it seems to have
 found both the internal Adaptec and external SAN via the QLogic 23xx
 card.  I tried every node but nothing mounts (I get either 6 or 22 I
 forgot off hand).

For scrolls too fast: Use the Scroll Lock key, then the cursor and
page scrolling keys to see the messages that went off the screen.

For reordering: Does the 4.x kernel already have ATA_STATIC_ID?
Maybe this applies to your problem. I'm not running such a setting,
so this is only a wild guess.

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Re: WebInstaller (was: Re: ANNOUNCE: Custom GNOME-based FreeBSD iso released)

2009-06-30 Thread Polytropon
On Tue, 30 Jun 2009 12:41:46 -0600, Tim Judd wrote:
 A 800x600 resolution is just too crowded when you try to make a system
 on it. 

It's no problem when you run the browser without title line, menu bar,
icon bar, other bars, and status line. You don't need to make all
the text in 100pt letters. :-)

 I think there's more 1024x768 resolutions than 800x600. 

Don't assume anything. Test for it.

 1024x768 doesn't work, we revert back to a console tty?  I have said
 nothing firm as in it's this way or no way..  I'm just trying to see
 reasonable defaults.

Default = use what's present - the easiest way in my opinion.

 And I didn't mention dillo because I don't use it or have ever seen
 it.  lightweight to me is lynx. 

Yes, complete agree.

  A kind of preview screenshot would be good - you know, users judge
  from first sight primarily. :-)
 Nice point.  I'll have to think of a way to get this considered.  a
 JPG would be nice, up until the X fails to start.  :D

You know HTML? img src=some_image.jpg alt=image of XFCE desktop
longdesc=The XFCE desktop looks very nice, it has lots of icons,
and some windows are opened. :-)

 I need input here:
   If said chosen WM is unsatisfactory to the user, how the heck can I
 offer a reconfiguration window?  sysinstall was built with a different
 mindset, so we can't easily use sysinstall.

Selection of window manager is usually done through user's .xinitrc.
In case of xdm used, .xsession (which can incorporate .xinitrc).
Doesn't work for KDE and Gnome because they bring their own
replacements for xdm, i. e. kdm and gdm; all of them involve
changes in /etc/ttys.

  Yes, if you include WindowMaker and support for a Sun keyboard. :-)
  No, honestly; as much as I think you are bringing a good idea into
  life, I prefer to completely install systems myself. The chance
  that anything that I do not need to be included is too high. Of
  course, you are aware that you cannot cater all kinds of intentions
  with only one solution, that's impossible. But as I said, that's
  only my own, unimportant point of view.
 WindowMaker?  sure.  Sun keyboard?  no, absolutely not.  My way, or no way.  

I've got a 122 key IBM model M, too. How about that? :-)

 what do you mean by completely install systems myself  -- that's
 what you're doing.  You're installing a -RELEASE aren't you?  you're
 installing a software kit that will eventually be referred to a
 package once it's stored on your system...  Gets a big chunk out of
 the way.

Exactly. I usually go with the install CD for the base system, then
pkg_add -r for the applications. Compile only for mplayer (due to
options). Then some configuration work (usually done with samples
from previous systems), and then use. Install once, use then. I
know this makes me look like a very lazy guy. :-)

 Personally, and this is for the archives, when I setup a box.  I like
 it to be up quick. 

If I want this, I simply take an already installed system, use dump
and restore, and then do the changes that are neccessary, like
reconfiguring X and network settings. As I said, I'm lazy, and this
way is quite fast.

 install -RELEASE.  freebsd-update.  pkg_add -r
 packages. port{upgrade,master}.  Now you have a functioning install
 in less time than windows takes to install and update.  :D

Yes, that is true. And it will continue working much longer than
Windows will even exist.

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Re: Google Earth on FreeBSD 7.0

2009-07-01 Thread Polytropon
On Wed, 1 Jul 2009 12:45:52 +0300, Mike Barnard wrote:
 LD_LIBRARY_PATH has that path in its entry. Is there something I am missing.

If google earth program is a Linux program, have you installed and
started the Linux ABI? Maybe the needed library will be required
to be located in the /usr/compat/linux/ subtree.

 Anybody managed to get it to work?

Never tried, sorry.

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Re: POLL: Linux preferences from FreeBSD users

2009-07-01 Thread Polytropon
On Wed, 1 Jul 2009 18:58:15 -0400, Daniel Underwood 
 QUESTION: Of the various modern Linux distributions, which do you
 prefer? and why?

Actually, I'm not a Linux user. But Linux was my first step into
using UNIX on a x86 PC. More than 10 years ago, I started with
Slackware Linux, and with the rise of FreeBSD 4.0, I did abandon

Modern Linux distributions don't appeal very much to me, because
they are messy: Missing manpages, partially ununderstandable file
system hierarchy layout, untidy source code. Ah yes, and I need a
very modern PC to run them. No thanks, not my party. That's why I
can't tell about them, because I've not used them.

The only thing that I observed when playing around with SuSE live
CDs was that the Gnome version of their Linux had a much better
internationalisation than the KDE version. Set language to German,
and Gnome gives german text and messages most of the time, nearly
everywhere. KDE cannot do that. It even gives english error messages.
This is what scares Germans who want to try Linux. They cannot
stand such complicated computer thingies. :-)

 I'm very interested to see the spread of opinion about Linux
 distributions from FreeBSD fans.


And an addition: I'm not a FreeBSD fan, I'm a FreeBSD user. I
am using it because it serves my needs best, and I am nearly
exclusively using it (along with Solaris).

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Re: serial modem

2009-07-01 Thread Polytropon
On Thu, 02 Jul 2009 00:19:56 -0400, kalin m wrote:
  But it IS a modem to dial tones and connect to something?
  Net search... no idea what that could mean. Serial modems usually
  don't search for nets...
  Or am I completely misunderstanding you and you're trying to find a
  command access to a DSL modem that has a serial line?

 it's a gsm/sms modem. i need to get to it to set some settings using AT 

Okay, then I do understand. My advice of using PPP should be fine
then. You just have to add somme AT commands you need. PPP can
issue them instead of dialing a number and then establish the

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Re: POLL: Linux preferences from FreeBSD users

2009-07-03 Thread Polytropon
On Thu, 2 Jul 2009 08:28:01 -0600, Modulok wrote:
 That and Linux seems to only ever get the abridged version of manual
 pages. When you compare manual pages for an equivalent commands
 between FreeBSD and most Linux flavors, it really shows. I noticed
 this when I went from Debian to FreeBSD. Finally! Real

There ware two things that I found to be solved better in FreeBSD than
in various Linusi:

1. Amount of manual pages: FreeBSD does not only document commands,
it documents configuration files, kerlen interfaces, library functions
and maintenance procedures. The tradition of manual pages furthermore
is carried by third party software (ports), e. g. man opera - you
would not guess that it existed. In the opposite, try to find a
manpage of some KDE program (as if anyone would read manpages for
KDE things).

2. Quality of documentation: The manpages are excellently written.
No look at our Wiki or this page intentionally left free there.
furthermore, the OS's source is very tidy, uses good names for
functions, variables and datatypes, and has lots of useful comments.

As a developer, documentation is a MUST HAVE for me. Having all
the documentation avaliable off line right after installation
is very good.

Sadly, Linux didn't (doesn't?) offer this.

In functionality - driver availability, to call it by name - Linux
may be much better than FreeBSD. It may even support crap devices
as it is done by proprietary Windows drivers. But because I (1)
do not own such hardware and (2) usually don't use modern
computers, I do not depend on them. That's the great thing when you
live in the stone age - you don't have to care for any modern
stuff. :-)

FreeBSD, in opposite to most Linusi, enables me to run my old
hardware FASTER (!) with each release. Sadly, this gain of speed
is eaten up by other things I use right away, such as X and its
applications. I can't imagine that Linux would make a better shape
here. I sometimes try some Live system CD from a Linux distribution
to see it this is still the case. Is this the case? Yes, it is
the case. Reboot, return to FreeBSD. :-)

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Re: POLL: Linux preferences from FreeBSD users

2009-07-03 Thread Polytropon
On Thu, 02 Jul 2009 18:14:12 +0300, Giorgos Keramidas wrote:
 On Thu, 2 Jul 2009 09:07:08 +0200, Jonathan McKeown 
  I was wondering if there were any other Slackers out there!
 Of course we are still `out there'.
 I started using a UNIX-like clone on my 386 SX with Slackware, by
 fetching the floppy disk images.  I've abandoned Linux for serious work
 for years now, but I still have my Infomagic CD-ROMs :)

hehe, me too. :-) In my case, it's a POWER!-CD LINUX (from Sybex) of
Slackware with kernel 2.0.32, X 3.1.1 - purchased with a magazine for
29,95 DM many years ago. The system it ran on was a 486 DX2 / 66.
And the system was quite usable, especially support for PS printer
and LaTeX were most helpful.

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Re: Fix It CD, bsdlabel, and /dev?

2009-07-03 Thread Polytropon
On Fri, 03 Jul 2009 12:05:13 -0700, Drew Tomlinson 
 Next I used bsdlabel 
 and created 500M a: partitions on two of the drives (ad6  ad8).  
There is no colon after the partition letter. The colon
is used to refer (or change) to the 1st DOS diskette drive. :-)

 However /dev/ad6s1a and /dev/ad8s1a do not exist. I do have entries such 
 as /dev/ad6a and/dev/ad8a but gmirror doesn't like those. What must I do 
 the get them to show after I've labeled?

If you have /dev/ad[68]a, it indicates that you haven't created a
slice on those disks, instead you created one partition (a) on
each of the disks.

If you are a lazy guy (as I am), then use sysinstall to create the
slices and the partition. Choose standard MBR after the slice
editor and go ahead with the partition editor.

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Re: Hide Terminal window (using xfce4. and 7.2-RELEASE)?

2009-07-03 Thread Polytropon
On Fri, 3 Jul 2009 15:57:13 -0400, Daniel Underwood 
 Whenever I run the particular Linux MATLAB installation I have access
 to, it must be run from the command-line.  Consequently, I have the
 MATLAB gui and an open terminal window (which only gets in the way).
 Is there a way to hide this terminal window completely?
 If I close
 it, MATLAB closes. 

Of course.

 I know I can move it to another Workspace, but I'm
 hoping there's another way.

This is a function the window manager (i. e. XFCE 4) will have
to do.

Maybe you can do a trick to not have a terminal window. How about
running the MATLAB program from a kind of Start: dialog. I know it
existed in XFCE 3. Create an icon for it, and as the command line,
enter the MATLAB starting command.

Or does MATLAB explicitlely require to run from out of a terminal

 I don't mind that the Terminal window opens whenever I run MATLAB, I
 would just like to be able to hide it each time.

Check for some kind of minimize after start option in XFCE 4.

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Re: POLL: Linux preferences from FreeBSD users

2009-07-03 Thread Polytropon
On Fri, 3 Jul 2009 15:59:26 -0400, Daniel Underwood 
 Are most of these shortcomings primarily due to the fact that FreeBSD
 has a single structured line of development?

In opposite to Linux, FreeBSD has the concept of a centrally maintained
operating system (the OS) and additional applications (everything
else) which means packages, ports, and 3rd party software. You can
see this even through the directory hierarchy: Everything inside
the /usr/local subtree is not needed for the OS (and can be removed
with leaving you with a completely intact OS). The distributors of
Linux choose what belongs to their distribution which does not have
such a separation. Basal software, as well as additional stuff, is
incorporated via some kind of packages, even the kernel can be
handled that way. Of course, as you said, most Linux distribution
has its own concept and line of development, separated from those
of the other distributions. That creates incompatibilities and
differences between the distributions. FreeBSD, on the other hand,
manages to keep even binary compatibility between major OS changes.
Those who develop and control the OS are programmers who put a lot
emphasize on quality - and that's very important to me.

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Re: Fix It CD, bsdlabel, and /dev?

2009-07-03 Thread Polytropon
On Fri, 03 Jul 2009 15:04:45 -0700, Drew Tomlinson 
 Polytropon wrote:
  On Fri, 03 Jul 2009 12:05:13 -0700, Drew Tomlinson wrote:

  Next I used bsdlabel 
  and created 500M a: partitions on two of the drives (ad6  ad8).  
  There is no colon after the partition letter. The colon
  is used to refer (or change) to the 1st DOS diskette drive. :-)

 I'm not sure what you mean here.  I showed it as a: as that's how 
 bsdlabel reports it when displaying the label 'bsdlabel ad6' for example.

Of course you're correct: bsdlabel shows a:. In terminology, when
refering to a partition, it's usually said partition a or partition
ad6s1a instead of partition a:. The convention a: - drive letters -
is very common in DOS, as well as in other modern MICROS~1 products. 
In fact, I was just joking, as when people are asking questions
about a /home folder or hard discs. Terminology. :-)

 I think this was part of my problem.  For example, I did 'bsdlabel ad6' 
 instead of 'bsdlabel ad6s1'.  Now I have entries such as /dev/ad6s1a and 
 /dev/ad8s1a after using 'bsdlabel -e dev'.

As Wojciech mentioned, the *need* to have a slice on a disk is
mostly not there when you're using BSD only - there's no problem
if you don't have a slice, but just one partition covering the
whole disk. Then you just operate on this partition.

You can even newfs the whole disk without making a partition.
In this case, the c partition - the whole disk - is used,
and you can omit the c. If you newfs ad6, you end up with a
formatted ad6 partition ad6c, which is equivalent to ad6.
But that's going off-topic.

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Re: Hide Terminal window (using xfce4. and 7.2-RELEASE)?

2009-07-03 Thread Polytropon
On Fri, 3 Jul 2009 18:28:29 -0400, Randy Pratt wrote:
 I'm not familar with MATLAB but you may find ports/sysutils/screen
 helpful.  See for more
 information.  I use it for starting some programs in a detached
 mode but they can be reattached at any time.

There's a tool called detach included in the ports. It allows you
to start a process and then keep it running independent of the
existence of its starting shell or your login shell.

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Num Lock key in X, PF keys, involves xmodmap, xev

2009-07-05 Thread Polytropon
 xmodmap is for X, that is WHAT for the
console (text mode)? Would be nice to make the keyboard work
properly at VTs, too.

From Magdeburg, Germany
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Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...Fr
! ESC / DefF
keycode 134 = Escape

! A-Abf / Abruf
keycode 210 = F25

! PsAus
keycode 219 = F26

! Linie / Pos1
keycode 111 = F27

! Pause / E-Lö
keycode 220 = F28

! bSDef / DrDef
keycode 221 = F29

! Eing Lösch
keycode 110 = F30

! Bed-hilfe / Hex
keycode 205 = F31

! Aufz Mode / Pause
keycode 207 = F32

! Wiedgabe / Test
keycode 204 = F33

! ^a
keycode 170 = Insert

! I- / Zoom
keycode 99 = Home

! Bild ^
keycode 105 = Prior

! a° / aaa°
keycode 103 = Delete

! -I
keycode 106 = End

! Bild v
keycode 107 = Next

! ^
keycode 98 = Up

! -
keycode 100 = Left

! v
keycode 97 = Down

! -
keycode 102 = Right

keycode 104 = Down

! Num
keycode 9 = Num_Lock

! /
keycode 78 = KP_Divide

! *
keycode 63 = KP_Multiply

! -
keycode 112 = KP_Subtract

! .
keycode 82 = period

! -J
keycode 86 = KP_Add

! Daten Freigabe
keycode 108 = KP_Enter

! Anford / Ungült
keycode 181 = F13

! Nachricht / Antw
keycode 126 = F14

! Fmt Wechs / Instr
keycode 182 = F15

! Zeile just
keycode 190 = F16

! Druck / S-Abf
keycode 191 = Print

! FAusW Ausw Roll / Test
keycode 192 = Scroll_Lock

! Pause / Untbr
keycode 193 = Pause

! Dup
keycode 198 = F20

! Such
keycode 199 = F21

! Vers / Kop
keycode 200 = F22

! Holen
keycode 201 = F23

! Zu
keycode 203 = F24

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Re: SanDisk FreeBSD 7.2 p1 install

2009-07-05 Thread Polytropon
On Sun, 05 Jul 2009 11:46:15 -1000, Al Plant wrote:

 I discovered that in the HP Mini netbook FreeBSD 7.2 unfortunately does 
 not recognize the Nic's either hard wired or Wlan. Anone know how to 
 find what nics are in this HP MIni? There are no instructions about this 
 with the unit. And I have had no help on the HP Forums.
 Any body know how I can detect these chips under FreeBSD 7.2.

The command

# pciconf -lv

should list you all the devices the kernel detects, no matter if
a driver is attached (means: will usually work then) or not.

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Re: Num Lock key in X, PF keys, involves xmodmap, xev

2009-07-05 Thread Polytropon
Additional information, just recognized:

When Num Lock is on (as described in my first message), some window
manager functions don't work anymore: When doubleclicking on a title
bar, the window does not roll up. When pressing Alt and dragging a
window with the left mouse button, the window does not move. If
Num Lock is switched off, it works as intended. With Num Lock on,
other things still work, such as pressing Ctrl and Shift and double-
clicking on the title bar maximizes the window (Ctrl alone maximizes
vertically, and Shift horizontally). Pressing Alt and clicking left
on the title bar sets the window into the background. (For most of
these functionalities, I'd like to use the 2x5 keys on the left as
I did it with the Sun keyboard.)

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Re: How to symlink devfs devices?

2009-07-08 Thread Polytropon
On Wed, 08 Jul 2009 07:33:42 -0500, Sagara Wijetunga 
 Is it possible to create a symlink to a device and use the symlink in place 
 of the real device name in FreeBSD, especially in version 7.2? 
 1. A disk
/dev/camera - /dev/da0s1 
 2. A network device
re0 - lan0 

That's no problem: Use the link statement: link source target,
such as

linkda0s1   camera
linkre0 lan0

in you /etc/devfs.conf file. See the manual page for this file for
more information, or see the example entries in this file.

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Re: FreeBSD for a high school class? (long)

2009-07-09 Thread Polytropon
On Thu, 9 Jul 2009 07:58:21 -0700, Chris wrote:
 1. Taking the specs into account, what is the window manager that
 will provide the closest match to the Apple desktop for mouse ops,
 browsing files/directories, and editing text files. I suppose I should
 add running Firefox (or a reasonable similar browser that will
 render HTML and execute Javascript identically).

Maybe XFCE 4 is a good choice:

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Re: Automatic screen lock when leaving desk

2009-07-14 Thread Polytropon
On Tue, 14 Jul 2009 14:03:04 -0800, Mel Flynn wrote:
 And use xev to figure out the keycode of an unused key on your keyboard you
 can easily access (like multimedia keys). Then you can activate it
 when leaving your spot or when that creepy guy from accounting tries to
 look over your shoulder. You would probably need some window/session manager
 that supports global key shortcuts.

Just as an example, I do use this with WindowMaker. My Sun Type 6 keyboard
has a nice double-width button Help in the upper left - excellent for
hitting it when leaving the workstation. It is connected with the xlock

 I like the bluetooth idea too, with the caveat that the range might not be

To make it more complicated, what about wearing some specific USB device
on your clothes, attached to a chain, and when you leave the computer,
it will pop out of the USB socket and therefore cause xlock to be
called? :-)

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Re: Automatic screen lock when leaving desk

2009-07-14 Thread Polytropon
On Tue, 14 Jul 2009 18:33:50 -0600, Chad Perrin wrote:
 On Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 12:35:24AM +0200, Polytropon wrote:
  To make it more complicated, what about wearing some specific USB device
  on your clothes, attached to a chain, and when you leave the computer,
  it will pop out of the USB socket and therefore cause xlock to be
  called? :-)
 Does FreeBSD still have the kernel panic when mounted USB storage devices
 are detached without unmounting problem? 

Hmmm... How do other operating systems react if you suddenly remove a
direct storage media that is just read from or written to? Do other
operating systems go like, Oh wow, the hard disk just disappeared,
so then I will write the data on another hard disk... :-)

As far as I know, there are some tools like DBUS and HAL that make
using USB sticks more easy in terms of automount if plugged in,
autoumount when removed, but I have to be honest: I don't use any
automount feature (due to security reasons), so in my opinion it's
always safe to first umount, then remove.

 If so, you could just mount a
 USB storage device, and unplug it when you leave the keyboard.  Then
 your computer would be safe from snooping, because it would kernel panic
 every time you walk away!

I first thought about that, too, but in my opinion it's not needed to mount
whatever you plug in as USB device, maybe a defective MP3 player made from
crap, a memory stick or who knows what. The lock / unlock action could be
assigned to the simple presence of the device.

And: Yes, I know, that's a very stupid idea. :-)

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Re: Automatic screen lock when leaving desk

2009-07-15 Thread Polytropon
On Wed, 15 Jul 2009 11:45:02 +0100, Matthew Seaman wrote:
 I used to be a NeXTie, and the there had a really nifty 
 little feature.  I'm surprised it's not been copied into other screensaver
 applications since, as it's pretty simple.  They just had a facility where
 moving the mouse cursor to one corner of the screen and leaving it still
 for a few seconds would cause the screen saver / screen lock to come on
 straight away.
 Conversely you could designate another corner of the screen as don't turn
 on screensaver even after an extended period of idleness.  Being a NeXT app
 this was all configurable by dragging little '+' or '-' icons around a
 scaled down image of the screen, or off it entirely if you didn't want that

This feature has been implemented in the (original) Norton
Commander (Version 4 or 5, I think), but just as a screensaver,
no real lock. Remember, it was DOS.

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Re: Hareware-RAID (hptrr) - Slice size changes (FreeBSD 7.0)

2009-07-16 Thread Polytropon
On Thu, 16 Jul 2009 22:04:16 +1000, ghostcorps wrote:
 Looking at the DEV folder I notice [...]

Just for terminology: /dev directory. No folder. FreeBSD doesn't
have folders, it has directories. The directory's name is not
DEV, it is dev, precise /dev.

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Re: upgrade from Firefox 3.0 to Firefox 3.5

2009-07-17 Thread Polytropon
On Fri, 17 Jul 2009 16:48:37 -0600, Chad Perrin wrote:
 So . . . how do I upgrade Firefox from 3.0 to 3.5 without running the
 risk of losing everything (bookmarks, a 100-tab session, et cetera)? 

Well, I don't think those settings get altered in any way - they do not
reside in the port's directories (where it will be installed into).
To be sure, make a backup copy of your ~/.mozilla/ directory before.

 some reason, it seems that the upgrade has to be made by deleting 3.0 and
 installing 3.5 afterward.  What's up with that?

No idea. Anyway, user's files won't be touched.

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Re: upgrade from Firefox 3.0 to Firefox 3.5

2009-07-17 Thread Polytropon
On Fri, 17 Jul 2009 18:07:36 -0600, Chad Perrin wrote:
 On Sat, Jul 18, 2009 at 01:43:47AM +0200, Polytropon wrote:
  On Fri, 17 Jul 2009 16:48:37 -0600, Chad Perrin wrote:
   So . . . how do I upgrade Firefox from 3.0 to 3.5 without running the
   risk of losing everything (bookmarks, a 100-tab session, et cetera)? 
  Well, I don't think those settings get altered in any way - they do not
  reside in the port's directories (where it will be installed into).
  To be sure, make a backup copy of your ~/.mozilla/ directory before.
 Does that cover both bookmarks *and* my tab session?

I think so. Because a !root user cannot write to Firefox's directories
(inside the /usr/local/ subtree), data local to the user will be stored
in his home directory. The correct path is ~/.mozilla/firefox and maybe

I can at least confirm it for the bookmarks. I haven't checked for
tab sessions because I'm not using that feature.

But just judging from a conceptual point of view: WHY NOT? :-)

   some reason, it seems that the upgrade has to be made by deleting 3.0 and
   installing 3.5 afterward.  What's up with that?
  No idea. Anyway, user's files won't be touched.
 Do you know this from personal experience, or are you just assuming that
 I won't pull out all my hair five seconds after I discover it deleted a
 bunch of shit I wanted to keep?

As I said, I can confirm it for bookmarks in Firefox. It's a similar
thing with Thunderbird's mailboxes.

The rest is just deduction from UNIX principles, formed into a kind
of counter-question: Why (and how) should user data be saved within
the application's directory structures?

The update process will ONLY have effect on the files installed by the
port. Are your user files mentioned in the corresponding control files
of the port? Surely not - how could they? The port will only delete
those files that are list as have been installed by the port, nothing
more, nothing less.

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Re: Clearing ttyv0 after boot

2009-07-17 Thread Polytropon
On Fri, 17 Jul 2009 21:11:56 -0500, Joe Snikeris wrote:
 Hi all,
 As the subject suggests, I'd like to clear ttyv0 immediately after
 booting so that it looks exactly like the other ttys.  I suspect I
 might have to add a local rc script, but I'm fairly new to FreeBSD and
 am not sure if this is the correct way to go.
 Does anyone have any pointers?

You could add the command

/usr/bin/tput clear

as the last line (prior to exit 0) to /etc/rc - but it's not encouraged
to modify this file because it can cause trouble on updating. But
it will work.

Note that you can still press the Scroll Lock key and see the messages
that have been scrolled off the terminal. If you want, you can use
an additional call to /usr/sbin/vidcontrol to clear the buffer. Refer
to the vidcontrol manpage for how to do that.

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Re: upgrade from Firefox 3.0 to Firefox 3.5

2009-07-18 Thread Polytropon
On Sat, 18 Jul 2009 00:57:57 -0700, wrote:
 I suspect the real concern is not that the upgrade itself will
 wreck something, but that the upgraded FF may do something odd
 the first time it is fired up :(

That's possible. At least, I don't think FF 3.x - 3.y will
have such an impact. When I updated Opera, my favourite web
browser, I didn't have problems with bookmarks, cookies,
certificates and other stuff, but that doesn't imply anything
to Firefox.

Only solution: Trial and error. :-)

 One hopes that backing up ~/.mozilla would cover it.

It does. In worst case, restore older Firefox and keep using
the working settings. Otherwise, try to translate changed
settings to the new Firefox version.

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Re: Recover deleted file

2009-07-18 Thread Polytropon
On Sat, 18 Jul 2009 19:07:46 +0200, Morgan Wesström wrote:
 I haven't used it in FreeBSD but I have used it successfully in Linux to
 undelete files and folders on NTFS partitions.

In worst case, there's always TSK (The Sleuth Kit), operating on
a level lower than the file system.

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Re: Strange (repeatable) hang when ripping a CD

2009-07-19 Thread Polytropon
On Sat, 18 Jul 2009 22:39:07 -0700, jw wrote:
 Jul 18 22:25:46 lumpy kernel: acd0: WARNING - TEST_UNIT_READY
 taskqueue timeout - completing request directly
 Jul 18 22:26:25 lumpy kernel: acd0: FAILURE - device detached
 Jul 18 22:26:25 lumpy kernel: acd0: WARNING - TEST_UNIT_READY
 freeing taskqueue zombie request
 acd0: CDRW LITE-ON LTR-24102B/5S07 at ata0-slave UDMA33
 Any ideas what is going on or how to fix it?
 It is nicely repeatable, at least.

Maybe wrong cable (40 pin)? The device detached message
doesn't look good. First of all, it shouzld at least be UDMA66.
Maybe defective drive due to failing TUR taskqueuing?

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Re: scontrib

2009-07-19 Thread Polytropon
On Sun, 19 Jul 2009 16:47:15 +1000, Brett Wiggins 
 I am installing an old version of FreeBSD (5.2) that I am using with the
 book 'The design and Implementation of the FreeBSD Operating System -
 McKusick/Neville-Neil'. During the install there is an error saying that
 scontrib was unable to be retrieved from the install CD. Will this
 effect the system from running? the only thing I want from this install
 is access to the 5.2 source code. Please cc me if you reply to this
 question as I am not subscribed to this list.

The contrib/ subtree contains various additional modules and
libraries, such as

amd/expat/  less/   ngatm/  smbfs/
bc/ file/   libbegemot/ ntp/tcp_wrappers/
bind9/  gcc/libf2c/ nvi/tcpdump/
binutils/   gcclibs/libobjc/one-true-awk/   tcsh/
bsnmp/  gdb/libpcap/openbsm/telnet/
bzip2/  gdtoa/  libreadline/openpam/texinfo/
com_err/gnu-sort/   libstdc++/  opie/   top/
cpio/   gperf/  lukemftp/   pam_modules/traceroute/
csup/   groff/  lukemftpd/  pf/ wpa_supplicant/
diff/   ipfilter/   netcat/ sendmail/

This is from a FreeBSD 7 installation. In 5.2, there is surely
less stuff included. :-)

Depending on what you want to do with accessing the source code,
it may be valid to say that you can leave out scontrib, but as
far as I remember, it will be needed for building things from the
source code (make vuildworld and buildkernel).

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Re: scontrib

2009-07-19 Thread Polytropon
On Sun, 19 Jul 2009 17:52:22 +1000, Brett Wiggins 
 I want to be able to read and compile the source. I have looked at

For this purpose, I think you'll need the contrib/ subtree.

 but am unable to find an iso and am not sure how to make a iso or
 install cd from what is provided.

There's the command make distribution in /usr/src.

 I have installed the system minus
 scontrib and it boots ok.

Of course, it's only the sources (scontrib is part of the sources).
Those are not needed for running the operating system.

 Would I be able to get the full source from
 the ftp-archive, exctract it to my FreeBSD system and then re-build and
 install the system?

Yes, of course. First, download*
which is scontrib.aa ..., along with You can then
use the command

# ./ contrib

which will concatenate the archive parts scontrib.* and extract them
info /usr/src (or any other place you may specify).

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Re: scontrib

2009-07-19 Thread Polytropon
On Sun, 19 Jul 2009 03:59:30 -0400, Glen Barber wrote:
 Since it has booted fine, you can also obtain the source from the SVN
 tree[1], assuming you can get devel/subversion to build on such an old

It's no problem to install cvsup-without-gui from ports or use
the csup utility (I think it was already present in 5.2) to use

# make update

way from within /usr/src - with correctly setup supfiles, of
course, but that's quite easy.

Put this into /etc/make.conf:


Or change the SUP line, if you've installed cvsup-without-gui to


Then create /etc/sup directory and create the following standard.sup
file (which controls what will be subject to update):

*default base=/var/db
*default prefix=/usr
*default release=cvs tag=RELENG_5_2_0
*default delete use-rel-suffix
*default compress

You can change into a mirror near you. Check the
correct setting for RELENG_5_2_0 (equals 5.2-RELEASE, if I see this
correctly) or any other version you want to obtain (such as 5.2 with
security patches, latest of 5.x, generally latest).

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Re: Strange (repeatable) hang when ripping a CD

2009-07-19 Thread Polytropon
On Sun, 19 Jul 2009 12:05:19 -0700, jw wrote:
 Wow, thanks for the 'bad cable' idea.

I've seen this error on systems where the manufacturer / composer
had chosen a 40 pin cable because of economy reasons. Hard diks
and optical disc drives that could run as UMDA66 or even UDMA100
would show up as UDMA33 and run slowly and / or buggy. Putting in
the recommended 80 pin cable usually solved the problem.

In fact, even the so called 80 pin cable has only 40 pins on
the plugs, but 80 wires connecting them. :-)

 I replaced the (brand new) cable
 and it's working, now. Previously, it was the right kind, it must have
 just been flakey.

Judging from today's quality hardware... that's quite possible.

 The device still shows as UDMA33 though. Don't know
 if that represents a different problem.

Maybe the drive isn't faster, so it's no problem. You can always
check the drive's capabilities with these commands:

# atacontrol cap acd0

If you've loaded the atapicam facility (via kldload or compiled into
your kernel), you can as well use this:

# camcontrol devlist
# camcontrol inquiry 1:0:0

If you're already using cdrtools from the ports, there's another
means of diagnostics:

# cdrecord -scanbus
# cdrecord dev=1,0,0 -inq
# cdrecord dev=1,0,0 -prcap

 Odd that it would have read a mounted CD just fine through the bad cable...

Maybe this is due to the error correction that is included in the
data CD format (ISO-9660) which has a different block size than the
audio CD format (2048 vs. 2352).

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Re: Odd behavior after installing a tape drive

2009-07-19 Thread Polytropon
On Sun, 19 Jul 2009 21:43:29 -0600, Tim Judd wrote:
 I'm no expert on tape drives either, but I was sure that losing a
 SCSI device is a bad thing for SCSI -- think of it as an IDE drive.
 you don't just go pulling power or data from a running, booted

With SCSI, hot plug is usually not that problematic as with
modern ATA and SATA on the PC. Anyway, using

# camcontrol stop unit

before switching off or detaching a SCSI component is often a
good idea.

 All the devices in a computer are on, stays on, until the system shuts down.

SCSI allows you to have internal devices outside the computer,
connected with a cable. In principle, it doesn't even matter if
a hard disk is inside the computer or outside, same for optical
disc drives, tape drives, and even scanners. Hot plug has always
been a nice feature of SCSI, even 10 or more years ago, where
you couldn't imagine something similar in the PC world.

 The PTY/SCSI subject of your email should be unrelated, but a abruptly
 missing device is never a positive outcome for an OS.  Think about the
 old removing a mounted USB drive = panic issue we've dealt with for

Or /dev/mem: device disappeared. :-)

 I am questioning your reasoning behind turning off a tape drive on a
 live system.  I would never recommend that.

As I said, if you do it the SCSI way, it's completely unproblematic.

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Re: Samba PDC with LDAP backend

2009-07-20 Thread Polytropon
On Mon, 20 Jul 2009 16:50:48 +0800, Ruel Luchavez 
 On Mon, Jul 20, 2009 at 4:35 PM, Olivier Nicole wrote:
   I know this is running
slapd_flags='-h \ldapi://%2fvar%2frun%2fopenldap%2fldapi/
   ldap:// ldap://\;'
   as is issue a command ps -aux | grep slap, hers whats the box give to me
   #ps -aux | grep slap
   ldap   1273  0.0  6.6 341992  7816  ??  Is4:17PM   0:00.14
   /usr/local/libexec/slapd -h ldapi://%2fvar%2frun%2fopenldap%2fldapi/
   ldaps:// ldap:// -u l
  I see no ldaps:// in the command, but one in the ps, that is strange!
 What do you mean you dont see no ldaps://

f1 = ldapi://%2fvar%2frun%2fopenldap%2fldapi/
f2 = ldap://
f3 = ldap://

ps output:
p1 = ldapi://%2fvar%2frun%2fopenldap%2fldapi/
p2 = ldaps://
p3 = ldap://

Compage f3 to p2: ldap:// vs. ldaps://

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Re: K3b-DVD

2009-07-20 Thread Polytropon
On Mon, 20 Jul 2009 19:39:45 -0500, ajtiM wrote:
 I did try to burn data DVD with my NEC DVD ND-1300A but I got an error:
 :-( Media is not formatted or unsupported
 Write error

Check if your drive really supports DVD-R (allthoug it obviously
should) by running this command:

# cdrecord -scanbus
# cdrecord dev=1,0,0 -inq
# cdrecord dev=1,0,0 -prcap

The cdrecord program is part of the cdrtools port / package.

 Executing 'builtin_dd if=/dev/fd/0 of=/dev/pass4 obs=32k seek=0'
 /dev/pass4: Current Write Speed is 1.0x1352KBps.
 :-[ wr...@lba=0h failed with SK=5h/CANNOT WRITE MEDIUM - INCOMPATIBLE 
 Invalid argument
 :-( media is not formatted or unsupported.
 :-( write failed: Invalid argument
 growisofs command:
 /usr/local/bin/growisofs -Z /dev/cd0=/dev/fd/0 -use-the-force-luke=notray
 -use-the-force-luke=tty -use-the-force-luke=tracksize:1930464

Check if the growisofs command alone produces the same error
messages (just to make sure it's not a K3B problem):

# growisofs -Z /dev/cd0 -r -J some files here

Check permissions for the cd and pass devices.

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Re: K3b-DVD

2009-07-20 Thread Polytropon
On Mon, 20 Jul 2009 20:29:20 -0500, ajtiM wrote:
 Thank you for the help. I don't know what is wrong still. I did burn DVD on 
 FreeBSD 7.2 and before that on Linux. Now I have FreeBSD 7.2 (no ther OS) but 
 it doesn't work.

Did you always use K3B? Have you changed permissions on the device files?
And finally: Are you sure that you are really using a blank DVD-R that is
not defective? I'm asking because I was that clever myself to try to
write to a defective media. :-)

 cdrecord -scanbus
 2,0,0   200) '_NEC' 'DVD_RW ND-1300A ' '1.06' Removable CD-ROM
 cdrecord dev=2,0,0 -prcap
 Drive capabilities, per MMC-3 page 2A:
   Does write CD-R media
   Does write CD-RW media
   Does write DVD-R media

Okay, this indicates it writed DVD-R. Additionally, it doesn't seem to
be able to write DVD+R. Again, check for the appropriate media.

Everything else looks completely valid.

Have you tried to use plain growisofs in order to check that it's
not a K3B problem?

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Re: backticks in rc.conf

2009-07-21 Thread Polytropon
On Tue, 21 Jul 2009 09:46:47 +0100, chris scott wrote:
 can i use backticks in rc.conf?

Basically, yes. The /etc/rc.conf file is run through sh, it is
a shell script that assigns values to variables, but can (ab)use
it to execute programs.

 rsyncd_flags=--config=/etc/rsyncd.conf --address=` ifconfig bce1 | grep
 inet | awk '{print $2}'`
 it works fine from the shell, however on reboot the address section doesnt
 expand, or rather it goes blank

You should use the full pathnames leading to ifconfig, grep, and awk.
Make sure they are accessible when rc.conf is executed.

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Re: K3b-DVD

2009-07-21 Thread Polytropon
On Tue, 21 Jul 2009 17:18:14 -0500, ajtiM wrote:
 in /etc/devfs.conf:
  Commonly used by many ports
 linkcd0 cdrom
 linkcd0 dvd

All four lines? Where do /dev/dvd and /dev/cdrom actually point
to? The devices should be cd0, not acd0. The growisofs program
utilizes /dev/cd0 for burning via the atapicam facility - I'm
sure you have loaded it.

 # K3b
 perm/dev/acd0   0666

I'm not sure the /dev/ prefix is needed...

 permcdrom   0666
 permdvd 0666
 permpass4   0666

For comparison: I have

linkcd0 dvd

only, and permissions

own cd0 root:operator
permcd0 0664
own xpt0root:operator
own pass0   root:operator
permpass0   0660

I added my username to the operator group (and wheel), so I can
have power on the devices needed for burning. Have you done this,

 and in /etc/fstab:
 /dev/acd0   /cdrom  cd9660  ro,noauto   0   0
 /dev/cd0/cdrom  cd9660  ro,noauto   0   0

I don't know why you are employing cd0 and acd0 in parallel. You
can use cd0 for everything. I'm using the acd driver only for
reading CDs and DVDs, but for recording them, cd0 is used. So
the corresponding entries in my /etc/fstab is this:

/dev/acd0/media/cdrom  cd9660  ro,noauto   0   0

Allthough it looks like a medium error, it's still possible that
it is a permission problem, and growisofs is showing this problem.

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Re: gutenprint and lpd

2009-07-22 Thread Polytropon
On Wed, 22 Jul 2009 07:26:21 -0700 (PDT), Andrew Gould 
 Is there a way to use gutenprint drivers with lpd when the
 printer definition is not in the foomatic database?

A problem is that CUPS seems to replace the default printer
spooler mechanism. There are settings in /etc/rc.conf that have
to be done in order to use CUPS and leave the lpd facility of
the BSD system aside.

 Is there something special I need to do for applications to see
 CUPS printers?

No. CUPS defines a printer name or uses the default lp. You
can set the environmental variable PRINTER to point to the default

CUPS works as a printer filter, called driver in MICROS~1 land.
Input data is given to this filter, and it translates it into the
natural language of the printer. This data is then handed to the
printer spooler's waiting queue, and finally transmitted into the
printer when it's online and ready.

As an example, I have apsfilter as a printer filter which creates
PCL from any input data (using gs) from any application. My printer
has the name Laserjet (a HP Laserjet 4000 duplex). I'm using
FreeBSD's printer spooler.

In your case: You surely want to solve the potential problem of
concurrent printer spoolers - those of the system (/usr/bin/lp*)
and those of CUPS (/usr/local/bin/lp*). I think there's documentation
around in the FreeBSD Handbook in the Printing section.

Personally, I dislike CUPS, but it seems to be the only way to get
unprinters work on FreeBSD - modern egg-laying woolmilksows that
do not conform to any standards...

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Re: make installkernel KERNCONF= faults with error

2009-07-22 Thread Polytropon
On Wed, 22 Jul 2009 19:11:14 +0300, Anton wrote:
Hello freebsd-questions,
It says that there is no libbsm

Check that all your sorces are complete and of the same version.
The libbsm is part of openbsm - /usr/src/contrib/openbsm/.

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Re: Ports and package creation Automation

2009-07-22 Thread Polytropon
On Wed, 22 Jul 2009 16:50:23 -0400, Glen Barber wrote:
 I believe you are looking for the following:
 make package
 make package-recursive

If you're using portupgrade / portinstall, the -p option
should be a good choice:

 --package  Build a package when each specified port is
installed or upgraded.  If a package is upgraded
and its dependent packages are given from the com-
mand line (including the case where -r is speci-
fied), build packages for them as well.

As well as for for make package, packages are stored in
the /usr/ports/packages/ directory.

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Re: Can't login to the system...!

2009-07-23 Thread Polytropon
On Thu, 23 Jul 2009 16:56:35 +0300, thanos trompoukis wrote:
 Hi all, I am a noobie here.
 I was in the system as root and I type this command:
 chsh -s usr/local/bin/bash (without reason,by mistake)
 when I reboot the system I give username  password  and I see this:
 login:  usr/local/bin/bash:  No such file or directory
 FreeBSD/i386  (leonidas.MSHOME) (ttyv0)
 But I can access the system as another user, and
 when I type *su* I can login as root fine.
 I have no idea what i've done. Give me your lights please.

Just change back the shell to the standard dialog shell,
which is the C shell /bin/csh. If you intendedly want to
use a different shell when working as root, consider using
the toor account and change the shell of toor. Do not change
the shell of root.

Login as any user. Then:

% su root
# chsh
... change back to csh ...
# exit
% exit

Now you can login as root again.

Note that you missed the leading / in the BASH name, as
the login message states:

 login:  usr/local/bin/bash:  No such file or directory

The correct path is /usr/local/bin/bash. And you can use
this path for toor, no problem at all.

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Re: Restarting hal

2009-07-24 Thread Polytropon
On Thu, 23 Jul 2009 13:43:50 -0400, Bob Hall wrote:
 Is there a way to get hal to reload its
 configuration withou rebooting? I've tried sending a HUP signal and I've
 tried rc.d/hal restart, but so far rebooting is the only thing that
 works properly.

Maybe it's neccessary to restart DBUS as well - just a wild
guess, im not using DBUS or HAL because I like my X working. :-)

From Magdeburg, Germany
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Re: OT: web-based applications and security...

2009-07-24 Thread Polytropon
On Fri, 24 Jul 2009 00:05:00 -0600, Modulok wrote:
 Is it just me being paranoid, or is all this 'online' and 'live'  aka
 web-based applications and data storage like... the biggest security
 threat in the Universe?

No. The biggest security threat is the human nature, participating
in operating these facilities.

 Not only from the perspective of the company
 offering said services selling you out, but also in the fact that it
 creates a high-value target (tons of data in one place) for the entire
 world to try and exploit.

Gaining information, especially those that have a certain worth (such
as corporate data), is one important goal of criminals across the whole
Internet. Offering opportunities, given by the fact that such online
live storage clients and servers run MICROS~1 software (which is very
well known for its high quality, haha), may turn such data silos into
interesting targets. I'm sure that criminals have already found out about
this fact, they're just waiting for more and more corporate decision
carriers to adopt to all these modern techniques: If we store our
valueable data on those web servers, it will save us backup costs!
Maybe they're just waiting for some data to arrive where conventional
espionage and sabotage would be too complicated. It's always nice when
your victim delivers the loot willingly, isn't it?

In fact, the situation you described isn't quite new. For many years
now, data is stored on servers that are connected to the Internet,
delivering certain services to the users. With the goal of decentralized
computing, processing and working, the in-house solution seems to
get less and less important.


Yes. :-)

From Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
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Re: Restarting hal

2009-07-25 Thread Polytropon
On Fri, 24 Jul 2009 11:02:39 -0400, Bob Hall wrote:
 Aside from the ctrl-alt-bksp bug, this has been the easiest X setup I've
 ever done. I've tried it with and without hal and both are easy to set
 up. Given my level of ignorance, that's saying something. I've seen a
 lot of complaints about Xorg's new system, but I like it.

I'm sure it works very well on up-to-date hardware, but on
older hardware, where all the autodetect magic won't work
properly, problems may occur. Furthermore, if you need to
have a non-standard keyboard layout, e. g. the german one,
this has to be set in a different place now. As far as I
know, HAL and DBUS, along with FreeBSD 8, work very well for
different automounting scenarios (CD, DVD, USB).

Soon I will encounter the joy of the new X modularity
and dependencies. :-)

It's still worth mentioning that it's possible to run X
in the old fashioned way, but DBUS and HAL have to be
excluded at compile time.

From Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
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Re: Moxa 8-port serial multiplexor, how-to

2009-07-25 Thread Polytropon
On Fri, 24 Jul 2009 10:32:52 -0500, Doug Poland wrote:
 After reading the handbook(26.2) and man puc(4), sio(4).  man sio(4)
 talks about adding /boot/device.hints but not for my particular
 hardware.  I'm at a loss on how to continue.
 Suggestions, pointers, URLs welcome.

The file is /boot/device.hints. For each serial port, the
following dataset has to be completed:
hint.sio.N.port=0x3F8   ---+
hint.sio.N.flags=0x10   ---+--- set up

Still, I don't know how to determine the correct addresses
and IRQs, maybe the documentation belonging to the expansion
card can help...

If I see this correctly, each serial port should then be
visible as a /dev/cuadN device file.

From Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
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