Re: Rocketport (rp) PCI card on stable ?

2002-09-06 Thread Mike Nowlin

Mike Tancsa wrote:
> At 05:30 PM 06/09/2002 -0400, Mike Nowlin wrote:
> >On Friday, September 6, 2002, at 05:15 PM, Mike Tancsa wrote:
> >
> >>At 09:51 PM 05/09/2002 -0400, Peter Radcliffe wrote:
> >>>I use kermit to /dev/cuaR0 and can get out to the console of other
> >>>machines fine.
> >>
> >>
> >>I finally got it to work!  For some reason, I am unable to use cu to
> >>connect, but it works just great with kermit!  Any reason why cu would
> >>not work ? Its no big deal, but I am curious.
> >
> >What arguments are you using?  I do "cu -l /dev/cuaR1 -s9600" all the time
> proxy2# cu -s 9600 -l /dev/cuaR1
> Connected.
> ~[proxy2].
> Disconnected.
> proxy2#
> Just hangs there.

> FreeBSD/i386 ( (ttyd0)
> login:
> Perhaps something about the cable ?

Wouldn't be surprising.  I've tried all sorts of combinations of hooking
various lines together - some work better than others.  I usually tie
RTS & CTS together at the Rocketport end, and only use TX, RX, and GND
on the remote server end...  At least for FreeBSD consoles...  


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Re: Interesting plight

2001-01-13 Thread Mike Nowlin

> > A couple days ago I was mentioning about my ps and top problems. Well at the
> > advice of a FreeBSD user I went and installed the bin distribution for
> > 4.2-RELEASE rebooted with the 4.2-RELEASE kernel and everything was golden.
> > I could ps and top and kill I was one happy guy.
> > 
> > Well I cvsup'ed my source tree, and went through the process as is outlined
> > in /usr/src/UPDATING of updating my source tree to 4.2-STABLE. I finish this
> > procedure, and ps and top fail to work.
> This just doesnt make ANY sense...
> If you really did follow the instructions everything SHOULD work fine,
> I have cvsup'd many times and so long as you do it by the UPDATING file
> I have never had any problems (besides new/changed driver issues)...

I have a system that went from 3.0, through a bunch of upgrades to 3.5, to
4.0, now up to 4.2.  The 4.1.1 that was currently running seemed to work
OK, but if I did a build/install world/kernel for 4.2, ps, top, and a few
relatives died with some nlist error.

I finally fixed it with "rm -fR /usr/src", re-CVSup, and
rebuild...  SOMETHING wasn't getting updated as it should...


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Re: Dedicated disks (was: Dangerously Dedicated)

2000-12-14 Thread Mike Nowlin

> Does that mean that such BIOS's are proprietary in the sense that they
> don't recognize the dedicated format?

There are times when the politically-correct of the world use the term
"proprietary" when they actually mean "dumb" or "really badly
designed".  But yes, that's what it means...  :)


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Re: 4.1-STABLE fails to 'buildkernel'?

2000-09-12 Thread Mike Nowlin

> > What SUCKS is when you manage to get through a make-world without an
> > error, but the running system is broken. /That/ is something to whine
> > about. (And you just want to slug that first one that says, "Just use
> > the backups you made before the make-world." I do backup first, but
> > restoring is still a non-trivial pain in the *ss. And if you didn't
> > backup, especially a production system, you asked for it, bub.)
> This is all part of the reason why I do a buildworld,
> build[install]kernel, and finally do my installworld. When something
> like this happens, my kernel.old and my user land are still in sync.

I kept my mouth shut at the time, since I knew it would be fixed in a
couple of days and the machine I was upgrading wasn't anything really
important, but the problem a couple weeks ago where telnetting into a
system or starting X on it caused it to blow up didn't exactly strike me
as "stable".  kernel.old didn't work since the userland had changed enough
to make ps, top, etc. to stop working -- un-cvsup it and rebuild...

This problem shows up more often when you update sources weekly or
so.  Daily doesn't seem to be a big problem - kernel.old is usually
good; going from 4.0-RELEASE to 4.1-STABLE can cause headaches.

Just goes to show you that completely trusting
[build|install][world|kernel] and friends isn't completely
goof-proof.  Creating a program that compiles flawlessly but still doesn't
work doesn't require much cranial activity.

(BTW: Thanks, guys, for fixing that problem!  Got my shiny new Toshiba
4360ZDVD laptop running -STABLE now - X, sound, pcmcia,
everything!  Although the S3 Savage-IX patch for XFree-3.3.6 has some
problems (with work-arounds), it's kicking along nicely!)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Understated/funny man-page sentence of the current time period:

>From route(4) on FreeBSD-3.4, DESCRIPTION section:
"FreeBSD provides some packet routing facilities."


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Re: occasional reboots

2000-05-21 Thread Mike Nowlin

> : One of the old Fijitsu 1GB scsi drives had an air flow requirement of
> : so many feet/second of air flow. The fan died and the drive case metal
> : turned blue just before the drive died. I never thought of an HD
> : getting that hot. I am not sure what got hotter the HD or the Celeron.
> Try to put too much power backwards through a mosfet.  I turned mine
> into a light emitting mosfet by doing this on the I-Opener...


I have a few DEC RZ26's and RZ28's (1 & 2 GB SCSI) here that, without
enough air flow across them, get hot enough to actually create blisters.
(Usually on my right index finger.)  Discovered that I can strap an old
486 heatsink/fan to the top of them, and that REALLY helps cool them down.
Just have to grind off the little "lips" that drop down over the sides of 
the CPU so that you get full-surface contact of the heat sink.


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Re: Server Farms?

2000-05-10 Thread Mike Nowlin

> A buddy of mine has 4 8 port SCSI devices.  8 serial ports with modem
> control.  Too bad he's never found the time to get it going under a
> free os.

I've been looking at this kind of thing recently. Several machines are out
of card slots, but they do have available SCSI ID numbers.  Does he/you 
have any info as to how they work??

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, who said, 'I drank 
what?'" -- Chris Knight (Val Kilmer), Real Genius


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Re: Server Farms?

2000-05-10 Thread Mike Nowlin

> I'd never do a server farm w/o a serial console machine to serve the
> serial consoles on all the machines  It would be a nightmare
> otherwise...

Long live "retired" Equinox 16-port terminal servers!  VT100 on one
port, modem on another, and 14 machines.  (Plus a parallel port as an
added bonus.)


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serial console buglet

2000-05-10 Thread Mike Nowlin

(Taken from "Re: Server Farms?")

> You mean you don't have a serial console? And yes, I can see where it may
> be impractical (network access only, no serial ports, etc).

Speaking of serial consoles, I keep getting bit by a little bug that is a
descendant of the RS-232 specification (mother) and unterminated signals

On some of my machines that have serial consoles connected to (usually)
Wyse 150 & Wyse 60 terminals, they have the annoying habit of not
rebooting if the serial console is turned off...  Turn the console on or
pull the serial cable, and the machine proceeds to boot.  (3-wire 
interface).  Without digging into the source yet, I'm guessing there's
something in there that keeps the boot process from starting if there's a 
constant mark/space (don't remember which one -- been a long day) on the
console port.  

#1 - Is this correct?

#2 - If so, what's the vote on putting a timeout in there -- if the port
is blocked by this signal for more than 15 seconds (much longer than a
"break" signal), go ahead and start booting anyway?


(Yes, I realize I could probably fix this with a resistor, but breaking
kernel code is SO much more fun.)

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Re: 3.3 Stable Performance Monitoring

1999-10-23 Thread Mike Nowlin

> We also have a few Solaris machines around.  We've purchased a SNMP agent
> from Empire Technology ( which can report various system
> performance related parameters, like swap usage, system load, cpu
> utilization, number of open file descriptor, number of processes, etc.
> The bad news is that their product doesn't support FreeBSD, although it does
> support Linux.  So we cannot use this tool to monitor the system
> performance.  Instead, we need something else which can do roughly the same
> thing.
> Among so many parameters our immediate interests is the following:
> * CPU utilization, % used in Kernel space vs % used in user space
> * RAM utilization
> * SWAP utilization
> * Network bandwidth usage
> * number of file descriptors used
> As ususal, any hints/comments are more than welcomed.  Please do mail a copy
> of your response to me directly.  Thanks!

I've been writing a program to monitor various values dealing with SNMP --
it's not finished, but it works.  Basically, you tell it what to watch,
and if the values go outside defined thresholds or certain values are/are
not met, it triggers an "alert" -- mail, paging (both TAP and SNPP), etc.
Right now, it's running under Linux with ucd-snmp, but porting it over to
FreeBSD should be simple -- the errors I'm getting are dumb ones that are
easily fixed.  If anybody's interested, let me know -- it's not available
to the general public (I'm sorta embarresed by the code), but the geeks of
the world can get their hands on what I have so far by asking.


(I'll include one of the config files for your browsing and commentary.)

# Machines at SML
#doublewalk {
#name "r2d2_processlist"
#host ""
#community "Mlx-20L"
#fromoid ""
#tooid ""
#frequency 41
#mode 0
#alert "mike_pager"

#doublewalk {
 #   name "r2d2_df"
 #   host ""
 #   community "Mlx-20L"
 #   fromoid ""
 #   tooid ""
 #   frequency 42
 #   mode 0
 #   alert "mike_pager"

doublewalk {
name "palpatine_pslist"
host ""
community "Mlx-20L"
fromoid ""
tooid ""
frequency 41
mode 0
alert "mike_pager"

doublewalk {
name "palpatine_df"
host ""
community "Mlx-20L"
fromoid ""
tooid ""
frequency 42
mode 0
alert "mike_pager"

doublewalk {
name "watto_pslist"
host ""
community "Mlx-20L"
fromoid ""
tooid ""
frequency 41
mode 0
alert "mike_pager"

doublewalk {
name "watto_df"
host ""
community "Mlx-20L"
fromoid ""
tooid ""
frequency 42
mode 0
alert "mike_pager"

# check owen's transmit.LOCK lockfile for the reporting/paging system to make
# sure it's not too long...
reportchain {
name "owen_txlockfile"
host ""
community "Mlx-20L"
oidroot ""
frequency 60
alert "mike_pager"

doublewalk {
name "owen_processload"
host ""
community "Mlx-20L"
fromoid ""
tooid ""
frequency 51
mode 0
alert "mike_pager"

doublewalk {
name "owen_df"
host ""
community "Mlx-20L"
fromoid ""
tooid ""
frequency 52
mode 0
alert "mike_pager"
alert "mike_mail"

doublewalk {
name "owen_processlist"
host ""
community "Mlx-20L"
fromoid ""
tooid ""
frequency 53
mode 0
alert "mike_pager"

doublewalk {
name "tarkin_processload"
host ""
community "Mlx-20L"
fromoid ""
tooid "