Re: [Full-disclosure] Bigger burger roll needed

2005-10-12 Thread James Tucker
> No, but the situations I'm talking about are *not* those types of
> situations.  There's no reason why input coming in from a web server
> should not be properly bounds checked.

As you suggest later on, maybe I wasn't reading clearly. I thought we
were discussing BSOD crashes, which are typically caused by ring 0
code, or dependant hardware. I'm not so much of a moron to be
suggesting that you allow arbritrary forreign data to flow unchecked.

You are correct if your response is about to be "but i'm not talking
about ring 0 code".

> We could always trust all input... but the fact of the matter is that...
> life is never that simple.

input regarding drivers should be within known ranges. outside of
that, I would strongly suggest the driver is incomplete.

Data stream tracking is one method of protecting against both of the
above, however it is very costly in processing, aswell as requiring
significantly sized validation tables to be built. This is not used in
any public domain kernels I have seen.

> Actually, I'm talking about situations where we know what causes
> specific crashes.  It's very easy to find these situations as they're
> included in security disclosures.

Many of the crashes which get down to the kernel only manage to do so
because they actually target kernel code. Yes, such input should not
get there, thus my reference to design architecture. This however
leads directly back to speed of handling, which is why things are
changing these days and not before.

There is a simple way to remove remote vulnerabilities from crashing a
kernel, never let networking code touch kernel code. Clearly however,
this is not how *nix, or nt are built; i re-iterate again, that this
is with good reason.

> Obviously, it's not possible to trace every crash and fringe situations
> do occur.  That doesn't change the fact that MS is handling their
> procedures poorly and they're making sloppy mistakes.  Many other
> companies/groups make sloppy mistakes as well.  I didn't see anyone in
> this thread claiming that MS was the only company that did this... just
> that they were the most exposed one.

I was refering more to the fact that most apps which cause these kind
of vulnerabilities are not following standard well documented
procedures and architectures (several of the vulnerabilities you are
probably thinking of existed prior to the new documentation and
procedures however). Yes, that is sloppy coding, but that is becoming
more and more rare in just-released code from many of the giants. I
would say they are learning their lesson.

> In my real experience, people who try to point out how they have real
> experience and others don't...

i think you read something between the lines there.

> Unless you have a memory management flaw where the partitioning of the
> memory is compromised.  Such is the situation in Windows 9x... as I
> stated in the thread, it's unlikely that that type of situation would
> occur in a Windows NT style environment, but you still get other forms
> of crashes for a number of different reasons.

9x has so many well known vulnerabilities and faults now, it's hardly
worth discussing. Yes memory corruption was always an issue there, but
by the nature of the OS, of course it was. With regard to it's
architecture, you needed to trust almost every application on the
system to ensure stability.

With NT, you may want to be a little more specific. A few years ago a
client had trouble with some hp printer drivers running accross 2000
servers and clients. In a later driver update which fixed the issue, a
new control code parser was implemented (our specific issue) and the
whole driver was lifted away from kernel mode (the more general
architecture issue). The latter prevented the possiblity of a further
BSOD by printer driver for anything that was redeveloped under that
branch. Legacy code base re-development had lead to poor driver
architecture, and this was a financially based business decision,

> A BSOD isn't the only type of software crash and it's silly to only talk
> about BSODs when you're talking about customer satisfaction.

Maybe, but it depends what is being discussed. An application from a
3rd party (defined here as anything other than the kernel and it's
dependencies) can crash on it's own, and provided the developer has
done what they were told, the kernel will stay up. To talk about crash
prevention further than this is to suggest then that the OS should
prevent apps from crashing. With regard to the operating system and
it's dependant services, yes, they should be entirely re-loadable,
maybe... Example: lsass is started from a specifically defined
location during system boot, however if it were to be "restarted"
after a crash, with a kernel still up (but incompletely now), you have
little method of tracking what you are loading (the kernel is blind to
certain events). It can be decided in this state therefore, that the
system should be restarted as per general good s

Re: [Full-disclosure] Bigger burger roll needed

2005-10-11 Thread bkfsec

James Tucker wrote:

One of the primary laws for speed optimisation is to trust your input
and allow for data flow instantly. Especially if your trying to send
say, an interrupt, we could re-index all of the interrupts available,
and then send it. But we'd have missed any time dependancy we were
relying on.

Life is never that simple.

No, but the situations I'm talking about are *not* those types of 
situations.  There's no reason why input coming in from a web server 
should not be properly bounds checked.

If you're taking input and you have a reason to believe that you can't 
trust that input, it's irresponsible not to check it.  That includes 
virtually all input from the internet.

We could always trust all input... but the fact of the matter is that... 
life is never that simple.


And that
is a very valid point.  The same flaws in code that cause exploits also
cause crashes by their very nature.  It's not "all over the place", it's
a fact of system design.  If they can't avoid mishandling input, then
people's expectations will be low.  See how it all comes together?

I see how people think that other kernels actually do a better job
over this, however they haven't actually looked at the the code to
verify that fact. Furhtermore it is extremely rare that any of you are
running debugger versions of the MS os's so in reality, you don't have
a clue what is causing the crashes. This thread is starting to sound a
bit like an MS bash rather than a discussion of something that is

Actually, I'm talking about situations where we know what causes 
specific crashes.  It's very easy to find these situations as they're 
included in security disclosures. 

Obviously, it's not possible to trace every crash and fringe situations 
do occur.  That doesn't change the fact that MS is handling their 
procedures poorly and they're making sloppy mistakes.  Many other 
companies/groups make sloppy mistakes as well.  I didn't see anyone in 
this thread claiming that MS was the only company that did this... just 
that they were the most exposed one.

In my real experience where I HAVE verified the cause of a crash,
particularly in the server world, but also for many many client
crashes, it's normally a hardware failure. Be it a particular memory
bank doesn't refresh in time due to a slightly lower than normal
voltage level or a bus controller problem that is in fact an unusual,
but nonetheless problematic fault with the design of the motherboard.
This is very far from software faults.

In my real experience, there are many different causes for crashes.  
Hardware is a significant cause.

See, you're not the only person with real world experience. 

In my real experience, people who try to point out how they have real 
experience and others don't (whom they don't even know) are talking out 
their asses.

Many of the examples being used are examples of software that in
itself cannot cause a BSOD. IE being the perfect example. 

Unless you have a memory management flaw where the partitioning of the 
memory is compromised.  Such is the situation in Windows 9x... as I 
stated in the thread, it's unlikely that that type of situation would 
occur in a Windows NT style environment, but you still get other forms 
of crashes for a number of different reasons. 

A BSOD isn't the only type of software crash and it's silly to only talk 
about BSODs when you're talking about customer satisfaction.

More to the
point, the other software also mentioned tends to be the kind of
software that you can replicate the crash over and over again. If the
crash is replicatable in this way, then sure, it's probably a software
problem, but why not dump that software package, rather than claiming
that the OS should fix every bit of bad coding you've ever seen.

Where did anyone claim that it's the OS' job to fix application code?  
Oh, wait, no one did. 

Try reading.  It's a beautiful thing.

How many of you are really using (neh, in fact, have EVER used) a
kernel that CANNOT crash by design? Anyone? Right, enough said then.


Maybe for you... but for the rest of us, life isn't that simple.


(ps. I'm assuming you meant to send this to the list from your tone.  
Or, maybe you got embarassed last minute and decided only to send it to 
me.  Either way, it's going to the list.)

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Bigger burger roll needed

2005-10-06 Thread Micheal Espinola Jr
I do see how it all comes together, and I agree as a whole.  I'm
certainly not excusing MS of their responsibility to the matter.

My comments only referred to legitimate use of the OS, using
supporting software and drivers, in which case you should be able to
depend on proper coding from every party involved.  Running
software/drivers that were properly written for the OS should provide
a failure free platform, and it does.  That was my only point to
egregious comments to Windows being BSOD prone.  It could be a
balancing act at times, but it could be done if done right.

Yes, absolutely, any OS should be able to handle bad data without
crashing.  I think its apparent that MS is no longer ignorant (or
perhaps naive) about the issue, and I honestly can't remember the last
BSOD I got.  It's been years.

On 10/6/05, bkfsec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> But, Curmudgeon's right... you can't just say "yeah, the OS can't handle
> malformed data, but that's not their problem."
> One of the primary rules of coding is never trust the input.  And that
> is a very valid point.  The same flaws in code that cause exploits also
> cause crashes by their very nature.  It's not "all over the place", it's
> a fact of system design.  If they can't avoid mishandling input, then
> people's expectations will be low.  See how it all comes together?
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Re: [Full-disclosure] Bigger burger roll needed

2005-10-06 Thread bkfsec

Micheal Espinola Jr wrote:

I'm not and have not been referring to hackers what-so-ever.  I'm
referring to poorly written drivers.

You guys are all over the place.  I'm done.


On Tue, 04 Oct 2005 08:16:34 EDT, Micheal Espinola Jr said:


Without getting into specifics that no longer matter, surely they
could have did their part better to handle malformed input - but who
was malform'ing the input in the first place?

That's right. Blame the hackers.  Sounds like a sound bite from a Ballmer 
speech. :)


But, Curmudgeon's right... you can't just say "yeah, the OS can't handle 
malformed data, but that's not their problem."

One of the primary rules of coding is never trust the input.  And that 
is a very valid point.  The same flaws in code that cause exploits also 
cause crashes by their very nature.  It's not "all over the place", it's 
a fact of system design.  If they can't avoid mishandling input, then 
people's expectations will be low.  See how it all comes together?


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Re: [Full-disclosure] Bigger burger roll needed

2005-10-06 Thread bkfsec

Micheal Espinola Jr wrote:

Bruce, I don't think you are going to find hard "evidence" for either
conclusion.  But Bruce's conclusion is consistent with my own
experiences, and that of many other Administrators that I discuss
issues like this with.

Since its inception, supporting NT 3.0 beta and onward, I have been
dealing with BSOD's.  In total, there have been comparatively very few
times were it was a direct fault of MS code.  It has very commonly
been in relation to 3rd party drivers that needed reworking or
updating by the 3rd-party manufacturer.

This is not PR spin (of which I don't think you could find any
published PR spin for either side of this argument either).  This is
real world experience with the NT+ products across i386 and Alpha
hardware platforms using peripheral devices from many different major
manufactures.  There are admins on both sides of the anti-MS fence
that I communicate with that would agree with this conclusion.


I agree, in general, that the vast majority of the BSODs I've seen on 
the NT line have been caused by bad drivers.  On occassion, though, I 
have seen poorly written software that has BSOD'ed NT 4.0 before.

However, the original topic was about users and their exposure to 
Microsoft products.  User exposure to the NT line really began with 
Windows XP (aside from a smattering of Win2k installed desktops)... so 
the real initial exposure that users have had to Microsoft products is 
actually the DOS/Win9x line and those most certainly crashed frequently 
in situations where a driver wasn't necessarily the culprit.

Not to mention the fact that a Windows XP or 2000 system can still crash 
without getting a BSOD, and that crashes of either the OS or 
applications can and do regularly occur.  Further, the argument that 
third party drivers are always the cause and that merging code bases is 
not Microsoft's problem completely and totally ignores the fact that 
other OS' don't have the frequency of crashes experienced while using 
third party code that MS does.

So, whether it be the shoddy coding that causes BSOD's in the 
DOS-dependant line of MS apps, or the shoddy coding that causes IE to 
freeze on Windows XP... or the shoddy coding that third parties carry 
out and that Microsoft allows to affect the system in such a way... 
nonetheless the net result is the same... the user's expectation has 
been lowered.


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Re: [Full-disclosure] Bigger burger roll needed

2005-10-04 Thread security curmudgeon

: You know, I wouldn't mind it IF the conversation was properly 
: [re]directed in context.  In fact it often leads to many fascinating 
: discussions.  But other times it feels like some people that 
: contributing are schizophrenic.

Seems like the people that didn't catch that "leap" don't quite grok the 
security industry at all.

: Why if someone doesn't like or agree with a particular answer or topic 
: its OK to respond with something completely different without any 
: qualification is really bizarre - especially from a technical community.

Microsoft / Windows / BSODs

no, wrong / 3rd Parties / BSODs

This lead to a comment of "blame the 3rd party for providing malformed 
input, not microsoft/windows!"

At this point, two of us reply "blame hackers for malformed input", 
referring to the numerous input manipulation vulnerabilities (XSS, SQL 
Injection, Format String, Overflow, et al), as it is a fairly direct 
comparison to those who blame hackers for shoddy programming. By the logic 
of that quote, we should blame hackers for *vulnerabilities* in code, not 
just exploiting them. To lay blame on the person providing malformed input 
is silly, be it a hacker or 3rd party device driver author. It all boils 
down to coding that can't handle unexpected input, which is a utopian 
attitude in a world that is anything but.

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Bigger burger roll needed

2005-10-04 Thread Micheal Espinola Jr
Thanks Randall  :-)

You know, I wouldn't mind it IF the conversation was properly
[re]directed in context.  In fact it often leads to many fascinating
discussions.  But other times it feels like some people that
contributing are schizophrenic.

Why if someone doesn't like or agree with a particular answer or topic
its OK to respond with something completely different without any
qualification is really bizarre - especially from a technical

On 10/4/05, Randall M <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Think of it as a philosophy class.
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RE: [Full-disclosure] Bigger burger roll needed

2005-10-04 Thread Randall M

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Micheal Espinola Jr
Sent: Tuesday, October 04, 2005 12:12 PM
Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] Bigger burger roll needed

I'm not and have not been referring to hackers 
what-so-ever.  I'm referring to poorly written drivers.

You guys are all over the place.  I'm done.

Think of it as a philosophy class.

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Bigger burger roll needed

2005-10-04 Thread Micheal Espinola Jr
I'm not and have not been referring to hackers what-so-ever.  I'm
referring to poorly written drivers.

You guys are all over the place.  I'm done.

> On Tue, 04 Oct 2005 08:16:34 EDT, Micheal Espinola Jr said:
> > Without getting into specifics that no longer matter, surely they
> > could have did their part better to handle malformed input - but who
> > was malform'ing the input in the first place?
> That's right. Blame the hackers.  Sounds like a sound bite from a Ballmer 
> keynote
> speech. :)

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Bigger burger roll needed

2005-10-04 Thread Valdis . Kletnieks
On Tue, 04 Oct 2005 08:16:34 EDT, Micheal Espinola Jr said:

> Without getting into specifics that no longer matter, surely they
> could have did their part better to handle malformed input - but who
> was malform'ing the input in the first place?

That's right. Blame the hackers.  Sounds like a sound bite from a Ballmer 
speech. :)

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Bigger burger roll needed

2005-10-04 Thread Steve Friedl
On Tue, Oct 04, 2005 at 07:51:34AM -0400, security curmudgeon wrote:
> Fine, it isn't PR spin. But, compare this to Unix. How many times do you 
> run user-land, 3rd party applications, that cause a kernel panic?

They don't, but they don't in Windows either: We're talking about
*drivers* doing this. If an application causes a BSOD by its own
account, then it's a bug in the OS.
> And the first few years of Windows 95 saw many, *many* BSODs that were due 
> to Microsoft code. That lead to the general impression and sentiment you 
> see today.

No disagreement with this.


Stephen J Friedl | Security Consultant |  UNIX Wizard  |   +1 714 544-6561  | Tustin, Calif. USA  | Microsoft MVP | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Full-disclosure] Bigger burger roll needed

2005-10-04 Thread security curmudgeon

: I don't appreciate you changing caps in my name.  I'm not 'spin'ing 
: anything - I addressed a specific question with an honest real-world 
: answer.  I did not include propaganda nor did I denounce any alternate 
: products.  There's no need to be a disrespectful ass.

A decade of close exposure to Windows boxen has destroyed your sense of 
humor. =( Hope you aren't sterile too.

: Absolutely, Win95 was a pain in the ass So was 98 and Me.  But I 
: disagree with the sentiment that it was solely due to MS code. Without 
: getting into specifics that no longer matter, surely they could have did 
: their part better to handle malformed input - but who was malform'ing 
: the input in the first place?

By this reasoning, we can blame all the hax0rs and security professionals 
for SQL injection, cross-site scripting, file inclusion, path disclosure, 
overflows and format string vulnerabilities too, right? Because hey, 
*they* provided the malformed input to the application in the first place!

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Bigger burger roll needed

2005-10-04 Thread Micheal Espinola Jr
I don't appreciate you changing caps in my name.  I'm not 'spin'ing
anything - I addressed a specific question with an honest real-world
answer.  I did not include propaganda nor did I denounce any alternate
products.  There's no need to be a disrespectful ass.

Absolutely, Win95 was a pain in the ass  So was 98 and Me.  But I
disagree with the sentiment that it was solely due to MS code. 
Without getting into specifics that no longer matter, surely they
could have did their part better to handle malformed input - but who
was malform'ing the input in the first place?

Again, as an administrator having dealt with these issues in very
large numbers, its was commonly an isolated distinguishable issue of
drivers - that not only related to improper handling by the OS but
also with inoperabilities with other drivers and devices.

Properly configured, and not mucked with, I've had 95 boxes run for
years without crashing or having to be rebuilt.  You can call it luck
if you want.  I called it my job.

I didn't bitch about it - I figured it out, got the job done and went
on with life.

On 10/4/05, security curmudgeon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> : Since its inception, supporting NT 3.0 beta and onward, I have been
> : dealing with BSOD's.  In total, there have been comparatively very few
> : times were it was a direct fault of MS code.  It has very commonly been
> : in relation to 3rd party drivers that needed reworking or updating by
> : the 3rd-party manufacturer.
> :
> : This is not PR spin (of which I don't think you could find any published
> : PR spin for either side of this argument either).  This is real world
> : experience with the NT+ products across i386 and Alpha hardware
> : platforms using peripheral devices from many different major
> : manufactures.  There are admins on both sides of the anti-MS fence that
> : I communicate with that would agree with this conclusion.
> Fine, it isn't PR spin. But, compare this to Unix. How many times do you
> run user-land, 3rd party applications, that cause a kernel panic?
> Why does Windows *let* third party applications BSOD the core operating
> system? Fine, Microsoft didn't code the application causing it, but they
> sure coded the operating system that doesn't know how to handle malformed
> input.
> And the first few years of Windows 95 saw many, *many* BSODs that were due
> to Microsoft code. That lead to the general impression and sentiment you
> see today.
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Re: [Full-disclosure] Bigger burger roll needed

2005-10-04 Thread security curmudgeon

: Since its inception, supporting NT 3.0 beta and onward, I have been 
: dealing with BSOD's.  In total, there have been comparatively very few 
: times were it was a direct fault of MS code.  It has very commonly been 
: in relation to 3rd party drivers that needed reworking or updating by 
: the 3rd-party manufacturer.
: This is not PR spin (of which I don't think you could find any published 
: PR spin for either side of this argument either).  This is real world 
: experience with the NT+ products across i386 and Alpha hardware 
: platforms using peripheral devices from many different major 
: manufactures.  There are admins on both sides of the anti-MS fence that 
: I communicate with that would agree with this conclusion.

Fine, it isn't PR spin. But, compare this to Unix. How many times do you 
run user-land, 3rd party applications, that cause a kernel panic?

Why does Windows *let* third party applications BSOD the core operating 
system? Fine, Microsoft didn't code the application causing it, but they 
sure coded the operating system that doesn't know how to handle malformed 

And the first few years of Windows 95 saw many, *many* BSODs that were due 
to Microsoft code. That lead to the general impression and sentiment you 
see today.
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Re: [Full-disclosure] Bigger burger roll needed

2005-10-03 Thread Steve Friedl
On Mon, Oct 03, 2005 at 03:41:58PM -0400, TheGesus wrote:
> In NT4 they redesigned the GDI so that the user could bypass
> "userland" and talk straight to the kernel.
> It's been so long I don't recall the exact details, but this re-hack
> paved the way for  DirectX and sped up the response of the new
> desktop, which of course was lifted from WIndows 95.
> After NT4 anything that hooked into the GDI could BSOD.  New video
> driver?  BSOD.  New printer driver?  BSOD.  It was quite a mess.

This is only partly the case; this is the history.

In NT3.51, *all* GDI (printer and video) was done in userland, but
GDI calls involved an expensive context switch and/or local procedure
call. I guess for printer drivers this was not really a big deal,
but for video it matters a lot. Gamers care about this, right?

In NT4 all GDI dove into kernel space, and it provided a substantial
performance boost, but it completely sucked for print driver writers.
No thread support, no real support for floating point math, not any
performance difference to write home about, and a BSOD was as easy
as an assertion failure. Porting a complex user-mode driver to
kernel mode could be a daunting task.

Well, all that silly "but kernel-mode print drivers won't be as robust"
talk turned out to be true, so Windows 2000 supported both kernel mode
(version 2) and user mode (version 3) drivers. I assume that version 1
drivers were NT3.51 usermode.

XP is the same way, and in Server 2003 there is a Group Policy option
that disables kernel mode drivers, and I understand that Vista/Longhorn
will forbid kernel mode print drivers altogether.

Saying that the user "bypasses user mode and talks directly to the
kernel" is not really that meaningful: it doesn't talk "to the kernel",
just to the GDI, and it's not really any different from an IOCTL.

It wasn't terribly robust, but I don't think it was inherently insecure.

Steve (who writes print drivers too)

Stephen J Friedl | Security Consultant |  UNIX Wizard  |   +1 714 544-6561  | Tustin, Calif. USA  | Microsoft MVP | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Full-disclosure] Bigger burger roll needed

2005-10-03 Thread TheGesus
> On Mon, 03 Oct 2005 06:42:37 PDT, Steve Friedl said:
> > On Mon, Oct 03, 2005 at 08:50:27AM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Perhaps if they hadn't been so busy designing baroque undocumented APIs for 
> the
> use of their own monopolistic software(*), they could have designed a cleaner 
> that would have resulted in more stable third-party drivers ;)

They did have such an API at one time... in NT 3.51.

In NT4 they redesigned the GDI so that the user could bypass
"userland" and talk straight to the kernel.

It's been so long I don't recall the exact details, but this re-hack
paved the way for  DirectX and sped up the response of the new
desktop, which of course was lifted from WIndows 95.

After NT4 anything that hooked into the GDI could BSOD.  New video
driver?  BSOD.  New printer driver?  BSOD.  It was quite a mess.

Still is.

Worst design flaw ever.
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Re: [Full-disclosure] Bigger burger roll needed

2005-10-03 Thread Valdis . Kletnieks
On Mon, 03 Oct 2005 06:42:37 PDT, Steve Friedl said:
> On Mon, Oct 03, 2005 at 08:50:27AM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > One acronym: BSOD.  Why have users learned what it is, and grown accepting 
> > of
> > seeing one?  Do you know any Windows users who have *never* encountered one?
> The majority of BSODs are caused by buggy third-party drivers and malware
> (rootkits, etc.) Is that part of "Microsoft's monopolistic abuse"?

Perhaps if they hadn't been so busy designing baroque undocumented APIs for the
use of their own monopolistic software(*), they could have designed a cleaner 
that would have resulted in more stable third-party drivers ;)

(*) Yes, they exist.  Remember MS having to open and document them as part of
one of their anti-trust losses? ;)

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Bigger burger roll needed

2005-10-03 Thread Steve Friedl
On Mon, Oct 03, 2005 at 10:37:05AM -0600, Bruce Ediger wrote:
> Does any kind of evidence (apart from PR-flack-based spin) exist
> for this conclusion?

This is what Microsoft tells me what they gather from the online error
reporting and crash analysis, and it comports with my experience as
well. I know I've caused my own share when I was writing print drivers:
no way those were Microsoft's fault.

I suppose that even if this data is as claimed, it could be skewed by
those who primarily see MS-caused faults choosing not to submit these
reports. I very much doubt the details are public, so one is probably
left to the mercy of whether you believe Microsoft or not.


Stephen J Friedl | Security Consultant |  UNIX Wizard  |   +1 714 544-6561  | Tustin, Calif. USA  | Microsoft MVP | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Full-disclosure] Bigger burger roll needed

2005-10-03 Thread Micheal Espinola Jr
err, But Steve's conclusion is consistent with my own...

On 10/3/05, Micheal Espinola Jr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Bruce, I don't think you are going to find hard "evidence" for either
> conclusion.  But Bruce's conclusion is consistent with my own
> experiences, and that of many other Administrators that I discuss
> issues like this with.
> Since its inception, supporting NT 3.0 beta and onward, I have been
> dealing with BSOD's.  In total, there have been comparatively very few
> times were it was a direct fault of MS code.  It has very commonly
> been in relation to 3rd party drivers that needed reworking or
> updating by the 3rd-party manufacturer.
> This is not PR spin (of which I don't think you could find any
> published PR spin for either side of this argument either).  This is
> real world experience with the NT+ products across i386 and Alpha
> hardware platforms using peripheral devices from many different major
> manufactures.  There are admins on both sides of the anti-MS fence
> that I communicate with that would agree with this conclusion.
> On 10/3/05, Bruce Ediger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Mon, 3 Oct 2005, Steve Friedl wrote:
> >
> > > The majority of BSODs are caused by buggy third-party drivers and malware
> > > (rootkits, etc.) Is that part of "Microsoft's monopolistic abuse"?
> >
> > Does any kind of evidence (apart from PR-flack-based spin) exist for this
> > conclusion?
> >
> > Can you point me to it?
> >
> > Sincerely,
> > Bruce Ediger
> > ___
> > Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
> > Charter:
> > Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -
> >
> --
> ME2  

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Bigger burger roll needed

2005-10-03 Thread Micheal Espinola Jr
Bruce, I don't think you are going to find hard "evidence" for either
conclusion.  But Bruce's conclusion is consistent with my own
experiences, and that of many other Administrators that I discuss
issues like this with.

Since its inception, supporting NT 3.0 beta and onward, I have been
dealing with BSOD's.  In total, there have been comparatively very few
times were it was a direct fault of MS code.  It has very commonly
been in relation to 3rd party drivers that needed reworking or
updating by the 3rd-party manufacturer.

This is not PR spin (of which I don't think you could find any
published PR spin for either side of this argument either).  This is
real world experience with the NT+ products across i386 and Alpha
hardware platforms using peripheral devices from many different major
manufactures.  There are admins on both sides of the anti-MS fence
that I communicate with that would agree with this conclusion.

On 10/3/05, Bruce Ediger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, 3 Oct 2005, Steve Friedl wrote:
> > The majority of BSODs are caused by buggy third-party drivers and malware
> > (rootkits, etc.) Is that part of "Microsoft's monopolistic abuse"?
> Does any kind of evidence (apart from PR-flack-based spin) exist for this
> conclusion?
> Can you point me to it?
> Sincerely,
> Bruce Ediger
> ___
> Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
> Charter:
> Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Bigger burger roll needed

2005-10-03 Thread Bruce Ediger

On Mon, 3 Oct 2005, Steve Friedl wrote:

The majority of BSODs are caused by buggy third-party drivers and malware
(rootkits, etc.) Is that part of "Microsoft's monopolistic abuse"?

Does any kind of evidence (apart from PR-flack-based spin) exist for this

Can you point me to it?

Bruce Ediger
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Re: [Full-disclosure] Bigger burger roll needed

2005-10-03 Thread Micheal Espinola Jr
While its easy to recognize your point, it's also quite moot.

The supportability issues of long ago, are just that - long ago.  The
customer base was, when the PC market first expanded and continues to
be, vastly larger from when computer companies offered that type of
service.  ...and at at much heftier price I might add.

Lets not forget that back in the day, hardware and software
combinations were a tightly controlled package deal.  The PC market
expansion changed that forever, and the multitude of hardware/software
combination have long since made the support you are longing for an
impossibility to maintain.

However, those of us that have discovered significant flaws in the MS
OS over the years know that MS takes bugs and flaws very seriously. 
Over the course of the past 10 years, I have had MS supply me with a
patch, within hours of a bug report, on many occasions.

This type of service certainly can't be expected or applied to all
types of errors and circumstance, many of which strongly depend on
unlucky combinations of hardware and 3rd-party drivers.

FWIW IME, most users know what a BSOD looks like (a "blue screen"),
but don't know it by that acronym.

> One acronym: BSOD.  Why have users learned what it is, and grown accepting of
> seeing one?  Do you know any Windows users who have *never* encountered one?
> How many Windows users would believe that before Microsoft, vendors actually
> would take a *single* crash reported by *one* user seriously enough to
> investigate and produce a bugfix, and that vendors would escalate to the point
> of sending developers to the customer site if a system crashed multiple times
> and no fix was in sight in a week?
> For all its monopolistic abuses, the single worst thing Microsoft has done
> for the computer industry is lowered user expectations regarding software.

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Bigger burger roll needed

2005-10-03 Thread Steve Friedl
On Mon, Oct 03, 2005 at 08:50:27AM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> One acronym: BSOD.  Why have users learned what it is, and grown accepting of
> seeing one?  Do you know any Windows users who have *never* encountered one?

The majority of BSODs are caused by buggy third-party drivers and malware
(rootkits, etc.) Is that part of "Microsoft's monopolistic abuse"?

> How many Windows users would believe that before Microsoft, vendors actually
> would take a *single* crash reported by *one* user seriously enough to
> investigate and produce a bugfix, and that vendors would escalate to the point
> of sending developers to the customer site if a system crashed multiple times
> and no fix was in sight in a week?

Before Microsoft, you got your hardware and OS from the same vendor, so
there was a much larger revenue stream to support that kind of service.
When you pay $100-ish (OEM) for your operating system, it's not so clear
that anybody really ought to expect Bill to get in the car and swing by
on his way home.


Stephen J Friedl | Security Consultant |  UNIX Wizard  |   +1 714 544-6561  | Tustin, Calif. USA  | Microsoft MVP | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Full-disclosure] Bigger burger roll needed

2005-10-03 Thread Valdis . Kletnieks
On Mon, 03 Oct 2005 07:49:33 EDT, "J. Oquendo" said:
> On Mon, 3 Oct 2005, Randall M wrote:
> > is a known fact that the major cause of computer criminal acts is the result
> > of careless and uneducated users. I have said it again and again, the "User"
> > is the best defense any Admin can have.

> by someone who didn't have a clue. The user is the biggest security risk
> and THAT is a known and published fact, not vice versa.

Umm.. That's exactly what Randall said - *security-unclued* users are the
biggest risk, and the sysadmin's best defense is having trained and clued

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Re: [Full-disclosure] Bigger burger roll needed

2005-10-03 Thread Valdis . Kletnieks
On Mon, 03 Oct 2005 07:49:33 EDT, "J. Oquendo" said:
> On Mon, 3 Oct 2005, Randall M wrote:
> > Virus Friendly and phased might be to young to remember the old saying "what
> > you want the next generation to believe begin teaching this generation". It
> That's a nicely worded brainwashing statement. How about having the next
> generation believe truth not what you want them to believe. Do you by
> chance work for Cisco or Microsoft "They're not really vulnerabilities
> believe me..."

One acronym: BSOD.  Why have users learned what it is, and grown accepting of
seeing one?  Do you know any Windows users who have *never* encountered one?
How many Windows users would believe that before Microsoft, vendors actually
would take a *single* crash reported by *one* user seriously enough to
investigate and produce a bugfix, and that vendors would escalate to the point
of sending developers to the customer site if a system crashed multiple times
and no fix was in sight in a week?

For all its monopolistic abuses, the single worst thing Microsoft has done
for the computer industry is lowered user expectations regarding software.

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RE: [Full-disclosure] Bigger burger roll needed

2005-10-03 Thread J. Oquendo

On Mon, 3 Oct 2005, Randall M wrote:

> Virus Friendly and phased might be to young to remember the old saying "what
> you want the next generation to believe begin teaching this generation". It

That's a nicely worded brainwashing statement. How about having the next
generation believe truth not what you want them to believe. Do you by
chance work for Cisco or Microsoft "They're not really vulnerabilities
believe me..."

> is a known fact that the major cause of computer criminal acts is the result
> of careless and uneducated users. I have said it again and again, the "User"
> is the best defense any Admin can have.

How is this a known fact rather than an ASSumption. Facts speak louder
than words so rather than repeat what others have... well repeated some
nice facts pointed out would have been nice. From my inference on your
comment, that would mean every "major" malicious hack ever done was done
by someone who didn't have a clue. The user is the biggest security risk
and THAT is a known and published fact, not vice versa.

> If she or he understands the dangers they will not click the tempting
> link or download the pretty card. And if  they take what they have
> learned home with them they diminish the Botnet army. As far as "16 year
> olds can pass the CISSP exam" statement, that's a dam educated user.

Could they diminish any botnet army? I'm thinking in tunes of 16 year old
with hormones out of control, acting up out of rebellion and I'm wondering
if the mental capacity is fully there to not spread malice if they had the
mental capacity to cause malice electronically.

I picture some frustrated 16 year old using a botnet to take out his
school because someone bullied him, Because his little girlfriend left him
so he decides to socially engineer some crap on his machine. I'm picturing
a 16 year old with misguided "morals" "nuking" a country's infrastructure
because his brain is filled with crapaganda.

As for the "dam educated user" statement, not to discount the studies
involved and passions possessed by those with certs, but quite frankly
those (certs) mean little to me considering I've seen those with
signatures the size of San Francisco have a clue the size of a flea. I
agree and disagree. On a side note I'm wondering what the ISC will
begin doing in about a decade considering the statistics nowadays:
"Growing at a rate of about 900 inmates each week between mid-2003 and
mid-2004, the nation's prisons and jails held 2.1 million people, or one
in every 138 U.S. residents" [] Perhaps abolish
their "guidelines".

J. Oquendo
GPG Key ID 0x97B43D89

"Every man builds his world in his own image. He has the
power to choose, but no power to escape the necessity of
choice." -- Ayn Rand
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RE: [Full-disclosure] Bigger burger roll needed

2005-10-03 Thread Randall M
Virus Friendly and phased might be to young to remember the old saying "what
you want the next generation to believe begin teaching this generation". It
is a known fact that the major cause of computer criminal acts is the result
of careless and uneducated users. I have said it again and again, the "User"
is the best defense any Admin can have. If she or he understands the dangers
they will not click the tempting link or download the pretty card. And if
they take what they have learned home with them they diminish the Botnet
army. As far as "16 year olds can pass the CISSP exam" statement, that's a
dam educated user.

Thank You
Randall M


"You too can have your very own Computer!"

Note: Side effects include: 
Blue screens; interrupt violation;
illegal operations; remote code
exploitations; virus and mailware infestations;
and other unknown vulnerabilities.


-Original Message-
Behalf Of phased
Sent: Monday, October 03, 2005 5:26 AM
Subject: Re[2]: [Full-disclosure] Bigger burger roll needed

"Put information infront of the user, on unrelated pages. 
Keep doing it and eventually users will educated on a 
reasonable level to better check and patch systems, before 
the authors of malicious code and script kids get to them 
first." n3td3v

No, your receptionist really couldnt give a shit, they have 
enough to do without reading security advisories spammed to 
them every day.  What you would find is that they will 
probably learn more about adding a spam filter than 
securing their PC.  Educating end users on risk is good, 
but you cant expect them to patch their own systems 
especially when someone else is being paid to, or do you 
want to be out of a job? :)

-Original Message-
From: Virus Friendly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: n3td3v <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, 3 Oct 2005 04:47:09 -0400
Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] Bigger burger roll needed

> I like how security professionals see themselves as part of the 
> intellectual elite and the "computer users" as the 
ignorant hoards.
> In a field where anyone is call an "expert", and 16 year 
olds can pass 
> a CISSP, how is it that these "experts" forget they are only a 
> certification away from being clueless.
>  On 10/1/05, n3td3v <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Hello to security community,
> >
> > n3td3v thought you might like to be alerted to his 
latest internet 
> > posting on corporate security and the relation between 
> > the consumer. and computer security.
> >
> > Details:
> >
> >
> >
> > D=72865&start=-196
> >
> > Yours truely,
> >
> > n3td3v
> > ___
> > Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
> > Charter:
> > Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -
> >
> ___
> Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
> Charter:
> Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -
Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
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Re[2]: [Full-disclosure] Bigger burger roll needed

2005-10-03 Thread phased
"Put information infront of the user, on unrelated pages. Keep doing it and 
eventually users will educated on a reasonable level to better check and patch 
systems, before the authors of malicious code and script kids get to them 
first." n3td3v

No, your receptionist really couldnt give a shit, they have enough to do without
reading security advisories spammed to them every day.  What you would find is
that they will probably learn more about adding a spam filter than securing
their PC.  Educating end users on risk is good, but you cant expect them to
patch their own systems especially when someone else is being paid to, or do
you want to be out of a job? :)

-Original Message-
From: Virus Friendly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: n3td3v <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, 3 Oct 2005 04:47:09 -0400
Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] Bigger burger roll needed

> I like how security professionals see themselves as part of the intellectual
> elite and the "computer users" as the ignorant hoards.
> In a field where anyone is call an "expert", and 16 year olds can pass a
> CISSP, how is it that these "experts" forget they are only a certification
> away from being clueless.
>  On 10/1/05, n3td3v <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Hello to security community,
> >
> > n3td3v thought you might like to be alerted to his latest internet
> > posting on corporate security and the relation between corporations,
> > the consumer. and computer security.
> >
> > Details:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Yours truely,
> >
> > n3td3v
> > ___
> > Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
> > Charter:
> > Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -
> >
> ___
> Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
> Charter:
> Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -
Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
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Re: [Full-disclosure] Bigger burger roll needed

2005-10-03 Thread Virus Friendly
I like how security professionals see themselves as part of the intellectual elite and the "computer users" as the ignorant hoards.
In a field where anyone is call an "expert", and 16 year olds can pass a CISSP, how is it that these "experts" forget they are only a certification away from being clueless. 
On 10/1/05, n3td3v <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hello to security community,n3td3v thought you might like to be alerted to his latest internet
posting on corporate security and the relation between corporations,the consumer. and computer security.Details: truely,n3td3v___Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: and sponsored by Secunia -

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -

[Full-disclosure] Bigger burger roll needed

2005-10-01 Thread n3td3v
Hello to security community,

n3td3v thought you might like to be alerted to his latest internet
posting on corporate security and the relation between corporations,
the consumer. and computer security.


Yours truely,

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -