Re: [gmx-users] QMMM

2008-09-01 Thread vidhya sankar
dear sir
i am not aware of wheather interface is gamess UK or gamess US .but one thing 
if run configure -help command  in terminal, it shows the option  --with Gamess 
.sorry i am not able to reply correctely since i am beginner also in 
application side please sir be in touch .i am ver glad of your atonce reply  
thank you sir 

--- On Mon, 1/9/08, vidhya sankar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: vidhya sankar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [gmx-users] QMMM
To: "Discussion list for GROMACS users" 
Date: Monday, 1 September, 2008, 3:48 PM

dear sir
i am not aware of wheather interface is gamess UK or gamess US .but one thing 
if run configure -help command  in terminal, it shows the option  --with Gamess 
.sorry i am not able to reply correctely since i am beginner also in 
application side please sir be in touch .i am ver glad of your atonce reply  
thank you sir 

--- On Mon, 1/9/08, Pradip Biswas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: Pradip Biswas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [gmx-users] QMMM
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], "Discussion list for GROMACS users" 

Date: Monday, 1 September, 2008, 3:04 AM

I believe it supports GAMESS UK, not US.  
Gerrit ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) can assist you further.


On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 4:30 AM, ha salem <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I want install gromacs with gamess US for QMMM
can you guide me for installation procedure
thank you

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Re: [gmx-users] Dissipative Particle Dynamics (DPD)

2008-09-01 Thread Suman Chakrabarty
Yang Ye wrote:
> there is dpdmacs available..

Yes, I know. But that seems to support only harmonic potential for even
non-bonded interaction (DPD manual page 4-5), which is rather unphysical
and not suitable for my purpose.

Suman Chakrabarty.

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[gmx-users] Potential energy of POPC

2008-09-01 Thread minnale
Hi all, 
   I have done popc simulation for 5ns and calculated potential energy of POPC. 
The values started from -269000 kj/mol reduced to -272000 kj/mol.
Could you please tell me it require to extend my simulation from 5ns?
2. The above mentioned potential energy values whether correct or not?
Thanks in advance  ___
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[gmx-users] Potential energy of POPC

2008-09-01 Thread minnale
Hi all, 
   I have done popc simulation for 5ns and calculated potential energy of POPC. 
The values started from -269000 kj/mol reduced to -272000 kj/mol.
Could you please tell me it require to extend my simulation from 5ns?
2. The above mentioned potential energy values whether correct or not?
Thanks in advance  ___
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[gmx-users] How to calculate scaling factors in the LIE equation

2008-09-01 Thread Raghunadha Reddy Burri
Dear all,

I hope van der waals and electrostatic scaling factors in the LIE equation
(g_lie) are system dependent (Ref: DK Jones-hertzog et al. 1996). Any one
please give me a suggestion to calculate Clj and Cqq (as per g_lie program)
in my protein-ligand system. I used GROMOS96 43a2 force field (improved
alkane dihedrals) with SPCE water molecules.

Thank you very much in advance.


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[gmx-users] Differences in version 3.0 and 3.3

2008-09-01 Thread Cheong Wee Loong, Daniel
Hi Chris,

Thanks for your reply.  I pretty much only changed the executable.  The top/itp 
files did have to be modified a little bit because the formats were different, 
but all the parameters were the same.  I basically wrote a script to convert 
the formats.  Besides all the other energy values were consistent except for 
the Coul-14 interactions.


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[gmx-users] COM monitoring

2008-09-01 Thread rams rams
Dear users,

Is it possible to monitor the center of mass motion of a protein using
gromacs tools since this is the one to monitor in most of the dynamical
studies of the protein.

Thanks in advance.

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[gmx-users] Strange behavior from steepest descents

2008-09-01 Thread Justin A. Lemkul

Hi all,

I'm preparing a few membrane protein systems using the InflateGRO script from 
Tieleman's site.  The bilayer consists of 340 POPE lipids, using structures and 
topologies from the same site.  I've prepared several systems (with other 
lipids) using the methodology described, but am running into some very strange 
behavior with the POPE system.

I scaled the coordinates for the lipids by a factor of 4 and attempted a 
steepest descents minimization, my usual procedure.  This step is essentially an 
in vacuo minimization of scaled lipids in the presence of a protein.  The 
potential energy decreases nicely, and levels off.  Suddenly, the potential 
plummets again, after which mdrun cuts out, reporting that it has converged to 
machine precision (although it has not reached my desired Fmax < 1000).  The 
forces were incredibly large (greater than 10^11), so there is definitely a 
problem with the system that I have yet to figure out.

What troubles me is that mdrun believes the steepest descents algorithm has 
converged, when clearly it has not.  I have posted an image here to illustrate 
the potential energy:

Conjugate gradients does not give the same result, instead converging to a 
potential energy of roughly -4 x 10^5, a reasonable magnitude, given the size of 
the system.  The forces, however, remain large (10^5 or so), indicating I 
probably still have some clashes to resolve.

Still I am troubled by the steepest descents result.  Is this indicative of some 
problem?  I usually use steepest descents, and have never had a problem with it 
before.  I see the same result in serial or parallel (on 2 CPU's of my dual core 
laptop), using single-precision GMX 3.3.3.

Thanks for reading yet another long email from me.  The .mdp file I used for 
steepest descents (that gives the weird behavior) is below.  The behavior 
persists even if I lower emtol and emstep, it just takes a bit longer to arrive 
at the same conclusion :)



title   = Minimization  ; Title of run

; Run control
cpp = /usr/bin/cpp  ; Preprocessor
define  = -DSTRONG_PR
include = -I../ ; Directories to include in the topology format

; Parameters describing what to do, when to stop and what to save
integrator  = steep
emtol   = 1000.0; Stop minimization when Fmax < 1000
emstep  = 0.01  ; Energy step size
nsteps  = 5 ; Maximum number of steps
energygrps  = system; Which energy group(s) to write to disk

; Neighbor searching and electrostatics
nstlist = 1
ns_type = simple
rlist   = 1.0
coulombtype = cut-off
rcoulomb= 1.0
rvdw= 1.0
pbc = xyz



Justin A. Lemkul
Graduate Research Assistant
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at] | (540) 231-9080

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Re: [gmx-users] Dissipative Particle Dynamics (DPD)

2008-09-01 Thread Yang Ye
there is dpdmacs available..

Yang Ye

- Original Message 
From: Suman Chakrabarty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Discussion list for GROMACS users 
Sent: Monday, September 1, 2008 5:50:15 PM
Subject: [gmx-users] Dissipative Particle Dynamics (DPD)

Dear all,

since one of my mails with multiple questions went completely
unanswered ( ), 
me try this time with more specific question.

Is there any chance of Dissipative Particle Dynamics (DPD) being
incorporated in Gromacs as a companion (or even replacement) of
Brownian Dynamics?

According to the book "Understanding Molecular Simulation" by Frenkel
and Smit (Second edition, 2002, page 467), Brownian Dynamics does not
conserve momentum, does not obey Newton's 3rd law and hence does not
recover correct hydrodynamic (Navier-Stokes) behaviour at large length
and time scales, while DPD takes care of all these problems.

In that case, wouldn't it be more appropriate to use this technique as
a replacement of Brownian/Langevin dynamics?

Suman Chakrabarty.___
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Re: [gmx-users] Bonds break while Minimising using distance restraints

2008-09-01 Thread Justin A. Lemkul


Dear colleagues,

I need to use simple distance restraints of 12.5 A between two CA atoms 
of two residues. I am using the following lines in the .itp file

#ifdef DDISRES
;ai   aj type index type' low   up1  up2  fac
1703 1712 10 111.5  12.0 12.5 1.0

The first feww line of .mdp file for minimisation of protein alone is

; Preprocessing
title   =  ${MOL}
cpp =  /lib/cpp;Preprocessor
define  = -DDISRES  ;For cg, and also steep

You are not actually applying your distance restraint.  If you have "#ifdef 
DDISRES," then you would have to "define = -DDDISRES" in the .mdp file.  What 
you probably meant to define was "#ifdef DISRES" in the topology.

 After minimisation, the restarined residues & the adjacent 
bonds break. This results in fragmnets - residues alone, peptide bond 
alone and the rest of the protein. The distance restrained residues 
seems to try to move towards each other (6.04 A after minimisation) and 
this might have caused fragmentation. I tried to use various upper and 
lower values for bond length so as to increase flexibility. But, still I 
end up in the fragments.

Bonds don't break in classical MD, this is just an artifact of visualization, 
probably from nasty steric clashes within your structure.

Some of the suggestions in the archive says VMD doesn't show 
bonds if they r above threshold value. When I checked the distances 
between the atoms, one of them is really long CO-CA bond 3.23 A 
(normally its 1.59A). This means the bond is no longer there.

No, the bond is there, VMD just isn't smart enough to see it :)  You are 
probably well on your way to an explosion if you try to constrain bond lengths 
with LINCS, however.


I appreciate any suggestions in this regard.

Thanks & regards,

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Justin A. Lemkul
Graduate Research Assistant
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at] | (540) 231-9080

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[gmx-users] Bonds break while Minimising using distance restraints

2008-09-01 Thread plmallip
Dear colleagues,

I need to use simple distance restraints of 12.5 A between two CA atoms of two 
residues. I am using the following lines in the .itp file

#ifdef DDISRES
;ai   aj type index type' low   up1  up2  fac
1703 1712 1    0 1    11.5  12.0 12.5 1.0

The first feww line of .mdp file for minimisation of protein alone is 

; Preprocessing
title   =  ${MOL}
cpp =  /lib/cpp    ;Preprocessor
define  = -DDISRES  ;For cg, and also steep

 After minimisation, the restarined residues & the adjacent bonds 
break. This results in fragmnets - residues alone, peptide bond alone and the 
rest of the protein. The distance restrained residues seems to try to move 
towards each other (6.04 A after minimisation) and this might have caused 
fragmentation. I tried to use various upper and lower values for bond length so 
as to increase flexibility. But, still I end up in the fragments. 

    Some of the suggestions in the archive says VMD doesn't show bonds if 
they r above threshold value. When I checked the distances between the atoms, 
one of them is really long CO-CA bond 3.23 A (normally its 1.59A). This means 
the bond is no longer there.

I appreciate any suggestions in this regard.

Thanks & regards,

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Re: [gmx-users] reg:merging of files

2008-09-01 Thread Justin A. Lemkul

rams rams wrote:

Dear users,

I have a general question regarding the merging of files:

1. If suppose I am rerunning a job, the new tpr file is created in the 
following way:

tpbconv -s .tpr1 -f .trr1 -o .tpr2

Here, no confusion. The run with new tpr2 would give me .trr2 file.

Now if I want to rerun again,

tpbconv -s tpr2 -f trr2 -o tpr3.

In case, if I merge trr1 and trr2 to trr_total, and want to use the 
merged file to rerun, which tpr I shoud use for creating a new tpr file 
? Precisely,

tpbconv -s  -f trr_total  -o tpr3

Either one really.  The important bits of information from the .tpr file are the 
parameters from the topology (bonded and nonbonded), all the different molecule 
definitions, and the .mdp parameters, which are generally constant during 
production runs.  Coordinates and velocities are read from the .trr file.

Don't forget to include the .edr file to get an exact continuation if you are 
applying temperature and/or pressure coupling!

Also, for analysis, do we need to merge all the tpr files or only the 
starting tpr file is enough ? What information exactly the tpr file holds ?

You cannot merge .tpr files.  Do a gmxdump on your .tpr and you will see that 
there are no time-dependent quantities to stitch together.


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Justin A. Lemkul
Graduate Research Assistant
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at] | (540) 231-9080

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[gmx-users] reg:merging of files

2008-09-01 Thread rams rams
Dear users,

I have a general question regarding the merging of files:

1. If suppose I am rerunning a job, the new tpr file is created in the
following way:

tpbconv -s .tpr1 -f .trr1 -o .tpr2

Here, no confusion. The run with new tpr2 would give me .trr2 file.

Now if I want to rerun again,

tpbconv -s tpr2 -f trr2 -o tpr3.

In case, if I merge trr1 and trr2 to trr_total, and want to use the merged
file to rerun, which tpr I shoud use for creating a new tpr file ?

tpbconv -s  -f trr_total  -o tpr3

Also, for analysis, do we need to merge all the tpr files or only the
starting tpr file is enough ? What information exactly the tpr file holds ?
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Re: [gmx-users] Re: g_velacc

2008-09-01 Thread rams rams
Hi David Van der Spoel,

You are right I missed the "dt" factor in the integral. Thanks a lot.


On Mon, Sep 1, 2008 at 2:52 PM, David van der Spoel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> rams rams wrote:
>> Hi Vitaly Chaban,
>> The calcualted value of velocity autocorrelation function is 5.8*10^ -8
>> (momentum auto correlation function is 0.99279 and the protein mass is
>> 4121.209 gm/mol). The resulting velocity auto correlation function will be
>> in A^2/ps^2. If I devide this by a factor of 3, I will get the diffusion
>> constant as 1.9 * 10^ -8 A^2/ps^2 which is nothing but 1.9 * 10^ -4 m^2/s^2.
>> But the time factor in mean square displacement should be in m^2 sec^-1. Did
>> I missed any thing here ?
> yes. integration adds time in the denominator.
>> Ram.
>> On Mon, Sep 1, 2008 at 11:54 AM, rams rams <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > [EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>>Dear Vitaly Chaban,
>>Thanks for your kind sugestions. I did followed the way you
>>mentioned for calcualting the diffusion constants. I like to have a
>>better understanding of what I have done.
>>g_velacc  -f   -s  -o  -aceflen
>>Since, mine is a single protein, I have not defined any index file
>>and I am calculating the g_velacc on backbone atoms.
>>as the manual says, -aceflen will define the number of frames to be
>>taken into consideration i suppose.
>>Here, though with the option -s we are calculting the momentum auto
>>correlation function, but still we are considering it as velocity
>>auto correlation funciton. Is it alright or as the other user
>>mentioned we need to devide the correlation value with square of the
>>mass of the protein ?
>>here, the numerical integration is done by trapezium rule. Ideally
>>we need to carryout the integration from 0 to infinity but since our
>>auto correlation function is calculated on a short period of time
>>(which is close to t=0), the integration is evaluated only on this
>>period i suppose. The output I got is the following:
>> Calculating the integral using the trapezium rule
>>Integral 1 0.99279  +/-0.0
>>  std. dev.relative deviation
>> of
>>   standard   -   cumulants from
>>those of
>>set  average   deviation  sqrt(n-1)   a Gaussian
>>  cum. 3   cum. 4
>>SS1   3.975160e-02   1.960813e-01   4.002493e-02   2.9396.669
>>is the 0.99279 is the integral value or any thing else ? Which value
>>I can compare with the value obtained by g_msd. My g_msd value is
>>1.7*10^-6 cm**2/s which is reasonably good compared to the
>>experimental value.
>>Thanks and Regards,
>>On Sun, Aug 31, 2008 at 2:18 PM, rams rams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>> wrote:
>>How to monitor the motion of center of mass of a protein as it
>>is the case all the time to monitor this during the calculations
>>of diffusion and correlation functions. How far the values will
>>be different if we monitor the motion of backbone atoms rather
>>than the center of mass motion.
>>I still dont have any idea how to get the diffusion constant
>>using g_velacc.
>>On Sun, Aug 31, 2008 at 4:28 AM, Vitaly Chaban
>> wrote:
>> > No special reason, just mundane ones: computing the
>>diffusion constant
>> > through mean square displacement is easier in terms of
>>But it is not applicable in the anisotropic systems, for
>>example in
>>ones with spatial confinements present... :)
>>Vitaly V. Chaban
>>School of Chemistry
>>National University of Kharkiv
>>Svoboda sq.,4, Kharkiv 61077, Ukraine
>>skype: vvchaban
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>>before posting!
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>> ___

Fwd: Re[2]: [gmx-users] Re: g_velacc

2008-09-01 Thread Vitaly Chaban
rr> Hi Vitaly Chaban,
rr> The calcualted value of velocity autocorrelation function is 5.8*10^ -8 
(momentum auto correlation function is 0.99279 and the protein mass is 4121.209 
gm/mol). The resulting velocity auto correlation function will be in A^2/ps^2. 
If I devide this by a factor of 3, I will get the diffusion constant as 1.9 * 
10^ -8 A^2/ps^2 which is nothing but 1.9 * 10^ -4 m^2/s^2. But the time factor 
in mean square displacement should be in m^2 sec^-1. Did I missed any thing 
here ? 
rr> Ram.
I've no time for exact recalculation now. My notes tell that the resulting 
integral value should be divided by M(mol)*M(mol)*1.66*1.66*10e-3.
1.66 and 10e-3 is from transformation from amu to kg.

No 1/3 is needed.


Vitaly V. Chaban
School of Chemistry
National University of Kharkiv
Svoboda sq.,4, Kharkiv 61077, Ukraine
skype: vvchaban--- Begin Message ---

rr> Hi Vitaly Chaban,
rr> The calcualted value of velocity autocorrelation function is 5.8*10^ -8 (momentum auto correlation function is 0.99279 and the protein mass is 4121.209 gm/mol). The resulting velocity auto correlation function will be in A^2/ps^2. If I devide this by a factor of 3, I will get the diffusion constant as 1.9 * 10^ -8 A^2/ps^2 which is nothing but 1.9 * 10^ -4 m^2/s^2. But the time factor in mean square displacement should be in m^2 sec^-1. Did I missed any thing here ? 
rr> Ram.

I've no time for exact recalculation now. My notes tell that the resulting integral value should be divided by M(mol)*M(mol)*1.66*1.66*10e-3.

1.66 and 10e-3 is from transformation from amu to kg.

No 1/3 is needed.

Vitaly V. Chaban
School of Chemistry
National University of Kharkiv
Svoboda sq.,4, Kharkiv 61077, Ukraine
skype: vvchaban

--- End Message ---
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Re: [gmx-users] Re: g_velacc

2008-09-01 Thread David van der Spoel

rams rams wrote:

Hi Vitaly Chaban,

The calcualted value of velocity autocorrelation function is 5.8*10^ -8 
(momentum auto correlation function is 0.99279 and the protein mass is 
4121.209 gm/mol). The resulting velocity auto correlation function will 
be in A^2/ps^2. If I devide this by a factor of 3, I will get the 
diffusion constant as 1.9 * 10^ -8 A^2/ps^2 which is nothing but 1.9 * 
10^ -4 m^2/s^2. But the time factor in mean square displacement should 
be in m^2 sec^-1. Did I missed any thing here ?

yes. integration adds time in the denominator.


On Mon, Sep 1, 2008 at 11:54 AM, rams rams <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> wrote:

Dear Vitaly Chaban,

Thanks for your kind sugestions. I did followed the way you
mentioned for calcualting the diffusion constants. I like to have a
better understanding of what I have done.


g_velacc  -f   -s  -o  -aceflen

Since, mine is a single protein, I have not defined any index file
and I am calculating the g_velacc on backbone atoms.

as the manual says, -aceflen will define the number of frames to be
taken into consideration i suppose.

Here, though with the option -s we are calculting the momentum auto
correlation function, but still we are considering it as velocity
auto correlation funciton. Is it alright or as the other user
mentioned we need to devide the correlation value with square of the
mass of the protein ?


here, the numerical integration is done by trapezium rule. Ideally
we need to carryout the integration from 0 to infinity but since our
auto correlation function is calculated on a short period of time
(which is close to t=0), the integration is evaluated only on this
period i suppose. The output I got is the following:

 Calculating the integral using the trapezium rule
Integral 1 0.99279  +/-0.0
  std. dev.relative deviation of
   standard   -   cumulants from
those of
set  average   deviation  sqrt(n-1)   a Gaussian
  cum. 3   cum. 4
SS1   3.975160e-02   1.960813e-01   4.002493e-02   2.9396.669

is the 0.99279 is the integral value or any thing else ? Which value
I can compare with the value obtained by g_msd. My g_msd value is
1.7*10^-6 cm**2/s which is reasonably good compared to the
experimental value.

Thanks and Regards,

On Sun, Aug 31, 2008 at 2:18 PM, rams rams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote:

How to monitor the motion of center of mass of a protein as it
is the case all the time to monitor this during the calculations
of diffusion and correlation functions. How far the values will
be different if we monitor the motion of backbone atoms rather
than the center of mass motion.

I still dont have any idea how to get the diffusion constant
using g_velacc.


On Sun, Aug 31, 2008 at 4:28 AM, Vitaly Chaban

 > No special reason, just mundane ones: computing the
diffusion constant
 > through mean square displacement is easier in terms of

But it is not applicable in the anisotropic systems, for
example in
ones with spatial confinements present... :)

Vitaly V. Chaban
School of Chemistry
National University of Kharkiv
Svoboda sq.,4, Kharkiv 61077, Ukraine

skype: vvchaban

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David van der Spoel, Ph.D., Professor of Biology
Molec. Biophys. group

Re: [gmx-users] Re: g_velacc

2008-09-01 Thread rams rams
Hi Vitaly Chaban,

The calcualted value of velocity autocorrelation function is 5.8*10^ -8
(momentum auto correlation function is 0.99279 and the protein mass is
4121.209 gm/mol). The resulting velocity auto correlation function will be
in A^2/ps^2. If I devide this by a factor of 3, I will get the diffusion
constant as 1.9 * 10^ -8 A^2/ps^2 which is nothing but 1.9 * 10^ -4 m^2/s^2.
But the time factor in mean square displacement should be in m^2 sec^-1. Did
I missed any thing here ?


On Mon, Sep 1, 2008 at 11:54 AM, rams rams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dear Vitaly Chaban,
> Thanks for your kind sugestions. I did followed the way you mentioned for
> calcualting the diffusion constants. I like to have a better understanding
> of what I have done.
> g_velacc:
> g_velacc  -f   -s  -o  -aceflen
> Since, mine is a single protein, I have not defined any index file and I am
> calculating the g_velacc on backbone atoms.
> as the manual says, -aceflen will define the number of frames to be taken
> into consideration i suppose.
> Here, though with the option -s we are calculting the momentum auto
> correlation function, but still we are considering it as velocity auto
> correlation funciton. Is it alright or as the other user mentioned we need
> to devide the correlation value with square of the mass of the protein ?
> g_analyze:
> here, the numerical integration is done by trapezium rule. Ideally we need
> to carryout the integration from 0 to infinity but since our auto
> correlation function is calculated on a short period of time (which is close
> to t=0), the integration is evaluated only on this period i suppose. The
> output I got is the following:
>  Calculating the integral using the trapezium rule
> Integral 1 0.99279  +/-0.0
>   std. dev.relative deviation of
>standard   -   cumulants from those of
> set  average   deviation  sqrt(n-1)   a Gaussian distribition
>   cum. 3   cum. 4
> SS1   3.975160e-02   1.960813e-01   4.002493e-02   2.9396.669
> is the 0.99279 is the integral value or any thing else ? Which value I can
> compare with the value obtained by g_msd. My g_msd value is 1.7*10^-6
> cm**2/s which is reasonably good compared to the experimental value.
> Thanks and Regards,
> Ram.
> On Sun, Aug 31, 2008 at 2:18 PM, rams rams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> How to monitor the motion of center of mass of a protein as it is the case
>> all the time to monitor this during the calculations of diffusion and
>> correlation functions. How far the values will be different if we monitor
>> the motion of backbone atoms rather than the center of mass motion.
>> I still dont have any idea how to get the diffusion constant using
>> g_velacc.
>> Ram.
>> On Sun, Aug 31, 2008 at 4:28 AM, Vitaly Chaban <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
>>> > No special reason, just mundane ones: computing the diffusion constant
>>> > through mean square displacement is easier in terms of convergence.
>>> But it is not applicable in the anisotropic systems, for example in
>>> ones with spatial confinements present... :)
>>> --
>>> Vitaly V. Chaban
>>> School of Chemistry
>>> National University of Kharkiv
>>> Svoboda sq.,4, Kharkiv 61077, Ukraine
>>> email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>> skype: vvchaban
>>> ___
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[gmx-users] Re: g_velacc

2008-09-01 Thread Vitaly Chaban
Hi Ram,

You should divide the value of your integral to the square of mass of you 
protein. Be attentive with units and powers then.
I guess the final value will be essentially less than 0.99279 for floating 

rr> Here, though with the option -s we are calculting the momentum auto 
correlation function

It seems to me you calculate the momentum ACF in all the cases using g_velacc. 
Maybe Florian could correct me if I'm wrong here. :)


rr> Dear Vitaly Chaban,
rr> Thanks for your kind sugestions. I did followed the way you mentioned for 
calcualting the diffusion constants. I like to have a better understanding of 
what I have done.
rr> g_velacc:
rr> g_velacc  -f   -s  -o  -aceflen 
rr> Since, mine is a single protein, I have not defined any index file and I am 
calculating the g_velacc on backbone atoms.
rr> as the manual says, -aceflen will define the number of frames to be taken 
into consideration i suppose.
rr> Here, though with the option -s we are calculting the momentum auto 
correlation function, but still we are considering it as velocity auto 
correlation funciton. Is it alright or as the other user mentioned we need to 
devide the correlation value with square of the mass of the protein ?
rr> g_analyze:
rr> here, the numerical integration is done by trapezium rule. Ideally we need 
to carryout the integration from 0 to infinity but since our auto correlation 
function is calculated on a short period of time (which is close to t=0), the 
integration is evaluated only on this period i suppose. The output I got is the 
rr>  Calculating the integral using the trapezium rule
rr> Integral 1 0.99279  +/-0.0
rr>   std. dev.relative deviation of
rr>standard   -   cumulants from those of
rr> set  average   deviation  sqrt(n-1)   a Gaussian distribition
rr>   cum. 3   cum. 4
rr> SS1   3.975160e-02   1.960813e-01   4.002493e-02   2.9396.669
rr> is the 0.99279 is the integral value or any thing else ? 

Yes, this is an integral value. But for diffusion constant divide it by .

rr> Which value I can compare with the value obtained by g_msd. My g_msd value 
is 1.7*10^-6 cm**2/s which is reasonably good compared to the experimental 
rr> Thanks and Regards,
rr> Ram.
rr> On Sun, Aug 31, 2008 at 2:18 PM, rams rams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
rr> How to monitor the motion of center of mass of a protein as it is the case 
all the time to monitor this during the calculations of diffusion and 
correlation functions. How far the values will be different if we monitor the 
motion of backbone atoms rather than the center of mass motion.
rr> I still dont have any idea how to get the diffusion constant using 
rr> Ram. 
rr> On Sun, Aug 31, 2008 at 4:28 AM, Vitaly Chaban <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> No special reason, just mundane ones: computing the diffusion constant
>> through mean square displacement is easier in terms of convergence.
rr> But it is not applicable in the anisotropic systems, for example in
rr> ones with spatial confinements present... :)

Vitaly V. Chaban
School of Chemistry
National University of Kharkiv
Svoboda sq.,4, Kharkiv 61077, Ukraine
skype: vvchaban

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Re[2]: [gmx-users] Re: g_velacc

2008-09-01 Thread Vitaly Chaban

Hi Ram,

You should divide the value of your integral to the square of mass of you protein. Be attentive with units and powers then.
I guess the final value will be essentially less than 0.99279 for floating protein.

rr> Here, though with the option -s we are calculting the momentum auto correlation function

It seems to me you calculate the momentum ACF in all the cases using g_velacc. Maybe Florian could correct me if I'm wrong here. :)


rr> Dear Vitaly Chaban,
rr> Thanks for your kind sugestions. I did followed the way you mentioned for calcualting the diffusion constants. I like to have a better understanding of what I have done.
rr> g_velacc:
rr> g_velacc  -f   -s  -o  -aceflen 
rr> Since, mine is a single protein, I have not defined any index file and I am calculating the g_velacc on backbone atoms.
rr> as the manual says, -aceflen will define the number of frames to be taken into consideration i suppose.
rr> Here, though with the option -s we are calculting the momentum auto correlation function, but still we are considering it as velocity auto correlation funciton. Is it alright or as the other user mentioned we need to devide the correlation value with square of the mass of the protein ?
rr> g_analyze:
rr> here, the numerical integration is done by trapezium rule. Ideally we need to carryout the integration from 0 to infinity but since our auto correlation function is calculated on a short period of time (which is close to t=0), the integration is evaluated only on this period i suppose. The output I got is the following:
rr>  Calculating the integral using the trapezium rule
rr> Integral 1     0.99279  +/-    0.0
rr>                                       std. dev.    relative deviation of
rr>                        standard       -   cumulants from those of
rr> set      average       deviation      sqrt(n-1)   a Gaussian distribition
rr>                                                       cum. 3   cum. 4
rr> SS1   3.975160e-02   1.960813e-01   4.002493e-02       2.939    6.669
rr> is the 0.99279 is the integral value or any thing else ? 

Yes, this is an integral value. But for diffusion constant divide it by .

rr> Which value I can compare with the value obtained by g_msd. My g_msd value is 1.7*10^-6 cm**2/s which is reasonably good compared to the experimental value.
rr> Thanks and Regards,
rr> Ram.
rr> On Sun, Aug 31, 2008 at 2:18 PM, rams rams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
rr> How to monitor the motion of center of mass of a protein as it is the case all the time to monitor this during the calculations of diffusion and correlation functions. How far the values will be different if we monitor the motion of backbone atoms rather than the center of mass motion.
rr> I still dont have any idea how to get the diffusion constant using g_velacc. 
rr> Ram. 
rr> On Sun, Aug 31, 2008 at 4:28 AM, Vitaly Chaban <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> No special reason, just mundane ones: computing the diffusion constant
>> through mean square displacement is easier in terms of convergence.
rr> But it is not applicable in the anisotropic systems, for example in
rr> ones with spatial confinements present... :)

Vitaly V. Chaban
School of Chemistry
National University of Kharkiv
Svoboda sq.,4, Kharkiv 61077, Ukraine
skype: vvchaban

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Re: [gmx-users] Re: g_velacc

2008-09-01 Thread rams rams
Dear Vitaly Chaban,

Thanks for your kind sugestions. I did followed the way you mentioned for
calcualting the diffusion constants. I like to have a better understanding
of what I have done.


g_velacc  -f   -s  -o  -aceflen

Since, mine is a single protein, I have not defined any index file and I am
calculating the g_velacc on backbone atoms.

as the manual says, -aceflen will define the number of frames to be taken
into consideration i suppose.

Here, though with the option -s we are calculting the momentum auto
correlation function, but still we are considering it as velocity auto
correlation funciton. Is it alright or as the other user mentioned we need
to devide the correlation value with square of the mass of the protein ?


here, the numerical integration is done by trapezium rule. Ideally we need
to carryout the integration from 0 to infinity but since our auto
correlation function is calculated on a short period of time (which is close
to t=0), the integration is evaluated only on this period i suppose. The
output I got is the following:

 Calculating the integral using the trapezium rule
Integral 1 0.99279  +/-0.0
  std. dev.relative deviation of
   standard   -   cumulants from those of
set  average   deviation  sqrt(n-1)   a Gaussian distribition
  cum. 3   cum. 4
SS1   3.975160e-02   1.960813e-01   4.002493e-02   2.9396.669

is the 0.99279 is the integral value or any thing else ? Which value I can
compare with the value obtained by g_msd. My g_msd value is 1.7*10^-6
cm**2/s which is reasonably good compared to the experimental value.

Thanks and Regards,

On Sun, Aug 31, 2008 at 2:18 PM, rams rams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> How to monitor the motion of center of mass of a protein as it is the case
> all the time to monitor this during the calculations of diffusion and
> correlation functions. How far the values will be different if we monitor
> the motion of backbone atoms rather than the center of mass motion.
> I still dont have any idea how to get the diffusion constant using
> g_velacc.
> Ram.
> On Sun, Aug 31, 2008 at 4:28 AM, Vitaly Chaban <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
>> > No special reason, just mundane ones: computing the diffusion constant
>> > through mean square displacement is easier in terms of convergence.
>> But it is not applicable in the anisotropic systems, for example in
>> ones with spatial confinements present... :)
>> --
>> Vitaly V. Chaban
>> School of Chemistry
>> National University of Kharkiv
>> Svoboda sq.,4, Kharkiv 61077, Ukraine
>> skype: vvchaban
>> ___
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Re: [gmx-users] Bonds missing in VMD visualization

2008-09-01 Thread Diego Enry
VMD computes distances between pairs of atoms to "draw" a bond. So I
think your atoms are too distanced from each other.
Check the bond distribution during MD and compare with your topology.
C-CL should be around 1.76A.
VMD will not show this bond if, in the REFERENCE frame (the .gro/pdb
you open before the .xtc/.trr), this distance is greater than 2.0A.

On Mon, Sep 1, 2008 at 10:45 AM, Andreas Kring <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have run an MD simulation of 1000 1,1,1-trichloroethane molecules and it
> all worked nicely. But when I try to visualize the trajectory file in VMD
> some of the C-Cl bonds are missing (although all the atoms appear on the
> screen - only bonds are missing)?
> Can I do anything to fix this?
> /Andreas
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Diego Enry B. Gomes
Laboratório de Modelagem e Dinamica Molecular
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - Brasil.
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[gmx-users] Bonds missing in VMD visualization

2008-09-01 Thread Andreas Kring


I have run an MD simulation of 1000 1,1,1-trichloroethane molecules and 
it all worked nicely. But when I try to visualize the trajectory file in 
VMD some of the C-Cl bonds are missing (although all the atoms appear on 
the screen - only bonds are missing)?

Can I do anything to fix this?

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Re: [gmx-users] Using .pdb only

2008-09-01 Thread Justin A. Lemkul

vivek sharma wrote:

Hi There,
I am usinng gromacs for running MDS of one protein, Can I use the pdb 
file only without generating the .gro file i.e. without using pdb2gmx ?

Theoretically, yes.  Gromacs can read a number of file formats at any stage 
(.pdb, .gro, etc).

If no, then how can I avoid addition of hydrogen during pdb2gmx ?

Then you will probably have a broken (and useless) topology.  Addition of 
hydrogens is dependent upon the force field you want to use.  All atomistic 
force fields distributed with Gromacs require at least the inclusion of polar 


With Thanks,

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Justin A. Lemkul
Graduate Research Assistant
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at] | (540) 231-9080

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[gmx-users] Using .pdb only

2008-09-01 Thread vivek sharma
Hi There,
I am usinng gromacs for running MDS of one protein, Can I use the pdb file
only without generating the .gro file i.e. without using pdb2gmx ?
If no, then how can I avoid addition of hydrogen during pdb2gmx ?

With Thanks,
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Re: [gmx-users] Understanding of POPC analysis

2008-09-01 Thread Justin A. Lemkul

minnale wrote:
Hi all,
  this may be trivial question to you. I am unfamiliar with gromacs. 
My doubt is that in POPC analysis most of the cases concerning about 
Z-axis why not X and Y. Can you please clear me this doubt.

Thanks in advance for your suggestion.

By convention, we think of bilayers in the x-y plane, with the normal to the 
bilayer lying along the z-axis.  In a practical sense, it is also very 
convenient to use semiisotropic pressure coupling (applied in the x/y and z 
dimensions) for membranes.



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Justin A. Lemkul
Graduate Research Assistant
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at] | (540) 231-9080

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[gmx-users] Changing LJ potential

2008-09-01 Thread avinash kumar
Dear All,

  I need to define the LJ potential in a new way.
Could anybody tell me where the LJ potential is calculated in the
GROMACS files.

Avinash Kumar.
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[gmx-users] Understanding of POPC analysis

2008-09-01 Thread minnale
Hi all, 
  this may be trivial question to you. I am unfamiliar with gromacs. My 
doubt is that in POPC analysis most of the cases concerning about Z-axis why 
not X and Y. Can you please clear me this doubt.
Thanks in advance for your suggestion. ___
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Re: [gmx-users] QMMM

2008-09-01 Thread vidhya sankar
dear sir
i am not aware of wheather interface is gamess UK or gamess US .but one thing 
if run configure -help command  in terminal, it shows the option  --with Gamess 
.sorry i am not able to reply correctely since i am beginner also in 
application side please sir be in touch .i am ver glad of your atonce reply  
thank you sir 

--- On Mon, 1/9/08, Pradip Biswas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: Pradip Biswas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [gmx-users] QMMM
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], "Discussion list for GROMACS users" 

Date: Monday, 1 September, 2008, 3:04 AM

I believe it supports GAMESS UK, not US.  
Gerrit ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) can assist you further.


On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 4:30 AM, ha salem <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I want install gromacs with gamess US for QMMM
can you guide me for installation procedure
thank you

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Re: [gmx-users] QMMM

2008-09-01 Thread vidhya sankar

--- On Mon, 1/9/08, Pradip Biswas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: Pradip Biswas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [gmx-users] QMMM
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], "Discussion list for GROMACS users" 

Date: Monday, 1 September, 2008, 3:04 AM

I believe it supports GAMESS UK, not US. 
Gerrit ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) can assist you further.


On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 4:30 AM, ha salem <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I want install gromacs with gamess US for QMMM
can you guide me for installation procedure
thank you

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[gmx-users] How to calculate scaling factors in the LIE equation

2008-09-01 Thread Raghunadha Reddy Burri
Dear all,

I hope van der waals and electrostatic scaling factors in the LIE equation
(g_lie) are system dependent (Ref: DK Jones-hertzog et al. 1996). Any one
please give me a suggestion to calculate Clj and Cqq (as per g_lie program)
in my protein-ligand system. I used GROMOS96 43a2 force field (improved
alkane dihedrals) with SPCE water molecules.

Thank you very much in advance.


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[gmx-users] Dissipative Particle Dynamics (DPD)

2008-09-01 Thread Suman Chakrabarty
Dear all,

since one of my mails with multiple questions went completely unanswered
( ), let
me try this time with more specific question.

Is there any chance of Dissipative Particle Dynamics (DPD) being
incorporated in Gromacs as a companion (or even replacement) of Brownian

According to the book "Understanding Molecular Simulation" by Frenkel
and Smit (Second edition, 2002, page 467), Brownian Dynamics does not
conserve momentum, does not obey Newton's 3rd law and hence does not
recover correct hydrodynamic (Navier-Stokes) behaviour at large length
and time scales, while DPD takes care of all these problems.

In that case, wouldn't it be more appropriate to use this technique as a
replacement of Brownian/Langevin dynamics?

Suman Chakrabarty.

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