Re: OT: Voting results in NH

2004-01-28 Thread Derek Martin
On Wed, Jan 28, 2004 at 01:04:15PM -0500, Greg Rundlett wrote:
> We can simply deduce that 22% of persons over the age of 18 voted 
> yesterday in NH.  If NH is the "Live Free or Die" state, I guess 78% 
> would rather let Democracy die than cast a ballot for President of the 
> United States "The Greatest Democracy in the World".  

Democracy died a long, long time ago.  You're also overlooking the
fact that this election was a PRIMARY, and the participants were
Democtrats.  The Republicans have an incumbant, so they don't need a
primary.  New Hampshire is still predominantly a Republican state.
Most of the voters in NH need not cast a ballot.  They have no one to
vote for.  If they are committed to the Republican party, there is no
choice in the matter for them.

> John Kerry received 84,229 votes which made him the winner.  Put
> another way, by convincing fewer than 10% of eligible voters to vote
> for him, he 'wins' with a 38% share of the ballots cast.  Regardless
> of your like or dislike of the candidates, they ARE the candidates.

See above.

> Democracy and your freedom are the casualty of a system that no
> longer can be called 'representative government'. 

The only sense in which our government ever was such a thing is that
the decisions that are made represent the interests of those who make
them.  That's still true today.  Anyone who thinks their opinion is
represented in our government is deluding themselves.  If your elected
leader's opinion truly represents your own opinion, you are the victim
of a happy coincidence...

> If you live in NH and didn't vote, you missed your chance to
> participate in Democracy.  Please urge everyone you know to vote.

Nonsense.  Democracy is a form of government where the citizens, as a
matter of the normal course of government, make decisions about the
laws that govern them.  That form of government does not exist in the
United States, nor any other country in the world, as far as I am aware.
It has not existed for hundreds and hundreds of years, if ever it
really did.

At best, our government is a democratic replublic, where we elect
leaders to make our decisions for us.  In practice, it's not even
that.  Their votes represent our desires only insomuch as they need to
in order to prevent sufficient discontent to incite open rioting and
other forms of political instability.  Beyond that, they represent the
people who have money and power, just as they always have.

The candidates are virtually indistinguishable, even at this stage of
the game, and we have seen over and over that no candidate ever keeps
their promises.  I will not vote because I will not contribute to the
mass dilusion that my vote is valuable.  My vote is utterly worthless,
and so is yours.

Yeah, maybe I'm a cynic. Or, maybe I'm just awake...

Derek D. Martin
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Debian is fastest growing GNU/Linux distro - Netcraft

2004-01-28 Thread Randy Edwards
   This Netcraft News article at 
reports, "Over the last six months Debian has been the fastest growing Linux 
distribution when measured by counting active sites which contain the name 
of a Linux distribution in the Apache Server header. In percentage terms 
Debian is closely followed by SuSE and Gentoo. RedHat has a far greater 
number of sites but a slower growth rate, and actually fell this month, 
after making widely publicized and controversial changes to its licencing 
and security update policy."

  Maybe those Debian guys don't need to put all of the work they're pouring 
into their new multi-platform installation program. :-)

 Regards, | There are 10 kinds of people in the world:
 .| those who get binary, and those who don't.
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: fetchmail truncating msgs?

2004-01-28 Thread Kevin D. Clark

Michael ODonnell writes:

> Unfortunately,
> it appears that fetchmail is unable or unwilling
> to haul the same large msgs off that same server;
> if I allow fetchmail to contact the server and pull
> the msgs over they arrive truncated.

How is fetchmail being invoked?  (is --limit being used?)

Can you show us your .fetchmailrc?  (sanitized, of course)

What appears in the fetchmail logfile when you invoke fetchmail with


Kevin D. Clark / Cetacean Networks / Portsmouth, N.H. (USA)!kclark (GnuPG ID: B280F24E)!kdc

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: fetchmail truncating msgs?

2004-01-28 Thread Randy Edwards
   I've never experienced this myself, but the Debian bug database for 
shows a couple of issues relating to truncated messages.  Without more data 
on your config it's hard to say whether those might be what you're seeing, 
but the link is probably worth a look-see.

 Regards, | There are 10 kinds of people in the world:
 .| those who get binary, and those who don't.
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: OT: Voting results in NH

2004-01-28 Thread Randy Edwards
We can simply deduce that 22% of persons over the age of 18 voted 
yesterday in NH.  If NH is the "Live Free or Die" state, I guess 78% 
would rather let Democracy die than cast a ballot for President of the 
United States "The Greatest Democracy in the World".
   But we're a republic, not a democracy.  If we were a democracy Gore 
would be president.

   Your numbers also suppose that everyone *should* vote in a primary.  I'm 
not convinced of that, for several reasons.

   First, there are more than two political parties, despite what the 
Republicrats and the Demopublicans think.  Second, I can't fathom the logic 
of why a Republican should vote in a Democratic primary or vice versa. 
There's been several instances around the country where one party with an 
in-office, sure-thing candidate organizes its people to go vote in the other 
party's primary for the weakest primary candidate, just to try to create an 
uneven race in the real election.

   But hey, that's just me.  I also can't figure out why my tax dollars are 
going to pay for the primaries of just these two private political parties 
-- in my warped worldview, tax money should pay for the primaries of all 
parties or none.

 Regards, | There are 10 kinds of people in the world:
 .| those who get binary, and those who don't.
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

fetchmail truncating msgs?

2004-01-28 Thread Michael ODonnell

I can send a large email message to myself (like,
a msg with a large attachment) and retrieve it "by
hand" if I telnet to the ComCast POP server and do
the POP conversation myself, so I'm confident that
the server isn't truncating my msgs.  Unfortunately,
it appears that fetchmail is unable or unwilling
to haul the same large msgs off that same server;
if I allow fetchmail to contact the server and pull
the msgs over they arrive truncated.

Any clues?  I'm running a Debian "testing" release
and fetchmail says the following in response to
"fetchmail --version" :

 (strings containing "rzq" are intentionally so)

 This is fetchmail release 6.2.4+NTLM+SDPS+SSL+NLS
 Fallback MDA: (none)
 Linux rzqrzqel 2.4.18rzqrzqql #21 Sun Nov 16 16:53:34 EST 2003 i686 GNU/Linux
 Taking options from command line and /home/rzq/.fetchmailrc
 Idfile is /home/rzq/.fetchids
 Fetchmail will forward misaddressed multidrop messages to rzq.
 Options for retrieving from [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
   True name of server is
   Password will be prompted for.
   Protocol is POP3.
   All available authentication methods will be tried.
   Server nonresponse timeout is 300 seconds (default).
   Default mailbox selected.
   Only new messages will be retrieved (--all off).
   Fetched messages will not be kept on the server (--keep off).
   Old messages will not be flushed before message retrieval (--flush off).
   Rewrite of server-local addresses is enabled (--norewrite off).
   Carriage-return stripping is enabled (stripcr on).
   Carriage-return forcing is disabled (forcecr off).
   Interpretation of Content-Transfer-Encoding is enabled (pass8bits off).
   MIME decoding is disabled (mimedecode off).
   Idle after poll is disabled (idle off).
   Nonempty Status lines will be kept (dropstatus off)
   Delivered-To lines will be kept (dropdelivered off)
   Messages will be delivered with "procmail -d %T".
   Single-drop mode: 1 local name(s) recognized.
   No UIDs saved from this host.

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: OT: Voting results in NH

2004-01-28 Thread Tony Lekas
Although it does not make a large difference, 2.3% of the people in NH 
are not citizens and are not elegible to vote.  I did not see numbers 
for those over 18.  I suspect that the percentage would be somewhat 
higher for them because children are automatically citizens if born in 
the US.

In some states convicted felons can not vote.  That is not the case in 
NH.  You can not vote while incarcerated for a felony but your rights 
are automatically restored when you are released.


Greg Rundlett wrote:

The US Census Bureau reports that there were 926,224 persons over the 
age of 18 in NH in the 2000 Census.

The Associated Press reports that about 200,000 people voted in the NH 
primary yesterday
eg.  They say 
it "easily eclips[ed] the record 170,000 turnout in 1992".  The AP 
does not mention anything about how poorly that turnout represents the 
population of NH.

We can simply deduce that 22% of persons over the age of 18 voted 
yesterday in NH.  If NH is the "Live Free or Die" state, I guess 78% 
would rather let Democracy die than cast a ballot for President of the 
United States "The Greatest Democracy in the World".  John Kerry 
received 84,229 votes which made him the winner.  Put another way, by 
convincing fewer than 10% of eligible voters to vote for him, he 
'wins' with a 38% share of the ballots cast.  Regardless of your like 
or dislike of the candidates, they ARE the candidates.  Democracy and 
your freedom are the casualty of a system that no longer can be called 
'representative government'.
If you live in NH and didn't vote, you missed your chance to 
participate in Democracy.  Please urge everyone you know to vote.

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

RE: OT: Voting results in NH

2004-01-28 Thread Travis Roy
> Keep in mind that NH tends to lean towards republican, and for most
> republicans there was not much (if any) reason to go to the polls
> yesterday.

This is very true, also the fact that a lot of independents (like myself)
tend to side with the right a bit probably didn't go to vote either. I know
none of the canidates really did much for me, so I didn't vote.

And while I agree that it was a poor showing and everybody should go vote
(if they have somebody to vote for) isn't part of the live free or die thing
to have the choice to stay home and sit on your ass and not vote.

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: OT: Voting results in NH

2004-01-28 Thread Cole Tuininga
On Wed, 2004-01-28 at 13:04, Greg Rundlett wrote:
> The US Census Bureau reports that there were 926,224 persons over the 
> age of 18 in NH in the 2000 Census.
> The Associated Press reports that about 200,000 people voted in the NH 
> primary yesterday

Keep in mind that NH tends to lean towards republican, and for most
republicans there was not much (if any) reason to go to the polls

Give a person a fish and you feed them for a day.
Give a person access to the net and they won't bother you for weeks.
-- Internet proverb

Cole Tuininga
Lead Developer
Code Energy, Inc
PGP Key ID: 0x43E5755D

gnhlug-discuss mailing list

OT: Voting results in NH

2004-01-28 Thread Greg Rundlett
The US Census Bureau reports that there were 926,224 persons over the 
age of 18 in NH in the 2000 Census.

The Associated Press reports that about 200,000 people voted in the NH 
primary yesterday
eg.  They say 
it "easily eclips[ed] the record 170,000 turnout in 1992".  The AP does 
not mention anything about how poorly that turnout represents the 
population of NH.

We can simply deduce that 22% of persons over the age of 18 voted 
yesterday in NH.  If NH is the "Live Free or Die" state, I guess 78% 
would rather let Democracy die than cast a ballot for President of the 
United States "The Greatest Democracy in the World".  John Kerry 
received 84,229 votes which made him the winner.  Put another way, by 
convincing fewer than 10% of eligible voters to vote for him, he 'wins' 
with a 38% share of the ballots cast.  Regardless of your like or 
dislike of the candidates, they ARE the candidates.  Democracy and your 
freedom are the casualty of a system that no longer can be called 
'representative government'. 

If you live in NH and didn't vote, you missed your chance to participate 
in Democracy.  Please urge everyone you know to vote.

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White's Statement:
Don't lose heart!
Owen's Commentary on White's Statement:
...they might want to cut it out...
Byrd's Addition to Owen's Commentary:
...and they want to avoid a lengthy search.
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

Re: Linus Torvalds for President

2004-01-28 Thread Greg Rundlett
Bill Horne wrote:
On the first try, I got an error saying I couldn't take the survey twice.
My apologies.  I tried it before I sent the message and it worked.  That 
was about the only time that it worked apparently. :-(  I've been a tiki 
developer for some time, and this gives me a reason to kick around in 
the code a bit to make sure that the surveys work.

There's also a problem with the Javascript:

"Warning: ob_start(): output handler 'ob_gzhandler' cannot be used after
'URL-Rewriter' in /home/freephile/www/tiki/tiki-setup.php on line 800"
Thanks, I noticed this problem too.  Actually ob_start is a PHP function 
for output buffering so that a callback function (gzip compression) can 
be enabled for browsers that support gzipped responses.  From the error 
message, and because this message is intermittent, I am guessing it 
affects certain pages where the application's chain of execution is flawed.

I am in the process of upgrading my tiki site to the latest release and 
expect that will fix these problems.

If I can get this poll working properly I will repost the invitation. 
Sorry for the inconvenience.


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