Re: Software Freedom Day - Sat 15 Sep

2007-08-15 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
On Wed, 2007-08-15 at 23:14 -0400, Ben Scott wrote:
> Software Freedom Day 2007
> Saturday 15 September (one month from today)
>   I'm thinking getting involved in this would be a nice replacement
> for my efforts at hamfests.  Maybe others would also like to chip-in.
> Anyone else teetering on the edge of volunteering who would like to
> join me?  I'm thinking something at UNH Durham might be appropriate,
> or maybe the Portsmouth/Newington area (BestBuy?).  Or I can drive "to
> away", if that's where the action is.
>   I know we've got a few people who already to this.  I was hoping
> they could give some words as to what works, what doesn't, what to
> expect, etc.  This is all new to me.

I did this last year with Matt Oquist.  Since he is the originator of
the day, he had an "inside scoop" to getting the materials, which

o Balloons that had "Software Freedom Day" printed on them
o T-shirts that (likewise) had SFD printed on them
o Many CDs from Ubuntu/Canonical

He also had a "Software Freedom Day" banner that we put around the table or up
on the wall, and fliers photocopied telling about the event

We did two sessions of it.   One was at the Nashua Public
Library and one at the Cafeteria at Daniel Webster College on two
separate days.

The great thing about SFD is that it is kind of "loose" in the
definition of SFD, so it could be many different days, and celebrated
many different ways.

"Everyday is SFD" seems to be the theme.

I think it is too late to get the official materials, but you could
always order Ubuntu disks from:

and there may be a T-shirt floating around.

On the other hand, if there is not you could probably get a design from
Matt or from the site:

or even make your own.

But enough of this!  Here is the official "Start Guide" that can give
you some ideas!

And you might want to send your invitation to join SFD to the entire
gnhlug mailing list.  I am sure that there would be lots of people who
would love to help you celebrate it.



gnhlug-org mailing list

Software Freedom Day - Sat 15 Sep

2007-08-15 Thread Ben Scott
Software Freedom Day 2007
Saturday 15 September (one month from today)

  I'm thinking getting involved in this would be a nice replacement
for my efforts at hamfests.  Maybe others would also like to chip-in.
Anyone else teetering on the edge of volunteering who would like to
join me?  I'm thinking something at UNH Durham might be appropriate,
or maybe the Portsmouth/Newington area (BestBuy?).  Or I can drive "to
away", if that's where the action is.

  I know we've got a few people who already to this.  I was hoping
they could give some words as to what works, what doesn't, what to
expect, etc.  This is all new to me.

-- Ben
gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: NEARFest - request for participation study/discussion

2007-08-15 Thread Ben Scott
My thoughts:

  I, too, believe the time has come for GNHLUG to bid farewell to the
hamfest, at least for now.  I think our "return on investment", so to
speak, has been steadily diminishing, as Linux has moved more into the
mainstream and high-speed connections have become more available.  I'm
sure there will be some who miss the cheap CDs.  Who knows, maybe
we'll even loose a potential convert.  But I think our time, money,
and effort are better spent elsewhere.

  Should that situation change, we can always start it back up again.
In particular, if a GNHLUG ham wants to put on a kick-ass Linux radio
demo, as we've had in the past, I think that would be grand.  But
until then, no.  It was always interesting and fun, but it's time to
move on.

  And remember that there's nothing keeping individual GNHLUGers from
attending.  Anyone could wear an "Ask me about Linux" pin and keep a
few CDs in their pocket, and respond to inquiries as they do their own
'osstrading.  If someone wants more, give 'em a GNHLUG business card
and/or a pointer to (for their choice of
distro).  I may do this myself, irregularly.

  What to do instead is best addressed in a separate thread.

  I'd like to add my own thanks to everyone who helped out over the
years, including: Ed Lawson, with the ultra-cool radio demos.  Ted
Roche, for local logistical and network services.  Bill Sconce, mike
ledoux, Matt and Heather Brodeur, Rob Anderson, Rob Lembree, and
doubtless other booth volunteers I have unfortunately forgotten.  And
(saving the best for last), of course, maddog, for buying the spot and
the tables and persistently refusing any reimbursement, for something
like a decade.  I owe you all a beverage.  At least.

  Clear skies, everyone.

-- Ben
gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: NEARFest - request for participation study/discussion

2007-08-15 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall
On Wed, 2007-08-15 at 21:35 -0400, Bill McGonigle wrote:
> On Aug 15, 2007, at 10:52, Jon 'maddog' Hall wrote:
> > The question I have is whether GNHLUG should be "supporting" this  
> > event,
> > or put the time and energy into some other event that would have a
> > greater payback?  For example, a booth/table at a state or local fair?
> > Or find some local "PC show" to have a table?  Or better support of
> > Software Freedom Day?  Help organize a summer camp for Free Software?
> My sense is that this is the proper approach, though I don't know if  
> we can afford or handle the biggest events.
> The Hopkinton State Fair website claims 125,000 visitors per day, and  
> doesn't publish the cost of their booth space, but I imagine it's way  
> more than $50.  If we were a charitable organization perhaps a group  
> like that could cut a deal and write it off.
> I had fun the last time I got to Hosstraders, though I'm not sure I  
> convinced anybody to use free software.  I also imagine the State  
> Fair would be less forgiving about a 329' ethernet cable taped along  
> the buildings or antennas strapped to trees.  We'd have to upgrade to  
> WiMax. :)

Well, we did not have the Ethernet Cable, or even any Internet
connection at Deerfield.  One of the vendors talked about "sharing" a
connection (supposedly brought in by satellite) via wireless, but that
never materialized.

We lived for many shows without Ethernet, although I do admit that
having it the last time would have made the "dead time" more bearable.


gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: NEARFest - request for participation study/discussion

2007-08-15 Thread Bill McGonigle
On Aug 15, 2007, at 10:52, Jon 'maddog' Hall wrote:

> The question I have is whether GNHLUG should be "supporting" this  
> event,
> or put the time and energy into some other event that would have a
> greater payback?  For example, a booth/table at a state or local fair?
> Or find some local "PC show" to have a table?  Or better support of
> Software Freedom Day?  Help organize a summer camp for Free Software?

My sense is that this is the proper approach, though I don't know if  
we can afford or handle the biggest events.

The Hopkinton State Fair website claims 125,000 visitors per day, and  
doesn't publish the cost of their booth space, but I imagine it's way  
more than $50.  If we were a charitable organization perhaps a group  
like that could cut a deal and write it off.

I had fun the last time I got to Hosstraders, though I'm not sure I  
convinced anybody to use free software.  I also imagine the State  
Fair would be less forgiving about a 329' ethernet cable taped along  
the buildings or antennas strapped to trees.  We'd have to upgrade to  
WiMax. :)


Bill McGonigle, Owner   Work: 603.448.4440
BFC Computing, LLC  Home: 603.448.1668
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Cell: 603.252.2606 603.442.1833

gnhlug-org mailing list

Re: Re[2]: Hosstraders/NearFest

2007-08-15 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall

I sent on your information to the organizing committee of the Greater
New Hampshire Linux User's Group (GNHLUG).  They will be getting back to

Thanks for thinking about us.

Warmest regards,


gnhlug-org mailing list

NEARFest - request for participation study/discussion

2007-08-15 Thread Jon 'maddog' Hall

As you know, GNHLUG has had a booth at "Hosstraders" for a long time,
and that last spring a new organization took over called "NEARFest"

This fall, NEARFest is October 12-13, 2007 at Deerfield, as it was last
time.  This fall they have more inside space, but I am told that the
inside space is going fast.  The prices this year are $50. for the space
(approximately 8' long) and $16-17. for the 8' table rental.  This is
about the same as last spring, but is up considerably from what
Hosstraders used to charge us (about $35. for 24' of space and $13. per
table), and the profits were going to the Shriner's Hospitals and Burn

Over the years I have been the main "organizer" (and funder) of this,
with Ben Scott (and his magical CD-burning machine), Ed Lawson, Bill
Sconce, Matt and Heather and others helping out.  If I forgot anyone, I
apologize.  Besides being cold a lot of the time, I always enjoyed
talking to the ham people, and the camaraderie of the other LUG members
(along with the doggie bowls of french fries and the Italian sausages).

However, last year we were testing the "NEARFest" waters, and it was
also on Kentucky Derby weekend, so Ben and I held down the fort one day
and I was by myself the second day. We had no CD burning, and about
three or four people came by and lamented that we did not supply that
service.  I talked to one or two people about FOSS, and those were
mostly people that already knew about it.

In addition to the money, I spent two days of my time (more or less) at
the fairground and Ben showed up for a day (thanks Ben!).  I am not
complaining about this, because it was a "trial", and not very much
publicized, and it WAS Kentucky Derby Day! :-)

GNHLUG people that wanted to sell/unload stuff did that for "price of
admission" outside. Some people did "sell" outside, with what NearFest
calls "tailgating" (an additional $10. for the car and a 10'x10' space,
so $10. total).

This fall I will be in Brazil and Canada during NEARFest days (yes, I
know Brazil and Canada are very far apart, but trust me, that is where I
will be...) so I can not attend.

THEREFORE I think we might take the time to re-evaluate whether GNHLUG
attends this event or not.

Originally GNHLUG went up there to:

o Demonstrate Free Ham Software to the ham radio community
o Sell/Swap/Buy a few old hardware components

We were successful in getting some of the word out, and Ed usually put
together a display of the working Ham software.

Later this changed to:

o Demonstrate Free Software
o Distribute CDs
o Give away old hardware (since no one wanted to buy it)

The question I have is whether GNHLUG should be "supporting" this event,
or put the time and energy into some other event that would have a
greater payback?  For example, a booth/table at a state or local fair?
Or find some local "PC show" to have a table?  Or better support of
Software Freedom Day?  Help organize a summer camp for Free Software?
Or cut back to supporting NEARFest once per year, and do something else
the second part of the year?

Or, taking another tack, should we escalate our support of the event and
give short courses at NEARFest?  One issue here is that the current
management of NEARFest is not very "Linux Friendly" (I think mainly
through ignorance), whereas the HossTrader guys were friendly, but never
gave us the support necessary to put on a course.  Of course we never
really put forth a formal proposal.  Another issue is that in order to
take any "gratis" courses/events we put on, the attendees have to pay
admission to NEARFest (I think it is $10.)

One advantage to Deerfield is that I believe the facilities would better
allow a short course to be given with an LCD projector inside, if we
worked with the organizers to set something up.

If we (well, really *YOU*, since I can not be there) decide to support
NEARFest this fall, please contact AL SHUMAN <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> or
+16034136605  ASAP.

I am sending it to the "org" list, since most of the people on this list
are the ones that would probably organize it, but perhaps this should
also be sent to the "discuss" list.


Jon "maddog" Hall
Executive Director   Linux International(R)
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 80 Amherst St. 
Voice: +1.603.672.4557   Amherst, N.H. 03031-3032 U.S.A.

Board Member: Uniforum Association
Board Member Emeritus: USENIX Association (2000-2006)

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(R)Linux International is a registered trademark in the USA used
   to a license from Linux Mark Institute, authorized licensor of Linus
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