2004-10-30 Thread Joel D'Souza
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Oct 31, 2004

   GOACOM VIDEO NEWS: Video Clip from Goa on the first Session of HERITAGE
JAZZ YATRA organised by Armando Gonsalves of Trancemedia at Rebelo Mansion
at Betalbatim on October 10, 2004, at  http://www.goacom.com/news
Clips_Heritage_Jazz Yatra_1:

   CHECK the latest issue of GoaNOW webzine at http://www.goacom.com/goanow

COUNCIL MUSICAL CHAIRS: While the Mormugao Municipal Council in Vasco - and
more recently in Mapusa Municipal Council - has been rocked by these power
struggles to the detriment of progress, it has now come to light that 11 out
of the 20 councillors of the Mormugao Body had signed an agreement between
themselves to provide 'a stable and efficient Council'.it was unanimously
resolved by them when they endorsed it on 14 February, 2003, that they would
share the 'hot seat' among themselves till October 2004. (WE-GT)

SEX TRADE CRACKED: Four young girls allegedly involved in sex trade in the
coastal belt of Calangute were arrested along with two other persons after
the CID/Crime branch laid a trap for them on Saturday. The four girls are
said to be from the north east region and were in the age group of 22 to 24.
The action against sex trade activities follows complaints by the villagers
of Calangute and the co-operation extended by the police in curbing the
menace. (WE-GT)

SAFETY MEASURES AT OLD GOA: In its report submitted to Archaeological Survey
of India, the Directorate of Fire and Emergency Services has recommended a
number of fire protection measures to be implemented in the heritage
buildings of Basilica of Bom Jesus and Se Cathedral premises at Old Goa.
Consequent to the major fire on October 21 that is estimated to have caused
a loss of more than Rs.50 lakh, the Directorate conducted a fire protection
survey of the building for assessment of specific risk at the heritage site.

CURTORIM RESIDENTS OPPOSE PLANT: The citizens of Curtorim held a meeting on
October 30 to oppose the proposed setting up of a new industrial plant, a
cellular base station and a housing project comprising of about 140 dwelling
units. (NT)

TARGETS FOR FIRE MISHAPS: With nearly 80 per cent of the industrial units
without the mandatory No-Objection Certificates from the Ponda fire
services, the three industrial estates in Kundaim, Marcaim and Bethora in
Ponda taluka have become perfect targets for major fire mishaps. (H)

MAG MEET TODAY: The Motorcycle Action Group has convened on Sunday a public
meeting at the Menezes Braganza Hall, Panaji, to protest the helmet rule and
the "undue harassment" being meted out to them by the state police. (WE-GT)

LURE OF GOA: The tourism season is on the roll and the lure of Goa is not
only attracting millionaires but also destitute orphans. (NT)

BODY FOUND IN A WELL: Calangute police have recovered a body of an
unidentified male aged about 35 years from a well at Candolim. (WE-GT)

REFRAIN FROM BURNING NARKASUR: The Corporation of the City of Panaji has
appealed to the public to refrain from burning effigies of Narkasur on the
roads during the early hours of the Diwali day, that is November 11. (NT)

WHEEL-CHAIR FACILITY FOR SICK, DISABLED: The sick and the disabled who would
wish to pay homage to Goencho Saib during the Exposition will be provided
with special facilities at the venue. (H)

MINOR BOY MOLESTS GIRL: A resident of Divar complained that a 14-year-old
boy trespassed into his home, confined his minor daughter in the house and
then proceeded to undress the girl. The boy then allegedly outraged the
modesty of the girl. (WE-GT)

NRI CENTRE SEMINAR ON GOAN HERITAGE: Contributing to efforts towards the
preservation of Goa's culture and heritage, not only for local residents but
also for visiting NRI Goans, the NRI Facilitation Centre is organizing a
one-day seminar on "Goan Heritage" at Margao on November 6, 2004. The
chairman of the NRI Facilitation Centre, Mr Chandrakant Keni told The
Navhind Times that Goa's tradition needed to be preserved. (NT)

BRITON HELD WITH DRUGS: The anti-narcotic cell of the Goa police arrested a
British national, Martin Hughes, on drug charges after three type of
narcotics were allegedly found in his room at Anjuna two days ago. (H)

LOUTULIM VILLAGERS COMPLAIN: Villagers from Loutulim have complained that
the Town & Country Planning department is being discriminatory in the
implementation of one of its notifications regarding setbacks for different
construction along the entire stretch ranging from Borim Junction via
Loutulim market. (WE-GT)

DEMAND FOR ACTION AGAINST MAMLATDAR: One Egidio Braganza, a resident of

[Goanet]Iffy Angle on IFFI

2004-10-30 Thread Philip Thomas
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Re: S. Rys' on Goa being up and running for IFFI of Oct 30

My friend, yours is the veritable "voice in the wilderness"! It seems what
most people here only care about is the moola to be made (from road type
project contracts, spiralling real estate values, juicy rents etc etc). No
one is bothered about the filmi aspects of the festival!  The spirit of
Cannes is not at all in evidence at least so far on the very eve of the
festival's Goa avatar.

Sure, we will muddle through. Maybe next year people will give proper
thought to the filmi aspects provided IFFI 2004 is not a disaster literally
or figuratively speaking and Goa continues as the permanent venue as
orginially designated.

Keep your fingers crossed!

Re: [Goanet]Re: Vote Kerry and save the world

2004-10-30 Thread Santosh Helekar
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--- Bosco D'Mello <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>It's more about don't vote for Dubya - the greater of
>the two evils. 

Wrong! There is nothing evil about Kerry, or for that
matter, about Bush. This is not an election of the
lesser of two evils. Self-important cynical remarks
like these, made in the above post, are insulting to
the genuine sentiments of the voters in this election,
especially when made by people who are marginally
aware of, or uninterested in, the important issues at

>Kerry remains the un-Presidential looking
President->wannabe !! 

Nonsense! The debates showed Kerry to be much more
presidential than Bush. Indeed, Bush looked like a
bumbling clown in his presence.

>On most serious issues, there has been little or no
>evidence that Kerry would reverse policies that Dubya
>has formulated and implemented..it's all about
>being at the right (wrong) place at the right (wrong)
>time !!

Wrong again! Kerry would reverse almost every Bush

For example, he would repeal the irresponsible tax cut
for the wealthy. He would re-introduce and re-enforce
responsible environmental regulations. He would extend
health care to the uninsured. He would not privatize
social security. He would renegotiate the global
climate change treaty. He would reverse the ban on
embryonic stem cell research. He would enforce
fairness in international trade agreements. He would
ensure that the anti-terrorism laws do not compromise
individual liberties, civil rights and basic human
rights. He would re-impose the assault weapons ban. He
would invite international cooperation and commitment
in securing and rebuilding Iraq. He would not fight
unnecessary wars. He would promote diplomacy in
solving international problems. He would stop the
proliferation of nuclear weapons to multilateral and
bilateral agreements. He would promote research into
alternative sources of energy. He would not be
beholden to corporate interests. He would reduce the
ballooning deficit, pay down the national debt and
impose fiscal discipline once again. He would support
public education and make college education more
accessible to everybody. He would adopt smarter, more
efficient and more effective anti-terrorism measures,
e.g. by holding countries like Saudi Arabia and
Pakistan more accountable. He would not infuse
ideology and religion into the affairs of the public.
He would not support the amendment of the constitution
for trivial ideological reasons. He would not appoint
ideologically driven supreme court justices. 



[Goanet]Road names

2004-10-30 Thread Teotonio R. de Souza
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>On Friday, corporators agreed to drop names like Rua de Ourem, Rua Gov

make way for Goan freedom fighters Mark Fernandes, Peter Alvares, and

[Goanet]Re: Vote Kerry and save the world

2004-10-30 Thread Bosco D'Mello
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On Fri, Oct 29 15:08:28 2004, samir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> To the US citizens among GoaNet members:
> This is a fervent appeal. You have an important and sacred duty in the
> next few days. It is to save the world. A vote for Kerry will save the
> world; a vote for Bush will I am afraid take us to a further mess.

RESPONSE: Samir, considering what transpired in Poinguin after you implored
Goanetters not to vote for I. Ferns...one can only foretell the results of
the US election.:-)

Some Goanetters have shared some wonderful insights and analysis of why
Americans should vote for or against Dubya.While The Economist, Harpers,
Foreign Affairs and other such intellectual media in nearly all streams of
soceity have openly written about incoherent policies of Dubya's
administration..very few make a case to vote for Kerry instead. It's more
about don't vote for Dubya - the greater of the two evils. Kerry remains the
un-Presidential looking President-wannabe !! On most serious issues, there has
been little or no evidence that Kerry would reverse policies that Dubya has
formulated and implemented..it's all about being at the right (wrong) place
at the right (wrong) time !!

Not to be outdone in this media frenzy, even O. B-laden has stepped into the
limelight with the release of his new video that came in straight at number 1 on
the News Networks. It's obvious he wants Dubya to win.for now it appears he
feels Dubya is the only one he can rely on to perpetuate violence against

In recent US history, a President's second term has been pernicious to their
self-image - Reagan (Iran-Contra) and Clinton (Lewinsky-gate). So even if Dubya
rides back into 1600 Penn Ave on his Elephant-faced steed.there possibly
could be further hiccups than those witnessed in his first term.

If Dubya loses Tuesday nightor in December - assuming they are still
counting in FL.;-).Leno, Letterman, O'Brien and the other stand-ups will
not be short on Presidential jokes as Kerry has been a regular feature of their

Heckit's the last Saturday before the US elections.could well be the
last night for Dubya-jokes on Saturday-Night-Live.I'm tuning out of here
into Live-from-New-York:-)

Best wishes - Bosco

Goanet - http://www.goanet.org - Goa's premier mailing list is 10 years old

[Goanet]Goa's 'fun' image in no danger: Deccan Herald. 30 Oct. By Devika Sequeira

2004-10-30 Thread Eddie Fernandes
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Headline: Goa's 'fun' image in no danger
Byline: An attempt to present the 'other' face of Goa did not gather support 
from the Union Minister of Tourism, Renuka Chowdhary at the Goa Mahotsav 
held in Delhi.

Source: Deccan Herald.  30 October 2004 at:

Full text:
It isn't clear what image of Goa the BJP-led government here proposes to 
promote during the International Film Festival of India (IFFI), which is 
being viewed as a great tourism boost for the state.

If he had his way Goa's Minister for Art and Culture Ramrao Dessai would 
like to "erase the false image of Goa as a land of fun, feni and frolic" and 
"westernised" society.

The Goa government has organised a six-day Goa Mahotsav in New Delhi to 
project the 'other' face of this state. But Mr Dessai's pronouncement on 
Tuesday in Delhi before an audience of mainly non-resident Goans and the 
Union Minister for Tourism Renuka Chowdhary fell somewhat flat when the 
event's joint organisers, Goenkaracho Ekvott distributed miniature bottles 
of feni to dignitaries and members of the media.

More embarrassing still, Ms Chowdhary decided to snub the minister for his 
comments. Goa she said, represented the beautiful beaches, the smell of feni 
and pork 'vindaloo'. "There is no better place for Christmas and New Year in 
the country," the union minister remarked even as she promised to promote 
the state as India's number-one tourist destination.

Poorly organised event
Mr Dessai's characteristic remarks were not the only glitch at the poorly 
organised Delhi event. An 80-member dance troupe that travelled all the way 
from Goa ended up performing before an audience of barely 20 persons at the 
Siri Fort Auditorium as Goan officials had forgotten to send out 

Meanwhile the event management of the film festival being held in Goa from 
November 29 to December 9 has been given to the Times Group's 360 Degrees, 
the state government announced recently.

The company is being paid Rs 37 lakh to handle the screening of films on the 
beach, entertainment and ushering at the multiplexes, a government spokesman 
Forwarded by Eddie Fernandes

Thought:  Is the Kala Academy an official alcohol-free zone?  Will it remain 
so for IFFI?
I should be able to let you know in due course since my wife is an official 
IFFI delegate and we are timing out Goa holiday to coincide with the event.

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[Goanet]GoanetReader -- Goa's main corporation switches 21 road names

2004-10-30 Thread GoanetReader
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>From Pamela D'Mello (The Asian Age)

Panaji, Oct 30: Corporators of state capital Panaji okayed proposals to drop
Portuguese names from 21 roads in the city and re-anoint them to honour
freedom fighters and eminent personalities.

The exercise comes nearly four decades after Portugal's ouster from its
former west coast enclave and is the second name change exercise to drop the
names of Portuguese governors and personalities.

Panaji's arterial main roads had already been renamed in the past --- after
Mahatma Gandhi, Dayanand Bandodkar (Goa's first chief minister) and T B
Cunha (Goan freedom fighter). Minor road names -- little known even to
residents of this small town --- were however retained until now.

Road nomenclature became an issue once again when freedom fighters and
saffron groups in the state took offence to plaques and sign posts that
publicised the "pro-Portuguese' names during heritage restoration and city
upgrade projects in recent months.

On Friday, corporators agreed to drop names like Rua de Ourem, Rua Gov
Texeira de Silva, Rua Cruzador Admastor, Rua Diago de Couto among others and
make way for Goan freedom fighters Mark Fernandes, Peter Alvares, and
Viswanath Lawande.

The name changing exercise was not without acrimony. In June this year,
saffron groups vandalised sign posts and plaques to make their point in a
state that plays up its Iberian westernised image to create its tourism
unique selling-point.

Starred hotels in the state opt for flamboyant Portuguese words and imagery
to create ambiance and bolster sales.

Meanwhile, city administrators have also decided to crack down on begging
and hawking in its bid to spruce up the city for the November 29
international film festival of India.

Rs 100 crore (Rs 1000 million) have been sunk into putting up infrastructure
along a narrow strip of waterfront road.
GOANET-READER WELCOMES contributions from its readers, by way of essays,
reviews, features and think-pieces. We share quality Goa-related writing
among the 7000-strong readership of the Goanet/Goanet-news network of
mailing lists. If you appreciated the thoughts expressed above, please send
in your feedback to the writer. Our writers write -- or share what they have
written -- pro bono, and deserve hearing back from those who appreciate
their work. GoanetReader welcomes feedback. Post to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Goanet, 1994-2004, building community and social capital for a decade. 

[Goanet]The second Pinto revolt : Panjim Parrikar ani Pinto Hic!

2004-10-30 Thread Dr. José Colaço
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Cecil Pinto Sat Oct 30 08:56:01 2004

As a person who lives in Miramar and works in Panjim I would suggest that 
you keep your sympathy for Panjim residents to yourselves.>

Dear Mr. Pinto,
I do know that you have some difficulty with the understanding of the 
differences between (1) Owning property in a place (2) Residency  and  (3) 
Voting in an election.

That is understandable.
I know too that you have some difficulty in the understanding of the 
differences between North, Central and South of a State  in any particular 
country (say) in the US.

That is understandable.
Do you also have a problem the comprehension of the English language?
Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! Download today it's FREE! 

[Goanet]GoanetReader -- Goa's main corporation switches 21 road names...

2004-10-30 Thread GoanetReader
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>From Pamela D'Mello (The Asian Age)

Panaji, Oct 30: Corporators of state capital Panaji okayed proposals to drop
Portuguese names from 21 roads in the city and re-anoint them to honour
freedom fighters and eminent personalities.

The exercise comes nearly four decades after Portugal's ouster from its
former west coast enclave and is the second name change exercise to drop the
names of Portuguese governors and personalities.

Panaji's arterial main roads had already been renamed in the past --- after
Mahatma Gandhi, Dayanand Bandodkar (Goa's first chief minister) and T B
Cunha (Goan freedom fighter). Minor road names -- little known even to
residents of this small town --- were however retained until now.

Road nomenclature became an issue once again when freedom fighters and
saffron groups in the state took offence to plaques and sign posts that
publicised the "pro-Portuguese' names during heritage restoration and city
upgrade projects in recent months.

On Friday, corporators agreed to drop names like Rua de Ourem, Rua Gov
Texeira de Silva, Rua Cruzador Admastor, Rua Diago de Couto among others and
make way for Goan freedom fighters Mark Fernandes, Peter Alvares, and
Viswanath Lawande.

The name changing exercise was not without acrimony. In June this year,
saffron groups vandalised sign posts and plaques to make their point in a
state that plays up its Iberian westernised image to create its tourism
unique selling-point.

Starred hotels in the state opt for flamboyant Portuguese words and imagery
to create ambiance and bolster sales.

Meanwhile, city administrators have also decided to crack down on begging
and hawking in its bid to spruce up the city for the November 29
international film festival of India.

Rs 100 crore (Rs 1000 million) have been sunk into putting up infrastructure
along a narrow strip of waterfront road.
GOANET-READER WELCOMES contributions from its readers, by way of essays,
reviews, features and think-pieces. We share quality Goa-related writing
among the 7000-strong readership of the Goanet/Goanet-news network of
mailing lists. If you appreciated the thoughts expressed above, please send
in your feedback to the writer. Our writers write -- or share what they have
written -- pro bono, and deserve hearing back from those who appreciate
their work. GoanetReader welcomes feedback. Post to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Goanet, 1994-2004, building community and social capital for a decade. 

Re: [Goanet]IFFI and sponsored news item

2004-10-30 Thread Lawrie D'souza
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oh people of goean!!

its too late to debate on the IFFI subject. The event
is set for take off as sceduled and no GOAN/PARDESI
GOAN can stop this from happening.

As SAMIR states that the CRORES invested in the IFFI
could have been used to build up the basic facilities
the city lacks.

You need to agitate the GOAN living in GOA

The press/media today is the best source for exposing
the scams and scamsters...

Is it possible in GOA.

We have journalists who bring up topics and then
quickly dissapear from the scene...


If you all know what tehelka means...

new immigrant (not bhailo)

Men are like steel: when they lose their temper, they lose their worth.

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Re: [Goanet]The iffi angle on IFFI

2004-10-30 Thread Lawrie D'souza
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Parrikar has been selling goa left,right and centre.
I don't think an average GOAN knows what this IFFI is

The IITian has taken this decision to impress Delhi
during the BJP RAJ. No fully developed metro accepted
to host the IFFI but our genius stepped forward with
his scheme... 

MP knew the IFFI was no gain but personal GAIN.

He is also aware of the weakness and the attitude of
the goan public.

They will shout for a while and there shut up. Beside
most are engaged in 'bring down thy neighbor"business.

who cares hats happening in Panjim.

If the panjimites were so strong they could have
protested...but they didnot.

the folks will make noice and eventually retire at the

eg. ISIDORE and his re election has proved it all...

> > Samir wrote...
> >
> > It is ironical that some people based in the
> Middle East are boot-licking
> > Parrikar. I have a feeling this camoflagued news
> item is sponsored by the
> > 15 crores of your and my money.

--- Seb dc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> How true!! Shame on those who do...and think of
> those who have made a
> fortune in IFFI name.

Men are like steel: when they lose their temper, they lose their worth.

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail Address AutoComplete - You start. We finish.

Re: [Goanet]IFFI and the "sponsored" news item

2004-10-30 Thread Frederick Noronha(FN)
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From:  "samir_kelekar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date:  Thu Oct 28, 2004  11:13 pm
Subject:  Re: IFFI makes Goa CM Hero No. 1

This issue was discussed recently at
Please see the linked thread.

[Goanet]IFFI and sponsored news item

2004-10-30 Thread graceful
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Dear Gaspar,

The above comment from Samirbab is most unfortunate and pointedly unfair. 
>There are many gold diggers amongst us - but NOT Gaspar Almeida.

While I do not have a logical  understanding of the reasons of Gaspar's
continuous and quite unreasonable
support of Parrikar,
I have not meant that Gaspar is being paid for posting this news item.
However, what I am asking is whether
the news item could be generated out
of a PR agency (some news media) which is sponsored through this Rs. 150 crores.


>Ican safely say that I KNOW of the selflessness with which Gaspar Almeida 
has  helped  Goans especially in the aftermath of the 1991 invasion of 

I don't know Gasparbab, IF any of those Goans even said Thank You to you - 
in return.

But life is such. Kam Zalem, Voiz Melo, or as the Marathi saying goes "Kama 
purta Mama".

Even today Gasparbab, I KNOW that you personally assist MANY a Goan business 
in Goa - without expecting or receiving a single cent in return. If there 
are ANY of those on this net, I hope they will write in and confirm this.

Having said that, Gasparbab, Samir is one of the good guys. He makes a very 
good point. I agree with his concerns.  Further to the concerns raised, I 
ask (yes, from half way around the globe):

WAS this 150 crore IFFI project THE priority for Goa at this point and time?

Do we have clean bedsheets in our hospitals? Do Goans deserve clean 
bedsheets in their hospitals?

Are all the IMPORTANT machines working at GMC?

Are the roads of Goa fixed up to safety standards?

Do Goa's street lights provide adequate illumination?

Are the schools OK?

Are Goa's poor and elderly taken care of?

Are the Goa Freedom Fighters (only the real ones...not those anarchists or 
these NEW 2004 emotional Freedom Fighters ) provided for?

etc etc

These are genuine concerns.

Perhaps the Goa patrakars have been asking these questions ad nauseam. If 
so, Do forgive my queries from afar.

BTW: I went on to the Panjim.net site. You said that it did contain some 
(was it 1997-8) episodes of A View from Afar.

Could you please post the url for those posts? It will be interesting to see 
what was said a good 6 or so years ago.

good wishes


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[Goanet]The 'masochistic' people of Panjim don't need your sympathy

2004-10-30 Thread Gabe Menezes
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From: "Cecil Pinto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, October 30, 2004 7:23 AM
Subject: [Goanet]The 'masochistic' people of Panjim don't need your sympathy

Dear Philip and Jose,
As a person who lives in Miramar and works in Panjim I would suggest that 
you keep your sympathy for Panjim residents to yourselves. The CM is the 
Panjim MLA. Panjim is the Capital City. Crores of money are being poured 
into Panjim. While the recession in the building industry is still to 
recover in the rest of Goa, real estate prices in Panjim are going through 
the roof. We have infrastructure, services and facilities that no other 
city in Goa has. We complain because "we are like that only". But you 
don't see any of us moving to Margao or Mapusa or Ponda do you? Why should 
we when the world is coming to our doorstep? So just keep paying your 
taxes properly and in time and watch with envy as all your money is put 
into bettering Panjim. While the Ponjekars laugh all the way to the bank 
as they rent out their properties at rates comparable to Singapore!

RESPONSE: I am so happy for you and other Panjimites, If rents have reached 
the heady heights of Singapore, why not move out and live on the rent? It 
now transpires that the 4 multiplexes is just one cinema with 4 screens, ( 
as mentioned by Philip Thomas). I don't live in the centre of London - 
rather, Greater London, my local cinema has 15 screens I think! In due 
course I shall rent my place up and move to Goa, hopefully renting at a rate 
higher than H.K. and S'pore. I keep urging my fellow Goenkars to move to 
Goa, where they can enjoy life and at the same time help the economy! 
Unfortunately there are no takers - I believe partly, because of the bad 
press about Road fatalities and the Goa Medical College bed sheets! It does 
not help when many are putting Goa down! I say follow the example of Viviano 


[Goanet]IFFI and the "sponsored" news item

2004-10-30 Thread Dr. José Colaço
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From:  "samir_kelekar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date:  Thu Oct 28, 2004  11:13 pm
Subject:  Re: IFFI makes Goa CM Hero No. 1

Dear Gaspar,
The above comment from Samirbab is most unfortunate and pointedly unfair. 
There are many gold diggers amongst us - but NOT Gaspar Almeida.

I can safely say that I KNOW of the selflessness with which Gaspar Almeida 
has  helped  Goans especially in the aftermath of the 1991 invasion of 

I don't know Gasparbab, IF any of those Goans even said Thank You to you - 
in return.

But life is such. Kam Zalem, Voiz Melo, or as the Marathi saying goes "Kama 
purta Mama".

Even today Gasparbab, I KNOW that you personally assist MANY a Goan business 
in Goa - without expecting or receiving a single cent in return. If there 
are ANY of those on this net, I hope they will write in and confirm this.

Having said that, Gasparbab, Samir is one of the good guys. He makes a very 
good point. I agree with his concerns.  Further to the concerns raised, I 
ask (yes, from half way around the globe):

WAS this 150 crore IFFI project THE priority for Goa at this point and time?
Do we have clean bedsheets in our hospitals? Do Goans deserve clean 
bedsheets in their hospitals?

Are all the IMPORTANT machines working at GMC?
Are the roads of Goa fixed up to safety standards?
Do Goa's street lights provide adequate illumination?
Are the schools OK?
Are Goa's poor and elderly taken care of?
Are the Goa Freedom Fighters (only the real ones...not those anarchists or 
these NEW 2004 emotional Freedom Fighters ) provided for?

etc etc
These are genuine concerns.
Perhaps the Goa patrakars have been asking these questions ad nauseam. If 
so, Do forgive my queries from afar.

BTW: I went on to the Panjim.net site. You said that it did contain some 
(was it 1997-8) episodes of A View from Afar.

Could you please post the url for those posts? It will be interesting to see 
what was said a good 6 or so years ago.

good wishes

please visit "NEW" on The Goan Forum at http://www.colaco.net
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[Goanet]RE: Goa is up and running for IFFI

2004-10-30 Thread Rys S
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Hi Goanetters!
Besides those technical information, do anyone know who are the guest stars 
- from Bollywood & Hollywood? Since that is the main thing people will see 
first and which help tomake the IFFI great!

Date: Fri, 29 Oct 2004 12:23:46 -0700 (PDT)
From: Goan Voices <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet]Goa is up and running for IFFI
Goa is up and running for IFFI
Raju Nayak
Posted online: Friday, October 29, 2004
Goa’s capital Panaji has been spruced up in time for
the International Film Festival of India. The capital,
which happens to be the constituency of Chief Minister
Manohar Parrikar, is receiving a major face-lift. Kala
Academy, the state’s showcase of culture near the
Miramar beachfront, too has got a new look. The old
Goa medical complex has been overhauled completely and
can now rightfully bear the tag of a premier heritage
Adjacent to this, four multiplexes replete with ultra
modern facilities, are nearing completion. The
promenade along this entire stretch, ranging from
Patto to Dona Paula alongside the Mandovi river, will
be the jewel in the crown of Panaji. Gutters are being
cleaned up, lakes have been dredged, all old heritage
buildings are being given a face-lift and traffic
islands and other landscapes being beautified.
With an outlay of Rs 150 crore, Panaji is all dressed
up to parade before the world. The opposition Congress
party has been railing about the neglect of the
mofussil areas in the state that have inadequate water
supply, electricity, medical and transport facilities,
with the entire focus shifting to the capital city.
Goa has been the focal point of the tourism industry.
And residents here opine that the long term benefits
of IFFI will be beneficial to the state as a whole
with the infrastructural facilities proving a boon to
the influx of tourists—both from within the country
and abroad.
courtesy: SCREEN Weekly
- Forwarded by AlmeidaG(ji), www.goa-world.com
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[Goanet]Lambert Mascarenhas says OUT WITH THE BJP. TOO LATE Shri Lambhott! TOO LATE!

2004-10-30 Thread Dr. José Colaço
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In this morning's Goan Observer Lambert Mascarenhas writes a VIEWPOINT

TOO LATE Mr. Mascarenhas TOO LATE
If there were signs of a preventable disease - and the Doctors SAT ON THE 
FENCE and instead of doing what they could, the DOCTORS would be rightly 
sued and punished for negligence.

Parents are blamed IF their young children go astray
Teachers are blamed if their students consistently perform poorly.
What do you think about THOSE who write stories and editorials in the 
Newspapers - and form political opinions of the young, Mr. Mascarenhas?

The poison of communalism is NOT a new phenomenon  is it?
WHAT did you do when you had the opportunity as Editor of Navhind Times and 
later the Publisher and Editor of Goa Today?

What did our Goa Patrakars who followed youdo?
Don't tell me that you expected non-Goan Patrakars to do anything about it?
As far as I am concerned, You Mr. Mascarenhas SAT on the FENCE. You never 
bothered to truly revisit the plight of Goans who struggled in their own 
little Land which continued to Sorrow and Bleed.

Thank God for the likes of Rajan Narayan and Ethel da Costa
And Thank God for the likes of Floriano Lobo, Goa Suraj folks, Datta Naik 
and Francisco Colaco.

But...trust me.it is too late.
The Communal Forces have come to stay. Now, there is nothing You or anyone 
else can do to get the BJP out.

As the saying goes: Beware of inviting the Snake to get rid of the pesky 
Rats. After gobbling the rats, the Snake will bite you!

You invited the Snake, You suffer the bite. Pity that the Snake will bite 
others too.

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[Goanet]The 'masochistic' people of Panjim don't need your sympathy

2004-10-30 Thread Cecil Pinto
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Philip Thomas wrote:
The people of Panjim seem to be masochists to tolerate the wholesale
upheaval being wrought by last minute IFFI and Exposition preparations all
the way from Old Goa/Ribandar to Miramar and Dona Paula. It really didnt
have to be done this crude and heavy handed way.
Jose Colaco wrote:
I totally agree with you. The people of Panjim are indeed masochists. In
fact they are cyclic masochists. Every 40 or so years, they "tolerate
wholesale upheaval being wrought" on their lives in a "crude and heavy
handed way".'They are like that only'
Dear Philip and Jose,
As a person who lives in Miramar and works in Panjim I would suggest that 
you keep your sympathy for Panjim residents to yourselves. The CM is the 
Panjim MLA. Panjim is the Capital City. Crores of money are being poured 
into Panjim. While the recession in the building industry is still to 
recover in the rest of Goa, real estate prices in Panjim are going through 
the roof. We have infrastructure, services and facilities that no other 
city in Goa has. We complain because "we are like that only". But you don't 
see any of us moving to Margao or Mapusa or Ponda do you? Why should we 
when the world is coming to our doorstep? So just keep paying your taxes 
properly and in time and watch with envy as all your money is put into 
bettering Panjim. While the Ponjekars laugh all the way to the bank as they 
rent out their properties at rates comparable to Singapore!


[Goanet]Incompetent or the incoherent? - Economist

2004-10-30 Thread Gabe Menezes
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The incompetent or the incoherent?
Oct 28th 2004
From The Economist print edition

With a heavy heart, we think American readers should vote for John Kerry on 
November 2nd

YOU might have thought that, three years after a devastating terrorist 
attack on American soil, a period which has featured two wars, radical 
political and economic legislation, and an adjustment to one of the biggest 
stockmarket crashes in history, the campaign for the presidency would be an 
especially elevated and notable affair. If so, you would be wrong. This 
year's battle has been between two deeply flawed men: George Bush, who has 
been a radical, transforming president but who has never seemed truly up to 
the job, let alone his own ambitions for it; and John Kerry, who often seems 
to have made up his mind conclusively about something only once, and that 
was 30 years ago. But on November 2nd, Americans must make their choice, as 
must The Economist. It is far from an easy call, especially against the 
backdrop of a turbulent, dangerous world. But, on balance, our instinct is 
towards change rather than continuity: Mr Kerry, not Mr Bush.

Whenever we express a view of that sort, some readers are bound to protest 
that we, as a publication based in London, should not be poking our noses in 
other people's politics. Translated, this invariably means that protesters 
disagree with our choice. It may also, however, reflect a lack of awareness 
about our readership. The Economist's weekly sales in the United States are 
about 450,000 copies, which is three times our British sale and roughly 45% 
of our worldwide total. All those American readers will now be pondering how 
to vote, or indeed whether to. Thus, as at every presidential election since 
1980, we hope it may be useful for us to say how we would think about our 
vote-if we had one.

The case against George Bush
That decision cannot be separated from the terrible memory of September 
11th, nor can it fail to begin as an evaluation of the way in which Mr Bush 
and his administration responded to that day. For Mr Bush's record during 
the past three years has been both inspiring and disturbing.
Mr Bush was inspiring in the way he reacted to the new world in which he, 
and America, found itself. He grasped the magnitude of the challenge well. 
His military response in Afghanistan was not the sort of poorly directed 
lashing out that Bill Clinton had used in 1998 after al-Qaeda destroyed two 
American embassies in east Africa: it was a resolute, measured effort, which 
was reassuringly sober about the likely length of the campaign against Osama 
bin Laden and the elusiveness of anything worth the name of victory. 
Mistakes were made, notably when at Tora Bora Mr bin Laden and other leaders 
probably escaped, and when following the war both America and its allies 
devoted insufficient military and financial resources to helping Afghanistan 
rebuild itself. But overall, the mission has achieved a lot: the Taliban 
were removed, al-Qaeda lost its training camps and its base, and Afghanistan 
has just held elections that bring cautious hope for the central 
government's future ability to bring stability and prosperity.
The biggest mistake, though, was one that will haunt America for years to 
come. It lay in dealing with prisoners-of-war by sending hundreds of them to 
the American base at Guantánamo Bay in Cuba, putting them in a legal limbo, 
outside the Geneva conventions and outside America's own legal system. That 
act reflected a genuinely difficult problem: that of having captured people 
of unknown status but many of whom probably did want to kill Americans, at a 
time when to set them free would have been politically controversial, to say 
the least. That difficulty cannot neutralise the damage caused by this 
decision, however. Today, Guantánamo Bay offers constant evidence of 
America's hypocrisy, evidence that is disturbing for those who sympathise 
with it, cause-affirming for those who hate it. This administration, which 
claims to be fighting for justice, the rule of law and liberty, is 
incarcerating hundreds of people, whether innocent or guilty, without trial 
or access to legal representation. The White House's proposed remedy, namely 
military tribunals, merely compounds the problem.
When Mr Bush decided to frame his foreign policy in the sort of language and 
objectives previously associated with Woodrow Wilson, John Kennedy or Ronald 
Reagan, he was bound to be greeted with cynicism. Yet he was right to do so. 
To pa

[Goanet]Re: A royal snub to the Congress and Goa's Lap Dancing patrakars

2004-10-30 Thread Dr. José Colaço
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"samir_kelekar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I do not understand why Samir is all so upset about this International 
Standard comment by the new Goa Governor.

Has he not heard of Dacca, Karachi, Dafur, Havana and Port u Prince?
Are they NOT International cities?
BTW:  What else do you expect from Politcians & those lap-dancing Patrakars 
who get so hot under the collar when you point out errors in their FAKE 
stories. which are then spread.

Please see HOW a 1983 built Daman bridge was credited to the Portuguese by a 
"staff reporter"

I wonder IF any corrections to this untruth were ever sent out and printed. 
Or was it "I have had my say & I will NOT engage in endless discussions 
about my fake details" etc etc

Daman was a Portuguese colony until it was returned to India in 1961. The 
bridge, built by the Portuguese, was only wide enough for one-way traffic 
and had been in disrepair for years, according to Daman residents.

also parotted in
* in the Indo-Asian News Service
* http://www.goanet.org/pipermail/goanet/2003-August/004561.html
The tragedy occurred when a 90-metre section of a Portuguese-built bridge 
over the Daman Ganga river collapsed. Among the victims ...
* in.news.yahoo.com/030830/43/27e3y.html

* http://indiaexpress.com/news/regional/gujarat/20030828-0.html
* http://www.usatoday.com/news/world/2003-08-28-india-bridge_x.htm
accepted as truth and mentioned here* 

Goa Media Watch
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[Goanet]Bush declares himself unfit to serve.

2004-10-30 Thread Gabe Menezes
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Bush declares himself unfit to serve;
Economist agrees
10/29/2004 -
Although stopping short of withdrawing from the race, George W. Bush on 
Wednesday declared himself unfit to serve as president.

"A political candidate who jumps to conclusions without knowing the facts is 
not a person you want as commander-in-chief," the president said.

Some analysts interpreted the remarks as a dig at John Kerry for the 
latter's assault on the administration's now-documented failure to secure 
several hundred tons of very high explosives, RDX and HMX, under UN seal at 
Al Qa Qaa in Iraq.

Other observers noted that the president has seemed more pensive and 
introspective in recent days, possibly as a result of an unrelenting barrage 
of negative news afflicting the reality-based community adjacent to the 
White House, and speculated that he may simply be so overwhelmed by events 
and confetti that he's ready to call it a day, in which case his supporters 
may feel obligated to put him out to pasture before he collapses entirely.

The Economist piles on
If so, the president isn't alone in wishing he could just go away. The 
Economist, a highly conservative London-based magazine with nearly a 
half-million U.S. subscribers, yesterday endorsed John Kerry in an editorial 
entitled "The incompetent or the incoherent?"
By having far too few soldiers to provide security and by failing to pay 
Saddam's remnant army, a task that was always going to be long and hard has 
been made much, much harder. Such incompetence is no mere detail: thousands 
of Iraqis have died as a result and hundreds of American soldiers. The 
eventual success of the mission, while still possible, has been put in 
unnecessary jeopardy. So has America's reputation in the Islamic world, both 
for effectiveness and for moral probity.

If Mr Bush had meanwhile been making progress elsewhere in the Middle East, 
such mistakes might have been neutralised. But he hasn't. Israel and 
Palestine remain in their bitter conflict, with America readily accusable of 
bias. In Iran the conservatives have become stronger and the country has 
moved closer to making nuclear weapons. Egypt, Syria and Saudi Arabia have 
not turned hostile, but neither have they been terribly supportive nor 
reform-minded. Libya's renunciation of WMD is the sole clear piece of 

This only makes the longer-term project more important, not less. To 
succeed, however, America needs a president capable of admitting to mistakes 
and of learning from them. Mr Bush has steadfastly refused to admit to 
anything: even after Abu Ghraib, when he had a perfect opportunity to 
dismiss Donald Rumsfeld, the defence secretary, and declare a new start, he 
chose not to. Instead, he treated the abuses as if they were a low-level, 
disciplinary issue. Can he learn from mistakes? The current approach in 
Iraq, of training Iraqi security forces and preparing for elections to 
establish an Iraqi government with popular support, certainly represents an 
improvement, although America still has too few troops. And no one knows, 
for example, whether Mr Rumsfeld will stay in his job, or go. In the end, 
one can do no more than guess about whether in a second term Mr Bush would 
prove more competent.
Bob Smith piles on
Elsewhere, former US senator Bob Smith, a very conservative New Hampshire 
Republican, joined the lengthening parade of Republicans endorsing John 
Kerry for president. Although Smith's counterpart on the Republican "left" 
(as if there's such a thing), Lincoln Chaffee of Rhode Island, didn't 
actually endorse Kerry-he just said he couldn't vote for Bush-the two 
Republicans and all those in between who've abandoned him, represent the 
entire spectrum of the GOP absent the messianic wing.
Deep in Al Qa Qaa: the missing explosives pile on
The Pentagon, meanwhile, in a bizarre piece of performance art that may well 
prove to have been a Democratic dirty trick, produced a witness who told 
reporters that while he definitely blew up something near Al Qa Qaa, it 
wasn't the 370 tons of very high explosives that the International Atomic 
Energy Agency (IAEA) had warned the U.S. was in storage at the facility and 
that an embedded television news crew taped as U.S. soldiers broke the IAEA 
seals and walked off leaving the doors unlocked.
"I'm Osama bin Laden and I approve this message"
It seems like a year ago that the primary topic of discussion was why the 
U.S. didn't go after bin Laden more forcefully when he was trapped at Tora 
Bora (click here for a handy Tora Bora timeli

Re: [Goanet]The iffi angle on IFFI

2004-10-30 Thread Seb dc
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> Samir wrote...
> It is ironical that some people based in the Middle East are boot-licking
> Parrikar. I have a feeling this camoflagued news item is sponsored by the
> 15 crores of your and my money.

How true!! Shame on those who do...and think of those who have made a
fortune in IFFI name.

> The best thing that the Goan people can do is to boycott IFFI.

Only the hotel lobby will benefit in my opinion, not goans working in there.
Nothing here for Goans, but only a screen on the beach.

> Sure, a lot of people optimistically believe that things will be lovely in
> Panjim when all the work is over. But what guarantee is there that the
> powers that be wont  come up with some new harebrained ideas to keep
> from ever settling down? And who knows what the quality of the rush
> infrastructure jobs will really be like in the next monsoon or two. There
> may be enough re-work to keep things topsy-turvy in perpetuity. Heaven
> us Panjimites is all I can say.

Only time will tell if the multiplexes can withstand the test of
time...After all it only takes a second to replace the H with a Z :-))


[Goanet]Iffy Angle on IFFI

2004-10-30 Thread Philip Thomas
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Re: Goan Voices' on "Goa is up and running for IFFI" of Oct 29

Fyi, there is at least one factual error in the piece. It is incorrect to
say that "there are four multiplexes" nearing completion. In fact it is just
ONE multiplex with four screens. Goes to show that our IFFI organisers (or
Panjimites for that matter!) dont seem to know the difference between a
multiplex and a hot potato!