[Goanet]Executive dunnit

2005-03-24 Thread Carlos
Executive dunnit

When the executive uses compliant speakers to subvert the will of the House

Posted online: Thursday, March 24, 2005 at  hours IST

MR Speaker, I beg to raise a point of order. You invited the presiding 
officers of the state assemblies to discuss the “separation of powers” 
between the legislative and the judicial wings, a wall you believe may be 

A good lawyer might make a case that the Supreme Court trespassed on the 
Jharkhand Assembly's prerogatives. Yet the presiding officers' conference 
would not debate the events in the Jharkhand Vidhan Sabha. It is a poor work 
on anatomy that ignores flesh and blood to talk only of the skeleton! Can one 
understand their Lordships' directive without reference not just to Jharkhand, 
but to Goa, and even farther back? Who subverted the independence of the 
House? the executive or the judiciary? And what was the role of the speaker in 
each case?

The doctrine of separation of powers rises from Montesquieu's theory of checks 
and balances. In Jharkhand as in Goa, wasn't it the executive whether 
governor or chief minister using a compliant presiding officer to impose his 
will on the House? If the delicate balance was disturbed and I agree it was  
wasn't it a case of the Supreme Court checking the executive to preserve 
legislative freedom? In truth, the apex court repeatedly expressed its 
reluctance to step in.

On July 28, 1993, the Jharkhand Mukti Morcha bailed out the Narasimha Rao 
ministry in a No-Confidence Motion. The CBI found evidence of bribery. Four 
MPs - Shibu Soren, Suraj Mandal, Simon Marandi, and Shailendra Mahato (who 
turned approver) - were named, along with several Congress and Janata Dal 
(Ajit) members. The Supreme Court let them off, hoping Parliament would 
discipline its own. Which speaker of the Lok Sabha has initiated such a 

This wasn't the only case of the Supreme Court's confidence in the 
legislatures. In March 1964, the Uttar Pradesh Assembly jailed Keshav Singh 
for contempt of the House. The Lucknow Bench of the Allahabad High Court gave 
him bail. Speaker Madan Mohan Varma then ordered both judges jailed. The full 
bench of the Allahabad High Court prohibited implementation of the speaker's 
edict. The Supreme Court, to whom President Radhakrishnan referred the issue, 
observed, In a modern State it is often necessary for the good of the country 
that parallel powers should exist in different authorities. It is not 
inevitable that such powers will clash.

There was a rider. During the fourteen years that the Constitution has been 
in operation, the legislature have not done anything to justify the view that 
they do not deserve to be trusted with power. The question of what might 
happen if legislators proved undeserving wasn't answered. In those innocent 
times, it was perhaps thought unnecessary. Which presiding officer has 
codified the privileges of the legislature? 

Three years later, in 1967, no party enjoyed a majority in West Bengal. Ajoy 
Kumar Mukherjee defected from the Congress, joining the Marxists in the United 
Front. Governor Dharam Vira dismissed the coalition ministry, and Dr P.C. 
Ghosh took office. Speaker Bejoy Kumar Banerjee refused to recognise the 
Progressive Democratic Alliance, ruling it was the exclusive power of the 
House to make and unmake ministries. The P.C. Ghosh ministry resigned. 
Speaker Bannerjee became the toast of the chatterati. (Even if it meant a 
spectacularly decrepit regime where Chief Minister Mukherjee sat on dharna 
outside Writers' Building against his own government!) Granted that the 
governor had no right to dismiss a ministry enjoying the House's confidence, 
could a speaker arbitrarily refuse to recognise ministers? 

The question returned to haunt Tamil Nadu in 1972 when the AIADMK broke away 
from the ruling DMK. Speaker K.A. Mathiazhagan backed the MGR wing. The DMK 
pushed for his removal but Mathiazhagan refused to take notice of anything it 
said. It ended in a farcical situation where Deputy Speaker P. Sreenivasan sat 
in the speaker's lap to conduct proceedings! 

Goa and Jharkhand were in the best traditions of this theatre of the absurd. 
Speaker Vishwas Satarkar disqualified an MLA to save the BJP-led ministry. 
Speaker Pro-tem Francisco Sardinha proved just as petty as his predecessor. 
But it was left to Pradeep Kumar Balmuchu to take desecration of democracy to 
new depths - the speaker pro-tem of Jharkhand disqualified himself from 
conducting a vote of confidence, piously quoting the Lok Sabha Speaker as he 
did so! 

When the presiding officers are blatantly partisan, who but the judiciary can 
redress the balance? The courts have forgiven errors all too long. (Manipur 
Speaker Dr H. Borobabu Singh was even pardoned his open defiance of the 
Supreme Court.) The presiding officer is the servant of the House. In the 
cases cited above, the speaker's purpose seemed to be furthering a particular 

[Goanet]Don't find national insult in a rejected visa!

2005-03-24 Thread Gabe Menezes
Dilip DSouza.
Don't find national insult in a rejected visa!

March 23, 2005

You know the barrel of ideas is at its bottom-scraping emptiest when
you start hearing the hollow comparisons to M K Gandhi. Revile him as
a coward when convenient, reduce his legacy to a caricature -- but
when you need to rally public support, there remain few better ways,
even today, than to invoke his name.

Then again, maybe that's the caricature, right there. Maybe it lies in
the use of Gandhi to lend legitimacy to anything at all, even by
people who ordinarily have contempt for him. And yet, when they do it,
they blithely give themselves away: they have nothing to offer, no
argument to make, no way to persuade us of their virtues. Therefore,
they make the Gandhi comparison.

As now, when a man's application for a US visa is turned down. No,
this does not cause him to reflect on the horrible perversion of
justice that led to this rejection. No, it does not persuade his
supporters that the best way to ensure he does get a visa next time --
if he really wants one, as he seems to -- is to speedily restore
justice to a land starved of it.

Callous US, guilty Bush

No, all we see is the man doing what he does so efficiently when
criticised, as after the violence in his state three years ago. He
paints that criticism as an assault on eye-catching ideas like
'asmita' and 'swabhimaan.' Your asmita, my asmita. Your swabhimaan, my
swabhimaan. Why these are under attack because he is criticised, we
must not ask. We must simply feel it, that's all. Because he knows
that if we do, we'll get riled by the attack, and rally behind him.

Or perhaps that's the caricature, right there. In the way a yearning
for justice after indiscriminate slaughter is dismissed as an insult.

So it's no surprise to hear that his rejected visa is an attack on the
Indian Constitution, on India, on our Indian-ness itself. You and I
are supposed to be insulted, our swabhimaan torn to shreds.

'It's an issue of swabhimaan': Modi

And just in case that seems like a bit of a stretch to you -- it does
to me -- he has that man Gandhi ready to be trotted out. 'A man from
Gujarat was thrown out of a train in South Africa!' he intones from
the stage of a 'swabhimaan' rally, reminding us of the incident that
was seared into a nation's psyche. Suggesting to us that his rejection
is made of the same stuff. Suggesting to us, too, that maybe he
himself is made of the same stuff as that man.

Or is that the caricature?

But of course, it isn't the same stuff. Because Gandhi would have
known, and made his opinion known unequivocally -- the killing in his
state three years ago was not just a great crime. It was also
injustice greater by far than when he was pushed onto that platform in
Pietermaritzburg. And a rejected visa doesn't compare to either.

We know this. The visa-deprived man knows it. Yet as chief minister,
he will do nothing to apply justice to those killings: a dereliction
of Constitutional duty that, anywhere else, at a minimum, would have
cost him his job. He knows that too. Which is why his defence is the
bluster that he has not been convicted by any court, and he won an

Well, true. But then that's our stellar Indian history. Massacres like
we saw in Gujarat are never punished. Not a single Indian politician
embroiled in legal cases has been convicted. And plenty of them have
won elections nevertheless. This one is no different.

So where does all this leave him? In a place where he has to fall back
on that hero from a generation gone by, still hero to millions.

And in doing that, he finds more caricature. He urges us to take
inspiration from that man in a way that is so absurd it is funny. 'Let
us pledge to work for such a day,' he announced at the same
'swabhimaan' rally, 'when an American will have to stand in line for
entry into Gujarat.'

This is now what makes up our swabhimaan, our self-respect: the stuff,
whatever it is, that will make us make others stand in line. Make us
'work for such a day.' Make us, in fact, 'pledge to work for such a
day.' As caricatures go, that's a riot.

Enough caricature. Let me spend a few final paragraphs addressing
these things, self-respect and nationhood. How do you build them,

To begin with, by knowing what doesn't build them.

You don't build self-respect by making other people stand in line.

You don't build it by finding insult in a rejected visa.

You don't build it by pretending mass murder never happened, or it
isn't that big a deal, or that some of it was merely retaliation so
it's OK.

These are the things that destroy self-respect. They chip away at any
idea of a nation.

On the other hand, one measure does build self-respect and pride:
justice, firmly and swiftly applied. Nothing less. Stripped to its
essence, this was that man Gandhi's message. This was his vision for

Especially at a time when so many people presume to tell you 

[Goanet]RE: Agree with Santosh Helekar re: Funda Mental

2005-03-24 Thread jose colaco
Santosh Helekar suggested: Religious fundamentalists who choose to cause 
physical harm to such individuals should be prosecuted

Cip Fernandes [EMAIL PROTECTED] asks: However, under what laws 
Religious fundamentalists could be prosecuted?who has the authority to 
prosecute? ..and in which country Religious fundamentalists could be 

JC's response:
Well said Santosh
Hopefully we will all have noted that you are asking THEM to be prosecuted 
NOT because THEY are  Religious fundamentalists, but IF THEY cause physical 

IF ANYONE causes physical harm to another, that person is liable for Civil 
as well as Criminal actions.

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[Goanet]RE: Assistance! Rent Out or Lease?

2005-03-24 Thread jose colaco
From: domnic fernandes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
A piece of advice for future:
As far as renting of a house is concerned, try not to enter into a long term 
agreement but go for a short term agreement called “INSTRUMENT OF LICENSE” 
valid for eleven (11) months only.  It is suggested that you collect six 
months rent in advance from the LICENSEE at the time of signing the 
agreement.  The rent for the remaining five months should be made available 
by the LICENSEE to the LICENSOR before the end of the sixth month.  If 
he/she is unable to pay the balance at the end of the sixth month, issue 
him/her a month’s notice and make him/her vacate the house.  If the LICENSEE 
does not agree to these terms, do not allow him/her to occupy your house.  
Make sure you do not include the word “tenant” in your agreement.  Also, 
avoid using the word rent; you may instead use the words licensee fee.

Domnic Fernandes
Anjuna/Dhahran, KSA
Earlier  preetam rana wrote the following:
Seeking your opinion and advise, i may not be a subscriber to the goanet but 
heard a lot about it for the benefit of Goans.A friend of mine has rented a 
house in Goa he is a goan , and rented it to a non goan , for the last 
several  months the tenant has not been paying and the tenant is threatening 
the  landlord that he is ready to fight in the court, the agreement says the 
landlord can eithe give one months notice to the tenant or evict him anytime 
shoudl he fail to pay, but the tenant is refusing to vacate.

He has even deployed security personnel inside the house. The agreement 
started in 2003 and ends in 2006 , can the landlord file a criminal 
complaint in the police  station if so under what clause/section? Or is 
there any other alternate way to get rid of such people who behave as honest 
people in the begining but later are a nuisance to goa and goans? My friend 
is an elderly person and he cannot run to the court as court matters 
normally take years to pronounce a judgement.

Should he try what the crooks try by hiring some goons and evicting such 
outsiders ? Please advise

Thanks in anticipation for all those who will assist.

Dear Dominic,
Thanks for that post.
Your advice makes very good sense. Cecil Pinto too has very sound advice re: 
the goons. Don't know on WHAT basis the Police could be involved in a civil 
law matter.  If the goons actually threaten a person, SURE; other wise ?  
Anyway, there is an article on the website which might interest Preetam.

It is called:   Goa: House Swiping
It's at http://www.colaco.net
Look under TGF Editorials
good wishes

Cecil Pinto wrote:
Dear Preetam,
Hiring goons is an effective way of getting rid of problem tenants but 
consider the following:

1) What if the goons then take over the property and ask for vast sums of 
money to vacate? You cannot then approach the courts because you have 
already committed an illegality by using muscle power to get rid of the 
tenants. It's a never ending circle.

2) You say the crooks hire goons. All the crooks are currently out of power 
and spending all their energies in poaching crooks from other parties by 
incentives and threats. Goons are very expensive these days.

I suggest you approach the cops. Whenever there is President's Rule it is 
the executive who are kings, specially the cops as there are no politicians 
breathing over their shoulders with threats of transfers and demotions. In 
fact this is the only viable option for you right now. All the goons have 
gone undercover as their political godfathers are out of power and cannot 
get them released from jail.

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2005-03-24 Thread A. Veronica Fernandes
This is the Lent season and only three more days are left for culminating 
this season into Easter.  Today is Maundy Thursday.  Lot of people from 
different nationalities and regions seen attending the Church Service in 
Kuwait City Church which was packed to capacity, so the Hall and even in the 
Compound.  Goa’s Catholicism has got unique distinction of singing Motets 
during Lent season especially during the last few days before Easter.  What 
is Motet?  It is a most sorrowful song of the sufferings of Jesus Christ.  
The Motets are sung in different voice and they popular only in few places 
in the Catholic World, Goa is one such place blessed by the songs called 
Motets.  Its origin goes into antiquity; it is difficult to say exactly when 
it came into being and who composed these sorrowful songs in Latin since 
original Motets were composed in Latin.  The way no body knows who composed 
Solfas in five lines as we call them as Roman and not Gregorian so nobody 
knows who composed the Motets.

My first and primary education was in Church School, which then was called 
as Parochial School where we were taught Konkani in Roman script to write 
and read.  After acquiring the knowledge of reading and writing Konkani, we 
were taught Music to sing, write and play on Violin.  This was done with the 
help of one particular Music Book called “Arte”.  As a very young boy of 
Parochial School I was also a member of our village Choir and during the 
Lent season I along with my other colleagues we were selected to sing 
Motets.  In 1959 when I was very young boy, I was also a member of our Choir 
that recorded 3 Motets at Emisora de Goa and one individual “Veronica – Exce 
Vidimus”.  That was the first incident of mine to interact with the great 
music luminaries of Goa at Emisora de Goa like Antoninho Desouza, Dioginho 
Demello, his sister Izmenia Demello, Baldino Araujo and may more who were 
also recording their songs.  One of the Motets that we recorded then was 
“Filius Et Jerusalem” and the other “Nolite Flere”.  Our Church Mistir 
Santano played Organ while Andre Cursino played Clarinet and Violin played 
by Gonsalves who had just come that time from Kuwait but very smart 
violinist.  While singing these Motets the listeners feel like crying 
because the tune is such that makes you cry even though you need not 
understand the words in Latin.  Earlier in Kuwait some of our seniors used 
to sing and play Motets in the Church especially when Bishop Estella was 
ruling Kuwait Church.  Bishop Estelala was the first Bishop of Kuwait, he 
was an Italian but was very good friend of Goan community because of their 
love for singing religious songs.  Pascoal Pereira from Majorda and Diogo 
Fernandes from Pomburpa were two known persons who were leading Motets 
singing in Kuwait Church.  Because of its taste some of the Europeans in 
Kuwait especially used to attend the Services during Maundy Thursdays and 
Good Fridays because these two days are known for singing such songs.

In Goa today and tomorrow, late at night time, All India Radio Panjim will 
broadcast some of the beautiful Motets and those who are interested in it 
they will not miss this opportunity.  These Motets are very interesting.  
Some of our old tiatrists like Minguel Rod many times used sentimental and 
sad tunes for their “Cantos” based on Motets.  Minguel Rod was very good in 
Motets like Alexinho de Candolim and both these tiatrists enriched their 
tiatros by using sorrowful tunes for their Cantos from Motets.  As far as 
Alexinho de Candolim is concerned, I know him personally well and because of 
our relationship I used to call him “Mama”.  Many times in the Church I had 
an opportunity to sing Motets along with him and as a matter of fact, he was 
an exceptionally gifted Motet singer.  His voice was very beautiful and as a 
student of Parochial school he mastered the art of singing Motets.  Most of 
the popular Motets he knew very well.  My love for Motets is great and 
during the Lent time I really miss the opportunity to listen to Motets 
because of my being in Kuwait where nowadays in our Church nobody sings nor 
nobody plays the tune of Motets and unfortunately to my regret if I am not 
mistaken nobody must be knowing what is Motet.  This is the sad part of the 

In mid and late sixties many of the original Motets were translated into 
Konkani so that people can know the meaning of the words and enjoy better.  
But still the greatness and beauty in the translated Motet is less, original 
is original.  There is lot of deficiencies in the Konkani version and only 
those who know both the versions can make out this gap.  However, one cannot 
discard totally the greatness of Konkani version.  For example one Motet 
sung as:

“Raianchi Bhett kantti, divun tachea hathan,
Kenneo tacheo korun, jinsanvar,
Hai Mojea, Jesus!!.
The tune of this Motet is very sorrowful and sentimental and one who listens 
to this Motet he must get 


2005-03-24 Thread Sanny Vaz
Please don’t delude yourself into thinking that you’re doing that when you 
some ulterior motive in mind.  You may actually be helping someone, or doing
something for them, but if you do it with a secret, selfish motive, it just
isn’t the same thing. You may fool everyone else, but you’ll find it almost
impossible to fool yourself..
	Oh, there are many people who put up a great front of total altruism. 
everything they do is to help others, or so they would have you believe.  
down deep they know that they choose the people for whom they wish to do 
for purposes of their own. Either that or they have a martyr complex which 
have to satisfy, which is just as selfish a reason for helping others as any
other.. Be honest now, would you go as far out of your way for someone who 
absolutely nothing to you as you would for a person who might throw some
business your way, or who might return the favor in one fashion or another? 
think not. Don’t get me wrong, I’m suggesting that every time you do 
for someone it has to be completely unselfish and altruistic. As I said 
not only is this impossible, but not too desirable either.
	On the other hand, if you never help anyone without a selfish motive in 
(and too many of us go through life behaving this way) you will have a tough
time relieving that loneliness.  Forget what you want for a moment, and 
think of
what the other person wants. If you will only realize, that everyone has
basically the same desires and hopes that you do, you may find this easier 
do.  I don’t wish to go into a lot of examples of how certain people attain
their own desires while earnestly striving for others. You can observe such
examples in our daily life and find more in the biography of any successful
person; in any book which teaches you how to attain, or prepares you for,
	You’ll discover the truth of this once you really and earnestly try doing 
others as you would for yourself. No – I don’t mean “Do unto others, etc.” I
mean do for others. I’ve been a little careful about following the “Golden 
too literally, because it does not take into consideration the completely
different tastes and preferences of different people… Doing unto others, as 
would have them do unto you is fine when you know that the others in 
like the same things that you do. As an extreme example, I certainly 
wouldn’t be
too happy about a masochist applying the golden rule to me! What he would 
others do unto him, I can live without!
	To get back on track – I think you’ll find that showing an honest interest, 
having an honest interest, in others will cause others to be more interested 
you. This will create just a little nick in that iron constitution of the
“private I” but enough to make it just a bit less private.  From here on in,
instead of thinking of yourself, or of what you’re going to say next, when
someone talks to you, listen to him! Feign that attention at first, if you 
to, ti will soon become real enough..  I have never yet met anybody, from 
walk of life, from whom I haven’t learned something. Some part of their
experience, some thought or idea, no matter how minute, was passed over from
them to me. If such a thought or idea did not get across, I would work to 
it happen. I feel a sense of personal loss if I don’t learn something from 
and every individual I meet.
	The loneliest people in the world, of course are those who dislike other
people. If you dislike someone, it’s a bit difficult to be interested in 
Well there’s only one solution, and that is to stop disliking people, I we 
love everyone we come in contact with, but if you dislike most people, I’m
afraid there’s something wrong with you!  A group of college students was 
asked to list, as quickly as they could, the names of people they disliked. 
the time allotted has elapsed, every student had listed a different number 
names. It was discovered that those who disliked the most people were 
the most widely disliked. So friends if you believe that being interested in
others might help you, then you must start being genuinely interested in 
right NOW! You’ll eventually have to agree that the end justifies the means, 
the means may even become more important to you than the end.
	“During the time of the year, when we are in the Lenten season, let those 
act selfishly get themselves out of the shell of loneliness and selflessly 
for the benefit of the community. Oxem zaum, zalear purro.”

Best wishes to all,
Sanny Vaz
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Re: [Goanet]Bogus anecdote about US Immigration officials

2005-03-24 Thread Mario Goveia
--- Gabe Menezes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 Life here is better by far, stay happy and hope you
meet some nice Red neck who will party with you! Mind
your backside though, ubiquitous Red neck needle!
Mario replies:
Hey, Gabe.  Are you upset with US Immigration because
they probably revoked your visa too, and you had no
choice but to land up in dreary and damp and grimy
London, who will take anyone who can still breathe?

RE: [Goanet] Cracked Da Vinci Code

2005-03-24 Thread Cip Fernandes

Religious fundamentalists who choose to cause physical harm to such
individuals should be

Appears to be a good suggestion!
However, under what laws Religious fundamentalists could be prosecuted?
who has the authority to prosecute?
and in which country Religious fundamentalists could be prosecuted?


-Original Message-
Santosh Helekar wrote Sent: 24 March 2005 16:29

--- P D [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Religion is sacrosanct and people dabbling therein
deserve to be condemned. Those who play games with
religion will get the retribution they deserve,
sooner or later!

Nothing is sacrosanct in the modern world. There are
many harmful religious practices that need to be
questioned. People should have the freedom to
criticize these practices. People should be free to
perform historical research on religious figures and
ideas in an objective and dispassionate manner, and
publish this research without fear. People should also
have the freedom to write fictional stories involving
religious themes.

Nobody should fear any kind of retribution from any
spooky domain. Religious fundamentalists who choose to
cause physical harm to such individuals should be



[Goanet]Don't loose your shirt!

2005-03-24 Thread Gabe Menezes

Why you lose money in stock markets

March 24, 2005

It is the investor's dream come true: the Bombay Stock Exchange's
Sensex and the National Stock Exchange's Nifty are scaling all-time

In fact, in the last 6 months, both the indices have risen by 18.74%
and 19.79% (considering the period from September 21, 2004 to March
21, 2005), respectively. By any standards, the Indian stock markets
are witnessing a bull run.

Economic theory tells us that, ceteris paribus, higher prices dampen
demand and lower prices increase demand. But when the stock market
witnesses a bull run, investors do not behave like normal consumers.

As the stock prices go up, the more stocks appeal to investors. This
leads to investor psychology during a bull run that is detrimental to
the investor as well as for the market.

No wonder some investors end up making losses. Let us see how.

The herd mentality

Robert Shiller in his book, Irrational Exuberance, says, 'A
fundamental observation about human society is that people who
communicate regularly with one another think similarly. There is at
any place and in any time a zeitgeist, a spirit of times.'

Marketing research has shown that the typical Indian buyer's decision
is heavily influenced by the actions of his acquaintances, neighbours
or relatives. Psychologically, the desire to conform to the behaviour
and opinions of others, a fundamental human trait, is what drives such
buying behaviour.

So if everybody around is investing in the stock market, the tendency
for potential investors is to do the same. Like sheep in a herd,
investors in a bull run find it cozy to be inside the herd rather than
outside it.

The Ant Effect

Another interesting observation during a bull run is the order in
which investors take decisions. Ants, when they get separated from
their colony, obey a simple rule: follow the ant in front of you. Much
like the circular mills of the ants, investor decisions are made in a

People, who invest in the stock market during a bull run, assume that
investing in the stock market is a good bet simply because some of the
people they know have already done the same and made profits.

Consequently, during a bull run the stock market has more buyers than
sellers. Expectedly, stock prices zoom up. Expecting the bull run to
continue, more and more investors enter the market, fuelling an even
greater price rise and this cycle gets repeated.

Riding the bull wave, stock prices of fundamentally weak stocks also
start to go up. Driven by unrealistic expectations, these
unsustainable prices soon start to tumble and the bubble eventually

At times, investors know that the stock they are investing in is
fundamentally weak but they are still willing to invest in the stock,
because they feel that some greater fools could be depended on to
invest in the stock after they have and this would give them handsome
returns on their investments.


Investors are human, after all. So, the lure of quick wealth is
difficult to resist. During a bull run, stock markets offer
astonishing returns in a short period of time as compared to other
investments. This helps in attracting more money into the stock

If we look at the present scenario in India interest rates on a
six-month fixed deposit with a bank stands at around 5 per cent per

Other investment opportunities like the Public Provident Fund, Kisan
Vikas Patra, etc do offer better interest rates, but the investment is
locked up for a significant period of time.

If one compares this with investment in an index fund (let us say an
index fund that mirrors the BSE Sensex), the six-month return on it
would have been a whopping 18.74% (considering the period from
September 21, 2004 to March 21, 2005). Given this it becomes very
difficult to stay away from the stock market.

Greed also results when investors see people they know making money
through investments in the stock market. As Charles Kindleberger wrote
(in his all-time classic Manias, Panics and Crashes), 'There is
nothing so disturbing to one's well being and judgement as to see a
friend get rich.'

This leads to more people entering the stock market without really
understanding the market.

Rear view mirror driving

Investors in general, and especially during a bull run, tend to look
at the recent past pattern and assume that the future patterns will be
identical to the past ones. This is as good as driving a car looking
in to the rear view mirror.

A rear view mirror-driven car will not meet with an accident as long
as the road ahead of the car is exactly as it is behind the car. This
is rarely the case, both on roads as well as in the stock markets.
But, when the stock market is on an upswing, the more investors tend
to believe that it will keep going up forever.

They mistake probability for certainty. They pump in more money into
the stock market and this always does not go into the 

[Goanet]Ayurveda or not?

2005-03-24 Thread Gabe Menezes

Guard against illegal shops masquerading as spas
Comprehensive marketing package, insurance cover needed
Posted online: Friday, March 25, 2005 at  hours IST 
From Delhi to Kerala, Ayurveda spas, multispeciality hospitals and
even the modest tribal alternative therapy account for a thick slice
of the $4.5-billion Indian tourism earnings this year. But, not all
rejuvenation masseurs are qualified and not all parlours are
supervised by doctors. Too often, brothels slip the law, masquerading
as health spas. That is the humiliating reality of one part of India's
health tourism.

Goa, the former Portuguese colony and one-time hippie paradise, is at
risk of overtaking Bangkok as Asia's main sex resort, as pedophiles
prey in increasing numbers on Indian children, reports a reputed news

Wrong perception of economic propriety has watered down law
enforcement rules. According to former SC judge VR Krishna Iyer,
authorities are reluctant to make arrests on the apprehension that
such actions could deter foreign tourists.

How much 'value for money' is there in Indian tourism's latest lunge
for the 'wellness tourism' brand? Swiss and German tourists pay as
much as $250 per day on Ayurveda rejuvenation in upmarket resorts
while some get it as cheap as $1 per rubdown in beachside shacks.

The other factor hampering health tourism is in the non-Ayurveda part.
India is yet to come out with a comprehensive marketing package,
inclusive of insurance cover. Indian treatment costs are one-fourth
that of corresponding US costs. As a result, superspeciality hospitals
have attracted overseas treatment-seekers, including celebrities like
a Hollywood star who recently got her cosmetic surgery done in a
Kerala hospital.

But firebells are yet to ring in tourism industry circles on the
urgency to generate awareness for upmarket service quality. A top
resort-owner in Kerala refused to discuss the 'shady massage parlour
business', since a recent write-up by a leading newspaper had
triggered a nasty shower of phone-calls from potebtial NRI clients.
Can quality issues be thus swept under the carpet? Shouldn't the
industry be the first to be worried about preserving its reputation?

The Kerala government is half-way through a legislation that would
make it mandatory for every spa to employ an Ayurveda physician.
Earlier, 'Green' or 'Olive' quality tags were given to such parlours
as a certification only. Now, the draft bill makes it mandatory. If
health credentials are tarnished, it is the Rs 6,400-crore Kerala
tourism industry that stands to lose the most, says state tourism
minister KC Venugopal.

In the last two years, India has attracted nearly 60,000 overseas
patients, including NRIs, for dental care, hip  knee replacements and
bypass surgery. The Union government has been in talks with CII to
draw up a rating chart for hospitals and spas, but this database has
not materialised as yet. Addressing quality and pricing issues in
medical tourism would be all the more useful in the context of new WTO
commitments in tourism services. There is no dispute that competing
with massage parlours in Thailand and the Philippines could bring more
immediate gains to lower economic layers. But then, how can Indian
tourism simultaneously race with Manila masseurs?

Gabe Menezes.
London, England

[Goanet]Taj Mahal - a Shiv Temple!

2005-03-24 Thread Gabe Menezes

Was Taj Mahal a Shiv temple?

March 24, 2005 13:13 IST
Last Updated: March 24, 2005 13:34 IST

Bharatiya Janata Party leader Vinay Katiyar on Wednesday claimed that
the Taj Mahal in Agra was actually a Shiva temple built by Raja Jai
Singh and was named 'Tejo Mai Mahal'.

This fact finds mention in the book Badshahnama by Abdul Hamid
Lahori, a close associate of Mughal emperor Shah Jahan, Katiyar said
in Lucknow.

That the Taj Mahal was a graveyard is only a half truth, Katiyar said.

He added: It is no doubt a graveyard as Shah Jahan brought back the
body of his wife Mumtaz Mahal from Burahanpur village, where she died,
and buried it in the temple after removing the Shivalinga.

It actually belongs to us (Hindus) and we will do everything possible
to reclaim it, Katiyar said.

He added that a 'Shankar Sena' would soon be formed and Damrus
distributed among the people to create awareness on this issue.

His statement came close on the heels of claims of ownership of the
Taj by the Shia community and Uttar Pradesh Sunni Waqf Board with the
support of UP Minister for Parliamentary Affairs Azam Khan.


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

[Goanet]In Kosovo, not Goa.

2005-03-24 Thread eric pinto
From  the New York Times,  March 24 :  Bajram Kosumi
was sworn in as Prime Minister,  replacing Ramush
Haradinaj who has been arrested.  Serb general Vinko
Pandurevich has been taken into custody by the the
Tribunal at the Hague. Since names are a now  topic of
discussion, i wondered about adding ones like these to
our current Lusitanian repertory. Our new kitten is
Bozzo,  'bright' in Albanian, i hope !eric.

Do you Yahoo!? 
Yahoo! Small Business - Try our new resources site!

Re: [Goanet]Bogus anecdote about US Immigration officials

2005-03-24 Thread Gabe Menezes
On Thu, 24 Mar 2005 08:19:20 -0800 (PST), Mario Goveia
 --- Gabe Menezes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Mario replies:
 You, and the author of this article, have entirely too
 much time on your hands.  You had to know that this
 was not an honest report but an opportunity for both
 of you to take a cheap shot at the US, It's an odd
 way for a nation that sanctimoniously trumpets its
 commitment to the rule of law to behave.  This about
 a country that has an estimated 11 million illegal
 immigrants wandering around, many protected by the US
 rule of law and due to the acceptance of foreigners
 by most Americans.

RESPONSE: You are a sad, sad man - with too much time on your hands -
when you post 'surreptitious needles' on the Goanet. Opinions or
writings/post which don't conform to your liking are given short
shrift irrespective of their merit.

Thousands of Mexicans are clamouring to enter the USA. Does that mean
that they are not being exploited? If one earns a decent wage in the
USA as opposed to a run down job in India; according to you USA
becomes the land of milk and honey. Keep dreaming man. Everyone is
clamouring to live in the USA because it is so nice? Well I for one
turned down the USA - I worked at #1 Wall street, ( one of the
greatest  buildings ever built and a most prestigious address)

Life here is better by far, stay happy and hope you meet some nice Red
neck who will party with you! Mind your backside though, ubiquitous
Red neck needle!


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

Re: [Goanet]A horrific warning to all

2005-03-24 Thread Mario Goveia

Whether the memo I circulated was false or not, all it
did was to warn people to watch their behinds when
they sit in a public place.  What has amazed me is how
this simple common sense warning, about a horrific
possibility whether unintentional or deliberate, has
gotten your shorts in a twist, along with George Pinto
and Gabe Menezes.

Gabriel de Figueredo has already pointed out that the
warning was hardly farfetched.  We're talking about an
incurable and fatal disease here, one that everyone
can avoid with a minimum of care.

--- Mervyn Lobo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  A young girl, engaged and about to be
  married in a couple of months, was pricked while 
  the movie was going on. The tag with the needle
  the message Welcome to the World of HIV family.
 My guess is that you got trapped into spreading this
 hoax as: 
 1) You did not understand the part of protecting
 behind ;-)
 or maybe
 2) the reference to being pricked was the trigger?

 Post your free ad now! http://personals.yahoo.ca

Re: [Goanet]A horrific warning to all

2005-03-24 Thread Mervyn Lobo
 Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 A young girl, engaged and about to be
 married in a couple of months, was pricked while 
 the movie was going on. The tag with the needle
 had the message Welcome to the World of HIV
 My guess is that you got trapped into spreading this
 hoax as: 
 1) You did not understand the part of protecting
 your behind ;-)
 or maybe
 2) the reference to being pricked was the trigger?

Post your free ad now! http://personals.yahoo.ca

Re: [Goanet] Cracked Da Vinci Code

2005-03-24 Thread Santosh Helekar
--- P D [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Religion is sacrosanct and people dabbling therein
deserve to be condemned. Those who play games with
religion will get the retribution they deserve, 
sooner or later!

Nothing is sacrosanct in the modern world. There are
many harmful religious practices that need to be
questioned. People should have the freedom to
criticize these practices. People should be free to
perform historical research on religious figures and
ideas in an objective and dispassionate manner, and
publish this research without fear. People should also
have the freedom to write fictional stories involving
religious themes.

Nobody should fear any kind of retribution from any
spooky domain. Religious fundamentalists who choose to
cause physical harm to such individuals should be



Re: [Goanet]Bogus anecdote about US Immigration officials

2005-03-24 Thread Mario Goveia
--- Gabe Menezes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Religiously against Modi
 March 23, 2005
 Visas, or rather their revocation, make strange
bedfellows. A week ago, one would have said Ram Guha,
anthropologist and historian, had little in common
with Narendra Modi apart from the usual complement of
four limbs, a mouth and two eyes.
Mario replies:
You, and the author of this article, have entirely too
much time on your hands.  You had to know that this
was not an honest report but an opportunity for both
of you to take a cheap shot at the US, It's an odd
way for a nation that sanctimoniously trumpets its
commitment to the rule of law to behave.  This about
a country that has an estimated 11 million illegal
immigrants wandering around, many protected by the US
rule of law and due to the acceptance of foreigners
by most Americans.

Neither you, nor the author have any idea why Ram
Guha's visa was denied.  The authors explanation is
patently absurd, that a US Immigration official
refused to believe that a Third World academic would
be invited and paid a generous
honorarium to deliver lectures by an American 
university.  This makes no sense at all in the
context of all the Indians and other Third World
academics swarming around the US.  Every US
Immigration official is well aware that Third World
academics, whether scruffy or not, are coming into the
US in droves, every day of the week, on every single

Highlighting further how ridiculous and lame the
author's explanation is is the fact that all Ram Guha
had to do was make a phone call to the sponsors who
invited him and they would have clarified what may
have been incomplete or questionable paperwork
regarding the reason for his visit.  There are endless
legal ways in the US Immigration laws for someone like
Guha, had his case been genuine, to appeal, clarify
and  overcome any misunderstanding, which renders this
article totally bogus.

[Goanet]GOACAN observes BSNL Consumers Demands Day

2005-03-24 Thread Goa Desc
Documented by Goa Desc Resource Centre Ph:2252660
Website: www.goadesc.org Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Press Clippings on the web: http://www.goadesc.org/mem/

GOACAN observes BSNL Consumers Demands Day
Consumer Forum activists from the villages of  Socorro, Uccasaim,
Tivim, Calangute, Bastora, Moira, Saligao, Aldona,  Siolim, Nerul
and Arambol observed BSNL Consumers Demands Day under
the banner of Goa Civic and Consumer Action Network (GOACAN)
at Mapusa at the office of the BSNL Area Manager, North Goa.
The activists armed with black flags and placards observed the
Demands Day in North Goa District as part of the ongoing
Consumer Rights Awareness Fortnight so as to highlight the
problems faced by BSNL consumers.
A detailed memorandum on the problems faced by the BSNL
consumers was submitted to Mr. Y. Sisodia, Area Manager
Telecom (North) calling for immediate intervention in dealing
with the problems. The problems highlighted in the memorandum
are as follows:
Telephone Directories: The last Telephone Directory provided
to all consumers was in 1999 and there after a few consumers
got a Directory in 2001. This has resulted in a majority of the
customers being without a Directory for the last 5 years putting
consumers to great hardship in accessing new numbers.
Application Form for New Connection: Many consumers when
applying for a land line are not informed of your policy of not giving
a land line connection if dues are outstanding in the name of any
family member or any person residing at the same address.
The application form presently states dues should not be pending
in the applicant's name. Such misleading information is causing
tension to consumer due to no fault of theirs.
Internet Services: Many internet customers are faced with the
problem of not being able to get connected for long hours. After
getting connected they complain that the speed is very slow and
therefore makes it a frustrating experience as the Internet Server
is overloaded with accounts. Without providing adequate capacity
BSNL continues to take in new accounts thereby discriminating
against existing users.
Telephone Cables: Many of the consumers are not being provided
proper cables from the Telephone poles to the instrument in the
residence of the consumer. As the cables were broken at some
point of time, there are a number of joints thereby causing disturbance
when the line is in use. The concealed wiring within the residence
has not been completed and in lieu of the same the consumer
has not been given the necessary rebate in the matter.
Telephone Poles: Many consumers have still not been provided their
cables from telephone poles and instead the cables have been tied
to fruit trees and then taken to the residence of the consumer.
DP Boxes: Many consumers have still not got their cable
connections from DP Boxes. In many cases there no DP Boxes
on the poles and in many cases although there are DP boxes on
the poles, the cables are not connected to the DP boxes. Many
consumers in our villages have not benefited from underground
cables and from DP boxes fitted at residences.
Excess Billing: A number of consumers have been faced with
the issue of Excess billing as many calls made are not those
made by the consumer. In such cases consumers are not able
to have a clear procedure for redressal .Consumers need to be
provided a list of locals calls made as well as these telephone
numbers be put under observation.
A recent announcement in a local newspaper by BSNL stating
that Excess billing complaints must be made within 30 days or
will not be entertained is not acceptable. There needs to be a
clear cut redressal procedure for handling excess billing cases
and this needs to be made known to the customers at all
Call Centre Services: The various information services provided
through dedicated telephone Numbers such 197 or 195 have
been very unsatisfactory. More so, the consumers are being put
on hold and even after being transferred to the Call Centre are
made to wait. It is evident that the Call Centres presently
provided are unable to cope with the traffic. Also sufficient
publicity is not being given about which Numbers are toll free
and which numbers are charged.
Copies of the Memorandum are being sent to Union Minister
for Telecommunications, Members of Parliament Mr. Shripad Naik,
Mr. Churchill Alemao and Mr. Eduardo Faleiro besides the
Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) in New Delhi.


2005-03-24 Thread Jerry Fernandes
Hello Floriano

Welcome back, did not see your writings for a long time. Am happy to
see you are back

Jerry Fernandes

Message: 6
Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2005 07:46:23 +0530
From: goasuraj [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: goanet@goanet.org
Subject: [Goanet]Press Note
Reply-To: goanet@goanet.org


March 23, 2005

The Editor
Gomantak Times/Herald/ Goa Today/ Gomantak/Goan Observer/Tarun Bharat/
Indian Express/Times of India/
Sunaprant/PTI/UNI/Navprabha/pudhari/Ixtt/Asian Age/Goa Messenger/Navhind


Attached herewith please find the stand made out by Goa Su-Raj Party through
a press note on the issue of the denial of the diplomatic as well as the
regular Visas to Mr. Narendra Modi, the Chief Minister of Gujarat by the
government of the United States of America.

The Party believes that the right minded people of Goa and the nation at
large must know that there are people who feel differently; from the
generally accepted decision of the UPA government ruling at the Center.

Thanking you,
for Goa Su-Raj Party.
(Floriano C. Lobo)

Attached: As Above.


The Goa Su-Raj Party welcomes  the denial of diplomatic visa and the
withdrawal of the visa earlier granted to Mr. Narendra Modi, the Gujarat
Chief Minister of '2002 Godhra Killings' fame while commending  the people
of the United States of America for this singular action. It is rather sad
and disappointing that the UPA government of Dr. Manmohan Singh has lodged a
strong protest with the U.S government citing constitutional proprieties
safe-guarding Mr. Modi's involvement in the Godhra genocide.

The Goa Su-Raj Party would like to remind our  right honourable PM and the
Congress government at the Center that  the Ex-President of India Mr.
Narayanan himself has belatedly indicted the ex-premier of India, Mr.
Vajpayee, for abdicating his duties inspite of being officially told to
issue  'shoot at sight' orders to the military, to arrest the killing spree.
Mr. Vajpayee's government should have been sacked by a Presidential decree
(and that is where Mr. Narayanan himself failed to act under the
Constitution of India) and  Mr. Vajpayee, Mr Advani ( the then Union Home
Minister) and Mr. Modi should have been arrested and tried for genocide
instead of  honouring the former two with 'Outstanding  Parliamentarian
Awards'--- Shame on you!!!

The Goa Su-Raj Party feels that the  strong protest by the Indian government
in a way legitimizes the stand taken by others like  Slobodan Milosevic of
Serbia who is now facing the International War Crimes Tribunal  in the Hague
for such  genocide  as well as the past deeds of Nazi Hitler who were both
elected leaders of their respective countries, whether democratic or not.

The Goa Su-Raj Party believes that the crimes of omission and commission of
Mr. Narendra Modi against the people of Gujarat , encouraged and condoned by
Mr. Vajpayee and Mr. Advani are worse because these were committed during
'Peace Time'.



2005-03-24 Thread domnic fernandes
A piece of advice for future:
As far as renting of a house is concerned, try not to enter into a long term 
agreement but go for a short term agreement called “INSTRUMENT OF LICENSE” 
valid for eleven (11) months only.  It is suggested that you collect six 
months rent in advance from the LICENSEE at the time of signing the 
agreement.  The rent for the remaining five months should be made available 
by the LICENSEE to the LICENSOR before the end of the sixth month.  If 
he/she is unable to pay the balance at the end of the sixth month, issue 
him/her a month’s notice and make him/her vacate the house.  If the LICENSEE 
does not agree to these terms, do not allow him/her to occupy your house.  
Make sure you do not include the word “tenant” in your agreement.  Also, 
avoid using the word rent; you may instead use the words licensee fee.

Domnic Fernandes
Anjuna/Dhahran, KSA
From :  Cecil Pinto [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To :  goanet@goanet.org
Sent :  Thursday, March 24, 2005 10:23:07 AM
To :  goanet@goanet.org, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject :  [Goanet]Assistance
Preetam Rana asked for advice to get rid of a tenant:
My friend is an elderly person and he
cannot run to the court as court matters normally take years to pronounce a
judgement. Should he try what the crooks try by hiring some goons and 
such outsiders ? Please advise

Dear Preetam,
Hiring goons is an effective way of getting rid of problem tenants but 
consider the following:

1) What if the goons then take over the property and ask for vast sums of 
money to vacate? You cannot then approach the courts because you have 
already committed an illegality by using muscle power to get rid of the 
tenants. It's a never ending circle.

2) You say the crooks hire goons. All the crooks are currently out of power 
and spending all their energies in poaching crooks from other parties by 
incentives and threats. Goons are very expensive these days.

I suggest you approach the cops. Whenever there is President's Rule it is 
the executive who are kings, specially the cops as there are no politicians 
breathing over their shoulders with threats of transfers and demotions. In 
fact this is the only viable option for you right now. All the goons have 
gone undercover as their political godfathers are out of power and cannot 
get them released from jail.

I hope my advise was helpful.
Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! Download today - it's FREE! 

Re: [Goanet]Re: A horrific warning to all

2005-03-24 Thread Marlon Menezes

To quote Mario, will you quit bombarding us with your
extreme leftist drivel? What you claim to be happening
in a socialist Australia or Europe is not relevant to
a great nation such as America. We do not have public
transportation over here. We like the freedom of
slowing inching forward on our over crowded highways
in our gas guzzling automobiles and SUVs.


--- Gabriel de Figueiredo [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I wouldn't think so.  We have had many cases in
 Melbourne trains where people have been pricked by
 needles left carelessly on seats (minus the note) by
 people who couldn't care less, both cleaners and
 passengers being affected.  
 It was mainly because of this that as part of
 the rolling stock, trains have been modernised by
 reducing the foam on the seats both in thickness and
 in surface area, so that there is a sizeable width
 (gap) between the pads of the seats and the backs,
 make it more difficult to hide syringes and needles.
 Also, straps have given way to solid T-shaped
 handles for people to hold on to whilst standing. 
 It pays to watch where you're sitting.
 Gabriel de Figueiredo.
 Melbourne - Australia.

Re: [Goanet]RE: Cracked Da Vinci Code

2005-03-24 Thread Marlon Menezes
Unfortunately for you, most of the world does not
subscribe to your point of view. In today's world,
concepts such as free thinking, freedom of speech and
free market capitalism are sacrosanct, not religion.
If the church can make money selling real or imaginary
god(s), why can't the author of this book?


--- P D [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 While it is easy to play dead and feign ignorance,
 the author(s) would have 
 had a fatwa declared if it contained similar
 allegations against the 
 Muslims. Or, try writing something similar about the
 Jewish religion. Only 
 gullible Catholics take such trash lying down.
 Religion is sacrosanct and people dabbling therein
 deserve to be condemned. 
 Those who play games with religion will get the
 retribution they deserve, 
 sooner or later!
 The Cardinal is perfectly within his rights in his
 condemnation. Deo Gratia.

[Goanet]Publishing model for Goan writers

2005-03-24 Thread Cecil Pinto
An interesting (one page) article on Mahendra Meghani appeared in last 
week's Outlook magazine. His Lok Milap Trust has been providing quality 
literature to Gujaratis at incredibly low prices. The full article, very 
informative, is at: 

This is the part that I found most fascinating:
How did they pull it off? Aren't they making losses? Explains Meghani: We 
did the opposite of what all publishers do. We announce the theme of the 
book we plan to publish and only after we get orders do we start printing. 
Before starting out, we appealed to those interested in literature to give 
us interest-free loans. We didn't want much and requested a loan of Rs 100 
from each reader. Later we announced we will print 75,000 copies if we get 
as many orders. We got the orders, he says.

 unquote ---
This seems an interesting model for Goan writers to follow in the absence 
of any publishing support. Announce the theme of the book and post a sample 
chapter, or maybe excerpts, on the Net. Get advance orders (payment) and 
then actually publish the book.

For example my non-existing book of Risque Goan Jokes (three years in the 
writing!) has had hundreds of enquiries and quite a few serious buyers who 
were willing to shell out in advance for copies. I know for a fact that the 
day I decide to actually compile and publish the book I have a ready market 
and readership and definitely will not make a loss.


[Goanet]GNU/Linux meeting this weekend * Saturday, Mar 26, Miramar

2005-03-24 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)
Was just talking to K V Madhav , and he's excited about his plans to talk about 
Gnumeric 1.4.3 and its use for statistical analysis, and similar statistical 
packages under GNU/Linux (like Gretl, Matlab, Gmaths).

He'll be offering this talk at the forthcoming meet
on Saturday, March 26, 2005 sometime between  3-5 pm. Goa
Science Centre, Miramar.
We're also waiting to hear from Greg Wild, who is visiting India from mid-March 
and is expected to meet up and do a small talk at this weekend's meet too. Greg 
has lived most of his life in the U.S but have been resident in the UK for the 
last six months. He is a member of the South Birmingham and Wolverhampton Linux 
User Groups in the UK. and have been involved with Open Advantage, a unit of 
the University of Central England specialising in promoting open source 
software in the UK and Europe. Prior to arriving in England, he was a member of 
the Cincinnati LUG in Ohio.

See you at Miramar on Saturday afternoon, if you can make it! FN
 _/ \Frederick Noronha * Freelance Journalist * Goa
 \   __\/\   India T +91.832.2409490 M +919822 122436
  |  | |   |  \  http://fn.swiki.net http://goabooks.swiki.net
  |__| |___|  /  http://www.bytesforall.net http://www.bytesforall.org
\/   -
  Sign up for low-volume, high-quality news summaries and updates from
  Goa at http://newsfromgoa.swiki.net * It's free and volunteer-driven.

[Goanet]Easter Greetings

2005-03-24 Thread avril fernandes

Dear Goanetters

Wishing you all A Very Happy  Blessed Easter.

Avril Fernandes
P O Box 19652
Cell: 0741670186
Dar es salaam

NEW! Lycos Dating Search. The only place to search multiple dating sites at 

[Goanet]RE: Naming game 3 'Madd' (Coconut Tree)

2005-03-24 Thread D'Souza, Avelino
Chudtam, mollam, kotti, kottecho dovlo, sum, razu, viranchim sann,
irantim foll fuoupak, kotteche kolxe, kottecho dik vo tel, bikaraianchi
kotti, kottechem dampnem, rammachi chutti, adsor, vanz, khobrem, sur,
niro, madda fenni, chun, katli, sonn, katto, poi, xevok, xellem, nallam
painn, vir, render, damollem, dudkem, zamnem, katti, avo, vinagr,
zommkonn, chudatchem konde, mollaio, choir, madda mull, madda kann, vir
uzar kortan jevnachi potravoli korunk, viranchem panzrem, kundlam
boilanchia tondak, viranchem nustea kull, kinsram zollo, maddanchim mull
suparichia suater khounchea pannan ghaltat, decoration items, virachio
nustea ghantnim, khobreachem tell, khobreachem peann, madachem moder,
maddachi khatt, dhonachem aidon, sumachem konvarem voddeachim folim
zoddunk, chutteanchem girgirem, chutteancho aino, chudtechem pokonem
pausan uzar kortat, chudteancho zadu ghorantlo goirum kaddpak, sumanchem
pixoll chuno(white-wash)kadpak, sumachem ghorvam daim, maddachem
khopalem(to cross a small river), madachi lati udok kadunk, vonti
konpass, chudtecho khuris, chudtecho fulam komlam chovtek(Ganesh
chaturti)upeog kortat, chudteachim zotim(slippers), kottechem aidon udok
kadunk(vodear uzar zatat), kottecho miler




Any thing that relates to 'Madd'

Any thing like  Kovate, nal, Bondo etc

Let me start with very rare/unsual names, leaving the most common ones
to you for
maximum participation.

Vanxe, Ghorachi Patti, Chut'techo sorop, kisnori, morondd, kinsram etc 

Piddo, addkaptem or tiklem?

[Goanet]RE: Cracked Da Vinci Code

2005-03-24 Thread P D

Agnel writes: Although a work of fiction, the book claims to be 
meticulously researched,
and it goes to great lengths to convey the impression that it is based on
fact. It even has a fact page at the front of the book underscoring the
claim of factuality for particular ideas within the book. As a result, many
readers-both Catholic and non-Catholic-are taking the book's ideas

The problem is that many of the ideas that the book promotes are anything
but fact, and they go directly to the heart of the Catholic faith. For
example, the book promotes these ideas:

While it is easy to play dead and feign ignorance, the author(s) would have 
had a fatwa declared if it contained similar allegations against the 
Muslims. Or, try writing something similar about the Jewish religion. Only 
gullible Catholics take such trash lying down.

Religion is sacrosanct and people dabbling therein deserve to be condemned. 
Those who play games with religion will get the retribution they deserve, 
sooner or later!

The Cardinal is perfectly within his rights in his condemnation. Deo Gratia.

[Goanet]Mukhar ie Utorddekar!

2005-03-24 Thread Cecil Pinto
Regarding my comment:
Of course the North Goan Konkani makes much more
sense but
Lino Dourado wrote:
Fuddem (?) uloi, bhieta konnank?
Mogall Xasttikar Lino,
Recent GoaNet postings vachun mhaka don comments doyar poddtat. He donuim 
point are made by xiclele munis and not amateur linguist mhoje bashen.

1 (Poilo Point):
Jose Pereira boroita:
The dialect of the Dulpod (and the Deknni) is mainly
Bambonn Saxtti (Salcetan as spoken by the Brahmins).
In Saxtty, as in other parts of the Konkan, the
dialect has caste variations.
Mhojem vachop (my reading):
1) Xastti kai Saxtti? Amchem poi Bardez ani Tiswadi. Borovpak kaim 
confusion na.
2) North Goan kaim osli Bamnnache ani dusreamchi mhunn Konknai na. Ekuch 
Konkani. Jati pormonnem nhui!

2 (Dusro Point)
Jorge Noronha boroita:
Rama Aitar is actually a short form (mostly in Saxtti Konknni) for
Ramancho Aitar, meaning - as Gabriel said - Domingo de Ramos = Sunday of
the Branches or Branches Sunday.
Mhojem vachop (my reading):
Amkam sogleank khobor asa ki Palm Sunday javun asa ek Christanvchem 
festival. Tumkam Sashtikarank he khobor na dekhun tumi Rama Aitar mhunntat. 
Rama javun asa ek Hindu dev. Hech bashen Holy Week ani Holi Festival modem 
khup forok asa punn konn sangtolo tumkam Sashtikarank?

Nimanem punn nhuim unnem, (last but not least) tum mhaka sangtai fuddem 
ie. Hem amchem Bardez chem utor tum khuim shiklai? Sashti fokot ek 
direction asa - mukhar!!

Viva! Saud! Cheers!

[Goanet]Cardinal demands that Da Vinci Code be banned?

2005-03-24 Thread Miguel Braganca
The Omnipotent God did not ban the Satan. Even Jesus Christ engaged Satan in 
a discussion and conquered temptation. By trying to ban the Da Vinci 
Code[ which the author clearly states to be a NOVEL and a work of FICTION] 
what are we trying to prove 1. That God was/is NOT  omnipotent. 2.that He 
was/is not SMART enough to know what is good for Him and his people. or 3. 
that Jesus engaged in idle discourse or was delirious after all that fasting 
in the desert?

From: Cecil Pinto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote
Dear Mario,
Your reaction to my posting on the controversial Da Vinci Code is 
logical except for this one sentence..

I think it is also entirely appropriate for the Church or its
members to have the right to freely criticize or
praise these books and movies, write articles and
books of criticism, make speeches, etc. without being
criticized for doing so, as part of free speech and
public discourse. 
This is a contradiction. You mean we cannot criticise the critics? That is
a restriction of our Freedom of Speech isn't it?
Sure everyone should be allowed to criticise anything, but their criticism
in turn should not be exempt from further criticism either. Fair enough?

If none of the above three questions make sense to you, then read the Da 
Vinci Code and overcome the temptation to believe that a novel is history or 
religion any more that Parrikar's VCD was. We have survived the VCD, 
Parrikar and his BJP did not.

Viva Goa,
 Man likes the forbidden. The only error that God made was that he did not 
ban eating of the Serpent; otherwise Adam would have eaten it ,too.  Mark 

[Goanet]RE: Fr. Jude's Maundy Thursday Reflections

2005-03-24 Thread P D
From ancient times the Church set apart Holy Thursday as the day to 
what Jesus did and taught during his last meal on earth.

Thanks, Fr. Jude, for your inspiring Reflections. Surely many on this list 
will be spiritually enriched.

[Goanet]Salaries Perks

2005-03-24 Thread Philip Thomas
The Navy periodically recruits cooks and stewards into the Logistic branch
of the Navy.  It is an all India, equal opportunity recruitment.
Unfortunately, goans never apply, and prefer the Carnival Cruise Lines where
the money is bigger and faster [gilbert menezes, March 21]

The salaries may not be much but the perks may be something else!:)

Re: [Goanet]Remembering Bhagat Singh

2005-03-24 Thread Bernado Colaco
Bhagat Singh is the past. Thousands of bharats live in
the UK. Many born there are very proud of their
english accents. If you had to live in the UK and
among those chappies in a place called Leicester you
would be segregated because of your accent and besides
coming from a corrupt place called india. 

B. Colaco

--- sebastian Rodrigues [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  It was on this day 23rd March 1931 that one of
 the leading heros of 
 Indian Freedom Struggle Bhagat Singh was hanged to
 Death after the painful 
 trial and trickery of the imperialist power that
 ruled and exloited India 
 for over two centuries. 

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Re: [Goanet] Goa: of rulers, corrupt politicians, patriots, cowards and judases

2005-03-24 Thread Bernado Colaco

You are the chap enjoying all the cheap goodies from
China. The SAR is not lowly. The Amerika is flowing
like wild bees to invest here. Nowadays one sees
Alabama cowboys. I will not be surprised if you follow
the Wynns and the Adelsons!

B. Colaco

PS.: Do you have nice legs to wear the Chongsam? I

 Are they good habits, Xacuti? What are you doing in
 the lowly special administrative region of Communist
 China? Eating with chopsticks and wearing cheongsam
 made in sweat shops?

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Re: [Goanet]Re: A horrific warning to all

2005-03-24 Thread Gabriel de Figueiredo

--- George Pinto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This is false, see
 Same group putting out fake Iraq WMDs and anti-Kerry
 --- Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  This happened in Paris recently and may happen
  elsewhere also. A  few weeks ago, in a movie
  a  person felt something poking from her  seat.
  she got up to see what it  was, she found a needle
  sticking out of  the seat with a note attached
  You have just been infected by HIV.


I wouldn't think so.  We have had many cases in
Melbourne trains where people have been pricked by
needles left carelessly on seats (minus the note) by
people who couldn't care less, both cleaners and
passengers being affected.  

It was mainly because of this that as part of updating
the rolling stock, trains have been modernised by
reducing the foam on the seats both in thickness and
in surface area, so that there is a sizeable width
(gap) between the pads of the seats and the backs, to
make it more difficult to hide syringes and needles.
Also, straps have given way to solid T-shaped plastic
handles for people to hold on to whilst standing. 

It pays to watch where you're sitting.


Gabriel de Figueiredo.
Melbourne - Australia.

Find local movie times and trailers on Yahoo! Movies.

Re: [Goanet]Huge oil spilled as two cargo vessels collided in Goa

2005-03-24 Thread Vincent Andrade
Correction :
M/V Maritime Wisdom is a 73,657 MT Bulk Carrier - not a Barge as mentioned.
while Prapati is a small barge which was carrying Iron Ore from the Mines
Jetty to
Aguada Anchorage for loading into the M/V Maritime Wisdom. Apparently due to
adverse weather the Barge which was alongside the Ship - collided with it
a hole in the Ship's Side and oil spilling out.


- Original Message -
From: Goa's Pride www.goa-world.com [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: goanet@goanet.org
Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2005 9:02 AM
Subject: [Goanet]Huge oil spilled as two cargo vessels collided in Goa

 Huge oil spilled as two cargo vessels collided in Goa


 In a major environmental catastrophe, about 110 tonnes of oil spilled into
 Mandovi river when two cargo barges collided four nautical miles off the
 coast late last night.

 Captain of the ports A P Mascarehas said on Wednesday that cargo vessel
 Prapati, owned by Atraya Shipping Private Ltd, came in contact with
 based barge, Maritime Wisdom, at around 0110 hours last night off the
 Both the vessels were transporting iron ore.

 In the collision, the fuel tank of the Singapore based vessel was damaged
 about 110 tonnes of oil was spilled.

 Marmugao Port Trust (MPT) immediately swung into action and precautionary
 measures have been taken. The coast guard has also been alerted, he said.

 The situation is under control and no causality has been reported so far,
 Mascarehas added.


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Re: [Goanet]Learning Curve, Defence Drag Dabolim

2005-03-24 Thread Gabriel de Figueiredo

--- Philip Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Discussion of Dabolim on goanet seems futile. We are
 just being led  up the
 garden path. The Navy has no intention of shifting
 training out and it
 should never be allowed to take over Dabolim
 exclusively. We nay need to
 find another forum where the impasse due to the drag
 of defence on Indian
 civil aviation can be addressed meaningfully in the
 context of the upsurge
 in air traffic and tourism.

Perfectly put, Philip.  Thank you.

The focus should be that Dabolim revert its status to
a civilian airport with an option for the Coast Guard
/ Navy / Air ambulance( if any) to use it when
required and in emergencies.  Not the other way round.


Gabriel de Figueiredo.
Melbourne - Australia.

Find local movie times and trailers on Yahoo! Movies.

[Goanet]Civil Servants' Dealings with Military

2005-03-24 Thread Philip Thomas
RE: : airfields again  again

PANAJI: The government has instructed Chief Secretary Baleshwar Rai to
intervene and advice the Commandant of 2-STC Signals Centre at Panaji to
control his men who are alleged to be exhibiting their guns at the motorists
when they try to park in front of the town police station in a vacant lane
over which the defence forces have no jurisdiction.[jose colaco, March 22
citing TOI 3/7/01]

Contrary to popular impression, the Goa govt does occasionally take up
issues with the military. Perhaps the above was a fairly minor infringement
that too at lower levels. So it may not have been such a big deal.  But it
does go to show the mindset of the military out here. There probably needs
to be a routine discussion forum where military-Goa issues can be aired to
mutual benefit.

Re: [Goanet]Goa's best bread

2005-03-24 Thread Bernado Colaco

 For instance, I
 like Cafe Central's 
 onion-bread and find their garlic-bread both tasty
 and innovative.
Cafe Central have been doing bread for more than 50
years. And the garlic bread idea may have come from
that nice catholic gordinha lady from Saligao!

B. Colaco

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